

Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth

1. What types of energy are popular in your country? For example, coal, gas, nuclear power. What does your house or apartment use?

Coal and gas. We usually get heat by burning coal in winter although it’not an environmental way. And natural gas is also a good choice to cook.

2. Does your community offer a recycling program? Do you think recycling is an important servic

e for communities to provide? Why or why not?

Yes, they provide us green bins and call on us to sort and recycle as well as reuse. And they also of fer a recycling program. I think recycling is an important service for communities to provide. Than ks to it, we don’t have any more unnecessary waste.

3. In your opinion, what can cities like Beijing and Qingdao do to improve their air quality? (1)plant more trees to purify air.(2)limit private vehicles and call on people to use more public tran sportations.(3)make laws and reduce industrial emission to a minimum.

4. How are products packaged in our country? For example, how do you usually buy milk, electro nic equipment and clothing? Are they good for our earth? Why or why not?

In our country, most products are packaged with plastic or paper wrapper. But they are not good fo r our earth. Because plastic bags can not disappear by natural decomposition.If people throw away plastic bags, it’ll cause the white pollution to our environment. If plastic bags are burned , they wi ll fill air with toxic fumes. Many trees also disappear as a result of paper wrapper’s overusing. 5. Do you agree that our country will be short of fresh water in the future? Why or why not? NO, I don’t agree. Although there are some rivers polluted with the developing of our country, the government has make laws and try their best to stop pollution. And we will see the effect several y ears.

6. What should be done in order to prevent the climate change?

Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. In order to preve nt the climate change, we must reduce the emission of these gases. So we can plant more trees and develop new energy like windy energy or solar energy to replace traditional fossil fuels. Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:

Global warming may be the most harmful environmental problem human beings have created. Ple ase discuss its causes, consequences and what we can do to reduce it.

It is caused by the greenhouse effect. The sun heats the earth surface, the earth radiates the energ y back out into space, so the radiation gets trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. This tr apped radiation warms the atmosphere, and so it goes back down to the earth, making it hotter tha n normal. This is greenhouse effect. This effect is caused by greenhouse gases like methane and C O2 in stratosphere. Because of human activities and especially the burning of the fossil fuels.

Global warming can bring many disasters. For example, droughts, hurricanes, bushfires, shrinkin g polar ice and coastal flooding. Ice cap’s melting, sea leve l’s rising, means cities such like Londo n, New York, Sydney and Tokyo will be soon merged.

So we can plant more trees and develop new energy like windy energy or solar energy to replace tr aditional fossil fuels.

U nit 2 Nobel Prize Winners

7.Have you ever thought to win a big prize in the future, and what do you plan to do to achieve

the goal?

Yes, I have. To achieve the goal, I plan to study hard to get my master degree and then go aboard f or further study as well as PHD.

8. How many Nobel Prize Winners do you know? Who do you admire most? Why?

KofiAnnan(peace),AlbertEinstain(physicis), MoYan(literature),MarieCurie(chemistry) MoYan is the first Noble Prize winner who come from China. I think all of the Chinese are proud of him.

9. What would you do if you were awarded the Nobel Prize?

When I get the prize, I would be very famous and rich. I think I will go further on my study’s way.

10. What do you think is the most important quality of a successful scientist?

First,good scientists have the passion of exploring science. Second, they always work with careful and practical attitude. The last but not the least,they are very smart,talent is very important. 11. Einstein once said: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” How do you understand this statement?

We study and learn constantly day after day like keeping move by bike. But one day, if we don’t le arn new things, we will be abandoned by the world we had sought for.

12. How could you find the beauty of simplicity in the apparently complex nature? Could you give some examples?

It is important to view the nature scene with the appreciative mind.For instance,I would appreciate my surroundings when I’m relaxed and happy,but on the contrary,I would ignore the things aroun d me.

What preparations should a university student make for future success?

First, they must work hard and finish their study with excellent achievement. Second, they can dev elop some interests or master some skills as an advantage in their future’s competition. Third, they must make many friends for their future.

