


A: Hi, Jim. 1

B: Nothing much. Why?

A: I’d like to go shopping. 2

B: Sure. We have the same idea. I want to buy some CDs. By the way, 3 at this time yesterday?

A: I was playing computer games at home. 4

B: I was in the park with my parents. We were having fun. My family go to the park nearly every weekend.

A: That sounds very interesting. 5 next weekend instead of playing computer games.

B: I will call you by then.

A: OK.

A would you like to go with me?

B I will go to the park.

C what are you going to do?

D what about you?

E what were you doing?

(二) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话

A: What’s your trouble?

B: 1

A: How long have you been like this?

B: 2

A: Have you taken your temperature?

B: 3

A: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”

B: 4

A: You’ve just got a cold. It’s nothing serious. Take this

medicine three times a day and drink more hot water.

B: 5


A: Hi, Kate! 1

B: Just some milk, please.

A: 2 Jane?

C: I’d like some apple juice.

A: Good. 3

B: Some eggs and bread.

C: I only want some cakes and fish.

A: OK. 4

B and C: Thank you very much.

A: 5

B and C: Thank you.


Tom: My father has bought some young trees. 1

Jack: Certainly! But why are you going to plant trees?

Tom: Why? 2

Jack: Oh, yes. I remember.

Tom: We must plant more trees and flowers to make our world more beautiful.

Jack: 3 .Where shall we meet?

Tom: At my home. You can help me take the trees.

Jack: All right. When shall I come?

Tom: At eight o ’clock. 4

Jack: OK. 5

( 五 )从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话

A: Hello! Is that Mr. Wang?

B: Yes.

A: Wang li here. 1

B: Sure. What is it?

A: My computer does n’t work. 2

B: Of course not. By the way, 3

A: It is a little far. 4 I ’

ll wait for you at the bus stop.

B: OK. 5

A: Thanks.

B: You’re welcome.

六从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话(Jim—A , Lin Tao—B)

A: Hello!

B: Hello! Is that Jim?

A: This is Jim speaking.

B: Hi, Jim. Summer vocation is coming. 1 A: I am going to Mount Emei with my family. B: Oh, Mount Emei is very famous in China. A: Yeah, that’s right. 2

B: By the way, 3

A: By train.

B: I hope you will enjoy yourselves.

A: Thank you. 4

B: Maybe my father will take me to visit my grandparents. They live in Beijing.

A: 5 Have a good time.

B: Thanks.


河北省保定市英语四年级上册期末专项复习:补全对话 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、补全对话 (共9题;共43分) 1. (5分)读对话,选择正确的问句或答句。 Susan:Hey,Jim!What are you doing? Jim:________My grandpa's birthday is coming. Susan:________ Jim:It's on July 2nd. We are going to have a big party. Susan:A big party? Sounds great !________ Jim:He is 90 years old. And he is very healthy. Susan:Really?Does he do sports every day? Jim:________He goes for a walk every day. Susan:Can he swim? Jim:No,he can't. But he can do some kung fu. Susan:So cool! Jim. Look at the card. Do you like it? Susan:Yes. ________ Jim:Thank you! A. How old is he? B. It's so nice! C. Yes,he does. D. I'm making a birthday card. E. When is his birthday? 2. (5分) (2018四上·温州期末) 选择正确选项完成对话。 Jake:Good morning,Kate.Welcome to my home ! Kate:Wow,it's so big. ________. Jake:Four.Look,my parents,my sister and me. Kate:Your father is so strong.What's his job?


英语补全对话解题技巧及例题解析 不管是“七选五”,还是“六选五”,有的地方甚至“五选五”,也不管是补全对话,还是 还原性的阅读理解,首先你需要知道这类题的选项都有哪几类,以“七选五”为例:“七选五”选项特点 该题型的选项大致可分为三类: ①主旨概括句(文章整体内容); ②过渡性句子(文章结构); ③注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)。 那么,另外两个多余的干扰项就可以通过这三个特点来排除。例如:主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释 性句子与上文脱节等。 “七选五”的解题技巧 1先看选项 七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,只看选项可以从以下几点着手: ①看句子是否完整; ②看句子后面的标点符号。 这样可以初步判断该句在文章中的位置。 ③有时可以通过选项,找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。 2注意空前空后 由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。 3注意代词或定冠词 在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代词,因为大家知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,那么通过代词在句子中所做的成分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。4注意一些特殊疑问词 如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍,因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的。 例如:对why的回答,后面要有because等表原因的词;对when的回答,后面要有表时间的状语;对where的回答,后面要有表地点的名词;对how的回答,后面要有方式状语等。


