



preffixes Meaning Examples Direction Hyper- over,above,excessive hypertension 高血压Ab- from,away from abnormal 异常

Ad- to, toward,near adhesion 粘连

Peri- around,surrounding pericaridium 心包Quality Mal- ill,bad,poor malnutrition 营养不良Ant(i)- against antibacterial 抗菌

Hypo- deficient hypothyroid 甲减的Quantity Bi- two bilateral 两侧的Tri- three triamylose 葡萄三聚糖

Poly- many,much polycystic 多囊的Type Aut(o)- self autologous 自体的Bio- life biopsy 活组织检查

Phon(o)- sound,voice phonocardiography 心音描记术Position Hypo- under,beneath hypodermic 皮下的Post- after,behind postpartum 产后的

Pro- before,in front of procephalic 头前部的

Sub- under,below subcutaneous 皮下的

Retro- behind,backward retroversion 后倾症

Inter- between,among interscapular 肩胛间的

Ex- out (of),away from excision 切除

Intra- in,within intraoperative 手术中的

Intro- into introinjection 内向投射

Pre- before prepyloric 幽门前的

extra- outside (of) extravasation 外渗

The musculoskeletal system

Prefixes Meaning Examples Ankyl(o)- crooked or stiff ankylotic 关节强硬地Anthr(o)- joint(articulation) articular 关节的Brachi(o)- arm brachium 肱Cervic(o)- neck cervical 颈部的Chondr(o)- cartilage chondral 软骨的Cost(o)- rib intercostal 肋间的Crani(o)- skull cranial 颅的Dactyl(o)- digit(finger or toe) dactylomegaly巨蹼分离术Fasci(o)- fascia(a band) faciodesis 筋膜固定术Femor(o)- femur femoral 股骨的Fibr(o)- fiber fibrous 纤维的Kyph(o)- humpback kyphosis 驼背的Lei(o)- smooth leiomyoma 平滑肌瘤Lord(o)- bent lordosis 脊柱前弯症

Lumb(o)- loin(lower back) lumbar 腰的Myel(o)- (bone) marrow myelitis 骨髓炎My(o)- muscle myalgia 肌痛Myos(o)- muscle myositis 肌炎Musculo(o)- muscle muscular 肌的Oste(o)- bone osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Patell(o)- knee cap patellar 膝盖骨的Pelv(i)- pelvic(cavity) pelvic 骨盆的Radi(o)- radius radial 桡骨Rhabd(o)- rod rhabdomyoma 横纹肌瘤Sarc(o)- flesh sarcoma 肉瘤Scoli(o)- twisted scoliosis 脊柱侧凸Spondyl(o)- vertebra spondylitis 脊椎炎Stern(o)- sternum(breastbone) sternocostal 胸肋的Ten(o)- tendon(to stretch) tenodesis 肌腱固定术Tendin(o)- tendon tendonitis 腱炎Thorac(o)- chest thoracic 胸的Ton(o)- tone or tension myotonia 肌强直Uln(o)- ulna ulnar 尺骨的Vertebr(o)- vertebra vertebral 椎骨的

The nervous system

preffixes Meaning Examples Arthr(o)- articulation dysarthria 构音困难Cerebell(o)- cerebellum(little brain) cerebellar 小脑的Cerebr(o)- cereberum(largest part of brain) cerebrotomy脑切开术Comat(o)- deep sleep comatose 昏迷Crani(o)- skull cranium 头盖骨Dur(o)- dura mater subdural 硬模下的Encephal(o)- brain encephalasthenia 脑衰弱Esthesi(o)- sensation hyperesthesia 感觉过敏Gangli(o)- ganglion(knot) ganglioneuroma 神经节细胞瘤Gli(o)- neuroglia gliomas 神经胶质瘤Gnos(o)- knowing gnosis 灵知Hypn(o)- sleep hypnosis 催眠状态Lept(o)- thin,slender leptomeningitis 柔脑膜炎Lex(o)- word or phase dyslexia 诵读困难Mening(o)- menbranes meningocele 脑(脊)膜突出Meningi(o)- meninges meningitis 脑膜炎Narc(o)- stupor,sleep narcotic 麻醉药Neur(o)- nerve neuralgia 神经痛Phob(o)- exaggerated fear phobia 恐惧症Phren(o)- mind schizophrenia 精神分裂症Pont(o)- pons cerebellopontine 小脑脑桥Psych(o)- mind psychotic 精神病

Radicul(o)- nerve foot radiculopathy 神经病根病Schiz(o)- split schizoid 精神分裂症的Somn(i)- sleep somnific 催眠的Somat(o)- corps somatesthesia 躯体感觉Spin(o)- spine(thorn) spinal 脊髓的Tax(o)- order,coordination ataxia 共济失调Thalam(o)- thalamus thalamic 丘脑的Thec(o)- sheath intrathecal 鞘内的Thym(o)- corps dysthymia 精神抑郁Vag(o)- vagus nerve vagal 迷走神经的

The circulatory system

preffixes Meaning Examples Angi(o)- vessel angiogram 心血管照影术Aort(o)- aorta aortic stenosis 主动脉狭窄Arter(o)- artery arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化Ather(o)- fatty substance atheroma 动脉粥样化Atrei(o)- heart chamber atrioventricular 房室的Cardi(o)- heart cardiomegaly 心肥大Coron(o)- crown coronary artery冠状动脉Hem(o)- blood hemoglobin 血红蛋白Hemat(o)- blood hematopericardium 心包积血Pericardi(o)- pericardium pericardiocentesis 心包穿刺Phleb(o)- vein phelbitis 静脉炎Rhythm(o)- rhythm arrhythmia 心律不齐Sphygm(o)- pulse sphygmomanometer 血压计Steth(o)- chest stethoscope 听诊器Thromb(o)- clot thrombolysis 血栓溶解Valvul(o)- valve valvuloplasty 瓣膜成形术Vas(o)- vessel vasoconstriction 血管收缩Vascul(o)- vessel vascular 脉管的Ven(o)- vein venous 静脉的Ventricul(o)- lower heart chamber ventriculotomy 心室切开术Cor(o)- circle or crown coronary 冠状的Isch(o)- deficiency ischemia 局部缺血Brady- slow bradycardia 心动过缓Tachy- fast tachycardia 心动过速Electr(o)- electricity electrocardiogram 心电图

