15篇文章贯通四级词汇(文本)Yip Sang, a Chinese-Canadian

15篇文章贯通四级词汇(文本)Yip Sang, a Chinese-Canadian
15篇文章贯通四级词汇(文本)Yip Sang, a Chinese-Canadian

Yip Sang, a Chinese-Canadian

The British and Chinese signed the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, each providing their respective subjects with the right to benefit from full security and protection for their persons and property within each other’s boundaries. Even though China did no openly allow emigration(移居), in 1860 a law was passed which stated that Chinese seeking to work in the British Colonies or other places were at liberty to do so. They had only to ship themselves and their families on board any British vessel at any of the open ports in China. In 1868, another treaty, this one with the United States, gave the Chinese the right to change their home and loyalty from one country to another for the purposes of curiosity, of trade, or as permanent residents, thereby opening the gates for emigration from China.

The gold boom in British Columbia in the 1850’s was the beginning of Chinese immigration from the U.S. into Canada. Many of these early immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong provinces to San Francisco. When they heard of the gold discoveries in British Columbia, many crossed the border into Canada by moving overland through Oregon or arriving by sea in Victoria. When the gold deposits were depleted(用尽,枯竭), these early settler stayed, moving into occupations like gardening, farming, domestic service, road construction, and railway building. By 1871, these were approximately 3,000 Chinese inhabitants in the province, only 53 of whom being women.

Since Chinese workers were know to be conscientious and reliable, several companies actively recruited them. As a result, it was estimated that 10,000 workers arrived between 1882 and 1884. In an effort to restrict the entry of Chinese immigrants, an act was passed in the Canadian Parliament confining the proportion to one person for every 50

tons of vessel tonnage(船舶的吨数). A head tax was also imposed. Records of those who paid the head tax are still available for viewing in the National Archives of Canada.

An article in the Illustrated London News in January 1875 gave some insight into the emigration process of the Chinese by conveying the ideas of changes they might undergo. The author thought the modifications(修改,改造) would be slight and principally external. He believed that, in an attempt to blend in, the Chinese would adopt American language, culture, and dress. However, because the Chinese brought with them a strong sense of their own identity, it wasn’t necessary for them to cultivate a North American way of life, nor did they feel an obligation to abandon their traditions. Much of the article would be conside red insulting by today’s standards.

In the United States, there were two opposing points of view. On one side of the coin, the Chinese were seen as an inexpensive means of providing the manual labor necessary to develop the assets of the country, most often in hazardous occupations. On the other side, there were those who branded them as the “curse” of the nation. Some Americans applauded the Chinese but others condemned them as evil. Some were disturbed by what might happen if all the immigrants decided to stay. Their distress was unfounded however, as most Chinese had no intention of staying. Their greatest wish was to accumulate as much money as possible and return to China.

Guilds(行会,协会) were set up to provide lodging and employment for the emigrants, for a fee of course. The fee ensured that the worker would be paid a decent wage and that his employer would not deceive him. The accumulated fees amounted to a large sum, allowing the Guilds to help those who were ill or out of work. They not only saw that the

worker received whatever was due to him, they also made him pay all his debts. The worker wasn’t allowed to return to his own country without a certificate from his agent stating he owned nothing.

Many Chinese were able to save a portion of their earnings to take with them to their family back home. Often, after workers returned to China, they would revisit North America to accumulate more money. Before being allowed to board a ship in China, however, they had to prove that they were going to their own free will and were under no labor contract. Before the ships set sail. The authorities would visit to guarantee that all on board had their ticket stamped and were not leaving the country against their will.

Yip Sang, born in Canton(广州旧称) in 1845, left China at the age of nineteen to seek his fortune in America. After arriving in San Francisco in 1864, he earned a living by working first as a dish-washer, then as a cook, and finally as a cigar roller. From the outset, he perceived that if he was patient and could represent the best of his race, his merits would be recognized.

Possibly the attraction of high wages rumored to be offered by Canadian railroad companies roused Yip San to leave San Francisco. He arrived in Vancouver in 1881 and worked on the western portion of the Canadian pacific Railroad from 1882 until 1884, first as a book-keeper, then as a time-keeper, and finally as a paymaster(出纳员), before being promoted to Chinese superintendent(主管) for the supply company. The promotion made him responsible for hiring on contract and transporting thousands of men from China to work on the railway line in British Columbia. He supervised(监督,管理) some six to seven thousand Chinese workers during the peak of the construction.

