








1. 不定冠词有a,an两种形式,一般用在单数可数名词之前,主要用来表示某一类人或事物中不肯定的“某一个或任何一个”的意思。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,如:a bag,a university。an用在以元音音素开头的名词之前,如an orange,an hour。

2. 定冠词




]the apple[ ]the desk

3. 零冠词。在复数可数名词和不可数名词前常常用零冠词,如tables 二、冠词的用法(一)不定冠词的用法例如:表示数量,意为“一”1. ,一般与单数的可数名词连用。 A friend of Catherine's came to see her yesterday. 昨天凯瑟琳的一个朋友来看她了。Here is a seat for you, Liu Yan.

刘艳,这儿有个座位给你。 2. 泛指人或事物的某一种类,与单数可数名词连用,以一个代替一类。例如:A student should study hard for the people.

=All students should study hard for the people.


=Any student should study hard for the people.


An elephant is stronger than a cow.


3. 指某人或某物,但不具体说明是谁或是什么。例如:

My father once worked in a factory.


A man is waiting for you, Tom.


4. 表示单位,相当于“每”的意思。

We have five Chinese classes in a week.



1. 用来表示特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。例如:

The old man over there is my grandfather.


Beijing is the capital of China.


2. 上文提到过的人或事物,第二次提到时用定冠词。例如:

My father has a car. The car is made in Shanghai.


There is a desk in this classroom. On the desk there is a Chinese book. The book is

Li Ming's.


3. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。例如:

The boys are at home.


Please open the door.


4. 表示世界上独一无二的事物。例如:


the moon月亮 the earth地球 the sky天空

5. 用在序数词、形容词最高级之前,以及对两个人或事物进行比较时起特指作用的比较级前。例如:

March is the third month of the year.


Wang Ying is always the first to come to the classroom.


She is the most careful student in my class.


6. 用在单数可数名词前,表示一类人或事物。例如:

The peach is a kind of fruit.


7. 用在乐器名称前。例如:

Can you play the violin?


I like playing the piano.


8. 用在姓氏的复数形式前,指一家人。例如:

The Greens live in London.


The Smiths came to see me last week.


9. 用在年份的复数前,表示某年代。例如:

We were born in the 1980s.



1. 复数可数名词和不可数名词用于泛指,表示一般概念而不特指具体的人或事物时,用零冠词。例如:

We are workers.



I don't like cold weather.


2. 用于某些节日名称的前面。例如:

National Day国庆节 Christmas圣诞节

New Year's Day元旦 Women's Day妇女节



the Spring Festival春节

the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

3. 名词前已有作定语用的物主代词、疑问代词、指示代词、不定代词等限定词时,常用零冠词。例如:

Which cup do you like better?


This bike is my mother's.


4. 用于季节、日期、星期和学科的名称前。例如:

It's very hot in summer here.


The story happened on Friday, February 8th, 2016.


5. 用于球类运动名称前。例如:

I like playing volleyball.


They usually play table tennis in the afternoon.


6. 用于称呼语和表示头衔、职务的名词前。例如:

What's the matter with you, Dad?


This is Professor Lin.



7. 用于表示一日三餐的名词之前。例如:

Peter is at breakfast.


Tom used to go to school without breakfast.


8. 用于表示交通手段的介词短语中:例如:

I will go to the park on foot today.


Did he come by ship or by train?



1. 不定冠词的位置

(1)不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。注意:位于下列形容词之后:such, what, many, half. 如:

I have never seen such an animal.


Many a man is fit for the job.


(2)当名词前的形容词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough 修饰时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后。如:

It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.


So short a time


Too long a distance


(3)quite, rather 与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。

(4)在as, though 构成的倒装句中,当表语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放在形容词后。如:

Brave a man though he is, he trembles at the sight of snakes.



2. 定冠词的位置

(1)当定冠词与all, half, both, double 等词连用修饰名词时,定冠词放在这些词之后。如:Look, all the books are here.


Both the boys are from Class 1, Grade 2.



The bed is three times the size of that one.

这张床是那张床的三倍大。The rope is one third the length of that one.

