



A Tale of Two Cities

I have the honour to attend the course which about reading and

writing. And I read the book named a tale of two cities . Because of my lack of words, many of the stories were not well understood. I also can t finish it since then. But this book gives me a special experience that I had never have ever before.

As we all know, a tale of two cities is one of Dickens most important representative words. At the beginning of the reading, I was attracted by the literary talent of Dickens. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. Far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. How wonderful and meaningful sentence. It reminds me to think of my life. The background to the novels the revolution of France. At this times, so many people lived a miserable life. In the author s eyes, the life of people had not better after the great french revolution. So Dickens told us a simple truth which is the complex hatred is hard to solve and the cruel revenge has made more hatreds. But the love can solve every problem. In this story, a touching thing may be the love between Sydeny Carton and the doctor s daughter. Sydeny Carton loves Lucie very much. He promised

her to do everything for her and then sacrificed himself. It reminds us that no

matter when there is true love existing. It also worth to be learnt by everybody today.

A tale of two cities is really a good novel. So I will read it again and again this summer.


My opinions about A Tale of Two Cities

Recently I read a novel called A Tale of Two Cities. The novel is based on the

French Revolution. It was 1775,both England and France were on the verge of

Revolution .England s king ,George Ⅲ,was having trouble with his American

colonies .And France s king ,LouisⅩⅥ, was too concerned with his own wealth

to worry about his people .

Therefore, neither king noticed the changes taking place in his country .They

didn t realize ,or care ,that the peasants were hungry and unhappy .They never

thought that anything was wrong with the way things were .They were wealthy ,and they thought only of themselves.

But the peasants were tired of being treated unfairly. They were tired of

watching the kings waste money while their own children starved. So, in both

London and Paris, the lower classes prepared to revolt .They were ready to force

the kings to make a change.

Then one day in July of 1789, the Revolution began in France .Armed peasants ran through the streets of Saint Antoine .Their leader, Ernest Defarge

continued to pass out weapons. The men cheered and waved their weapons in the

air .Then, they marched toward the Bastille.

The novel also talks the story of two men, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton., who look similar but are very different in personality. Darnay is a

romantic French aristocrat, his uncle is the Marquis St.Evremonde. The Marquis is infamous for his cruelty. While is a cynical English barrister. However,

the two are in love with the same woman, Lucie Manette.

Charles Darnay is not cruel like his uncle has been. When he knew his servant is in danger, he went to France at once to defend him. He had promised his

mother that he would help the peasants. He had a hard time traveling through

France. When he finally reached Paris, he was taken prisoner. In my point of view,

Charles Darnay is innocent, he is not cruel.

The other one is Sydney Carton. In my opinion, he is a wonderful man. He

once said,‘I am not worthy of your love, but I want you to know that I wish for your happiness. I hope that we will able to remain close friends. Miss Manette, I would give my life for you. Never forget that, Lucie.’Eventually, he was to die in Charles Darnay’s place. Because Charles

Darnay is Lucie’s husband, and they led a happy life. In order to help Lucie live a enjoyable life, he was to die in Charles Darnay’s place. From the novel A tale of two cities .I learn much ,not only the Revolution in two different cities ,but also the deep relationship between people .I m impressed by Mr. Manette s tough spirit ,never give in to difficulties .Even though he had been imprisoned a long time ,he struggled to live. He was also an upright man .When his son -in -law was arrested by the Revolutionists, Dr.Manette strongly defended Charles Darnay ,hoped that the Revolutionists could release Charles Darnay .

Lucie Manette gives me a deep impression .At the beginning of the novel, I learn that her father had passed, but then,Mr. Lorry told her that her father was still alive. Because Lucie s father was imprisoned for a long time .Her mother begged the king to help her ,but he gave no reply .She suffered terribly when her husband disappeared ,so she told her daughter that her father had died .But she never stopped looking for Lucie s father .The king was of no help ,and she never found even one clue .Two years after his disappearance ,she died .