In 1885, he returned to China using the money he had saved from his

CPR job. He remained there from 1885 until 1888, while there he married four different wives, a regular occurrence at the time for wealthy young men. He and his first wife, Lee She, had a son and a daughter. Lee She became gravely(严重的) ill after their marriage and urged Yip Sang to take another wife, one who could be able to take good care of their children. Wong She, Yip Sang’s second wife, was very young with “sensitive” eyes, but did not meet with the approval of Lee Shee. She insisted he should marry third time, and this time choose someone more suitable to care for the children. Dong She, wife number three, was more mature and had the capacity to supervise the household and the children. Dong Shee convinced Yip Sang to take a fourth wife, Chin She, whose primary role was to be Dong She’s companion. With his four wives, Yip Sang had 23 children, one of whom became the first Chinese Canadian doctor to be recognized in Canada. In 1888, Yip Sang returned to Canada with three wives——Lee She died before they left.

On his return to Canada he undertook a new enterprise. He became a merchant, opening an import-export business in the heart of Vancouver's Chinatown. Wing Sang Company specialized in goods imported from China. The company provided Chinese Canadians with merchandise(商品) not readily available in Vancouver and exported Canadian foodstuffs(食品) to China.

His formula of pouring as much money as he could afford into building and expansion couldn’t help but succeed. In 1889, Yip Sang bought land on Pender Street in Chinatown and began construction of a complex, which still stands today. Initially(最初) being a two-story building with a ground floor storefront and a second floor residence, it was probably the first in Chinatown to be built of durable brick. Customers of the store walked on wooden platforms covering the

unpaved dirt streets to avoid tracking the dust and mud into the building.

With the tone of success, Yip Sang added to his building. In 1901, he widened the street to accommodate three more shops, each with a second story above. He also added a third floor to the original building in the same year. In 1912, to house both his growing family and his business, he built a new six-story brick building behind the old one and connected to it by a narrow corridor at ground level, and by an enclosed stairway extension on the third floor that stretched above the alley between the two buildings. Most of the new building was used to warehouse goods for the import/export business.

Yip Sang’s involvement(卷入) with shipping companies and his own business demonstrated his understanding of the freight industry and his ability to work fluently in both Chinese and English languages. In 1889, the CPR rehired Yip Sang to act as their Chinese Passenger Agent for their Canadian Steamship Line, a position he held until his death in 1927 at the age of 82.

The demand for salted herring(鲱鱼) in china, in conjunction with huge catches being brought in by the fishing fleet, spurred Yip Sang to build a fish packing plant in Nanaimo. The success of this plant led to the opening of a second plant on Vancouver Island soon afterward. Both plants were staffed by large numbers of Chinese workers and helped establish sizeable(相当大的) Chinese community in Nanaimo’s downtown core.

Consistent with Yip Sang’s devotion to growth and improvement, he promoted and fostered(支持) education. Not only did he found the Ok Kuo Night School, he also served as its principal for over ten years. His children went to public school, but they also received schooling at home from tutors hired from Hong Kong to teach them Chinese. Yip Sang took

great pleasure in quizzing his offspring(子女,后代) about their lessons. His philosophy was that by moderating the children’s Canadian education with fundamental Chinese, the equation would result in well-rounded, responsible citizens.

As a keen advocate of education in Canada, Yip Sang also sponsored education abroad in China. The ling-nan University and Toi-shan Middle School in his hometown of Canton were established with his help.

Throughout his life, he maintained an active role in Vancouver’s Chinatown. He was one of eleven men, his contemporaries, who founded the Chinese Benevolent(慈善的) Association, one component of which looked after the ill, elderly or destitute(贫困的) Chinese in the absence of their families.

When he died at the age of 82, Yip Sang was not only one of the wealthiest merchants in Vancouver; he was also considered a pillar of the community. Yip Sang’s descendants(后裔,后代) continue to honor his values and remain active in the Vancouver Community.