这根绳子是那根绳子的三分之一长。【课内检测】详见导学案【作业布置】完成本节课的《同步练习》1. 预习下一讲的导学案。2.五、作业6





、教研组要加强集体备课共同分析教材研究教法探讨疑难问题由备课组长牵头每周集体备课一次,定时间定内容,对下一阶段教学做到有的放矢,把握重点突破难点、教研组活动要有计划、有措施、有内容,在实效上下工夫,要认真落实好组内的公开课教学。、积极开展听评课活动,每位教师听课不少于20节,青年教师不少于节,兴“听课,评课”之风,大力提倡组内,校内听随堂课。、进一步制作、完善教研组主页,加强与兄弟学校的交流。我们将继续本着团结一致,勤沟通,勤研究,重探索,重实效的原则,在总结上一学年经验教训的前提下,出色地完成各项任务。校内公开课活动计划表日期周次星期节次开课人员拟开课内容10月127四王志忠生物圈10月137五赵夕珍动物的行为12月114 五赵夕珍生态系统的调节12月 2818四朱光祥动物的生殖镇江新区大港中学生物教研组xx-

20X 下学期生物教研组工作计划范文20X年秋季生物教研组工作计划化学生物教研组的工作计划生物教研组工作计划下学期生物教研组工作计划年下学期生物教研组工作计划20X年化学生物教研组计划20X年化学生物教研组计划中学生物教研组工作计划第一学期生物教研组工作计划





范文作计划高二历2019年史第二学期教学工一、指导思想高二的历史教学任务是要使学生在历史知识、历史学科能力和思想品德、情感、态度、价值观各方面得到全面培养锻炼和发展,为高三年级的文科历史教学打下良好的基础,为高校输送有学习潜能和发展前途的合格高中毕业生打下良好基础。高考的文科综合能力测试更加强调考生对文科各学科整体知识的把握、综合分析问题的思维能力、为解决问题而迁移知识运用知识的能力。教师在教学中要体现多学科、多层次、多角度分析解决问题的通识教育理念。教师要认真学习和研究教材转变教学观念,紧跟高考形势的发展,研究考试的变化,力争使高二的教学向高三教学的要求靠拢。按照《教学大纲》和《考试说明》的要求,认真完成高二阶段的单科复习工作。坚持学科教学为主,落实基础知识要到位,适当兼顾史地政三个学科的综合要求,培养提高学生学科内综合的能力。从学生的实际出发,落实基础,提高学科思维能力和辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的理论水平。二、教学依据和教材使用根据国家对人才培养的需要和普通高校对考生文化素质的要求,参照《历史教学大纲》和xx年《考试说明》进行教学。使用人教社版高中《世界近现代史》下册(选修)为教材。以人教社新版《世界近现代史教学参考书》下册为教参。教学中要注意教学大纲和《考试说明》的具体要求,针对性要强。根据新形势下的考试要求,教学中应重视对知识系统和线索的梳理,重视知识间的横向,加深对历史知识理解和运用。三、教学内容《世界近现代史》下册提供了自一战后至上个世纪九十年代的历史发展史实,教师可以根据自己学校和学生的情况自行调整,灵活安排教学内容。提倡教师尝试多种形式的教学模式,积极启发培养学生的历史思维能力。四、教学安排1. 每周课时,本学期共21周,约课时。月下旬前要复习完世界近现代史下册的前三章。期中安排区统一测试。月底提供全册书的练习题一套,仅供参考使用。4.本学期有《高二历史》单元练习册(海淀区教师进修学校主编,中国书店出版)辅助教学,由教师组织学生进行练习,希望教师及时纠正教学中存在的问题。中学学年度第二学期教学工作计划初二物理第二学期教学计划201年第二学期教学工作计划范文小学第二学期教学工作计划范本201 学年第二学期教学工作计划20X 年体育活动第二学期教学工作计划范文第二学期教学工作计划范文







数。义,会解平均图表;理的方简单的学生初、步认识数据整法,以及简单的统计初步理数的意求简单的平均题。易的三答一些小括号式题,算一般比较熟则混合运算顺序,会练地计的三步会使用,会解比较容步计算的文字掌握四使学生、进一步。的方法会检验三步计些比较,并会计算的稍复杂一些数使学生、会解答量关系的两步应用题解答一容易的算的应用题;初步学育物辩证观点的启蒙教育和唯行爱祖的好习培养学关内容、结合有,进下生检验惯,进国,爱社会主义的教法(二)过程与方。用数学步形成中的作学在日过程,、解决题、提经历 1 .从实际生活中发现问出问题问题的体会数常生活用,初综合运知识解决问题的能力能力。分析及推理的步形成题的意中发现,培养解运筹.初步了的思想从生活数学问识,初观察、价值观(三)情感态度信心。学习数,提高学的兴数学的趣,建立学好的乐趣体会学.习数学惯。、书写养成认.真作业整洁的良好习措施:四、教学