I am deeply impressed by the other characters in the novel.

Mr.Lorry is also a good man ,at the first of the novel ,when he met Miss Lucie ,and told her that her father was still alive .Besides ,he helped her to find her father in Paris .On the way to Paris ,they experienced many difficulties .But Mr.Lorry didn t give up helping Miss Lucie and Lucie s father .As far as I concerned ,it not only show his hospitality but also show his hatred to the European royal.

In Paris, the Marquis St. Evrémonde, Darnay s uncle, is returning from an audience with Monseigneur, one of the greatest lords in France , when his coach runs over and kills the son of the peasant Gaspard; he throws a coin to Gaspard to

compensate him for his loss; in the assembled crowd is the implacable tricoteuse, Madame Defarge. He throws the money back, eaging the Marquis and leading him to exclaim that he would willingly kill any of the peasants of France.

If I were a peasant at that time in England or France,I would join in the revolution with no hesitation .All man are equal .The king of country should concern his people whether they are starving or homeless .We can learn much from history in our country or in other countries ,only when the leader of the country cares much about his people s life can the country be stronger .People are the base of the country ,without people ,country can not be stronger and can not develop.


Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens rsquo;, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked

hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don rsquo;t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are


For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, lsquo;The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose rsquo;, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people rsquo;s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their lsquo;kindness rsquo;, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.


外国文学经典作品解读——狄更斯:《双城 记》 内容梗概 路茜跟随保护人劳雷从英国出发到巴黎去救回她的父亲梅尼特医生。梅尼特被无辜监禁在巴士底狱十八年,出狱后被他过去的仆人、现在的酒店老板得伐石藏了起来。经过长期监禁,梅尼特已变成一个白发苍苍、迷茫迟钝的人。他连自己的名字也遗忘了。路茜的出现让梅尼特恢复了记忆。他们将他带回英国,使他重新恢复了正常的生活。 法国厄弗里蒙地家族的代尔那放弃贵族特权来到英国,不幸被暗探诬陷犯有间谍罪,要判处死刑。代尔那来英国时恰好与路茜同船,路茜出庭作证表明他是无辜的。代尔那的律师也利用他的助手卡尔登与代尔那相貌极其相似的特点说明告发者有认错人的可能,于是代尔那被无罪释放。女儿的爱使梅尼特重新获得幸福。路茜的美丽引起了卡尔登和代尔那的爱慕。卡尔登知道路茜爱着代尔那,他放弃了对路茜的追求,决心要为她的幸福牺牲自己。路茜嫁给了代尔那。正当梅尼特一家过着安宁幸福生活的时候,法国大革命爆发了。 代尔那为了解救领地总管回到法国,被革命政府逮捕,梅尼特带着女儿、孙女到法国营救代尔那。梅尼特过去的遭遇赢得革命者的同情,代尔那获得了释放。但得伐石太太与

代尔那家族有深仇大恨,她要复仇,她以梅尼特在狱中写成的厄弗里蒙地家族的罪恶史为控诉书,重新激起了群众对这个家族的愤怒。这一次连梅尼特也无法为女婿辩护,代尔那被宣判死刑。卡尔登为了路茜一家的幸福,设法以自己换出代尔那。代尔那与梅尼特、路茜及女儿一起逃离巴黎。卡尔登实现了对路茜的诺言:我甘愿为你和你所爱的人们而牺牲。他代替代尔那从容地走上了断头台。 研究综述 中国读者接触狄更斯,始于20世纪初林纾的翻译。但当时,《双城记》并没有被译介。民国时期,陆续有了一些关于《双城记》的评论,这大多散见于狄更斯的传记及一些介绍性的文章里,如莫洛亚著的《狄更斯的生平及其作品》、林海的《狄更斯的写作技巧》、梅林格著的《狄更斯论》、伊瓦雪娃著的《关于狄更斯作品的评价问题》这些文章大都出自30年代中期。这一时期关于《双城记》的评论尚不够集中和深入,主要仅限于翻译和介绍国外的资料,独立的研究还未展开。 《双城记》研究的真正深入、繁荣是到了新中国成立以后。这可分为三个时期。 第一个时期从1949年到1966年。受苏联影响,我国的学术界对于狄更斯十分重视,并在1962年狄更斯诞辰150