Unit 3 Famous Brand Names

13. Can you name some famous brands? Why do people like them?

Nike,Anta,LV,Lenovo,Toshiba…There are many reasons why any people like the famous brand. First,the famous brand products have the high quality and safety. Second,the famous brands always represent the good status. Third,famous brands company have the promise to repair the products if there are something wrong with the products

14. Do you think college students should pursue famous brands? Why or why not? I don’t support it.Because we don’t make money by ourselves now,and we can’t waste the money. And the correct shopping style should be that “buying what we nee d,what have the high quality with a good pri ce”

15. Some famous brands have a very long history. Why are they so popular among generations of people?

First, they have high quality. Second, the first impression is the strongest, so the famous brands wi th a very long history give us deep impressions that they are best. Third, many businessman see th e honesty like their lives, so they are popular among people. 16. How can a national famous brand build its name in a foreign country? For example,for the Haier company. First,

the leader made a right strategy. Second,they sold they products with high qualities and function in a low price to attract consumers to buy their products. Third,they innovate some new products that other manufacturers don’t have.

17. Why do many people choose pirated stuff of famous brands instead of the genuine? What do y ou think of it?

Many people can’t afford the expensive famous brand, but they want to buy them to show that the y are in fashion and have the high social status. According to the psychology of the consumers ,manufacturer made the piracy of famous brand and sold them at a low price,so they can earn a lot of money. 18. According to you, what kind of things are worth spending mo ney on?

I think that something we really need are worth spending money on .We also can spend money on something we cherish or love. What are the secrets of business success?

First, products with high qualities. Second, an honest attitude towards the consumers. Third, good innovation ability. Last, united staff.

Unit 4 Cloning and Ethics

1. Do you want a clone of yourself? Explain.

Yes, I want clones of myself. Then, they can do everything for me. One go to school and one earn money, others can play computer games with me or do other things.

2. What kind of people are in favor of cloning science?

The people who can’t have a baby by pregnancy. The scientists who want to find a way to translat

e the organ by the cloning science to help the patients.

3. Do you think a cloned Einstein would be a great person? Why or why not?

NO, a cloned person only have the same gene as the body. What matters they will be a great man o r not are not only gene, but also the surrounding they live, the things they face, the education they have and so on. So a cloned Einstein would not be a great man

4. Do you think cloning is against ethics? Why or why not?

Yes, I do. Cloning against traditional way of having a baby. And it will challenge the traditional vi ew on ethics. Also the cloning baby may be the hot topics among people.

5. Can cloning prolong people's life? Why or why not?

Yes, it can. When we get hurt or serious disease, our bad organs will be replaced by clones

6. Should we legalize cloning? Why or why not?

NO,Cloning people violate ['vai?leit]违背the ethics['eθiks]伦理.Second,the successful probability of cloning is very low,and the cloning animals have the short life.What’s more,there are many unknown problems we do n’t know if the cloning baby come to the world.

What are the pros and cons of cloning?

Pros :help couples who can’t pregnant to have babies.Protecting the endangered animals to increase thei r population.Finding new ways to cure some diseases. Cons:high cost ,against nature,the technique is not perfect now…

Unit 5 Lifelong Education

1. Do you think education is important in your life? Can you cite some examples to illustrate your


Yes. First, we can get advantage from it when seek for jobs. Second, the education we get

in schools will influence us all one’s life.

2. Is college education the only way to success? Is it worth the price?

No, it is not the only way to success. Many people who don’t have college education have succeed ed. For example, Yao Ming, who is a famous star without college education. Jay chou also succeed without college education. They succeed because of their talent and opportunity. But as for ordina ry people, they need go to success by college education.

3. If you had chance to continue learning after graduation, what subject do you like to choose? Wh y?

Philosophy. I think it’s a very mysterious course. It can help us to form cosmis view and expand o ur thought.

4. Is college education satisfactory from your own experience?

I am satisfied with my college life. I have many freedom to do what I like,and I have learned a lot from the class, and I also attracted by some courses.