The respiratory system

preffixes Meaning Examples Alveoli(o)- alveolus,air sac alveolar 肺泡的Bronch(o)- bronchus bronchodilation 支气管扩张Bronchi(o)- bronchiole bronchiolitis 细支气管炎Cyan(o)- blue cyanosis 发绀Laryng(o)- larynx laryngospasm 喉痉挛

Lob(o)- lobe of lung lobectomy 叶切除术Mediastin(o)- mediastinum mediastinoscopy 纵膈镜检查Nas(o)- nose nasogastric 鼻胃的Orth(o)- straight orthopnea 端坐呼吸Ox(o)- oxygen hypoxia 缺氧Pector(o)- chest expectoration 咳出Pharyng(o)- pharynx pharyngeal 咽的Phon(o)- voice dysphonia 发声困难Phren(o)- diaphragm phrenic 膈的Pleur(o)- pleura pleurotomy 胸膜切开术Pneum(o)- lung,air pneumonia 肺炎Pulm(o)- lung pulmometry 肺容量测定Rhin(o)- nose rhinorrhea 鼻液溢Sinus(o)- sinus sinusitis 鼻窦炎Spir(o)- breathing spirometer 肺活量计Thorac(o)- chest thoracotomy 胸廓切开术Tonsil(o)- tonsils tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术Trache(o)- trachea tracheospasm 气管痉挛

The Digestive Syestem

preffixes Meaning Examples an(o)- anus transanal经肛的cec(o)- cecum cecoptosis盲肠下垂chol(o)- bile,gall cholelith 胆石cholangi(o)- common bile duct cholangiogram胆管照影照片choledoch(o)- bile duct choledochal胆总管的cholecyst(o)- gallbladder cholecystalgia胆绞痛col(o),colon(o)- colon colocentesis结肠穿刺术duoden(o)- duodenum duodenoscopy十二指肠镜检查enter(o)- intestine parenteral非肠道的esophag(o)- esophagus esophageal食管的gastr(o)- stomach gastroparesis胃轻瘫hepat(o)- liver hepatocyte 肝细胞ile(o)- ileum ileectomy 回肠切除术jejun(o)- jejunum jejunotomy空肠切开术labi(o)- lip libiodental唇齿的lingu(o)- tongue sublingual舌下的odont(o)- tooth,teeth odontolysis牙质溶解or(o)- mouth perioral口周的palat(o)- palate palatorrhaphy腭裂修复术pharyng(o)- pharynx pharyngoglossal咽舌的pancreat(o)- pancreas pancreatolysis胰组织破坏proct(o)- rectum proctopexy直肠固定术pylor/o- pylorus pylorostenosis幽门狭窄rect(o)- retum rectocele直肠脱出

sigmoid(o)- sigmoid colon sigmoidoscope乙状结肠镜stomo,stomat(o)- mouth stomoschisis口裂

The Urinary System

Prefixes Meaning Examples Urin(o)- urine urinary 泌尿的Nephr(o)- kidney nephritis肾炎Ren(o)- kidney renal肾的Ureter(o)- ureter ureterscopy输尿管造口术Vesic(o)- bladder vesicorectal膀胱直肠的Cyst(o)- bladder cystography膀胱照影术Meat(o)- urethra meatoplasty尿道成形术Urethr(o)- urethra urethral 尿道的Erythr(o)- red erythrocyte红细胞End(o)- inside endocellular细胞内的Para- beside paranephric肾旁的Peri- around perinephritis肾周炎Pyel(o)- renal pelvis pyelonephritis肾盂肾炎Pelvi- renal pelvis pelviscopy肾盂检查术Glomerul(o)- glomerulus glomerulitis肾小球炎

The immune system

Prefixes Meaning Examples Allerg(o)- oversensitivity allergen 变应原Anaphylact(o)- anaphylaxis anaphylatoxin 过敏毒素Antigen(o)- antigen antigenotherapy 抗原疗法Cerebr(o)- brain cerebrospinal 脑脊髓的Humor(o)- liquid humoralism 体液学说Immun(o)- immunity immunology 免疫学Lymph(o)- lymph lymphoma 淋巴瘤Macr(o)- large macrocyte 巨红细胞Malari- malaria malariology 疟疾学Muc(o)- mucus mucoprotein 粘蛋白Necr(o)- death necrosis 坏死Parasit(o)- parasite parasitemia 寄生虫血症Prot(o)- beginning protooncogene 原癌基因Splen(o)- spleen spleenic 脾的thyme(o)- thymus thymocyte 胸腺细胞


Preffixes Meaning Examples Anthrp(o)- human anthropotomy 人体解剖Bio- life bioactivator 生物活性剂Conduct(o)- conduction conductivity 传导性Gen(o)- gene genecoversion基因转变Hemo- blood hemocytoblast 成血细胞Hidr(o)- sweating hidropoiesis 汗分泌

Hist(o)- tissue histochemistry组织化学Humor(o)- liquid humorism 体液学说Hypn(o)- sleep hypnotherapy 催眠疗法Lacrim(o)- tear lacrimotomy 泪囊切开术Lact(o)- milk lactation 哺乳Matur- maturation maturity 成熟Nutri(o)- nutrition nutriology 营养学Physi(o)- nature physiology 生理学Potenti(o)- potential potentiality 潜在性Rhythm(o)- rhythm cacorhythmic 节律不齐的Ser(o)- serum serodiagnosis 血清学诊断Somn(o/i)- sleep insomnia 失眠Splen(o)- spleen splenatrophy 脾萎缩Troph(o)- nutrition trophoblast 滋养层


Preffixes Meaning Examples Cyt(o)- cell cytoanatomy 细胞解剖学Fibr(o)- fiber fibroblast 成纤维细胞Hist(o)- tissue histology 组织学Men(o)- menstruation menopathy 月经病Lamin(o)- layer laminogram 体层照片Mit(o)- thread mitochondria 线粒体Ovari(o)- ovary ovaritis 卵巢炎Placent(o)- placenta placentitis 胎盘炎Port(o)- door portography 门静脉造影术Sarc(o)- flesh sarcoma 肉瘤Sin(o)- sinus sinoatrial 窦房的Thec(o)- sheath thecoplasm 鞘质Kary(o)- nucleus karyochrome 核染色细胞