双城记读后感(共7篇) 导读:本文是关于双城记读后感(共7篇),希望能帮助到您! 7年级暑假读后感英语作文:双城记英语读后感 "a tale of two cities" is one of dickens's most important representative works.the novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the french revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.the novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength. the novel has portrayed many different people. doctor manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , lucie is beautiful and gentle ,charles is graceful and noble,lorry is upright and honest ,sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,miss pross is straightforward and loyal,evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......the complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price. as an outstanding writer,in dickens's work,the language skill is essential.each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled


【最新】《双城记》读后感800字范文二 这个寒假我拜读了狄更斯的作品,以下就是我的感想. 故事是这样的,埃瑞弗蒙德侯爵蹂躏农家妇女,她的哥哥知道了,于是跟侯爵干了一仗,以失败告终.而且他还受了重伤.可能侯爵也不想把事搞大了,不想弄出人命吧.就请了一个医生,这就是另外一个重要的人物马奈特医生.而这可怜的马奈特医生也由于知道了内情而被侯爵送进了巴士底监狱.十八年后终于重见天日 故事里我看到了很多很多不同的人.正直善良的马奈特医生,美丽温柔的露西,优雅高尚的查尔斯,忠厚老实的洛瑞,外表冷漠.内心热情,放荡不羁而又无私崇高的西德尼,扭曲了人性的德发日太太,豪爽忠诚的普洛斯小姐,残忍阴险的埃佛瑞蒙兄弟 而这个查尔斯来头不小,是埃斯瑞弗蒙德侯爵的侄子,但是他不接受爵位,离开法国到英国去.他在伦敦靠自己当上了法文老师. 还有一个人叫西德尼卡顿,他从一开始的法庭上若无其事地望着天花板但他的一张纸条就揭穿了原告的阴谋.他很容易给人一种邋遢.消沉.贪杯的印象,但他在危急时刻,通过一个狱卒来到查尔斯的监狱里与查尔斯换了衣服.后果可想而知,查尔斯被送出了法国,而卡顿却被送上了断头台,他在死前说了一句话:我现在做的是我一生中做过的最好.最最好的事情;我即将得到的,是我一生中过的最宁静.最最宁静的休息. 在革命成功后,革命者们大多都失去了理智,滥杀无辜的人,而查尔斯为了解救以

前的仆人,挺而走险,来到法国,结果却被革命者以逃亡贵族的身份给关了起来,露西及她父亲马奈特医生连忙赶到法国,由于他在巴士底狱给关了十八年,被人们称做英雄,从而有特权把他的女婿─查尔斯提供了很好的条件.但是德发日太太就是那对兄妹中的妹妹,她一直都恨着埃瑞弗蒙德侯爵家的人.查尔斯又是埃瑞弗蒙德侯爵的侄子,所以她想尽办法得想要害查尔斯.但到头来却死在自己的枪口中. 这部小说虽然后来是以大团圆结束,但是当我读到卡顿为了露西而代替查尔斯上刑场时,我的心里充满了辛酸.


