


骑缝章分两种,一种是盖有许多页纸的文件时,为了避免有人换掉其中几页纸又不想每页都去盖章,而把文件几页纸张的边缝连在一起盖章(我要用的应该是这个)。还有一种是在一张可以分成两半,留下底根的的介绍信上盖章,一个章盖在撕下的正本介绍单位落款处,一个章盖在将要撕开在地方,撕开后介绍信上有一半,底根上有一半,以防假冒。前一种应该叫paging seal,后一种才叫a seal on the perforation。 Instruction 1. the report is invalid when there is no ‘special stamp for inspection report’ or inspection organization stamp. -----报告无‘检验报告专用章’ 或检验单位公章无效。 2. The report copy is invalid when there is no ‘special stamp for inspection report’ or inspection organization stamp. ――复制报告未重新加盖‘检验报告专用章’或检验单位公章无效。 3. The report is invalid when there is no auditor and certifier’s signature. ――报告无审核、批准人签章无效。 4. The aultered report is invalid. ――报告涂改无效。 5. Telling the inspection organization in 15 days since you receive the report when you don’t agree, otherwise it is not accepted. ――对检验报告若有异议,应于收到报告之日起十五日内向检验单位提出,逾期不予受理。 6. The entrust inspection is responsibility for the received sample only. ――委托检验仅对来样负责。 未经本中心许可本报告不得用于任何广告宣传和成果鉴定,本报告部分复印无效。 ――The report could not be used f or any advertisement and evaluation. ------The part report copy is invalid. 国家汽车质量监督检验中心National Quality Control & Inspection Center for Automobiles 希望对大家有用. 一>质量检验报告单----Quality Inspection Report 一般包括: 1.日期----Date 2.检验员---Inspector 3.产品名称---Item Description 4.产品编号---Part Number/PT.NO 5.检验数量---Quantity Inspected 6.客户定单号---P.O.NO 7.发现问题详述:----Discrepancies found(一般与检验标准对照,列出不符合标准的差异) 8.不合格数量:Reject Number


A Test about your Psychological Pressure 1. Do you feel bored or worried? Often 5 points Normal 3 points Occasionally 1 point 2. Do you often speak to yourself? Often 5 points Occasionally 3 points Seldom 1 point 3. When you feel bad, will you go out to get some air outside? Often 1 point Occasionally 3 points Seldom 5 points 4. Did you ever consider suicide at one point? Often 5 points Occasionally 3 points Never 1 point 5. Do you feel that the TV programs are more and more boring? Very boring 5 points Some of them are boring 3 points All of them are interesting 1 point

6. Do you still feel unhappy, even if you arrive at the tourist resort? Never 1 point Sometimes 3 points Often 5 points 7. Is there anyone that makes you feel angry? Within 2 1 point 3-5 3 points Above 5 5 points 8. Do you often feel dizzy or weakness? But in fact there is nothing wrong with your body, even if you go to the hospital for a checkup? Often 5 points Sometimes 3 points Occasionally 1 point 9. What’s your reaction, when you meet someone that disobeys traffic rules and even quarrel with you? “I really want to kill them.” 5 points “Why is this happening to me?” 3 points “It’s too crowded here.” 1 point 10. Do you think that it is boring to do same thing every day (e.g. go to work)? It’s so boring. 5 points There are still some ways to have fun. 1 point When it conflicts with your plan. 3 points

DELL 信赖性测试标准(译文)

