







Finding a winter job is often a proof that you're growing up,and it's also a way to make money to pay for what you dream of.It's never too early to start considering the future.Now,here are some good choices for you!

Retail Sales

Retail offers plenty of opportunity for teens who are looking for a job.This type of work can pay from $10 to $15 an hour depending upon the duty you are taking on.It can also be great for teens who are friendly and enjoy talking to other people.For more information,call us at 4005075.

Food Service

A job in the food service industry is a natural fit for teens who enjoy communicating with the public.It allows employees to work as part of a team while learning about following instructions.It also comes with the chance to earn between $8 and $10 per hour.Just call 4005077 for more information.


This job requires someone who is highly responsible.Though it pays generally between $6 and $8 hourly,it also requires a lot of patience.This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching,child care,social work or any other field that makes use of social skills or requires interaction with kids.Got a question? Just call 4005076.


This type of work can bring in about $5 an hour and it will allow teens to learn about the tourism industry,so hotels are often looking for more housekeeping staff,and parks often need more people to help with keeping public areas clean and organized as well.Telephone:4005079.


1.How much can you earn at least in one hour as a retailer?


C.$6. D.$5.

A[细节理解题。根据第二段中的“This type of work can pay from $10 to $15 an hour depending upon the duty you are taking on.”可知,做零售工作每小时至少能挣10美元。]

2.Which of the following jobs may attract teens who want to be a teacher in the future?

A.Retail Sales. B.Babysitter.

C.Food Service. D.Housekeeping.

B[细节理解题。根据第四段中的“This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching,child care,social work or any other field that makes use of social skills or requires interaction with kids.”可知,临时保姆对希望从事教育行业的青少年是一个不错的选择,最有可能吸引以后想当老师的青少年。] 3.Which number would you call if you hope to work in a hotel?

A.4005075. B.4005079.

C.4005076. D.4005077.

B[细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“so hotels are often looking for more housekeeping staff,and parks often need more people to help with keeping public areas clean and organized as well.Telephone:4005079”可知,想在酒店工作可拨打4005079。]

4.Who is the text mainly written for?

A.Teens faced with communication problems.

B.College graduates who are looking for a job.

C.Teens who want a part-time job in the winter.

D.Those who plan to start their own business.

C[推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Finding a winter job is often a proof that you're growing up”,第二段中的“Retail offers plenty of opportunity for teens who are looking for a job.”,第三段中的“A job in the food service industry is a natural fit for teens who enjoy communicating with the public.”及第四段中的“This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching,child care”可知,本文是写给想要在寒假找兼职的青少年的。]


A nine-year-old kid was sitting at his desk when suddenly there was a puddle between his feet and the front of his trousers was wet.He thought his heart was going to stop because he couldn't possibly imagine how this had happened.It had never happened before,and he knew that when the boys found out he would never hear the end of it.When the girls found out,they would never speak to him again as long as he lived.

He prayed this prayer,“Dear God,I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat!” He looked up from his prayer and here came the teacher with a look in her eyes that said he had been discovered.As the teacher was walking toward him,a classmate named Susie was carrying a goldfish bowl full of water.Susie tripped in front of the teacher and dumped the bowl of water in the boy's lap.The boy pretended to be angry,but all the while was saying to himself,“Thank you.God!”

Now all of a sudden,instead of being the object of ridicule,the boy was the object of sympathy.The teacher rushed him downstairs and gave him gym shorts to put on while his trousers dried out.All the other children were on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk.The sympathy was wonderful.But as life would have it,the ridicule that should have been his had been transferred (转移) to someone else—Susie.She tried to help,but they told her to get out.

When school was over,the boy walked over to Susie and whispered,“You did that on purpose,didn't you?” Susie whispered back,“I wet my trousers once,too!”


5.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means .

A.the boys would never play with him

B.the boys would treat him as usual

C.he would hardly hear any praise from the boys

D.he would be laughed at by the boys endlessly

D[推理判断题。一个九岁的男孩坐在课桌旁,突然发现两脚之间有水或液体,他的裤子前部是湿的。他知道当男孩们发现这事实时,he would never hear the end of it 也就是说他将被男孩们无休止的嘲笑。]

6.After Susie dumped water in his lap,the boy was in a state of .

