


















1. 上下文的一致性,也就是时态,语态的一致以及代词,名词, 单复数的一致.

2. 从语法,习惯搭配甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑.












重现改写原则: 行文中的词语重复替换现象不可避免,某一个空格对应的答案很可能是上下文中的某一个词或其同义改写

Astonishing animal behavior



Language is the most astonishing behavior in the animal kingdom. It is the

species-typical behavior that sets humans completely 1____ from all other animals. Language is a means of communication, 2____ it is much more than that. Many animals can 3____. The dance of the honeybee communicates the location of flowers 4____ other members of the hive(蜂群). But human language permits communication about anything, 5____ things like the unicorn (独角兽) that have never existed. The key 6____ in the fact that the units of meaning, words, can be 7____ together in different ways, according to 8____, to communicate different meanings.

Language is the most important learning we do. Nothing 9____ humans so much as our ability to communicate abstract thoughts, 10____ about the university, the mind, love, dreams, or ordering a drink, it is an immensely complex 11____ that we take for granted. Indeed, we are not aware of most 12____ of our speech and understanding. Consider what happens when one person is speaking to 13____. The speaker has to translate thoughts into 14____ language. Brain imaging studies suggest that the time from the thought to the 15____ of speech is extremely fast. Only 0.04 seconds! The listener must hear the sounds to 16____ out what the speaker means. He must use the sounds of speech to 17____ the words spoken, understand the pattern of 18 ____ of the words (sentences), and finally 19____ the meaning. This takes somewhat longer, a minimum of about 0.5 seconds. But 20____ started, it is of course a continuous process.

1. A. apart B. off C. up D. down

2. A. so B. but C. or D. for

3. A. transfer B. transmit C. convey D. communicate

4. A. to B. from C. over D. on

5. A. only B. almost C. even D. just

6. A. stays B. situates C. hides D. lie

7. A. stuck B. strung C. rung D. consisted

8. A. rules B. scales C. laws D. standard

9. A. combines B. contain C. defines D. declare

10. A. what B. whether C. while D. if

11. A. prospect B. progress C. process D. produce

12. A. aspects B. abstract C. angles D. assumption

13. A. anybody B. another C. other D. everybody

14. A. body B. gesture C. written D. spoken

15. A. growing B. fixing C. beginning D. building

16. A. put B. take C. draw D. figure

17. A. identify B. locate . reveal D. discover

18. A. performance B. organization C. design D. layout

19. A. prescribe B. justify C. utter D. interpret

20. A since B. after C. once D. until










1. apart,因为apart from是固定结构,表示“从…中分离出来”的意思。我们看到这类题之后要知道最重要的是空格之后紧邻的介词from。

2. but,在读懂句义的情况下表示“但是,语言不仅仅如此”。

3. communicate,因为后文中说的是很多动物交流方式的例子。

4. to,communicate和to搭配,表示对于某件事物的一个趋向。

5. even,在读懂句义的情况下我们知道作者要表达语言可以表达任意事物,甚至像独角兽这样没有存在过的想象中的事物。

6. lies,同样注意和in的搭配。

7. strung,它的原形是string,这里做动词是“串在一起”的意思。

8. rules,意思是“根据原则”。

11. process,表示一个复杂的“过程”。

12. aspects。

13. another。

14. spoken,因为上下文说的都是口头语言。

15. building,因为与“组织语言”最接近的就是这个。

16. figure,同样要注意与副词out的搭配。

17. identify,意为“确认”一个词的意思。

18. layout,很多同学都会错选organization,以为是语言组织,但显然这是用中文代入法去做,这样根本不能找到语言的感觉。

19. interpret,如果做错原因主要是不认识其它几个选项。

20. once,意为“一旦”。

Information super highway



六级完形填空的文章来源非常广泛,曾有文章选自News week和Economist等刊物。文章长度约为500至600词,从中去掉20个词,每空给出四个选项,要求考生选出最佳答案。主要考察同义近义词汇辨析、习惯表达、固定用法等。纯粹考察语法的题目越来越少。

Some historian say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower's presidency (总统任期) in the 1950s was the US interstate highway system. It was a 1_____

project, easily surpassing the scale of previous such human 2_____ as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower's interstate highways 3_____ the nation together in new ways and 4_____ major economic growth by making commerce less 5_____. Today, an information superhighway has been built – an electronic network that 6_____ libraries, corporations, government agencies and 7_____. This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, 8_____ it is the backbone (主干) of the World Wide Web.

