

Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is a traditional cultural circle Chinese characters on the lunar new year, known as "new year". But also called the degree of verbal and celebrate the new year, Chinese New year. Chinese people have more than 4000 years of history during the spring festival. Usually at least until the fifteen (Spring Festival) new year is over, in the folk, the Spring Festival is a traditional sense from the twelfth lunar month the Greek Festival or the twelfth lunar month twenty-three or twenty-four people, until the nineteen.

Mid-Autumn Festival

The mid autumn festival began in the early Tang Dynasty, prevailed in the Song Dynasty, and became one of the traditional Chinese festivals along with the spring festival. Influenced by Chinese culture, the Mid Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival in some countries of East Asia and Southeast Asia, especially the local Chinese and overseas chinese. The Mid Autumn Festival has the festival, moon, moon, moon cake to eat and drink, enjoy the sweet scented osmanthus osmanthus wine custom, spread so far, prolonged.

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival because of Chu in the Warring States period (now Hubei) poet Qu Yuan on the day with a stone Tiaomi Luojiang himself, the ruler to set a patriotic label as the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan. Since ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Boat Festival and eat dumplings. In May 2006, the State Council will be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage; in September 2009, UNESCO formally considered and approved China Dragon Boat Festival in the world intangible cultural heritage, has become the first in the world's intangible cultural heritage Chinese festival.

Tomb-sweeping Day

Tomb-sweeping Day also called TaQingJie, in mid spring and late spring and summer, which is 108th days after the winter solstice. It is one of the traditional festivals and the most important sacrificial festivals in China. It is also a day for worshipping ancestors and sweeping tombs. The traditional Chinese Tomb-sweeping Day began about Zhou Dai, now has more than 2500 years of history. Qingming is the name of a solar term at the earliest. Usually in the Gregorian calendar before and after April 5th, the feast is very long, there are 10 days ago after 8 days and 10 days before the 10 days after the two claims, the nearly 20 days are Tomb-sweeping Day.


各种传统节日的中英文介绍 1. 春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 2. 元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival 3. 清明节(4月5日)Tomb-Sweeping Day 4. 端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival 5.中秋节(农历八月十五) Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 6. 重阳节(农历九月九日) Double-ninth Day 7.. 除夕(农历十二月三十日)New Year's Eve 【中国常见传统活动中英对照】 过年celebrate the spring festival 春联spring festival couplets 剪纸paper-cuts 年画new year paintings 买年货do shopping for the spring festival;do spring festival shopping 敬酒propose a toast 灯笼lantern 烟花fireworks 爆竹firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper,symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)

舞狮lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲traditional opera 杂耍variety show 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 守岁staying-up 拜年pay new year's call;give new year's greetings;pay new year's visit 禁忌taboo 去晦气get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 压岁钱gift money;money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note;inthe old days,new year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year 扫房spring cleaning; generalhouse-cleaning 年糕nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake


中国四大传统节日端午节的介绍古人送壶我送粽,一片真情在其中,洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶;天涯知己度端午,无限真情在粽中。青青粽叶包真情,愿你拥有好心情,端午节快乐。下面就是我们给大家带来的,希望大家喜欢! 中国四大传统节日端午节的介绍(一) 端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重午节、龙节、正阳节、天中节等,节期在农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日。端午节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代祭龙演变而来。仲夏端午,苍龙七宿飞升至正南中天,是龙飞天的日子,即如《易经·乾卦》第五爻的爻辞曰:“飞龙在天”。端午日龙星既“得中”又“得正”,乃大吉大利之象。端午节的起源涵盖了古老星象文化、人文哲学等方面内容,蕴含着深邃丰厚的文化内涵;在传承发展中杂揉了多种民俗为一体,节俗内容丰富。扒龙舟与食粽是端午节的两大礼俗,这两大礼俗在中国自古传承,至今不辍。 端午节,本是南方吴越先民创立用于拜祭龙祖的节日[5-7]。因传说战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在五月五日跳汨罗江自尽,后来人们亦将端午节作为纪念屈原的节日;也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥及介子推等说法。总的来说,端午节起源于上古先民择“龙升天”吉日祭龙祖,注入夏季时令“祛病防疫”风尚,把端午视为“恶

