




姓名:张xx 性别:女











工作经历xx年3月—xx年7月 xx有限公司,担任收银员/服务员。主要工作是:运用收银机;向客人销售食品。







受教育经历2001年9月 - 2007年6月湛江市第九小学小学

2007年8月 - 2008年12月澳大利亚纽省Lurnea中学初中

2009年2月- 2010年12月澳大利亚纽省Leumeah中学初中

2011年2月 - 2011年6月澳大利亚职业技术教育学院中专

2011年9月- 2012年1月湛江商业职业技术学校中专










留学生回国求职简历精品范文 简历和写求职信一样,资料不要密密麻麻地堆在一起,项目与项目之间应有一定的空位相隔。 留学生回国求职简历精品范文篇一 男 27岁天津人 学历:硕士及以上 工作年限:无经验 期望薪资: 8000-120XX元 工作地点:北京 - 不限 求职意向:外汇/基金/国债经理 | 融资经理 | 其他金融/银行职位 | 投资/理财顾问 | 证券经理 工作经验(工作了2年10个月,做了2份工作) 北京中瑞诚会计师事务所 工作时间:20XX年4月至 20XX年10月[6个月] 职位名称:审计助理 工作内容:参加审计类工作,填写装订底稿、凭证、代理记账、代理报税,参加三公经费检查等项目。 立信会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) 工作时间:20XX年10月至今[2年4个月] 职位名称:审计员

工作内容:20XX年度与20XX年度主要参与了多家大型资产管理公司和国企公司的审计业务,如:华融资产管理公司大检查以及股权转让的项目、七星集团、中软安人、新三板森博、新三板苏州新能膜、新三板新生力、长江电工年审项目、重庆青山年审项目、华中药业年审及经济责任项目、兵器工业208所经济责任项目。20XX年参与的中软冠群和新能膜成功上市新三板。并于 20XX年年会中整个部门团队被评委优秀团队。 教育经历 20XX年12月毕业 Bangor university accounting and finance 20XX年9月毕业 Teesside University Business finance 20XX年6月毕业中国人民大学 HND项目国际金融 语言技能 英语:一般 证书奖项 证书名称:助理理财规划师颁发时间:20XX年11月颁发机构:中国人民大学 自我描述 作为一名海归,虽然之前实习过,但是仍对于助理这一从最底层打杂工作充满了各种不泄,认为这些都是些很简单的东西,就是所谓的眼高手低的毛病。然而确实有些东西或事物在实际操作中与想象存在着很大的区别。这就是工作经验存在差距。作为


海外留学生个人简历 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Interests: Designing and developing scalable Internet based software solutions. Especially interested in building mission-critical middle-tier and backend systems. Education: M.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA B.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA Synopsis: 2+ years of project leadership experience and 5+ years of commercial software design and development experience. 6+ years of Object-Oriented, multi-threaded, software development experience using Java and C/C++ for both PC and embedded environments. Extensive Internet based software development experience using various Internet technologies. Proficient in the following languages and environments: Languages/Databases: C++, C, Java, Perl, SQL, Assembly, JSP, GSP, XML, Oracle, Sybase etc. Operating Systems: Unix, Windows, Various Real-time operating systems. Microprocessors: Intel x86 based, Motorola 68332, Power PC (MPC 823). Network and Protocol: Sockets, TCP/IP, HTTP-1.0/1.1. Tools and SDK's: Apache1.3+ servers and modules, Win-32API, Win-CE and PalmOS-SDK. Experience: https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html,, Seattle, WA (Aug 99 - Present) Currently building middle-tier and backend components for https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html, using Java and XML.


