

5 个长元音: [i:],[ ?:],[a:],[ ?:],[u:]




单词练习: be/ me/ see/ we/ he/ she/ eat /neat/ beat/ deed/

feel/ meal/ free/ tree/ three/ clean/ grief/ please/ breeze

词组练习: a team leader/ a league meeting/ the Chinese

people/ the East Sea/ a real secret/ a piece of meat

句子练习: Please read it./ Please keep it a secret./ A friend in need is a friend indeed.



单词练习: arm/ art/ cart/ hard/ fast/ last/ glance / chance/

class/ glass/ harsh/ march/ party/ after/ father/ rather

词组练习:a large parcel/ a basket of bananas/ pass the glass/ after the party/ rather fast/ hard-hearted/ master of arts

句子练习: The party stopped at half past five./ A large army marched past the farmyard/ His father is a hard-hearted man for a bargain.



单词练习: saw law bought/ talk/ board/ lord/ force/ horse/

born/ corn/ wall/ story/ water/ daughter/ always/almost/ porter

句子练习: Pride goes before a fall./ George saw a saw hanging on the wall./ He was born on August 8th, 1944.


Good Morning to All

Good morning to all who walk,

Good morning to all who crawl,

Good morning to all who soar,

Or swim, good morning I call,

To broad and to small, to short and to tall,

Good morning, good morning to all.



单词练习: too/ do/ shoe/ who/ you/ food/ fool/ tooth/ youth/ lose/ choose/ June/ moon/ noon/ soon/ cool/ music/opportunity

词组练习: a new school/ huge spoons/ beautiful music/ a blue moon/ a group of students/ whose shoes/ too soon/ choose two

句子练习: Don’ t lose the opportunity./ Choose either boots or shoes/ What do you choose to do this afternoon?



:f ur/ sir/ her/ shirt/ hurt/ bird/ third/ word/ heard/ birth/ worth/

nurse/search/ church/ term/ girl/ first/ worst

词组练习: the first year/ the German expert/ learn the word/ a dirty shirt/ a firm girl/ a nervous nurse/ the third world

句子练习: First come, first served./ The earliest bird catches the worm./ Workers of the world, unit!


1.[ ei ]

:p ay/ day/ they/ way/ date/ late/ wait/ paid/ shade/ made/ take/ sake/ shake/ same/ came/ game/ pain/ gain/ main/ tail/ change

词组联系:May Day/ pay day/ make way/ they say/ same way/ same day/ came again/ take away/ a great change/ a railway station 句子练习:Call a spade a spade./ Haste makes waste./ A penny saved is a penny gained.

2.[ ai ]

:eye/ tie/ buy/ lie/ why/ high/ type/ ripe/ fight/ sight/ light/ might/

wide/ ride/ life/ knife/ ice/ size/ kind/ find/ mile/ while/ fly/ try

词组联系: my eyes/ five kites/ five bikes/ why sigh/ high time/

right side/ by and by/ time and tide/ high in the sky/ arrive at five

句子练习: Strike while the iron is hot./ Let bygones be bygones./

Great minds think alike.

3.[ ?i ]

:b oy/ toy/ joy/ choice/ voice/ noise/ join/ coin/ oil/ soil/ toil/ coil/ spoil/ loyal/ royal/ oyster/ employ/ destroy/ joyous

词组联系: the boy ’s toy/ join the boys/ toil on the soil/ spoil the choice/ the noise of coins/ the voice of joy/ boil the oil/ loyal and royal

句子练习: The boy is playing with his toys with joy./ The spoilt boy destroyed the toys./ She is singing to enjoy herself which makes a noise.

4.[ au ]

:b ow/ cow/ vow/ now/ out/ doubt/ mouth/ south/ town/ down/ sound/ round/ crown/ brown/ about/ amount/ louder/ power/ tower/ house

词组联系: down town/ bow down/ around the house/ about flowers/ down south/ a brown tower/ found a cow/ a thousand mountains

句子练习: Write it down now./ Open your mouth and round your lips./ Round and round the house went the crowd.

5.[ ?u ]

:o h/ go/ so/ though/ show/ no/ low/ soap/ hope/ boat/ coat/ old/ cold/ fold/ told/ hold/ sold/ home/ comb/ phone/ known

词组联系: go home/ don ’t know/ hope so/ those clothes/ so cold/ no hope/ a slow coach/ a broken bowl/ an old soldier/ a hole in the coat/ no soap/ so bold/ so lonely/ old folks

句子练习: Little strokes fell great oaks./ A rolling stone gathers no moss./ As you sow, you shall mow.

6.[ i? ]

:e ar/ tear/ dear/ fear/ cheer/ near/ hear/ clear/ sheer/ sphere/ really/ realize/ idea/appear/ sincere/ superior/ experience

词组联系: near the beer/ hear the deer/ a clear idea/ cheer the idea/ a sincere tear/ a period of fear/ appear superior/ serious and mysterious

句子练习: Oh dear, beer is really dear./ I fear he can’ t hear me clearly./ We’re near the end of the year.

7. [ e? ]

:a ir/ pair/ bear/ tear/ dare/ care/ fair/ there/ share/ wear/ hair/ spare/ square/ prayer/ repair/ compare/ affair/ careful

词组联系: fair hair/ fair share/ their parents/ fair and square/

compare the hair/ repair their chairs/ declared the mayor

句子练习: Where there is a will, there is a way./ John likes to wear his hair long./ Mary’s upstairs, airing the room and dusting the chairs.

8. [ u? ]

:p oor/ tour/ sure/ moor/ doer/ pure/ fewer/ cure/ fury/ jury/ furious/ curious/ rural/ mature/ manure/ obscure/ endure

词组联系: a sure cure/ a pure jewel/ a poor tourist/ fewer and fewer/ the curious jury/ the furious jeweler/ the furious poor

句子练习: The doctor wasn’t sure of his cure./ My car runs out of fuel, and I run into a fury./ The jury was sure the poor man stole the jewels.