月恶日”起于北方中原,附会纪念屈原等历史人物纪念内容。端午风俗形成可以说是南北风俗融合的产物。 端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。端午文化在世界上影响广泛,世界上一些国家和地区也有庆贺端午的活动。2006年5月,国务院将其列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录;自2008年起,被列为国家法定节假日。2009年9月,联合国教科文组织正式批准将其列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》,端午节成为中国首个入选世界非遗的节日。 端午节家人团圆的祝福贺词(二) 1、夏日的柳丝,伴随着假日,让清风吹起无边的凉爽,夹杂着祝福的气息,缓缓飘落在你的身旁,端午节到了,祝你过一个快乐温馨的小长假。 2、送你一颗好运粽,里面包藏:健康米,好运蛋,平安菇,快乐虾,长寿花,幸运栗;如果你收到将会好运连连。祝你端午节快乐。 3、愿这一声的祝福化成一缕清风,吹去心头暑热,愿它化成一声鸟鸣,带给你灵动的音符,愿它化成黑眼里的一盏灯,照亮回家的路。端午节快乐! 4、端午已至,特送粽子一个,淡淡的粽叶香包着关心米、健康豆、甜蜜枣,最后用幸福绳扎紧。祝您端午节快乐!


Chinese festivals cultureAfter the folk worship generally half of the offerings for Boat Festival 61The Dragon Boat Festival the 5th day of the 5th lunar month has had a h 6161唐文秀61616161.61端午节为每年龙历五月初五又称端 阳节、龙舟节、女儿节、午日节、五月节、艾节、端五、重五、夏节、 天中节、浴兰节、屈原日、诗人节等。与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为 中国汉族的四大传统节日。61端午节的来源有多种多样但最被人们接 受的是端午节是用来纪念著名爱国诗人屈原的。据说屈原于五月初五自 投汨罗江死后为蛟龙所困世人哀之每于此日投五色丝粽子于水中以驱蛟 龙。端午节包粽子的习俗由此而来。1.吃粽子 Zongzi as the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival is a pyramid- shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a 饮雄黄酒61Realgar wine雄黄酒 61It is a very popular practice to drink this kind ofChinese liquor seasoned with realgar a 佩饰 61On Dragon Boat Festival parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume p shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly accompanied by rapid drums s religious semi-entertaining program from theWarring States Period 475- 221 BC. 61A typical dragon boat ranges from 50- 100 feet in length with a beam of about 5.5 feet accommodating two paddlers seated side b 采药这是最古老的端午节俗之一。如湖北监利于端午“采百草”亦采药草 之俗。采药是因端午前后草药茎叶成熟药性好才于此日形成此俗。61 沐兰汤。端午日洗浴兰汤是《大戴礼》记载的古俗。当时的兰不是现在 的兰花而是菊科的佩兰有香气可煎水沐浴。61采茶、制凉茶。北方一 些地区喜于端午采嫩树叶、野菜叶蒸晾制成茶叶。广东潮州一带人们去 郊外山野采草药熬凉茶喝。这对健康也有好处。61挂花草。在端午设 置种种可驱邪的花草


西方传统节日英文介绍,中英对照节日简介 了解西方文化的时候,无论是通过网络或者书籍,我们都习惯看中文译本。其实一门语言一旦被翻译,很多意思都会产生偏差,真正想了解一个东西,最好是通过原文来理解。西方节日在中国传播发展,关于西方节日的介绍大家有没有了解呢?下面,一起来看看中英文对照版本的西方节日介绍,是不是跟你所知道的一样呢? 1、复活节Easter Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity. Traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. 复活节是春季的节日。在信基督教的国家里,复活节是为纪念基督耶稣的复活而举行的宗教节日。但是复活节有许多习俗和传说的由来都是非宗教的,它们与基督教没有任何关系。与节日密切联系的一些传统有象复活节的野兔,它是作为繁殖生长的象征;还有复活节的彩蛋。最先是被绘以鲜亮的颜色来代表春天的阳光。这些彩蛋还可以用来玩滚彩蛋游戏比赛,或作为小礼物送人。 2、感恩节Thanksgiving The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians. Days of thanksgiving were celebrated throughout the colonies after fall harvests. All thirteen colonies did not, however, celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time until October 1777. George Washington was the first president to declare the holiday, in 1789. 第一个美国人庆贺的感恩节在1621年,为了纪念普利茅斯殖民地的人民在经过一个歉收荒芜的冬季后迎来丰收。在那一年,州长William Bradford宣布那天作为感恩节。殖民者把它当成传统的英国丰收节日来庆贺,在当天,他们还邀请当地的印地安的万泊诺亚格人。感恩的节日延续了整个秋季的收获季节,但其他的十三个殖民地没有庆贺这个节日,直到1777年10月。乔治-华盛顿在1789年宣布把它定为节日,他也是第一位宣布感恩节的总统。 3、情人节Valentine's Day The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient


Dear distinguished chief judge; As the defense attorney of my client, I have made many surveys in secret after I took over the case. According to my client and all the information I have inspected about the case, now I have an deep and comprehensive understanding about the case . Therefore , I want to show my opinions to you, and I hope the chief would accept them . . 1. The stolen car was found abandoned three hours after the theft with the engine still warm; at the time the car was found, my client was at the airport to meet the flight of a friend who was flying into town. 2. Lab analysis of muddy shoe prints on the floor mat of the car indicates that the prints came from a size 27 shoe; your client wears a size 25. 3. Lab analysis shows the presence of cigarette smoke in the car, but your client does not smoke. 4. The only eyewitness to the crime, who was 20 meters from the car, said the thief "looked like" your client; yet the eyewitness admitted that at the time of the theft she was not wearing her contact lenses, which had been prescribed for improving distance vision. 5. The car was stolen at about I p.m.; your client testified that he was in a town 400 kilometers away at 11 a.m. 6. In a statement to police, the eyewitness described the thief as tall; your client is short. Because of all the doubtful points , I think it is unfair to found guilty of theft to my client. Moreover, the basic standard of criminal sanction is that taking facts as a basis and laws as the criterion, so I hope the chief judge will give a reasonable judgment to my client finally. That’s all ,thanks.


中国四大传统节日 中国四大传统节日是指春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节。 一、春节 春节,即农历新年,是我国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,如何庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。春节民间传统是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。在春节期间要吃腊八饭,“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子”我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。腊月除夕,贴春联,春联也叫门对、春贴、对联、对子、桃符等,它以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望,是我国特有的文学形式。每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一幅大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。这一习俗起于宋代,在明代开始盛行,到了清代,春联的思想性和艺术性都有了很大的提高。还要贴窗花和倒贴“福”字。在民间人们还喜欢在窗户上贴上各种剪纸——窗花。窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的节日气氛,也集装饰性、欣赏性和实用性于一体。剪纸在我国是一种很普及的民间艺术,千百年来深受人们的喜爱,因它大多是贴在窗户上的,所以也被称其为“窗花”。窗花以其特有的概括和夸张手法将吉祥物、美好愿望表现得淋漓尽致,将节日装点得红火富丽。春节挂贴年画在城乡也很普遍,浓黑重彩的年画给千家万户平添了许多兴旺欢乐的喜庆气氛。年画是我国的一种古老的民间艺术,反映了人民朴素的风俗和信仰,寄托着他们对未来的希望。年画,也和春联一样,起源于“门神”。随着木板印刷术的兴起,年画的内容已不仅限于门神之类单调的主题,变得丰富多彩,在一些年画作坊中产生了《福禄寿三星图》、《天官赐福》、《五谷丰登》、《六畜兴旺》、《迎春接福》等精典的彩色年画、以满足人们喜庆新年的美好愿望。我国出现了年画三个重要产地:苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青和山东潍坊;形成了中国年画的三大流派,各具特色。后来还有河南的朱仙镇。我国收藏最早的年画是南宋《随朝窈窕呈倾国之芳容》的木刻年画,画的是王昭君、赵飞燕、班姬和绿珠四位古代美人。 除夕晚上要守岁。除夕守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,守岁之俗由来已久。最早记载见于西晋周处的《风土志》:除夕之夜,各相与赠送,称为“馈岁”;酒食相邀,称为“别岁”;长幼聚饮,祝颂完备,称为“分岁”;大家终夜不眠,以待天明,称曰“守岁”。“一夜连双岁,五更分二天”,除夕之夜,全家团聚在一起,包饺子、吃过年夜饭,点起蜡烛或油灯,围坐炉旁闲聊,等着辞旧迎新的时刻,通宵守夜,象征着把一切邪瘟病疫照跑驱走,期待着新的一年吉祥如意。这种习俗后来逐渐盛行,到唐朝初期,唐太宗李世民写有“守岁”诗:“寒辞去冬雪,暖带入春风”。直到今天,人们还习惯在除夕之夜守岁迎新。古时守岁有两种含义:年长者守岁为“辞旧岁”,有珍爱光阴的意思;年轻人守岁,是为延长父母寿命。自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。现在每年中央电视台办“春晚”,全世界华人都守岁。 天明过春节。春节起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。在春节期间,燃放爆竹,亦称“爆仗”、“炮仗”、“鞭炮”。中国民间有“开门爆竹”一说。即在新的一年到来之际,家家户户开门的第一件事就是燃放爆竹,以哔哔叭叭的爆竹声除旧迎新。爆竹是中国特产,其起源很早,至今已有两千多年的历史。放爆竹可以创造出喜庆热闹的气氛,是节日的一种娱乐活动,祭典祖先、祁求丰年。吃了早饭,新年的初一,人们都早早起来,穿上最漂亮的衣服,打扮得整整齐齐,出门去走亲访友,去到各家相互拜年,恭祝来年大吉大利。春节拜年时,晚辈要先给长辈拜年,祝长辈人长寿安康,长辈可将事先准备好的压岁钱分给


