





(1)Nowadays , University and college ranking has become increasingly popular throughout the nation. According to the survey conducted by China Daily , an estimated 85$ universities are closely concerned about the ranking .In other words, we cannot fail to notice the obvious trend that university ranking has become a social focus , triggering a wide concerns across the nation, especially from on and off school campus。

A host of individuals are divided over this issue about university ranking, an army of folks deem that we are supposed to be concerned about the ranking because the ranking is the sole standard of measuring t he school’s comprehensive level, plus, when choosing the university for their kids, a growing number of parents take the ranking into account. However, others maintain that it’s not a wise and rational idea to view the university ranking as the only standard, put in another way,we should not over-value the ranking. The ranking is the outward style of the university 。

On my personal level, however, ranking matters much to a university, but enhancing the teaching and comprehensive quality is on the top of university’s priority, ranging from the faculty to teaching methods to teaching instruments and so forth. Only in these ways can we build up fast-paced and flagship university smoothly 。

(2) For those universitys students-to-be, choosing their ideal school is never an easy job, but luckily, different authorities come up with the university ranking to help! Top students shall choose the top schools high on the list and vice versa。

Complicated issue becomes easy numerical comparison, yet the real problem stays there, can the numerical ranking tell you the status quo of these universities? Are these “authorities” producing the ranking authoritative enough to make the judgments? Let’s take a serious look at the issue before we jump to the conclusion whether university ranking is good or bad。

We have to admit that because of historical reasons, most of the1950s-1960s parents were denied higher education and this cruel fact makes them even more eager to give their children

high education even though they have no idea of what university education is all about. The ranking helps them to make decisions based on their simple idea of better ranking means better jobs in future, and therefore better income! It is pathetic that they interpret knowledge and wisdom in such a way yet it is even more pathetic that there are so-claimed well-educated people making up all the ranking and get the ranking published to mislead them!

(3)It is a not-uncommon social phenomenon that the university rankings are especially prevalent in our country. For example, universities are measured by scale, academic achievements or the number of papers published in famous magazines。

As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person. Some people hold that university ranking dramatically promotes the development of university in various fields. But others maintain that university ranking also leads to some undesirable consequences such as academic fraud even to deceive people。

As far I am concerned, every coin has two sides. On one hand, University ranking does encourage the development and growth of colleges. Such growth– the grand libraries, splendid stadiums and fruitful academic achievements, has caught the

attention of the world. We're impressed by these signs of our education's tour to the 21st century。

On the other hand, we have to pay attention to an unexpected phenomenon that some people have ignored the objectivity of university ranking. Take South university of science and technology of china for an example, this university occupies the second position in some university rankings. In those rankings, it is superior to Peking University and Tsinghua university. In a word, we should inspire the advantages of university and abandon its disadvantages。


Due Attention Should Be Given To the Study of Chinese

1. 近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;

2. 出现这种现象的原因和后果;

3. 我认为…。

(1)Along with the step of globalization, most students’ attention has shifted from Chinese to foreign cultures. Such a shift brought on great worries among people because it is not good for the development of Chinese culture。

There may be several reasons account for why this phenomenon could happen. First and foremost, the globalization greatly stimulated the spread of foreign cultures, which in turn stirred great interest among Chinese students; second, college students are, to some extent, forced to study certain foreign languages so as to pass exams or find good jobs so that they could not spare any time to study Chinese; last but not least, school shave no strict demand on students’ Chinese standard. No doubt, neglecting the study of Chinese will ultimately hold back the development of Chinese culture and Chinese people may lose their cultural identity in such a competitive world。

In order change this situation and save our identity, due attention should be given to the study of Chinese. To begin with ,government should put great efforts on the development of Chinese culture to make more people proud of it; besides, colleges and universities should make exams more balanced, not simply emphasizing the importance of foreign languages; finally, schools should also attach great importance to the study of Chinese, making it a compulsory curriculum. Through these efforts, I think, chances of changing this phenomenon are prosperous。

(2)In recent years, the ignorance of Chinese has been prevailing among the students. In contrast, more and more students attach great importance to foreign languages since the economic globalization. In this essay, I will discuss the factors and consequences of this phenomenon and offer my own view on it。