5. Do you think college education means more than study?

I think the college education contains a lot. First, we need study to get the professional knowledge ,but we also need to learn how to cooperate with others. We should take part in some activities to g et some skills and enrich our minds.

6. There are some graduates going to the technical school to study again. What do you think of tha t?

I think it is not a good phenomenon, this scene will lead more students to give up going to college instead technical school.

For what purpose(s) would an adult return to college? What do you think of this?

First, to finish their college dreams. Many people dropped out because of poverty in that time, and now, they can afford. Second, some people want to get more knowledge and improve their ability.

Unit 6 Travel around the world

1. What attracts you most when you visit a new place? Food, I prefer delicious food to scenery

2. People travel for various reasons. Please talk about some of them.

Traveling can help us release the pressure. And we can know many different culture via visiting th

e place. And it’s a good way to feel the glamour ['ɡl?m?]魅力o

f the nature

3. What is your favorite way of travelling, alone or in a group? Why?

I think go travelling alone have more freedom, I can do what I like. But I think group travel is mor e interesting,because we can share the happiness with our friends anytime,and if we meet some troubles,we can solve it together and take care of each other.

4. Introduce a tourist attraction that you have been

The most beautiful place I have been is Zhangjiajie in Hunan province. The scenery is really good

,and there are many strange mountains which will give you a big shock.

5. If you had $1000, where would you go on holiday? How about if you had $10,000, or $100,000?

If I have 1000$, I will go to Hong Kong. $10000, European, $100000, around the world.

6. Which scenic spot do you think can best represent the culture or lifestyle of your hometown? W hy?

My hometown is Lan Zhou, what represent the culture of it is that : A river, the yellow

river is citizen’s mother river. A book, a magazine named READER. A bowel of beef noodles.

A lot of people after travelling often say: Travelling means sort of suffering. That implies they do n’t eat well, sleep well, and they are very tired on the trip. Do you agree with it ? Give your reaso ns and explain.

Unit 7 Drug Abuse

1. What do you know about drugs and drug abuse?

Some people are able to use recreational or prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative consequences or addiction. For many others, substance use can cause problems at work, home, sch ool, and in relationships, leaving you feeling isolated, helpless, or ashamed.

2. What kind of people are easier to turn to drugs? Why do people use drugs like Ecstasy?

Many young people don’t realize the bad effects of the drugs. And they are easy to be influenced b y other people who take drugs. Some people who are negative are more likely to take drugs to find the bliss.

3. How do drugs affect the drug takers? What do drugs like Ecstasy do to the people who take them?

The drugs effects people’s organ and have a bad influence on the nervous system. What’s worse,the drugs will result in death. Many young people take the Ecstasy will feel very excited and happ y,and they can’t control themselves.

4. How should you avoid doing things that appear to be pleasant at first but will turn out to be really harmful? (e.g. drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, addiction to computer games, etc.) Realize that abusing drugs may lead to devastating events in people's lives. Think about what othe r things in life you can achieve such as activities that are more fulfilling than drugs. Examine all a ctivities broadly, to help you Discover What You Really Want from a New Career.

5. Have you ever heard of the war on drugs?

War on drugs is a term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition, military aid and military i ntervention, with the stated aim being to define and reduce the illegal drug trade.

6. Who should be responsible for drug abuse?

First, the government should establish and refine medicines regulations and policies easily abused; Meanwhile, manufacturers and distributors have sold legally to prevent the spread of drugs. Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:

If one of your friends were doing drugs, what would you do to help him out?

1.First and foremost, your friend must acknowledge that using drugs is in fact a problem. Without acknowledging that a problem exists, there will never be a solution. Depending on the stage of dru g use--experimental, social, habitual, dependent--your friend may not see a problem at all. This is where you must define the problem(s) for your friend.

2.Take action! Your friend must decide to stop using drugs. Only he/she can do that. People are m otivated by either pleasure or pain. Determining which is the motivator for your friend will help na rrow the focus of effort. Cause pain if your friend uses drugs, try to give pleasure to him/her.

3.Get help. Heavy drug use requires professional help to stop initially, and for the long term. You c an help by taking them to a clinic or a professional; help them change their environment to get rid of the temptation.

