英文演讲稿 了不起的盖茨比

英文演讲稿 了不起的盖茨比
英文演讲稿 了不起的盖茨比

The Great Gatsby Night falls, I stood in this same place, I thought of Gatsby, Daisy Terminal showed me the green light, he has been waiting for so long, once the dream is so palpable, he hugged her. Gatsby believed that green light, believed long lost hope. Hope finish further away from us, but that is not important. Tomorrow we will run faster, and put our arms farther. One day, we can continue to do sailing, riding, was constantly pushed back till, past.

----Fitzgerald The introduction of the Writter

The Great Gatsby, is the United States 20th century an important novelist made by Fitzgerald, he was a "lost generation" writers, is the "jazz age" poet laureate. Fitzgerald of novel vivid of reflect has in the 1920 of the 20th century "United States dream" of burst, show has big depression period United States upper social of spirit, its life experience and he of works are can description, he is United States "Jazz times" of spokesman, is in the 1920 of the 20th century has representative of writer, he has success and brilliant of side, also has bitter and frustrated of side, had was called "failed of authority". His life is intertwined with ambition and reality, success and failure, triumph and a dog, indulgence and decadence, love and pain, United States and civilized Europe clash of civilizations, conflict between East and West, dreams and

disillusionment ... ... It's all in the performance of most of his novels, the most representative of the Great Gatsby, it lays the author in the modern United States status of literature.

The introduction to the story

Story takes place in the modern United States social class on the white circle, and described by Cab Calloway. Cab Calloway was born in the United States Midwest and later to the United States in New York learning to run a stock business, and want to get rich. He lives on Long Island, and the story of Gatsby-o, and make friends with them. Gatsby was originally called the gates, and Cab Calloway as from the Midwest, he was born normal but ambitious, due to bootlegging and riches. He used to hold a Grand party at home, dayanbinke, to display its rich, objective is to attract the lovers Daisy five years ago and win back his heart. Five years ago, Gatsby's Daisy when military service was his lover, Gatsby overseas during the first world war, because of greed was born wealthy family married dudes Tom. However, desire and carnal meet Daisy has not filled the spiritual void and emptiness. In Cab Calloway's help, the share closed with gates after rekindling. But Daisy is not the original one was Daisy, she no longer is Gatsby's idea of the innocent girl, but a stupid, selfish, vulgar and beautiful body. Gatsby's beautiful dream has finally been shattered, but he did last fight, there is a hint of fantasy to Daisy, which suffered a more tragic and sad ending. Later, Daisy, in a

drink driving Gatsby's car killed Tom's mistress, but plotted together with Tom and Gatsby are cruel referred to, lead to deceased husband burst into Gatsby's home, shot Gatsby and then committed suicide, Gatsby ultimately become selfish and cruel victim of Daisy.

Delicate and accurate display of the Great Gatsby in the 1920 of the 20th century United States social style, makes a detailed depiction of the sort that glamorous, feasting frenzy scenes. World War I, United States is undoubtedly the biggest winner, surging economic strength, the spirit world was facing a huge crisis. On the ruins of the old morality, ideals, beliefs, the post-war United States youth slipped into the pursuit of consumption life to enjoy. Money is considered above all gods in the world. Challenges to traditional moral values, and the new value has not been formed. Thus, the Americans in the age of moral turpitude, spiritual emptiness. People dreaming of riches, the pursuit of material to meet and enjoy a social fashion

The reasons I love the Great Gatsby

There are many reason to love the Great Gatsby: like opening that his father's advice: when you comment on other people's, keep in mind that not all people are like you superior conditions. Like Gatsby, standing on the beach looking at Daisy's Dock Green, looked at him like "stretched out his arms in a strange way", like the kind of surprise and keen; unknown like Gatsby's mansion on the night of lights, and wind from the

garden to the music and laughter, sensual pleasures, horny. Gatsby hiding in this bustling behind the lonely and repressed desire. Love after the death of that human well-being, like looking at the car from another end of the world came to the door of the mansion, but have not found a better dinner had ended. Also like the book's language, metaphor and

story-telling way, and delicate but rigorous structure. Only after repeated reading, you will find everyone in the book not only full, independent and invisible and taper up in an episode of the snare, becomes part of the plot.