A.excitement B.relief

C.anxiety D.anger

B[推理判断题。男孩两脚之间有水,他的裤子前部是湿的,他感到尴尬,怕被别人发现,当老师向他走来时,一个叫Susie的同学把满满的一金鱼缸水倒在男孩的腿上,帮他解了围。根据第二段最后一句,男孩假装生气,但他一直在自言自语说,“Thank you.God!”,男孩对他的同学感激,男孩所处的状态应是缓解、宽慰。]

7.What did the other kids do after the incident?

A.They offered him dry clothes.

B.They laughed at the boy rudely.

C.They helped the boy do the cleaning.

D.They urged the boy to get out angrily.

C[细节理解题。Susie把水倒在男孩腿上后,他成了同情的对象,根据第三段第三句“All the other children were on their hands and knees cleaning up around his



Try this:For an entire day,forget about the clock.Eat when you're hungry and sleep when you're tired.What do you think will happen?

You may be surprised to find that your day is much like most other days.You'll probably get hungry when you normally eat and tired when you normally sleep.Even though you don't know what time it is,your body does.These patterns of everyday life are called circadian rhythms,in other words,our body clocks.And they are no more than habits.Inside our bodies are several clocklike systems that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle.Throughout the day and night,our inner clocks direct changes in temperature,body chemicals,hunger,sleepiness and more.Everyone's rhythms are different,which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early.

Learning about our body clocks may help scientists understand why problems arise when we act out of step with our circadian rhythms.For example,travelling across time zones can make people wake up in the middle of the night.Regularly staying up late can make students do worse in tests.

“There is a growing sense that when we eat and when we sleep are important parts of how healthy we are,”says Steven Shea,director of the Sleep Disorders Program at Brigham.

One way to learn about how our body clocks work is to mess them up and see what happens.That's what neurologist Frank Scheer and his workmates did in a recent study.Their study suggests that staying up night after night could make kids extra hungry and more likely to gain weight.And regularly sleeping too little,Scheer says,may be one cause of the recent increase in childhood obesity.


8.What will happen if you forget about the clock according to the passage?

A.You will feel upset.

B.Your body will behave as usual.

C.Your body will not know what time it is.

D.You will probably get hungry more easily.

B[推理判断题。根据第二段中的“You'll probably get hungry when you normally eat and tired when you normally sleep.Even though you don't know what time it is,your body does.”可知,即使忘了时间,由于生理节奏的原因,我们的作息也会和往常一样。]

9.Which one is NOT true about body clocks according to the passage?

A.They control changes in our temperature,body chemicals,hunger,and sleepiness.

B.People's body clocks are different from each other.

C.Our body clocks will change according to the changes of everyday schedule.

D.More people are coming to realize body clocks are important for our health.

C[细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And they are no more than habits.”可知,生物钟是习惯,是长期形成的,不会随着每天作息时间的变化而变化。] 10.How do Frank Scheer and his workmates study body clocks?

A.By seeing what happens when they are messed up.

B.By asking questions and collecting answers.

C.By studying people travelling across time zones.

D.By studying children who suffer from childhood obesity.

A[细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“One way to learn about how our body clocks work is to mess them up and see what happens.That's what neurologist Frank Scheer and his workmates did in a recent study.”可知,Frank Scheer和他的同事是通过打乱生物钟来观察研究的。]



Ways to Take Care of Your Books

What do you do to take care of the books in your library? Some collectors refuse to read the books in their collection;so the books remain in good condition.Others buy two

copies of a book:they read one and leave the other untouched.However many readers must read their books but they still want to protect. 11

Avoid writing.

You may have been told to write in your books or even to underline words,phrases,and paragraphs.But if you plan to keep the book,add it to your library or even sell it—don't write in the book in ink. 12 Use a notebook to take notes or use pieces of paper.

Avoid food and drinks.

