






选用教材:《新东方雅思阅读真题》3-6,《雅思阅读真经》1、3 学时安排:本课程共96学时




英语相关课程总体方案,雅思英语《阅读》课程具体教学目标如下: 1、基础目标:掌握雅思阅读的常用词汇、短语、同义词辨析。掌握雅思阅读中长难句分析技巧。熟悉雅思阅读中常见体裁、行文规律、出题模式。掌握十四种雅思常见题型的解题技巧。











3. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识



4. 组织模拟考试活动









Climate and Country Wealth Why are some countries stupendously rich and others horrendously poor? Social theorists have been captivated by this question since the late 18th century, when Scottish economist Adam Smith argued in his magisterial work The Wealth of Nations that the best prescription for prosperity is a free-market economy in which the government allows businesses substantial freedom to pursue profits. Smith, however, made a second notable hypothesis: that the physical geography of a region can influence its economic performance. He contended that the economies of coastal regions, with their easy access to sea trade, usually outperform the economies of inland areas. Coastal regions and those near navigable waterways are indeed far richer and more densely settled than interior regions, just as Smith predicted. Moreover, an area's climate can also affect its economic development. Nations in tropical climate zones generally face higher rates of infectious disease and lower agricultural productivity (especially for staple foods) than do nations in temperate zones. Similar burdens apply to the desert zones. The very poorest regions in the world are those saddled with both handicaps: distance from sea trade and a tropical or desert ecology. The basic lessons of geography are worth repeating, because most economists have ignored them. In the past decade the vast majority of papers on economic development have neglected even the most obvious geographical realities. The best single indicator of prosperity is gross national product (GNP) per capita – the total value of a country's economic output, divided by its population. A map showing the world distribution of GNP per capita immediately reveals the vast gap between rich and poor nations. The great majority of the poorest countries lie in the geographical tropics. In contrast, most of the richest countries lie in the temperate zones. Among the 28 economies categorized as high income by the World Bank, only Hong Kong, Singapore and part of T aiwan are in the tropical zone, representing a mere 2 percent of the combined population of the high-income regions. Almost all the temperate-zone countries have either high-income economies (as in the cases of North America, western Europe, Korea and Japan) or middle-income economies (as in the cases of eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and China). In addition, there is a strong temperate-tropical divide within countries that straddle both types of climates. Most of Brazil, for example, lies within the tropical zone, but the richest part of the nation – the southernmost states –is in the temperate zone. There are two major ways in which a region’s climate affects economic development. First, it affects the prevalence of disease. Many kinds of infectious diseases are endemic to the tropical and subtropical zones. This tends to be true of diseases in which the pathogen spends part of its life cycle outside the human host: for instance, malaria (carried by mosquitoes) and helminthic infections (caused by parasitic worms). Although epidemics of malaria have occurred sporadically as far north as Boston in the past century, the disease has never gained a lasting foothold in the temperate zones, because the cold winters naturally control the mosquito-based