The Internet had its 9_____ in a 1969 US Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which 10_____ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to 11_____ information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF), 12_____ mission is to promote science, took over.

This new NSF network 13____ more institutional users, many of 14_____ had their own internal networks. For example, most universities that 15_____ the NSF network had intracampus computer networks. The NSF network 16_____ became a connector for thousands of other networks. 17_____ a backbone system that interconnects networks, Internet was a name that fit.

So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure (基础设施) on which web 18_____ move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded 19_____ research network.

Today, the Internet is a user-financed system tying intuitions of many sorts together 20_____ an “information superhighway”.

1. A. concise B. radical C. massive D. trivial

2. A. behaviors B. endeavor C. inventions D. element

3. A.. packed B. stuck C. suppressed D. bound

4. A. facilitated B. modified C. mobilized D. terminated

5. A. competitive B. comparative C. exclusive D. expensive

6. A. merges B. connect C. relays D. unifie

7. A. figures B. personalitie C. individuals D. human

8. A. and B. yet C. or D. while

9. A. samples B. source C. origins D. precedent

10. A. stood by B. stood for C. stood against D. stood over

11. A. exchange B. bypass C. switch D. interact

12. A. their B. that C. when D. whose

13. A. expanded B. contracted C. attracted D. extended

14. A. what B. which C. these D. them

15. A. joined B. attached C. participated D. involved

16. A. moreover B. however C. likewise D. then

17. A. With B. By C. In D. A

18. A. contexts B. sign C. messages D. leaflet

19. A. citizen B. civilian C. amateur D. resident

20. A. into B. amid C. over D. toward

Keys:1-5 CBDAD 6-10 BCACB 11-15 ADCBA 16-20 DDCAA















Never等具有否定意义的词或词组居于句首时用倒装。Never,seldom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely,not until,by no means,under no circumstances,not a bit,nowhere,not only… but also(如果该句型并列的是句子的主语则不采用倒装Not only was Churchill a statesman, but also a poet.)。The more…,the more…结构中的倒装:The more you explain, the more confused I am.


It is /was+被强调部分+that/who

这个句型应注意三方面:is,was之外没其他形式的变化;被强调部分如果是人,用who或that,其他情况用that;强调的是until 引导的时间壮语结构时,It is not until…that结构。


Should+动词原形的情形(suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request, desire, insist, require, decide, promise, resolve, argue, maintain, determine, recommend, advise, advocate, persuade 后的并与从句;important, necessary, imperative, natural, urgent, essential, appropriate, desirable, vital,

advisable, preferable, incredible,no wonder, a pity 等可以构成it is +形容词/名词+that的句型)

If或but for等引导的条件句。

Wish,if only,it is time…等的用法。










At all costs ,at all events, at intervals, at length, at the cost of, hand down, hand n hand , in addition to , in addition, in any case, in any event, in case of , in case , in charge (of), in contrast with /to, in conclusion, in consequence of , in demand, in debt, in detail, in difficulties, in favor of , in force, in hand, in honor of , in(the)light of , in the event of , in the air, in the course of , in the distance, in the face of , in no case, round the lock, on (one’s )guard, off duty, on account of , on (the/an) average, on condition (that), on (the) one hand, in/ upon one’s honor, on earth , on the basis of , on the contrary , out of control , out of breath, out of danger, out of date , under control, up to date