Food and drinks are things that may be dangerous to your books. 13 If you need to read while you eat make sure your fingers are clean and dry as you hold the book or turn the pages.

Take care.

14 Don't let it drop to the ground.Don't place your book with the book open,face down.You'd better use a book cover to keep your book in the best condition.


If you want to take care of your books,keep your books on a shelf when you are not reading them.But also take care that the books should be placed in an upright position.

A.Put it on the shelf.

B.Protect it from dust.

C.The ink may damage your book forever.

D.When you handle your book,hold it with care.

E.No one knows exactly how to protect their books.

F.So the best way is to avoid eating or drinking while you read.

G.Here are some tips to keep your books in good condition.



12.C[上文“don't write in the book in ink”说不要用墨水在书上写字,该空承


13.F[上文“Food and drinks are things that may be dangerous to your books.”说食物和饮料可能是对你的书很危险的东西,该空承接上文,F选项切题。] 14.D[下文“Don't let it drop to the ground.”说不要让书掉到地上,该空引出下文,D选项切题。]





We know children should grow up,knowing the right sense of values.Here is a good example to teach them a good lesson.

One day,a young man who was dressed poorly begged 16 door to door along the street. 17 an old wallet in hand,he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat.He kept complaining about his bad 18 and kept wondering why those who had so much money were never 19 and were always desiring more.

“As 20 as I'm concerned,if I had only enough to fill my stomach and to wear,I would not want anything more.”

Just at that moment Goddess Fortune noticed the beggar among the crowd and got close to him,greeting,“Hi,young man,I have wished to 21 you for a long time.If you open your wallet,I will pour my gold into it.But keep in mind that I will do that only on this 22 :All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold belonging to you;but every piece falling upon the ground 23 become dirt,worth nothing.Are you clear?”

“I see.Now I'm ready.”said the beggar with confidence.

“Then you should 24 !It's obvious that your wallet is a 25 one,so don't load it too heavily,”said the Goddess Fortune.

The excited beggar could hardly 26 to have gold.He quickly opened his

wallet,and a 27 of yellow coins was poured into it.The wallet became heavier and heavier.

“Is that enough? Isn't it cracking? Will your wallet strong enough for more?”warned the Goddess.

“Never 28 .It's still strong enough now.” replied the beggar confidently.

The wallet was filled with 29 many coins that the beggar's hands began to shake.“Ah,if only the golden stream would 30 forever! Just a little more,”said the beggar,“31 just a handful or two.”

“There! It's full.The wallet will 32 .”reminded the Goddess again,but the beggar insisted 33 ,“I know it will hold a little more,just a little more!” One more piece was added and the wallet split.The 34 fell upon the ground and became dust.The greedy beggar had now 35 but his broken wallet.


16.A.through B.outside

C.from D.inside

C[短语from...to...意为“从……到……”,句中from door to door意为“一家一家地”,表示这个年轻人逐家乞讨。]

17.A.Picking B.Gathering

C.Winning D.Holding


18.A.fortune B.wallet

C.clothes D.chance


19.A.relaxed B.disappointed

C.worried D.satisfied


20.A.long B.far

C.possible D.soon

B[固定句式as far as sb.be concerned在某人看来。]

21.A.praise B.escape

C.help D.comfort


22.A.situation B.principle

C.outline D.suggestion


23.A.shall B.would

C.should D.might


24.A.look down B.look after

C.look for D.look out

D[look out当心,小心;财富之神提醒对方务必要当心,因为他的钱包是破的,不能承担太重的金子。]

25.https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e16267776.html,rge B.worn

C.new D.full

B[根据“an old wallet in hand,he was asking for a few coins”可知年轻人的钱包很破旧。]

26.A.stand B.think

C.breathe D.wait

D[can hardly wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事;这个年轻人已经迫不及待地拥有黄金了,他立刻打开钱包,黄金像流水一样地倒进了他的钱包里。] 27.A.piece B.stream

C.pair D.pipe

B[这个年轻人已经迫不及待地拥有黄金了,他立刻打开钱包,黄金像流水一样地倒进了他的钱包里。同时与下文“if only the golden stream would forever”一致。]