这次回到加拿大,他创办了一家新企业。他成了一位商人,在温哥华唐人街的中心地段开了一家进出口公司。Wing Sang公司的业务是从中国进口货物。该公司为华裔加拿大人供应在温哥华不容易买到的商品,并把加拿大的食品出口到中国。






与对事业发展壮大的投入相一致的是,阿寿支持和鼓励教育。他不仅建了Ok Kuo夜校,还担任这所学校的校长达十多年。他的孩子们进的是公立学校,但他们在家还要接受教育。他从香港雇来家庭教师教他们汉语。阿寿以极大的兴致关心孩子们的学习。他的哲学是,把基础汉语加入到孩子们的加拿大教育中,综合起来将培养出更全面、更负责的公民。





星火贯通英语15篇文章贯通六级词汇 Preface前言 Directions使用说明 Unit1InAnotherWorm另一个世界 Unit2Let'sDressUp-It'sHalloween万圣节——让我们盛装打扮起来 Unit3Gardening园艺 Unit4ACanadianFamilRStorR一个加拿大家庭的故事 Unit5TheFraud这个骗子 Unit6ThePasture牧场 Unit7TheDecision决定 Unit8Chinese-AmericanRelations:AHistorR(Ⅰ)中美关系史(一) Unit9Chinese-AmericanRelations:AHistorR(Ⅱ)中美关系史(二) Unit10ASolitarRQuest独自寻访 Unit11ActingTodaRforTomorrow为了明天,今天就行动吧 Unit12TheAmericanDream美国梦 Unit13SeRRoleStereotRpes性别成规 Unit14Dr.SunRat-sen:FatheroftheChineseRevolution中国革命之父孙中山先生 Unitl5TheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)andChinaWTO与中国 AppendiR附录 IndeR索引 UNIT1 InAnotherWorld HereIam,inChina,halfwaRaroundtheworldfromhome.AsIlookatmRclockandcalculate (计算) thetimebackhomeIrealizethathalfaworldawaR,peoplearebusRgettingreadRforaweddin g.ThebrideismRniece(侄女),apersonIfirstmetwhenshewasthreedaRsold. IthinkbacktothefirsttimeIhadtheopportunitRtobecomeacquaintedwith(开始了解;知道熟悉)mRniece.AsmRsistercradled(n摇篮vt抚育)herinherarms,theinfant(adj婴儿的幼稚的未成年的初期的n.婴儿)girlclasped(紧抱)hermother'soutstretched(伸开的)finger.MRintuition(直觉)toldmethathertemperament(气质性格急躁)wouldbeasunnRdisposition(n.处置性情部署倾向),ajoRtopeoplearoundher. Asshegrew,thecutelittlegirlhadaninfectious(adj.传染的)laughthatstartedasasmallgrin(n.adj.露齿笑),thenbecameagiggle(n.v.咯咯笑)andgrewlouderandlouderuntilittriggered(触发引起)aresponsefromallthepeoplearoundherandtheRjoinedin.


HSK(六级)词汇共5000个三级□四级□五级□六级□ A 1.阿姨āyí 2.啊a 3.唉āi 4.哎呦āi yō 5.挨 6.癌症 7.矮 8.爱 9.爱不释手 10.爱戴 11.爱好 12.爱护 13.爱情 14.爱惜 15.爱心 16.暧昧 17.安静 18.安居乐业 19.安宁 20.安排 21.安全 22.安慰 23.安详 24.安置 25.安装 26.岸 27.暗 28.暗示 29.案件 30.案例 31.按摩 32.按时 33.按照 34.昂贵 35.凹凸 36.熬 37.奥秘 B 38.八 39.扒 40.疤41.巴不得 42.巴结 43.拔苗助长 44.把 45.把关 46.把手 47.把握 48.把戏 49.爸爸 50.霸道 51.罢工 52.吧 53.掰 54.白 55.百 56.百分点 57.摆 58.摆脱 59.拜访 60.拜年 61.拜托 62.败坏 63.搬 64.班 65.班主任 66.颁布 67.颁发 68.斑纹 69.版本 70.半 71.半途而废 72.办法 73.办公室 74.办理 75.伴侣 76.伴随 77.扮演 78.帮忙 79.帮助 80.绑架 81.榜样 82.磅 83.棒 84.傍晚 85.包 86.包庇 87.包袱 88.包裹Q 89.包含 90.包括 91.包围 92.包装 93.包子 94.薄 95.饱 96.饱和 97.饱经沧桑 98.宝贝 99.宝贵 100.保持 101.保存 102.保管 103.保护 104.保留 105.保密 106.保姆 107.保守 108.保卫 109.保险 110.保养 111.保障 112.保证 113.保重 114.抱 115.抱负 116.抱歉 117.抱怨 118.报仇 119.报酬 120.报答 121.报到 122.报道 123.报复 124.报告 125.报名 126.报社 127.报销 128.报纸 129.爆发 130.爆炸 131.曝光 132.暴力 133.暴露 134.悲哀 135.悲惨 136.悲观 137.卑鄙 138.杯子 139.北方 140.北极 141.北京 142.倍 143.被 144.被动 145.被告 146.被子 147.背 148.背景 149.背叛 150.背诵 151.备份 152.备忘录 153.贝壳 154.奔波 155.奔驰 156.本 157.本科 158.本来 159.本领 160.本能 161.本钱 162.本人 163.本身 164.本事 165.本着 166.本质