Account for, allow for , ask after, ask for, attach to , break in , break into , break off , break out , break through , break up , bring about , bring forth , bring forward, bring out , bring to , bring up , build up , burn out, burn up , call for , call off, call on/up, call up, call for , carry off, carry on , carry out, catch at catch on, check in, check out, check up(on), cheer up, clear away , clear up, come off, come on, come out , come round (around), come through , come to come up , count on/upon, count up , cover up , cross off/out, cut across, cut back, cut down , cut in, cut off, cut out , cut short, deal with, deep down , die down, die out……









Example original

We had a very good evening on Friday. After a meal at a very good Italian restaurant we went to a good movie. I like it because the actors were all so good and the plot was a good one as well. Afterwards we were in such a good mood that we decided to visit some good friends of ours and tell them all about our evening. They were very good about our calling round so late and I was glad that I was able to do them a good turn by mending their block while we were there.

Revised (Varied diction)

We had a very enjoyable evening on Friday. After a meal at a very romantic Italian restaurant we went to a powerful(有感染力的)movie. I like it because the actors were all so sensitive (表演细腻的, 表现力强的)and the plot was an original one as well. Afterwards we so exhilarated that we decided to visit some close friends of ours and tell them all about our evening. They were very understanding about our calling round so late and I was glad that I was able to do them a favor by mending their block while we were there.










2. 结构正确,但是整体意思不确切,信息不全或用词不当,得半分。

3. 整体意思正确,但语言有错误,得半分。

4. 整体意思完全错误,即使结构正确也不得分。


Write for success in the test






__________________________________(直到他完成使命) did he realize that he was seriously ill.

(Key: Not until he accomplished / finished the mission )

提醒:请掌握这些常用的倒装结构:Not only…but also…; so (such)…that…; not until…; neither…nor…; hardly…when…; no sooner…than…; only by /through /in


a. 定语从句

例2 (2008年12月)

Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _________________(他们至今还没有答案)

(Key: which/that they haven’t found answers to.)

提醒:关于定语从句,到目前为止所考察的均由关系代词 which/ that 等所引导,所以考生需额外留意关系副词 where/ when/ how 所引导的定语从句。

b. 状语从句

状语从句也是四级翻译中考查频率较高的句型,如真题中出现过if引导的条件状语从句(2007年6月第91题),no matter 引导的让步状语从句(2007年12月第89题和2008年6月第89题)。


a. 分词做伴随状语


______________(与我成长的地方相比) this town is more prosperous and exciting. (key: Compared with the place where I grew up)

注意,答案中除过去分词(compared with…)做伴随外,还含有where引导的定语从句。

b. 动词不定式做目的状语

例4 (2006年6月)