。端正学习态度进一步教育,、学习加强思 1. 想教育目的性使学生知欲。2. 学生求试教学教学,,提倡以学生为主体启发式注重尝,激发

文年高多种方学改革重视抓 3. 课堂教,采用法调动学01二下学工作计育教师划范期体计划一、教学工作的。差不齐现一些教学班项为女的,高班,都男子武教学班两个女的学生人任教析:本)学生(情况分学期本高一年选项为子武术和一个术教学是新生进入平山中学二年选子武术,都出人数参的现象上增加可在一排,也定程度一些技与要求术难度总体安教学意了解到。学习性有一定目的连时起到况,对项时的是上个,但也基本上学期选基本情于学习这个项续的帮助时也能教师的图,这样方便教学的分析:)教材与教辅(



一、选择题 1.Don’t worry! The government will look after ________ homeless in freezing days. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.— ______________ chocolate bread you want is done now. —What ______________ delicious smell! A.A;the B.A;/ C.The;a D.The;/ 3.Zhao Youting is _______ famous actor from Taiwan who played the lead role of Ye Hua in ______ TV show Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms.(《三生三世,十里桃花》) A.a; / B.the; / C./; the D.a; the 4.Trees turn green and flowers come out in _______ spring. A.the B.a C./ 5.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 6.Ciqikou is _______ famous place in Chongqing. A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 8.In China more and more couples want to have ______ second baby so that _____ first child can feel less lonely in the future. A.the ; the B.a ; the C.the ; a D.a; a 9.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 10.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 11.––What’s on your desk, Judy? ––It’s ________ English-Chinese dictionary. It’s _______useful dictionary. A.an, the B.an, an C.an, a 12.--- Look at ______ boy wearing a brown hat. Is he _________ university student? --- Yes, he studies in Beijing University. A.the, a B.a, an C.the, an D.a, a 13.Middle school students don' t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _ park for fun with their parents or friends. A./,a B.a, a C.the, a D.a, / 14.—Do you do any sports now? —Yes, all of us exercise at________least________hour a day in and outside school.


初中英语语法专项冠词 1、He is now living in ______ European country、 A、 a B、 an C、 / D、 any 2、 China is ______ old country with ______ long history、 A、 an, a B、 a, a C、 an, the D、 an, an 3、 My parents usually go out for ______ walk in ______ evening、 A、 the, a B、 a, the C、 /, the D、 a, an 4、 Her ______ second thing is to do her homework、 A、 a B、 an

D、/ 5、The word “flower” begins with ______ “f” and the end with ______ “r”、 A、 a, a B、 an, an C、 an, a D、 an,a 6、June1st is ______ Children’s Day、 A、 a B、 an C、 the D、/ 7、 ______ Huanghe River is _______ second largest river in China、 A、 The, the B、 A, a C、 The, a D、 A, the 8、 Paris is one of ______ most beautiful cities in ______ world、 A、 /, the


初中英语语法:冠词的讲解冠词的用法讲解:(a ,an ,the ) A和an的用法的和区别. A用在以不是原因开头的单词,an是以元音开头的单词,(a,e,I,o,u) A book , an apple ,an orange , an egg, an icon, an umbrella . 一些固定的词组; A piece of cake , a cup of water, a glass of water. The的用法 1,特指的物体,大家都知道的物体. 例如:The pen is in the box . 2.在文中第二次提到的单词. 例如:I have a book, the book is on the table. 3,在世界上独一无二的事物前面. 例如:The sun is round. 4.在乐器的前面 例如:I play the piano. 5.在序数词的面前 例如:He is the first one . 6.在形容词的最高级的前面.