方向的优美句子 导读:关于方向的优美句子1 1、人生答卷上的选择太多,也许我的选择并不完美,但我用心做出的一切选择,我将永远相信,永不改变! 2、最后一个夏天,我们明明很在乎,却倔强的说不在乎;最后一个夏天,我们选择了逃避,却没有想象给对方带来的伤害。 3、很多时候,看着老照片,都会有一种满足。也许,我们真的没有办法再回到过去了,可是,我们却拥有曾经的美好回忆。那些人,那些事,永远都活在我们的记忆之中。无法将他们忘却。 4、在人生的道路上,我们都将尽力许许多多的选择。这些选择都将决定着你的命运。 5、选择可以有多种,不同的选择会产生不同的结果。范仲淹,心系君民,“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,把自己的毕生追求同国家的命运和百姓的苦乐联系在一起;顾炎武,“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”,放眼天下,把促使国家和民族的兴盛作为自己的人生选择。 6、人生中经历最多的则是选择,一件事,一个人,一条路……这都是选择!选择权在自己的手中,如果选择错了,可以改变自己的一生的命运,也可以令自己后悔一生,所以当自己面临选择的时候,不要犹豫,根据自己的感觉走,就算错了,自己也会觉得是对的,因为这就是自己所想要的答案。 7、演讲成功了,我选择自信的笑而不是虚伪的平静;球赛失败

了,我选择淋漓尽致的哭而不是假装满不在乎,“失败是成功之母”。你不美,我不会夸你倾国倾城,但我会告诉你,心灵的充实胜过所有美貌;你驽钝,我也不会说你绝顶聪明,但我会开导你,勤奋会使你成功!也许你会说,我的选择不够含蓄,但,我喜欢率直,真诚是我的本性。 8、选择,往往只是一念之差。但结果肯定必然不同。选择做桃树,还是雪松,就看你的选择了。 9、生活中选择坚定向前走,不管的到底会出现什么,你只要怀着自己的信念,你就会成功。 10、我们选择不同的工作,谋取不同的职业,不过是选择不同的方式表达我们的生命价值罢了。 11、人生处处有选择,也处处面临选择,当自己走进超市,面对这么多琳琅满目的商品的时候,总不能全买了,总是根据自己想要的东西所选择;当你面对爱人和家人的选择的时候,总是很难选择,因为这道题没有对错,根本没有答案,因为不管选择哪一个,都将会令自己后悔;当你面临考试的时候,一道道选择题,总要三思又三思才做选择…… 12、人生路上,我们需要面临许多的选择,在面临选择时,如果我们失去了正确的人生信念,就会失去人生的方向。 13、我们在面临选择时,只有作出了正确的选择,人生的画卷才会更加美丽,人生的舞剧才会更加精彩。


模拟试卷1-5完成句子和翻译解析 A.完成句子 ● Who’s responsible for(谁负责)advertising? ● Why don’t you(你为什么不)find a flat near the tube? ● What’s the weather like(天气怎么样)in London? ● Could you ask him to call me before seven(在7点前给我打电话)thi s evening? ● Can I smoke in the garden?(在花园里吸烟)? ● David Smith isn’t good at(不擅长)web management. ● I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve got a cold(我得了感冒) ● My friend works in computer(在计算机行业工作) ● A: Are you free(你有空吗)on Saturday? B: I’m afraid not. I have to go to the English classes on Saturday. ● A: Are you free on Thursday? I’d like to discuss the new flat with yo u. B: Thursday is fine(星期四可以。) ● A: Shall I(要不要我来)pick you up? B: Yes, please. ● A: Why don’t you (我们为什么不)have a party to celebrate his birth day? B: Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue. ● A: What does he look like?(他长什么样儿?) B: He’s very tall with blue eyes and short beard. ● A: What’s the weather like(天气怎么样)in London today? B: It’s cold and it’s raining.