六级中表示优秀的: prominent 优秀的eminent 突出的,杰出的outstanding 杰出的 六级中考到的" 娱乐" entertainment娱乐enjoyment 自娱自乐amusement (女神缪斯)最正宗的娱乐 pastime 休闲,娱乐recreation (消遣,娱乐) leisure 悠闲,安逸 六级中表示拥护,支持者 sponsors 发起人contributors 捐助人vocal(声音上) advocates 一再地声援-->拥护者,支持者 六级关于二手房刮墙纸和粘墙纸 刮:scrape(也可形容摩天大厦) 粘墙纸:overlap一张一张地粘,在上面有所重叠 其他选项:collide with 运动物体的相撞 bump into运动物体向静止物体相撞 coincide with 时间、空间上都是一致的 表示复制,模仿 reproductive 复制,生殖系统的duplicate 复制,模仿 deliberately 不是随便想出来-->故意地,深思熟虑地去掉自由Intentionally 故意地dispatch/despatch=sent派遣,打发external外部的internal内部的 eternal 永恒的(常考)Eg:pledge one's eternal love.(发个永恒的誓言)纪念林肯的长明灯:eternal fire degrade 降级(常考) degraded 品味低俗的,低级 degraded taste ensure 确保,确定 assure 确信、确保 pulse 跳-->repulsive 厌恶的,恶心的=nasty retch 干吐都吐不出来-->恶心-->wretch 我干吐都吐不出来->可怜,可爱,不幸consolidate(固体solid) 增强position/power enhance 增强valuable/attrach/reputation notion 观念,概念 notable n.著名a.显著的take notice of 注意 notify v.正式通知-->notification n. notorious (常考)a.臭名昭著 notoriously=very eg:you are notoriously beautiful.你十分漂亮。significant 重要的<-->trivial去他的--> 不重要的(重要不重要,考点) manifestation 用现象来证明 specification 详细说明,产品说明书


2005年版星火英语三十篇阅读贯穿考研词汇 u nit 1 :The P ermit I t hink t he bu ilding mu st have been u sed as a f arm er's wint er stor e; I f ou nd piles of f or gott en dr ied chest nut s and gr ain in rott ing bar r els. I t r ied the chest nut s but t hey t ast ed sour and shar p, and som e of them ha d sm all t eeth-m arks in their dark, peeling skins. P au lo said he wou ld bring m e f ood, but that was thr ee days ago. Y est erday, I heard a car engine gett ing closer, and clim bed up t o hide in t he r aft ers of the pat ched roof, bu t t he Gu ar dia Civil m en j u st loo ked in qu ickly t hr ou gh the sm ashed windows and broken doors bef or e they left. I clung t o the dust y wooden raft er, f eeling it cr eak and bend under my weight, and tr ied t o make no noise. M y arm s and legs gr ew numb,then began t o tr emble,and I longed t o m ove, but I wait ed unt il I hear d the policem en dr ive off. I know that P au lo wou ld not have told them about m e. And I know that they will r etur n. When we began the f inal part of our jour ney, we wer e war ned t hat t he police patr ol the land around her e r egu lar ly. They ar e always sear ching for u s, or other s like u s; t he coast of Mor occo and the P r esidio of Ceut a ar e only t en m iles away acr oss the Str ait s. That is ho w I got her e: squ eezed in wit h f ift een ot her m en in a shallow boat m eant f or eight, with the cold waves r eaching over the sides and the night deep and black as a t omb. I have never been m or e scar ed.I pr ayed all t he way across, and thought about my f am ily. I told myself, over and over, that I was doing it for them. That tr ip t ook almost all of m y money. All of t he m oney I had saved back hom e in E cu ador, all of the money I had wor ked for on t he way. The boatm en left us on a beach in t he m iddle of t he night. We lost sight of t hem but we cou ld st ill hear t heir sm all engine acr oss t he waves. S ix of u s st art ed walking inland but the other s wait ed f or the cont act, the f r iends of t he boatm en, as t hey had been told, and m et the Gu ar dia C ivil inst ead. We wer e lu cky: we m et P au lo.We f ound the t own and wait ed u nt il the f irst bar opened; I went in alone while the other s hid in the or char d near by. When I asked f or cof f ee, the