4.Be a positive force in your friend's life. Let your friend know (by word anddeed) that you are the re for support. Help your friend remained focused on the positive goals that don't include drugs. R einforce your friend's good behaviors without drugs. Don't abandon your friend when they slip up.


Unit 1 Men and women’s prejudices Part I Read the following passage aloud. The very language we use to discuss men’s roles (i.e., deadbeat dads) shows a lack of appreciation for the majority of men who quietly yet proudly fulfill their family responsibilities. We almost never hear the term “working father,” and it is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women. Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to mothers —as if career satisfaction is what a man’s life is all about. Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at-home wives as “status symbols” — like an expensive car — flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury. The implication is that men with at-home wives have it easier than those whose wives work outside the home because they have the “luxury” of a full-time housekeeper. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer a lot of stresses. The loss of a job — or even the threat of that happening — is obviously much more difficult when that job is the sole source of income for a family. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails. In addition, many husbands work overtime or second jobs to make more money needed for their families. For these men, it is the family that the job supports that makes it all worthwhile. It is the belief that having a mother at home is important to the children, which makes so many men gladly take on the burden of being a sole wage earner. Part II. TOPIC Men and women’s prejudices Section One Each of the students will be asked one qu estion on the topic “Men and women’s prejudices and roles”. 1.What’s the division of labor like in your family? In my family, my father is responsible for the heavy and tired work like clean drain, garage, etc., the mother is responsible for some of the common household chores, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, etc.I am responsible for helping my mother to do the housework, so dad is hard and tired. 1.Many people hold the view that men are different from women in many ways. What’s your opinion about it? Men and women are different. In the relationship, for example, men are more rational, while women are more emotional. And because the body structure is different, the responsibility of the men and women is different also, men generally responsible for the breadwinner, women generally responsible for providing a comfortable home. 1.How to be a good father?


Oral Test for Grade 2013 (Band 1) Topic 1: Campus Love Directions: Some students say one of their wishes at college is to develop a romantic relationship with someone they love. Are you one of them? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your personal views on campus love. Topic 2: Communication Problems Directions: Misunderstandings are very common in our daily lives. As a Chinese saying goes, understanding a girl’s mind is as hard as searching a needle under the sea. Do you think so? Do you agree that men and women speak in different styles? Are there any examples in your daily life that support your point of view? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your opinions on misunderstandings between men and women. Topic 3: Winning and Success Directions: Have a discussion with your partner(s) about winners in your eyes. Do you have your personal hero? What accounts for his/her success?


Key to Exercises of Book 3 of New College English Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. On balance 2. resist 3. haul 4. wicked 5. illustrated 6. budget 7. lowering 8. boundary 9. involved 10. economic 11. blasting 12. just about II. 1. cut back / down 2. pick up 3. get by 4. get through 5. face up to 6. turn in 7. making up for 8. think up III. 1.pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy. 2.often generated misleading thoughts. 3.attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work. 4.be suspected of doing everything for money. 5.before he gets through life. IV. 1.…their indoor… a profit… to invest in 2.…device… the improvement… on a global scale 3.…stacked… temptation… never dined out Confusable words I. 1. house 2. Home 3. home…family 4. household II. 1. doubt 2. suspected 3. doubted 4. suspected 5. suspect Word Formation 1. rise 2. final 3. regular 4. cash 5. hows …whys 6. upped 7. yellowed 8. bottled 9. lower 10. search Comprehensive Exercise I. 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. improvement 5. aside from 6. suspect 7. supplement 8. profit 9. stacking II. 1. replaced 2. consider 3. quit 4. world 5. tough 6. fuels 7. provide 8. luxuries 9. balance 10. ideal Translation I. 1.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took