澳洲留学个人简历如何写 留学简历如果做的好的话,对申请可谓是添彩很多,那如何让自己的简历写得精彩呢?让自己的成功率得到提升呢,和我一起来看看澳洲留学个人简历如何写。 一般澳洲留学申请简历需要包含的大致信息不变,但是侧重点与求职简历不同。从个人信息上来说,个人信息,包括你的姓名、生日、联系方式;教育背景则是罗列一下现在的学校、专业、GPA、排名等;成绩这里一般需要把它的各单项分数也列出,因为有些学校的成绩要求上会列出各单项不低于几分的要求,在这里写明也是方便评审委员在收到你官方的成绩前以此为标准进行审核; 在简历里的经历方面,一般来说写上去的都是全职工作经历,最好与你到澳洲留学申请的专业相关的。应届生的一般还是以实习经历为主的。最好是挑和所申请专业相关的,如果真的相关性不大也要尽量简略,甚至省略。 另外,在简历里面,对你申请澳洲留学又加分的项目就是你发表的文章这方面的。在这里,发表的论文,这里不是指一定要发表在知名刊物上的文章,像刊登在校内报纸上的,或是没有发表但是自己写的比较优秀的学年论文等都算在此类。 再来是课外活动,这个就比较宽泛了,在学校参加的社团、学校内的各种比赛、校外参加的志愿者活动等都算是课外活动。获奖情况就是把校内校外所获奖项按照时间顺序进行罗列。 关于其他方面,就可以视情况来写了,比如有特长的可以写写兴趣爱好以及计算机水平等,但是没有的话也可以不写。有时考虑到简历的版面设计,会有不一样的增加或删减,如果申请金融工程或是EE这样的专业,写上计算机水平,最好是根据申请的学校不同作相应的调整,也就是投其所好,但是需要注意的就是不能说大话。澳洲留学申请简历中所用的语言要尽量的简洁明了,切忌引用大段文字进行说明。每年申请的时候,


海外留学生个人简历 Symond Charlie, 34, West 4 Street, Bradenton, Florida, 06518, (954)-465 0321 OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position as a Senior Associate in Government jobs. EDUCATION: University of Florida, Florida Bachelor of Business Administration PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENEC: Senior Associate Annual Contractor Services, Bradenton, Florida, 2006-present Responsible for the assisting the clients in complying, interpreting and implementing the contractual requirements. Planned, developed and maintained the engagement work and supervise the staff. Interacted with the clients for the requirements of the projects. Provided professional, high quality and daily supervision on the project assigned. Developed and maintained the new business proposals and client relationships. Jr. Associate Annual Contractor Services, Bradenton, Florida, 2001-2006 Report under the senior associate and responsible for the maintenance of the business and clients. Prepare reports and demonstrated the new practice methodologies and approach.


一篇留学生英文个人简历范文 education 200X - 200X HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 2001. Member of Small Business Entrepreneurship Club and HBS Volunteers. Selected by faculty to tutor students. 199X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DC Masters of Science degree, magna cum laude, in Computer Science. 198X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NC Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. experience Product Marketing Associate (what have you done)Researched, designed, and proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database products. ? (Result)Surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry analysts to determine key success factors.? 199X - 199X INVESTMENT BANK NEW YORK, NY Financial Analyst (what have you done)Developed valuation analyses, performed due diligence, prepared offering memoranda, and analyzed strategic issues for companies in various industries. ? (Result )Represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of specialty coffee chain.? 199X - 199X MANUFACTURING COMPANY MADISON, WI Special Assistant to the Vice President (what have you done)Assumed project management duties for rapidly growing manufacturer and marketer of high-quality children’s books, toys, and clothing. ? (Result)? 199X - 199X CONSULTING COMPANY BOSTON, MA Business Analyst Served on consulting client service teams. Diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusions, and presented recommendations to senior client management. ? ? internship summer 1989 HEALTH CARE COMPANY NEWARK, NJ Intern. Title (what have you done) Managed customer support programs. community Consult Boston Children’s Museum to improve performance of retail operations. Cambridge, MA 02138-6213 (617) 441-3999


留学生英文个人简历模板 英文简历是求职者介绍自己,推销自己,最终达到有效沟通的重 要手段。那你知道英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家带来的英 文版留学生简历范文,相信对你会有帮助的。 英文版留学生简历范文(一) Basic information Name:xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant)

Education experience In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版留学生简历范文(二) Objective To obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Economics or relative area Education Background 09/20xx-07/20xx xxxx University