双城记读书心得范文5篇【汇总】 双城记读书心得1 “这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。”《双城记》开篇第一句话被无数次引用。但我猜知道这句话的人并不一定知道小说《双城记》讲述了一个怎么样的故事,也不知道这句话为何而说。如果想理解这句话的原意,以及为何说写出这句经典名句,那自然是要读读原著的。 虽然《双城记》是一本经典的小说,但因为其明确提出这段革命背景是法国大革命,于是对革命的表现就被认为是作者的历史观。而这正是对小说无数争议的焦点。狄更斯在小说中除了以细腻的笔墨展示了贵族的残忍,同样也展示了革命群众非理性的破坏。他认为,革命是一种压迫取代了另一种压迫,一场直接浓重的血腥暴动替代了另外一场血腥。对攻占巴士底狱以及对暴动民众的一系列描写——血腥,残忍,狡诈,恶毒是小说最为引人注目的地方。 狄更斯把在描写暴民邪恶之处倾心了大量的笔墨,展示了他对暴民的痛恨,从某种层度上可以说是对革命的痛恨。当然,作为人道主义者的狄更斯也指出了拯救世界的良药:爱。这种爱,体现在小说中的包括亲情,爱情,友情这种私人间的感情,也包括抛弃贵族,拯救苍生的那种博爱。其中,最为出彩的是对卡顿之爱的描写。 我非常喜欢卡顿。实际上,卡顿就是狄更斯的化身,狄更斯正是首先想到了卡顿这个人和他身上的某种精神进而构思成这本小说的。那么,卡顿是怎么样一个人呢?小说中描述:“太阳悲悲切切,切切悲悲的冉冉升起,它所照见的景物,没有比这个人更惨的了。他富有才华,情感高尚,却没有施展才华流露情感的机会,不能有所作为,也无力谋取自己的幸福。他深知自己的症结所在,却听天由命,任凭自己年复一年的虚度光阴,消耗殆尽。” 这是个自甘堕落湮没了自己的才华和青春的年轻人,为何自甘堕落?小说中似乎并没有交代,自从他一出场就是如此,并且也没有对他的家事背景描写也并不多。个人认为,这个人代表狄更斯自己,因此他无需过多描述——卡顿的堕落,读后感源于自己对日渐堕落的社会的失望。他走上断头台前曾说过,“我看到这


英文版名著读后感 英文版名著读后感(一)《双城记》 After reading "A tale of two cities". "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength. The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually ,Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as


双城记读后感1500字 “这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。”《双城记》开篇第一句话被无数次引用。但我猜知道这句话的人并不一定知道小说《双城记》讲述了一个怎么样的故事,也不知道这句话为何而说。如果想理解这句话的原意,以及为何说写出这句经典名句,那自然是要读读原著的。 虽然《双城记》是一本经典的小说,但因为其明确提出这段革命背景是法国大革命,于是对革命的表现就被认为是作者的历史观。而这正是对小说无数争议的焦点。狄更斯在小说中除了以细腻的笔墨展示了贵族的残忍,同样也展示了革命群众非理性的破坏。他认为,革命是一种压迫取代了另一种压迫,一场直接浓重的血腥暴动替代了另外一场血腥。对攻占巴士底狱以及对暴动民众的一系列描写——血腥,残忍,狡诈,恶毒是小说最为引人注目的地方。 狄更斯把在描写暴民邪恶之处倾心了大量的笔墨,展示了他对暴民的痛恨,从某种层度上可以说是对革命的痛恨。当然,作为人道主义者的狄更斯也指出了拯救世界的良药:爱。这种爱,体现在小说中的包括亲情,爱情,友情这种私人间的感情,也包括抛弃贵族,拯救苍生的那种博爱。其中,最为出彩的是对卡顿之爱的描写。 我非常喜欢卡顿。实际上,卡顿就是狄更斯的化身,狄更斯正是首先想到了卡顿这个人和他身上的某种精神进而

