高级英语练习题含答案 第二册

高级英语练习题含答案 第二册
高级英语练习题含答案 第二册

L e s s o n T h r e e

Pub Talk and the King’s English

I. Choose the one which best explains the word given blow:

1. intricate

A. difficult

B. complicated

C. invalid

D. simple

2. anecdote

A. short amusing story

B. long tedious talk

C. uninteresting writing

D. exciting information

3. affirmation

A. negative conversation

B. possibility

C. positive statement

D. affection

4. churl

A. soldier

B. bishop

C. naturalist

D. peasant

5. convict

A. criminal

B. aggressor

C. captain

D. captor

6. intercept

A. stop between starting-point and destination

B. arrive at the conclusion

C. write words expressing respect

D. prevent from being seen

7. denial

A. piece of open land

B. accepting an invitation

C. refusing a request

D. teaching good behaviour

8. delve

A. give oneself up

B. clasp carefully

C. search carefully and deeply

D. look down upon

9. immune

A. secure

B. impure

C. odorous

D. revival

10. facetious

A. unimportant

B. very superficial

C. hideous

D. not serious

11. sinister

A. not pretended

B. suggesting evil

C. happening in the same time

D. giving orders

12. pejorative

A. sharp

B. distasteful

C. contemptuous

D. penetrating

13. ultimatum

A. the general opinion about the character, qualities etc.

B. state of being in demand

C. sth. that provokes or annoys

D. final statement of conditions to be accepted

14. tussle

A. have a hard struggle or fight

B. raise to a higher grade

C. come to a lower level or state

D. make the greatest possible use of

15. scamper

A. move onward smoothly

B. drop down directly

C. run quickly and playfully

D. walk forward and backward

16. edict

A. order

B. article

C. painting

D. newspaper

17. tart

A. different

B. sarcastic

C. loaded

D. special

18. coin

A. happen

B. coincide

C. comfort

D. invent

19. dominance

A. ruling class

B. manageable domain

C. controlling power

D. religious establishment

20. salon

A. a regular held fashionable gathering

B. a big luxurious car

C. a grand comfortable hotel

D. a large public drinking place

21. sociable

A. gregarious

B. collective

C. common

D. ordinary

22. deserve

A. to take away

B. to last long

C. to help with

D. to be worthy of

23. sparkle

A. strike.

B. glitter

C. climb

D. flow

24. opportunity

A. an opposing force

B. a favourable place

C. a chance for advancement

D. a difficult situation

25. indulged

A. gratify

B. involve

C. interrupt

D. gratitude

26. gossip

A. glory

B. rumor

C. private fact

D. personal things

27. prose

a. imitation B. copying

C. writing

D. drawing

28. punctuate

A. insert occasionally

B. not to emphasize

C. act instantly

D. interrupt periodically

29. recess

A. accepted quantity

B. the act of receiving

C. secluded place

D. secrete news

30. pressing

A. urgent

B. immediate

C. refusing

D. interacting


II. Complete the word according to the definition, the first letter

of the word is given:

1. ordinary c ommonplace

2. jumping from one thing to another d esultory

3. soldier armed with a musket m usketeer

4. very close friend or associate i ntimate _

5. flow slowly, turning here and there m eander _

6. using or involving two languages b ilingual _

7. farmyard birds of any kind, such as hens, ducks, etc. p oultry

8. person in an unimportant position working for sb. else u nderlings

9. magical or mysterious power or process of transforming one thing

into another a lchemy

10. state, quality of being snobbish s nobbery _

11. person with the legal right to receive a title, property, when the

owner dies h eir

12. mocking remark j eer _

13. greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or dominant

s upreme

14. to object to, especially in a formal statement p rotest

15. a person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a

particular individual or group. d escendant

16. a force that tends to oppose or retard motion r esistance

17. an enclosure for swine s ty

18. the meat of a calf v eal

19. a narrow fissure in rock or a break in friendly relations r ift

20. something that separates or holds apart b arrier

21. to attempt to overthrow the authority of the state or rebel

r evolt

22. to use wrongly or improperly; misuse a buse

23. treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than

individual merit; partiality or prejudice

d iscrimination

24. physical or mental strength, energy, or force v igor

25. to declare free of blame; absolve. j ustify

III. Put the following words and phrases into the appropriate blanks in the following sentences. (Filling in the grid is optional.)