2017留学生个人简历范文 就业专家认为,一般情况下,简历的长度以A4纸1页为限,简历越长,被认真阅读的可能性越小。高端人才有时可准备2页以上的简历,但也需要在简历的开头部分有资历概述。 2017留学生个人简历范文篇一fwdq 男 29岁 学历:硕士及以上 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 天河 - 不限 求职意向:其他语种 | 涉外咨询师 沟通能力强执行能力强有亲和力诚信正直阳光开朗 教育经历 2015年7月毕业东北大学教育经济与管理 语言技能 英语:很好 自我描述 xx,泰国人,khon kaen 大学和西南大学本科学位,东北大学研究生硕士学位,2015应届硕士毕业生,精通中文和英语,本国语为泰语。 本人善良正直,诚实,学习能力强,想留在中国工作。

2017留学生个人简历范文篇二fwdq 男 28岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:在读学生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 越秀 - 不限 求职意向:涉外咨询师 | 银行会计/柜员 | 银行主任/经理 沟通能力强学习能力强有亲和力诚信正直阳光开朗善于创新 教育经历 2014年12月毕业 University of Canberracommercial 2011年11月毕业湖南大学国际贸易与经济 语言技能 英语:很好 自我描述 本人在澳大利亚堪培拉大学在读,专业是Bachelor of Commercial. 英文交流无障碍,口语流利(雅思7分),身体健康,无不良嗜好。人际沟通能力强,能短时间内融入一个圈子,沟通交流能力较强,能吃苦耐劳 ---来源网络整理,仅供参考


陈媛媛 xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html, EDUCATION University Nam e Graduation Date Relevant Coursework: Econometrics(97), Financial Derivatives(94), Financial Market and Institution(95), Advanced Macroeconomics(94), Corporate Finance(93), Applied Economy(93), Organizational Behavior(92), python Programming Language(91) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Com p an y Nam e Applied Excel tools to collect financial data and assisted colleagues to assemble figures for financial statement; Maintained company’s financial system: updated financial data, proofread figures and balance in Balance Sheet etc. Quickly cultivated insight into Asset Management companies: learnt about the risk management, the use of financial quantitative tools, and asset allocation in secondary market stocks based on quantitative methods. Com p an y Nam e Checked and proofread details of invoices and purchase orders on monthly basis to ensure payments accurate andstrengthen collaboration between 20+ suppliers and the company; Collected and analyzed order information (e.g. customers distribution) and then applied VBA and PivotTable etc.tools to build a preliminary Charging Station Distribution Database. Fulfilled supporting job: translated project description, edited PPT, and handled data to ensure projects run smoothly. SELECTED EXTRA-CURRICULAR PRACTICES Wrote articles regarding stray cat adoption and post to WeChat Public Account; Regularlymanaged adoption-related info. Actively participated in offline volunteer activities: prepared food and water for stray cats on the street etc. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Cooperated with teammates to forecast stock price of Tencent by using ARMA Model; the error rate was 1.1%. Collect data from Chinese Stock market and apply SAS tools to explore the supporting effects that stock repurchases exert on stock price and finally reach reasonable conclusion, which can be served as crucial reference for financial practitioners. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IT Skills: Microsoft Office, C++ and python Programming, SAS(Certified by Coursera ), Eviews Languages: Chinese (native) , English (fluent) ,Cantonese(fluent)


留学生个人简历范文 Rachel White 406, Gisele Park ST , Jackson, MS, USA (123)-456 7830. Objective: To achieve a job in Experience Summary: the position of bookkeeping clerk so as to achieve an immaculate reputation of record keeping and grow with the organization. ? Responsibly handled various bookkeeping and accounting tasks ? Extensive knowledge in the use of QuickBooks Professional Experience: for various accounting tasks Control Accounting, July 20XX to Present ? Handled reconciliation tasks related to mutual funds Orr& Sons, New Hampshire ? Reported charges in daily mutual fund share positions ? Introduced work process that increased work productivity and received appreciation from senior members on the same Billing Supervisor ABC Investments, New Hampshire ? In-charge of supervising working of the existing billing system for departmental salary disbursement ? Handled invoice preparation and reconciliation of monthly statements Bookkeeper, July 20XX to August 20XX Ocean Shipping Inc, New Hampshire ? Handled accounts payable ? Prepared sales invoice and various shipment related invoice. and accounts receivable Education 20XX - 20XX Glenden School of Management Studies, New Hampshire ? Completed a Comprehensive Secretarial Course ? Diploma in Accountancy