构思成这本小说的。那么,卡顿是怎么样一个人呢?小说中描述:“太阳悲悲切切,切切悲悲的冉冉升起,它所照见的景物,没有比这个人更惨的了。他富有才华,情感高尚,却没有施展才华流露情感的机会,不能有所作为,也无力谋取自己的幸福。他深知自己的症结所在,却听天由命,任凭自己年复一年的虚度光阴,消耗殆尽。” 这是个自甘堕落湮没了自己的才华和青春的年轻人,为何自甘堕落?小说中似乎并没有交代,自从他一出场就是如此,并且也没有对他的家事背景描写也并不多。个人认为,这个人代表狄更斯自己,因此他无需过多描述——卡顿的堕落,源于自己对日渐堕落的社会的失望。他走上断头台前曾说过,“我看到这个时代的邪恶,和造成这一恶果的前一时代的邪恶,逐渐为自己赎了罪而消亡。” 被自己遗弃的悲观者——卡顿,在朋友遇到困难,在所钟爱的女子的丈夫即将被送上断头台时,他突然出现,被救人还不之所以的情况下,以自己的生命做代价,在紧要关头使了个掉包计策救出了自己的所爱女子的丈夫。 这不正是基督之爱么,为自己赎了罪而消亡。事实上,小说中的卡顿也确实以圣经的口吻在临死前说,“复活在我,生命在我,信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活;凡活着信我的人,必永远不死。”这就是狄更斯为“最坏的时代”开出的良药,然而这毕竟是一种理想。。”这句话在托尔斯泰《复


双城记读书笔记2000字 我想《双城记》并不重在写情,露西与达奈的相爱结婚,卡顿对露西的单恋其实比较概念化,个人认为《双城记》是狄更斯对革命和人性痛苦深思所交的答卷。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的双城记读书笔记2000字,欢迎参考! 双城记读书笔记2000字 有人说《双城记》是一部伟大的爱情小说,着眼于卡顿对露西的博大的单恋,为了后者的幸福,前者不惜牺牲自己去搭救后者的丈夫。不过如果从情节和人物关往中,比较难以感受到卡顿怎么会深深爱上露西,在单恋的前提和基础似并不牢靠的情况下。 我想《双城记》并不重在写情,露西与达奈的相爱结婚,卡顿对露西的单恋其实比较概念化,个人认为《双城记》是狄更斯对革命和人性痛苦深思所交的答卷。 革命是社会阶级的矛盾的产物,当体制失去了自我调节的能力后,下层积累的仇恨最终会大爆发,冲垮旧的体制。由于下层的仇恨缺乏构筑合理的新体制的能力,革命往往会演变成单纯的毁灭性的暴力,而最终建立的体制可能与旧体制相距并不遥远,但这个宣泄仇恨的过程付出的社会成本是相当惨重的。在这个过程中,维系过程中维护人的起码生命、尊严、道德、法律,都被当成旧体制的一部分被否定了,因此种种人间悲剧也就不可避免了。革命政权的官方意识形态

倾向于认同为革命的理想可以不择手段也并非全部,也有相当的一部分人只不过将革命作为改变个人命运的机会,也不排除有些人,包括革命领导在内将革命作为宣泄个人仇恨或是争权夺利的工具,而革命这种形式制度上的缺陷,更是使一部分人大有可为。可以说包括法国革命在内的一切革命概莫能外。所以人道主义作家对革命无不抱着矛盾的态度,它们一方面赞同改善民众处境的革命理想,另一方面又痛苦于血腥而非理性的革命现实,如果它们非要坚持个人观点,那么在不宽容,不允许中间路线的革命时代,它们个人命运往往是凄怜的。 狄更斯在《双城记》中即从人生角度对以上的部分观点作了生动的阐述。《双城记》的两个主角应该是厄尼斯和卡顿。酒馆老板娘厄尼斯是受压迫的劳苦人民的代表,她的弟弟和妹妹都被贵族艾弗蒙害死,她因此形成了疯狂的仇恨,表现为要利用革命的混乱杀掉每一个和艾弗蒙家族有关的人,包括其有人道主义思想的管家,其外甥达奈,以及达奈的妻儿。革命就是报仇雪恨,而且是不受限制的滥杀,这是相当一部分受残害的普通民众的态度。甚至有些人道知识分子在深受迫害的时候,也会丧失理智,产生这一想法。莫奈特医生被艾弗蒙陷害,在巴士底狱关了18年,在狱中身心具残,变成了精神病人,狱中他即写到要向艾弗蒙讨回血债,直至他这个家族中的最后一个人。当然当他出狱神志清醒时,其人道思想占了上风,他能够分清敌我,可以接受敌人的亲戚作为女婿。而正是疯狂的仇恨使他付出了代价,他在狱中偏激言论最终使女婿上了断头台,差点断了他女儿的幸