_____________(为了挣钱供我上学), mother often takes on more work than is good for her. (Key: In order to finance my education)



adapt to, have trouble doing, be likely to do, attribute to 等。








2017年英语四级翻译习题及答案 在翻译只能怪同学们切勿带入中文的思维,以下整理的翻译习题及答案,希望对大家复习有所帮助,更多信息请关注网! 英语四级翻译习题及答案一 冰灯(ice lantern)是中国北方广泛创作的冬季艺术品。它最初是为了照明,在寒冷的 冬夜为中国北方的农民和渔民的工作生活提供光源。后来,各种形状和大小的水晶般透 明的冰灯逐渐成为一种民间艺术,冰灯博览会(fair)成为北方特有的民俗休闲活动。黑龙 江省省会哈尔滨是中国冰雪艺术的发源地。1963年元宵节期间,哈尔滨市在公园举办了 首届冰灯博览会,几千盏冰灯和几十枝冰花展出,冰灯和冰花由简单的工具制成,如结 冰的盆和篮子。后来,大型年度冰灯博览会每年都在哈尔滨举行。 参考翻译: An ice lantern is a wintertime work of art widelycreated in north China. It was originally made forillumination, providing a light source for the life andwork of farmers and fishermen of north China oncold winter night. Later, the crystal-clear ice lanternsof all shapes and sizes gradually became a folk art and an ice lantern fair became a folkrecreational activity unique to the north. Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, is thebirthplace of Chinese ice and snow art. During the Lantern Festival in 1963,the city hosted thevery first ice lantern feir in the park, during which over a thousand ice lanterns and dozens ofice flowers made with simple tools like basins and basket for freezing were on display. Later, alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir was held each year in Harbin. 英语四级翻译习题及答案二 五行学说(the theory of five elements)是中国古代的一种物质观。五行包括金、木、水、火和土五种要素。五行学说强调整体概念,描绘了事物的结构关系和运动形式。五行学说认为宇宙万物都是基于这五种要素的运行和变化。这五个要素相互作用,不但影响到人的命运,同时也使宇宙万物循环不已。五行学说成熟干汉代 (the Han Dynasty),之后 广泛应用于中医、建筑和武术(martial arts}等领域。 四级翻译参考答案: The theory of five elements is a concept of matter inancient China. The five elements include metal, wood,water, fire, and earth. The theory of five elementsemphasizes on an overall concept, describing thestructural relationships and forms of movement ofmatters. The theory holds that everything in theuniverse is based on the movement and change of


2013年12月大学英语四级考试翻译题目 许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看,烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。 Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill bu t also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Alth ough cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Sinc e food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between ce real, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy. 信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 As China citizens attaching great importance to the rapidly development of Informati on Technology, some college even set it as a compulsory course. Regarding to this ph enomenon, people holding different views. Some people think it is not necessary, for s tudents should learn the traditional curriculum. Another part of people think it is a nee d, because China should keep pace with the times. Anyway, it is a good thing that Inf ormation Technology aroused public concern. "你要茶还是咖啡?"是用餐人常被问到的问题,许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶,相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(the qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美,如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝。也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 "Would you like tea or coffee?" That’s a question people often asked when having meal. Most westerners will choose coff ee, while the Chinese would like to choose tea. According to legend, tea was discove red by a Chinese emperor five thousand years ago, and then was used to cure disease . During the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea houses were all over the country. Tea drin king spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not until the 18th century does it s pread to Europe and America. Nowadays, tea is one of the most popular beverage in the world, and it is not only the treasure of China but also an important part of Chine se tradition and culture. 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要是用于装饰的目的。“结”在中文里意味着爱情,婚姻和团聚,中国结常常作为礼物交换或


Because conflict and disagreements are part of all close relationships, couples need to learn strategies for managing conflict in a healthy and constructive way. Some couples just avoid and deny the presence of any conflict in a relationship. however ,denying the existence of conflict results in couples failing to solve their problems at early stages ,which can then lead to even greater problems later on .Not surprisingly, expressing anger and disagreement leads to lower marital satisfaction at the beginning. However, this pattern of behavior predicts increases in marital satisfaction over time. Research suggests that working through conflicts is an important predictor of marital satisfaction. So, what can you do to manage conflict in your own relationships? First, try to understand the other p erson’s point of view and put yourself in his of her place. People who are sensitive to what their partner thinks and feels experience greater relationship satisfaction. For example, researchers found that among people in dating relationships as well as marriages, those who can adopt their partner’s p erspective show more positive emotions more relationship-enhancing attributes and more constructive responses to conflict. Second, because conflict and disagreements are an inevitable part of close relationships. People need to be able to apologize to their partner for wrongdoing and receive forgiveness from their parents for their own acts. Apologies minimize conflict, lead to forgiveness, and serve to restore relationship closeness. In line with this view, spouses who are more forgiving show higher mental quality over time. Increasingly, apologizing can even have positive health benefits. For example, when people reflect on hurtful memories and grudges,they show negative physiological effects, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, compared to when they reflect on sympathetic perspective-taking and forgiving. 67.A)resolve B)regret C)abandon D)avoid 68. A)Besides B)Therefore C)Moreover D)However 69. A)trying B)declining C)failing D)striving 70. A)ages B)years C)stages D)intervals 71. A)on B)by C)off D)away 72. A)prescribes B)protests C)proves D)predicts 73. A)round B)amid C)among D)through 74. A)so B)while C)but D)and 75. A)sensitive B)superior C)exclusive D)efficient 76. A)expose B)experience C)explore D)exploit 77. A)as long as B)as far as C)as well as D)as soon as 78. A)minds B)emotions C)psychology D)affection 79. A)to B)against C)at D)toward 80. A)absolute B)inevitable C)essential D)obvious 81. A)require B)inquire C)receive D)achieve 82. A)over B)with C)up D)of 83. A)quality B)identity C)charity D)capability 84. A)creative B)positive C)objective D)competitive 85. A)prospects B)concepts C)memories D)outlooks 86. A)added B)toughened C)strengthened D)increased