例如:He is the tallest boy in my class. 7,在形容词的前面加the,表示一类人例如:The young (年轻人) 8,在姓氏的复数的前面,表示一家人.例如:The Peters(彼特的一家) 不用冠词的用法 1,在不可数名词的前面. 例如:Beef is good for us . 2,在称呼,职位,头衔的前面 例如:Peter , Doctor Li 3.在人名,地名,国名的前面. 例如:Tom is a good boy. He is in Beijing . I am in China 4.在球类,学科的前面 例如:I play football. 5.在星期,节日,月份,季节. 例如:I am happy on Sunday . On Teachers’Day. In Spring


中考/备考辅导 2017年中考英语语法大全:冠词 冠词 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面帮助指明名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词 a(an)和定冠词the两种。不定冠词仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念,只表示名词为不特定者。定冠词则表示名词为特定者,表示“这”、“那”、“这些”、“那些”的意思,在可数的单复数名词或不可数名词前面都可以用。 I 不定冠词 We need an apple and a knife. 我们需要一个苹果和一把刀子。 1.a和an的区别 不定冠词有a[+]和an[+Q]两种形式,a用于辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的词前。an用于元音(不是元音字母)开头的词前。

a boy, a university, a European country u是元音字母,但发音是[U(],是辅音。 an hour ,an honor ,an island h是辅音字母,但它不发音,它的音标是是元音。an elephant, an umbrella, an egg 2(1)不定冠词的用法 ①泛指—类人或物。 eg. This is a pencil case. ②指不具体的某个人或物。 eg. I met an old man On my way home. ③用在序数词前,相当于another. eg. There’s a third boy near the shop. ④表示“每—(个)”,相当于every. eg. They have music lessons twice a week. 必背!

give a lesson take a bath have a rest 教(一堂)课洗(个)澡休息 have a talk have a fever have a good time 听报告发烧过得愉快 have(take)a walk have a headache have a nice trip 散步头疼旅途愉快 a lot of, a lot, a little, a few, a glass of, such a/an, have a word with, have a look, have a try, have a swim, a quarter, half an hour, three times a day, have a talk, give a talk, ten Yuan a kilo (2)不定冠词的位置 ①不定冠词—般放在所修饰的单数可数名词前。 eg, a bike, an egg ②当名词被such, what, many修饰时,不定冠词放在这些词之后。


一、选择题 1.I’d like ______ orange, but I don’t want _____ orange juice. A.an, / B.an, an C.a, an D.an, a 2.— ______________ chocolate bread you want is done now. —What ______________ delicious smell! A.A;the B.A;/ C.The;a D.The;/ 3.—What did you do yesterday? —We took a trip to Water Park by ____ bus and went for ____ walk around the lake. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; the 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 6.You are such __ honest kid, and I would like to invite you for __ dinner.. A.an; a B.a; the C.an; / D.a; / 7.—How is he getting along with ________ experiment? —Not smoothly. Though he failed three times, he wants to try ________ fourth time. A.the; the B.an; a C.the; a D.an; the 8.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 9.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 10.---Linda, have you heard _________ song Little Apple? ---Is it the one Chopsticks Brother s sang last year? Maybe it’s ___most popular song in 2014. A.a; the B.the; the C.a; an D.the; a 11.Hainan is _____ island with fresh air and bright sunshine. A.the B.an C.a 12.--- Look at ______ boy wearing a brown hat. Is he _________ university student? --- Yes, he studies in Beijing University. A.the, a B.a, an C.the, an D.a, a 13.Today is my little sister’s ______ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it. A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth D.the nine 14.---Kate, are you only child in your family? ---Yes, but new baby is on the way.


5)节日、星期、月份、季节名称前。如:June 1 is Children’s Day. 6)表示颜色、语言、称呼语和官职、头衔的名词前。如:Headmaster Li came to Class One just now. 7)某些固定词组或习惯用语中。如:at night, go to school, by bus, etc. 定冠不定冠意思差千万 有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。如: 1)at table在吃饭;at the table在桌子旁 2)in class在上课;in the class在班级中 3)go to school去上学; go to the school到那所学校去 4)go to bed上床睡觉; go to the bed到床那边去 5)in front of在…的前面; in the front of在…的前部. 易错点 1It's time for dinner. Kings are at table. A. /,the B. the, the C. The,/ D./,/ 答案: C. 在姓氏复数前用the表示一家人,就餐用at table. 2-What do you usually have for breakfast? -I often have bread and milk. A./,/ B./,the C. a,/ D. the, the 答案: A. 物质名词前一般不用冠词。 3Don't give up, try for second twice. A. the B. a C./ D. an 答案: B. 根据题意,请再试一次,序数词second前加a,表示another。 4Would you go for walk with me after supper? A. the,/ B. a,/ C./,the D./,a 答案: B. go for a walk为固定搭配,三餐前不加冠词。 5There isn't water or air on the moon, and man can't live on it. A. a B. the C. one D./ 答案: D. 当man表示人类时,前面不加冠词。 6more you read English, better you'll learn. A. The, the B./,/ C. A, a D. The, a 答案: A. 定冠词the用于比较级中,表示越…,越…。