4.0 Finish Appearance Requirements 最终表面要求 4.1 Color (ASTM D1729) 颜色(ASTM D1729) Color specifications will be defined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Color tolerances will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish color shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”. 颜色规格将由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。色彩公差将在戴尔色彩文件(如附录)中指定。最终颜色应由零件图纸或其他适用的文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。 Applicator shall measure L*, a* and b* at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable document as stipulated in the Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, 6724U. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer. 检验员应按零件图或戴尔公司外观标准6724U中规定的其他适用指定位置的文件,测量L *、a *和b *。如果文件未指定,则应由戴尔机械工程师批准。 4.2 Gloss (ASTM D523) 光泽度(ASTM D523) Gloss specifications will be defined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Gloss tolerance will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish gloss shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”. 光泽度规格由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。戴尔的颜色文件中(如附录)中指定了光泽度公差。最终光泽度应由零件图纸或其他适用文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。 Applicator shall measure the gloss at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable document. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer. 检验员应测量在零件图或其他适用文件上注明的光泽度。如果位置未指定,则位置应由戴尔机械工程师批准。 4.3 Texture or Roughness, (R a, R z, R pc) 纹理或粗糙度(Ra,Rz,Rpc) Texture or roughness will be defined by the Industrial Design Team (or its approved agent). Applicator shall measure the texture or roughness at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer. R a, R z, & R pc must all be reported. 纹理或粗糙度由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。检验员应测量在零件图上指定位置的纹理或粗糙度。如果位置未指定,则应由戴尔机械工程师批准。Ra,Rz,和Rpc都必须报告。 4.4 Oxide, (ASTM B244), or Dry Film Thickness 氧化物(ASTM B244),或干膜厚度


这个心理测试发生在古代的时空,没有电话,没有天气预报,没有自行车.今天早上,家里没有米了,老婆(老公)要你上午去早市买米,早市离家30分钟的路程,早市雷打不动的规定:每天早上6点开市,中午12点收摊. 你家周围20分钟的路程内没有邻居,邻村的人跟你不熟,不会借米给你,所以你只有去早市买米. 你出发了,走了10分钟,忽然下起暴雨,这时10点钟了,在凉亭避雨的人都说这雨看来一时半会不会停.正在你很茫然的时候,集市那边回来一个买米的人.他说,早市的米商提供雨伞,但前提是买一袋米(20斤).果然不假,他就是打着雨伞,扛着一袋米回来.这个人是邻村的老李,人比1 你由于身体不是特别好,如果就这么冒雨赶到早市买米,可能会像上次感冒发高烧.你把家里正等米下锅的情况跟老李说,希望他借点米给你解决今天的吃饭问题.老李说:"可以借你5斤,不过你跟我先回我家,我分5斤给你,雨伞也借给你,但你必须交20斤米的押金.如果今天你能还上5斤米和雨伞,我就押金全退,如过了今天没有还,那明天我就不退押金了,你愿意不?" 从现在的凉亭走到老李家20分钟,而从老李家到你家还得走20分钟,如果同意老李的要求,那么你必须在上午12点以前赶到早市买米,然后当天还米,挺折腾人的,可是中午快到了家里人等着米下锅.2 如下,该题目的是测试你适合投资的潜力. 1.也许这次淋雨不会生病,生病也认了,干脆淋雨20分钟,赶到早市买米,不求老李了. 2.老李的要求尽管有点苛刻,但也是没有办法,跟他走吧,谁叫我这么背呢. 3.也许等会家里人会送伞,也许11点30以前,雨就停了,我不就万事大吉了,既不淋雨,也买到米 3 测试评语:

英文心理3 心理学测试题 心理学期末考试题 复习题

The final examination of medical immunology for seven year students of Grade 2003(2005/12/6) Paper A I. Explain the following items(2 points for each, 18 points) 1. Lymphocyte recirculation 2. CDR 3. cytokine 4. MHC restriction 5. PRR 6. Immune tolerance 7. ITAM 8.APC 9. TI-Ag II. Choose all correct answers(1 point for each,15 points) 1.Which of the following statement(s) about the spleen is(are) true:

A. It filters antigens out of the blood. B. Lymphatic vessels draining the tissue spaces enter the spleen C. It contains germinal centers D. It functions to remove old and defective red blood cells 2.Which kinds of Ig expressed mainly on the surface of mature B cells? A. mIgG B. mIg A C. mIgD D.mIgM 3.Which can function as C3 convertase in activation of complement system? A.C4b2b B.C4b2b3b C.C3bBb D.C3bnBb 4.About the characteristics of cytokines, which of the following(s) is (are) correct? A. One cytokine can act on different cells and play multiple biological effects B. The cytokine produced by one cell only acts on neighbor cells C. Combined with corresponding receptor to play role D. One cytokine can inhibit or enhance effects of other cytokine 5.Which of the following molecules can stimulate T cells activation? A. LPS B. PWM C. Con A D. PHA

MBTI测试量表(英文 48题目)

get your cognitive profile 1.Before you begin... Thank you for helping us with our research. If you are familiar with Jungian psychology, cog nitive science or models of development, we ask you to set aside any ideas you may have. This is a serious questionnaire to help you discover what cognitive processes you use well, as opposed to surface behavior or what you value. Some cognitive processes may be outside yo ur awareness or experience, so just understanding the various phrases is part the assessment. S ome phrases may take time to reflect. What You'll Get: Based on your responses, you will get a cognitive development profile along with a best-match personality code. chinese version 荣格心理类型认知功能测试 测试指导语 Please read carefully each of the 48 phrases below. For each phrase: * Indicate how often you do skillfully what the phrase describes. * Use dictionary definitions and go with the overall meaning most comfortable to you. * If you don't understand a phrase then mark it as "not me." 本次测试共48 题 2.分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网豆瓣网 3. o 1. Be guided by a definition, logical deduction, or other nugget of reasoning. A. Not Me B. Little Me C. Somewhat Me D. Mostly Me E. Exactly Me o 2. Enjoy the thrill of action and physical experience in the present moment. A. Not Me B. Little Me


国外网站上搜罗的一则很有意思的心理测试题,测测你对自己,对恋人,对工作等等等等的态度。 1. Imagine that you are walking along a path. What do you see around you? a. Forest, so much forest that you can hardly see the sky. b. A yellow corn field against a brilliant blue sky. c. Softly sloping green hills, with a view of mountains in the distance 2. What do you see near your feet? a. A mirror b. A ring c. A bottle 3. Will you pick it up? a. Yes b. No 4. You walk along and find water. In what form is the water? a. A lake b. A waterfall c. A river 5. You see a key in the water and you pick it up. What does it look like? a. An ordinary house key b. A beautiful antique key c. A small silver locker key 6. Next you stumble across a house. What type of house is it? a. A spacious Hollywood mansion b. A hut with a garden full of flowers c. A beautiful old stone castle 7. What do you do next? a. Look into the window b. Walk right on inside and explore c. Walk away. You're not that intereste d.


Psychometric Testing: An Interactive Web-based Learning System ABSRACT Psychometric testing, as a selection method, is becoming increasingly popular, with over 70% of the UK's top companies now employing it as part of their graduate recruitment procedure. This form of selection is cost-effective, reliable and reportedly more objective than other, more traditional, recruitment methods. These features make the tests popular with both employers and equal employment legislators. However, psychometric testing proves less popular with candidates, who, when asked to sit a test, are largely uninformed and unprepared. This project aims to create a system, in the form of a website, which provides graduates and other job seekers with easily accessible, free-of-charge information on psychometric testing as a selection method. It also aims to provide visitors to the site with the opportunity to attempt timed example questions from genuine employer tests with immediate feedback on performance. The system was designed and developed using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 and the interactive content was created with JavaScript. Although the finished product cannot be published on the Internet due to unavoidable Copyright issues, the system achieves all it's aims and has lots of potential as a website. 心理测试: 一种基于Web的交互式学习系统 ABSRACT 心理测试,作为一个选择的方法,正在成为越来越受欢迎,目前雇用超过70作为其毕业生招聘程序的一部分,它在英国的顶级公司%。这种选