翻译大纲样题: 中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。Chinese New Year, known as Spring Festival in China, is the most important one among all traditional Chinese festival.新年的庆祝活动从除夕开始 一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festival),即从农历(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。New Year celebrations start on Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month in Chinese lunar calendar, and last to the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the first month (of the next year).各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from

place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.为驱厄运、迎 好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们 还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets),对联的主题为健康、发财 和好运。其他的活动还有放鞭炮、发红 包和探访亲友等。People also stick the red couplets on the door which topics are health, wealth, and fortune, and do other activities such as setting off firework, sending red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends. 首先,这段关于中国春节的小文章 难词较多,比如“传统”、“庆祝活动”、“除夕”、“延续”、“习俗”、“年夜饭”、“厄运”、“大扫除”“主题”、“放鞭炮”、“发红包”等等, 这些词有的比较抽象,有的不太常见, 或者有的是中国特有的说法,英文中没


一、翻译的标准 严复:信、达、雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance—忠实于原文;译文通顺易懂;译文展示出风采) 二、汉译英常用方法和技巧 与词有关的翻译方法包括: 直译和意译 词义的选择 词的增补与省略 词类转义法 重复法 正说反译法和反说正译法 分句法和合句法 直译和意译 首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。意译也不是胡译、乱译,而是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整。 例 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 直译:Our friends are all over the world. 意译:We have friends all over the world. 直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。总之,选择直译还是意译,应该根据文章具体需要而定,两种译法可以并用。 能直译则直译 例 原文:爱是耐心和善良;爱不是妒忌和吹嘘;爱不是傲慢和粗鲁。 译文: Love is patience and kindness; love is not jealous and boast; love is not

arrogance and rudeness. 原文:你们要八仙过海,各显其能,完成这项工作。 译文:You should display your special prowess like eight immortals ( in Chinese legend) crossing the sea, to fulfill this task. 必须意译 例 原文:怕什么呢死了张屠夫,还有李屠夫,人多得很。 直译:If Butcher Zhang dies, there’s Butcher Li yet. 译文:What are you afraid of He is not the only pebble on the beach. 意译效果比直译好 例 原文:她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它吞了下去。 译文:She was afraid of being turned down / snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came up to her lips. 词义的选择 汉译英的过程就是寻找适当的英语词、词组和句型来重新表达汉语原文的思想的过程。正确的选词是保证译文质量的重要前提。词的选择主要从以下两个方面着手。 一、根据上下文正确理解原文的词义 词的正确选择首先取决于对原文词义的确切理解,而这又取决于对原文上下文的推敲。在具体运用中,词义往往随着语言情境而千变万化,因此,我们必须熟悉词在运用中的灵活变化,才有可能选择出等值词或近值词。 英语词汇在翻译成汉语时也需要根据具体的语言环境选择适当的词义,因为汉语也有丰富的同义表达法。 二、辨析词义和正确选词 (一)注意词的广义和狭义 词义有广狭之分,运用范围也就各不相同。