This conclusion, however, in front of the Great Gatsby back into an indefinable weak and dull. In the face of love, Gatsby is always waiting, he found Daisy at the end terminals of the shadows behind her the green light to start, he was caught in a strong pain and guarding, although this watch for seemingly smart people, in many cases, is simply stupid. When we encounter an eyeful only money but tenderness in front of you to say I love you girls how to respond? scarier is that she does not intend to, sincere look in her eyes and you can't shy away from you that nothing in your wallet when maybe we, in response to the speculation can only be embarrassed and silent. But Gatsby realized that she loved him, but he had no money. Thus, Gatsby's tragedy began. Fitzgerald is great that we have so many words to express but also had to shut his mouth, looked at Gatsby irreparable gradually fell to the later built his own love in the backyard garden.


篇一:地震演讲稿 尊敬的吴老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 您还记得吗? 2008年5月12日下午14点28分。 您还记得吗?中国——四川——汶川县。 您还记得吗?2013年4月20日早晨8点02分您还记得嘛?——四川——雅安 看着这些熟悉的数字我的心是如此的沉重和苦涩 2013年4月20日早晨8点02分,当我们还在熟睡之际,梦想人生之时,雅安却发生了大地震,我们被这残酷的灾难所震醒,心被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生的一刻,我想到了那次汶川地震。它就像噩梦一样留在我们心中永远挥之不去。 那一次,四川汶川县发生了里氏八点零级地震,全国大半地区都有明显震感。它给人们和国家造成了严重的生命和财产损失。说它是大地震,是因为它比我们都知道的唐山地震还要严重,余震异常频繁,是新中国成立以来,一次史无前例的大灾难! 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震----这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。 “一方有难,八方支援。众志成城,抗震救灾。”不错,当大地震发生后,全国乃至全世界都举行了捐款捐物捐衣捐水活动,各国人民也纷纷解囊相助,用爱心来为灾区人民营造幸福乐园。 两次地震给四川人民带来流离失所的悲痛,同时也体现了众多人们伟大的人格,在灾难降临的时候,四川人民没有退缩,中国人民没有退缩,他们抛弃了个人的一切,甚至写下遗书奔赴抗震救灾第一线。国家领导人不惜一切代价抢救灾情,为灾区人民送去温暖和希望。温家宝总理李克强总理在第一时间赶到了抗灾第一线,向灾区人民嘘寒问暖,表达了党中央对他们的爱护及关心。总理们在抗震前线吃的是馒头榨菜,每时每刻都往返在各个救灾帐篷之间?? 社会的各界仁人志士同样也为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。他们有的是从全国各地赶来的志愿者,有的是没有遇难的本地人,有的则是来四川探亲的??他们也许失去了亲人,也许没有了家园,但是他们没有时间去过多悲痛,而是化悲伤为力量,为了灾区人民夜以继日地奔波着忙碌着。还有那些最可爱的官兵战士们,为了多救出一个灾民,为了早一分钟让灾民脱离危险,他们置自己的生死于不顾,和时间赛跑,和余震斗争,多么可爱的人啊,我们向他们致敬!在这块被灾难和阴霾笼罩的土地上,每一分每一秒都在回荡着一组组爱的交响乐! 用我们的爱心和行动,谱写出我们众志成城的一个好日子。阳光会灿烂,月亮会微笑,孩子的眼睛会被水灵灵的希望擦亮。我们手牵手,用一种不屈的精神一起去迎接美好的明天!我们手牵手,用一种伟岸的气魄一起去迎接美好的明天!篇二:地震演讲稿.doc 地震演讲稿-国旗下讲话:让我们唱响同一首歌 清风徐来,红日升起,雄壮激越的国歌旋律在校园的高空飘扬的时候,同学们,你有没有感受到这是多么幸福安宁的生活?你有没有为此对这份幸福充满感恩?这些日子,我是如此强烈地感受到了这些,但是我还想到了同一蓝天下却承受着巨大的痛苦的我们的四川同胞们,他们遭遇到毁灭性的人生浩劫,正经受着的家破人亡的悲伤,正面临着大片大片废墟的茫然无措。。。 真相是如此残酷,了解真相更是令人痛苦。但是,哪一个黑头发黄皮肤的的中国人不突然放下手头的工作泪眼婆娑地盯着新闻里一个又一个关于同胞们受灾的镜头,哪一个流着中国血喝着黄河水的中国人不倾耳收听抗震救灾的行动? 下面,我想就我所了解的四川地震的有关情况为大家作个具体的介绍。 北京时间5月12日14时28分,在四川汶川县(北纬31度,东经103.4度)发生7.8级地震。包括北京在内的近半个中国都有震感。此次四川地震震级高,又属浅源性地震,释放能量剧