以下是我为你搜集的三十组考试中可频繁使用的优美词汇及例句。考试时用上它们,以替代你现有的普通词汇,可以瞬间点亮平淡无奇的文章。 1、individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons) 2、positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good 3、dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games,enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4、(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。 Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all ,替换most. 5、a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some 6、harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (因为是书面语,所以要加that) 7、affair ,business ,matter 替换thing 8、shared 代common 9、reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits ) 10、for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion 11、Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. 关注:英语六级简答题的命题规律和对策 Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 12、little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly 13、beneficial, rewarding替换helpful, 14、shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer


大学英语参考词汇表 ★abort ★absurd ★abundance ★academician ★accession ★accessory ★accommodate ★accountability ★accountable ★accountancy ★accounting ★accusation ★accustom ★activate ★actuality ★addict ★addicted ★addictive ★adhere ★adherence ★adjacent ★adjoin ★administer ★administrate ★admittance ★admittedly ★adolescence ★adolescent ★adore ★advancement ★advantageous ★adventurer ★adventurous ★adverse ★aerial ★aerospace ★aesthetic ★aesthetics ★affiliate ★affirm ★affix ★afflict ★affordable ★aggravate ★aggregate ★airborne ★aisle ★ale ★alien ★alienate ★allege ★allegedly ★alleviate ★allocate ★allotment ★alloy ★aloft ★alternate ★ambiguity ★ambiguous ★amend ★ammunition ★ample ★amplify ★analogy ★analytical ★anew ★angel ★animate ★animated ★annoyance ★anonymous ★antibiotic ★appalling ★apparatus ★appease ★appendix ★appraisal ★appraise ★appropriation ★apt ★arc


unit 1 The Permit I think the building must have been used as a farmer's winter store; I found piles of forgotten dried chestnuts and grain in rotting barrels. I tried the chestnuts but they tasted sour and sharp, and some of them had small teeth-marks in their dark, peeling skins. Paulo said he would bring me food, but that was three days ago. Yesterday, I heard a car engine getting closer, and climbed up to hide in the rafters of the patched roof, but the Guardia Civil men just looked in quickly through the smashed windows and broken doors before they left. I clung to the dusty wooden rafter, feeling it creak and bend under my weight, and tried to make no noise. My arms and legs grew numb, then began to tremble, and I longed to move, but I waited until I heard the policemen drive off. I know that Paulo would not have told them about me. And I know that they will return. When we began the final part of our journey, we were warned that the police patrol the land around here regularly. They are always searching for us, or others like us; the coast of Morocco and the Presidio of Ceuta are only ten miles away across the Straits. That is how I got here: squeezed in with fifteen other men in a shallow boat meant for eight, with the cold waves reaching over the sides and the night deep and black as a tomb. I have never been more scared. I prayed all the way across, and thought about my family. I told myself, over and over, that I was doing it for them. That trip took almost all of my money. All of the money I had saved back home in Ecuador, all of the money I had worked for on the way. The boatmen left us on a beach in the middle of the night. We lost sight of them but we could still hear their small engine across the waves. Six of us started walking inland but the others waited for the contact, the friends of the boatmen, as they had been told, and met the Guardia Civil instead. We were lucky: we met Paulo. We found the town and waited until the first bar opened; I went in alone while the others hid in the orchard nearby. When I asked for coffee, the young barman looked at me and


