






1. Choose the right word to complete the following sentences. (10%)



词来完成句子。共10小题,每小题1 分。


2. Correct or improve the following sentences. (15%)


2)测试形式:更正或改进句子。要求考生对所给句子进行分析,先判断句子的正误或优劣,然后进行更正或改进。共15小题,每小题1 分。


3. Develop the given topic sentence into a unified and coherent paragraph. (15%)



2)测试形式:段落写作。要求考生对所给主题句进行分析,先确定段落拓展方法,然后进行段落写作。共1小题,共15 分。


4. Complete the following letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10%)



根据需要改变所给单词的形式。共10空,每空1 分。


5. Rewrite the following sentences. (15%)





6. Put the following sentences into the right order to form a complete letter. (10%)

1) 测试要求:掌握商务信函的基本格式。

2) 测试形式:句子排序。要求学生将所给句子组成一封完整信件。共1小题,共10分。

3) 测试目的:主要测试学生对商务信函格式的掌握程度。

7. Write a letter according to the information given below. (25%)

1) 测试要求:掌握商务信函的写作方法。

2) 测试形式:信函写作。要求学生正确使用英语信函写作方法,达到语法正确、商务术语使用无误的目标。共1小题,共25分。

3) 测试目的:主要测试学生的商务写作综合能力。










Ⅰ. Choose the right word to complete the following sentences. (10%) 1. From his statements, the listeners _______ (imply, infer) that there will be a change in the policy.

2. The national economy was disrupted by the (successful, successive) waves of political movements.

3. The students were very (responsible, responsive) in class. They raised

many questions and gave interesting comments.

4. We have had enough of those (hollow, empty) promises. This time they will have to deliver.

(To be continued)

Ⅱ. Correct or improve the following sentences. (15%)

1.As this is a pure, gold watch, please take good care of it.

2.Du Fu was one of the greatest poets.

3.Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach. 4.A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.

(To be continued)

Ⅲ. Develop the given topic sentence into a unified and coherent paragraph in at least 10 sentences. (15%)

Although Jack and John are both my native-speaker English teachers, they conduct their classroom teaching in three different ways.

Ⅳ. Complete the following letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10%)

( beneficial, inquiry, volume, effective, instead of, supplier, extinguish, cooperation, branch, permit)


Dear Sir,

Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on 1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should

be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office.

We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.

Yours faithfully,

(To be continued)

Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences. (15%)

Rewrite the following sentences so that they are positive rather than negative in tone.

1. Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week.

2. To avoid the loss of your credit rating, please remit payment within 10 days. Rewrite the following sentences from the you-point:

3. We will be pleased to deliver your order by May 16.

4. We have worked for 20 years to develop the best model car for our customers.

(To be continued)

VI. Put the following sentences into the right order to form a complete letter. (10%)

a. Besides, I have studied secretarial skills at Westside Business Institute, and I have completed 75 credits for my bachelor’s degree.

b. I have been a secretary for the past six years. Most recently, I have been working as an assistant to the vice president of ESCO, In


c. I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sunday’s n ewspaper.

d. In addition to general secretarial duties, my responsibilities have included the management of the office in the absence of my employer.

e. Yours truly,

f. A list of references will be provided on request.

g. I am enclosing my resume for your consideration. My complete job history is included.

h. Dear Sirs:

i. Ann Smith

j. I would like to apply for the position of executive secretary.

VII. Write a letter according to the information given below. (25%)

Suppose the board of directors have just decided to appoint Mr. Lin Weidong, out of 200 applicants, as manager of the Sales Department. You are asked to notify him of the appointment and ask him for his ideas.


2017年韩山师范学院本科插班生考试试卷 计算机科学与技术专业高级语言程序设计试卷(A卷) 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.一个C程序的执行是从本程序的函数开始。 2.结构化程序的三种基本结构为顺序结构、_________________、_________________。 3.能表示“整型变量x的绝对值小于5”的C语言表达式是________________ (不得使用系统函数)。 4.在C语言中,当表达式值为0时表示逻辑值“假”,当表达式值为________________时表示逻辑值“真”。 5.在位运算中,操作数每左移一位(无溢出),其结果相当于操作数____________以2。 6.设有定义FILE *fp; 则关闭fp对应文件的操作语句是。 7.在C程序中,根据数据的组织形式可以可分为___________文件和___________文件。 8.若有定义char s[]="\n123\\"; 则strlen(s)的值为_______;sizeof(s) 的值为_______。 二、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共30分) 1.C语言中的标识符只能由字母、数字和下划线,且第一个字符( )。A.必须为字母 B.必须为下划线 C.必须为字母或下划线 D. 可以是字母或数字或下划线 2.设a,b为整型变量,以下合法的表达式为( )。