28.A.ask B.request

C.fear D.insist


29.A.quite B.so

C.too D.as


30.A.pour B.end

C.dry D.freeze


31.A.take B.lend

C.add D.send


32.A.flow B.change

C.disappear D.burst



33.A.firmly B.with doubt

C.angrily D.with patience


34.A.wallet B.food

C.treasure D.gift


35.A.nothing B.anything

C.everything D.something




Shadow play has a long history and is 36.unique kind of art form.It is performed 37.sending shadows of puppets (木偶) on a piece of white cloth.The puppets made of leather 38.(paint) in very bright colours,so that the shadows they made are very 39.(colour).

The players stand behind the cloth and move the puppets against strong light when 40.(show) a shadow play,and the shadows of the puppets fall on the cloth.At the same time,the players talk or sing,telling a story with 41.(music) playing the drums and other instruments,such as erhu,sanxian,sheng,etc.People on the other side of the cloth can see the shadows of the puppets do all kinds of movements.It's just like the movie today.

Shadow play started in the Han Dynasty.42.is said that Emperor Wu of Han was sad and didn't want to do anything because one of his favourite wives died.43. (cheer) him up,his officers made a puppet like the emperor's dead wife with leather.He moved it and made it 44.(act) behind a piece of cloth.The emperor enjoyed it very much.After that,shadow play became 45.(popular) known in China.


36.a[考查冠词。句意:皮影戏历史悠久,是一种独特的艺术形式。a kind of“一种……”kind被unique修饰且unique的首字母因素为辅音,所以用不定冠词a。]

37.by[考查介词。句意:它是通过在一块白布上投射木偶的影子来完成的。by doing“通过做某事”。]

38.are painted[考查一般现在时的被动语态。分析句子可知,句子为一般现在时,主语为The puppets,与谓语paint为被动关系。故填are painted。] 39.colourful[考查形容词。句意:所以他们的影子是丰富多彩的。be动词后接形容词作表语。]

40.showing[考查省略句。句意:当表演皮影戏时,玩家站在布料后面,在强光下移动木偶,木偶的影子落在布料上。本句为省略句,还原后为:when they are showing。]


42.It[考查代词。It is said that...“据说……”其中it 作形式主语。]

43.To cheer[考查动词不定式。分析句子可知,动词不定式作目的状语。] 44.act[考查动词。make sb.do sth.“使某人做某事”。]

45. popularly[考查副词。popularly为副词修饰形容词known。]



假定你是李华,是一名高中生。为响应国家促进传统文化的号召,你市戏剧院将在12月22日举行京剧表演,学生可免费观看。你的朋友Tom 对京剧很感兴趣,因此你想邀请他观看演出。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.演出的时间、地点;






Dear Tom,

I'm pleased to tell you that to promote traditional culture,the city theatre will provide an opera performance for us students to watch for free.Knowing that you are fond of Beijing Opera,I'm writing to invite you to watch with me.

Beijing Opera,a national treasure of China,stands for Chinese traditional culture.It has a long history,dating from the late 18th century.The performance will be given at the hall of the city theatre from 7p.m.to 9p.m.on December 22nd.Meanwhile,some famous actors coming from Beijing will join in the performance,which will surely make the audience excited.I'm certain it will not only a real feast but can help you have a better understanding of Beijing Opera.It is such a good opportunity that you shall never miss it.

I would be more than pleased if you could accept my invitation.Look forward to your earliest reply.


Li Hua 第二节读后续写(满分25分)


A long time ago,a Monk(修士) set out on his travels accompanied by his assistant,a Brother.Night was falling when the Monk told the Brother to go on ahead to find accommodation.The Brother searched the deserted landscape until he found a shabby cottage,in the middle of nowhere.A poor family lived in the cottage.The mother,father and children were dressed in rags.The Brother asked if he and the Monk could spend the night with them.“You are most welcome to spend the night,”said the father of the family.They prepared a simple meal consisting of fresh milk,cheese and

cream for the Brother and the Monk.The Brother felt moved by their poverty and even more by their simple generosity.

