


Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Looking back on my childhood. I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were brought up in the same way, my b rothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed(紧抱的) flowers and insects. Unlike them ,I hand no ear for music and languages, I was no t an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.

Before World war I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I hav e only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toy s. (76) Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aun ts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door .but I do have a crysta l-clear memory of dogs, the farm animals , the local birds and above all ,the insects.

I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigation s. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnigh t. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnigh t oil, reading about other people’s observations and discoveries .th en something happens that brings these observations together in my co nscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle (谜),because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my p ublishing 300 papers and books ,which some might honor with the title of scientific research.

But curiosity ,a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the an imal and plant world do not make a scientist; one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline, a quality I lack.

A scientist can be made .A naturalist is born . If you can combine t he two, you get the best of born


1. According to the author , a born naturalist should first of all be_____

A. full of enthusiasm

B. self-disciplined

C. full of ambition

D. knowledgeable

2. The first paragraph tells us that the author _____

A. lost his hearing when he was a child

B. didn’t like his brothers and sisters

C. was born to a naturalist’s family

D. was interested in flowers an insects in his childhood

3. The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientis t probably because he thinks he _____

A. just reads about other people’s observations and discoverie s

B. comes up with solutions in most natural ways

C. has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic

D. lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

author can’t remember his relatives clearly because_____.

A. he was fully occupied with observing nature

B. he didn’t live very long with them

C. the family was extremely large

D. he was too young when he lived with them

5. Which of the following statement is true

A. The author believes that a born naturalist cannot be a scient ist.

B. The author’s brothers and sisters were good at music and lan guages.

C. The author read a lot of books about the natural world and th e oil industry.

D. The author spent a lot of time working on riddles.

Passage 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surpri sed to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.

Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly hig h-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go an ywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying yo ur fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.

The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, bu t also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so t hey naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The mo st they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registrati on card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use an y old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of c harge.

The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. (77) They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate. F

rom then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they wi ll be paid accordingly.

With so many loopholes(漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to p ay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a singl e outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And wo rkers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. A s the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.

(78) In a society of such high moral practice, what need is there for people to be on guard against others

taking a taxi in Finland, _____

A. a passenger can go anywhere without having to pay the driver

B. a passenger pays two US dollars for a taxi ride

C. a passenger can never be turned down by the taxi driver where ver he wants to go

D. a passenger needs to provide good faith demonstration before they leave without paying

7. We know from the passage that big hotels in Finland_____

A. provide meal for only those who live in the hotels

B. provide meals for any diners

C. provide free wine and charge for food

D. are mostly poorly managed

8. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A. The workers in Finland are paid by the hour.

B. The bosses in Finland are too busy to check the working hours of their employees.

C. The workers are always honest with their working hours.

D. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advanc

e about the pay.

9. The word “those” in the last paragraph probably refers to __ ___

A. people who often take taxis

B. people who often have meals in big hotels

C. people who are dishonest

D. people who are worthy of trust

10. It can be concluded that _____

A. Finnish people are not smart enough in daily life

B. Finland has been a good place for cheats

C. the Finnish society is of very high moral level

D. all the Finns are rich

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

There are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life.

Nowadays, people are very busy. Often, both parents work outside the home. Children are expected to take on more responsibility at ho me to help their parents. They also have sporting and leisure activi ties as well as school expectations.

The busyness also adds another factor: the need to use cars to g et from one place to another quickly.

Today, society places a lot of emphasis on technology. Computers, DVDs. CDs, television, PlayStations and Xboxes have become major lei sure activities, rather than traditional more active pursuits. This h as led to a more sedentary lifestyle.

The media provide entertainment and information. (79)Unfortunate ly, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyle s. It is much more convenient at times to buy a quick takeaway rather than prepare a meal. The media constantly bombard(轰炸) their audien ce with ‘perfect’ body images, the need to buy the most fashionable clothes, the most up-to-date computer games, the best places to visit and the best things to do.

Environments vary. We may be exposed to pollution , such as cigare tte smoke. This can be harmful to people who suffer from breathing di fficulties.(80)Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life.

It is important factor influencing healthy lifestyles is motiva tion. Or the desire to be healthy. Any person who wants to be healthy will find a way to be healthy —if he/she is motivated enough!

11. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. benefits of a healthy life style

B. demands of daily life

C. factors affecting a healthy lifestyle

D. a positive approach to healthy living

12. The word “sedentary” in Paragraph 4 probable means _____.

A. having a lot of things to do

B. involving little exercise or physical activity

C. being isolated from the outside world

D. experiencing a lot of stress

13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a fa ctor leading to the popularity of fast food

A. Cheap price.

B. The media.

C. Busy lifestyle.

D. Convenience

14. Which is NOT listed as a factor influencing the ability to hav

e a healthy lifestyle

A. Pollution.

B. Economic factors.

C. Dependence upon cars.

D. Influence of family or friends.

15. According to the author, _____ may be the most important facto r influencing healthy lifestyles.

A. technology

B. cultural background

C. environment

D. the desire to be healthy


Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. Hearing the gunshot, all the birds flew _____ every direction.

A. in

B. on

C. to

D. toward

17. The factory had to _____ number of employees because of the ec onomic decline in the country.

A. lay out

B. lay off

C. lay aside

D. lay down

18. His parents _____ his money, so he is in trouble now.

A. cut off

B. cut through

C. gave up

D. brought down

19. Can you _____ the difference _____ the two phrases

A. tell, between

B. speak, from

C. say, of

D. talk, between

20. If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, _____ him or her leave a message.

A. have

B. get

C. ask

D. tell

21. There is no doubt _____ you will pass the exam this time. You have worked so hard in the past months.

A. whether

B. that

C. if

D. what

22. I _____ the boy to save mone y, but he wouldn’t listen.

A. hoped

B. suggested

C. wanted

D. made

23. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, _ ____ of them answered it.

A. either

B. none

C. neither

D. nobody

24. No matter _____ he is able to come to the party or not, we wil l invite him.

A. when

B. whether

C. how

D. why

25. The idea _____ to him in his dream and he decided to carry it out.

A. happened

B. struck

C. appeared

D. occurred

26. He would have paid _____ for the house if the salesgirl had in sisted because he really wanted it.

A. twice as much

B. much as twice

C. as much twice

D. twice much as

27. They decided to chase the cow away _____ it did more damage.

A. unless

B. until

C. before

D. although

28. We wanted a new table for dinner, so my father bought _____ fr om a furniture store yesterday.

A. itself

B. one

C. himself

D. another

29. A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gi ft.

A. is offered

B. has offered

C. are offered

D. have offered

30. _____ is often the case, we have worked out the production pla n.

A. Which

B. When

C. What

D. As

31. It is no _____ talking to him, because he will never change hi s mind.

A. help

B. use

C. time

D. way

32. The way I thought of _____ the animal was of great value.

A. protecting

B. protect

C. being protected

D. to protect

33. In another year or so, you _____ all about it.

A. forget

B. would forget

C. have forgotten

D. will have forgotten

34. No one here believes the reason _____ he gave for his latenes s.

A. that

B. why

C. for which

D. what

35. The novel I bought last week is worth ____ ,I think.

A. reading

B. being read

C. to read

D. to be read

36. After the fire, _____ would otherwise be a cultural center is now reduced to a pile of ashes.

A. that

B. it

C. which

D. what

37. Did you notice the little boy _____ away

A. took the candy and run

B. taking the candy and run

C. take the candy and run

D. who taking the candy and running

38. _____ gives people more knowledge of the society than literatu re.

A. Anything

B. Nothing

C. Something

D. Everything

39. If Mary catches _____ her diary, she’ll be angry.

A. you reading

B. yours reading

C. you read

D. you to read

40. Don’t worry me now, I will mend that coat _____.

A. by and by

B. off and on

C. back an forth

D. now and then

41. Please join us. We can easily make _____ for one more at this table.

A. seat

B. place

C. room

D. space

42. You may depend on ____ will not repeat his mistakes.

A. it that

B. that

C. him that

D. which that

43. “That latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, n o ,_____.”

A. it didn’t

B. it mustn’t

C. it hasn’t

D. it must haven’t

44. _____ the first to use nuclear weapons.

A. At no time China will be

B. Never China will be

C. Will China never be

D. At no time will China be

45. Encouragement is sometimes much more _____ than criticism.

A. effective

B. efficient

C. executive

D. extensive

Part Ⅲ Identification

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined part s marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then m ark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


46. Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the




47. After she got married, Lily went to see her mother each other week.


48. There will be more than three hundreds students taking

part in the


sports meet.


shopping, people sometimes can’t help persuading into buying s


mething they don’t really need.


50. We are all for your proposal that the discussion is to be put



51. Factory workers had to work very hard before, so had farmer s.


52. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his



to cook.


53. There was too much dust that we couldn’t see what was happeni



54. The boy did not have to leave the next day because he got his

visa A B C extending.


55. What does Mr. Johnson like He’s a friendly sort of man. I lik

e to A B C D

work with him.

Part Ⅳ Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and fo r each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the pas sage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ?

A young woman was driving through the _56 countryside. It was da rk and raining. Suddenly she saw an old woman _57 the side of the ro

ad, _58_ her hand out as if she wanted _59_. “I can’t _60_ her out

in this weather,” the woman said to herself, so she stopped the car and opened the door.

“Do you want a lift” she asked. The old woman _61 and climbed in to the car. After a _62 she said to the old woman, “Have you been waiting for a long time” The old woman shook her head. “__63_,” th ought the young woman. She __64_ again. “Bad weather for the time of the year.” She said. The old woman nodded. No matter __65_ the young woman said the hitchhiker(搭便车的人) gave no answer __66_ a nod of t he head.

Then the young woman __67_ the hitchhiker’s hands, which were lar ge and hairy. Suddenly she __68_ that the hitchhiker was __69_ a man! She stopped the car. “I can’t see out of t he rear screen,” she s aid, “Would you mind _70 it for me” The hitchhiker nodded and opene d the door. __71_ the hitchhiker was out of the car, the frightened y oung woman _72 .

When she got to the next village she __73_ to a stop. She noticed that the hitchhiker had __74_ his handbag __75 She picked it up and opened it. She gave a gasp(喘气); inside the bag was a gun!

56. A. lovely B. lonely

C. noisy

D. crowded

57. A. at B. beside

C. by

D. near

58. A. holding B. to hold

C. to be holding

D. to be held

59. A. an aid B. a taxi

C. a car

D. a lift

60. A. permit B. leave

C. allow

D. order

61. A. answering B. shook

C. nodded

D. smiles

62. A. while B. moment

C. time

D. period

63. A. Curious B. Interesting

C. Strange

D. Wonderful

64. A. told B. did

C. made

D. tried

65. A. when B. which

C. how

D. what

66. A. except for B. apart from

C. other than

D. more than

67. A. saw B. noticed

C. watched

D. observed

68. A. recognized B. realized

C. recovered

D. remembered

69. A. practically B. basically

C. actually

D. probably

70. A. clear B. cleared

C. to clear

D. clearing

71. A. As long as B. As far as

C. As soon as

D. As well as

72. A. raced off B. ran away

C. fell down

D. moved on

73. A. pulled B. picked

C. pushed

D. paused

74. A. lift B. lost

C. laid

D. left

75. A. beneath B. behind

C. backwards

D. afterwards


Part Ⅴ Translation

Section A

Directions: In this part, there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 pas sages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension. You c an refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in th

e context.

76 Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door .

77 They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed wit

h the boss on the rate.

78 In a society of such high moral practice, what need is there fo r people to be on guard against others

79 Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily in to busy lifestyles.

80 Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it diffi cult to lead a healthy life.

Section B

Directions: In this part, there are five sentences in Chinese. You s hould translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.


82 我不记得在哪见过他。

83 这所大学提供了他所期望的一切。

84 我们一得出结论就通知你。

85 你们应该充分利用每一个机会说英语。



6~10 DBBCC

11~15 CBABD

16~20 ABAAA

21~25 BBCBD

26~30 AABAD

31~35 BDDAA

36~40 DCBAA

41~45 CAADA




76 我也不能清晰地记得爷爷奶奶、姑妈、叔叔以及堂兄妹们等一大家子在门外(译成“隔壁”也对)欢聚的场景。

77 他们(译成“工人们”也可)和老板就工资一达成协议,他们就非常独立了。

78 在这样一个充满高尚道德行为的社会,人与人之间还有什么必要彼此防范呢(结尾无问号扣分)

79 然而(译成“不幸”也可),他们也宣传(译成“鼓吹”或“推广”也可)适应繁忙生活方式的快餐。

80 在被动吸烟不可避免的环境下,人们很难有健康的生活方式。

81 If I were him, I would try my best to complete the task on time.

82 I cannot remember where I met him.

83 The university has provided everything he expected.

84 As soon as we come to conclusion, we will inform you(译成we will let you know 也可).

85 You should make full use of every chance to speak English.


2018年大学英语三级(A)真题试卷及详细答案(精 品) 目录 2018年大学英语三级(A)真题试卷 (1) 2018年大学英语三级(A)真题详细答案(精品) (18) 2018年大学英语三级(A)真题试卷 (总分100, 做题时间120分钟) Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A There is no paper. B The man can use the printer. C The printer doesn't work. D The man has to pay first. 2. A He has got a new job. B He has got a pay rise.


2013年大学英语三级考试(CET3)A级模拟试题及答案考试题型: |考试时间:6月份下旬周日开考 (1)PART I Section A B listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B (2)PART I Section C listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C (3)PART Ⅱ Structure(15minutes) Section A (4)PART Ⅱ Structure(15minutes) Section B (5)PART Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B (6)PART Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E (7)PART Ⅳ Translion(25minutes) (8)PART Ⅴ Writing(25minutes) Part I 听力略 Part II Vocabulary & Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. Although ,he insisted _________going there together with us. A) to B) on C) at D) for 17. I’ll ask Mr. Smith to ring you up _________he comes back to the office. A) when B) where C) because D) although 18. They regard _________as their duty to provide the best service for their customers. A) this B) what C) it D) that 19. Not until the day before yesterday _________to give a speech at the meeting. A) he agreed B) does he agree C) he agrees D) did he agree 20. _________up at the clock on the wall,the secretary found it was already midnight. A) Looking B) Look C) To look D) Looked 21. The first textbook _________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the


2019年公共英语三级考试作文试题 Direetions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. The Princess of Cambridge has finally been revealed to the world as Charlotte Elizabeth Dianain a touching nod to her grandfather, her grandmother and her great-grandmother. The name has long tradition which can be traced hack to the royal background. Charlotte, derived from French name, pays tribute to her grandfather, prince of Wales. And Charlotte is also Kate's sister, Pippa Middleton's middle name. Kensington Palace revealed the royal baby's full name yesterday after days of speculation and close friends of Princess Diana immediately said the choice means the spirit of Prince William's beloved mother 'lives on'. William was, however, clear that his baby girl should not have Diana as a first name. "It would have been a millstone around her neck," said one of the princess' s longtime friends. Within minutes of the name being announced this afternoon, Diana's closest friend Rosa Monckton said: "Diana's spirit lives on in her sons, and now her name lives on in her granddaughter 'Charlotte Elizabeth Diana'. "Diana was the godmother of Mrs. Monckton's daughter Dominica The British citizens show their satisfaction with this name via Intemet. They said it is the perfect name for their lovely princess.


全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级笔译实务模拟试题 Part 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points, 100 minutes). I leave the vault, and as the guard closes the door, a marine archaeologist asks if I want to see anything else. As an example he shows me an astrolabe, a navigation tool that preceded the sextant. Few have survived. "We have three of the oldest known," he says. He directs me to a paper on astrolabes written by a Cuban colleague, who quoted a 16th-century instruction: "He who wants to take the sun with an astrolabe at sea, must be seated near the main mast, the place where the boat oscillates the least and is quiet." I want to take the measure of Cubas past, so I tell the archaeologist I would like to go to the place where the plain things are. I am here not only to see treasures that glitter but also to see and touch objects that illumine moments of the past. Smiling, he takes me into storage rooms where he and other archaeologists preserve cargoes from four centuries of wrecks. Jumbled on these shelves is the stuff of Cubas long reign as counting house and command center for Spains New World colonies. I see knickknacks destined for one of the annual 18th-century trade fairs, where Cubans bought imports from Spain. I also see, pallid from centuries in the sea, dozens of little painted ceramic dogs, lions, cats, and deer later shipped from England. Stacked nearby are sets of dinner dishes, tankards, an hourglass, a bottle of very Old Spanish wine. On another day, in fading light, I walk the ramparts of El Morro, its lighthouse standing tall over Havanas harbor. The old fortress, by day a warren of tourist stops, changes by night, looming deeper into the shadows of Havanas past. As torches light the darkness, I watch Cuban soldiers, costumed as 18th-century Spanish sentries, march along the ramparts of the Castillo de San Carlos and fire a cannon that salutes

大学英语三级A真题2018年06月 有·答案

大学英语三级(A)真题2018年06月 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1、 A. A training course. B. A work plan. C. Computer skills. D. Business management. 2、 A. He attended a summer school. B. He worked as a volunteer. C. He travelled around the country. D. He made a survey in a local hospital. 3、 A. He has been writing a paper. B. He has been studying all night. C. He has been playing games all night. D. He has been working on the night shift. 4、 A. Very clear. B. Too simple. C. Too long. D. Very good. 5、 A. He is having a meeting. B. He is in his office now. C. He is available next week. D. He is on sick leave. Section B Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6、 A. He broke his leg. B. He has caught a cold. C. He has a stomach ache. D. He has a toothache. 7、 A. At 2 o'clock this afternoon. B. At 3 o'clock this afternoon. C. At 10 o'clock this morning. D. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. 8、 A. A construction company. B. An engineering company. C. A clothing making company. D. A website design company. 9、 A. In the suburbs. B. Near the airport. C. In the downtown area. D. In a small town. 10、 A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By subway. Section C Directions:In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read two times. You are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.



Part Ⅰ Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Rita: You said we could discuss a problem you had when you first came to the U.S. Would you like to tell me your problem Anna:___A________ A.Yes ,of course. B.Thanks, I’d love to . C.Well, as you said. D.I don’t think so. 2. Jack:Hello, this is Jack London. May I speak to Dr.Lee Receptionist:I’m sorry.She’s with a patient._____B____ A. What’s up B.May I help you C.Could you wait D.Why do you want to see her 3.Peter:Hello.I’m Peter Smith.Aren’t you new here Wendy: _____A_____ I transferred from UCLA. A.No,I once was here. B.I’m Wendy Chan. C.I don’t know you. D.No,fist time here 4.Tim:Hey,Larry!Good to see you!____A______ Larry:Terrible!I just found out I failed my math test,and I studied all night for it! A.How’s it going B.How do you do C.How are you D.How about you 5. Wife:How about picking up some soft drinks on your way home Husband:___D____ Anything else A.I’d love to . B.I don’t mind. C.My pleasure. D.No problem. 6. Sian: Let’s eat out tonight.I don’t feel like cooking. Vincent:___A____ What do you fancy? Sian:I think Japanese food would make a nice change. A.Me too. B. Do you C.Well, why not D. So what 7. Kato:Shall we have Chinese or American food Mori:_____D_________ Kato:There is a good steak house around the corner. A.You have nothing in mind B.It doesn’t matter. C.I have no choice! D.Whatever you say! 8.Terri: How are things going with you and your roommate? Jon:Not very well. We’re _____A___,but I end up feeding him three meals a day. A.supposed to divide the house work B. supposed to share the groceries C. on good terms D. kind of broke 9.Mike:Shall I pick you up at 5 or 6 Joei:____A____ Mike:OK,I will pick you up at 5. A.It doesn’t make any difference. B. It’s fine with me. C.Like you said. D.Nothing bothers me. 10.Stacey:Sue,can you drive Jane and me to the doctor on Monday Sue:Sure._____A____ when you need help.


2019年下半年公共英语三级试题一及答案 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Google, the Internet search-engine(收索引擎的) company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. Aleem Walji works for https://www.360docs.net/doc/a415183274.html, -- the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, https://www.360docs.net/doc/a415183274.html, will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a415183274.html,’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-


2019年公共英语三级考试题及答案:写作 Directions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. Beijing has extended its ban on operating outdoor barbecues from the city center outward to selected suburbs, according to municipal authorities. A year ago, Beijing banned restaurants from operating outdoor barbecues within the fourth ring road area. And now, the ban has extended to several suburbs, including Mentougou, Fangs- han, Tongzhou, Shunyi, Daxing, Pinggu and Miyun. The barbecue ban was announced to reduce Beijing' s air pollution, as barbecue has long been accused as one of the major contributors to haze. According to Wang Yuesi, a researcher from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences, barbecuing can generate a lot of PM 2.5, harmful airborne particles measur- ing less than 2.5 microns in diameter. "Considering the seriousness of the air pollution in Beijing, we have to ban everything that may do harm to our environment!" Wang said. The issue has divided Chinese netizens, as half agreed with the policy while the other half called this grand plan nothing but "empty talk. "


大字英语三级(A)真题2016年12月 Part ⅠListening C om p r e h e n s i on D i r ec t i on s: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A D i r ec t i on s:]Thi s section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A.The brand image. B.The marketing strategy. C.The sales plan. D.The company culture. 2. A.Telephone bills. B.Online shopping. C.Telephone banking. D.Credit cards. 3. A.On the third floor. B.On the fifth floor. C.On the sixth floor. D.On the eighth floor. B


Part ⅠDialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Rita: You said we could discuss a problem you had when you first came to the U.S.Would you like to tell me your problem Anna:___A________ ,of course. , I’d love to . , as you said. don’t think so. 2. Jack:Hello, this is Jack London. May I speak to Dr.Lee Receptionist:I’m ’s with a A. What’s up I help you? you wait do you want to see her? :’m Peter ’t you new here Wendy: _____A_____ I transferred from UCLA. ,I once was here. ’m Wendy Chan. don’t know you. ,fist time here :Hey,Larry!Good to see you!____A______ Larry:Terrible!I just found out I failed my math test,and I studied all night for it! ’s it going do you do are you about you? 5. Wife:How about picking up some soft drinks on your way home Husband:___D____ Anything else? ’d love to . don’t mind. pleasure. problem. 6. Sian: Let’s eat out don’t feel like cooking. Vincent:___A____ What do you fancy? Sian:I think Japanese food would make a nice change. too. B. Do you , why not D. So what? 7. Kato:Shall we have Chinese or American food Mori:_____D_________ Kato:There is a good steak house around the corner. have nothing in mind doesn’t matter. have no choice! you say! : How are things going with you and your roommate? Jon:Not very well. We’re _____A___,but I end up feeding him three meals a day. to divide the house work B. supposed to share the groceries C. on good terms D. kind of broke :Shall I pick you up at 5 or 6 Joei:____A____ Mike:OK,I will pick you up at 5. doesn’t make any difference. B. It’s fine with me. you said. bothers me. :Sue,can you drive Jane and me to the doctor on Monday Sue: when you need help. can always count on me B. I’ll be glad to ’ll mark it on my calendar D. You can think of me 11. Mei:Is joining us for dinner Susie:____D_________ Mei:I was hoping she would come with us. think so . B. Not that I know of. said so. that she said. :Sorry,I clock didn’t go off this morning. Francie:__A_____ Perhaps you should buy a new one. should put that right. clock never works. you set the alarm :Hi,’t seen you for a whileHow is Cathy Mike:We’re not seeing each other any more. Ryan:What happened ____B_________ you fire her you break up believe it. ’s fine. 14. Jack:I heard you’re going out with Jane. Fred: Where did you get that idea? Jack:______D___ Jane is a very nice girl,someone you meet only once in a


2016年9月公共英语三级考试真题 SECTION I Listening ( 25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to lest your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a se-lection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section,Part A and Part B. Remember,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answers in your test booklet.At the end of the listening section,you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to your ANSWER SHEET. If you have any questions,you may raise your hand no was you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at PartAin your test booklet. Part A Directions: You wll hear 10 short dialogues.For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.Choose the correct answer—A,B,CorD,and mark it in your test booklet You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you wil hear each dialogue only once. 1.Where is George now? [A] In America. [B] Here. [C] In France [D] At home. 2.Where does this conversation probably take place? [A] At a laundry. [B] At a supermarket. [C] At a cafeteria. [D] At a movie theatre. 3.What does the man say about Tom?


Part II Structure (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how 18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager. A) that B) which C) what D) whether 20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time. A) will fish B) finished C) finish D) shall finish 21. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black? A) which B) whose C) that D) its 22. ________ in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in business negotiations. A) Having worked B) Have been working