心理测试题大全各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 俗话常说:世上无难事,只怕有心人,世界上很多困难都会败在有耐心恒心的人手上。以下是小编为您准备的关于性格的心理测试题,希望对您有所帮助。关于性格的心理测试题 测试开始:下面哪一项,是你最不能忍受的人: A、伤害你家人或朋友的人 B、伤害你个人的权益和声誉的人 C、伤害公众利益的人 关于性格的心理测试题结果分析 A、你是个很讲义气的人,如果你自己被伤害,你可能不会太计较。可是一旦你的家人或朋友被人欺侮,你就会反应很激烈,把对方列为你的头号敌人,跟他没完没了。你天性对朋友的事就比较热衷,喜欢打抱不平。尤其是见不得自己的人被伤害,于是你很容易被人挑

起愤怒,情绪化地把别人当作是敌人,跟对方拼起来。 B、你是个很容易得罪自大或自傲者的人,换句话说,那些自我意识高涨,不尊重你权益的人也是很容易得罪你的。也许你对自己没信心,也很在意别人对你的看法。所以只要有人在背后说你是非,或是对你稍有批评,你就会反应很激烈,甚至不去求证就把对方当作敌人,这是你比较容易树立敌人的地方。 C、或许是你侠义性格的作用,你非常有正义感和使命感。对于那些危害公众利益的人,你会义无反顾地把对方列为敌人,而且是不共戴天的敌人。反而你自己的利益你不会很在意,因此,你很容易对那些公众形象不太好的人产生敌意,尤其是对那些你不认识的人,你的敌意会更大。如此说来,你是一个假想敌很多的人。关于性格的心理测试题 测试开始:依左右脚的鞋底耗损程度,做如下的几种状况判断:左右侧的

耗损程度是否平均?除了此一问题之外,应注意鞋底的哪一部分耗损程度大。体衰无力的走路方式,和体建活泼的走路方式,显示在鞋底的耗损部位不尽相同。因此可以从鞋底的耗损程度来判断一个人的长期性身体状况、习惯以及性格。 A、右侧鞋底耗损大 B、左右两侧鞋底耗损程度相同 C、鞋底外侧耗损大 D、鞋跟后侧耗损大 E、左侧鞋底耗损大 F、鞋底前端耗损大 G、鞋底面全部耗损平均 H、鞋底内侧耗损大 关于性格的心理测试题结果分析 A、表面上看来,此人心浮气躁,凡事好奇,具有外向的性格。一想到某事,便非马上付诸行动不可,否则不肯罢休。这种人容易受到当时情感的左右。 B、做事谨慎又小心,有点内疚,自己的情感及想法不会暴露。 C、是社交良好的人,喜欢和人们交

Personality Quiz 心理测试

Personality Quiz 1.The end of the world is coming, if you can save only one kind of animal, which one will you pick? A.Rabbit B. Sheep C. Deer D. Horse Analysis What kind of person you are in real life situation. A.Rabbit--- those who has split personality, like cold as ice on the outside, but hot as fire int he heart. B.Sheep--- obedience and warm C.Deer--- elegant and well-mannered. D.Horse--- those are untrammeled and free. 2.Imagine that you are walking along a path. What do you see around you? A.Forest, so much forest that you can hardly see the sky. B.A yellow corn field against a brilliant blue sky. C.Softly sloping green hills, with a view of mountains in the distance. Analysis: Your view on yourself A.Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They will probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. B.You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you are so cheerful and fun, people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. C.You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. 3.You see a key in the water and you pick it up. What does it look like? A.An ordinary house key B.A beautiful antique key C.A small silver locker key Analysis Your view on education,cation is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.,cation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. C.You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.