Cloning and Genes

Preffixes Meaning Examples All(o)- other,different allogenic 异源的Andr(o)- male androgen 雄激素Chrom(o)- color lysosome 溶酶体Eu- good eugenics 优生学Gen(o)- gene genetics 遗传学Gynec(o)- female gynecology 妇科学Heter(o)- other,different heteronuclear 异核的Hom(o)- same homopolymer 同聚体Iso- equal isomorphous 同形的Multi- many,much multinuclear 多核的Ov(o)- egg ovogenesis 卵子发生Ovari(o)- ovary ovariocentesis 卵巢穿刺术Poly- many,much polygenic 多基因的

Semin(o)- seed,sperm seminology 精液学Syn- with,together syngenic 同基因的


Preffixes Meaning Examples Aut(o)- self autolysis 自溶 autograft 自体移植Carcin(o)- cancer carcinoma 癌 carcinogen 致癌物Fluor(o)- fluorine fluoride 氟化物 flurooscopy 荧光镜检查Hist(o)- tissue histolysis 组织溶解 histology 组织学Immun(o)- immune immunity 免疫 immunoassay 免疫测定Meta- along with metastasis 转移 metaplasia 化生My(o)- muscle myoatropy 肌萎缩 myocardium 心肌Myc(o)- fungus mycosis真菌病 erythromycin 红霉素Necr(o)- dead body necrosis 坏死 necrotic 坏死的Nucle(o)- nucleus nuclear 核的 nucleoplasm 核质Olig(o)- few,little oligoclone 寡克隆 oliguria 少尿Path(o)- illness pathology 病理学 pathogen 致病菌Poli(o)- grey poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 polioencephalitis脑灰质炎Pylor(o)- pylorus pylorospasm 幽门痉挛 pyloric 幽门的


Preffixes Meaning Examples Anti- against antibiotic抗生素Contr(o)- against controindication禁忌症Multi- many,muth multicell多细胞体Nar(o)- numbness nacrosis麻醉Olig(o)- few,less obligemia血量减少Pharmoc(o)- drug pharmocology药理学Toxic(o)- poison toxicology毒理学Py(o)- pus pyoarthrosis关节积脓


Preffixes Meaning Examples A(n)- not,without anemia 贫血 aborticide 堕胎药Anti- against antigen 抗原 antibody 抗体Bacilli(o)- bacillus bacillosis 杆菌病bacilluria杆菌尿Bacteri(o)- bacteria bacterium细菌 bacteriolysin溶菌素Bi(o)- life biopsy 活检 biocide 杀菌剂Chromo- pigment cytochrome细胞色素chromosome染色体Enter(o)- intestine enteritis肠炎 enterococcus肠球菌Eti(o)- cause etiology病因学 etiotropic 针对病因Fungi- fungus fungicide 杀真菌剂 fungistasis 制霉菌作用Gen(o)- gene genome 基因genetics 遗传学Gluc(o)- glucose glucoprotein糖蛋白 glucocorticoid糖皮质激素Hepat(o)- liver hepatitis 肝炎 hepatocele 肝突出Heter(o)- different heterogamete异形配子 heteroimmunity异种免疫Hom(o)- same homogenic 同体的homograft 同种移植的