When they finished eating,the Monk asked them how they managed to survive in such a poor place,so far away from the nearest neighbors and town.The wife looked to her husband to answer.In a resigned tone of voice he told them how they managed to survive.“We have one cow.We sell her milk to our neighbors who do not live too far away.We hold back enough for our needs and to make some cheese and cream—that is what we eat.”

The next morning,the Brother and the Monk said their good-byes and set out to continue their journey.After they had walked a few miles,the Monk turned to the Brother and said,“Go back and push the cow off the cliff(悬崖)!”“Father,”the Brother replied,“they live off the cow.Without her,they will have nothing.”The Monk repeated his order“go back and kill the cow”.

With a heavy heart,the Brother returned to the small cottage.He worried about the future of the family because he knew they depended on the cow to survive.His promise of obedience bound him to follow the orders of the wise Monk.He pushed the cow off the cliff.





Paragraph 1:

One day,the Brother,who had become a Monk,found himself on the same road where he found accommodation years ago.

Paragraph 2:

“We have always lived here,”the man answered and then invited the Monk into their Splendid house.


One day,the Brother,w ho had become a Monk,found himself on the same road w here he found accommodation years ago.Driven by a sense of regret he decided to visit the family.To his surprise,where the cottage used to be,he saw a splendid house.The Monk knocked on the door and it was answered by a well-dressed man.The Monk told him he had stayed in a cottage on the same spot with his master.“What happened to the family that lived here?Did they sell the property to you?”he asked.

“We ha v e al w ays li v ed here,”the man ans w ered and then in v ited the Monk into their Splendid house.While they ate,the host explained how the family's fortune changed.“We used to live off a cow.She kept us alive.We didn't own anything else.One day the cow fell down the cliff and died.To survive,we started doing other things and thus developed our potential skills.It was the best thing that ever happened to us!We are now much better off than before.”


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


高中英语必修一期中测试卷1 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第1节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A People need to relax and enjoy themselves. One way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports event. Even thousands of years ago, groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes(运动员). Over 2,000 years ago in Greece, some days in the year were festival days. These were holidays when people stopped their work and enjoyed themselves. During festivals, people liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games. The most important festival was held every four years at the town of Olympia. It was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus. For five days, athletes from all corners of Greece took part in the Olympic Games. At the Olympic Games, people could watch athletes run, jump and so on. They could also watch exciting races, which included a relay race between two teams in which a lighted torch(火炬) was passed from runner to runner. The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities throughout Greece which were at war with one another had to stop fighting. During the time, people were allowed to travel to the Games safely. Thousands of people came to the Olympic Games from cities in Greece and from its colonies(殖民地) in Africa, Asia, and Italy. They met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy themselves. 1. What did people do at the Olympic Games? A. They fought for their freedom. B. They just talked to friends. C. They cheered good athletes. D. They tried to find friends. 2. Where did people at the Olympic Games come from? A. Greek cities. B. Africa and Asia. C. Italy. D. All of the above. 3. If Greek cities then were fighting, people ______. A. couldn’t go to other cities freely B. could see what each other do C. win the right to join in the Olympics. D. respect the Greek god Zeus 4. The best title for the passage can be ______. A. Greece at war B. Together for the Olympic Games C. Stop fighting D. Greek people