Pursuit for dreams —after reading The Great Gatsby I have heard of the famous novel The Great Gatsby for many years. However, until recently have I got the time and mood to read it. As soon as I finish reading, I find my previous unwarranted assumption of it totally wrong. This is a story about Gatsby and his pursuit for the ‘American dreams'. During the World War One, the poor soldier Gatsby fell in love with an upper class girl named Daisy. But due to the wide gap between them, Daisy decided to marry Tom, a man of her class, instead of Gatsby. Broken-hearted Gatsby then held the conviction that money was of the greatest importance. He strongly believed in the ‘American dreams', which as we all know, advocates that one can achieve whatever he or she likes through continuous efforts. He strived for five years to become a millionaire and bought a villa near Daisy's to attract her. He was too addicted to his fantasy to realize that Daisy was no longer the lovely girl she used to be. Eventually, he was killed because of her crime. After reading it, something reverberates in my heart. I


The Great Gatsby F.Scott.Fitzgerald . Character List Daisy Buchanan - Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. As a young woman in Louisville before the war, Daisy was courted by a number of officers, including Gatsby. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However, Daisy harbors a deep need to be loved, and when a wealthy, powerful young man named Tom Buchanan asked her to marry him, Daisy decided not to wait for Gatsby after all. Now a beautiful socialite, Daisy lives with Tom across from Gatsby in the fashionable East Egg district of Long Island. She is sardonic and somewhat cynical, and behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband’s constant infidelity. Daisy Buchanan (In-Depth Analysis) Tom Buchanan - Daisy’s immensely wealthy husband, once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Powerfully built and hailing from a socially solid old family, Tom is an arrogant, hypocritical bully. His social attitudes are laced with racism and sexism, and he never even considers trying to live up to the moral standard he demands from those around him. He has no moral qualms about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle, but when he begins to suspect Daisy and Gatsby of having an affair, he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. Jordan Baker - Daisy’s friend, a woman with whom Nick becomes romantically involved during the course of the novel. A competitive golfer, Jordan represents one of the “new women” of the 1920s—cynical, boyish, and self-centered. Jordan is beautiful, but also dishonest: she cheated in order to win her first golf tournament and continually bends the truth. Myrtle Wilson - Tom’s lover, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes. Myrtle herself possesses a fierce vitality and desperately looks for a way to improve her situation. Unfortunately for her, she chooses Tom, who treats her as a mere object of his desire. Analysis of Major Characters Daisy Buchanan Partially based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and the object of Gatsby’s love. As a young debutante in Louisville, Daisy was extremely popular among the military officers stationed near her home, including Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lied about his background to Daisy, claiming to be from a wealthy family in order to convince her that he was worthy of her. Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy’s heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents. After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, making her the single goal of all of his dreams and the main motivation behind his acquisition of immense wealth through criminal activity. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her. In reality, however, Daisy falls far short of Gatsby’s ideals. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. Nick characterizes her as a careless person who smashes things up and then retreats behind her money. Daisy proves her real nature when she chooses Tom over Gatsby in Chapter VII, then allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson even though she herself was driving


菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》,摘录书中比较经典的句子: Chapter 1 1. 每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。 Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just rember that all the people in this world haven ' thad the advantages that you 've had. 2. 人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3. 人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don ' tcare what it ' s founded on. Chapter 2 这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。 Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of humansecrecytothecasualwatcherinthedarkeningstreets,andIwashimtoo,lookingupan dwondering.Iwaswithinandwithout,simultaneouslyenchantedandrepelledbytheinexh austible variety of life. Chapter 3 1. 他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有更多的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰 上四五次。它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是


英语演讲稿:地震 sinceweenterthe21stcentury,thespiritofcooperationhasbecomem oreandmoreimportant.win-winisapopularword.inthisway,oneplus oneisactuallybiggerthanratherthanjustequaltotwo. inthishighlydevelopedsociety,theprogressofscienceandtechnol ogyistheresultofcooperation.thehumangenomeprojectisagoodexa mple.morethan1000topscientistsfromdifferentcountrieshavepar ticipatedinthegreatproject.everyscientistmaybea’one’,buto neplusone,thefinalresultismuchgreaterthan’two’. thethemeofoursocietyisnotcompetition,butcooperation.everyst ageofpracticeshowsthatpeoplewithspiritofcooperationorteamwo rkwillwinsuccessmuchmoreeasilythanthosewithoutthespirit,and acountryorregionwilldevelopfasterandbetterifcooperatingwith theoutsideworldinsteadofself-enclosed.wecanbenefitfromeacho herifwecreatevaluetogether.wemustcorrectlyhandletherelation shipbetweencooperationandcompetition,andlearntocooperatewit hother.weneedtomakeoneandonebiggerthantwo. theterribledisastercausedmorethen40075inhabitantsdeathsandc