in a flash upbringing be in one’s shoes indulge in come in

one’s own bind on the rocks get out of bed on the wrong side confirmation recesses turn up one’s nose at out of snobbery

accept concept deceptive exception inception intercept misconception perceptive receptive susceptible

1.He said he loved her in the inner most recesses of his heart.

2.They indulged in eating and drinking in the party the other evening.

3.One's upbringing largely determines success in life.

4.In a flash he realized that they were presents from his patients.

5.By the time I’ve paid all the bills I owe I shall be on the rocks.

6.What’s wrong with him? He is in such a bad temper. He must have

got out of bed on the wrong side.

7.I wish my students wouldn’t turn up their noses at doing their


8.I wouldn’t be in your shoes for all the wealth in the world.

9.We are waiting for confirmation of the news.

10.You must bind the gangster to the seat with rope lest he should


11.He was always trying to get to know members of the nobility out

of snobbery.

12.it was not until he mid-twentieth century that psychology really

came into its own.

13.Because Matt is susceptible to bronchial infections, his mother

badgered him to get a flu shot.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a54257877.html,ura agreed to accept Tom's gift on condition that he allow here

to treat him to a movie.

15.A perceptive child knows immediately when a parent is distraught or


16.Hank has no concept_of how difficult it is to operate a farm these


17.The actress was receptive to the director's suggestions for

portraying the role of Lady Macbeth.

18.The performances in this production of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard

are first-rate, with only one exception.

19.Macbeth's expression was deceptive, for as he smiled, he plotted

King Duncan's death.

20.This antiballistic missile is designed to locate and intercept enemy

ballistic missiles.

21.Since its inception eight years ago, the program has been a huge


22.Alex claims he got a poor grade in English because his teacher

doesn't like him, but that is a misconception on his part.

IV. Reading Comprehension:

1.The real thesis of this piece of exposition is _______

A.Pub talk and the King’s English

B.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.

C.Bar conversation has a charm of its own.

D.The King’s English

2.This piece of exposition is _____ in style.

A. formal

B. informal

C. sarcastic

D. serious

3.One of the reasons for him to like bar conversation is that ______.

A.He was a sociable person and enjoyed talking with others.

B.He was brought up in the English pubs.

C.He was deeply involved in bar-goer s’ lives.

D.He was a frequenter of the English pubs.

4.“The King’s English ” came into being in ______

A. 16th century

B. 17th century

C. 15th century

D. 18th century

5.The worst conversationalist is the person who ______

A.is not making a point.

B.is prepared to loose

C.is trying to talk sense.

D.slips and slides in conversation

V. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Put a “T”, if the statement is true and put a “F”, if false.

1.The Norman lords turned up their noses at rabbit, because the rabbit

was not changed into lapin. (F)

2.A good conversation has no focus at all. (F)

3.The rulers of the Angevins and the Plantagenets spoke French. (T)

4.The author agrees to what Auden said that all a writer needs is a

pen, plenty of paper and “the best dictionaries he can afford.”


5.Even the most educated and the most literate people do not use the

King’s English all the time in conversation. (T)

6.The author is in favour of bilingual education. (T)

7.There exists in the working people, different from the Saxon

peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class. (F)

8.Looking up the dictionary in the middle of a conversation will

settle the argument in the conversation, which will make the conversation goes freely. (F)

9.People who ruin the conversation by talking sense are just like

chimpanzees, who are not able to have conversation. (T)

10.The language of Dr. Caius should be more vigorous, direct and

straightforward. (F)

VI. Comment on the rhetorical devices of the following sentences: 1.Otherwise one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow

freely here and there.metaphor

2.Other people may celebrate the lofty conversations in which the

great minds are supposed to have indulged in the great salons of 18th Century Paris,...metonymy

3.I have an unending love affair with dictionaries…metaphor

4..., the King's English slips and slides in conversation.