七年级英语补全对话题精选二(下册) 一、(猜题一:考查点1.五个单元综合话题) A: Hi, Julia! 1 _________________________________? B: Hi, Tom! I am writing an e-mail to my pen pal. A: Your pen pal? 2. _________________________________? B: She’s a girl. She is from the UK. A: 3 _______________________________________________? B: She is of medium height and has short curly blonde hair. A: What do you want to tell her in your letter? B: I want to tell her about my last vacation. A: Really? 4 ____________________________________________? B: I went to Sanya, Hainan. A:5 ________________________________________________? B:No, they didn’t. My parents were at work. I went there with my cousins. 二、(猜题二:考查点3.六个单元综合话题) A:Hi, Lucy. B: Hi, Bob. A: 1______________________________________? B: My weekend was great. A:2.__________________________________________? B:On Saturday morning I played tennis, on Sunday morning I went to the zoo. A: Did you see elephants in the zoo? B: Yeah, I did. A: 3. __________________________________________________? B: I love elephants. A: Oh, is that you brother? B: No, it isn’t. A:4 _____________________________________________________? B: He’s really tall. And he has curly hair. A: By the way(随便问一下). 5 ____________________________? B: I have many rules at my school. We can’t run in the hallways and can’t arrive late for class. A: Wow, it’s six o’clock now. Let’s go home. B: OK. Good-bye. A: Bye-bye! 三、(猜题三:考查点1.五个单元综合话题)ww w .xkb https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e1612792.html, A:Excuse me, Mike. Do you have a pen pal? B: Yes. Her name’s Nancy. A: 1 ________________________________? B: She’s from Sydney, Australia. A: 2____________________________________?


2019中考英语专项练习一选择型补全对话含答案 1 ____________ 46 ______________ ? “Survival Holidays ” is for children to go into the Ionely place for exciting activities. Nowabout 1,100 companies are allowed to take childre n into the great outdoors without their pare nts. The reas on why people like “ Survival Holidays ” is that they th ink being close to n ature is good for childre n. Many childre n in big cities spe nd all time watch ing TV and playi ng computer games. _______________________________ 47 ________________ . _____________ 48 _______________ ? Maybe yes. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing them. Parents care too much about their childre n. They like to see the childre n being busy with activities that are con trolled by adults, which causes many problems. _____________ 49 ______________ . Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challe nge. Childre n are not comfortable with dan ger. Even slight dan ger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them. ________ BDACE _____________ 50 _______________ . Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Somehave learned to stay calm in different times. Some have lear ned how to keep safe. Others have lear ned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot i n their lives.


补全对话与完成句子 2019 五、补全对话(本大题共1小题,每小题5分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整.(选项中有两项是多余的) 36.(5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整.A.Are they yours? B.Where are you going? C.Have you lost anything? D.Tony is looking for his gloves. E.Look! Here's my name "Tony"! F.When do people often lose things? G.They're green. A:Tony.You're in a hurry.(1)B. B:Hello.Ms Li.I'm going to the Lost and Found Office. A:(2)C. B:Yes.I've lost my gloves. A:What colour are they? B:(3)G My aunt gave me as a birthday present. A:Look! l found a pair on the floor just now.(4)A. B:Let me see ….Oh.They're mine.(5)E Thank you.Ms Li A:You're welcome! Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too,Tony? B:No.it isn't. A:Please be careful with your things. B:OK.I will. 【分析】A:托尼,你这么匆忙.你要去哪里啊? B:你好.李小姐.我打算去失物招领处. A:你丢失了什么东西吗? B:是的,我丢了我的手套. A:他们是什么颜色的?

牛津上海版(三起)四年级下册英语试题-专项复习:补全对话 (含解析)

牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语四年级下册专项复习: 补全对话 一、补全对话(共14题;共66分) 1.补全对话 (Peter and his mum are at the school gate.) Peter: Oh! There are some new clubs in our school. I can join the basketball club. ________Look at the poster, Mum. Can I join the basketball club? Mum: Let me see. No, Peter! Do you like reading English? Peter: Yes, I...do... Mum: OK. ________Let's go. (They are in Miss Fang's office.) Mum: Hello, Miss Fang. Miss Fang: Hello. Which club does Peter like? ________ Mum: Yes. But he likes reading English too. He can join the English club. Peter: ________ like playing basketball. Let me join the basketball club. Please, Mum. Please! Miss Fang: Peter can be a good basketball player. ________ Mum: Um, OK. Peter.