Onc(o)- tumor oncogene 致癌基因oncology 肿瘤学

Path(o)- disease pathogen 病原体 pathology 病理学

A survey of medicine

Preffixes Meaning Examples

Aden(o)- gland adenine 腺嘌呤 adenocarcinoma 腺癌

Aesthesi(o)- feeling aesthetics 美学 anaesthesia 麻醉

Cephal(o)- head cephalosporin头孢菌素megacephaly巨头畸形

Chol(o)- bile choleric 胆汁质的 cholecyst 胆囊

Electr(o)- electron electroencephalogram 脑电图

Nan(o)- millimicro nanometer 纳米 nanodosimetry 超微计量学

Phil(o)- love hemophilus 嗜血杆菌 philosophy 哲学

Steth(o)- chest stethoscope 听诊器 stethoscopy 听诊法

Trans- across transaminase 转氨酶 transcription 转录

Suffixes of medical English

Suffixes Meaning Examples -able 能 palpable可触知的

-algia,algesia 痛 odontalgia牙痛 analgesia 痛觉消失

-ant 剂 disinfectant消毒剂

-ase 酶 amylase淀粉酶

-asthenia 衰弱,无力 neurasthenia神经衰弱 myasthenia肌无力

-ate 盐 carbonate碳酸盐 sulfate硫酸盐

-blast 母细胞 fibroblast成纤维母细胞

-cardia 心 bradycardia心动徐缓

-cele 肿物 hydrocele鞘膜积液,水囊肿

-centesis 穿刺术 thoracentesis胸腔穿刺术

-chrom 色素 cytochrome细胞色素

-cide kill germicide 杀菌剂

-clast 破裂 osteoclast破骨细胞

-clone clone monoclone 单克隆

-clysis 灌洗 coloclysis结肠灌洗

-coccus coccus streptococcus 链球菌

-crine 分泌 paracrine旁分泌

-cyst 囊 cholecyst胆囊

-cyte 细胞 granulocyte粒细胞

-derma 皮 erythroderma红皮病

-duplicate double metaredupliccate 中期增值

-dynia 痛 osteodynia骨痛 acrodynia肢痛症

-ectasis 扩张 gastrectasis胃扩张

-ectomy 切除术 appendectomy阑尾切除术

-emia 血症 bacteremia菌血症

-ent 剂 incipient赋形剂

-esthesia 感觉 paresthesia感觉异常 anesthesia麻醉

-fast 耐,抗 acid-fast耐酸的,抗酸的

-form 形 piriform梨状

-fuge 驱除剂 vermifuge驱虫剂-gamy marriage heterogamy 异配增值-gen 原 pepsinogen胃蛋白酶原-geneis 发生,形成 spermatogenesis精子发生-gony 生殖 gametogony配子生殖-gram 图,照片 cardiaogram心动图 radiogram放射照片-graph 扫描器,照片 electrocardiaograph心电图机-graphy 照相术,描计数 radiography 放射照相术-ia 病理状态 anoxia 缺氧症-iasis 病 amebiasis阿米巴病-ide 化物 iodiode碘化物-in 剂 insulin 胰岛素-ism 状态,中毒 metabolism botulism肉毒中毒-ite 亚……盐 sulfite亚硫酸盐-it is 炎症 epiphysitis骨骺炎 bronchitis支气管炎-lepsy seizure epilepsy 癫痫症-lith 石 nephrolith肾结石-logy 学 dermatology皮肤病学-lysis 溶解 histolysis组织溶解-malacia 软化 osteomalacia骨软化-megaly 巨大 hepatomegaly肝大-meter 表,计 sphygnomanometer血压计-metry 测量法 spirometry肺活量测定法-mimetic 拟似 cholinomimetic拟胆碱的-oid 样,类 fibrinoid纤维蛋白样的 lipoid类脂-oma 瘤 osteoma骨瘤-opia 眼 asthenopia眼疲劳-opsy examination autopsy尸体解剖 necropsy 尸体剖检-ose 糖 sucrose蔗糖-osis 病态 alkalosis碱中毒-ostomy 造口术 ventriculoatriostomy脑室心房造口术-para 产,产妇 primipara初产妇-paresis slight paralysis hemiparesis 轻偏瘫-pathy 病 nephropathy肾病-penia 减少,缺乏 leukopenia白细胞减少-pexy 固定术 enteropexy肠固定术-phage one that eats bacteriophage 噬菌体-phasia speech aphasia 失语症-phil(e) 嗜好 eosinophile嗜酸性细胞 chromophile易染的-phobia 恐怖 hydrophobia狂犬病-phylaxis prevention prophylaxis 疾病预防-plasia 生长 hyperplasia增生-plasm 形成物,质 nucleoplasm核质-plasty 成形术 rhinoplasty鼻成形术

-plegia 瘫痪 paraplegia截瘫-pnea 呼吸 dyspnea呼吸困难-poiesis 生成 erythropoiesis红细胞生成-praxia action apraxia 精神性失用症-ptosis 下垂 gastroptosis胃下垂-ptysis 咯出 hemoptysis咯血-receptor 受体 chemoreceptor 化学受体-rrhage,rrhagia 喷出,出血 hemorehage gastrorrhagia -rrhaphy 缝术 angiorrhaphy血管缝合术-rrhea 流 diarrhea腹泻-rrhexis 破裂 phleborrhexis静脉破裂-scope 镜 microscope显微镜-scopy 检查法 celioscopy腹腔镜检查法-some 小体 chromosome染色体-stasis 停滞 hemostasis止血-static 抑制的 carcinostatic 制癌的-staxis 出血 epistaxis鼻出血-sthenia strengh neurasthenia 神经衰弱症-stomy 造口术;吻合术 colostomy jejunocolostomy -thelium thelium epithelium 上皮-therapy 治疗 radiotherapy放射治疗-thorax pleural cavity hemothorax 血胸-tomy 切开术 gastrotomy胃切开术-tonia 紧张 myotonia肌紧张-tropic 对……起作用 adrenalotropic 促肾上腺的-trophy growth hypertrophy肥大 dystrophy营养不良-uria 尿 hematuria血尿-zoon,zoa(pl.) 动物 spermatozoon精子 protozoa原虫


医学英语常用前后缀·a-[无,缺] ▲anemia[贫血] ▲atonia[无力] ▲asymptomatic[无症状的] ▲amenorrhea[闭经] ·ab-[分离] ▲abduct [外展] ▲abscision[切除] ·acou (acu)-[听觉] ▲acumeter [听力计] ▲acouophone[助听器] ·acro-[肢端] ▲acromegaly[肢端肥大症] ▲acromastitis[乳头炎] ·ad (af, an)-[邻近,向上] ▲adrenal [肾上腺] ▲adaxial[近轴的] ▲annexa[附件] ·-ad[……侧] ▲ventrad[向腹侧] ▲cephalad[向头侧] ·adeno-[腺] ▲adenocyte[腺细胞] ▲adenoidism[腺体病] ·adipo-[脂肪] ▲adiposis[肥胖症] ▲adiponecrosis[脂肪坏死] ·adreno-[肾上腺] ▲adrenocorticoid[肾上腺皮质激素] ▲adrenalin[肾上腺素] ▲adrenal[肾上腺] ·-aemia(emia)[血症] ▲bacteremia[菌血症]

▲leukemia[白血病] ·-albi (albino)-[白色] ▲albumin[白蛋白] ▲albinism[白化病] ·-algesia[痛觉] ▲hypoalgesia[痛觉减退] ·-algia[痛] ▲arthralgia[关节痛] ▲cephalgia[头痛] ▲neuralgia[神经痛] ·alkali-[碱] ▲alkalosis[碱中毒] ·alveo-[牙槽,小沟] ▲alveolitis[牙槽炎] ▲alveobronchiolitis[支气管肺泡炎] ·ambi-[复,双] ▲ambiopia[复视] ▲ambivert[双重性格] ·ambly-[弱] ▲amblyopia[弱视] ▲amblyaphia[触觉迟钝] ·amylo-[淀粉] ▲amyloidosis[淀粉酶] ▲amylase[淀粉酶] ·angio-[血管] ▲angiography[血管造影术] ▲angioedema[血管性水肿] ▲angeitis[脉管炎] ▲angiofibroma[血管纤维瘤] ·ante-[前] ▲antenatal[出生前的] ▲anteflexion[前屈] ·antero-[前] ▲anterolateral[前侧壁]


英语常见前缀后缀 68189 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

前缀 1 a- 加在单词或词根前面, 表示不,无,非 2 a- 加在单词前, 表示在... ..的 3 ab-, abs- 加在词根前,表示离去,相反,变坏等 4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- 等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示一再等加强意 5 ad- 加在单词或词根前, 表示做....., 加强...... 6 amphi- 表示两个、两种 7 an- 在词根前, 表示不,无 8 ana- 表示错误,在旁边,分开 9 ante- 表示前面,先 10 anti- 表示反对,相反 11 apo- 表示离开,远离 12 auto- 表示自动、自已 13 be- 构成动词,表示使......成为 14 be- 构成一些介词 15 bene- 表示善, 好 16 bi- 表示二个, 两 17 by- 表示在旁边,副的 18 cata- 表示向下,相反,离开 19 circum- 表示环绕,周围 20 co- 表示共同,通常放元音词根前 21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前, 表示共同 22 com-, con- 表示共同 23 contra - 表示反对,相反 24 counter - 表示反对,相反 25 de- 表示去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下等 26 de- 表示使....成为,加强等 27 deca- 表示十 28 deci- 表示十分之一 29 demi- 表示半 30 di- 表示二个,双 31 di- 表示使...变成,分开,离开