课程顾问常见问题及 解答

关于前台咨询常见问题的回答 在实际的销售过程中,学员及学生家长会提出各种各样的问题,所有的销售人员须了解怎样回答这些问题,回答质量的好坏直接决定学员和家长对学校的印象。 一.课程顾问守则 1、个性须喜欢小孩子 如果个性不喜欢小孩子,则不适合当课程顾问。家长喜欢自己的小孩受别人喜欢。2、两人结伴来 班务一定要配合好,拉开一个 3、问小朋友要有艺术 小朋友,这边很好玩!对不对? 你喜欢到这边来玩! 对不对? 4、如果来访者问的问题很专业 须提防是否是同业派来的间谍.回答问题须避重就轻。 二.学校(含学校课程、兴趣班及同业比较) 1、小新星英语是一个什么样的机构? 小新星英语于1987 年成立于湖南长沙,采用连锁特许经营的方式办学,迄今为止已在全国27省建立了500多个分支机构,是一家专门从事少儿英语培训的教育机构. 2、你们采用什么授课方式?与其它英语学校的区别?你们的特色和优势? 我们采用的是“情景表演式”的教学模式,我们知道孩子都喜欢听故事,所以我们利用孩子的这一特点,采用童话作为我们的主要教学内容。充分利用儿童“好玩,好奇,好胜,好表扬”的心理特征,以游戏为我们的主要教学手段,让孩子在很轻松的氛围中掌握老师教授的内容,最后让孩子会听会说会表演,培养孩子学习英语的浓厚兴趣和自信心。 3、小新星英语教学与剑桥少儿英语有何区别 剑桥英语优点: 1)剑桥带有半官方背景,由团中央、教育部考试中心协助推出(实质上属社会力量办学)。 2)剑桥品牌使人产生丰富的联想。 3)剑桥少儿英语等级考试满足了家长望子成龙的心理。 4)剑桥少儿英语教材有多种版本,其中有两种版本的教材编写得科学、系统、严谨。 剑桥英语缺陷: 1)以应试教学为目的,决定其教学方法比较枯燥、单调。星期一至星期五在学校考,双休日来到业余学校又是考,无疑使学生精神负担加重,容易丧失学习兴趣。 2)剑桥考试是一种内部等级,对考生作用不大。 小新星特色: 1、2004年和北京大学外语学院合作后,在师资培训、教材编写以及在北大举行各类英语 竞赛、英语文化夏令营、少儿暑期口语强化训练(全外教)等方面得到北大的全力支持,品牌及美誉度得到进一步提升。 2、小新星英语是以听说能力和学习能力的培训为目的的教学,使学生按规律、懂规律、 用规律;学习过程以英语教学游戏为主,生动活泼,学生兴趣盎然,因而学习效率高,进步明显。 3、从2000年开始,小新星英语学校组织高级班的学生参加国家公共英语等级考试 (PETS),自今已有1000多人次通过了一至四级的考试。(PETS是国内面对全体公


2019年雅思写作小作文流程图解析及范文:废纸回收 The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling. 范文: The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper. At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a paper mill. Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a paper making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper. (160 words, band 9)



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.360docs.net/doc/a08453240.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says


需求点对应的卖点话术 当我们挖掘出家长痛点之后,需要用什么样最有效的话术回答家长,让家长能够引起兴趣。 思路:帮家长分析原因,再告诉家长**是怎么帮助孩子的,可以举例子 1,提高口语---浸入式,Itp,英语思维 那您有没有考虑过为什么孩子的口语不够好呢? 妈妈您说的有一定道理,其实主要是三方面的原因:一个是学习的内容不实用,一个是没有英文环境,一个是自信心不足,我们**就是针对中国孩子的这种情况,采用了全英 文的浸入式环境,一进入**全部就要说英文,我们这有很多和您孩子差不多大的孩子,在**学了一个月,现在都能自信的在课堂上面对所有小朋友做英文的演讲了,我看您赶紧抽个时间也带您的孩子过来看看。 2,没兴趣 那您有没有分析过孩子为什么没兴趣? 其实4-12岁孩子英语学习没兴趣主要是学习方法和方式的问题,我想问妈妈,孩子喜 欢看动画片吧? 如果英语学习能够像看动画片一样有趣,您孩子还会不感兴趣吗?其实现在孩子英语学 习中最大的问题就是让孩子感兴趣,我们的课程内容都是根据孩子的兴趣点设计的,而且像动画片的形式展示出来,我们这很多孩子下课都不愿意走呢,非常感兴趣,我看您赶紧抽个时间也带您的孩子过来看看,看看您孩子对我们的授课方式和课程感不感兴趣,以便及时调整您孩子的英语学习方法。 3,单词量不够 那妈妈希望您孩子能掌握多少单词量呢? 其实英语学习不光是单词量多就是好的,还必须会运用,比如说很多孩子用英文说喜欢什么动物,