There are a number of factors which can be attributed to this situation. One of the most common factors is that the majority of people hold a view that English is the dominant language in the world and we should give priority to it. Moreover, although Chinese is a compulsory course in higher education, most professors and students haven’t given due attitude to it as fewer courses and credits are distributed to Chinese and fewer students attend the class or choose it as their major. And the fundamental factor is that most students take it for granted that Chinese is their mother tongue and they’ve already mastered it。

As far as I’m concerned, this ignorance may be the very first step to furthermore over look Chinese cultures and in order to avoid this consequence-- to the students, they should read more Chinese articles not only to gain knowledge but also

to broaden their scope; to the schools and colleges, they should alter the traditional teaching approaches to interest more students to study Chinese such as speeches and dramas. To live, to learn, our Chinese still need to be promoted。

(3)With China’s opening up, intercultural communication has become more and more frequent between Chinese and foreigners.

A good command of at least one foreign language has increasingly been an essential skill for us. People, especially the youths, pay much more attention to foreign language acquisition than Chinese study。

Various factors can account for this situation. First of all, a good command of a foreign language may help young people to get a good job while Chinese skills may be of no significance in one’s job hunting and even their career. Consequently, some students may not treasure Chinese language any longer. Apart from that, nowadays fewer and fewer universities stimulate Chinese language study in campus, which has caused it to be marginalized. Under this circumstance, Chinese language becomes less and less popular in universities. It is clear that professors in the field of Chinese study are not so respected than they were before。

In view of this situation, effective measures should be taken to change it. First, the whole society should emphasize the importance of Chinese language in order to make it clear that it is one indispensable part of Chinese culture and Chinese race. Second, schools should promote Chinese language study and research. In addition, we individuals should contribute our own efforts to the study and protection of Chinese language。

To conclude, we should pay great attention to Chinese language, since the importance of it is never too great to be exaggerated。

(4)Almost no one in China can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to list: some refuse to go to Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write in Chinese。

A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. For one thing, the crazy for learning English affec t, to some degree, students’ passion for the study of their native language. For another, the increasing emphasis on some so-called “practical

subjects” closely related to the pursuit for jobs also cut into students’ time and energy spent on the study of C hinese。

The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it.

First ,students’ weakness in Chinese would lead to their ignorance of Chinese culture. Second, their problems with Chinese would also hinder the study of other subjects。

In view of the seriousness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before things get worse. In the first place,it is essential that the school attach more importance to the teaching of Chinese. In the second place, students should enhance their awareness of the importance of mastering their mother tongue. Only with these measures taken can we expect the all-sided development of students。


Should parents send their kids to art classes?





(1)Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes

Children are the future of the nation, the pearl in their parents’ eyes. Hoping that their kids can become the cream of the crop among others, more and more parents send their kids to various art classes to let them learn more. However, people hold different opinions toward this phenomenon。

Some people hold a firm position that it is a beneficial thing for kids to attend art classes. There, kids can not only learn some art skills that may helpful for them someday, they can also get a chance to expand their interests to a great extent, and their minds can also be broadened. Besides, kids can also make a lot of friends there, thus their communication skills may also be sharpened. While for the others, they hold an opposite opinion. They think parents should not send their kids to art classes blindly against kids’ will, because this will get a definitely negative impact on kids. Kids, in these parents’ eyes, should be given more flexible time to relax and do whatever they are interested in. And kids also need freedom because unacceptable art classes will absolutely eliminate the

nature of kids. Thus, sending kids to these classes will undoubtedly hurt them。

Every coin has two sides. As far as I am concerned, I think children’s interests should be taken into careful consideration before being sent to art classes. Children should be given enough freedom to develop by themselves. Whether parents should send their kids to art classes, it depends。

(2)Should parents send their kids to art classes?