常见的后缀 1. 名词后缀 (1) 具有某种职业或动作的人 1)-an, -ain, 表示"……地方的人,精通……的人”American, historian, 2)-al, 表示"具有……职务的人" principal, 3)-ant,-ent, 表示"……者” merchant, agent, servant, student, 4)-ar, 表示"……的人” scholar, liar, peddler 5)-ard, -art, 表示"做……的人”coward, laggard, b raggart(夸张者) 6)-arian, 表示"……派别的人,……主义的人”humanitarian, vegetarian 7)-ary, 表示"从事……的人" secretary, missionary 8)-ant, 表示"具有……职责的人" candidate, graduate 9)-ator, 表示"做……的人" educator, speculator(投机者) 10)-crat, 表示"某种政体,主义的支持者" democrat, bureaucrat 11)-ee, 表示"动作承受者" employee, examinee 12)-eer, 表示"从事于……人" engineer, volunteer 13)-er, 表示"从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人" banker, observer, Londoner, villager 14)-ese, 表示" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese 15)-ess, 表示"阴性人称名词,actress, hostess, manageress 16)-eur, 表示"……家” amat eur, littérateur 17)-ian, 表示"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Christian, physician(内科医生),musician 18)-ician, 表示"精通者,……家,”electrician, magician, technician 19)-icist, 表示"……家,…….者, …….能手”physicist, phoneticist, technicist 20)-ic, 表示"……者,……师" mechanic, critic 21)-ie, 表示"爱,指小" dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘) 22)-ier, 表示"从事……职业” cavalier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠) 23)-ine, ian, 表示"阴性人称" heroine, ballerina 24)-ist, 表示"从事……研究者,信仰……主义者" pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist 25)-ive, 表示"动作者,行为者” native, captive 26)-logist, 表示"……学家,研究者" biologist, geologist(地质学家) 27)-or, 表示"……者" author, doctor, operator, 28)-ster, 表示"做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster 29)-yer, 表示" 从事……职业者” lawyer (2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义 1)-acy, 表示"性质,状态,境遇" accuracy, diplomacy 2)-age, 表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称" courage, storage, marriage 3)-al, a) 表示"事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survival, denial, approval b) 表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal 4)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance, importance, diligence, difference, obedience 5)-ancy, -ency, 表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" frequency, urgency, efficiency,


学点构词法(对扩大词汇量很有帮助喔^^加油) 一. 常见的前缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 1)纯否定前缀 a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的) dis-, dishonest, dislike in-, ig-, il-, im-, ir-, incapable(无能力的、不胜任的), inability(无能), ignoble(平民的、卑贱的), impossible, immoral(不道德的), illegal(非法的、非法移民), irregular(不规则的、不合法的) ne-, n-, none, neither, never non-, nonsense neg-, neglect(忽略) un- unable, unemployment(失业) 2)表示错误的意义 male-, mal-, malfunction(故障、发生故障的), maladjustment(失调) mis-, mistake, mislead(误导) pseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience(伪科学) 3)表示反动作的意思 de-, defend(防护、防守、辩护), demodulation(解调) dis-, disarm(裁军、解除武装、缓和), disconnect(使分开,拆开) un-, unload, uncover 4)表示相反,相互对立意思 anti-, ant-, antiknock(防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction(矛盾、不一致), contraflow(逆流) counter-, counterreaction(逆反应), counterbalance(平衡、使抵消) ob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupy with-, withdraw(撤回、撤退), withstand(对抗) 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1)a- 表示“在……之上”,“向……” aboard, aside, 2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧” Bypath(侧道), bypass(弯路) 3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转” Circumstance(环境), circuit(巡回、绕路) 4)de-, 表示“在下,向下” Descend(下降、突然拜访), degrade(降格,使屈辱) 5)en-, 表示“在内,进入” Encage(把……关起来) 6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示“外部,外” Exit(出口、离去), eclipse(使……黯然失色), expand(扩张), export(出口) 7)extra-, 表示“额外”


初中英语单词最常用的328个前缀后缀 前缀 1 a- 加在单词或词根前面, 表示不,无,非 2 a- 加在单词前, 表示在..., ...的 3 ab-, abs- 加在词根前,表示相反,变坏,离去等 4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- 等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示一再等加强意 5 ad- 加在单词或词根前, 表示做....., 加强...... 6 amphi- 表示两个、两种 7 an- 在词根前, 表示不,无 8 ana- 表示错误,在旁边,分开 9 ante- 表示前面,先 10 anti- 表示反对,相反 11 apo- 表示离开,远离 12 auto- 表示自动、自已 13 be- 构成动词,表示使......成为 14 be- 构成一些介词 15 bene- 表示善, 好 16 bi- 表示二个, 两

17 by- 表示在旁边,副的 18 cata- 表示向下,相反,离开 19 circum- 表示环绕,周围 20 co- 表示共同,通常放元音词根前 21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前, 表示共同 22 com-, con- 表示共同 23 contra - 表示反对,相反 24 counter - 表示反对,相反 25 de- 表示去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下等 26 de- 表示使....成为,加强等 27 deca- 表示十 28 deci- 表示十分之一 29 demi- 表示半 30 di- 表示二个,双 31 di- 表示使...变成,分开,离开 32 dia- 表示穿过,二者之间 33 dif- 和辅音重复表示不,否定,分开 34 dis- 表示不,消失掉 35 dis- 表示分开,分离 36 dys- 表示坏,不良 37 e-, ef- 表示出,出来, 38 em-, en-, 表示进入... 之中,包围