只会说cat ,dog ,其实他们真的就只喜欢这个吗?只是他们单词量不够,而** 的孩子,能够说出自己真正喜欢的动物,比如海豚,蜥蜴等等,因为我们教孩子的是英语英语,孩子的知识面是非常广的,我看您赶紧抽个时间也带您的孩子过来看看。 4,背单词记不住 妈妈您有没有想过孩子为什么记不住单词?其实单词记不住有两方面原因,一方面是教学方式不生动,孩子印象不深刻不感兴趣,另一方面,孩子学完单词后没有环境去练习所学的单词,所以单词记不牢容易忘,这样下去孩子会越来越没有自信,对英语也会越来越厌学,而我们教孩子自然拼读法,让孩子能够见字能读,听音能写,不需要死记硬背,孩子还不痛苦,我看您赶紧抽个时间也带您的孩子过来看看。 5,性格内向 您有没有分析过孩子为什么会是这样的性格?孩子内心主要两方面原因,一是孩子和人接触少,另一方面是没信心,您孩子主要需要自信心的锻炼,其实我们在针对孩子这个问题专门在课程中增加了对孩子自信心的培养,我们这有很多和您孩子差不多大的孩子,在** 学了一个月,现在都能自信的在课堂上面对所有小朋友做英文的演讲了,我看您赶紧抽个时间也带您的孩子过来看看。 6,应试 当然可以了,我们这很多孩子参加社会上的考试都是很优秀的。 一线销售技巧及问题解析 一.课程: 全外教口语课程的卖点:: 1. 全外教,创造英文环境.规范语音语调. 2. 小班授课.让每个孩子轻松自由的与外教对话交流,让孩子大胆开口说英文. 3. 提供轻松快乐的学习方式,培养兴趣. 4 分享全面的语言文化. 地道的口语表达方式. 5 师资.丰富的幼儿教学经验的外教领衔授课,中教辅助教学.五大教学法:


雅思写作流程图满分写法 朗阁海外考试研究中心丁仡然 很多同学常常对雅思小作文流程图的写法感到困扰,虽然市场上有很多关于雅思流程图指导的书,但是笔者想要强调的是我们还是要用好剑桥1-10这十本最官方的书,仔细研究其中的考官范文就不难发现,其实流程图只是一只纸老虎,没有同学们想象的那么可怕。本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家就为各位考生分析一篇剑桥10考官所写的最新流程图满分范文,希望借这篇文章对大家的雅思小作文有一定的帮助和提升! 我们来看一下小作文题目(剑桥雅思10, Test 4, P101) The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon. 该图表描述了某一种大型鱼(三文鱼)的生命循环过程。 解题步骤: 在写流程图的时候,大家首先要把题干看三遍,然后一定要花时间分析一下这幅图,一定要把图中每个步骤都看懂,然后深入理解每一步骤要表现的内容是什么。 注意: 1. 图中所有的信息点都要讲到,不然会被重点扣分; 2. 图中的信息千万不能写偏,不能写出和图中描述不符合的信息; 3. 不要在小作文里面写自己的观点,这是很大的忌讳之处; 4. 流程图也要写overview, 这点非常重要! 这篇文章总体分为三段: 第一段写了最上面的那个图:也就是三文鱼在上游时候最初的形态。 第二段写了中间和下面那个图:也就是三文鱼在下游和游到大海里,以及最后游回到出生地的过程。 第三段:整篇文章总体的overview和三幅图之间的比较和差异。