5.Is the phrase in Shakespeare?metonymy

6.... and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps

and sparkles or just glows. mixed metaphor

7.The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds

multiplied, and floated to the ends of the earth. extended simile 8.One would not have been engaged by interest in the musketeer who

raised the subject, wondering more about her. metonymy

9.They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, ……the recesses of their

thoughts and feelings. simile/ allustion

10. Who was right, who was wrong, did not matter. The conversation was

on wings. metaphor

VII. Translation:
















Key to Lesson Three


1.I wouldn't be in your shoes for a thousand yuan.

2. With the success of the Model T Ford, the automobile industry came into its


3. We clipped our visit by a week.

4. He owed his success to the good upbringing his parents had given him.

5. I'm bored with the intellectual snobbery of people who turn up their noses

at jazz.

6. We must encourage university students to serve in important sectors and

departments: agriculture, energy, water conservancy, transportation, electric power, telecommunication, education and national defence.

7.The MOE urged government departments, institutes, enterprises and other units

to try in every possible means to create more job opportunities and better conditions for job-hunting students.

8.The eight propositions on the reunification of China and peaceful return of

Taiwan to the motherland embodied Deng Xiaoping's concept of “One country, two systems" and also embodied the effort made by the Chinese Communist Party and the government in solving the issue of Taiwan for the reunification of the country.

9.Our government will continue to expose and refute the separatist words and

actions of Taiwan authorities while actually maintaining and putting forward across straits economic, trade and cultural exchanges. Hong Kong has played

a positive role in promoting exchanges between the two sides across the


10.Good grain harvests in recent years, and the all-round development of the

rural economy have played a vital role in ensuring adequate supplies of farm products, reining inflation, improving economic conditions, and promoting sound growth of the national economy as a whole.


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


Lesson 1 Question: 1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay although he knew the hurricane would be bad? For the following reasons: For one thing, the house was 23 feet above sea level; for another,he was unwilling to abandon his home. 2. How did the man prepare for the hurricane? Why was a generator necessary? They filled bathtubs and pails. Besides, they checked out batteries for portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. A generator was necessary because John's father wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator. 3. What made it impossible for the Koshak to escape? It was impossible for the Koshers to escape both by car and on foot. The car's electrical system had been killed by water. Meanwhile, the water became too deep for them to escape on foot. 4. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt? Because he blamed himself for underestimating the power of the hurricane and then endangering the whole family by his wrong decision not to flee safer inland. 5. Why did Grandma Koshak ask children to be sing? A: Because she knew how frightened the children were and wanted to boost their spirit. 6. What was a hurricane party? What happened to the party gores? A hurricane party was the one that was held by several vacationers to enjoy the spectacle of the hurricane with a clear and broad view in the fancy Richelieu Apartments from where they believed they would be safe. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart by the hurricane and 26 people perished. 7. What did Grandma Koshak mean when she said," We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important?" She meant that human lives are more important than material possessions. 8. How did the community of Gulfport act after Hurricane Camille was over? They managed to make their lives return to normal and began rebuilding their community without any delay. Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3. We can batten down and ride it out. We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane and manage to survive it without much damage. 4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator, and it didn't work. As a result, the lights were put out. 5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody go out though the back door and get into the cars. 6. The electrical system had been killed by water. The electrical system in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. When John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he b


