让 英 语 课 堂 充 满 情 趣

让 英 语 课 堂 充 满 情 趣


《Go For It》(九年级)

Unit 4:What would you do? (第一课时) 教学案例

案例背景:众所周知,兴趣是个体积极探究某种事物或真理的认识倾向,对人的活动有着巨大的推动力。在教学中,它更是推动学生主动学习的内在动力,萌发学生学习的热情。本节课教学以if引导的非真实性条件状语从句为主要内容。而在此前,由if 引导的真实性条件状语从句就一直是教学中的难点,学生对它的理解相当困难。如果再单纯对这个新语法做抽象的讲解,势必加重对学生学习信心的打击。针对这一情况,我在备课时考虑到变抽象为直观,充分运用实物与画图,从吸引学生注意力、调动他们积极性入手,让整节英语课充满了情趣,力争最大限度地完成预定的教学目标。

案例运行过程:Step 1: Report on duty. Students listen and answer some questions.

Step 2: 1, Show a hundred yuan to Ss and ask “What’s this?” Ss answer happily: “It’s one hundred yuan.”“Do you like it?”“Yes, we do.”

Then I say slowly and write on the blackboard:

What will you do if you have a hundred yuan?

Lead the Ss to answer “I will------ if I have a hundred yuan.” One by one , many Ss can give different answers.

2, I show a picture of one million dollars and tell them “I won a million dollars in the lottery yesterday.” (Ss all laughed) Then I ask and write the second question:

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Show some pictures and help Ss to answer “I would------ if I had a million dollars” with the phrases ‘give it to charities/put it in the bank/buy a car/build a big house’ and so on.

3, Pairwork: Write another sentence and ask the Ss to practice the dialogue before the class.

A, What would you do if you won a hundred million in the lottery?

B, I’d------ if I won a hundred million dollars.

C, If I were you, I would------.

4, Play a game: Show some pictures on the slide ( such as: Be in a big fire/Fly to the moon/ Work as the mayor of Zhongshan and so on.)

Ask the Ss what would they do if they were in the above situations. Let the Ss discuss and give their opinions. The student who gives a good answer will receive a little present.

5, Open the Ss book and do listening exercise 1b, 2a , 2b

Step 3, Summary: Review what we learned today and lead the Ss to Sum up Grammar-----1,If 引导的条件状语从句,可能性大时,为真实性条件状语从句,该从句常用一般现在时,主句则用一般将来时;而当它的可能性小时,为非真实性条件状语从句,该从句改用一般过去时,主句则对应为过去将来时。2,“If I were you”已成为一个固定表达法,不能改为“If I was You”.

Step 4,Homework: Use “if” to write five sentences on exercise book.