博爱辅导学校2015—2016学年第一学期高中英语(必修一)期末质量检测 命题人:赵伟审题人:何龙 本试题卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡1、2上,在本试题卷上答题无效。考试时间90分钟,满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) Ⅰ. 单项选择(共20题,每题1分,共20分) 1. Finally they changed ____ and decided to take my advice. A. mind B. minds C. their mind D. their minds 2. —— My sister broke her arm and was sent to the hospital. —— ______. A.That’s all right B. I’m sorry to hear that C. She is always too careless D. It doesn’t matter 3. It’s almost three years_______ I last saw her. A.when B. that C. since D. After 4. Chinese food is getting _______ in the world. A. More popular and more popular B. More quite popular C. More popular and popular D. More and more popular 5. Are you _________ your classmates well? A. getting along B. get long with C. getting long with D. getting along with 6. Visitors were _____at the _____pictures that the guide showed. A amazed , amazing B amazed , amazed C amazing , amazing D amazing, amazed 7. Let’s go out for a walk, ____? A. do you B. shall we C. will you D. won’t he 8. You had better have the bike _____, or it will get you into trouble. A repaired B to be repaired C repairing D to repair 9. This is the first time that I_________ at the meeting. A. had spoken B. have spoken C. am D. was 10. Tom insisted that he ______ nothing wrong and _______ from work.. A. did; won’t be fired B. had done; not be fired C. Should do; mustn’t be fired D.had done; shouldn’t be fired 11. Our teacher lives in the house ____door faces to the north . A. which B. his C. that D. whose 12. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing. A. as B. that C. which D. what 13. It is very important for you ______ English well.


Unit 2English around the world 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.—Can I take tomorrow off? —________?Do you have something important to do? A.What for B.Why not C.So what D.How come 答案A[句意:——明天我可以请假吗?——为什么?你有要紧事要做吗?What for询问原因,意思是“为什么”,符合语境。Why not?表示赞成,意思是“好啊;为什么不呢”。So what 常表示不屑一顾,意思是“那又怎么样呢”。How come表示惊奇、难以置信,意思是“怎么会呢”。] 22.Here is Jack's ________ card and you can find his name,picture,date of birth,and other information on it. A.survey B.identity C.journal D.item 答案B[根据语境“上面有他的姓名、照片、出生日期和其他信息”可知应选identity。identity card“身份证”。] 23.By the end of last week,he ________ in this company for two years. A.had worked B.has worked C.has been working D.worked 答案A[考查时态。根据“by the end of last week”可知时间为过去的过去,故应用过去完成时。 句意:到上周末为止,他已经在这家公司工作两年了。] 24.________ on ten years of observation and study,the theory shows that everyone dreams ever night,whether they realize it or not. A.Basing B.Based C.Being based D.Having based 答案B[考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:基于十年的观察和研究,这项理论表明,每个人每晚都做梦,不管他们是否意识到这一点。the theory与base之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。] 25.I'm sorry I can't help you with your English study ________,for I am busy with the meeting arrangement. A.right away B.right now C.at once D.straight away 答案B[句意:对不起,我现在不能帮你学英语,因为我正忙着安排会议。right now“此刻; 现在”;right away,at once,straight away都表示“马上;立刻”。] 26.Mother has not yet recovered from the serious illness,but her health is improving ________ day by day. A.frequently B.gradually C.fluently D.actually 答案B[ 句意:妈妈大病未愈,但她的身体一天天地在逐渐(gradually)康复。frequently“频


高一英语必修1综合复习检测题 (总分120分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ▲第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —I just heard from Miss Li that I passed the exam. —Oh, ________! A. cheer up B. congratulations C. have fun D. exactly 22. A great number of visitors __________ attracted to my hometown, and the number of foreigners there _______ quite large. A. are; are B. are; is C. is; are D. is; is 23. He devoted himself __________ to his research and got many achievements. A. entirely B. extremely C. carefully D. certainly 24. In order ______ a good engine driver, you have to learn from the experienced ones. A. becoming B. became C. to becoming D. to become 25. I do hope that you can give me some good _______ on how to improve my spoken English. A. bases B. tips C. fares D. opinions 26. Kathy told me that all the doors and windows _______ when she arrived this morning. A. have cleaned B. have been cleaned C. had cleaned D. had been cleaned 27. Professor Li preferred _______ lectures to his students to _______ to meetings on scientific developments. A. to give; invite B. to give; be invited C. giving; being invited D. giving; inviting 28. It’s said that the government _______ a program on environmental protection next week. A. is starting B. starts C. would start D. was starting 29. —What do you think of Sam, the newcomer? —Well, he talks as if he ________ everything. A. had known B. has known C. knew D. will know 30. I love animals and that’s the reason ______ I hate the people who kil l wild animals for money. A. that B. in which C. which D. why 31. Most of the local people insist that the old temple _______ as it has a long history. A. should not pull down B. must not pull down C. not be pulled down D. would not be pulled down 32. Although I have studied Chinese for nearly two years, I still have some difficulty _______ myself. A. expressing B. concerning C. communicating D. devoting 33. This is the deepest swimming pool _______ I have ever seen in China.