2021中考英语作文热门话题:传统节日介绍 根据中文大意和英语提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文。所给英文提示词供选用。注意:不要写出你的真实姓名和校名。 假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友MIKE 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。 内容提示:1.春节是中国最重要的传统节日;2.春节期间人们的主要活动(节前、除夕、节日期间) Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money 范文 Dear Mike, How are you? I'm really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I'd like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes! Yours, Liu Wei 1/ 1


中国传统三大节日 我国传统的三大节日有哪一些的呢。是不是已经没有什么印象了,让小编为大家介绍,欢迎阅读。 中国传统三大节日春节(是人们迎接新的一年的开始) 端午节(是祭奠屈原的节日) 中秋节(是和家人团聚的日子)。 春节: 春节是指汉字文化圈传统上的农历新年。 春节传统名称为新年、大年、新岁,但口头上又称度岁、庆新岁、过年。古时春节曾专指节气中的立春,也被视为是一年的开始,后来改为农历正月初一开始为新年。一般至少要到正月十五(上元节)新年才结束,春节俗称“年节”,是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。自汉武帝太初元年始,以夏年(农历)正月初一首”(即“年”),年节的日期由此固定下来,延续至今。年节古称“元旦”。1911年辛亥革命以后,开始采用公历(阳历)计年,遂称公历1月1日为“元旦”,称农历正月初一为“春节”。[1] 在春节期间,我国的汉族和很多少数民族都要举行各种活动来表示庆祝。这些活动均以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。活动丰富多彩,带有浓郁的民族特色。

006年5月20日,“春节”民俗经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产的名录。 007年12月7日,国务院第198次常务会议通过将春节列为国家法定节假日。 端午节: 端午节,为每年农历五月初五。据《荆楚岁时记》记载,因仲夏登高,顺阳在上,五月是仲夏,它的第一个午日正是登高顺阳好天气之日,故五月初五亦称为“端阳节”。此外端午节还称“午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节”等。端午节是流行于中国以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日。端午节起源于中国,最初为古代百越地区(长江中下游及以南一带)崇拜龙图腾的部族举行图腾祭祀的节日,百越之地春秋之前有在农历五月初五以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗。后因战国时期的楚国(今湖北)诗人屈原在该日抱石跳汨罗江自尽,统治者为树立忠君爱国标签将端午作为纪念屈原的节日;部分地区也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥等说法。端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。 自古以来端午节便有划龙舟及食粽等节日活动。自2008年起,端午节被列为国家法定节假日。2006年5月,国务院将其列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录;2009年9月,联


如何用英语介绍传统节日 【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请你给他写一封电子邮件介绍这一节日。 注意:1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:阴历的lunar 春联red couplets 鞭炮firecrackers 压岁钱gift money Dear John, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 本写作要求介绍中国的春节,属于说明文。介绍节日时,要注意介绍该节日的特色活动或描述该节日的主要特征。人称常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 本写作可分为三部分。 第一部分:引出正文; 第二部分:详细介绍春节的地位及春节前、春节期间人们的活动; 第三部分:表达愿望(希望John来中国感受春节文化)。 三、组织语言 第一部分:引出正文。 第二部分:介绍春节的地位,春节前、春节期间人们的活动。