A. b=a/2 B. b=*a+2 C. b+a=2 D. b=a%2.5 3.以下选项中能表示合法常量的是 A.整数:1,200 B.实数:1.5E2.0 C.字符斜杠:'\' D.字符串:"\007" 4.若有a=4,b=3,c=5,则表达式a void main( ) { int i=1,j=1,k=2; if((j++‖k++)&&i++) printf("%d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k); } A.1,1,2 B.2,2,1 C.2,2,2 D.2,2,3 7.下列不会构成无限循环的语句或语句组是( )。 A.n=0; B. n=0; do {++n; } while(n<=0); while(1) {n++; } C.n=l0; D.for(n=0, i=l; ; i++) n+=i; while(n); {n--; } 8.若要定义一个具有5个元素的整型数组,以下错误的定义语句是( )。A.int a[5]=﹛0﹜; B.int b[]={0,0,0,0,0}; C.int c[2+3];


《高等数学》考试大纲 Ⅰ. 考试内容和要求 总体要求:考生应按本大纲的要求了解或理解“高等数学”中函数、极限和连续、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学、多元函数微积分学初步和常微分方程初步的基本概念与基本理论,掌握或者熟练掌握上述各部分的基本方法。应理解各部分知识结构及只是的内在联系;应具有一定的抽象思维能力、逻辑推理能力运算能力;能运用基本概念、基本理论和基本方法,正确地判断和证明,准确地计算;能综合运用所掌握知识分析并解决简单的实际问题。 一、函数、极限和连续 (一)函数 Ⅰ.考试内容 (1)函数的概念:函数的定义、函数的表示法、分段函数。 (2)函数的简单性质:单调性、奇偶性、有界性、周期性。 (3)反函数 (4)函数的四则运算与复合运算。 (5)基本初等函数:幂函数、指数函数、对数函数、三角函数、反三角函数。(6)初等函数。 2、考试要求 (1)理解函数的概念,会求函数包括分段函数的定义域、表达式及函数值,并会作出简单的分段函数图像。 (2)掌握函数的单调性、奇偶性、有界性和周期性定义,会判断所给函数的相关性质。 (3)理解函数у=f(χ)与它的反函数у=f-1(χ)之间的关系(定义域、值域、图象),会求单调函数的反函数。 (4)掌握函数的四则运算与复合运算,熟练掌握复合函数的复合过程。 (5)掌握基本初等函数的简单性质及其图象。 (6)掌握初等函数的概念。 (二)极限 1、考试内容 (1)数列和数列极限的定义。 (2)数列极限的性质:唯一性、有界性、四则运算定理、夹逼定理、单调有界数列极限存在性定理。 (3)函数极限的概念:函数在一点处的极限定义,左、右极限及其与极限的关系,趋于无穷大(χ→∝,χ→﹢∝,χ→﹣∝)时函数极限的定义,函数极限的几何意义。 (4)函数极限的性质:唯一性、有界性、四则运算定理。 (5)无穷小量与无穷大量:无穷小量与无穷大量的定义,无穷小量与无穷大量的性质,两个无穷小量阶的比较。