2000年10月高级英语试题及答案 课程代码:0600 本试题分两部分,第一部分考核课程内容,1页至4页;选择题42分,非选择题18分。 第二部分考核水平,4页至8页;选择题20分,非选择题20分。本试题共8页,满分100分。考试时间150分钟。全部题目用英语作答(英语汉题目除外),并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则不记分。 Part One 1.The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (0.5 point each, 12 points) . Programmers live in (1) fear of losing anyone's attention -anyone's. The (2) way to avoid doing so is to (3) everything brief, not to (4) the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant (5) through variety, novelty, action and (6). .But before he ever begins to write he will have (7) an emotional attitude from which he will never completely (8). It is his job, no doubt, to (9) his temperament and (10) getting stuck at some (11) stage, or in some (12) mood. .His car needs mechanics, and mechanics grow more expensive and less (13). The gadgets in the home are cheaper to (14) than repair. The more efficiently (15) the home seems to be, the more dependent it is on the great (16) corporations, as well as a diminishing army of servitors. Skills at the lowest level have to be (17) slavishly and exorbitantly (18). .It is only lately that I have (19) how much science of genetics is (20). Agronomists have taken to (21) all sorts of vegetables and fruits (22) their original nature. This sounds wonderful and often is insane. For the scientists have not as a rule (23) any interest whatsoever in the taste of the things they have (24) with! A.acquired B.avoid C.breeding D.changing E.constant F.discipline G.efficient H.escape I.found J.impersonal K.involved L.keep M.movement N.perverse O.premature P.replace Q.rewarded R.self-contained S.stimulation T.strain U.surest V.taken W.tempered X.wooed II. There are 15 sentences with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (1 point each, 15 points) 25.In a hot summer day you would find the village children () in the small pond behind the woods. 26. I don't like the dishes in some Chinese restaurants abroad; for they () the local taste too much and the result is that the food is neither Chinese nor foreign. 27.Two pupils from the "Hope Schools" were () to represent Chinese children in the Euro 2000 ceremonies. 28. I think there is too much ( ) made by all people concerned, the parents, the media, and the authorities, about the university entrance examinations. 29. Suddenly the lights went out. She () in the dark for the matches. 30.He was very sad because he had tried very hard in the last three years but ()very little.


《高级英语阅读二》期末试题 (请把答案写在试题下面的“答案卷”上,在离线作业栏目提交) I Read Lesson 8 ,Text A “The Girl in the Fifth Row”, translate the following two sentences into Chinese. (阅读教材《高级英语阅读教程(下册)》第八课课文A,翻译以下句子) On my first day as an assistant professor of education at the University of Southern California, I entered the classroom with a great deal of anxiety. My large class responded to my awkward smile and brief greeting with silence. For a few moments I fussed with my notes. Then I started my lecture, stammering; no one seemed to be listening. II Read lesson 3 ,Text A “To the Victor Belongs the Language”, answer the following Questions (阅读教材第三课课文A ,回答问题): To the Victor Belongs the Language By Rita Mae Brown Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. A study of the English language reveals a dramatic history and astonishing versatility. It is the language of survivors, of conquerors, of laughter. A word is more like a pendulum than a fixed entity. It can sweep by your ear and through its very sound suggest hidden meanings; preconscious associations. Listen to these words: "blood," "tranquil," "democracy.'' Besides their literal meanings, they carry associations that are cultural as well as personal. One word can illustrate this idea of meaning in flux: "revolution." The word enters English in the 14th century from Latin via French. (At least that's when it was first written; it may have been spoken earlier.) "Revolution" means a turning around; that was how it was used. Most often "revolution'' was applied to astronomy to describe a planet revolving in space. The word carried no political meaning. "Rebellion" was the loaded political word. It too comes from Latin (as does about 60 percent of our word pool), and it means a renewal of war. In the I4th century "rebellion" was used to indicate a resistance to lawful authority. This can yield amusing results. Whichever side won called the losers rebels—they, the winners, being the repositories of virtue and

高级英语第一册Unit12 课后练习题答案

THE LOONS 课后习题答案/answer I . 1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans. 2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better. 4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along. 5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside. 6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods. 7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention. 8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world. 10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod. 11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ. 1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed 2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor. 3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork. 4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her). 6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and