第一单元测试卷1 (完卷时间:120分钟,满分100分) 第I卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,共20分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1分,共5分) 1. What are the two speakers talking about A. A shop. B. Body language. C. A picture. 2. What is the man doing A.He is asking for information. B. He is having an interview. C. He is filling out a form. 3. What does the man mean A. He has already visited the museum. B. he will go to the museum with the woman. C. H is too busy to go with the woman. 4. What did the man offer the woman A. A raincoat. B. A ticket. C. A ride. 5. What do we learn from the conversation A. The woman insists on going out. B. The woman doesn’t like going out. C. The man is too tired to go out. 第二节(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. How much cheaper is the bus fare than the plane fare A. $44. B. $14. C. $30. 7. What can we know about Aunt Edith from the conversation A. She is middle-aged. B. Her figure is not good. C. Her hair is black. does the conversation take place A. At 10:15. B. At 10:10. C. At 10:20. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。 9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers A. Teacher and student. B. Schoolmates. C. Father and daughter. 10. What does the woman’s mother expect her to do A.Work in France. B. Live in France. C. Go to university in France. 11. What is the man’s father A.A teacher. B. A professional football player. C. A professional basketball player. 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。 12. What’s wrong with the man has twisted his foot. B. He has broken his foot. C. He can’t move his foot up and down . 13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers A. Mother and son. B. Doctor and patient. C. Classmates. 14. How long will it be before the man can ski again A. Three days at most. B. About three months. C. At least three


最新人教版高一英语必修一单元测试题全套含答案 单元检测(一) 第一卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.Are you concerned ________ your mother when she is out in Africa? A.about B.inC.at D.over 22.As a driver,you shouldn't________speed limits(限速) in the center of the city. A.put B.ignoreC.notice D.take 23.The report said that today the sea would be ______ and we could enjoy ourselves on the boat. A.quiet B.calmC.strong D.nervous 24.When he ________the dog on the street,he saw the accident. A.played B.tiedC.walked D.got 25.He has grown up after he ________so much in his life. A.went through B.looked through C.got through D.broke through 26.—Did the naughty boy break the glass by chance? —No,______. A.of course B.on purpose C.by hand D.for pleasure 27.Those series of stamps ______ incomplete,while this series ______ complete. A.are;are B.is;is C.are;is D.is;are 28.The old lady ______ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident. A.took B.suffered C.suffered from D.stood 29.It is so dirty that I don't want to live here ______. A.longer B.more C.any longer D.any better 30.She won't leave ______ her friends come back. A.since B.whenC.after D.until 31.I won't go to his birthday party without ________. A.inviting B.being invited C.invited D.to be invited 32.To my joy(高兴),my daughter is getting along ________ with her classmates than before. A.well B.muchC.better D.more 33.Emergency line operators must always ______ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. A.grow B.appearC.become D.stay 34.I want to know ______. A.what city does she come from B.from what city does she come C.from which city does she come D.what city she comes from 35.—It's late;I have got to leave now. —OK.______. A.Thank you B.Don't worry C.I'm sorry for it D.Take care 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。We,Patty and I,had been best friends since Grade Four.Just about everywhere we went,people __36__