This novel shapes three deep figures. One is the Marquis St. Evrémonde's brother, as a representative of the feudal aristocracy, the only unshakable philosophy for them is oppressing people, and they are the object for the author to put pain and lash. Another is the revolutionary masses like Mr. and Mrs. Defarge. It must be pointed out that their image is distorted. For example Mrs. Defarge, she was born in a farm family who was insulted and persecuted by the feudal aristocracy, with depth regret. The author deeply sympathizes with her misery, and before and after revolution broke out he very admire her strong character, best talents and special organization and leadership skills. But when the revolution further, it shows her cold, fierce and narrow. Especially when she went to the doctor's to search Lucie and her little baby, she is a bloodthirsty lunatic. Finally, she died in her own gun. The third type is idealized person: they are in the author's mind use humanitarian resolving social contradictions, use love overcome hate. Including Dr Manette and his daughter, Charles Draney, Sydney Carton, etc. Love can advance everything. Like Dr Manette's family was destroyed by the Marquis St. Evrémonde, but for the love of his daughter, he abandon the feudal hate; Darney is marquis's nephew, but he relies the guilty his family did, then he give up what he would get and determine use his own action to atonement. Those person one is victim of noble's tyranny, tolerate everything; another is the heir to the marquis. That is the love, almost their daughter and wife, Lucie, let them forget the sin. They make a happy life! It is an opposite way to solve the social problem by violence. The style of the novel is solemn, depressed, full of worried and indignant. As is common in English literature, good and evil are symbolized with light and darkness. Lucie Manette is the light and Madame Defarge is darkness. Darkness represents uncertainty, fear and peril. It is dark when Mr. Lorry rides to Dover; it is dark in the prisons; dark shadows follow Madame Defarge; dark, gloomy doldrums disturb Dr. Manette; his capture and captivity are shrouded in darkness; the Marquis’s estate is burned in the dark of night; Jerry Cruncher raids graves in the darkness; Charles's second arrest also occurs at night. Both Lucie and Mr. Lorry feel the dark threat it is Mrs. Defarge. "That dreadful woman seems to throw a shadow on me," remarks Lucie. Although Mr. Lorry tries to comfort her, "the shadow of the manner of Mrs. Defarges was dark upon herself". Mrs. Defarge is "like a shadow over the white road", the snow symbolizing purity and Madame Defarge's darkness corruption. Dickens also compares the dark color of blood to the pure white snow: the blood takes on the shade of the crimes of its shedders A tragedy of the history 历史悲剧 Crazily, but truthfully, I finished reading the most part of the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" in just one day. Lost in the story, I felt like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events. Soon it came to an end. To tell you my feelings, it’s infinite sadness and a strong emotion that can drive me to cry. The story is set in London and Paris at the time of the great French Revolution. It shows the causes of revolution and its effects on people's day-to-day lives. Before the


Comment about A Tale of Two Cities “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”These words stem from A Tale of Two Cities that deeply impress upon me.The turbulent times rises to view and i sink into deliberation about French Revolution. It is universally known by us that the French Revolution is further engraved on human history. A Tale of Two Cities, one of the most representative works of Dickens,truly describes the cruel and decay of aristocracy.This novel profoundly exposes the society contradiction before the French Revolution ,intensely criticizes the tyrannical nobility and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also describes many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displays people's great strength. Lost in the story,I feel like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events.Dickens’s