初中英语语法大全 名词 (一)概述 名词就是表示人、地方、事物或抽象概念名称的词,可以说名词就是万物之名称。它们可以就是: 人的名字Li Ming, Tom 地方名称China, London 职业称呼teacher, doctor 物品名称pencil, dictionary 行为名称study, invention 抽象概念history, grammar (二)普通名词与专有名词 1.普通名词 凡不属于特定的人名、地名、事物名称或概念名称的名词,都属于普通名词。这类名词在所有的名词中占绝大多数。普通名词大致有以下四种类型: 1)个体名词 个体名词指作为个体而存在的人或物。可以指具体的人或物,例如: He has two aunts、她有两个姑姑。 Most classrooms have computers、多数教室里都有电脑。 也可指抽象东西,例如: We’ve lived here for twenty years、我们在这里住了二十年了。 I had a dream last night 我昨晚做了一个梦。 个体名词有复数形式,如:weeks, problems;单数形式可以与a/an连用,如:a week, a problem, an old man、 2)集体名词 集体名词表示由个体组成的集体,下面就是一些常见的集体名词: family(家,家庭) army(军队) company(公司;全体船员) enemy(敌人) government(政府) group(小组,团体) public(公众) team(队;组) police(警方) 集体名词有时作单数瞧待,有时作复数瞧待。一般说来,视为整体时作单数瞧待,想到它的成员时作复 有的集体名词通常用作单数,例如: Our company is sending him to work in Berlin、我们公司将派她去柏林工作。 有的集体名词多作复数瞧待。例如: The police are looking for him、警察正在找她。 3)物质名词 物质名词指无法分为个体的东西,我们学过的常见的物质名词有: beer, cloth, coal, coffee, coke, cotton, ice, ink, jam, juice, meat, medicine, metal, milk, oil paper, rain, salad, salt, sand, snow, soup, steel, sugar, tea, water, wine, wood, wool等。 一般说来,物质名词就是不可数折,因而没有复数形式。但有一些特殊情况: a.有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”,“一杯”: Tree beers, please、请来三杯啤酒。 A chocolate ice-cream for me、给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。 b.有此物质名词可作可数名词,表示“一种”:

中考英语语法专题训练 冠词(含答案)

语法专题训练冠词 1.[2018·淮安]—I’m thirsty, Mom. —Here is bottle of water for you. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.[2018·宿迁] There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A.the B.an C.a D./ 3.[2018·连云港] Zanco,American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world—the Tiny 11. A.the; a B.an; / C./; a D.an; the 4.[2018·泰州]Among all Chinese traditional arts, Nancy likes Beijing Opera best because it is really fun. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; / 5.—[2018·温州] Will you go to school-leavers’ party tomorrow? —Certainly. I’m going with my parents. A.a B.an C.the D./ 6.[2018·曲靖]—Have you seen the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s exciting documentary. A.a B.the C.an D./ 7.[2018·云南] There is umbrella behind the door. A.a B.an C.the D./ 8.[2018·百色] Alice is honest girl. She never tells lies. A.a B.an C.the D./ 9.[2018·贵阳]story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk sto ry about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 10.[2018·吉林]Yesterday’s concert was great success. All the people showed interest in it.