2018年全国一卷试题答案解析 A篇: 21.A由题目中的book in advance可对应第一段最后reserve your spot before availability可推知答案。reserve→预订,出现在2016年全国三卷语法填空中。 22.D由题目可定位到文章第三段原文“entertain you with the most interesting stories”可知答案。 23.D由bicycle tour可定位到文章最后一段provide v.提供(八年级下册unit3)由文 章最后两句,可知答案。 B篇: 24.B由文章第一段but后可知,这是题目的答案“but she is cooking up storm in her latest role”但是她正在烹饪在她最新的角色中。latest最新的(七年级上册)late迟的,晚的→latest adj.最新的。 25.C.由题目定位到第二段“with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste.”厨师Matt Tebbutt帮忙提供好的建议关于怎样减少食物浪费。 C选项“Matt”在做饭问题上给susanna提供帮助。 26.由第四段可知,在这里由8部分组成的系列节目中susanna主持.save money:good food.这个节目是紧跟着ITV’s save money:good heal+n这个节目的,交代了Good Food这一部分产生的背景。 27.文章多次体现出文章的主旨:1.第一段最后:how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budgetc预算,济源市高三二模完形填空发现。2.susanna 主持的节目Save Money。3.最后一段中的on a budget,less expensive。 干扰项C:让你自己成为一个完美的厨师,有些片面,文章主旨是在有限的预算下, 做出同样美味的食物。 C篇: 28.B:由hunter-gatherer times定位到文章第一段第三行“devdoped their own patterns of speech independent of each other代出他们自己的独立于别人的语言类型”及最后一句“they spoke perhaps 12000 languages between them”他们彼此之间讲 说的语大概12000种。


韩山师范学院专升本插班生考试样卷 计算机科学与技术专业高级语言程序设计样卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.C语言的数据类型中,构造类型包括:数组、和。 2.在C程序中,指针变量能够赋值或值。 3.C目标程序经后生成扩展名为exe的可执行程序文件。 4.设有定义语句 static char s[5」;则s[4]的值是。 5.设x为int型变量。与逻辑表达式!x等价的关系表达式是。 6.若一全局变量只允许本程序文件中的函数使用,则该变量需要使用的存 储类别是。 7.磁盘文件按文件读写方式分类可以为顺序存取文件和。 8.设有下列结构体变量xx的定义,则表达式sizeof(xx)的值是 _________。 struct { long num; char name[20]; union{float y; short z;} yz; }xx; 二、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共30分)

1.设有定义int x=8, y, z; 则执行y=z=x++, x=y= =z; 语句后,变量x 值是( ) A、0 B、1 C、8 D、9 2.有以下程序 main( ) { int i=1,j=1,k=2; if((j++‖k++)&&i++) printf("%d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k);} 执行后输出结果是( ) A、 1,1,2 B、2,2,1 C、 2,2,2 D、2,2,3 3.已知i、j、k为int型变量,若从键盘输入:1,2,3<回车>,使i的 值为1、j的值为2、k的值为3,以下选项中正确的输入语句是( ) A、scanf( “%2d%2d%2d”,&i,&j,&k); B、scanf( “%d %d %d”,&i,&j,&k); C、scanf( “%d,%d,%d”,&i,&j,&k); D、scanf( “i=%d,j=%d,k=%d”,&i,&j,&k); 4.有以下程序 main() { int a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2; if(a>b>c) printf("%d\n",d); else if((c-1>=d)= =1) printf("%d\n",d+1); else printf("%d\n",d+2); } 执行后输出结果是 ( ) A、2 B、3 C、 4 D、编译时有错,无结果 5.以下程序段 ( ) x=1; do { x=x*x;} while (!x);


《平面构成》考试大纲 Ⅰ考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。《平面构成》是艺术设计专业的一门主要基础课,是现代设计基础的一个重要组成部分。该课程考核的目的是为了衡量学生是否理解、掌握平面构成的基本理论和构成方法,形式美法则的应用规律;衡量学生是否具备运用造型的基本元素,即点、线、面的造型能力和抽象构思以及创新思维能力;衡量学生是否掌握科学的设计方法,为将来的专业设计奠定坚实的基础。 Ⅱ考试内容 总体要求:考生应按本大纲的要求掌握二维形体与几何中形体的本质区别,以及平面构成基本造型元素的形态、造型规律、形式美法则,以理性的方式思考和看待设计艺术。应用合理的构成方式进行再次创造与排列,并在具体设计中得以表现。 一、构成概述 ⒈考试内容 (1)构成的含义:构成的解释。 (2)构成的起源与发展:俄国构成主义、荷兰风格派、结构主义、达达主义、包豪斯与构成艺术产生与发展的关系。 (3)构成的分类:依据表达主题不同、基本造型方法的不同、构成现象受到刺激物的不同三类进行分类。 ⒉考试要求 (1)理解构成的含义。 (2)掌握构成主义理论体系俄国构成主义、荷兰风格派、结构主义、达达主义、包豪斯与构成艺术产生与发展的关系。

(3)熟练掌握构成学依据表达主题不同、基本造型方法的不同、构成现象受到刺激物的不同的三种分类。 二、平面构成的造型元素 ⒈考试内容 (1)点:点的形态、性质、构成、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (2)线:线的形态、特征、构成、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (3)面:面的形态、构成、性格、组合、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (4)平面构成的形式美:统一与变化、对称与平衡、节奏与韵律、对比与调和。 ⒉考试要求 (1)理解掌握点的形态、性质、构成、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (2)理解掌握线的形态、特征、构成、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (3)理解掌握面的形态、构成、性格、组合、错视以及在设计中的运用。 (4)熟练掌握平面构成中统一与变化、对称与平衡、节奏与韵律、对比与调和的形式美规律。 三、基本形与骨骼 ⒈考试内容 (1)平面构成中的形态:形态的范畴、形态的种类、形态的派生、形态的正与负。 (2)基本形:单形的造型法、单形的群化。 (3)骨骼:骨骼的基本分类、骨骼的变化、骨骼的辅助手段。 ⒉考试要求 (1)理解掌握平面构成中的形态的范畴、形态的种类、形态的派生、形态的正与负。


SectionⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered b lank and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things t hat will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. T he new research reveals that the need to know is strong that people wil l 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Ch icago and the Wisconsin school of Business tested students’ willingness t o 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. Fo r one 5 , each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens w ould 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified; another tw enty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in th e room. The students who did not know which ones would shock them cli cked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew t hat would 8 . Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to10 is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 ne


广东技术师范学院 《计算机科学技术导论》(本科插班生入学考试)考试大纲 (计算机科学学院制定) 一、考试性质与试题命题的原则 《计算机科学技术导论》是广东技术师范学院为计算机科学与技术等专业的本科 插班生入学考试所设置的一个专业课考试科目。它的评价标准是高等学校计算机类专 业高职高专毕业生或相近专业毕业生能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证录取的本 科插班生具有一定的计算机科学基础理论及必要的专业技能能力,以利于择优选拔。 考试对象为参加教育部面向全面招生的本科插班生入学考试的高职高专毕业生以及 具有同等学历的报考人员。 《计算机科学技术导论》课程考试的目的和要求是:准确、简明地考核考生对计算机科学体系框架、计算机科学基本知识以及现代计算机发展方向、主要理论和科学方法的掌握和理解水平,衡量他们在理解、掌握和运用这些基本专业理论和知识的基础上,观察、分析和解决技术问题的能力。 二、考试形式及试卷结构 1.考试形式为闭卷、笔试;考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分为100分。 2、试题命制的原则:作为一项选拔性考试,《计算机科学技术导论》考试试题在设计上应具有较高的信度和效度、必要的区分度和合理的难度。命题根据本大纲规定的考试目标和考核内容,考试命题应具有一定的覆盖面且重点突出,侧重考核考生对本学科的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能的掌握程度,以及运用所学的知识解决实际问题的能力。 3.试题对不同能力层次要求的分数比例:识记25%、理解55%,综合应用15%,其他5%。 4.合理安排试题的难度结构。试题难易度分为易、较易、较难、难四个等级。试卷中难易度试题的分布比例,易约占25%,较易约占35%,较难约占20%,难约占10%。 5.试卷的题型有:单项选择题、多项选择题、简答题、改错题、计算题、填空题、综合题等。可根据考核要求,适当安排各种题型数量的比例,达到考核对知识点的识记、理解以及运用水平和能力。


《高职高专英语》大纲词汇表(部分) abandon* v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺absolute* a. 绝对的,完全的absorb* v. 吸收,使全神贯注access* n. 通路,进入,使用之权accommodation* n. 住处,膳宿accompany* v. 陪伴,带有accomplish* v. 完成account n.帐目,报告,估计 v. 叙述,解释accumulate* v. 积聚,堆积accurate* a. 准确的,精确的accuse* v. 责备,控告acknowledge* v. 承认,答谢, 告知收到acquire* v. 获得,取得,学到actually ad. 实际上additional a. 附加的,另外的adequate* a. 足够的,适当的, 能胜任的admire*v. 钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admission* n.许可,入会费,承认advance n.v. 前进agency* n. 代理,代理处agenda* n. 议事日程agent* n.代理人,代理商,特工airline n. 航线;航空公司alcohol* n. 酒精allowance* n. 津贴alphabet* n. 字母表 alter* v 改变alternative n.选择之物 a.二者选其一ambassador* n 大使ambition* n 雄心;远大目标ambitious* a雄心勃勃的amend* v修正,修订amuse* v逗乐;提供娱乐ancestor* n 祖先;先驱者anniversary* n 周年(纪念)annoy* v使恼怒;使烦恼annual a 每年的;n年刊anticipate* v预期;希望anxiety* n忧虑;渴望 anxious a焦虑的;急切的 apartment n公寓 apparent* a 表面上的;明显的 appeal to v呼吁,恳请,吸引,上诉 appetite* n食欲,胃口; 欲望,爱好 appetizing*a开胃的;刺激欲望的 applause* v鼓掌;欢呼 appliance* n电器;装备 applicant* n请求(申请)者 application n申请(表);应用 appoint* v任命;约定(时间地点) appreciate v重视,欣赏; 领会;为……表示感谢 approach* v靠近;n接近; 途径;方法 appropriate* a 适当的 approval* n赞成,同意;批准 approve* v赞成,同意;批准 arbitration* n仲裁,公断 arise v出现;起源于 arouse* v引起;唤醒 artificial* a人工的;假的 aside a在旁边,到一边 aspect n方面 assess* v评估,评价 assign* v指派;布置;指定 assignment* n(指定的)任务; 指派;分配 assist* n协助 assistant n助手a副的;助理的 associate* v把…联系在一起; 交往n伙伴,合伙人;a副的 association* n协会,社团; 联合;联想 assume* v假定;承担 astonish* v使惊讶 atmosphere n 大气;气氛 attach v贴;使附属;使依恋 attend v出席;照料;专心于 attendant* n服务员a陪同的 authority n[pl.]官方,当局; 当权者;权力,权威 authorize* v授权,委任 auto n汽车 automatic a自动的 await* awake a醒着的v唤醒 awful* a 可怕的;极度的 awkward* a笨拙的;尴尬的, 棘手的 bachelor* n单身汉;学士 balance* v使平衡;称 n天平;均衡;差额 ball n舞会 banquet* n宴会 bare a赤裸的,不戴帽的; 光秃秃的;勉强的v 露出,暴露 bargain v讨价还价n 交易;特价商品 barrier* n障碍(物) battery* n电池(组) bear v忍受;负担;结,生 behalf* n利益 behave* v(机器)运转;举止 behavior n(机器)运转;举止 beneath prep在...下面ad在下面 berth* n卧铺;泊位,停泊处 bid* n/v 出价,投标 bind v捆绑(扎) blend* v混合n混合物 board n板;董事会,委员会; 伙食v上(车) bold a勇敢的;冒失的;粗体的 bond* n联结;公债,债券 bonus* n奖金;额外酬金 bore* v使厌烦;钻,凿,挖 n令人讨厌的人(事) bound* a一定的;有义务的; 开往…的v跳跃,弹回 boundary* n分界线;边界 1

2018年英语高考2卷 试题及答案

2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/careers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/careers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices. 1 / 18

2 / 18

21.Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A.OUT. B.WBP. C.CRF. D.POT. 22.What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23.How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. One week. B Many of us love July because it’s the month when nature’s berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have 3 / 18


广东省2018 年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 《英语》(公共课)模拟试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Direction: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.It’s very to let the old have seats on the bus. A.thoughtful B. useful C. careful D. funny 2. all the animals I’ve ever had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word. A.From B. Of C. For D. With about my future and about what I 3.My good performance in the job interview left me can do here. A.puzzled B. sensitive C. optimistic D. embarrassed 4.He had no sooner finished his speech the students started c heering. A.since B. as C. when D. than choice. 5.If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was A.good B. the best C. better D. the better 6.I often the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the I nternet. A.look up B. look at C. look for D. look into 7.—Can he take charge of the computer company? —I’m afraid it’s his ability. A.beyond B. within C. of D. to 8.—Why not stay here a little longer? —, but I really have to go. A.Never mind B. I’d love to C. Pleased to meet you D. I can’t find any reason 9.There are birds in that big tree. A.hundreds of B. five hundreds of C. five hundred of D. hundred of 10.Great changes in my hometown in the past few years. A.were taken place B. have been taken place C. took place D. have taken place 11.Sorry, we don’t allow in the lecture room. A.to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. to smoking 12.Follow your doctor’s advice, your cough will get worse. A.or B. and C. then D. so 13.My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was it. A.in favor of B. in memory of C. in honor of D. in search of 14.He lived in . A.the Room 105 B. the 105 Room C. the 105 of the Room D. Room 105 15.With no one to in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless. A.turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn over 16.Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. A.having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold 17.He will pass two milestones , that is, he will receive his master’s degree and find a


韩山师范学院2017年本科插班生考试试卷 计算机科学与技术 专业 数据结构 试卷(A 卷) 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1. 对线性表,在下列哪种情况下应当采用链表表示?( ) A. 经常需要随机地存取元素 B. 经常需要进行插入和删除操作 C. 表中元素需要占据一片连续的存储空间 D. 表中元素的个数不变 2. 一个栈的输入序列为1 2 3,则下列序列中不可能是栈的输出序列的是( )。 A. 2 3 B. 3 2 1 C. 3 1 2 D. 1 2 3 3.程序段s=i=0;do {i=i+1; s=s+i ;}while(i<=n);的时间复杂度为( )。 A. O(n) B. O(nlog 2n) C.O(n 2) D.O(n 3/2) 4.一个非空广义表的表头( )。 A.不可能是子表 B.只能是子表 C.只能是原子 D.可以是子表或原子 5.设数组data[m]作为循环队列SQ 的存储空间,front 为队头指针,rear 为队尾指针,则执行出队操作后其头指针front 值为( )。 A. front=front+1 B. front=(front+1)%(m-1) C. front=(front-1)%m D. front=(front+1)%m 6.在一个单链表中,若q 所指结点是p 所指结点的前驱结点,若在q 与p 之间插入一个s 所指的结点,则执行( )。 A. s →link=p →link; p →link=s; B. p →link=s; s →link=q; C. q →link=s; s →link =p; D. p →link=s →link; s →link=p;


第一套 1. You should accept the fact you have lost the very good chance. A. that B. which C. w hat D. it 2. Mandy demanded t hat Gary the truth no matter what had happened. A. tell B. told C. tells D. would tell 3. —Bruce was injured in a traffic accident. —I talked with him just yesterday. A. Is that right? B. I beg your pardon? C. I see. D. Oh, n o! 4. Go home quickly, Tina. Your parents and friends are concerned your safety. A. about B. with C. to D. in 5. Don’t be too hard on him. After all, it was for the first time he made such a mistake. A. that B. when C. since D. before 6. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above . A. average B. o rdinary C. regular D. normal 7. I’d just got off the plane I realized I had left my key at my seat. A. as B. when C. while D. after 8. Eat cake you like and leave the others for comes in late. A. any; who B. every; whoever C. whichever; whoever D. either; whoever 9. I know the number of people in this city 550000 and a number of them from Asia. A. are; are B. is; is C. is; are D. are; i s 10. Not many students will give you a correct answer, for they know about the thing. A. much B. little C. few D. m any 11. This brand of handbag is . A. twice as expensive as that one B. twice expensive than that one C. as twice expensive as that one D. two times as expensive as that one 12. Tom is alcohol and considers drinking as a vital part of his life. A. short of B. aware of C. addicted to D. faced w ith 13. Having heard of several traffic accidents happened recently, she is more now when she is driving. A. cautious B. capable C. cheerful D. confident 14. Could you f ind someone . A. for me to play tennis with B. for me to play tennis C. play tennis with D. playing tennis with 15. Color-bind people often find it difficult to blue from green. A. judge B. tell C. divide D. separate 16. A performance by students in our institute tonight. It might be very wonderful, I suppose. A. is to put on B. is to be p ut on C. was to be put on D. is to be putted on 17. is estimated that the computer will have another harvest year. A. This B. That C. W hat D. It 18. Helen won’t approve of your proposal. A. so will Jim B. so won’t Jim C. nor will Jim D. nor won’t Jim 19. You must get there within an hour. There should be no in sending this information t o


2015年韩山师范学院本科插班生考试英语专业基础英语试卷(A卷) Ⅰ. Match each word with its definition: 10% Words: 1) councilor 2) arrogant 3) fidgeting 4) impostor 5) intervene 6) inevitable 7) obscene 8) awe 9) murmur 10) dingy 11) league 12) lug 13) moribund 14) staunch 15) coma 16) commotion 17) restrain 18) exhilarated 19) distinctive 20) lust Definitions: a)which can’t be prevented from happening

b)morally disgusting; likely to corrupt c)person who pretends to be somebody he is not d)member of a group of people chosen to make laws, rules or decision for a country e)take action in order to prevent something from happening f)moving about restlessly g)full of pride and self-importance h)dirty-looking; not fresh or cheerful i)at the point of death j)hold back from doing something k)clearly marking a person or thing as different from others l) a state of long unnatural deep unconsciousness caused by disease, poisoning, a severe blow and so on m)a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder n)pull or carry with great effort and difficulty o)speak in a low but not clear voice p)great or noisy confusion or excitement q)very strong, obsessive desire r) dependably loyal and firm s) in very high spirits t)group of people who share the same opinion Ⅱ. Fill in each blank with the derivative of the words in parentheses. 10% 1) I owe you an ____because I was so bad-tempered yesterday.( apologize) 2) It seems that they are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city life and would like to live ____ lives in their own little world. (isolation) 3) To earn a raise you need to take more_____ and show more enthusiasm for the job. ( initial)


2020 年本科插班生考试大纲 (考试科目:市场营销学) I考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生(又称专插本)招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生的成绩,按照已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,本科插班生考试应有较高信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。 n考试内容 总体要求:通过本科目考试,检验考生对市场营销基本理论、基本知识及实践应用技能的掌握程度,测试考生是否达到管理专业本科生的学习要求。 第一章市场营销与市场营销学 1考试内容 1)市场营销学的产生和发展 2)市场营销学的研究对象和内容 3)几个重点概念:市场市场营销需要需求欲望交换与交易 2. 考试要求 (1)了解市场营销学产生和发展的过程; (2)掌握市场营销学的性质和研究对象; (3)掌握市场营销的内涵及相关概念的含义。 第二章市场营销管理哲学及其贯彻 1. 考试内容 (1)市场营销管理及其哲学 (2)顾客满意与忠诚 (3)几个重点概念:市场营销管理顾客认知价值及其组成顾客满意 2. 考试要求 (1)明确市场营销管理的内涵,了解市场营销管理的任务。 (2)了解市场营销管理哲学的演变进程,掌握现代营销观念的精髓。 (3)理解顾客满意的含义,明确实现顾客满意的主要途径:提高顾客让渡价值、实行全面质量营销和价值链管理。 第三章规划企业战略与市场营销管理 1 考试内容

(1)企业战略的特征 (2)规划投资组合 ( 3 )规划成长战略 (4)选择竞争战略 (5)发展营销组合 2. 考试要求 (1)了解战略规划的一般过程,明确企业战略的层次结构。 (2)明确企业总体战略规划的过程与内容。 (3)掌握规划投资组合和规划成长战略 ( 4 )掌握企业三大竞争战略 (5)掌握市场营销组合的内涵及特点。 第四章市场营销环境 1、考试内容 (1)营销环境的的概念与特点;宏、微观环境的构成内容; (2)分析营销环境的意义、方法以及不同营销环境下企业的营销对策; (3)在各种市场营销环境中企业采取的营销策略。 2. 考试要求 (1)明确市场营销环境的含义,了解市场营销环境的构成。 (2)了解微观营销环境与宏观营销环境对营销活动的影响。 (3)认识市场营销环境与营销活动的动态适应关系,明确企业如何制定营销组合去适应营销环境。(4)学会对市场机会和环境威胁分析的思路与方法,知晓如何应对市场环境的变化。 第五章消费者市场和购买行为分析 1、考试内容 (1)消费者市场与消费者行为模式 (2)影响消费者购买行为的外在因素 (3)影响消费者购买行为的内在因素 (4)消费者购买决策过程五个阶段及其影响因素 (5)消费者购买行为的四种类型 2. 考试要求 1)掌握消费者市场的含义和特点,了解消费者购买行为模式;