关于选择的优美排比句 关于选择的排比句大家知道有哪些吗?下面就由小编为你分享一些关于选择的优美排比句吧,仅供参考。 关于选择的优美排比句1、钱学森选择了回到祖国,荣获了“中国航天之父”“火箭之王”。 鲁迅选择了弃医从文,挽救了无数国民,无数思想。 马克思选择了服务人民,得到了天下人的赞可,无数人的崇拜。 2、选择是动力,带你走向希望源泉; 选择是翅膀,引导你飞翔: 选择是导盲犬,带领你走向成功之路 3、司马迁学会选择了坚强,创作了史记; 班超学会选择了英勇,稳定了西域; 鲁迅学会选择了文学,引导了人民; 毛泽东学会选择了革命,建立了新中国。 4、选择是一个崭新的开端, 选择高耸入云的峭崖便需有“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的信念; 选择波涌浪滚的大海便需有“直挂云帆济沧海”的壮志豪情; 选择寒风劲厉的荒漠便需有“醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回”的博大胸怀 5、选择博爱,就是选择对情感的珍视。 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

选择博爱,就是选择对万物的眷恋。 选择博爱,就是选择高远的人生志向。 6、学会选择,带你走向希望源泉; 学会选择,引导你飞翔; 学会选择,带领你走向成功之路。 7、我之所以选择书,是因为它让我在寂寞时给我安慰; 我之所以选择书,是因为它让我在有疑难时给我解答; 我之所以选择书,是因为它让我在遇到挫折时给我鼓舞的力量; 我之所以选择书,是因为它让我在迷失方向时指引我们向光明和前程迈进 选择的优美句子1、瀑布选择了悬崖,它便跌宕成了一首奔腾的歌;种子选择了泥土,它才成就了一片蓬勃的绿;蚌选择了创伤,它才孕育出夺目的珍珠;老鹰选择了蓝天,它才成为勇敢者的化身;我选择了故事,才诠释了一份多姿多彩的生活。 2、有时,生活就像天上飞的风筝一样,虽然有时你看不见它,但线在你的手中掌握,只要你愿意,快乐就会伴随着你的每个脚步,无论多远,无论多久。快乐的意义是取决于你对生活的态度,而不是取决于生活给你带来了什么。 3、在人生的道路上,我们都将尽力许许多多的选择。这些选择都将决定着你的命运。 4、每一次挫折,都留下一处伤痕,每一处伤痕,让我又多了一双看世界的眼睛。也许你会笑我的选择太傻,但我的执着,促使我作


2019年中考英语补全对话与完成句子 真题汇编 (真题试卷+详细解析答案,值得下载) 2019 五、补全对话(本大题共1小题,每小题5分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整.(选项中有两项是多余的) 36.(5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整. A:Tony.You're in a hurry.(1)B. B:Hello.Ms Li.I'm going to the Lost and Found Office. A:(2)C. B:Yes.I've lost my gloves. A:What colour are they? B:(3)G My aunt gave me as a birthday present. A:Look! l found a pair on the floor just now.(4)A. B:Let me see ….Oh.They're mine.(5)E Thank you.Ms Li A:You're welcome! Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too,Tony? B:No.it isn't. A:Please be careful with your things.

B:OK.I will. 【分析】A:托尼,你这么匆忙.你要去哪里啊? B:你好.李小姐.我打算去失物招领处. A:你丢失了什么东西吗? B:是的,我丢了我的手套. A:他们是什么颜色的? B:他们是绿色的.我阿姨给我买的一个生日礼物. A:看!我刚才发现在地上有一双,它们是你的吗? B:我看看.嗯,它们是我的,看,上面有我的名字托尼!谢谢你,李小姐. A:不客气,看看这个漂亮的手表,托尼,这也是你的吗? B:不,它不是. A:请保管好你的物品. B:好的,我会的. 【解答】细节理解题 1.B 根据下文I'm going to the Lost and Found Office我打算去失物招领处,可知应该要问Where are you going? 2.C 根据下文Yes.I've lost my gloves.是的,我丢失了我的手套.可知上文用了一个一般疑问句,问是否丢了东西,即Have you lost anything? 3.G 根据前文What colour are they?问颜色,可知答语是回答颜色,即They're green.4.A 根据答语Let me see ….Oh.They're mine.可知问了是否是你的,即Are they yours? 5.E 根据They're mine.可知后文需要证实的句子,用Look! Here's my name "Tony"!看,上面有我的名字托尼! 【点评】此题是补全对话,此类题型的解答,可以将整个文段首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思.答题过程中,根据所提供的答语或是后文进行作答,同时,做题过程中也可以使用排除法,将选项带到文章中逐一的作答,答完后注意通读检查是否符合逻辑,语义顺畅. 六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词 37.(2分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词.