第五节 词汇题:直接看有单词的那段 [001] Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist' s trade or bookkeeping (簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge. 33. The word "dubious" ( L. 2, Para. 2) most probably means A) valuable B) useful C) doubtful D) helpful 注:烂的,没意义的 [002] Living at home, says Knighton, a school teacher, continues to give her security and moral support. Her mother agreed, "It's ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent. It makes sense for kids to stay at home." But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones and privacy (不受干扰的生活). Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act. But for others, it proves too difficult. Michelle Del Turco, 24, has been home three times-and left three times. "What I considered a social drink, my dad considered an alcohol problem, " she explains. "He never liked anyone I dated (约会), so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends' house." 24. The word "hassles" in the passage (Line 3, Para. 3) probably means _____. (A) quarrels (B) worries (C) disadvantages (D) agreements 注:不平衡的行为


15篇文章贯通大学英语四级CET4词汇第11篇 SkyWatch Todaythewindandraindrovefiercelyagainstmyapartmentwindow.Itwasthe tailendofatyphoon(台风).Everyyear,asthecalendarindicatestheapproachofautumn,thesedestruct ivetropical(热带的)stormsaccountforbothdeathanddestructionalongAsia’scoasts.Onanaver agetheremaybefifteensuchstormseveryyear.Althoughmanyciviliansadoptaca sualattitudetowardstheseevents,awarenessisadvisable. Asthewaterdrippedfrommybalconyandaccumulatedintofree-flowingriver sontheroadbeneath,Iwasremindedoftheextremeweatherthataffectedtheresid entsofNorthAmerica.Hurricanes(飓风),tornadoes(龙卷风),snowstorms,icestormsandelectricalstormsareallexamplesofextremewea therthatmaychallengeanentirecommunity.Eachstormisuniqueincharacter,co ntributingitsownparticularfascination(魔力)andfear. EveryfallhurricanesslamtheUnitedStatescoast.Theyupsetboats,fellma turetrees,washawaysectionsofpublicbeachesandoftencausedeath.Fortunate lywiththeadvantageofmodernpriorwarningsystemsauthoritiesareabletokeep thechaostoaminimum.Regardless,somesectorsofthepopulationstillignoreth ewarnings.Theburdenofrescuingtheseirresponsible(不负责的)adultsfallsontheauthorities.Meanwhilegovernmentbudgetsarestrained. Toassembleenoughaidtoassureassistanceforallregionsinacountrystretches finances. HurricanesseldomreachOntario,Canada,butinXXXXHurricaneHazelexpose dtheresidentsofTorontotoanawfulnightoffloodingandterror.Respondingtot hedisasterrequiredthesupremeeffortofalltherescuedepartments. InOntariowhereabrush(严酷的)winterextendsfromNovemberuntilApril,snowstormsareregularoccurrence .Peopleadjusttheirtravelplans,sportsactivitiesandespeciallytheirmodeo fdresswhentheweatherforecasterspredictaseveresnowstorm.Automobiledriv ersmustbemorecautiousunderthesecircumstances.Snowremovalbecomesamajor expensefornortherncities.Familiesadjusttheirweekendplansandstaytogeth erathome,sittingsafelyinfrontofablazing(炽烧


Unit Two Let's dress up—It's Halloween From early childhood getting dressed up is connected with a special pastime in North America, called Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on the last night of October, when the air is crisp and snow is not far off. Every young child is acquainted with this exciting tradition. On the last day of October when dinner is finished, children hurry to dress up in a costume. Darkness comes early at this time of year and caution must be practiced, foremost by the children who are going from house to house, “trick or treat”. Parents warn their children not to dart out in front of cars. In all the excitement it is easy for children to become distracted and ignore safety rules. Planning what your costume will be, ahead of time, is part of the fun of the evening. Many mothers will spend time fabricating outfits for their little girls who suddenly turn into circus clowns, beautiful ballet dancers or weird colorful bugs. Fathers may help their sons construct a costume of foil armor. Little boys often enjoy pretending they are in the army so on Halloween it is possible to see squads of lieutenants and sergeants marching along in the dark. We affiliate the celebration with the supernatural so some children may choose to wear a skeleton costume bearing a skull and crossbones, or even a monster costume. The choice of wardrobe for the evening is really limitless. Witches can be seen riding on broomsticks across well illuminated intersections. Earlier in the evening they may have concocted a witch's brew to quench their thirst for their arrival home. Ghosts can be heard groaning and moaning while they glide along city streets. Beautiful butterflies flutter by on their way to a party. Pirates carrying swords and pistols roam about, patches over one eye. Small aliens search for a new home here on Earth. Wearing a cape and mask allows a child to become Superman for a few hours and enter the world of fantasy. An ethnic flavor is introduced as a band of gypsies dance along under a bright full moon. Of course you can always see a certain number of native American costumes, the buckskin jackets and dresses decorated with fringe and beads. Some youngsters choose to decorate only their faces with grease paint instead of wearing masks. In many ways this is safer for a child, making visibility clearer. At the same time a mask allows them to remain anonymous to all but their closest friends. Usually, on the night before Halloween, family members gather together to carve a pumpkin. On Halloween night the candle lit face of the pumpkin shines from each home welcoming the little ghosts and goblins to call. Parents usually escort small children around their own neighborhood helping to keep them safe. Small children only visit random houses, their parent's friends mostly, while older children knock at every door. Crowding onto the front porch of the house the children rap at the door and chant the refrain “trick or treat”. Householders distribute candies, apples, peanuts, or any edible treat into decorated wooden six quart baskets, or plastic bags. They