考官范文分析: 在第一段里面考官在一开始就写到:salmon begin life as eggs on a pebbly riverbed, hidden among reeds in the slow-moving upper reaches of a river. 大家注意考官写的这句话是一种9分的流程图表达方式:就是用一句话把图中的好几个信息点都串进去,我们可以看到,这句话里面:图中有的salmon eggs, small stones, upper river slow moving都写进去了,所以从这句话中考生们可以学习一种技能,就是尽量一句话中多串几个图中的信息点。接下来考官写到:the eggs hatch into fry, 说明我们平时要多积累一些流程图常用的表达机械工艺或者动物生命循环的常用单词。接下来一个句子考官写了:these baby salmons will live in the lower, faster-flowing waters of their river. 这里大家要注意考官用baby salmon和waters对fry和river进行了替换。同义词替换永远是考官最喜欢的东西。最后考官没有忘记要将这条鱼在长到fry的尺寸是3-8公分的长度写出来,其中...in length是很好的对物品长度的表达,请同学们牢记。 在写第二段的时候考官用了一个很好的状语从句:by the time salmon reach 12-15 centi meters, they are termed ‘smolt’, and at this time they migrate further down into the open sea. 大家要注意,这种时间状语从句(“在到达...的时候,发生了一件...事情”)在写流程图的时候非常实用。其中几个关键的表达be termed(“被命名为...”),可以学习一下。还有就是, and连接句子的写法,都是考官惯用的手法。考生们还要注意,考官用migrate further down into, 写出了上游,下游和海洋之间的层层推进,体现了对这幅图非常到位的理解。 然后考官继续写到:they then begin swimming back to their birthplace, where they will lay their eggs, and the cycle starts anew. 这个句子考官用了一个很好的单词birthplace出生地,然后后面连了一个定语从句,最后考官还写了一句它们的生命循环又开始了。注意这是循环流程图一定要写的一个句子,表达了一个东西的结束是另一个过程的开始。 最后一段overview: 考官先是写出了三个大图的总体特点和三个大图总体的不同之处。The salmon passes through three distinct physical stages as it grows to maturity. Each of these stages takes place in a very different aquatic location. 这样写给人的感觉是先把三个


2019年雅思IELTS考试备考资料模拟试题及答案14 The nervous system of vertebrates is characterized by a hollow, dorsal nerve cord that ends in the head region as an enlargement, the brain. Even in its most primitive form this cord and its attached nerves are the result of evolutionary specialization, and their further evolution from lower to higher vertebrate classes is a process that is far from fully understood. Nevertheless, the basic arrangements are similar in all vertebrates, and the study of lower animals gives insight into the form and structure of the nervous system of higher animals. Moreover, for any species, the study of the embryological development of the nervous system is indispensable for an understanding of adult morphology. In any vertebrate two chief parts of the nervous system may be distinguished. These are the central nervous system (the nerve cord mentions above), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings. The term "autonomic nervous system" refers to the parts of the central and peripheral systems that supply and regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands. The nervous system is composed of many millions of nerve and glial cells, together with blood vessels and a small amount of connective tissue. The nerve cells, or "neurons", are characterized by many processes and are specialized in that they exhibit to a great degree the phenomena of irritability and conductivity. The glial cells of the central nervous system are supporting cells collectively termed


一线销售技巧及问题解析 一.课程: 全外教口语课程的卖点:: 1.全外教,创造英文环境.规范语音语调. 2.小班授课.让每个孩子轻松自由的与外教对话交流,让孩子大胆开口说英文. 3.提供轻松快乐的学习方式,培养兴趣. 4分享全面的语言文化.地道的口语表达方式. 5师资.丰富的幼儿教学经验的外教领衔授课,中教辅助教学. 五大教学法: 1.母语沉浸式教学法.(The whole Language approch). 培养英文思维模式.无须翻译转换,应急对答 ? 2.TPR肢体反应教学法(Total physical reaction). 形象记忆,快乐吸收.口语命令+肢体语言.手脑并用,达到左右脑平衡开发. 3.听说教学法.配以英文歌曲儿歌,培养语言修养及文化,提高学习兴趣4.交际教学法.用来训练如何把英语说得更优雅. 实战演练。巩固教学5.情景教学法.设计场景对话,角色扮演,学以至用,让孩子勇敢开口说英文. 自然母语学习法:0---1岁(看—实物,听—发音)1-3(牙牙学语,发音,纠正语序) 3-7(小学逐渐正常朗读课文)7-11岁(开始写作文) 有学了11年外语但是开不了口的例子,但是没有一个正常的孩子11岁还不能开口的。 正常教学听-说-读-写 传统教学:读-写-听-说。我们能弥补传统教学的不足。 、 在学习的过程中,教材(学习的过程)老师(纠错的过程)不断的学习和纠错来达到学习英语的目的。 二.销售技巧 问题解析:(在做问题解析前先判断问题的真假) Q:孩子小,中文还说不好学英文会混淆. A:孩子学语言不是由年龄决定的,而是由环境决定的.语言学家研究证明,孩子从出生开始同时至少可以学好4种语言.语言在大脑当中是平行记忆的不交差所以不会混. Q:孩子淘气,坐不住. A:(幼教知识)孩子的个性不同.学习的吸收管道也不同,分为:视觉型(乖宝宝),听觉型(东张西望,注意力不集中)和体觉型(好动,坐不住).好动的


