
select dictinfo.*,dicttype.*
from dictinfo,dicttype
where dictinfo.typecode = dicttype.typecode; --typecode就是外键


select * from dictinfo;
select dictcode,info,id from dictinfo where typecode='s01';

--第一种写法 :
select userid,groupid,info from sysuser,(select dictcode,info,id from dictinfo where typecode='s01') grouptable
where sysuser.groupid = grouptable.dictcode;
select userid,groupid,info from sysuser,(select dictcode,info,id,typecode from dictinfo) grouptable
where sysuser.groupid = grouptable.dictcode and grouptable.typecode='s01';



--left join 左外连接,left左边是主查询表;
--right join 右外连接,right右边是主查询表

select sysuser.*,useryy.mc from sysuser left join useryy on sysuser.sysid = useryy.id;

select sysuser.*,useryy.mc from sysuser,useryy where sysuser.sysid = useryy.id;

select sysuser.*,useryy.mc from useryy right join sysuser on sysuser.sysid = useryy.id;

select sysuser.*,
(select mc from useryy where id = sysuser.sysid) useryymc,
(select info from dictinfo where dictinfo.dictcode = sysuser.groupid and dictinfo.typecode = 's01') --dictcode和typecode唯一确定一条记录
from sysuser;


select * from(
select sy

(select mc from useryy where id = sysuser.sysid) useryymc,
(select info from dictinfo where dictinfo.dictcode = sysuser.groupid and dictinfo.typecode = 's01') --dictcode和typecode唯一确定一条记录
from sysuser