大英3(视听说)口语考试方式及复习范围 考试对象:2015级大学英语3(视听说)(生物制药专业0601404/5班) 本课程的教学目的是为达到《大学英语课程教学要求》正式版相关规定的“基础要求”,而为学生打下扎实的语言基础。本学期的学习重点是强化语音和语调等基础知识,同时培养学生连贯的表达能力等综合应用英语的能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 一.命题基本原则 本次考试为期末诊断性测试, 目的是全面检测本学期视听说教学中,语音部分及口语运用情况的教学效果及学生的课后自主学习情况, 以促进课堂教学和学生课后学习,有效提高学生的口语表达和实际运用能力。考题基于本学期的教学内容和学生课后学习任务。命题遵循以下原则: 科学性与公平性。遵循教学规律,根据《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》的要求,合理分配语音与话题讨论的分值分配比例,重点考察学生的语音、语调及基本口语表达能力。 全面性。综合考虑教学大纲和教学计划的内容以及在教学过程中的实际情况,口语测试要能反映课程关于语音和口语运用方面的主要教学内容和教学要求。 难易度合理。根据课程具体内容和教学要求,合理确定试题的难易程度,避免出生僻词汇、边缘词汇以及复杂、非常规语法结构及口语表达句型。 题量适度。根据课程特点和教学内容要求确定各类题型的数量,确保90%以上学生能够在规定时间内完成口语考试任务,并达到预期效果。 二.命题范围 《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》(Units 1-6)中的核心单词以及教材对话或短文中的部分英文句子。 三. 试题构成 1.单词及句子朗读,共5分 (1)正确朗读所给单词并说出单词的中文意思,2分。 命题范围:《新世纪大学英语视听说教程1》(Units 1-6)中的核心单词,共计10个单词。 (2)正确朗读所给句子,注意发音、语调及语义停顿,3分。 命题范围:《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》对话或短文中的部分英文句子,共计5个句子。 2. 话题讨论,共计5分 命题范围:根据《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》(Units 1-6)中的话题,选取5个话题。 3. 考试形式 考生自行组合,两人一小组,自行从教师所给的口语话题里选择一个提前准备。考试时,每位考生朗读抽取到的试题语音部分,待一组的考生分别朗读完毕后,由两名考生对之前自己选择的口语话题进行2-3分钟的讨论,讨论完毕,由教师进行评分,并记录。 四.评分标准 本次考试总分为10分,语音部分5分,话题讨论5分。具体评分标准如下:


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


U1 TOPIC 1 Famous Universities 1.What kind of universities are good universities in your eyes? First of all, it should have a strong studying atmosphere. I hope students there can talk about their own opinions with freedom. Secondly, the teachers should be high standard and responsible. Then, the teaching equipment should be good, which will contribute to our study. 2.Do you think universities should try their best to provide their students with more scholarships? Why or why not? I don’t think more scholarships are necessary. Merit-based(基于优秀的;以业绩为基础的)scholarships, which are mainly awarded by universities, aim to encourage the students to learn more. It’s a motivation, or a reputation. Students who have financial problems could apply for need-based scholarships. So it’s not necessary for universities to provide more scholarships. 3.Which is more important in your college life, study or working experience? Why? In my opinion, we students should put study in the first place. Only by learning enough knowledge and skills now can we get a good job in the future. Our main task is to lay a solid(可靠的;坚实的) foundation for the future. So, it’s out of question that study is more important in college life. 4.If you had the opportunity to further your study in famous universities either at home or abroad, which would you choose?Why? T o be honest, I’d like to go abroad. First, I want to broaden my horizon. I have been dreaming about something quite different. Second, the academic atmosphere is freer abroad. Finally, I hope to meet more friends from all over the world. So, if possible, I’d like to go out to experience the study life there. 5.What is the aim for your college life?Explain. Above all, it’s beyond question that I want to acquire the knowledge and skills I expected. We can surely gain some working and even social experience. But they should not be our main aim. We should respect our university, the last place from where we get system education. So, my aim for college life is to learn as much as I can. 6.Do you think having a part-time job might affect your academic performance? Why or why not? Personally I think it will. It’s certain that taking a part-time job will occupy some study time. Study is not just doing homework. It requires many practices. Having a part-time job may affect our further study and our academic performance. Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What can make a university famous? Please give as many examples as possible. In my view, a famous university should have excellent teachers、tutors、professors and all of them and the managements should be responsible for their students. In addition the school should provide good facilities and enough support for the students, such as libraries, museums and scientific collections. U2 TOPIC 1 Jobs and Careers 1.What kind of jobs do you think will be the most popular in the future? It is no surprise that one of the fastest growing areas of employment in recent years relates to computer technology. Technological advance and the continued integration of IT and digital communications into the workplace throughout the private, public


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small


新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程1答案 The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I) Working with Words and Expressions 2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II) Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3.