人教版高中英语必修一《完形填空》专项练习题(含答案) Where do you go when you want to learn something? School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 1 places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want 2 somewhere else instead. I had the 3 of seeing this first hand on a 4 . My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did very well this season and so 5 a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some 6 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 7 trained. Through the first two games, her 8 did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I 9 seeing my daughter playing her best,10 still defeated. It seemed that something clicked with the 11 between Saturday and Sunday. When they 12 for their Sunday game, they were 13 different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had 14 the day before into their 15 .They played aggressively and 16 scored a goal. It 17 me that playing against the other team was a great 18 moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a general principle. 19 is the best teacher.The lessons they learned may not be 20 what they would have gotten in school,but are certainly more personal and meaningful,because they had to work them out on their own. 1.A.public B.traditional C.official D.special 2.A.passes B.works C.lies D.ends 3.A.dream B.idea C.habit D.chance 4.A.trip B.holiday C.weekend D.square 5.A.won B.entered C.organized D.watched 6.A.painful B.strange C.common D.practical 7.A.less B.poorly C.newly D.better 8.A.fans B.tutors C.class D.team 9.A.imagined B.hated C.avoided D.missed 10.A.if B.or C.but D.as


第一单元 A Animal Friendly Camps for Children SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)camps are the best choice for the children who love animals. Campers enjoy a unique learning experience with our furry friends during these one-week sessions. At San Diego’s Animal Adventure Camp,younger campers enjoy a wide range of exposure to animals and a dose of life lessons as well.Pets are played with inside a“safety circle,”a formation where kids sit with each knee touching a neighbor’s.Children then wait to be approached,learning the animals should come to them as opposed to chasing the animals and causing them stress.Then campers create one-of-a-kind toys for their favorite pups. New Hampshire SPCA Summer Camp includes the Animal Advocates—Campers Picks program.Kids choose an animal to help it be adopted.They get to know it,its personality,and get the word out.Cage signs are lovingly made and hung and campers advocate for the animal all week.Then,when the animal finds a home,the entire camp celebrates. C ampers of all ages interact closely with horses at the MSPCA at Nevins Farm Children’s Camp in Methuen,Massachusetts.Set on a 40-acre farm with a working barn,the program introduces rescue training and the equipment used to transport an injured animal into an emergency vehicle to campers of all ages.This is many children’s first time interacting with large animals and it is thanks to the MSPCA's scholarship program. Westchester SPCA Critter Camp in Briarcliff Manor,New York keeps kids busy all day.In addition to attending an animal cruelty workshop,campers create Adopt Me flyers for the sheltered dog or cat they’d like most to find a home.Then it’s time to post them around their neighborhood and do some legwork.There’s also crafting cat toys,baking dog biscuits and painting pictures to brighten things up in the dog farm. 1.What can children learn at San Diego’s Animal Adventure Camp? A.How to approach animals.B.How to feed animals. C.How to take care of animals.D.How to get along with animals.2.Which camp trains children to save animals?


人教版高一英语必修一《语法填空》专项练习题(含答案)1.I still remember the day ______ I first met Jennifer. 2.I often think of the time ______ I was in college. 3.This is the town ______ Shakespeare was born. 4.He didn’t tell me the reason ______ he was so upset. 5.He gets into a situation ______ it is hard to decide what is right or wrong. 6.Keep the books in a place ______ you can find them easily. 7.This is the reason ______ the volunteer was determined to help others. 8.This place ______ I have lived for five years will have a big change. 9.I will never forget the days ______ we shared joys and sorrows. 10.Unfortunately, they have reached the point ______ they have to separate. 11.The little girl was so ____(frighten) that she cried loudly. (所给词的适当形式填空) 12.Jenny told me her father was ill and she was __________ (anxiety). (所给词的适当形式填空) 13.Now I ____________(formal) tell you that you have been accepted by our company and you can be on duty tomorrow. (用单词的适当形式完成句子) 14.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it__________(happen)yesterday. (所给词的适当形式填空) 15.This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. 16.Many people are pushing for the use of _______________(可替换的)energy sources for fear that natural resources will run out some day. 17.After a long time, they finally arrived at the d________________. 18.I was still sleeping when the fire broke out, and then it s_______________ quickly. 19.The people of our various nationalities enjoy the absolute _________________ (equal) before the law. 20.Passengers are permitted ________________ (carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. 21.The bus got ________________ (stick) in the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way. 22.Ted never dreamt of there _________________(be) a chance for him to be sent abroad soon. 23.After covering fifty miles or so, his legs gave ________________ and he had to take a rest.