A child’s world is supposed to be fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some kids, especially for those born and bred in cities --- their joys are dimmed and even lost because a majority of them are forced to attend various art classes。

Some claim that it is beneficial for children’s development. They might have their reasons because most parents are convinced that their kids are gifted gifts from the god. They presume that the earlier their children are exposed to arts, the more likely it is to find out the artistic potential hidden in them. Even if their children fail to become another child prodigy like Lang Lang or Li Yundi, the interests in arts, say,

in music, cultivated in childhood will be of great value in their whole life。

In spite of the possible benefits mentioned, I, like others, am strongly against it. The major harm is that it might deprive children of their pleasure to play after school. Faced with competition and contest for better universities, most children are buried in piles of homework. Forcing them to art classes will leave them less time to enjoy the beauty of the nature or to find their talent in things they are really interested in。

To sum up, childhood is a time for children to play as they wish. Rather than cramming knowledge, it is more important to pave the way for their desire to know than to put them on a diet of facts they are not ready to assimilate。

(3)Should Parents Send their Kid s to Art Classes?

Nowadays, there are an increasing number of parents who prefer to send their kids to attend various kinds of art classes, which has aroused bitter controversy among the public。

Some individuals maintain that attending classes is aimed to broaden their kids’ horizon and enrich their knowledge in that the kinds can get acquainted with peers from different

family background. In the class, exposed to a big family they will learn how to cooperate with each other and how to develop a harmonious relationship with his her classmates, which is absolutely essential when children grow up。

There are some people who hold different opinions. They argue that because some kids put in a large amount of time in the class, they even can’t set aside time to stay together with their parents and share their feeling, good or bad, with their family members。

As far as I am concerned, just as every coin has two sides, it is true to the phenomenon discussed above. If children can display their potential and they are interested in what they are doing, then parents are expected to provide the children a chance to give a full play of their ability. But if they are disgusted at the class, parents are supposed to support their kids to be engaged in other activities。

(4)There is a growing tendency nowadays for parents to send their children to register and attend a great variety of arts courses, such as dancing, calligraphy and musical instruments training, etc. The attitudes of people towards this phenomenon vary from person to person。

Some people maintain that these extra curriculums are of great necessity and benefits to students. According to a recent survey on pre-school intelligence level, the respondents who take part in out-class courses tend to perform better than those who haven’t. Moreover, the former can have an all-round development by acquiring knowledge and skills which are not taught in their schools. On the contrary, others argue that these courses would bring about heavy burdens to students and thus oppose to this practice. They worry about that students might not have adequate time to take rest and reflect on what they have learned in school。

As a university student, I have ever participated in some arts courses, such as singing and painting classes and they proved to be helpful for my hobby development. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, taking some extra curriculum courses properly is meaningful to students’ development in the long-term。


On the Importance of a Name




(1)On the Importance of a Name

A name is the representation of a person or an entity. It plays an important role in social recognition, just as the old saying goes: a thing is the entity of a name. However, people have diverse opinions on the importance of a name. Some people say that name is important, while the others maintain the other way round. But I think name is of great importance because it is the symbol that distinguishes one thing or person from the others.

We cannot deny the importance of a name, be it for a person or a thing. In the world today, no one can live without identification because they must get social recognition, and name is the symbol of the identification. Once a person or a thing gets social recognition, people will remember their names, and they will get further improvement. Besides, a good name will bring people some nice association. A person with a special name may be easily accepted by a group or a community because of the deep impression the name leaves.

As for companies or products, a name is also vitally important. Years ago, a computer company spent millions of dollars for the name “Acer”. Since then, the company caught the attention of potential customers and became one of giants in the field. However, another company was facing bankruptcy, for the name of its product implies unfavorable meaning thus cannot be sold out. Can we say that name is not important?

A name may affect the whole life of a person, and a name may also influence the future of a company and its products. Therefore, we must treat names carefully.

(2)On the Importance of a Name

There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. Some hold the positive view. They claim that a good name, or a name that can be easily remembered, can bring one a lot more opportunities than others. Some Chinese may also believe that a name designed according to the traditional theory of five elements can bring good luck。

Others, however, hold the opposite view. They argue that a name is nothing but a code to distinguish one from another.