了不起的盖茨比 论文

OUTLINE Abstract Key Words I. Introduction II. Background 2.1 Life Experience 2.2 Social Reality III. Use of Symbolism 3.1 The Symbolism of Name 3.1.1 Daisy 3.1.2 Gatsby 3.1.3 Tom 3.2 The Symbolism l of Setting 3.2.1 East Egg and West Egg 3.2.2 The Valley of Ashes 3.3.3The Eyes of Dr.T,J,Eckleburg 3.3 The Symbolism of Color 3.3.1 Green-Hope, Dream, Envy 3.3.2 Blue-Quiet Melancholy, Fantasy 3.3.3 Yellow (Golden) - Fame, Fortune,Fall 3.3.4 White-Purity, Indifference, Empty 3.3.5 Grey-Desolation Ruins Desperation Ⅳ. Conclusion Bibliography 中文标题、摘要、关键词

On the Function of the Symbolism in Expressing Theme of The Great Gatsby Author:xierongfeng Number:××× Tutor:liuguoying Abstract: F. Scott Fitzgerald, American novelist and short story writer, is widely consider the literary spokesman of the “jazz age”-the decade of the 1920s .In 1925, Fitzgerald published his masterpiece, The Great Gatsby .In this book, he employs all kinds of names, settings and colors as symbols to reflect the characteristics of the age and to deepen the theme of the work. The author of the paper mainly analyzes the function of the symbolism in manifesting the theme- disillusion of American dream-of the work from there aspects of the symbols-name, setting and color. Key Words: Symbolism; American dream; The Great Gatsby Ⅰ.Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in a not rich family, so he wanted to earn lots of money to become rich to enjoy high quality life. To satisfy his wife’s limitless requirements, he lived a very hard life. The tempo of his life slackened as his life was shredded by Zelda’s insanity and his own self-destructive alcoholism. Through years of emotional and physical collapse he struggled to repair his life by writing for Hollywood-producing at the same time a series of stories that exposed his humiliation there. He became one of the greatest writers in American literature and wrote many works in his lifetime to manifest the life reality of that time. He was a spokesman for the so-called Jazz Age, setting a personal as well as literary example for a generation whose first commandment was: Do what you will. He fell from favor as a writer when the indulgent decade of his triumph went down under the impact of a worldwide Depression in the 1930s. The Great Gatsby is regarded as his masterpiece. First published on April 10, 1925, the story is set in Long Island's North Shore and New York City during the summer of 1922. The novel tells of Gatsby ,an idealist , who tries to recapture his lost love but in vain and is finally destroyed by the influence of the wealthy people around him .The


地震自救自护知识英语演讲稿篇一:地震自救自护知识 地震自救自护知识 1、学校避震正在上课时,要在教师指挥下迅速抱头、闭眼、躲在各自的课桌下。在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。不要回到教室去。震后应当有组织地撤离。千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外旁!不要到阳台上去。 2、家庭避震 地震预警时间短暂,室内避震更具有现实性,而室内房屋倒塌后形成的三角空间,往往是人们得以幸存的相对安全地点,可称其为避震空间。这主要是指大块倒塌体与支撑物构成的空间。室内易于形成 3、公共场所避震 听从现场工作人员的指挥,不要慌乱,不要拥向出口,要避免拥挤,要避开人流,避免被挤到墙壁或栅栏处。 在影剧院、体育馆等处:就地蹲下或趴在排椅下;注意避开吊灯、电扇等悬挂物;用书包等保护头部;等地震过去后,听从工作人员指挥,有组织地撤离。 在商场、书店、展览、地铁等处:选择结实的柜台、商品(如低矮家具等)或柱子边,以及内墙角等处就地蹲下,用手或其他东西护头;避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜台;避