医学英语前后缀Prepared on 21 November 2021

医学英语前后缀 a-[无,缺] anemia[贫血]atonia[无张力]asymptomatic[无症状的]amenorrhea[闭经] ab-[分离] abduct[外展]abscision[切除] acou(acu)-[听觉] acumeter[听力计]acouophone[助听器] acro-[肢端] acromegaly[肢端肥大症]acromastitis[乳头炎] ad(af,an)-[邻近,向上] adrenal[肾上腺]adaxial[近轴的]annexa[附件] -ad[……侧] ventrad[向腹侧]cephalad[向头侧] adeno-[腺] adenocyte[腺细胞]adenoidism[腺体病] adipo-[脂肪] adiposis[肥胖症]adiponecrosis[脂肪坏死] adreno-[肾上腺] adrenocorticoid[肾上腺皮质激素]adrenalin[肾上腺素]adrenal[肾上腺] -aemia(emia)[血症] bacteremia[菌血症]leukemia[白血病] -albi(albino)-[白色] albumin[白蛋白]albinism[白化病] -algesia[痛觉] hypoalgesia[痛觉减退] -algia[痛] arthralgia[关节痛]cephalgia[头痛]neuralgia[神经痛] alkali-[碱] alkalosis[碱中毒] alveo-[牙槽,小沟] alveolitis[牙槽炎]alveobronchiolitis[支气管肺泡炎] ambi-[复,双] ambiopia[复视]ambivert[双重性格] ambly-[弱] amblyopia[弱视]amblyaphia[触觉迟钝] amylo-[淀粉] amyloidosis[淀粉酶]amylase[淀粉酶] angio-[血管] angiography[血管造影术]angioedema[血管性水肿]angeitis[脉管炎] angiofibroma[血管纤维瘤] ante-[前] antenatal[出生前的]anteflexion[前屈]


2011级英语总复习 构词法-2 初中英语形容词否定前后缀语法归纳 ☆特别提醒: ◇初中阶段,形容词否定前缀大多以un-构成,除去少数几个以-less否定后缀结尾外,不是以un-否定前缀构成的形容词基本上只有7个。 即上表中以dis-, im-, in-, ir-开头的七个例词。换言之,如果把这七个词烂熟于心,那么记忆形容词否定前缀就将事半功倍。 ◇以un-开头的形容词其前面的冠词用的是an。例如:an unusual boy。 ◇dis-否定前缀除了形容词dishonest外,还常常用在动词前构成否定形式,如dislike, disagree, disappear等。 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. You will be_____________ (able) to pass the exam if you don’t study hard. 2. There are lots of ________ (common) kinds of birds in Zhalong. Many people like to go birdwatching there. 3. It is ___________ (necessary) for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park. 4. It is ___________ (important) to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects. 5. He feels _________(happy) because he lost his wallet. 6. There is a ________ (regular) rain in Sahara desert every year. 7. Is it __________(possible) to get to the city by train? 8. Some people are ___________ ( friendly) to birds. They throw stones to them. 9. Some people feel ____ (happy) that government give poor people such small and ____(comfortable) flats. 10. It is _______ (safe) to walk on the street at night. 11. We should keep students staying away from the ________ (healthy) books. 12. These trainers are too small. They are ______________(comfortable) to wear. 13. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is ____________(polite). 14. Jim never tells lies and he is an ___________ (honest) boy. 15. This girl is so __________(care) that she often makes mistakes in her homework. ◇江苏13城市中考试题汇编◇ 1. It's ________(friendly) of him to say such bad words to his classmates. (08常州) 2. Don't get _________(patient) about your personal trouble. (08无锡) 3. He seemed ______(friend) at first, but now I've got to know him and I realize he's warm and kind. (08徐州) 4. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is __________(polite). (08宿迁) 5. It’s so ___________(不公平的)! Mary gets more money for less work. (09镇江) 6. The basketball team was __________(luck) to lose in the final minute of the game. (09徐州) 7. In some ways, the space shuttles travel fast, but the journey to Mars may be very___(comfortable). (09泰州) 8. it’s ___________(possible) for us to finish so much work within so little time. We need help. (2010南通) 9. Simon is such a __________(honest) person that no one believes him. (2010扬州) 10. Don’t be ________(patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first. (2010常州) 11. It is _________(possible) for me to design the poster without your help. (2010泰州) 12. it’s not easy for those superstars to face ___________(无穷无尽的)interviews and doubts. (2010镇江) Keys:


基础词根(20个) 汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词 前before pro- pre- prognosis (预后) / precardiac (心前的) 上above hyper-, epi- super- epigastrium(上腹部) /superofrontal (额上的) 下below hypo- sub- hypotension(低血压)/ subneural(神经下的) 内inside endo- intra- endocrine(内分泌的)/ intervenous(静脉内的)多many, much poly- multi- polyuria(多尿症)/ multipara (经产妇) 同sameness homo- iso- homobody(同体)/ isotope (同位素) 异difference allo- hetero- allosome(异染色体)/ heterotopia(异位) 半half hemi- semi- hemisection(半切除)/ semicanal (半管) 一one mono- uni- monoclonal(单克隆的)/ unicellular (单细胞的)二two di- bi- diarthric(两关节的)/ bidental(双牙的) 运动系统(10个) 汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词 肌肉flesh myo- musculo- myofiber(肌纤维)/ musculotendinous(肌腱的)骨bone osteo- os- osteoporosis(骨质疏松)/ ossa pedis (足骨)关节joint arthro- articulo- a rthritis(关节炎)/ articulation (关节) 椎骨vertebra spondylo- vertebro- spondylodynia脊椎痛/ vertebrocostal(椎肋的)脊柱backbone rachio- spino- rachiomyelitis(脊髓炎)/ spinocortical(脊髓皮质的) 心血管系统(10个+备用8个) 汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词 心heart cardio- cor- cardiology(心脏病学)/ cor bovinum (牛心症)心房atrium atrio- aurico- atrium(心房)/ auricula (心房) 血blood hemo- hemato- hemoglobin(血红蛋白)/ hematology (血液学)血管vessel angio- vaso- angiofibroma(血管纤维瘤)/ vascular (血管的)静脉vein phlebo- veno- phlebology(静脉学)/ venoclysis (静脉输注)快fast tachy- tachycardia (心动过速) 慢slow brady bradycardia (心动过缓) 主动脉aorto------- main artery 毛细血管capillo------slim vessel 血栓thrombo--------clot of blood 血清sero-------watery part of blood. 淋巴lympho-----colorless fluid from the tissues or organs of the body,containing white-cells. 胸腺thymo-----a kind of gland in chest. 呼吸系统(6个+ 备用5个) 汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词 呼吸breath pneumo- spiro- pneumocardiography(呼吸心动描记法)/ spirography(呼吸描记法) 鼻nose rhino- naso- rhinoplasty(鼻整形术)/ nasolabial (鼻唇的) 肺lung pneumono- pulmo- pneumonia (肺炎)/ pulmonologist (肺脏病学家)咽pharyngo----