A person “good” name may not be as successful as the name

indicates. In the same way, a person who has a common or casually given name can also achieve tremendous success。

Personally, I believe that both sides have something right, so we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, we have to admit that a well designed name can help a person to some extent. On the other hand, we should not exaggerate the effect of a name on a person’s fate. Anyway, a person’s success mainly depends on his hard work and desirable personalities。

(3) Asked about which symbol can represent one’s identity, the first answer occurring to most people, I believe, should be their names. Bingo! Every single person owns a particular name, which uniquely refers to this individual. Name is such an essential part of personal life that it is deliberately considered by parents or grandparents even before his/her birth. Moreover, the name will be with person for a whole life, widely used under any situation, such as filling in registration forms, or a topic of conversations, to name just a few。

However, some people hold different views regarding the necessity of names. They argue that name is no more than an arbitrary symbol. Also, they believe that the good wishes the

names express to the person are merely imagination. In this sense, they do n’t think names are of any great importance。

As far as I am concerned, owning a name is good for the orderly organization of our society. Also, names indicate the long history and culture and express our good wishes for our life and future。


(1)How to improve student's mental health




Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young

men to ease their attention. What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others. (学校) From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.





How to improve psychological health?

As is known to all, psychological health is as important as, if not more important than, physical health for a student during his/her growth. However, it’s quite worrying that nowadays some students are not quite psychologically healthy.

Undoubtedly, schools and universities should take great account in the responsibilities of students’ psychological health. Relevant courses and activities should be introduced to students so that they would be more aware of the significance of psychological health and find appropriate ways to maintain and improve it. For example, there should be a psychological counseling hotline or office for students to turn to when they need some psychological aid.

Of course no psychological health can be obtained without the efforts from the students themselves. From my perspective, what they can do is trying to stay positive, optimistic and follow the right guidelines from their schools. To be more specific, they can participate in some activities such as voluntary work to cultivate an opening and caring mind. Meanwhile, harmful impacts from the cyber space should definitely be avoided.

(3) There is no denying the fact that mental health is of great


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


2005 年-2012 年六级作文真题及范文 2012 年6 月英语六级作文题 题目:The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication 要求:commenting on "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad" The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety of anecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad." Funny as it seems, this conversation can be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an era of Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by online chats or blogs. Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonal communication are diverse. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet brings great convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, and helps humans to keep in touch wherever and whenever. For another, it is Internet that does not enables family members, friends or classmates to communicate more in a face-to-face way. One case in point is that youngsters may spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Unfortunately, it we let this trend to continue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definitely, become alienated. To my understanding, it is advisable for people to communicate more with their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merely through the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. 2011 年12 月英语六级作文题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln s famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Way to Success What is success? In fact, success is a positive feeling, it is a state of confidence after we achieve our ideals So all of us will try our best to get success."If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z..Hardworking is x; y is good methods and z is stop talking and get down to work."It is said by Einstein, who is used to be a winner of the Nobel Prize. According to this Wisdom, we known that if we want to do everything successful, we must follow these ways. When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success, is necessary for us. Hardworking, which means we should try our best to do the things. Besides, if you want to get success, we not only need hardworking, but also have some useful methods. If you have some useful methods, you will feel that it is easier to achieve your goals. What ' s more, we must stop talking and get down to work. Success is base on the actions. Actions, may not let we get success. But if we not action, it can never be successful. Regardless of the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action. In my opinion, if you follow these important ways to do every things, you will get success at last. 2011 年6 月英语六级作文题 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e12970686.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Obligations We all encounter obligations in life, from spending time with family and friends to being present at important functions in the lives of the people who form our community. Many times, the obligations are actually fun and fulfilling, and we want to be there. At the same time, we all sometimes experience resistance to meeting these obligations, especially when they pile up all at once and we begin to feel exhausted, longing for nothing so much as a quiet evening at home. At times like these, we may want to say no but feel too guilty at the idea of not being there. Still, our primary obligation is to take care of ourselves, and if saying no to someone else is what we have to do, then we do not need to feel bad about it. There is a skill to balancing our obligations, and it starts with simply becoming aware of our schedule. We may notice that three invitations have arisen in one weekend, and we know that we will pay energetically if we attempt to fulfill all three. At this point, we can take the time to weigh the repercussions of not going to each event, considering how we will feel if we miss it and how our absence might affect other people. Most of the time, it will be clear which obligation we can most easily let go and which one we simply can’t miss. Sometimes we have to miss something really important to us, and that can be painful for everyone concerned. At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring. Meeting our obligations to others is an important part of being human and not one to take lightly. At the same time, we cannot meet every obligation without neglecting our primary duty to take care of ourselves. We can navigate this quandary by being conscious of what we choose to do and not do and by finding concrete ways to extend our caring when we are not able to be there in person.YouTheme Recreational Activities In the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. However, some people think that so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline


大学英语六级写作专项训练及参考范文 Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映; 2. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因。然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意; 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 【范文】 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today、it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However From the nutritional point of view. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (157 words)


大学英语六级写作常考类型 一、解释现象型 解释现象型作文一般要求考生根据考试提纲引出某种现象,然后分析现象产生的原因,阐述其影响,并给出合理的建议。此类作文在历年真题中所占比例较大,是练习的重点之一。 1. 写作提纲 (1) 描述现象 (2) 阐述现象产生的原因,给出支持者或反对者的观点 (3) 提出建议或总结观点 2. 历年考题 2020.12 My View on University Ranking 2009.12 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes? 2008.06 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 2007.12 The Digital Age 2006.12(新) The Importance of Reading Classics2006.12The Celebration of WesternFestivals 3. 模拟演练 The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry (1) 电脑和互联网给电影产业带来多种影响 (2) 阐释各种影响及原因 (3) 我的看法

专家支招 这是一个解释现象型的题目,探讨了电脑和互联网对于电影产业 的影响,写作时理应围绕提纲实行构思:① 第一段简要说明这个现象,第二段阐释各种影响及其原因,第三段提出自己的看法。② 写作时注 意语言做到准确流畅,能够适当应用复合句,使文章衔接更加自然。 名师点评 The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry The movie industry is quite different from what it was before. It has become ① even moreso with the aid of computers. Computers and the Internet have made many influences on themovie industry. ② These, however, come down to the following aspects. First, the development of computer graphics has enabled the movies to have more terrific ③visual effects. The digital technology can create vivid images ④ out of thin air. And the 3Dpicture is another breakthrough of visual enjoyment. Second, the development of personalcomputers and the Internet has made it easier to download piratical movies, thus the box officeof movies will be impacted. However, it can also help promote movies by the wide spread offilm reviews and comments. In my opinion, the further development of computer and the Internet may make morechanges to the movie industry. There may be more technologies to bring us ⑤ multi-dimensional enjoyments. Maybe one day we can have totally immersive impressions of movieswith the help of computer. Analysis


●The Internet—A Blessing or Curse? ●Nowadays college students often use the Internet for study,shopping,entertainment, and many other things. Some people say that the Internet facilitates students’ lives,but others worry that it might affect students’study. In my opinion,the Internet is good for college students when it is used appropriately. ●The Internet is good for college students. First,students can collect many kinds of information via the Internet. (linkage) When students find something interesting in the book,but their teacher cannot give them more details or answer all their questions in class,they can search the Internet after class to find the details or answers by themselves. Second,the Internet keeps students updated with what is happening all over the world. (linkage) Just by browsing the web-page,students can read a lot of news. They can also type on some key words to search and follow any affair on the Internet. They don’t have to search piles of newspapers and thus save much time for study. ●In one word,the Internet facilitates students’lives when it is used reasonably. Now more and more college students are becoming aware of the convenience and the importance of using the Internet. ●Is it wise to buy or borrow books? ●In the past, people used to hold a kind of thought that people would certainly fail to read a book effectively unless it was borrowed. Although a lot of people want to borrow the books they like from their friends or public libraries, I prefer buying a book to borrowing one. ●Buying books has some advantages. Firstly, you needn’t care about the deadline. You are enjoying the book, especially some reference books, because you can certainly keep the book. Whenever you want to read it, you can get it from your bookshelf. Secondly, if you borrow some books from the public libraries and your friends, you aren’t allowed to write on the books. You have to spend a lot of time in copying down the information which you need in your own note book. In addition, if you unfortunately make some mistakes during copying, these mistakes may mislead you. Finally, the public libraries are open to all people, but the books in library are limited. If different readers want to borrow the same book at the same time, some of the readers can’t get the book until other readers return the book to the library. As a result, some of the readers have to spend time in waiting for two or three weeks. ●All in all, in my opinion, nowadays people can easily buy (some) books from book stores. I consider that buying books is much more convenient than borrowing books. ●Will Electronic Dictionaries Kill Printed Dictionaries ●Many people today prefer to use electronic dictionaries rather than printed ones, because electronic dictionaries are much lighter and smaller and easier to be taken everywhere. Some people worry that printed dictionaries may disappear one day. But I believe that electronic dictionaries will not kill printed ones. ●First, printed dictionaries are much cheaper than the electronic ones. Many students, who use dictionaries most often, can hardly afford an expensive electronic dictionary. Therefore, the printed ones are exactly what they need. Second, scholars prefer printed