高级英语复习资料 一, 单词 preoccupation ( n.) :a matter which takes up an one's attention令人全神贯注的事物 oblivious ( adj.) :forgetful or unmindful(usually with of or to)忘却的;健忘的(常与of或to连用) gigantic ( adj.) :very big;huge;colossal;immense巨大的,庞大的,其大无比的 heave (v.) :utter(a sign,groan,etc.)with great effort or pain(费劲或痛苦地)发出(叹息、呻吟声等) arresting (adj.) :attracting attention;interesting;striking引人注目的;有趣的 slay ( v.) :(slew或slayed, slain,slaying)kill or destroy in a violent way杀害;毁掉 linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延;历久犹存 agony ( n.) :very great mental or physical pain(精神上或肉体上的)极度痛苦 demolish ( v.) :pull down,tear down,or smash to pieces拆毁,拆除;破坏,毁坏 humiliate ( v.) :hurt the pride or dignity of by causing to be or seem foolish or contemptible使受辱,使丢脸 totter ( v.) :be unsteady on one's feet;stagger蹒跚而行 lame (adj. ) :crippled;disabled;esp. having an injured leg or foot that makes one limp瘸的;残废的 shuffle ( n.) :a slow dragging walk拖着脚走 flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动 recompose ( v. ) : restore to composure使恢复镇静 hug ( v.) :hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱 peek ( v.) :glance or look quickly and furtively,esp. through an opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视 stoop ( v.) :bend(the head and shoulders)forwards and down屈身;弯腰 scrap ( n.) :a small piece;bit;fragment;shred小片;碎片 slam ( v.) :shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);砰地(把门等)关上 scrape ( v.) :(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦 indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的 devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of) ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的 hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆


2005 -2006 学年第二学期 《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案 I.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases. (15%) 1. speaks volumes 2. in the vicinity of 3. at his disposal 4. acted as 5. oblivious 不知道的of 6. look up to 7. to no avail 8. follow suit 9. a battery of 10. in lieu of场所 11. unparalleled 12. reassuring 13. circulation 14. significance 15. engulfed II.Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20%)看要求评分 III.Proofreading (10%) The Great Depression first started in the New York Stork Exchange. In the 1920s, there were fatal flaws on the prosperity 1. in of the economy. Overproduction of crops depresses food prices, 2. depressed and farmers suffered. Industrial workers were earning better wages, but they still did not have enough purchased power to continue buying 3.purchasing the flood of goods that poured out of their factories. With profits soar and interest rates low, a great deal of money was available 4.soaring for investment, and much of tha t capital wen t into reckless 5. but speculation. Billions of dollars \that poured into the stock market, and 6 that frantic bidding boosted the price of share far above their real value. 7.shares As long as the market prospered, speculators could make fortunes overnight, but they could be ruined just as quick if stock 8.quickly prices fell. On October 24, 1929 –“Black Thursday” -- a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. Once started, the collapse of shares and other security prices could not be halted. By 1932, thousands of banks and over 100,000 businesses had been failed. Industrial 9. been production was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had increased 60%, new investment was 10. decreased down 90%, and one out of every four was unemployed in the USA. IV.Reading comprehension (25%) 1-5 BCADB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 BAACA V. Text analysis (30%) 看要求评分。


Inaugural Address I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow: 1. inaugural A. holy and sacred place in a church B. formal speech made by a person on taking office C. shelter from trouble, danger D. talk for the purpose of teaching 2. sovereign A. self-governing B. self-sufficient C. self-centered D. self-respected 3. subversion A. rebuilding B. succession C. destroying D. salvage 4. invective A. beautiful words B. facial expressions C. convincing speech D. abusive language 5. invoke A. call forth B. take down C. put up D. take the form of 6. prescribe A. order or direct B. produce C. protect D. agree 7. tribulation A. contribution B. delivery C. distribution D. great difficulty or trouble 8. adversary A. a person who gives advice B. a friend C. an enemy D. a listener

高级英语 课后习题答案

Unit1 Paraphrase 1.Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2.The house was built in1915, and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator, it stopped working. As a result all lights were put out. 5.Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed/ruined by water. 7.As john watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8.Oh, God, please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9.She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10.Janis didn't show any fear on the spot during the storm, but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. Practice with words and expressions A 1.main:a principal pipe, conduit, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.