英语中常用的前缀和后缀 aero:concerning the air or aircraft plane(飞机)—aeroplane(飞机) space(空间, 间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙) anti: against;opposite of nuclear([核]核子的)—antinuclear(反对使用核武器的) matter(物质)—antimatter(反物质) war(战争、作战、打仗)—antiwar(反战的, 反对战争的) auto: of or by oneself biography(传记)—autobiography(自传) criticism(批评, 批判)—autocriticism(自我反省, 自我检讨) be:to treat as the stated thing friend(朋友, 助手)—befriend(待人如友, 帮助) little(很少的, 矮小的,很少)—belittle(轻视, 使渺小, 使...显得渺小)bi: two;twice;double lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的) cycle(自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车, 自行车) bio:concerning living things chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学) sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈) by—:less important product(产品, 产物,)—by-product(副产品, 附加产物) way(路,道路)—byway(小道) centi: hundredth part grade(等级)—centigrade(分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的)meter(米)—centimeter(厘米) co: together, with author(作家, 创造者)—coauthor(合著者, 共同执笔者,合著)exist(存在, 生存)—coexist(共存) col:(used before l) together, with location(位置, 场所)—collocation(排列, 配置) com:(used before b, m, p)together, with passion(激情, 热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯)


英语--医学英语常用前后缀 1(人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心 heart cardiao- cardial cardium/carditis/cardiology 脑 brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum/encephalitis/encephalology 肺 lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis/pulmonectomy/pulmonology 肝 liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis/hepatobiliary/hepatology 胃 stomach gastro- gastric gastritis/gastrointestinal/gastrology 胆 gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis/cholinergic/cholecystectomy 肠 intestine entero- intestinal enteritis/enterectomy/enterology 脾 spleen splen- splenic splenitis/splenectomy/splenology 胰 pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis/pancreatectomy 肾 kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis/nephropathy/nephrology 2(与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血 blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管 vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉 vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉 artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌 muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓 marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经 nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞 cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte


英语单词常见的前缀和后缀 (1)前缀 ①表示“数量” hemi- hemisphere 半球 semi- semicircle 半圆 mono- monocycle 独轮车 monologue 独白uni- unity 团结 university 综合性大学bi- bicycle 自行车 biweekly 双周刊tri- triangle 三角形 tricycle 三轮车quart- quarter 四分之一 penta- pentagon 五角形 Pentagon 五角大楼cent- century 一百年 percent 百分比kilo- kilometer 千米 kilogram 千克multi- multifunctiona 多功能的 multi-national 多国的pan- Pan-American 泛美的 ②表示“否定” de- decrease 减少 destruction 破坏dis- dishonest 不诚实 disappear 消失in- informal 非正式的 innumerable 无数的mis- mistreat 虐待 mistrust 不信任un- unfriendly 不友好的 unlock 开锁non- nonstop 直达的 nonexistent 不存在的 ③表示“方向,位置” ex- exple 赶出 extract 抽出in- indoor 户内的 include 包括

inter- interview 会见 interact 互相作用 pro- propel 推进 protrude 向前伸出sub- subway 地下铁道 submarine 潜艇 trans- transatlantic 横穿大西洋的 transform 变革 ④表示“程度” extra(o)- extraordinary 非常的 extracurricular 课外的 mini- minibus 小面包车 miniskirt 短裙 out- outnumber 数量超过 outlive 活得更长over- overwork 过度劳累 overcharge 要价过高super- supersonic 超音速 supermarket 超级市场under- underestimate 低估 underdeveloped 不发达的 ⑤表示“时间先后” ex- ex-premier 前总理 ex-husband 前夫 fore- forehead 前额 foresee 预见 mid- midday 正午 midterm 期中 pre- precaution 预防措施 prefix 前缀 post- postpone 推迟 postwar 战后 ⑥表示“方式” anti- antinuclear 反核 antiaircraft 防空 co- coexist 共存 colleague 同事 col- collaborate 合作 collocate 并置 com- compassion 同情 combine 联合


医学英语单词后缀 后缀在缀合法中只起改变词性的作用,不改变词根的含意,这在第一章内已叙述。现将常用后缀分一般英语后缀及医学英语后缀两部分来说明。因词性不同、后缀可分为名词性、形容词等。 一、名词性后缀 1、-age为抽象名词后缀,表示行为,状态和全体总称,percentage百分数,百分率,voltage 电压,伏特数,lavage灌洗,洗,出法,gavage管词法,curettage刮除法,shortage不足,缺少。 2、-cy表示抽象名词,accuracy准确,精确度,infancy婴儿期。 3、-ence、-ance表示性质和动作,difference不同,interference干扰,干预,influence影响,感化,occurrence发出,出现,violence激烈,暴力,existence存在,significance意义,意味。 4、-ency、-ancy抽象名词后缀,difficiency不足,不全,tendency趋势,趋向,frequency频率,pregnancy妊娠,emergency紧急,急救,fluency流利,流畅,sufficiency足够,充足,constancy坚定,经久不变。 5、-er表示……人、……者,diameter直径,receiver接收者,接受者,carrier携带者,beginner 初学者,创始人,reader读者,shutter 快门,goiter甲状腺肿。 6、-ics 表示……科学,psdiatrics儿科学,psychiatrics精神病学,obstetrics产科学,orthopdics 矫形科学,auristrics耳科学,gnathostomatics口腔生理学,andriatrics男性医学,男性科。 7、-ian表示人称名词,physician医师,内科医师,technician技术员。 8、-ication由动词变化而来的抽象名词,常译为……化,simpliffcation简化,calcification钙化,classification分类,分级,communication交流,交往。 9、-ing由动词变化而来的动名词,nursing护理,typing分型,分类,mapping绘制……图,bleeding出血,vomiting呕吐,softening变软,functioning使器官活动,使器官有功能,positioning把……放在适当的位置,mathching和……相配,imaging成像。 10、-ion由动词构成的名词,occasion偶然原因,近因,时机,division分割,分开,vision 视力,视觉,distortion扭曲,变形。 11、-ism表示制度,主义及现象等的抽象名词,mehanism机理,机制,autism孤独性。