《双城记》——卡顿的启示 狄更斯是19世纪现实主义创作的杰出代表,他的《双城记》直到今天仍然受到读者欢迎,影响着一代又一代的人。《双城记》中卡顿这一形象极大程度的体现着作者的思想感情,也很能引起读者的思考,我对这个人物形象的感触也最深。 《双城记》中卡顿是一个潦倒不羁的律师,他才华横溢,但不愿出人头地,宁愿在律师斯特里弗的手下帮忙打官司,在他遇到露西之前他是一具没有灵魂的躯壳,认识了露西之后,面对露西的幸福他自愿退出,随后在法国大革命爆发中,略施小计,狸猫换太子,救出露西的丈夫查尔斯·达内,自己代替达内死去,走完传奇的一生。 首先,卡顿的消极颓废从何而来。“那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;”19世纪的英国,正值半封建社会向工业资本主义社会过渡时期,狄更斯目睹了初期资本主义社会里人民的痛苦和艰辛,社会中的黑暗和肮脏,卡顿自然可以合理猜测是作者在这样环境下所幻化出的自己思想的一个替身。 其次,卡顿因何一改懒散和玩世不恭的态度。因为露西小姐,当然,但就我的认识,露西不是仅仅代表着一个人,露西是善良和美好的化身,小说中,露西的描写是模糊的,类似一个理想的存在,卡顿爱上露西,从这个意义上理解,是卡顿在寻找心中的真善美,他振奋起来的原因,是他找到了自己一直以来追求但却无法触碰到的东西。卡顿振作起来,是他重拾了信仰,露西就是这个信仰。狄更斯的卡顿,既体现了狄更斯的人道主义思想,同时也体现了狄更斯渴求真善美,呼

吁真善美的感情。 最后,卡顿最终的选择是睿智的。他为了露西丈夫而付出自己的命,我们可以对比他生前生后的变化,生前人们咒骂他是“豺狼”,行刑台上人们称他“先知”;生前他苦恋露西,许下承诺,生后他兑现承诺,露西一家将永远感怀他;最为重要的,生前他痛苦颓靡,生后他平静自在。这样对比中,卡顿的牺牲自我的价值和意义就很明显了。卡顿这样的选择,是舍和得的智慧,抛弃了腐朽的肉体,得到了永恒的精神宁静。 卡顿的形象,是狄更斯在19世纪创造的形象,他有才干,正直,但是深深厌恶那个他格格不入的社会,这个形象就像狄更斯所说“简而言之,那时跟现在非常相象”,当下社会价值观混乱,人们不知所措,卡顿遇到露西,重拾信仰,在这个意义上给了时下年轻人无限的希望和力量;卡顿的舍得,是建立在清晰的自我认知和价值观之上,卡顿知道自己要什么,什么对自己最重要,看似舍弃的是最重要的生命,实则是在舍弃后得到了灵魂的解脱和心灵的安宁。


英语读后感--英文读后感范文3篇 《飘》 Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting. Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

双城记的Book Review 英文读后感(1000左右)