心理测试题及答案解析|心理测试题及答案 每个人走路的情况和鞋底的耗损状况,可以十分意外的看出每一个人的差异,而从这种差异中,我们往往可以探索出一个人的性格和做事的积极性。以下是小编为您准备的心理测试题,希望对您有所帮助。心理测试题 测试:从鞋底的磨损度看你是哪种人? 题目:拿出你所有的鞋子,将耗损最严重的一双挑出,然后把鞋底描画下来。看看你的鞋底的哪一侧损坏最为严重呢? A、右侧鞋底耗损大 B、左侧鞋底耗损大 C、鞋底前端耗损大 D、鞋底外侧耗损大 E、鞋底面耗损均匀 心理测试题结果分析 A、右侧鞋底耗损大 你有些心浮气躁,对任何事都抱有很强的好奇心,性格是属于非常活泼开朗的外向型。一想到某件事,你便会马上付诸行动,不管前面将会遇到什么样的困难或阻碍,若有人想要阻止,你是绝不肯善罢甘休的。这种人比较容易受到当时情感的左右而做出错误的判断。 B、左侧鞋底耗损大 你看起来很温顺善良,像是个老好人模样。但是凡事总喜欢追根究底,不闹明白绝不罢休。一旦与他人闹了别扭,你会非常地坚持自己的主张。你做事情很有韧性,有始有终,心中的意志十分强烈。 C、鞋底前端耗损大 你行动力丰富,一旦着手的事一定会全力以赴。这种人将来与其在大企业服务,还不如在新公司任职来得活跃些。从事与业务有关的工作,更可以发挥你的才能。凭着你积极、韧性的处事态度,即使是转换工作,也不失为发挥自己特长的一个大好机会,尤其是若有优秀的长辈或理念相同的人来拔刀相助的话,就更为锦添花了。 D、鞋底外侧耗损大 你是一个社交关系很好的人,喜欢和人交际,并热衷于热闹的场面,任何聚会或有很多人参加的场合都一定能找到你的踪影。这种人容易受到大众的欢迎,博得大家的好感。叫你乖乖呆在办公事是万万不可的,服务业或每日生活变化较多的工作,均适合这类型的人。 E、鞋底面耗损均匀 你简直就是个玲珑型的人,任何事均可和周围的人士妥协。身怀技术且可以发挥实力的人,大多都有此类鞋底耗损的情况。无论转换工作,或维持目前的工作,所得到的满足程度及成就感都差不多。但这种人最大的缺点就是缺乏耐性,常常三分钟热度。 F、左右两侧鞋底耗损程度相同 你做任何事都是谨慎又小心,事前会仔细思考,做好一切计划后再行事,但是往往过于优柔寡断了一点。你很容易对因为自己的原因而没有帮朋友办到的事感到内疚,但别人却并不知道,因为你心里的真实情感和想法从不肯轻易暴露出来。心理测试题6种迷人气质,你是哪一种?测试开始: 1、假如你只身一人来到一个广阔无边的森林里,夜幕降临时,你听见一种不可思议的声音,凭直觉你认为那是什么声音? A、花草仙子们的合奏→1分

BS 5852 测试报告(认证证书)详解(中英文对照)

BS5852测试报告(认证证书)详 解(中英文对照) 第一部分:用香烟点火源对软座进行易燃性评价的试验方法BS5852 PartI:1979 1.APPLICATION AND LIMITATION应用和局限 The purpose of this test guide is to provide guideline for assessing the ignitability of material combinations e.g.covers and filling used in upholstered seating when subjected to either a smouldering cigarette or a lighted match as might be applied accidentally in the use of upholstered seats.It does not cover ignition caused by deliberate acts of vandalism.