普通范文 Dear John, I'm very glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it's the most important festival in China. Before the festival comes, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to pray for blessings and prepare various delicious foods. On New Year's Eve, family members get together to have a big meal and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And children are very happy to get some gift money from their parents, grandparents and so on. I hope you can come to celebrate this special festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高级范文 Dear John, It's my pleasure to introduce you to Chinese Spring Festival. As the most significant Chinese traditional festival, the Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it marks the beginning of the New Year. With the festival approaching, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes and prepare various delicacies. On New Year's Eve, people get together with their families to have a family reunion dinner and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And what makes children very happy is getting some gift money from their parents and grandparents. I am expecting your coming to enjoy such a joyful festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【话题拓展】 Nowadays, many Chinese young people celebrate ... ... Festival, or ..., on the ... day of the ... lunar month, is a traditional festival full of love in China. The date of the festival is decided by the Chinese lunar calendar. ... was first celebrated in ... ... falls on ... The tradition dates / tracks back to ... The traditions originated in / from ... It is a custom which they thought would bring good luck. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since ... It's the signal for the celebrations to begin. Everybody is part of the celebrations. Everybody has a good time. People forget their everyday problems and enjoy themselves eating and drinking.

中国传统节日 (资料)

中国传统节日 腊八节 每年的十二月俗称,十二月初八(腊月初八)即是腊八节,习惯上称作腊八;腊八节在我国有着很悠久的传统和历史,在这一天喝、做腊八粥是全国各地老百姓最传统、也是最讲究的习俗;历史上曾涌现出一大批专为“腊八节”而创作的诗词作品。 除夕夜 除夕:读作chú xī ;英文: Chinese New Year's Eve,又称Lunar New Year's Eve。除夕是我国中最重大的节日之一。指一年最后一天的晚上,即前一天晚,因常在夏历三十或二十九,故又称该日为年三十。一年的最后一天叫“岁除”,那天晚上叫“除夕”。除夕人们往往通宵不眠,叫守岁。苏轼有《》:“儿童强不睡,相守夜欢哗。”除夕这一天,家里家外不但要打扫得干干净净,还要贴门神、、贴年画、挂门笼,人们则换上带喜庆色彩和带图案的新衣。

春节 即新年,俗称,一般指和正月初一。但在,意义上的春节是指从初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。春节悠久,起源于时期年头岁尾的祭神活动。在春节期间,的和很多都要举行各种活动以示。这些活动均以祭祀神佛、祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求为主要内容。活动丰富多彩,带有浓郁的特色。 元宵节 农历元宵节,又称为“”(the Lantern Festival),,是传统节日。是的元月,古人称其为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节。又称为小正月、元夕或灯节,是之后的第一个重要节日。幅员辽阔,历史悠久,所以关于元宵节的习俗在全国各地也不尽相同,其中吃、赏花灯、、等是元宵节几项重要民间习俗。

寒食节 亦称“禁烟节”、“冷节”、“百五节”,在夏历后一百零五日,节前一二日。是日初为节时,禁烟火,只吃冷食。并在后世的发展中逐渐增加了祭扫、踏青、秋千、、牵勾、斗卵等,寒食节前后绵延两千余年,曾被称为民间第一大祭日。 清明节 是农历之一,在与之交,也就是后的106天。中国传统的清明节大约始于,距今已有二千五百多年的历史。《历书》:“后十五日,斗指丁,为清明,时万物皆洁齐而清明,盖时当气清景明,万物皆显,因此得名。”清明一到,气温升高,正是春种的大好时节,故有“清明前后,种瓜种豆”之说。清明节是一个祖先的节日,传统活动为。2006年5月20日,该节日经国务院批准列入第一批。


关于节日的英语句子 导读:本文是关于关于节日的英语句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、中秋节也是东亚民间的一个传统节日,受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是日本、韩国等国的传统节日。 Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in East Asia. The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in Japan, South Korea and other countries. 2、元宵节也是我国的传统节日,我们通常在这一天早上吃汤圆,在家里挂上红红绿绿的灯笼,并猜灯谜。 The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in our country, we usually in the morning to eat red lanterns hanging on the Glutinous Rice Balls, at home, and guess lantern riddles. 3、春节是我国的传统文化,它有着悠久的文化历史,到了这一天,人们要在一起吃饭、贴春联、贴倒福、放鞭炮,等活动。 The Spring Festival is China's traditional culture, it has a long history of culture, to this day, people will eat together, couplets paste down Fu, firecrackers, and other activities. 4、中秋节一直被人们喻为最具有人情味,最富有诗情画意的节日,而这一天天上的月亮又分外明亮,分外的圆,所以又叫团圆节。 The Mid Autumn Festival has been hailed as the most


关于中国传统节日的英语作文范文 【篇一】 The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big meal.At the same time,everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is! On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings. The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents,uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival. So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.