Book Review: A Tale of Two Cities XXX A Tale of Two Cities (published in 1859) is one of the greatest novels on the French Revolution. Partly inspired by Thomas Carlyle’s French Revolution, it is a mammoth work of imagination, giving a fictional account of the events and causes leading up to that fateful summer of 1789. I t is quite difficult to write about the novels written by Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 –9 June 1870). He was an British novelist, generally was considered the greatest of the Victorian period. when he was 12 years old, his father was put in prison, he had to withdraw from school and forced to work in a factory. As a young man, he worked as a reporter. His fiction career bega n with short pieces reprinted as Sketches by “Boz” (1836). A Tale of Two Cities (1859) appeared in the period when he achieved great popularity for his public readings. Dickens's works are characterized by an encyclopaedic knowledge of London, pathos, a vein of the macabre, a pervasive spirit of benevolence and geniality, inexhaustible powers of character creation, an acute ear for characteristic speech, and a highly individual and inventive prose style. It is the year 1775, and England and France are undergoing a period of social upheaval and turmoil. The forces that are leading to revolution in France are colliding with a circle of people in England, causing their destinies to be irrevocably intertwined, Dr. Manette was picked up and sent to the Bastille prison by the noble Marquis St. Evremonde. 18 years after in 1775, his only daughter, Lucie Manette, fell in love with Charles Darnay, the nephew of the Marquis St. Evremonde, which abandoned the noble degree to live by himself. “Let the past be past.” Thought Dr. Marnette, and was preparing to have a happy new life with his daughter and her husband. But the revolution of France broke, and because of his family, Charles Darnay was denounced by a letter which was wrote by Dr. Marnette himself 18 years ago. But Sydney Carton, the lawyer of England, who took after Charles very much, finally was killed instead by his own mind. Alexandre Manette made a deep impression on me, he was a kind doctor with mercy. He once saw the Evremondes’ violence to the sl aves eighteen years ago, he wanted to report their crimes. But unfortunately, the Evremondes framed Manette in the Bastille Prison. Also according to the description of the time he just played: “He had a white beard, raggedly cut, but not very long, a hollow face, and exceedingly bright eyes. The hollowness and thinness of his face would have caused them to look large, under his yet dark eyebrows and his confused white hair, though they had been really otherwise; but, they were naturally large, and looked un-naturally so. His yellow rags of shirt lay open at the throat, and showed his body to be withered and worn (2008,p33).” We can see the faintness was not the faintness of physical weakness and we can deeply imagine how this old man had been harmed. In addition when you asked him questions, his first words are always "what do you say?(2008,p5,p33...)",we can infer that he had used to talking to nobody everyday and he could not reflect others' words quickly. All these had implied that his character and spirit were much easier to be influenced especially when he met with the


双城记读后感例文 双城记读后感范文5篇 《双城记》是十九世纪英国最伟大的现实主义批判家查尔斯狄更斯的代表作.以下是小编整理的关于《双城记》的读后感,希望给大家提供帮助。 双城记读后感1 《双城记》是狄更斯最重要的代表作之一。小说深刻地揭露了法国大革命前的社会矛盾,强烈地攻击贵族社会阶层是放荡和残忍,和真诚同情抑郁类。小说还描述了许多宏伟的场景像起义人民攻击巴士底狱等,显示人的伟大力量。这部小说描绘许多不同的人。曼内特医生其实是诚实和善良,但遭受迫害,露西是美丽和温柔,查尔斯是优雅和高贵,卡车是忠厚老实,悉尼是表面上的冷漠,内心的温暖,非常规还无私和崇高,普罗斯小姐是简单,忠诚,埃弗雷德侯爵兄弟是残酷和邪恶的--复杂的仇恨很难解决,残酷的报复使得更多的仇恨,爱在地狱的边缘再生,但以生命为代价。作为一位杰出的作家,在狄更斯的作品中,语言技能是至关重要的。各种修辞手法,如比喻,夸张,对比,幽默、嘲讽巧妙地处理,工作的艺术性也交付高峰。“双城记”有其区别与一般的历史小说,它的人物和主要情节都是虚构的。法国大革命的广泛的实际背景,作者把小说中的人物曼内特医生的经历为主要线索,交织不义的人,爱情和复仇三个恶果,还事件互相关在一起,故事情节巷道,线索是复杂的。作者使用插入了伏笔,家具和如此多的技术,使结构完整和严密,情节曲折紧张而富有戏剧性的性质,它展示了卓越的艺术技巧。“双城记”风格是严肃和忧郁,充满愤怒,但缺少早期作品的幽默。 双城记读后感2 《三大师》的解读难度远远超出我的意料,在下笔写狄更斯的时候,觉得对大师太过陌生,仓促下笔简直是一种亵渎,于是下定决心花点时间读一下大师们的主要作品。幸运的是,在成年之后第一次耐下性子读名著,首先选择的就是被称为幽默大师的查尔斯狄更斯。如果要用三言两语来向读者推荐狄更斯的作品,以及介绍鄙人的阅读感受,恐怕是不可能的,毕竟我不像茨威格那样拥有离子切割刀一般的洞察力,也没有他那般严丝合缝、精准无误的表达功力。这里只能先拿他的一部代表作来稍作品读,以致敬意。名著置于任何时代都具有发人深省的