一四级英语每日练习 Passage 1 It is well known that teenage boys tend to do better 1)______ math than girls, that male high school students are more likely than their female counterparts 2)______ advanced math courses like calculus, that virtually all the great mathematicians 3)______ men. Are women born with 4)______ mathematical ability? Or does society's sexism slow their progress? In 1980, two Johns Hopkins University researchers tried 5)______ the eternal nature/nurture debate. Julian Stanley and Camilla Benbow 6)______ 10,000 talented seventh and eighth graders between 1972 and 1979. Using the Scholastic Aptitude Test, in which math questions are meant to measure ability rather than knowledge, they discovered 7)______ sex differences. 8)______ the verbal abilities of the males and females 9)______ differed, twice as many boys as girls scored over 500 (on a scale of 200 to 800) on mathematical ability; at the 700 level, the ratio was 14 to 1. The conclusion: males have 10)______ superior mathematical reasoning ability. Benbow and Stanley's findings, 11)______ were published in "Science", disturbed some men and 12)______ women. Now there is comfort for those people in a new study from the University of Chicago that suggests math 13)______ not, after all, a natural male domain. Prof. Zalman Usiskin studied 1,366 tenth graders. They were selected from geometry classes and tested on their ability to solve geometry proofs, a subject requiring 14)______ abstract reasoning and spatial ability. The conclusion 15)______ by Usiskin: there are no sex differences in math ability. 1. A. at B. to C. of D. about 2. A. in tackling B. tackling C. to tackle D. about tackling 3. A. might be B. have been C. must be D. had been 4. A. smaller B. less C. fewer D. not more 5. A. to settle B. to set C. settling D. setting 6. A. were tested B. have tested C. were testing D. had tested 7. A. distinct B. instinct C. remote D. vague 8. A. Since B. However C. As D. While 9. A. scarcely not B. virtually C. largely D. hardly 10. A. superficially B. universally C. inherently D. initially 11. A. as B. that C. which D. all 12. A. few B. not a few C. not few D. quite few 13. A. be B. were C. was D. is 14. A. none of B. neither of C. either D. both 15. A. got B. gained C. reached D. accomplished Passage 2 We all know that a magician does not really depend on "magic" to perform his tricks, but on his ability to act at great speed. 16)______, this does not prevent us from enjoying watching a magician 17)______rabbits from a hat. 18)______ the greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini who died in 1926. Houdini mastered the art of 19)______. He could free himself from the tight test knots or the most complicated locks in seconds. 20)______ no one really knows how he


2 015年6月13日全国大学英语四级翻译真题及答案 大米 在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多数种植水稻,人们通常以大米为食;而华北大部分地区因为过于寒冷或过于干燥,无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。 In the mind of Westerners,Chinese people have the closest connection to rice,basic food for the Chinese.For a long time,rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet.There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice".People in south China plant and live on rice,while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread,while most people make steamed bread and noodles with flour. xx 中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到20年建成的一个太空站。目前,中国是世界最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011年,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。 快递 据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。