“It seems like we are living in the world which is giving privileges to the rich people whereas they represent a small __________ of the overall population of a country”, said John on the phone. 所选答案: D. percentage She prefers conservative trousers to fashionable skirts as she thinks wearing the latter would __________ her movement. 所选答案: A. hamper 问题3得0.05 分,满分0.05 分 A person’s __________ income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it. 所选答案: D. gross At the board meeting, they were greatly drawn by his frank, __________ manner and were impressed by his speech. 所选答案: C. straightforward If you do not own friendship, please grasp the opportunity in front of you. If you already possess it, please cherish it, never letting it __________ quietly. 所选答案: A. slip away 问题6得0.05 分,满分0.05 分The smooth transition of power in Macao is another great success __________ to Deng Xiaoping' s concept of “one country, two systems” and will play an active role in facilitating the complete reunification of the motherland 所选答案: B. attributable 问题7得0.05 分,满分0.05 分If you plan your time in this way, you can focus your effort and energy productively and __________ towards reaching your goal.


Unit 1 Nine to five AR1: 1. 1)Why do many graduates fail to find a job? a)Many students left university this summer and most in these financially testing times have no idea what to do next. b)They are in aimless days and spend the summer “hiding”. c)They don’t li ke bar work. d) A lot of parents get too soft. e)They have no experience or master’s degree. 2)How do they perceive the problem? a)They get turned down of a low salary job but they want people with experience or master’s degree. b)There is a big queue in the university careers service but they straight back out and don’t have a try. c)They become rebels without a cause,aware that they need to get a job,but not sure how. d)They don’t want to be back at the same stage as those friends who didin’t go to the university at al l. 3)Do you agree / disagree with them? 4)What other factors do you think also contribute to their temporary unemployment? a)They have no experience and high degrees.


教师口语考试试题及答 案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

教师口语考试试题A卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共 20分) 1、语音是的表现形式,是的依托。() 2、吐字归音把一个音节的发音过程分为出字、、三个阶段。 () 3、调值是的实际读音,也就是的高低、升降、曲直、长短的变化形式。() 4、普通话的语流音变主要包括变调、、、语气词“啊”的变读。() 5、朗读是把,转化为发音规范的的再创作活动。() 6、普通话是语音、和的统一体。() 7、态势语的基本要求、、适度。() 8、反应分和两种。() 9、复述有详细复述、、。() 10、教师职业口语的要求有规范性、、、生动性、可接受 性。 二、名词解释题(每小题5分,共20分) 1、声母( ) 2、三腔共鸣( ) 3、音强( ) 三、分析题(共40分)

1、分析下面词组中的变调现象,在发生音变的音节下面加·标注,并说明音变后的实 际读音。(5分,每题1分)( ) 美好()() 海洋()() 一样()() 不去()() 一般()() 2、指出下面词组中“啊”音变的实际读音。(5分,每题1分) 真大啊!()好事啊!()多高兴啊!() 真险啊!()这么多书啊!()() 3、指出下面句子中的轻声,将轻声字写在括号里。(5分) 叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。 ()() 4、分析下面语句朗读时语气、停顿、重音的变化,然后填空。 (15分,每空1分)( ) (1)今天,这里有没有特务?你站出来!是好汉的站出来! 这段话出自闻一多的《最后一次演讲》,朗读时感情是(), 气息是(),声音是()。() (2)这时候,妻心中的喜悦正和我一样,我俩一句话都没有说。 这句话是在大海一片静寂,朦胧欲睡的夜晚说的,感情是(),气息是 (),声音是()。() (3)更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。