雅思写作流程图解析 朗阁海外考试研究中心刘雅敏 相比较其它小作文题型,雅思写作中的流程图对于很多考生来说都会感觉束手无策,尤其 是拿到题目时无从下手。这主要是由流程图的考察重点决定的。不同于图表题型在表达方 式上的固定,流程图更加能够考察考生“真正的”词汇量。虽然流程图出题频率不算高(去 年48场A类考试中,流程图出现6次),且普遍集中在工业生产过程和自然现象这两类,但题材差距很大,2014年的6场考试以及今年出现的2次流程图的具体题材如下: 由于题材不同,所以每次考试的词汇要求都不同,这无疑增加了考生的备考难度。 另外,一般情况下流程图都是以图片而非数字形式出现,所以有不少刚接触流程图的同学 认为它更接近大作文的语言风格。其实不然,流程图的文章风格偏客观描述,而且与其它 小作文题型一样,流程图还有一个特点——主要扩展顺序为时间顺序,这一点不同于大作 文主要以逻辑顺序为扩展顺序。无论大作文还是小作文,逻辑性是一切文章的灵魂,而要 想使流程图的写作逻辑严密,就要按照时间顺序展开,并加入恰当的时间顺序连接词。 除了小作文的共性外,流程图又有自身在表达方式上的特殊要求。具体而言,要注意两点:动词的使用和三大句型的运用。 一、动词的使用

考生面临的比较普遍的问题就是:图里面的词汇可能认识的只有一半,碰到这种情况,考 生应尽量猜,运用常识和看图猜词意。图里面可能会给出一定数量的动词,也可能没有给出。具体而言,一般会出现三种情况: 1. 图详细+注解详细 流程图中出现过的词汇可以使用一次,第二次出现的时候尽量换成其同义词甚至可以是近 义词。但即使猜出了大概含义,找出同义替换仍然比较困难。对此,有两种解决方案: 1). “名词动用”,如果原图给出了某个词的名词形式,在你的作文中可以将其转变成该词 的动词形式。同理,形容词可以换成副词(通常在该形容词后加-ly),副词变成形容词。 比如剑桥真题6 Test 3的范文中:原图第二个步骤中的“food”, 作者改成了动词“feed”。 2). 根据“下义词”,找出其“上义词”,比如说“furnace”(熔炉)在“玻璃瓶的回收”之类的 流程图中都会出现,我们称之为“下义词”(即含义较具体),而其“上义词”(即概括性较 强的表达)可以是“a container”。 2. 图详细+注解简略 这种情况要求考生把图片中出现的、而注解中表述比较简略而省掉的信息运用考生会的表 达方式补充出来,尤其注意动词的使用。比如:“玻璃瓶的回收”这一流程中有个步骤是把 碎玻璃倒进熔炉里面将其融化,图片画得较详细:一个椭圆形的鼎样容器,上面画的温度 计显示融化玻璃的具体温度数值,燃料是用木炭还是煤炭还是天然气……但下面的注解可 能只有三个单词:the melting process。显然,我们不可能只用这三个单词描述这一步骤,原因很简单,即考生都熟悉的一个悲剧——图描述完了,字数没写够!遇到这种情况,建议考生用自己的话把图表信息补充完整。 3. 图简略+注解更简略 同样还是以“玻璃瓶的回收”流程为例,其中一个步骤是玻璃瓶被重塑成新瓶子、并注入相 应液体产品后,被卡车送到超市,消费者购买并使用。该步骤在原图中只出现了两个名词——“supermarket”和“customers”。实战中有相当数量的考生只用一句话说完了这个步骤(比如:These bottles are transported by trucks to supermarkets, and then they would be bought by consumers.)。这种写法与上面的写法后果是一样的——