中考英语基础题型 补全对话专练

中考英语基础题型 补全对话专练 题型解读 Ⅰ选择型 1.做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际 活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。 2.选择句子补全对话注重语境,答语的依据往往隐藏在问句中,而问句的依据往往隐藏在答语中,因此,解答此类题目,一定要注意具体语境,联系上、下文,捕捉语境暗示的信息,结合习惯表达方式,准确理解题干的含义。 3.选择句子补全对话一般要求从5~7个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,个别选项迷惑性极强,因此需要根据题设情景反复推敲,瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。 4.检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。 训练 A (2014·山西) 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。 (Kitty and Mark meet outside the school gate after school.) A:Hi ,Mark. Ben’s birthday is coming. I’m planning a surprise party for him this Saturday. 1 B:Sure ,Kitty. I’m free. What are we going to do at the party? A: 2 We’ll also have a barbecue. Someone will bring Ben to the party without telling him. B:Really? You mean he doesn’t know the party at all? A: 3 We’ve also prepared some gift s for him. B:Sounds great.I’m looking forward to it. 4 A:It’s in my house.You can come earlier.See you then. 4.________5._________ B (2014·天津) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的) A:Hi ,Tom! You look very happy today. B:Oh ,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming. A:Oh ,really? 1 B:Tomorrow.I can’t wait to see him. A: 2 B:For two weeks. A: 3 B:He is really friendly. I’m sure you will like him when you see him. A:What does he look like? B: 4 He plays football well. A:Could you introduce him to me? 1.____________2.____________3.___________ 4.____________5.____________ C (2014·襄阳) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,使对话完整、通顺。 W:You look worried ,David ,what’s wrong? M: 1 W:You said you liked English. 2 M:I find it difficult to do English reading ,especially reading a longer passage. W:That doesn’t sound too bad. M: 3 What should I do? W:Just read quickly to get the main idea at first.Don’t read word by word.Read word groups. M: 4 W:To guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.You probably understand more than you think. M:That sounds difficult. W: 5 You can improve your English reading by more


简单完成句子 1.对不起,我上课迟到了。 I'm sorry I'm __________________ class. 2.今天天气真好啊!既不冷也不热。 What a nice day! It's _________ cold _________ hot. 3.你父母正忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢? Your parents are busy working. Why __________________ it yourself? 4.当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。 Mr Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news. 5.我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉你叔叔。 I' ll tell your uncle about it ____________________________ I get your e-mail. 6.工人们建成这所医院花费了多长时间? How long _________ it _________ the workers _________ build this hospital. 7. 英语和数学一样重要。 English ____________________________________ maths. 8. 郝老师不仅是我们的老师而且也是我们的朋友。 Mr Hao _____________________________________________. 9. 哈里·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。 The story of Harry Porter _____________ interesting _________________________ like it. 10. 工人们仅用七天的时间就建成了一座新医院。 ________ the workers __________________________________ build a new hospital. 11. 别扔了它,还有用呢。 Don’t ___________________ as it is still useful. 12. 奥运会期间,国家体育场每天都有成千上万的观众观看比赛。 During the Olympic Games, ________________ audience watched the games in the National Stadium. 13.该吃晚饭了。It's time to ________________. 14.你想来点儿面包吗? Would you ____________ some _____________ ? 15.安娜太小,还不能上学。 Ann is ________ young ________ go to school. 16.约翰跑得和我一样快。 John runs ________ fast ________ me. 17.布莱克太太经常在英语上帮助我们。 Mrs. Black often ________ us ________ our English . 18.你昨天花了多长时间做作业? How long ________ it ________ you to do your homework yesterday? 19.老师让我们每天说英语。 The teacher tells us ________________ English every day. 20.为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情? ________________ let the children do what they like? 21.当老师走进教室时,学生们立刻停止了谈话。

初中英语中考题型 补全对话 选择句子类型专项练习题

根据对话内容,从题目中所给选项内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的) Dialogue 1[2019抚顺] A: Welcome to the English club. May I ask you some questions? B: Of course. A: 1.___________________________ B: No. It's too hard to understand spoken English. A: 2.___________________________ Do you learn English that way? B: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every day. A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. 3.___________________________ A: Do you have conversations with friends in English? B: Oh, yes. 4.___________________________ A: 5.___________________________ B: I do that sometimes. I think it helps. I often look up new words in a dictionary. A: That's a great idea! A. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? B. Do you learn English by watching videos?