英语四级历年真题汉译英讲解 第一题(外国直接投资): 商务部(Ministry of Commerce)最近发布的数据表明,在中国的外国直接投资(foreign Direct Investment,FDI)保持稳定增长。中国已经成为外国直接投资首选地。中央政府采取了一系列促进外国投资的扶持措施,这样既促进了经济增长,又贏得了国内外投资者的信心。商务部正在研究措施,进一步改善外商投资管理机制,创建一个透明和公平的竞争环境。世界银行(World Bank)也高度评价中国吸引外国直接投资所取得的成就。 表达难点: 1.第1句中的定语“商务部最近发布的”较长,故将其处理后置定语,用分词短语 recently released by theMinistry of Commerce 来表达。 2.第3句中的“这样既促进了经济增长,又贏得了国内外投资者的信心”,可用 which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,which指代前面“中央政府采用了一系列促进外国投资的扶持措施”这一做法。“既……又……”在英语中的对等结构为both...and,其中both可省略。 3.第4句中的“进一步改善外商投资管理机制,创建一个透明和公平的竞争环境” 为表并列的两个目的,可将其译作两个不定式短语作状语 “to further improve... and (to) create...”,用and连接时后一个不定式的to可以省略。“外商投资管理机制”的中心词为管理机制 management mechanism,翻译时可在其后采用“of+名词”的形式构成名词所有格,对其进行补充说明,表示“……的”。 4.最后一句中的定语“中国吸引外国直接投资所取得的”用in引导的介词短语 in attracting Foreign DirectInvestment来表示在哪个方面所取得的成就。 而“中国”则作为形容词置于“成就”前面,这样比较符合英语的表达习惯。 资所取得的成就。 参考译文 The statistics recently released by the Ministry of Commerce showe d that Foreign DirectInvestment in China maintained steady growth . China has become the top destination for FDI.The central govern ment adopted a series of supportive measures to facilitate foreigni nvestment, which strengthened economic growth and won the co nfidence of investors athome and abroad. The Ministry of Commerc e is working on measures to further improve themanagement mech anism of foreign investment and create a transparent and fair co mpetitionenvironment. The World Bank also spoke highly of Chin a's achievements in attracting ForeignDirect Investment. 第二题(孙子兵法): 孙武是春秋末期(the late Spring and Autumn Period)杰出的军事家(strategist)。他所著的《孙子兵法》(Sun Zi's Art of War)是中国古代最著名的兵书,也是世界上现存最早的兵书。《孙子兵法》现存13篇,共6000字。在这不长的篇幅中,孙武全面论述了自己对战争的看法,提出了诸如知彼知己、集中优势兵力打败敌人等许多作战思想。《孙子兵法》已被译为多种文字,在世界上也享有很高的声誉。 表达难点:


很多同学都认为四级翻译最重要的是词汇,我们不能否认四级翻译中词汇的重要性,但是最重要的还应该是句式。一个好的句式能瞬间提升阅卷老师的印象,分数提高一 个档次。下面我们就结合例题来为大家讲解一下。 1.四级段落翻译技巧:修饰后置 例题: 做秘书是一份非常复杂的需要组织、协调和沟通能力的工作。 Being a secretary is a very complex job which needs the ability to organize, coordinate and communicate. 分析:本句中“非常复杂的需要组织、协调和沟通能力”是修饰工作的,所以修 饰部分放在后面用which引导定语从句。同学们在备考时也要注意,不要逐字翻译进 行单词的罗列,一定注意句式分开层次。 2.四级段落翻译技巧:插入语 插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考(微博)的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构 仍然完整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。 插入语真题重现: 中国结(the Chinese knot)最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已 经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。 The Chinese knot,originally invented by craftsman, has become an elegant and colorful art and craft after hundred years of improvement. 分析:本句中“最初是由手工艺人发明的”是对中国结的补充说明,将它删掉之 后主句依然完整,故在译文中将其作为插入语。 3.四级段落翻译技巧:非限定性从句 非限定性定语从句起补充说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,在非限定性定 语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开,如若将非限定性定语从句放在句子中间,其前后都需 要用逗号隔开。 非限定从(样题重现):