开高大不稳或摆放重物、易碎品的货架;避开广告牌、吊灯等高耸或悬挂物。 4、户外避震 就地选择开阔地避震:蹲下或趴下,以免摔倒;不要乱跑,避开人多的地方;不要随便返回室内。避开高大建筑物或构筑物:楼房,特别是有玻璃幕墙的建筑;过街桥、立交桥;高烟囱、水塔下。避开危险物、高耸或悬挂物:变压器、电线杆、路灯等,广告牌、吊车等。避开其他危险场所:狭窄的街道;危旧房屋,危墙等。 切记:千万不要跳楼!不要靠近在窗户!不要到阳台上去!不要乘电梯! 地震时的自救四大常识 1、大地震时不要急 破坏性地震从人感觉振动到建筑物被破坏平均只有12秒钟,在这短短的时间内你千万不要惊慌,应根据所处环境迅速作出保障安全的抉择。如果住的是平房,那么你可以迅速跑到门外。如果住的是楼房,千万不要跳楼,应立即切断电闸,关掉煤气,暂避到洗手间等跨度小的地方,或是桌子,床铺等下面,震后迅速撤离,以防强余震。 2、人多先找藏身处 学校,商店,影剧院等人群聚集的场所如遇到地震,最忌慌乱,应立即躲在课桌,椅子或坚固物品下面,待地震过


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 《恋爱中的女人》人物及其人物关系的象征分析 2 侦探小说的发展 3 林语堂翻译思想探究——以《浮生六记》英译本为例 4 中英爱情谚语的隐喻研究及其翻译 5 一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫 6 A Comparative Analysis Between Pride and Prejudice and The Portrait of a Lady from the Perspective of Feminism 7 论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因 8 论中西方思维方式的差异 9 美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例 10 浅析《喜福会》中的中美文化碰撞与融合 11 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 12 商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译 13 美国校园俚语发展的促动因素看美国的自由精神 14 Comparaison entre l’Histoire d’A Q et l’Etranger 15 中西方语言和文化间的相互影响 16 分析《要说出全部真理,但不能直说》中的标记用法 17 经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》 18 文化负载词的翻译策略 19 试论英汉日常礼貌表达的异同 20 企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析 21 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析 22 非言语交际在中西文化中的差异 23 从中美数字谚语看中美文化的差异 24 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运 25 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华 26 英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段 27 论《简爱》中话语的人际意义 28 论中美商务沟通中的跨文化意识 29 从传统消费观念看中美文化差异 30 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan 31 美国个人主义对民众生活信念的影响--以电影《当幸福来敲门》为例 32 论商标翻译的原则及策略 33 英汉语篇中的省略衔接手段对比及其翻译方法——以《雪》译文为例 34 李宁的品牌推广 35 浅析《宠儿》中塞丝背上的树的形象 36 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text 37 寻找自我——从女性意识角度解读《觉醒》 38 An analysis of Female Images in The House on Mango Street from the Perspective of Feminism 39 阅读中的英语词汇教学策略 40 An Analysis of Female Images in The Thorn Birds


关于防地震安全知识演讲稿 我们要有防患意识、自我保护意识、珍爱生命意识,防灾意识。多学习一些防灾的知识,多掌握一些防灾抗灾的技能。下面是为大家整理了有关于防地震安全知识演讲稿3篇,希望能够帮到你。 关于防地震安全知识演讲稿篇1 亲爱的老师、同学们: 早上好,“星星火炬”广播现在开始,我是广播员钟宝仪。今天我广播的内容是“地震时我们该怎么办?”。 上星期,学校开展了地震演练活动,同学们都认真对待,积极配合老师,可是有一小部分同学嘻嘻哈哈,认为地震根本不可能发生在自己身上。其实,地球每天都在发生地震,一年约有500万次。地震,它就像刮风,下雨一样平常,是一种经常发生的自然现象,但是它破坏力很大,往往发生在瞬间。这就要求我们要有防患意识、自我保护意识、多学习掌握一些抗震技能。 如果我们在上课时发生地震,怎么办?我们要迅速抱头,闭眼,躲在各自的课桌下,背向窗户,用书包保护头部。服从老师指挥,有组织地撤离,防止发生踩踏,不可慌乱冲出教室,不可跳窗逃生。 如果我们在家发生地震,怎么办?我们要躲在坚固家具附近,内墙墙根,墙角,厨房,厕所,储藏室等开间小的地方。 如果我们逛书店发生地震,怎么办?我们要选择结实的柱子边或内墙角就地蹲下,用手或其他东西护头,避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜

台,不要慌乱,听从现场工作人员指挥。 如果我们不幸被埋压,怎么办?设法用砖头、木棍等支撑残垣断壁,防止周围杂物进一步倒塌,以防余震时再被埋压,不要随便动用室内设施,包括电源、水源等,也不要使用明火,闻到煤气及有毒异味或灰尘太大时,设法用湿衣服捂住口、鼻,不要乱叫,保持体力,用敲击声求救。 防患于未然,同学们,中午回家就自己动手做一个“地震包”吧。先找一个书包(可以是以前使用过的旧书包或背囊),里面放一些防灾用品:如口哨、手电筒、急救药品、火柴、蜡烛、毛巾、绳索、毛毯、写有家人血型的卡片等等,可以再放两瓶矿泉水及一些固体食品(譬如饼干、花生)。记得这些食品每隔一段时间更换一次,因为放久了会过期的。接着把这个“地震包”放在家门口一个醒目并且容易拿到的地方。如果灾难真的发生时,这个“地震包”或许会挽救我们的生命。 “星星火炬”广播到此结束,请大家明天继续收听,谢谢大家! 关于防地震安全知识演讲稿篇2 孩子是祖国的花朵,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来,如此美好的词汇昭示着孩子生命的宝贵。作为培育孩子的摇篮,我校一直都注重安全教育,经常开展各类安全讲座与展板宣传,并将安全理念渗透在每周一国旗下的讲话之中,宣传督促学生注意安全,快乐享受在校的美好时光。 一.地震知识


,摘录书中比较经典的句子:菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》Chapter 1 每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的1. 条件。Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. 人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。2.A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 不过超过一定的限度,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,3.人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on.Chapter 2 一定让街头偶尔我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,这时,天色已经暗了下来,举头望我也是这样的一个过路人,抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,同时又被其排斥着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,着。Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human and looking up and I was him too, streets, secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening the by enchanted without, simultaneously and repelled wondering. I was within and inexhaustible variety of life. Chapter 3 他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有更多的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不1. 先是再一刹安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。它那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,人理解的那么多,它对你的对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是你想被它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,成的那么多。smiles rare those understandingly. It was one of much He smiled understandingly—more than with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on —faced—or seemed to faceyou with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey. 每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几2. 个诚实人中间的一个。Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people I have ever known. Chapter 4 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. Chapter 5 他怀着一种创造性的情感将自己全身心地投入到它的中间,不断地为它增添内容,用飘浮到他路上的每一根漂亮羽毛去装扮它。有谁知道在一个人的波诡云谲的心里,能蓄下多少火一1 / 3 样的激情和新鲜的念头。 He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.


What Makes The Great Gatsby Great? Recently, I have read a classical novel, The Great Gatsby, Francis Key Fitzgerald is the author, who is one of the most outstanding writers in 20th century. I think all the plots in the novel are similar to the something happens in the today’s society. The story is told by Nick(Daisy’s cousin),who witnesses a lot the ugly aspects of the society and human characters. Here is the story goes: Tom and Daisy married for a time and live in East Egg. In their opposite, living a very great wealthy man, called Gatsby. He hold parties day and night and get famous for this. Actually, Daisy and Gatsby fell in love a few years ago. At that time, Gatsby was very poor and dispatched into Europe because of war. Then, they broke up and Daisy married Tom, the second-generation rich. Latter, Gatsby comes back with social position and big fortunate, and he continues loving Daisy. At a car accident, Daisy kills the Tom’s mistress. To protect Daisy, Gatsby takes all the responsibility of the accident. Finally, Wilson (the husband of mistress) shoots Gatsby under the instigation of Tom. And Tom and Daisy set foot on Europe’s travelling. I think everyone feels pity for the Gatsby, for his infatuation to Daisy and for his foolish love, like the following two descriptions.①“--Was Daisy driving? ---Yes, he said after a moment, but of course I’ll say I was.”(p154) ②“the chauffeur –he was one of Wolfshiem’s

了不起的盖茨比 中英文台词对照

1、每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. 2、人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3、人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. 4、这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. 5、他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是你想被人理解的那么多,它对你的信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造成的那么多。He smiled understandingly——much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it h ad precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hope to convey. 7、世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 8、他怀着一种创造性的情感将自己全身心地投入到它的中间,不断地为它增添内容,用飘浮到他路上的每一根漂亮羽毛去装扮它。有谁知道在一个人的波诡云谲的心里,能蓄下多少火一样的激情和新鲜的念头。He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.