本测试指南是为判断物料的可燃性提供指导,例如对衬垫家具用的面料和填充物进行香烟焖烧或明火燃烧测试,就如在使用过程中可能会受到香烟的焖烧或明火的燃烧,但是不包括故意的和人为原因造成的燃烧情况。 2.PRINCIPLE原理 The principle is to subject an assembly of upholstery materials arranged to represent,in stylized form,the join between back(or seat and arm) surfaces of a chair to two sources of ignition;one being a smouldering cigarette,and the other a flaming

国际标准情商EQ测试英文International EQ Testing System

International EQ Testing System 1-9. Please choose the most suitable answer to yourself 1. I can overcome all the difficulties. A. Y B. sometimes C. N 2. If I’m in a new environment, I will plan everything__________ A as same as before B sometimes C different from before 3., I think I can achieve my goals in my life A. Y B. sometimes C.N 4. It seems that in my life, there are some people who mean to avoid or keep far away from me. A .N B. sometimes C.Y 5. In street, I always avoid greeting someone I don’t like A. never B. sometimes C. always 6. If somebody is talking loudly when I am working A. I can still concentrate on my job. B. between A and C C.I can’t do my work and I fell angry 7. No matter where I go, I can identify direction A.Y B. sometimes C N 8. I love the job what I do and major what I learn A.Y B. sometimes C.N 9. My emotion won’t be changed with the fluctuation of weather. A.Y B. between A and C C. N


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复述烟雾探测器开关---失败原型 概述 对收到的4只原样进行复述。 1.(对应客户回寄样NO.1)检查第一只时,有如下发现: ●内部接线不正确 ●电线型号不正确,用ELV(30vac) 代替了LV (240vac) ●没有外部AC端连接,代替 ●独立的中性和(ELV输入)普通连接有提供 ●然而两个ELV触发输入有提供 2.(对应客户回寄样NO.2)接下来测试的是线路板,与原型设计稍有不同 ●COM-连接没有给电阻R10位置,并且无连接轨迹展示 ●进线HV连接与其他元件及连接太过接近 3.(对应客户回寄样NO.3) 线路板布局没有其他明显的改变,除了那个LV和ELV联接太近是否符合安全要求 4.已做如下更正 ●外部连接C错误地连到线路板上。这是断开,而是直接连接到动臂的接触器。端子上已标 示“A” ●一个零欧姆电阻安装在R10边以连接LV输入到中性 初步试验提供5 v直流电到逻辑供应针,导致一个稳定的LED闪烁,些LED指示微控正起作用。 当9V直流信号提供给LV触发输入: ●两个LV输入引发LED迅速的闪烁,指示延时触发循环 ●不可能引发一个瞬时触发 ●当9V直流触发信号停止,LED灯仍继续闪烁了几秒,而不是马上停止 ●样品运行不稳定

样品运行与原型设计要求有所不同。微控被一个安装了原始代码(固件 V1.3)所取代,并且重新赋予动力。所有的运行操作根据原始设计。 所有留下的样品均被检测。一只被严重烧坏。另两只的低压触发输入的电阻烧坏,这些低压输入被替换。另一只要求更换MOCD207M输入OPTO-绝缘体。所有的缺陷已经表明,主供电线路直接应用在低压触发输入。 所有的样品缺少一只零欧姆电阻,因此现在只安装了一只。 所有的样品接线都不对,已修正。 所有样品根据原代码(固件 V1.3)经过重新编程,操作正确 建议: 1.线路板上的电阻R10必须是: a.被一个连续的轨迹所删除并取代(如原型提供。样品中已丢失或没有设计入线路板)或 者 b.被零欧姆电阻占据 2.接入主线(240V AC)在线路板上的连接点应更分开一些,以便更好的隔离(对领证书 非常重要) 3.使用更高绝缘等级的电线连接端子,线路板及线圈(对领证书非常重要) 4.确保接入“ACTIVE”是连接到触头而不是线路板 5.“ACTIVE”和“NEUTRAL”连接到端子的底部而不是前部 6.外壳需改进,在前端LED灯的位置加一个孔,以便通过此孔在外部看到运行情况 注: 烧坏的样品经过进一步的检测发现有些轨道及部件损坏。这些已经过重新清理及修复。新的微控重新安装。结果,样品现在可以正常运行。