雅思阅读试卷 附完整参考答案

Section I Words A.Match the words with the same meaning.W rite down the letters on you answer sheet. (1(1’’*6) 1.epidermic 2.motivate 3.assume 4.appealing 5.controversy 6expertise A.skill or knowledge in a particular area B.dispute,argument C.attractive D.an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely E.to provide with an incentive;impel . F.to take for granted,suppose B.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given in the box,one word can be used more than once.(1(1’’*10) evolve prepare propose minimum peer through cheat weep address exploit except 1.Not surprisingly,his was not well received,even though it seemed to agree with the scientific information available at the time.. 2.The little girl with disappointment when she learned that her favourite Barbie Dolls were sold out. 3.The price is her,she refuses to lower it any further. 4.Apes,monkeys and many other primates have fairly elaborate systems of calls for communicating with other members of their species. 5.Some melodies are quite manipulative,working on our emotions very effectively,and composers have often this to the full. 6.I realized I’d been when I saw the painting on sale for half the price I paid for it. 7.To this problem,Counter Intelligence built a kitchen of its own and started making gagets to fill it with. 8.Most birds don’t have a good sense of smell,but fish-eaters such as petrels and shearwaters are significant. 9.Why bother a clear door,when you can put a camera in the oven to broadcast snapshots of the activities in the oven to a screen in another room? 10.Exploration will allow us to make suitable for dealing with any dangers that we might face,and we may be able to find physical resources such as minerals. SectionⅡ.Translation A.Translate the following sentences into English.(3(3’’*5) 1.Despite the hardship he encountered,Mark never (放弃对知识的追求) 2.由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。(owing to; ignorance)


Reading One READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1. Bovids The family of mammals called bovids belongs to the Artiodactyl class, which also includes giraffes. Bovids are highly diverse group consisting of 137 species, some of which are man’s most important domestic animals. Bovids are well represented in most parts of Eurasia and Southeast Asian islands, but they are by far the most numerous and diverse in the latter. Some species of bovid are solitary, but others live in large groups with complex social structures. Although bovids have adapted to a wide range of habitats, from arctic tundra to deep tropical forest, the majority of species favour open grassland, scrub or desert. This diversity of habitat is also matched by great diversity in size and form: at one extreme is the royal antelope of West Africa, which stands a mere 25 cm at the shoulder; at the other, the massively built bisons of North America and Europe, growing to a shoulder height of 2.2m. Despite differences in size and appearance, bovids are united by the possession of certain common features. All species are ruminants, which means that they retain undigested food in their stomachs, and regurgitate it as necessary. Bovids are almost exclusively herbivorous. Typically their teeth are highly modified for browsing and grazing: grass or foliage is cropped with the upper lip and lower incisors (the upper incisors are usually absent), and then ground down by the cheek teeth. As well as having cloven, or split, hooves, the males of all bovid species and the females of most carry horns. Bovid horns have bony cores covered in a sheath of horny material that is constantly renewed from within; they are unbranched and never shed. They vary in shape and size: the relatively simple horns of a large Indian buffalo may measure around 4m from tip to tip along the outer curve, while the various gazelles have horns with a variety of elegant curves. Five groups, or sub-families, may be distinguished: Bovinae, Antelope, Caprinae, Cephalophinae and Antilocapridae. The sub-family Bovinae comprises most of the larger bovids, including the African bongo, and nilgae, eland, bison and cattle. Unlike most other bovids they are all non-territorial. The ancestors of the various species of domestic cattle banteng, gaur, yak and water buffalo are generally rare and endangered in the wild, while the auroch (the ancestor of the domestic cattle of Europe) is