中国古代传统节日 除夕(农历十二月廿九或三十) 春节(农历正月初一) 元宵节(农历正月十五) 清明节(公历4月5日前后) 端午节(农历五月初五) 七夕(农历七月初七) 中元节(农历七月十四或十五) 中秋节(农历八月十五) 重阳节(农历九月初九) 腊八节(农历十二月初八) 其中,春节、清明、端午、中秋为中国四大传统节日。 一、除夕: 农历十二月大年三十晚上叫除夕。 来历:除夕最早源于先秦时期的“逐除”。据记载,古人在新年的前一天,用击鼓的方法来驱除“疫疠之鬼”,来年才会无病无灾。这就是“除夕”节的由来。“除”意思是“交替”;“夕”意思是“夜晚”。故除夕之夜,含有“旧岁到此而除,明日另换新岁”的意思。“除”乃除旧布新之意。“除夕”有“送旧迎新、祛病消灾”的意思。 风俗活动:守岁、放烟花、吃团圆饭。 诗句:(唐)范成大《卖痴呆词》:“除夕更阑人不睡,厌禳钝滞迫新岁;小儿呼叫走长街,云有痴呆召人卖。” 除夕英文名Chinese New Year's Eve 别称:大年夜、除夜、岁除 节日时间:农历十二月三十日 节日类型传统节日流行地区中国以及汉字文化圈诸国节日起源除旧布

新、祭祀祖先 节日活动:清扫庭舍、贴年红、祭祖、守岁 节日饮食:年夜饭 节日意义:除旧布新,迎祖宗回家过年起源时间先秦时期 风俗习惯 ?年夜饭?贴年红?燃爆竹?祭祖?守岁?挂灯笼?压岁钱 节日禁忌 1、福字不能倒贴,大门是迎福纳福的地方,福字应该正贴。福字倒贴的地方一般是水缸,垃圾箱。[19] 2、如果是自家大门对准邻居家大门,那么,务在自家大门口外面的门框上挂两个中国结,以趋利避害。[20] 3、忌倒污水、倒垃圾、丢弃杂物、扫地、洒水、随地便溺。据说这样不小心就会溅洒到神灵身上,如果神灵恼怒就会降祸于人。[20] 4 、不论是否守岁,屋里的灯都不要关,要彻夜不灭,寓意来年前途光明。 5、记得要在年前还清债务,如果已欠过年,初一到初五也不能上门讨债。 6、忌说不吉利的字眼。 7、过年期间鱼是必备菜,曰“有余”。吃鱼时,应将头尾留下不吃,这样就表示来年不仅有吃穿,还有剩余。 典故传说 夕的传说?七郎射夕?熬年守岁?春联门神 二、春节: 春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首,亦为传统意义上的“年节”。俗称新春、新岁、新年、新禧、年禧、大年等,口头上又称度岁、庆岁、过年、过大年。是我国民间最热闹、最隆重的一个传统节日。 来历:古代的春节,是指农历二十四个节气中的“立春”时节,南北朝以后才将春节改在一年岁末,并泛指整个春季,这时大地回春,万象更新,人们便把它作为新的一年的开始。到了辛亥革命后的民国初年,改农历为公历(阳历)后,便将正月初一定为春节。直到1949年中国人民政治协商会上才正式把正月初一的新年定为“春节”,至今仍有许多人将过春节叫过年。 年:人们常把过春节说成“过年”,而“年”的最初含义与今天根本不同。据说,在很古的时候,世界上有一种最凶恶的野兽叫“年”。它一出来,见人吃人,见畜伤畜,人们生命安全受到严重威胁。天神为了惩罚“年”,把它锁进深山,只许它一年出山一次。人们发现“年”有“三怕”——怕红颜色、怕响声、怕火光。于是,有一年腊月三十晚,大伙在门口贴上红纸,不断地敲锣打鼓、放鞭炮,晚上屋子里彻夜点上灯,“年”来了一看,家家灯光通明;一听,处处放炮声,吓得它不敢进村。白天它又偷偷下山来,见还是户户门上红,遍地咚咚响,吓得它胆颤心惊,调头又跑回去了。从此后,“年”一直没敢再来,据说饿死在深山老林里了。后来,人们才把防“年”、“驱年”,变成安安稳稳地过年了。 风俗活动:贴春联、放爆竹、敲锣鼓、吃饺子、拜年。 诗句:王安石《元日》:“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏;千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。” 中文名春节英文名Spring Festival 别称新春、年节、新禧、岁首、