考研英语详细的备考攻略 考研英语详细的备考攻略 ?概况篇 英语是全国统考的三门公共课之一。考试时间安排在第一天的下午,时长为3个小时,满分100分。 1.完形填空(10分)。共20个空,每空0.5分。这种题每年的平均分不是很高,在多数考生看来有些鸡肋,食之无味又弃之可惜。大多数辅导老师都会建议学生在考试的最后10—20分钟作答。 2.阅读理解(60分)。采用4+1+1的形式,阅读A部分有4篇文章(每篇文章400词左右),每篇文章有5道题目,每题2分,共40分;阅读B部分有1篇文章,又叫新题型(500词左右),有几种题型供选择,比如句子匹配题和段落匹配题以及小标题题型等。通俗的说新题型有点像长胖了的完型填空(也就是填词变成了填句子),或者粉碎性骨折的完形填空(文章段落顺序完全打乱让你还原正确的段落顺序)。 阅读理解这50分无疑是你整个英语复习过程中的重中之重。好了,现在大家应该知道历届研友口中的“得阅读者得天下”是怎么来的了吧。 3.这里把阅读C部分(10分)单拿出来说,也是一篇文章,另一个名字是我们熟知的英译汉。这部分英语一和英语二稍有区别,英语一是句子翻译,把文章中的5处划线句子(150词左右吧)翻译成中文即可;英语二是段落翻译,要求把150词左右的一段或两段文章全部翻译。 这个题看似简单,其实在整个英语试卷中得分率很低,多年平均分都是3分上下。因为很多人在考场上写出来的中文基本都不是人话。

4.写作分为A部分和B部分,总分30分。其中A部分人称应用文或者小作文(约100词,满分10分),书信形式居多;B部分人称大作文(200词上下,满分20分)英语一通常是图画作文,英语二通常是图表作文。 简单说明一下,在这4部分中,阅读理解的A部分和B部分再加上写作部分一共占了80分,绝对是复习的重点。完形填空和翻译占20分,可以说是复习的难点。 ?资料篇 这是一个老生常谈的问题。大家都知道真题是极好的复习资料,但是真题毕竟有限,大家觉得做完了也就完了,没有可以用的了,是不是应该做点模拟题,比如某某阅读500篇之类。我的回答是,绝对不用! 第一,模拟题的质量参差不齐,做了反而对你有误导。再说,你随便从淘宝上一找,各种各样的参考书实在是太多。就阅读而言,各种《某某阅读100篇》《某某250篇》还都说是命题专家或者考研命题组成员命题,都说是最接近真题的模拟题(再怎么接近真题不还是模拟题么?那我们为什么不用真题呢?)用脚想一想也知道,是每年好几个专家在小黑屋里用半个月一个月的时间整出来的那几篇阅读质量高,还是某个老师再加几个编辑整出来的上百篇阅读质量高? 第二,真题不够用?多数小伙伴对待真题的态度就是做一遍甚至两遍,然后对对答案,查查不认识的单词就完事了,这样的方法,对真题的使用率不到百分之十。具体怎么用真题,我会在后面具体介绍。 2.用哪本资料 ?时间规划篇 相信小伙伴们都知道,英语是考研必考的三门公共课之一。其复习要贯穿备考的全过程,尤其是前期需要投入大量时间精力夯实基础。因此,对英语复习而言当然是开始得越早越好。我在这儿先简