常见英语前缀 a-/an-==no;without;lack,amateur不熟练的,业余的,anonymous匿名的,asocial不好社交的,anechoic消声的,anharmonic不和谐的,anarchism无政府主义,acentric无中心的,amoral非道德性的,asexual无性别的 a-==in;on;at;by;with;to,asleep在熟睡中,ahead向前,在前头,abreast肩并肩地,aside在一边,abed 在床上,abloom开花 a-/an-==加强意义,aloud高声地,aright正确地,awake唤醒,aweary疲倦的,annotate注释,announce宣布,通告 ab-==from;awayfrom,abnormal不正常的,abroad国外的,abuse滥用,absorb吸去,abaxial离开轴心的,abend异常终止 ac-==at;to,或表示加强意义,accustom使习惯,account计算,算帐,accredit信任,accompany陪伴,acclaim欢呼,喝彩,accomplish完成 ad-==to;toward;forward,advice建议,advocate倡导,adjoin临近adjust调整,admixture混杂,adventure冒险 af-==at;to,或表示加强意义,affright震惊,恐惧,affix附加,贴上,affirm肯定,确实 ag-==at;to,或表示加强意义,aggrandize增大,aggravate加重,aggrieve使悲痛 amphi-==两、双,amphicar水陆两用车,amphibian水陆两栖的,amphitheatre两边都可观看的剧场,圆形剧场 ante-==before,antecedent先前的,先行的,antetype先型,原型,anteport前港,外港,anteroom 前室,接待室,antedate比实际早的日期,antestomach前胃 anti-==against,antipathy反感,antifreeze防冻,antiwar反战的,anti-imperlialist反帝的,antiageing 防衰老的,antitank反坦克 ap-==加强或引伸意义,appoint指定,任命,appraise评价,appease平息,绥靖 ap-/apo-==离开,apogee远地点(远离地球之处),apostasy脱党,叛教,aphelion(天文)远日点 ar-==at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义,arrange安排,布置,arrect直立的,arrear在后,拖延 arch-==1)big;chief.2)ancient,archbishop大主教,archaeology考古学,archaic古体的,古风的as==to;forward,assign派出,assent同意,assort分类,assimilate同化,吸收,assure使确信,担保,associate联合,结合 at-==at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义,attrap使入陷阱,attest证明,attract吸引 auto-==self;personally,automation自动化,autograph亲笔,autoalarm自动报警器,autocriticism自我批评,autorotation自动旋转,autobiography自传 be-==makeorcausetobe,befog使迷糊,befit适宜,belittle贬低,befriend以朋友相待,becalm使镇静,befool欺骗,愚弄 be-==加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事),bepowder在...上撒粉,bejewel饰以珠宝,becloud遮蔽 be-==在,beside在...旁,below在...下面,before在...之前 be-==加强及引伸意义,befall降临,发生,bespatter溅污,belaud大加赞扬 bene-==well;good,benign和善的,benevolent乐善好施的,benefit好处,benediction祝福,benefaction恩惠,善行,beneficent行善的 bi-==two,bicycle自行车,bilateral双方,bimonthly双月刊,biweekly双周刊,bicolor两色的,bilingual两种语言的 by-==旁、侧、非正式、副,byroad小路,僻径,bywork业余工作,byname别名,绰号 circu-==around,circulate流通,circumnavigate环球航行,circumspect考虑周到的,circumplanetary 环绕行星的,circumpolar在两极周围的,circumaviate环球飞行


医学英语后缀汇总 一、名词性后缀 1、-age为抽象名词后缀,表示行为,状态和全体总称,percentage百分数,百分率,voltage 电压,伏特数,lavage灌洗,洗,出法,gavage管词法,curettage刮除法,shortage不足,缺少。 2、-cy表示抽象名词,accuracy准确,精确度,infancy婴儿期。 3、-ence、-ance表示性质和动作,difference不同,interference干扰,干预,influence 影响,感化,occurrence发出,出现,violence激烈,暴力,existence存在,significance意义,意味。 4、-ency、-ancy抽象名词后缀,difficiency不足,不全,tendency趋势,趋向,frequency 频率,pregnancy妊娠,emergency紧急,急救,fluency流利,流畅,sufficiency足够,充足,constancy坚定,经久不变。 5、-er表示……人、……者,diameter直径,receiver接收者,接受者,carrier携带者,beginner初学者,创始人,reader读者,shutter 快门,goiter甲状腺肿。 6、-ics 表示……科学,psdiatrics儿科学,psychiatrics精神病学,obstetrics产科学,orthopdics矫形科学,auristrics耳科学,gnathostomatics口腔生理学,andriatrics男性医学,男性科。 7、-ian表示人称名词,physician医师,内科医师,technician技术员。 8、-ication由动词变化而来的抽象名词,常译为……化,simpliffcation简化,calcification 钙化,classification分类,分级,communication交流,交往。 9、-ing由动词变化而来的动名词,nursing护理,typing分型,分类,mapping绘制……图,bleeding出血,vomiting呕吐,softening变软,functioning使器官活动,使器官有功能,positioning把……放在适当的位置,mathching和……相配,imaging成像。 10、-ion由动词构成的名词,occasion偶然原因,近因,时机,division分割,分开,vision视力,视觉,distortion扭曲,变形。 11、-ism表示制度,主义及现象等的抽象名词,mehanism机理,机制,autism孤独性。 12、-ist表示人称名词,specialist专家,internist内科医生,padiatrist儿科学家,biololgist 生物学家,economist经济学家,chemist化学家,obstetrist产科学家,产科医师。 13、-ization由动词构成的抽象名词,recanalization再管化,再通化,chatheterization插管,immunization免疫法,预防接种,organization组织,机构,机化,hospitalization住院,normalization正常化,ketonization酮化作用。