----------------------------------------------个人资料---------------------------------------- APPLICANT NAME 申请者姓名 ADDRESS 地址 ZIP CODE 邮政编码 HOME PHONE 住宅电话 MOBILE 移动电话 FAX 传真 E-MAIL 电子邮件 -------------------------------------------------资格认证------------------------------- ADV ANCED INTERPRETA TION CERTIFICATE 高级口译资格证书 NA TIONAL COMPUTER SCIENCE TEST CERTIFICATE (BAND 2)国家计算机二级资格证书 TEACHER'S QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE 教师资格证书 ----------------------------------------------教育程度------------------------------------- EDUCA TIONAL BACKGROUND 教育程度 CURRICULUM 课程 MAJOR 主修 MINOR 副修/第二专业 SOCIAL PRACTICE 社会实践 PART-TIME JOBS 课外兼职工作 SUMMER JOBS 暑期工作 V ACA TION JOBS 假期工作 BACHELOR 学士学位 UNDERGRADUA TE 在读的大学本科生 INTERN 实习生 ------------------------------------------------工作经历------------------------------------- CLASS REPRESENTA TIVE/CLASS PRESIDENT 班长(请不要使用MONITOR 之类的贬义词汇, MONITOR 带有监视的意味。国外不使用这个词语。) COMMISSARY IN CHARGE OF PUBLICITY 宣传委员 OFFICER 干事 SECRETARY GENERAL 秘书长 ------------------------------------------------荣誉及奖励------------------------------------ REW ARDS 奖励 "THREE GOODS" STUDENT 三好学生(这个词语就是这么翻译) EXCELLENT LEAGUE MEMBER 优秀团员 EXCELLENT LEADER 优秀干部 SCHOLARSHIP 奖学金 ** SCHOLARSHIP **奖学金 ---------------------------------------工作经历(动词部分)---------------------------- ACCOMPLISH 完成(任务等) ACHIEVEMENTS 工作成就,业绩 ADAPTED TO 适应于 ADMINISTER 管理


Zhao Wei To Apply for PhD ●Contact Information:Postgraduate Phone:+86-132********China,Beijing 30 Xue Yuan Road Department of Material Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB )Email:gxuzhaowei@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html, ● Education: University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB) , Beijing , China M.S ., Material Science(Superalloys direction),July 2012?Microstructure evolution under long time aging for wrought nickel-base superalloys;?Creep and creep damage of modified In718 alloy.Advisor : Prof . Dong Jianxin GPA:3.5 Guang Xi University(GXU) , Nanning , China B.S ., Material Science and engineering(for metal and alloys), July 2008 GPA:3.01 ● Research Interests: Creep and creep behavior for high-temperature steel or superalloys or related alloys. ?The connection between creep behavior and elements; ?The microstructure evolution in regard with elements and creep factors;?The connection between microstructure and creep behavior;?The estimation of creep life based on ? project. Microstructure and property behavior under the interaction with creep and fatigue ● Academic Projects: Optimization of GH4169 Turbine Disc Hot Die Forging Technique; The microstructure damage and life estimation of nickel-based superalloys used in turbine disc for aero engine(especially focus on long time aging and creep behavior). ● Skills: Softwares ?Deform;?Ansys;?Matlab; ?Thermo-calc; MS Office 2010; Adobe Photoshop; Corel VideoStudio Pro X4.


海外留学生简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Academic Background Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art History from the Isenberg College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN in 1992. Achieved Diploma in Beauty and Culture from the Detroit Institute of Beauty, Detroit, MI in the year 1994. Professional Excellence Summary Have wide knowledge about the merchandising of manufactured goods and demonstration techniques, coordination of updated fashion and style, and retail management. Some details are: Making use of the most innovative procedures, techniques and creativity which will enhance the maximization of sales of both fashionable and other products. Instructing, setting up, evaluating, and monitoring personnel. Modification and execution of management systems procedures, administrative and managerial policies and functioning procedures. Professional Background Presently working as a Visual Merchandising Manager since 2000 in The Splash Master, Bay City, MI and efficiently handled and performed the following: Conceive and supervise the making of window and other interior decorations and displays for twelve mega shops in Michigan. Instruct, program, and manage display personnel. Train merchandising ideas, concepts and procedures to sales personnel.


留学生个人简历模板 Carl Watson , 17094 nw, 11th street, Pembroke pines, FL 33116, 954.558.2831 Carl7@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html, Objective: To obtain a challenging accounting position in an accounting field that will permit the use of my skills and knowledge to maximize company potential while developing additional knowledge and abilities. Education and Training: Bachelor of Commerce ? 5+ years of accomplished experience in the field of accounting. , Florida Atlantic University, 1993 Completed CPA exam, 1994 Summary of Qualifications: ? Team and leadership training from a major global public corporation. ? Exceptionally fast, efficient and organized. ? Knowledge of all accounting functions: GL, PL and BS - reconciliations, work papers, cost, cash control, AP , AR and PR. ? Experience in GAAP accounting and monthly closing processes. Computer Skills: ? Developer 2000, Designer 2000, Lotus Notes, Crystal Reports ? MS Office, Windows 98, 2000 & NT , Unix ? PL/SQL, Visual Basic Professional Experience: Ranco Construction Corporation of South Florida, FL 1994-1999 Junior Accountant ? Performed account reconciliations and general ledger entries. Duties: ? Spearheaded the new company customer relationship initiative.


留学生英文简历范文 Ronald Crew, 3745, East 65 Street, New Jersey, MA 01649, (213)-635 9203. Objective: With my previous clerical experience looking for a position of accounts receivable clerk where I can prove my ability with better service. Required Skills: ?Very good ability to prepare routine administrative paperwork. ?Able to check, verify, count, sort numbers. ?Very good word processing and data entry skills. ?Excellent knowledge of payroll procedures and policies. ?Very good record maintenance skills. ?Good account balancing skills. ?Excellent communication and interposal skills. ?Ability to prepare financial reports. Computer Skills: ?Microsoft Word ?Microsoft Excel ?Word Perfect ?Access Mainframes CS50, AS400, MV25000 ?Peachtree Accounting Work Experience: Lamp Factory co,. Inc. New Jersey, NY Worked as Accounts receivable clerk Role: ?Took responsibility of managing detail aging, computerized and manual cash batch, commission, data entry, order processing functions and sales journal. ?Responsible for doing research, study, review and approve current as well as new customers for credit accounts. ?Sometimes worked as communicator between management staff, suppliers, staff factory, customers, staff and factoring company.


法语个人简历范文 CURRICULUM VITAE Nom : xxx Prénom : xxx Nationalit?: Chinoise N?: le xx avril 19xx ?xxxx en Chine Etat civil : Célibataire Adresse : App.xxx, Bat.x, Quartie d’habtation. Usine xxxx. xxxxxx,Xiaogan,Hubei, Rép.Pop.de Chine Courriel : xxxxxx@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a614191266.html, CURSUS D’ETUDES : 1998-2002 étudier ?l’Universit?de Géologie de chine Obtention de la licence de techologie de l’électronique (BAC+4ans) et la licence en ingénier(BAC+4ans). 1995-1998 etudier au lycée Chuhuan de la ville de Xiaogan Passer le baccalauréat. Obtention de mon dipl?me de fin d’études. 1992-1995 étudier au collège Hanguang de la ville de Xiaogan Obtention de mon dipl?me de fin d’études. 1986-1992 étudier ?l’école Hanguang de la ville de XiaoGan Obtention de mon dipl?me de fin d’études. EXPERIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES 10/07/2001?0/08/2001