大学英语六级作文写作范文 大学英语六级作文写作范1: On Students' Interpersonal Relationship 1.目前许多大学生处理不好人际关系 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.我的看法 参考范文: On Students'Interpersonal Relationship Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal humsit growth and development. However, in recent years, educators have expressed their concern about the ability of interpersonal relationship among students in institutions of higher education. According to a survey conducted by Hebei University, many college-age students regard interpersonal relationship as the biggest headache. Increasing diversity and rapid changes m our society make interacting with others more and more complex and difficult. With 1 united life experiences and social skills, college students face more challenges in dealing with interpersonal relationship. This is especially true for students coming from rural areas. Because of the lack of social skills, they are often rejected by others _ and rejection gives them even fewer chances to leam how to interact with others. In my opinion, now that interpersonal relationship is important to students* devclopmentj colleges should offer courses about comprehensive interpersonal relationships. The course should address the knowledge,skills, attitudes and behaviors involved in participating in positive relationships in the family and with individuals at school, m the conununity and in the workplace. 2:


2011年6月英语六级范文 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同 3.在我看来 Certificate Craze The pursuit for certificate is a time-honored phenomenon in the colleges and universities;however, faced with the tough job market, the certificate craze has swept people from all walks of life in recent years. People vary from one another in their purposes for acquiring certificates. Some of them hold that professional certificates are important supplement for their school work because the employer values professional competence, while the school courses lay particular stress on the imparting of knowledge. Besides, diplomas and vocational credentials can effectively enhance the competitiveness of university graduates. Professional certificates will improve the chances of employment, without a doubt. But there is no lack of people, who hold down quite a good job, taking professional certificates to enhance their self-worth. In my opinion, people should avoid blindness in their pursuit for professional certificates because the capabilities outweigh the certificates when the enterprises recruit staff. Therefore, choosing certificates in accordance with ones career development is wise move. 2010年12月英语六级范文 1. 现在有很多高校评级 2. 人们对此看法各异 3. 你认为 My View on University Ranking Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that university ranking has gained increasing popularity --- institutions home and abroad are always interested in it; newspapers and magazines are fond of carrying the news. Unfortunately, it has also given rise to some problems never thought of. Confronted with the dilemma, should we carry on the practice? When it comes to this question, people’s views vary from one to another. People who support ranking have their reasons. They are convinced that it can stimulate people, teachers and students alike, to work harder so that they can climb on the ladder or at least maintain their position. In this way, universities can produce more talents and knowledge demanded by our society. Also, supporters of university ranking maintain that it can act as a guide for employers when they decide where to find right employees.. But others may not agree. These people would argue that university ranking might force universities to care more about their position in the ranking but not about research that they are expected to do. For instance, it is often reported that some professors spend more time in bribing than in labs in order to have an edge in the fierce competition. Another good case in point is that some scholars even sacrifice their integrity to plagiarize under the pressure of “publish or perish”. Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. As far as I am concerned, we might as well stop the practice for the good of universities and society. Universities are a place for free academic study. Only when scholars are free to in their pursuits, can they make contribution to society. 2010年6月英语六级作文题 Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese 1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象; 2.出现这种现象的原因和后果; 3.我认为…


全国大学英语六级作文范文(一) 热点作文1 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun. As far as I am concerned, there are some risks in buying lotteries. People never should count on making big money by buying lotteries. Furthermore, lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them. In a word, people should keep a clear head when buying lotteries. 热点作文2