一、选择题 1.Benny, _______ monitor of our class, is such _______ honest boy that we all trust him. A.不填; a B.不填; an C.the; the D.a; a 2.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 3.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.The film Avengers: Infinity War (复仇者联盟3:无限战争) is so exciting that I want to watch it _______ second time. A.a B.an C.the D./ 6.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 7.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 8.---Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you ___hand?----Thanks very much, __ I can manage. A.the , and B.an , or C.a , so D.a , but 9.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 10.Little Mary is ________ honest girl, so we all like her. Besides, ________ girl looks very pretty. A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; an 11.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 12.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 13.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 14.—Jim took ___ one-hour ride just now. What a short time he spent finishing such a long way!—He is ______ experienced rider. A.an; the B.a; the C.a; an D.an; a


初中英语语法大全——冠词一. 冠词的定义、位置和种类 在英语中a,an称为不定冠词,the称为定冠词。名词前不用冠词时称为零冠词。有时名词前的冠词可以省略,这与零冠词不同。 二.不定冠词的用法 不定冠词a/an与one同源,表示微弱的一的概念,但并不强调数目,只表示名词为不特定者。不定冠词a/an的用法如下: ①

1. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。 A leaf falls much more slowly than a stone. I saw a man in the darkness, but I couldn't make out who it was. 2. 指代一类人或事物。 该用法并不表示具体的某一个人或事物的,而是表示一类人或事物,一般不译为“一”。 A doctor is a person who saves people's lives. A knife is a tool for cutting with. 3. 表示数量中的一。 意义上接近one,但数量概念比one弱,此时常译为“一”。 There is a table and four chairs in that dining room. There is going to be an English lecture this evening. 4. 表示单位量词的“每一”。 用于表示时间、速度、价格等含义的名词之前,有“每一.......”的意思。 Take three pills a day and you'll get better soon. The light blinks once a second. 5. 用于集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词前。 (1) 用于集体名词前 ②


一、选择题 1.I want ______ iPad. I hope my mom will buy one for me on my birthday this year. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.I bought useful dictionary yesterday. dictionary is very cheap. A.a; A B.a; The C.an; The 3.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.––What’s on your desk, Judy? ––It’s ________ English-Chinese dictionary. It’s _______useful dictionary. A.an, the B.an, an C.an, a 6.The film Avengers: Infinity War (复仇者联盟3:无限战争) is so exciting that I want to watch it _______ second time. A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 8.You are such __ honest kid, and I would like to invite you for __ dinner.. A.an; a B.a; the C.an; / D.a; / 9.–You made ______ same mistake again. You missed ______ “l” here. -- Oh, sorry. I’ll correct it right now. A.a, the B.the, the C.the, a D.the, an 10.---Look! Who's ______ boy talking with Jack over there? ---Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _____ honest boy. A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a D.a; an 11.Hainan is _____ island with fresh air and bright sunshine. A.the B.an C.a 12.—Are there many places of interest in Jinan? —Yes. By ________ way, you can go there by ______ bus. A.the; a B./; the C.the; / D.a; / 13.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk stor y about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 14.As Hannah Lucas had a disease, she and her brother Charile made app called notOK to let her get help from others when she wasn't feeling well.


初中英语语法冠词 Prepared on 24 November 2020

初中英语语法讲解——冠词 一、冠词的概念 冠词是一个虚词,它置于名词之前,限定名词的意义.冠词可分为定冠词,不定冠词和零冠词三类. 二、不定冠词:a/an 用于辅音发音开头的词前,而不是辅音字母前面, 如:a book, a desk; 有些单词虽然是以元音字母开头,但需用a修饰,这些单词可以连成一句话:In a university, a European united a one-eyed man to steal a useful thing, then ran away along a one-way road. This is a usual thing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲人联合独眼龙偷了一件有用的东西,然后沿着一条单行道逃跑了。这是一件平常的事。 用于元音发音开头的词前,而不是元音字母前,如:an apple, an hour. 有些单词虽然是以辅音字母开头,但发音却是以元音开头,这些单词可以连成一句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一个小时以前,一个诚实人接受了一项光荣的任务。 a/an的用法: 1. a/an 用于单数可数名词前,表示“某一”“一…”或者“一个”的意思. a book a boy a man a bird a dog an hour an interesting book a big dog a dangerous animal 2.表示类别:这种用法是指某人或某物属于某一种类,或者指某一种类的 人或物中的任何一个或一件,或者指某一种类的人或物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。例如: That is a pen, not a pencil.那是钢笔而不是铅笔。(指属于某一种类) Give him a pear, please!请给他一个梨。(指某一种类中的任何一个) An elephant is bigger than a horse. 大象比马大。 和 one 的区别: a/an 表示类别种类,而one强调数量