10.6电子商务这个术语指的是所有商业交易在互联网上进行,包括消费者和商业交易的交易。从概念上讲,电子商务没有区别,如电话银行商业知名产品,“邮购”目录,或者发送一个采购订单通过传真。电子商务是用于其他商业交易相同的模型;不同之处在于细节。 一个消费者,电子商务的最明显的形式包括在线订购。一个客户从一个可能的项目目录,选择一个项目,安排付款形式,并发送命令。而不是一个物理目录,电子商务将成为互联网上的可见的目录。而不是发送对文件或通过电话订购,电子商务安排订单将超过计算机网络。最后,而不是发送支付如支票一纸表示,电子商务可以发送付款信息电子化。 在十年后1993,电子商务的增长从新颖的一个微不足道的(新奇事物)为主流业务的影响。1993,一些公司有一个网页,只有少数可以订购产品或服务在线。十年后,大型和小型企业的网页,和大多数用户提供机会的订单。此外,许多银行加入在线访问,和网上银行和支付账单成为普遍现象。更重要的是,商品和服务在互联网上获得的值在1997大幅增长。 09.12今天发表的一项新的人口研究报告表明:老年人要想不成为社会的负担,继续发挥余热,就必须有更多学习机会。 该报告声称:现在的教育方法倾向于年轻人和技能性训练,难以应对人口结构变化的挑战。占人口总数三分之一的老年人只占有百分之一的教育预算。 这些挑战包括:多数人三分之一的生命将在退休后度过;五十九岁以上人数高于十六岁以下人数;一千一百三十万人达到了国家法定领取退休金年龄。 报告的作者史蒂芬?迈克威尔教授说:“学习应该贯穿人生的整个过程,我们以前的政策重心和资源配置更多偏重于年轻人,难以适应新的需求。 绝大多数教育预算集中在二十五岁以下的年轻人身上。当今社会,由于人们工作和居住地不断变化,生活伴侣和生活方式也不断更新,处在各种年龄段的人们都渴望重新学习的机会。”例如,该报告指出有些人到了五十多岁又重新开始创业。 人们需要一个“中年回首”的机会来适应以后的工作生涯,规划退休后的角色转化。这种转化可以发生在五十岁到九十多岁的漫长时间内。应该有更多的资金来保证人们塑造个性和在“第三年龄段”发挥建设性作用。 09.6 kimiyuki苏达应为日本汽车制造商的一个完善的客户。他是一个年轻的,在东京的一个互联网服务公司的成功执行和有足够的可支配收入。他用自己的丰田海拉克斯冲浪,越野车。但现在他主要采用地铁和谷物。“这并没有带来任何不便,”他说,“此外,拥有一辆车


87.The substance does not dissolve in water ________________(不管是否加热)。 88.Not only _______________(他向我收费过高),but he didn’t do a good repair job either. 89. Y our losses in trade this year are nothing ____________________(与我的相比)。 90. On average, it is said, visitors spend only _____________________(一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London. 91. By contrast, American mothers were more likely____________________ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. 参考答案: 87. whether (it is) heated or not 测试点:whether引导让步状语从句;类似no matter (how/what/who/where)从句 88. Not only did he charge me too much或Not only did he overcharge me 测试点:Not only…but also 用法(倒装);类似as, neither… nor, not until 等易产倒装结构 89. compared with mine 或in comparison with mine 测试点:固定短语搭配be compared with/ in comparison with 90. half as much(money) 测试点:结构as much/many as扩展用法;类似比较级、最高级、同级比较用法。倍数的表达“A+谓语+倍数+as+计量形容词原形+as+B, “一半”用half 表示” 91. to attribute/ascribe their children’s success to 测试点:固定短语be (more) likely to (该短语考了不下三次);类似it is likely that…及与possible,probable区别。 06.6 87 Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble ______(找到去历史博物馆的路). 88 __________(为了挣钱供我上学), Mother often takes on more work than is good for her. 89 The professor required that __________________(我们交研究报告)。 90 The more you explain, _________________(我愈糊涂). 91 Though a skilled worker, _______________(他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis. 参考答案 87. finding the way to the history museum 测试点:固定短语搭配have (no) trouble (in) doing sth. 88. In order to support my university studies (或:to finance my education;to pay for my education/to pay my tuition fees) 测试点:表示目的短语+特殊表达。 89. we(should) hand in our/the research report(s) 测试点:虚拟语气(命令要求类动词)+“上交”表达。 90. the more confused I am 测试点:特殊句型the more… the more +“糊涂”的准确表达 91. he was fired by the company 测试点:主从句判断+“解雇”表达 06.12 87. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to___(适应不同文化中的生活) 88. Since my childhood I have found that ___________(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) 89. The victim___________ (本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.