关于特别的优美句子 本文是关于关于特别的优美句子,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 关于特别的优美句子 如果有来生,要做一棵树,站成永恒,没有悲欢的姿势。一半在土里安详,一半在风里飞扬,一半洒落阴凉,一半沐浴阳光,非常沉默非常骄傲,从不依靠从不寻找。 不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往,如此,安好。 时光静好,与君语;细水流年,与君同;繁华落尽,与君老。 待我长发及腰,少年娶我可好。待你青丝绾正,铺十里红妆可愿。却怕长发及腰,少年倾心他人。待你青丝绾正,笑看君怀她笑颜。 早知如此绊人心,何如当初莫相识。 曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此,如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你,如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……,一万年。 你站在桥上看风景,看风景人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。 帝王:待我君临天下,许你四海为家;国臣:待我了无牵挂,许你浪迹天涯;将军:待我半生戎马,许你共话桑麻;书生:待我功成名达,许你花前月下;侠客:待我名满华夏,许你放歌纵马;琴师:待我弦断音垮,许你青丝白发;面首:待我不再有她,许你淡饭粗茶;情郎:待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞;农夫:待我富贵荣华,许你十里桃花;僧人:待我一袭袈裟,许你相思放下。 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。 用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 你若安好,便是晴天。你若幸福,便是终点。你若盛开,清风自来。你若流泪,先湿我心。你若微笑,日光倾城。你若未央,安若暖城。你若回忆,半暖倾殇。你若回眸,一笑倾城。你若离去,后会无期。你若不离,我亦不弃。 因为有了因为,所以有了所以,既然已成既然,何必再说何必。


Ⅰ根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我们默默无语地回家了。We went home _____________________. 2.姐妹两个在雨中努力往家赶。 The two sisters are________________________________ home in the rain. 3.这个感人的故事使我想起了乡村的爷爷奶奶。 This moving story ____________me_________my grandparents who lived in countryside. 4.最近,许多音乐家都被湖南卫视采访了。 _______________, lots of musicians have been interviewed by Hunan television. 5.请告诉我这次事故的实情是什么。 Please tell me what the __________ of this accident is. 6.我们应该勇敢地向老师寻求帮助。 We should be ___________ to ask the teacher for help. 7.我突然意识到了自学的重要性。 ____________, I __________ the importance of learning by myself. 8.我们应该学会自学,而不是总依靠老师。 We should learn to learn by ourselves, __________________ depending on teachers. 9.外面下着倾盆大雨。It is raining _______________ outside. 10.妈妈收到生日礼物时完全惊呆了。 My mother was_________________surprised when she received her birthday present . 11.猴王可以变成不同的动物和实物。 The Monkey King could _________himself________different animals and objects. 12.很久以前那儿住着一位美丽的女孩。 _________________________, there lived a beautiful girl. 13.我昨天晚上八点给你打电话了,但是你没有接。 I called you at eight last night, but you didn’t ___________________. 14.把电视声音调低,那个小孩刚入睡。 Please turn down the TV,because the baby______________ a moment ago. 15.她的丈夫是一位大学老师。Her _________________ is a university teacher. Ⅱ单项选择(共30分,每个1分) 1.We____________ to the teacher at the time of the earthquake. A. was listening B. were listening C. is listening D. are listening 2.I _____________ in the park when it began to rain . A. was walking B. were walking C. is walking D. are walking


补全句子专项练习 1. Kangkang : Happy new year! Jane and Helen : ____________________________ . Nice to see you again, Kangkang. Kangkang : ____________________________ . Helen : Oh, your new bike looks very nice! Kangkang : ____________________________ . Helen : Do you often come to school by bike? Kangkang : ____________________________ . How do you usually c ome to school? Helen : I usually come to school by subway. Kangkang : You mean you usually come to school by underground? Helen : You're right. _________________________________ ? Jane: I always come to school by bus. Oh, it's time for class . Come on. 2. Helen : Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays? Michael : ___________________________ . Helen : The early bird catches the worm . ______________________ _____ ? Michael : I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. How about you? Helen : _________________________ . I often come by subway. What about you, Sally? Sally : I never come to school by subway. _____________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ Michael : Hello, Jane! This is Michael. _______________________________ ____ ?