一、选择题 1.________baby in red is________eight-month-old boy. A.The;an B.A;a C.The;a D.The;/ 2.(2017 ? 江苏省东台市实验中学九年级第三次模拟考试)—Mum, why apples again? I can’t stand any longer. —Daring, apples are good for you. __________ apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know. A.The B.A C.An D./ 3.—When is Mother’s Day? —It’s on ___________ Sunday in May. A.two B.the second C.twelve D.the twelfth 4.—What did you do yesterday? —We took a trip to Water Park by ____ bus and went for ____ walk around the lake. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; the 5.—There is a chess match between a Chinese player and AlphaGo(阿尔法). —It’s very amazing. Playing _____ chess is usually ________ one-to-one game. A./;a B.the; a C./;an D.a; the 6.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make i t ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 7.---Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you ___hand?----Thanks very much, __ I can manage. A.the , and B.an , or C.a , so D.a , but 8.---Look! Who's ______ boy talking with Jack over there? ---Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _____ honest boy. A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a D.a; an 9.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 10.Lily is _____ shy girl, but she’s good at playing _____ guitar. A.an, the B.a, the C.a, / D.an, / 11.________ story has an unhappy ending. Many people cried after watching it. A.A B.An C.The D./ 12.--- Look at ______ boy wearing a brown hat. Is he _________ university student? --- Yes, he studies in Beijing University. A.the, a B.a, an C.the, an D.a, a 13.Today is my little sister’s ______ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it. A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth D.the nine 14.---Kate, are you only child in your family? ---Yes, but new baby is on the way.


第 4 单元冠词 (一)不定冠词a,an 1表示人或事物的某一类(含义相当于一类事物的任何一个) 『例』My father is a driver. Do you like an apple or a pear? She is a girl. A horse is an animal. An elephant is bigger than a horse. A monkey can climb trees. 2 a 用于辅音音素开头的词前,an 用于元音音素开头的词前。 『例』 a university , an hour, an honest boy 3用于表示数量、时间的名词前,表示“每一”的意思,但数的概念没有one 强烈。『例』 The plan will be ready in a day or two. 4 有些不可数名词要表示“一种”、“一场”、“一堆”时,须加不 定冠词『例』 a heavy snow, a strong wind, make a fire, have a good time 5用于某些固定短语中 『例』 a lot of, in a hurry, a moment ago,leave a message, have a rest half an hour, (二)定冠词 1.特指某个或某些人或事物,或指谈话双方都知道的人或事物,或重复上文提过的人或事物。 『例』 How do you like the film? I have got a picture. The picture is very nice. 2.用于指世界上独一无二的事物。 『例』the sun the moon the earth The earth is bigger than the moon, but smaller than the sun. 3.定冠词 the 用于序数词前或表示方位的名词前和形容词最高级前 或“same/only/very+名词”前。 『例』 the first the best in the south in the same class He is the only person who knows the secret. 4.用在形容词前表示一类人或事物。 『例』 The old The rich The poor The young etc. 5.用于江湖、海洋、山脉、群岛的名称前面。 『例』 the Yellow River, the Himalayas


一、选择题 1.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 2.(2017 ? 江苏省东台市实验中学九年级第三次模拟考试)—Mum, why apples again? I can’t stand any longer. —Daring, apples are good for you. __________ apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know. A.The B.A C.An D./ 3.Zhao Youting is _______ famous actor from Taiwan who played the lead role of Ye Hua in ______ TV show Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms.(《三生三世,十里桃花》) A.a; / B.the; / C./; the D.a; the 4.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 5.—What did you do yesterday? —We took a trip to Water Park by ____ bus and went for ____ walk around the lake. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; the 6.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 7.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 8.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 9.---Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you ___hand?----Thanks very much, __ I can manage. A.the , and B.an , or C.a , so D.a , but 10.—How is he getting along with ________ experiment? —Not smoothly. Though he failed three times, he wants to try ________ fourth time. A.the; the B.an; a C.the; a D.an; the 11.---Look! Who's ______ boy talking with Jack over there? ---Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _____ honest boy. A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a D.a; an 12.—Are there many places of interest in Jinan? —Yes. By ________ way, you can go there by ______ bus. A.the; a B./; the C.the; / D.a; / 13.Middle school students don' t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _
