

文学评论 4 2 0 0 8 年第10 期安徽文学






在梳理研究现状之前,先对国内对爱伦坡的译介作点介绍。首先,值得注意的是,国内爱伦坡研究并没有经历从肯定坡诗歌价值再到小说价值的转变过程。国内最早出版的坡的文学作品集是1982 年由人民文学出版社出版的陈良廷、徐汝椿和马爱农三人翻译的《爱伦坡短篇小说集》①。自90 年代中期开始,才陆续由多个译者,不同出版社翻译出版了坡的选集②。且这些选集多为坡的短篇小说集,这也反映出国内一直对坡的小说的重视要甚于诗歌。不仅如此,目前也没有出版过坡的全集。再者,对比国外坡研究的特点,国内在译介上就比较滞后了显得,对坡生平的介绍仅是在各选集前会有简单的介绍,目前为止,没有翻译坡的传记的翻译作品出现。也没有评论坡的书籍的译本,及坡的评论集的译介。

接下来,再看国内坡的研究情况。目前研究坡的专著很少。2003 年四川人民出版社出版了何木英编著的《埃德加?爱伦?坡研究》,200 6 年北京师范大学出版社出版了任翔的

《文化危机时代的文学抉择——爱伦?坡与侦探小说探究》③,2008 年学林出版社出版了朱振武主编的《爱伦?坡小说全解》④。这同样反映出国内研究重小说轻诗歌,且深入细致的









版业等),及出现研究坡与流行文化关系的趋势时,国内的坡研究还没有跟上这一步伐。客观的说,近30 年以来,国内的坡研究经历了刚开始时停留在对坡简单介绍的阶段后,就一



①1979 年上海译文出版社出版的由伍蠡甫主编的《西方文论选》已经收录了坡的文学评论《诗的原理》的节选。

②1995 年03 月由(北京)三联书店出版《爱伦?坡集》(上下卷),曹明伦翻译,同年,曹明伦译《爱伦.坡集——诗歌与故事》也问世,1998年04 月由四川人民出版社出版了也是曹明伦翻译的《爱伦?坡幽默小说集》,1999 年04 月安徽文艺出版社出版了曹译《爱伦?

坡精品集》(上下卷)(在这个精品集中收录了曹明伦分别于1998 年和1999 年发表在《中外诗歌研究》上的两篇坡的最重要的文论《创作哲学》和《诗歌原理》。)1999 年,沈阳出版社出版坡短篇小说选集《莫格街谋杀案》,2000 年1 月选集《爱伦坡的诡异王国》,朱璞瑄译,由中国对外翻译出版公司出版。2000 年09 月北京燕山出版社出版《怪异故事集》,2002年文化艺术出版社出版选集《摩

格街谋杀案》,2004 年09 月安徽文艺出版社出版选集《金甲虫》,2005 年10 月台湾商周文化公司出版选集《黑猫:爱伦坡惊悚故

事集》,2006 年1 月国际文化出版公司出版陈良廷等翻译的《爱伦?坡小说精选》,同月,又由中国戏剧出版社出版了这本《爱伦?坡小说精选》,归入名家名译世界文学名著文库,2006 年6 月北京燕山出版社重新再版了《怪异故事集》。

③此书从19 世纪西方文化危机的角度来审视爱伦?坡的生命和艺术,并且把侦探小说视为在文化危机之中人类对于精神困境的一种反应。作者觉得侦探小说看似以消遣为目的,却是文化的一种差异书写方式,是文化精神的曲折呈现。但是可能作者忽略了坡写所谓侦探小说


















author's work by examining the ev ents of the writer's life. By becoming familiar with the life of a writer, the reader ascertains how the text may

ref lect the circumstances of that which

the author endured.

Learning about Poe's life and study ing his works, Polonsky admits that "the word 'aesthetic' does not occur in Poe's literary, critical or theoretical writings." She f urther acknowledges that Poe achieves an aesthetic, or artistic, impression in his writings. Poe manages this by creating what he terms the "Philosophy of Composition."

Poe's "Philosophy of Composition"is basically a guideline that he created to determine what separates "art" from "fiction." According to this guideline, Poe believes the author must decide the purpose of the work, and the desired reaction from the reader. Secondly, Poe asserts the author can f ind ways to achieve this result by considering the theme, the plot, the setting, and the charact ers as well as the central conf licts within the story. According to Polonsky, the "Philosophy of Composition" is the source of Poe's "aesthetic theory."

Poe's "Philosophy of Composition" can be applied to several of his works. Following this theory, when examining a piece of literature, the reader should f irst consider the author's intent. Understanding Poe's history, it is easy f or the reader to understand that Poe's dark, Gothic roots could hav e been planted early in childhood. Secondly, the reader should thoroughly examine the plot, characters, setting and theme to find ways the author accomplishes the intended goals. Careful examination of word choice, theme, setting and character conf licts will rev eal the ways in which Poe attains his literary goals.

belief" (223). The opening lines of the story seem to suggest Poe's intention was to invoke terror in the reader. Not only is this story wild and scary, it is so scary beyond belief, that the narrator realizes it may be too much for the reader to believ e. While the narrator claims, "Yet, mad I am not," he soon after admits he made use of "intemperate language to my wife . . . I even offered her personal v iolence" (223,224). He admits "my disease grew upon me-for what disease is like Alcohol!" (224). All of these words are chosen to evoke fear in the reader. Understanding the narrator's desire to claim normalcy, the reader sees through his ironic claim to the dangers he admits in this confession.

The second step of Poe's "Philosophy of Composition" is for the author to find ways to achiev e the intentions in the text. Therefore, the reader must examine the text to decide how Poe achieves his intention of scaring the reader. Using his traditional Gothic style, Poe uses his setting and theme to invoke fear, as well as the character's madness and inner conflict. Planting the seed of the traditional supernatural beings in Gothic literature, the narrator comes home drunk one night and claims "the f ury of a demon instantly possessed me" as he attacks Pluto (224). Later, Poe uses another supernatural image as the narrator claims "The monster, in terror, had fled the premises f orever"(229). Calling the cat a monster confirms he has lost touch with reality and is swimming in madness. The narrator feels a "longing of the soul to v ex itself--to offer violence for its own nature--to do wrong for wrong's sake only" (225). Again, going back to the traditional Gothic writing style, Poe show s the narrator struggling with the darker side of human nature and internal conflicts which effectively convinces the reader that t he narrator is insane. Another element that Poe uses to summon fear is his description of the house after the fire. As in Gothic tradition, the narrator "visited the ruins. The walls, with one exception, had fallen in" (225). Ruins and destruction are common elements of Gothic literature which help paint the picture of a terrifying setting for the reader.

Poe's "Philosophy of Composition" helped him follow guidelines to create aesthetic f iction. Aesthetic fiction paints a picture for the reader instead of merely tells the story. Anyone can tell a story, it takes remarkable talent to aesthetically illustrate the story to the imagination of millions of readers using limited tools-- tools like plot, setting, theme, characters and conflicts. Poe aesthetically shows many readers why they should be

af raid rather than merely telling them to be afraid.

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Gothic Fiction | Gothic Architecture | Edgar Allan Poe

There are stories that make a person's hair stand on end and that make their blood run like a magenta, icy-cold riv er. What causes these feelings of terror? Edgar Allan Poe know s the answer to this question. Poe's stories are credited to be some of the best Gothic f iction ever written.

His work was considered unique for its time, and it still holds a certain uniqueness that has yet to be matched. His works have c haracteristics that are identifiable in every story, and they make known to the reader that "this is indeed the work of Edgar Allan Poe." The settings always contain the common characteristics thought to belong in a true horror story. There are strange components present in every story. There are always horror-filled endings.

Is a person more likely to be scared in broad daylight with the birds chirping, or in the gloomy shadow s of darkness with the silence screaming out loud? The answer is obvious. In Poe's stories "The Tell-Tale Heart," "Hop-Frog," "The Cask of Amontillado," and "Ligeia," the setting is night time. Sunlight is thought to be representative of good, and darkness is thought to be representative of evil; theref ore, the presence of darkness is certain to be in a Poe story. Take into account the location in a story. Nothing makes for a better horror-scene that a damp, dark, ominous castle. One of the most important elements of a Poe story is the architecture. It is usually of a Gothic nature. A foreshadowing of evil immediately

becomes ev ident when reading f rom a description of the narrator's new home in Poe's "Ligeia": "I purchased an abbey...The gloomy and dreary grandeur of the building, the almost sav age aspect of the domain...had much in unison with the f eelings of utter abandonment which had driven me into that remote and unsocial region of the country." There is a sense of dark seclusion that puts the reader in a feeling of ominous suspense. In "The Cask of Amontillado," the main scenes take place in damp catacombs. Along with the time of night, such locations set the horrifying mood of Poe's stories.

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Gothic Fiction | Gothic Architecture | Edgar Allan Poe

In Poe's stories, there is always the eerie presence of strangeness. Poe uses the elements of oddities and strange occurrences to give his stories a unique feeling of "not-of-this-world." In "Hop-Frog", one of the central characters is a crippled dwarf. Strangeness is a factor associated

with bringing f eelings of discomfort and grotesque horror. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator, speaking about an old man's eye, relates that "whenev er it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees-v ery gradually-I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the ey e forever." , rev ealing what can only be madness. A man decides to kill another man on the basis of an ey e? Poe uses the element of madness, of what is under the shadow of "the unknown," to bring a strange mystery into his plots.

The greatest element in all of Poe's stories, what could be called his "signature", is the certainty that there will always be a gruesome horror-f illed ending. A terrifying occurrence will always happen. Although Poe's stories are short stories, he always takes the time to let the reader get acquainted with the narrator, and then uses the reader's trusting f amiliarity with the narrator to make the endings all the m ore scary and surprising. He shares the "madness" that the narrator feels, but still gives the conclusion such a twist that the reader can't help but be shocked. In "The Cask of Amontillado," the reader know s that the narrator harbors a hatred of the character Fortunato, but when the narrator bricks him into the wall of the catacombs, the reader still feels horror and shock f rom such a gruesome conclusion. In "Hop-Frog," the reader know s that Hop-Frog is planning something, but when Hop-Frog sets the kings and his attendants af lame, the reader feels gruesome-f illed surprise from the disgusting murder and from Hop-Frog's obvious pride and lack of remorse in his words in the last scene: "I now see distinctly...They are a great king and his seven privy councilors...I am simply Hop-Frog, the jester-and this is my last jest." How could he say such a thing when corpses are hanging from a chandelier? This is part of the mystery of Poe.

Poe's works embodies Gothic f iction: They are dark, foreshadowing, and essentially evil. They contain the elements of horror, suspense, and surprise. His works have the stereotypical horror-story settings of nighttime, dark-imposing architecture, and desolate locations. There is always mystery and elements of madness and the unknown. A terrifying occurrence will always happen and death is always inv olved. It would not be a

Poe story otherwise.


the spirit of PERVERSENESS. Of this spirit philosophy takes no account. Y et I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart --one of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments,

which give direction to the character of Man. Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or a silly action, for no other reason than because he knows he should not? Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgment, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such? This spirit of perverseness, I say, came to my final overthrow. It was this unfathomable longing of the soul to vex itself --to offer violence to its own nature --to do wrong for the wrong's sake only --that urged me to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute

Gothic fiction places heavy emphasis on atmosphere, using setting and diction to build suspense and a sense of unease in the reader. Common subject matter includes the supernatural, family curses, mystery, and madness. Gothic fiction may also feature a romantic plot or subplot, particularly in later incarnations in the Victorian era and the 20th century. While the Gothic novel is often considered the best example of the genre, some poetry and short stories can also be characterized as Gothic, such as the Graveyard Poets of late 18th century England and the short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, which have influenced Gothic writers ever since their publication.

Gothic fiction is the forerunner of today's horror genre, although the Gothic style continues to boast many practitioners. Making its debut in the late 18th century, Gothic fiction was a branch of the larger Romantic movement that sought to stimulate strong emotions in the reader - fear and apprehension in this case. Gothic fiction takes its name from medieval architecture, as it often hearkens back to the medieval era in spirit and subject matter and often uses Gothic buildings as a setting.



"To Helen" is the first of two poems to carry that name written by Edgar Allan Poe. The 15-line poem was written in honor of Jane Stanard, the mother of a childhood friend. It was first published in 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A. Poe then reprinted in 1836 in the Southern Literary Messenger. Poe revised the poem in 1845, making several improvements, most notably changing "the beauty of fair Greece, and the grandeur of old Rome" to "the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." These improved lines are the most well-known lines of the poem. Background Edgar Allan Poe wrote “To Helen” as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs. Jane Stith Stanard, who died in 1824. She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates, Robert Stanard. When Robert invited Edgar, then 14, to his home in 1823, Poe was greatly taken with the 27-year-old woman, who is said to have urged him to write poetry. He was later to write that she was his first real love. Theme The theme of this short poem is the beauty of a woman with whom Poe became acquainted when he was 14. Apparently she treated him kindly and may have urged him–or perhaps inspired him–to write poetry. Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem, appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as her body. On the one hand, he represents her as Helen of Troy–the quintessence of physical beauty–at the beginning of the poem. On the other, he represents her as Psyche–the quintessence of soulful beauty–at the end of the poem. In Greek, psyche means soul. Imagery and Summary of the Poem Poe opens the poem with a simile–“Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicéan barks of yore”–that compares the beauty of Helen with small sailing boats (barks) that carried home travelers in ancient times. He extends


1.2 国内外相关研究现状综述 1.2.1国外研究综述 1)人力资源外包 Lever觉得外包是一种管理策略,将非核心业务委托给外部专家执行,使公司能专注于本身核心业务发展,以提高竞争优势[3]。而人力资源管理外包,则是一种特殊的外包形式。greer认为,外包是由外部伙伴在重复基础上从事原来由企业内部从事的人力资源任务[4]。 对于人力资源外包,许多国外学者认为,对许多企业来说,外包浪潮的兴起并不意味着一定要实行人力资源管理外包,人力资源管理的实践性很强,往往对适合的企业才最好。 在总结外包优势的基础上,Rodriguez和Carlos指出与专业的雇佣组织签订合同来处理企业的人力资源职能是一个可变的结论,专业雇佣组织可以与他的顾客建立一个雇佣合作关系。Greet认为有五项竞争因素使企业将人力资源部分或是全部外包,分别是企业精简、快速成长或衰退、全球化、竞争增加以及企业再造,而在这些竞争因素背后的根本因素其实就是降低成本与增加人力资源的服务品质。 关于人力资源外包的风险,Quelin认为一个是企业在外包过程中对外包商的过分依赖,他们认为外包后企业就不用再过问这部分工作了,全部由外包商负责就行,很少进行沟通。另外一个是外包商的工作效率及能力不能达到既定目标,影响组织绩效的完成,把工作交给外包商后,企业失去了对这部分工作的控制,至少不能完全控制,于是当外包商的能力及效率不能达到原来期望的时候,就会影响企业的整体绩效。Bahli,Bouchaib等根据交易成本的观点,归纳了外包所具有的风险带来的不确定性有以下两点:交易的不确定性;委托的不确定性和所提供服务的不确定性。 以上研究表明国外的人力资源外包相关研究大多集中在外包决策、外包作用与外包风险上。主要关注的是企业人力资源外包在实际运用中的可行性与实践中的问题。在人力资源外包中引入信任的研究不多。国外学者对信任的研究集中在信任的作用、类型与建立上。这里只摘录其中的一部分。 2)信任 梅耶、戴维斯、斯库尔曼认为:信任是指一方在有能力监控或控制另一方的情况下,宁愿放弃这种能力而使自己处于弱点暴露、利益有可能受到对方损害的状态。Sabel认为:“相互信任就是合作各方坚信,没有一方会利用另一方的脆弱点去获取利益。”胡孔河将信任定义为:在一定情境下,一方凭借自己对对方的



国内外自主学习研究现状综述 自主学习的思想源远流长。继古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德之后,卢梭、第斯多惠、杜威等都是自主学习思想的倡导者。从20世纪50年代开始,自主学习成为教育心理学研究的重要课题。20世纪80年代末出版的《自主学习和学习:理论、研究和实践》一书中也系统总结了维果斯基学派、操作主义、现象学派、社会学派、意志理论、信息加工心理学等不同角度对自主学习做过的一些探讨。但是,由于研究者的理论立场和视角不同,对于什么是自主学习至今尚未形成统一的看法。目前,国外使用的与自主学习有关的术语也很多,如自我调节的学习(self—regulated learning)、自我管理的学习(self—managed learning)、主动学习(active—learning)、自律学习(autonous learning)、自我计划学习 (self—planned learning)、自我监控学习 (self—monitored learning)、自我定向学习(self—directed learning)、自我教育(self—education)、自我指导(self—instruction)等。在国外,自主学习思想一直受到心理学和教育学的共同关注。但是,20世纪中叶以后,由于信息加工理论心理学迅速发展,维果斯基的语言自我指导理论在西方得到了认可,人本主义心理学的开始兴起,心理学领域的这些发展从不同角度推动了对自主学习的理论阐述或者实践研究。

我意识是获取和应用意志控制策略的前提,在意志过程中起关键作用。自主学习过程分为:内隐的自我控制过程,包括认知监控、情绪监控与动机监控三大类;外显的自我监控过程包括学习环境中的失误控制与任务控制。其中内隐的自我控制过程是自主学习的关键过程,而学习任务和情景的变化也会增强学生的一直控制。因此,可以通过训练学生的各种叛逆个意志控制策略来增强其自主学习能力。 以弗拉维尔为代表的认知建构主义学派认为自主学习实际上是元认知监控的学习,是学习者根据自己的学习能力、学习任务的要求,积极主动地调整自己的学习策略和努力程度的过程,认知水平的提高,对增强自主学习能力极为关键。通过直接教学、采用同伴辅导和学习问题讨论、开展合作学习,以促进学生的自主学习能力。 美国密峙安大学的宾特里奇(Pintrich,2000)教授认为,自主学习是一种主动的建构性的学习过程。在这个过程中,学生首先为自己确定学习目标,然后监视、调节、控制由目标和情境特征引导和约束的认知、动机和行为。自主学习活动在学生的个体、环境和总体的成就中起中介作用。 在众多西方学者对自主学习的界定中,其中最有代表性的是美国自主学习研究的著名专家、华盛顿城市大学的齐莫曼(B.J.Zimmenrman)教授。20世纪90年代齐莫曼在广泛吸收前人研究成果的基础上,建立了一套具有代表性的自主学习理论。齐莫曼认为,当前学生在元认知、动机、行为三个方面都是一个积极的参与者时,其学习就是自主的。具体来说,如果学生自己能够主动、灵活地应用元认知策略,能够自我激发学习动


. Word资料●本课题国外研究现状分析 教育科研立项课题如何申报与论证博白县教育局教研室朱汝洪发布时间: 2009 年 4 月 2 日19 时24 分一、课题申报的基本步骤第一步: 阅读各级课题申报通知,明确通知的要求;第二步: 学习研究课题管理方面的文件材料;第三步: 学习研究《课题指南》,确定要申报的课题(可以直接选用《课题指南》中的课题,也可以自己确定课题);第四步:组织课题组,认真阅读关于填表说明的文字,研究清楚课题《申请评审书》各个栏目的填写要求;第五步: 根据《申请评审书》各栏目的要求分工查找材料和论证;第六步: 填写《申请评审书》草表;第七步: 研究确定后,填写《申请评审书》正式表(一律要求打印);第八步: 按要求复印份数;第九步: 按要求签署意见、加盖公章;第十步: 填写好《课题申报材料目录表》;第十一步: 按时将《申请评审书》《课题申报材料目录表》和评审费送交县教研室科研组转送市教科所(也可以直接送市教科报,但必须报县教研室备案)。

二、教育科研课题的选题1、课题的选题方法。 一是从上级颁发的课题指南中选定;二是结合学校的实际对课题指南中的课题作修改;三是完全从学校的实际出发确定课题。 2、课题的选题要依据的原则。 一是符合法规和政策;二是切合当地和学校实际;三是适合教师的水平和能力;四是切中当前教改热点。 3、课题名称的规表述。 ①研究,如小学生学习兴趣培养的研究。 ②实践与研究,如高中学生探究性学习的实践与研究。 ③应用研究,如合作学习理论在初中语文教学中的应用研究。 ④实验与研究,如杜郎口模式的实验与研究。 ⑤探索与研究,如农村寄宿制小学学生管理的探索与研究。 三、立项课题的论证例说(以2009 版市课题申报表的要求为准)1、课题论证的含义。 课题论证,也叫论证与设计、设计与论证,是对所要申报的课题的选题依据、研究目标、研究容、研究重点、研究难点、研究思路、研究步骤、研究条件等进行的阐述与设计。 2、课题论证的包括的容。 不同级别的课题申报表(课题申请、评审书)要求有所不同,但基本上包括两大方面的容: 一是关于本研究课题的论证,二是关于对课题实施的论证。 3、课题论证例说。

美国文学史 爱伦坡 the fall of the house of Usher 总结

Summary of The Fall of the House of Usher 1. Time: in the autumn of the year 2. Place: the House of the Usher 3. Person: Roderick Usher; Mr. Usher’s Sister, Madeline; Mr. Usher’s Friend, I. 4. Background: A dull, dark, and soundless day; Scene: upon the mere house, the simple landscape features of the domain, upon the bleak wells, upon the vacant eye-like windows, upon a few rank sedges and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees. That is really horrible. 5. The cause of the story: In a dull, dark, and soundless autumn, the author had received a letter from his friend, Roderick Usher, who wanted to invite him to the house of Usher. Mr. Usher hope the cheerfulness of his friend’s society can give alleviation to his malady. But the House of Usher gave an uncomfortable feel to his friend. When I met Mr. Usher, I found his countenance worn a mingled expression of low cunning and perplexity, his action was alternately vivacious and sullen. Mr. Usher’s malady was really serious. 6. The development of the story: Usher’s sister, the lady Madeline, has suffered from the catalepsy, which made Usher very sad. Then I spend several days with Usher, the lady Madeline’s name was never mentioned between Usher and me. During these days, Usher sang, painted and wrote poems. One evening Usher informed me that the lady Madeline passed away, Usher stated his attention of preserving her corpse for a fortnight, previously to its final interment, in one of the numerous vaults within the main walls of the building. At the request of Usher, I aided him in the arrangements for the temporary entombment. We deposited their mournful burden upon trestles within this region of horror, replaced and screwed down the lid, and secured the door of iron, made their way, with toil, into the scarcely less gloomy apartment of the upper portion of the house. 7. The climax of the story: A few days after the funeral, Usher’s ordinary manner


国内外研究现状分析及评价 供给侧结构性改革无疑是今年全国两会的热词,而作为经济运行的“血液”,金融业在推动供给侧结构性改革方面扮演着重要角色,尤其是中国互联网金融业自诞生之日起就努力为众多小微企业和个人的创新创业活动提供普惠金融服务。而农业自古以来就是中国国民经济的基础,为了实现我国经济腾飞及综合实力的提高。我国一直在探索农业发展的道路,现在的中国农业在社会、经济和生态等和各个方面都取得了巨大成就。但在农业科技、经济和各个方面存在问题,严重制约着农业的发展。我国农业的发展必须确定明确的目标,选择适合我国实情的农业发展模式,最终实现农业现代化,那么如何让蓬勃发展的互联网金融运用到农业供给侧改革,从而推动农业提速发展成为了学者们研究的课题。目前,我国著名学者李宏畅与袁娟率先提出来互联网金融与农业相结合的发展的几种模式。(一)农业智能模式 当前在很多先进农场里,奶牛的耳朵上都会有一颗非常精致、特别的“耳钉”,即奶牛的电子耳标,这个“耳钉”里蕴藏着这头奶牛区别于其他奶牛的信息。散养在农场里的奶牛,当它悠闲的进入挤奶大厅时,它身上的所有信息就会被感应器所感应,然后被计算机扫描,进入电脑,信息包括它的所有信息:出生日期、最后一次挤奶日期、交配时间等等,所有信息都一目了然,这些都突出体现出了农业智能模式的优越性。 (二)电商模式 淘宝之所以成功,最主要的原因就是其站在了顾客的角度去思考问题,把顾客所需要的东西当作了自己所需要的东西,将市场划分到最小化,将产品包装减到最轻,而且注重产品特色、模式和内容,把简单的“B2C”模式转化为“B2C2B”,并不断改进产品品质,逐渐实现了电商模式。目前,农村电商逐渐成为巨头们布局的重点。但是由于网络基础设施不健全等各种因素限制,农村市场的电商需求远远未被满足,是一个典型的蓝海市场,含金量十足。然而,农村电商市场要被很好地开发出来还是面临着许多挑战,这也与农村市场的特性紧密相关,农民购物的便利性与网购信任度是农村市场电商发展的主要瓶颈。 (三)产业链模式 一方面农业产业链融资模式改变了以往农村金融服务方式,采用一对一模式,借助农民专业合作社、龙头企业等平台,采用批量作业、降低借贷双方交易成本的


北京市绿化隔离带可持续经营技术及效益评价 二、项目所属领域国内外研究开发现状和发展趋势 1、由城市绿地到城市林业的发展 城市绿地是城市中一种特殊的生态系统,它是城市系统中能够执行“吐故纳新”负反馈调节机制的子系统。这个系统一方面能为城市居民提供良好的生活环境,为城市生物提供适宜的生境;另一方面能增强城市景观的自然性、促进城市居民与自然的和谐共生。它是城市现代化和文明程度的重要标志。 绿地(green space)一词,各国的法律规范和学术研究对它的定义和范围有着不同的解释,西方城市规划概念中一般不提城市绿地,而是开敞空间(Open Space),我国建国以来一直延用原苏联的绿地概念,包括城市区域内的各类公园、居住区绿地、单位绿地、道路绿化、墓地、农地、林地、生产防护绿地、风景名胜区、植物覆盖较好的城市待用地等。 尽管各国关于开敞空间(或绿地)的定义不尽相同,但它们都强调了开敞空间(或绿地)在城市中的自然属性,即都是为了保持、恢复或建立自然景观的地域。绿地作为城市的一种景观,是城市中保持自然景观,或使自然景观得到恢复的地域,是城市自然景观和人文景观的综合体现,是城市中最能体现生态性的生态空间,是构成城市景观的重要组成部分。在结构上为人工设计的植物景观、自然植物景观或半自然植物景观。绿地在城市中的功能和作用主要包括:组织城市空间的功能、生态功能(改善生态环境的功能、生物多样性保护功能)、游憩休闲功能、文化(历史)功能、教育功能、社会功能、城市防护和减灾功能。 城市绿地发展和研究进程包括:城市绿地思想启蒙阶段、城市绿地规划思想形成阶段、城市绿地理论和方法的发展阶段、城市绿地生态规划和建设阶段。 吴人韦[1]、汪永华[2]、胡衡生[3]等从城市公共绿地的起源开始介绍了国外城市绿地的发展历程,认为国外的城市绿地建设经历了从公园运动(1843~1887)、公园体系(1880~1890)、重塑城市(1898~1946)、战后大发展(1945~1970)、生物圈意识(1970年以后)等一系列由简单到复杂的城市绿地发展过程,其中“重塑城市”阶段提出了“田园城市”和城市绿带概念,绿带网络提供城区间的隔离、交通通道,并为城市提供新鲜空气。“有机疏散”理论中的城市与自然的有机结合原则,对以后的城市绿化建设具有深远的影响。1938年,英国议会通过了绿带法案(Green Belt Act)。1944年的大伦敦规划,环绕伦敦形成一道宽达5英里的绿带。1955年,又将该绿带宽度增加到6~10英里。英国“绿带政策”的主要目的是控制大城市无限蔓延、鼓励新城发展、阻止城市连体、改善大城市环境质量。早在1935年,莫斯科进行了第一个市政建设总体规划,规划在城市用地外围建立10公里宽的“森林公园带”;1960年调整城市边界时,“森林公园带”进一步扩大为10~15公里宽,北部最宽处达28公里;1971年,莫斯科采用环状、楔状相结合的绿地布局模式,将城市分隔为多中心结构。目前,德国城市森林建设已取得了让世人瞩目的成绩,其树种主要为乡土树种,基本上是高大的落叶乔木(栎类、栗类、悬铃木、杨树、核桃、欧洲山毛榉等)[4]。在绿化城


1国内外研究现状 1.1国内交通应急信息化现状 2006年8月,交通运输部颁发了《公路水路交通信息化“十一五”发展规划》,提到信息化的主要目标为““十一五”公路水路交通信息化主要任务可归纳为:建设两级数据中心、三大综合信息平台、三大应用系统,完善两大门户网站、三个保障体系和一个通信信息基础网络。以数据库建设为基础,以信息资源共享为目的,建设部、省厅(局、委)两级数据中心;以业务数据为核心,整合业务系统,构建部省两级公路、水路和综合类管理三大综合信息平台,从而形成交通电子政务平台的核心内容;以三大信息平台建设为基础,开发和推广交通运行综合分析、公路水路交通应急处理和公路水路公众出行信息服务三大应用系统;建设和完善各级交通主管部门的内外网两大门户网站,作为信息平台和应用系统的前端展示;构建和连通覆盖区域的交通通信信息基础网络,为交通信息的传输、交换与共享提供支撑;构筑交通信息化建设运营、安全保证及标准规范三个保障体系,确保交通信息化建设目标的顺利实现。” 1.1.1公路应急 目前我国公路应急信息化发展较迅速,在一些人口众多的大城市都建立了比较成熟的交通应急指挥中心。举例如下: (1)北京市交通应急指挥中心。为实现对意外事件的快速反应和高效处置,北京市完善了交通民警警务装备,建设了交通应急指挥硬、

软件系统。在系统综合管理平台下,以宽带、高速数字通信网络为基础,以交通地理信息系统为依托,集成了交通指挥调度信息系统、“122”接处警系统、综合信息查询系统、警车定位系统等。发现交通意外或接到“122”报警后,指挥中心利用警车卫星定位系统、无线指挥通信系统等技术手段,将距离事发地点最近的警车直接调度到达现场,处警时间缩短至平均3分钟每起,使得交通管理处置能力显著增强。目前,系统平均每天接到群众交通报警、交通咨询7000余起,发布各种指挥调度指令700多次。通过快速处置,因交通意外造成的交通堵塞减少了25%。同时,在指挥调度中心设立了交通广播直播室,建设了户外信息显示屏、停车诱导系统,并利用电台、电视台、寻呼台等多种媒体,有效诱导交通流,均衡交通流量,为交通参与者出行提供方便。目前,已有340余处路口、人行横道信号灯实现了计算机集中控制,二环路内交通信号已全部实现计算机自动优化区域协调控制,路网运行能力提高15%以上,基本保障了全市道路交通的正常运行,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 (2)山东省交通应急指挥中心。山东省依托易华录公司按照”金盾工程”的技术标准和功能要求,应用最新的现代通信、多媒体网络、计算机、自动化控制等理论与新技术,以现有网络和信息系统为基础,以山东省GIS地理信息系统为支撑,以有线通信系统为纽带建立了山东省交警总队应急指挥中心。中心将山东省公安交通管理信息系统、警务工作站系统、各地市视频监控系统、GPS警车定位系统、指挥调度系统等有机地组成一个整体,充分发挥指挥中心技术系统的整体效能,建立具有数据采集、整合、处理调度、反馈等功能的交通指挥运行机制,实现科学、高效的现代化交通管理。主要建设内容如下:


毕业论文指导:如何写“国内外研究现状”? 一、为什么要写国内外研究现状 通过写国内外研究现状,可以考察学生是不是阅读了大量的相关文献。 为什么要求学生阅读大量的参考文献呢?不是为了让学生抄袭,而是为了让学生了解相关领域理论研究前沿,从而开拓思路,在他人成果的基础上展开更加深入的研究,避免不必要的重复劳动。 二、怎样写国内外研究现状 在写之前,同学们要先把收集和阅读过的与所写毕业论文选题有关的专著和论文中的主要观点归类整理,并从中选择最具有代表性的作者。在写毕业论文时,对这些主要观点进行概要阐述,并指明具有代表性的作者和其发表观点的年份。还要分别国内外研究现状评述研究的不足之处,即还有哪方面没有涉及,是否有研究空白,或者研究不深入,还有哪些理论问题没有解决,或者在研究方法上还有什么缺陷,需要进一步研究。 三、写国内外研究现状应注意的问题 一是注意不要把研究现状写成事物本身发展现状。例如,写股指期货研究现状,应该写有哪些专著或论文、哪位作者、有什么观点,而不是写股指期货本身何时产生、有哪些交易品种、如何演变。 二是要反映最新研究成果。

三是不要写得太少。如果只写一小段,那就说明你没有看多少材料。 四是如果没有与毕业论文选题直接相关的文献,就选择一些与毕业论文选题比较靠近的内容来写。 国内外研究现状的开题报告的格式(通用) 由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题说清楚,应包含两个部分:总述、提纲。 1 总述 开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法、必要的数据等等。 2 提纲 开题报告包含的论文提纲可以是粗线条的,是一个研究构想的基本框架。可采用整句式或整段式提纲形式。在开题阶段,提纲的目的是让人清楚论文的基本框架,没有必要像论文目录那样详细。 3 参考文献 开题报告中应包括相关参考文献的目录 4 要求 开题报告应有封面页,总页数应不少于4页。版面格式应符合以下规定。


毕业论文指之国内外研究现状的写法与范文 毕业论文指之“国内外研究现状”的撰写一、写国内外研究现状的意义通 过写国内外研究现状,考察学生对自己课题目前研究范围和深度的理解与把握, 间接考察学生是否阅读了一定的参考文献。这不仅是毕业论文撰写不可缺少的组 成部分,而而且是为了让学生了解相关领域理论研究前沿,从而开拓思路,在他 人成果的基础上展开更加深入的研究,避免不必要的重复劳动或避免研究重复。二、国内外研究现状写法在撰写之前,要先把从网络上和图书馆收集和阅读过的与所写毕业论文选题有关的专著和论文中的主要观点归类整理,找出课题的研究 开始、发展和现在研究的主要方向,并从中选择最具有代表性的作者。 1. 在写 毕业论文时,简写课题的研究开始、发展和现在研究的主要方向,最重要的是对 一些现行的研究主要观点进行概要阐述,并指明具有代表性的作者和其发表观点 的年份。 2. 再者简单撰写国内外研究现状评述研究的不足之处,可分技术不足和研究不足。即还有哪方面没有涉及,是否有研究空白;或者研究不深入;还有哪些理论或技术问题没有解决;或者在研究方法上还有什么缺陷等等。 3. 最后简 略介绍发展趋势。三、写国内外研究现状应注意的问题 1.注意写的是把研究现状,而不是写课题物本身现状,重要体现研究。例如,写算法的可视化研究现状,应 该写有哪些专著或论文、哪位作者、有什么观点等;而不是大量算法的可视化研 究何时产生、有哪些交易品种、如何演变,此只需一笔带过,也是对研究的一种 把握。 2.要写最新研究成果和历史意义重大的研究成功,主要写最新成果。 3.不要写得太少或写的太多。如果写的少,说明你查阅的材料少;如果太多则说明你没有归纳,只是机械的罗列。一般2-3 页A4 纸即可。 4.如果没有与毕业论 文选题直接相关的文献,就选择一些与毕业论文选题比 较靠近的内容来写。多从网络上找资料,学习和练习。 “国内外研究现状”的撰写范文在计算机图形学领域,三维可视化是一个重 要的研究方向,许多研究人员己经进行了大量卓有成效的研究,并有许多成熟的 技术己经应用到实际中,出现了大量的优秀的可视化软件产品,如3DMAX、MAYA、EVS、 AVS 等。这些产品主要应用于游戏、电影动画、工业设计以及其它专业领 域的研究,而与GIS 联系较少。可视化理论与技术用于地图学与GIS 始于90 年 代初。1993 年,国际地图学协会在德国科隆召开的第16 届学术讨论会上宣告成 立可视化委员会,其主要任务是定期交流可视化技术在地图学领域中的发展状况 和研究热点,并加强与计算机领域的协作。 1996 年该委员会与美国计算机协会图形学专业组进行了跨学科的协作,制订了一项称为“CartoProiect"的行动计划,旨在探索计算机图形学领域的理论和技术如何有效地应用于空间数据可视化中, 同时也探讨怎样从地图学的观点和方法来促进计算机图形学的发展。1998 年 2 月由B.H.Mccormick 等根据美国国家科学基金会召开的“科学计算可视化研讨


国内外自主学习研究现状综述 自主学习的思想源远流长。继古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德之后,卢梭、第斯多惠、杜威等都是自主学习思想的倡导者。从20世纪50年代开始,自主学习成为教育心理学研究的重要课题。20世纪80年代末出版的《自主学习和学习:理论、研究和实践》一书中也系统总结了维果斯基学派、操作主义、现象学派、社会学派、意志理论、信息加工心理学等不同角度对自主学习做过的一些探讨。但是,由于研究者的理论立场和视角不同,对于什么是自主学习至今尚未形成统一的看法。目前,国外使用的与自主学习有关的术语也很多,如自我调节的学习(self—regulated learning)、自我管理的学习(self—managed learning)、主动学习(active—learning)、自律学习(autonous learning)、自我计划学习 (self—planned learning)、自我监控学习 (self—monitored learning)、自我定向学习(self—directed learning)、自我教育(self—education)、自我指导(self—instruction)等。在国外,自主学习思想一直受到心理学和教育学的共同关注。但是,20世纪中叶以后,由于信息加工理论心理学迅速发展,维果斯基的语言自我指导理论在西方得到了认可,人本主义心理学的开始兴起,心理学领域的这些发展从不同角度推动了对自主学习的理论阐述或者实践研究。

以斯金那纳为代表的操作主义理论认为自主学习本质上是一种操作性行为,它是基于外部强化或自我强化而做出的一种应答性反应。自主学习能力的形成,本质上是个体的学习调控反应与邻近的强化物建立联系。它包含四个子过程:自我监控、自我指导、自我评价和自我强化。以及由此开发出了自我记录技术、自我指导技术、自我强化技术。该理论最强调外部环境对自主学习的制约作用。 以班杜拉为代表的社会认知学派从个人、行为和环境交互作用的角度来理解学生的自主学习问题。认为学生的自主学习行为主要由个人内部的本能、需要、驱力、特质等决定,不主要由外在的环境因素来决定,而是受到这两者的交互作用——主体社会认知的影响制约,这种影响并决定行为的社会认知有两种:即结果期望和自我效能感。结果期望是指人关于自己的某一行为会导致他所期望的某种主观推测或判断。自我效能感是指人关于自己是否有能力胜任某一行为的主观判断或推测,它将影响行为的结果因素转化为先行因素,对行为发作用。从理论分析,任何学生的学习行为实际上受学生的结果期望和自我效能感的双重制 约和调节。这一理论十分重视学生的社会交往和社会认知在其自主学习发展中的作用。它认为,学生与教师、父母、其他学生的积极交往和反馈会极大地促进自主学习的发展。此理论把自主学习分成自我观察、自我判断、自我反应三个子过程,强调自我效能和榜样示范在自主学习中的作用。 自由意志理论认为自主学习实际上也是一种意志控制过程,意志成分控制着人的学习行为,使学习者克服困难、坚持学习。高度的自


爱伦坡小说理论:In his definition of the short story, he emphasized brevity and unity of impression. The latter is the all-important element, and by unity Poe meant totality or oneness of impression. 1: The short story must be of such length as to be read at one sitting(brevity), so as to ensure the totality of impression. Poe stresses brevity because he thought that unity of impression would be blurred and lost in the mass of details inevitable in a long story or novel. 2:The very first sentence ought to help to bring out the “single effect” of the story. He insisted that the writer must first determine the effect that he wished to produce and then deliberately choose incidents to assist in the creation of such an effect. 3: A tale should reveal some logical trut h with “the fullest satisfaction,” and should end with the last sentence, leaving a sense of finality with the reader. 4:In theme he anticipates twentieth-century literature in his treatment of the disintegration of the self in a world of T.S.Eliot’s nothingness and Hemingway’s nada. He places the subconscious condition of the mind under investigation and probes beneath the surface of normal exitence. New Criticism: a school of poetry and criticism in the middle decades of the 20th century, emphasizing close reading, particularly of poetry, to discover how a work of literature functioned as a self-contained, self-referential aesthetic object.John Crowe Ransom’s The New Criticism,E.T.Eliot,I.A. Richards Feature:1it focuses on the analysis of the text rather paying attention to external elements, which has tended to divorce criticism from social and moral concerns. 2 it explores the artistic struture of the work rather than its author’s frame of mind or its readers’ responses. 3 it see a literary work as an organic entity , the unity of content and form, and places emphasis on the close reading of the text. 4 The New Critical poem kept the basic Modernist values and abandoned other High Modernist features. Influence: one of the many phases in the history of American literary criticism,which influence the careers of many poets Local Colorism: Local Colorism or Regionalism as a trend first made its presence felt in the late 1860s and early seventies in America. It may be defined as the careful attegogoms in speech, dress or behavior peculiar to a geographical locality. The ultimate aim of the local colorists is to create the illusion of an indigenous little world with qualities that tell it apart from the world outside. The social and intellectual climate of the country provided a stimulating milieu for the growth of local color fiction in America. Local colorists concerned themselves with presenting and interpreting the local character of their regions. They tended to idealize and glorify, but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life. They formed an important part of the realistic movement. Although it lost its momentum toward the end of the 19th century, the local spirit continued to inspire and fertilize the imagination of author. Lost Generation: This term describes the people of the postwar years and the Americans who remained in Paris as a colony of “ expatriates” or exiles. It describes the writers like Hemingway who lived in semi poverty. It describes the Americans who returned to their native land with an intense awareness of living in an unfamiliar changing world. The young English and American expatriates, men and women, were caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered


你好,同学,你的中国家电企业“走出去”面临的风险及防范方面开题报告老师让你往 哪个方向写? 开题报告有什么要求呢 开题报告是需要多少字呢 你可以告诉我具体的排版格式要求,希望可以帮到你,祝开题报告选题通过顺利。 1、研究背景 研究背景即提出问题,阐述研究该课题的原因。研究背景包括理论背景和现实需要。 还要综述国内外关于同类课题研究的现状:①人家在研究什么、研究到什么程度?② 找出你想研究而别人还没有做的问题。③他人已做过,你认为做得不够(或有缺陷),提出完善的想法或措施。④别人已做过,你重做实验来验证。 2、目的意义 目的意义是指通过该课题研究将解决什么问题(或得到什么结论),而这一问题的解 决(或结论的得出)有什么意义。有时将研究背景和目的意义合二为一。 3、成员分工 成员分工应是指课题组成员在研究过程中所担负的具体职责,要人人有事干、个个担 责任。组长负责协调、组织。 4、实施计划 实施计划是课题方案的核心部分,它主要包括研究内容、研究方法和时间安排等。研 究内容是指可操作的东西,一般包括几个层次:⑴研究方向。⑵子课题(数目和标题)。⑶与研究方案有关的内容,即要通过什么、达到什么等等。研究方法要写明是 文献研究还是实验、调查研究?若是调查研究是普调还是抽查?如果是实验研究,要 注明有无对照实验和重复实验。实施计划要详细写出每个阶段的时间安排、地点、任 务和目标、由谁负责。若外出调查,要列出调查者、调查对象、调查内容、交通工具、调查工具等。如果是实验研究,要写出实验内容、实验地点、器材。实施计划越具体,则越容易操作。 5、可行性论证 可行性论证是指课题研究所需的条件,即研究所需的信息资料、实验器材、研究经费、学生的知识水平和技能及教师的指导能力。另外,还应提出该课题目前已做了哪些工作,还存在哪些困难和问题,在哪些方面需要得到学校和老师帮助等等。 6、预期成果及其表现形式 预期成果一般是论文或调查(实验)报告等形式。成果表达方式是通过文字、图片、 实物和多媒体等形式来表现。
