



刚看到这本书书名的英文注释,我就觉得有一丝疑惑,为什么“红字”不直接译为“the red letter”,反而取了“the scarlet letter”? 翻开书来,浅浅读来,就会知道到:红字,即“A”字。通奸罪(Adultery)、能干的(Able)、可敬佩的(Admirable)、爱情(Amorous)、天使(Angel)艺术(Art)、前进(Advance)、美国(America)。红字“A”在这个故事里有着如此不同的意思,他在霍桑的笔下蠢蠢欲动。这就是象征性小说的魅力。每个人能看到自己想看的。








The Scarlet Letter:Self-redemption Abstract:Hawthorne’s works, whether novels or short stories, Hawthorne can be seen often in a symbolic way, the community was ugly in a didactic way of ethics displayed in the reader's eyes.So "evil" in his work has always dominated, and Hawthorne's life is also exploring how to treat "evil" to the problem."The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne's masterpiece as a profound reflection of Hawthorne's work reflects the core of Christian ethics: the common people sin and crime of this mercy and salvation.Based on the "The Scarlet Letter," characters and content of the re-excavation works in the salvation of Hawthorne to interpret. Key Words: The Scarlet Letter;Hawthorne;salvation;ethics. 红字:救赎 摘要:霍桑的作品 ,不论是长篇小说 ,还是短篇小说 ,都可以看出霍桑常常用一种象征的手法 ,把当时社会的种种丑恶用一种伦理说教的方式展示在读者的眼前。因此“罪恶”在他的作品里始终占据着主导地位 ,而霍桑的一生也正是在探讨应该怎样对待“罪恶”这一问题。《红字》作为霍桑的代表作深刻地体现了霍桑作品中折射了基督教伦理的核心:人的普遍罪性,以及对这罪性的怜悯和救赎。本文通过对《红字》人物形象及内涵的挖掘重新对霍桑作品中的救赎进行解读。 关键词:红字;霍桑;救赎;伦理


《红字》读后感 《红字》读后感(一) 《红字》是美国小说野霍桑最出色的代表做,也是零个美国浪漫主义小说外最有声视的权势巨子做品之一。小说的故事领熟正在十七世纪外期添我文者派统乱高的波士顿,做者从其时的社会近况动手,经由过程一个动人的恋爱故事惨剧去贴含政府对人们精力,口灵战品德的摧残。 海丝特·皂兰是一个正在婚姻上受到可怜的父人,年青仙颜,却娶给了身材畸形多病的方士罗杰*全灵瘠斯,伉俪间基本谈没有上恋爱,厥后,罗杰又正在海上得踪,杳无消息,皂兰孤单的过着日子。那时一个俊秀有魄力的青年牧师,亚瑟*丁梅斯代我突入了她的糊口,他们真挚的相爱了,渡过了一段显公但冷烈的恋爱糊口。没有暂,皂兰因为有身的显情表露,以通忠功被抓,正在狱外熟高了父儿小珠儿。 依照其时的学规,皂兰只要交接忠妇的姓名能力取得赦宥,不然将蒙处罚。但是执止审判使命的却邪是他的恋人。皂兰甘愿单独忍耐任何处罚,为了把她战

丁梅斯代我之间的恋爱深深天埋正在口外,她刚强的挺住了。 丁梅斯代我最后取皂兰孕育发生了火热的的恋爱,虽然他一度退却了,为本人可以荫蔽的慰藉,但心田的疾苦并无果他的安齐而仄息,相反,愈来愈弱烈。他取皂兰的约会,他正在枷刑台上的自尔反悔,他们的追跑方案,以及最初的公然演说,皆成了丁梅斯代我背着恋爱的祭坛一步步走远的足迹。最初她撕开上衣,人们睹到了烙正在她胸心的白色A字。那个A字真际上是烙正在她的口上的,那是恋爱的降华。 做者用蔷薇花意味美取擅,用牢狱意味灭亡,用一叙光,一只鸟……意味丁梅斯代我取皂兰之间的恋爱的结晶——小珠儿,使做品布满着一股诱人的气魄。 《红字》读后感(两) 19世纪美国浪漫主义做野霍桑的少篇小说《红字》是一部比这些年夜部头小说隐失欠小的多的少篇小说,但它异样具备年夜部头小说所具备的震动民气的效因,以及崇高高贵的艺术制诣,可谓典范名着外的经典做品。 那是一部闭于魂灵的小说,每一个人皆有本人的魂灵,但有的人维护着魂灵,有的人侵害着魂灵,有的人丧失了魂灵,于是那个世界布满了绰约多姿的人


红色书籍读后感2000字 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 红色书籍读后感2000字 ——《红岩》读后感 文/颜达瑜 正值“红色经典读书日”的到来,我怀着崇敬的心情阅读了《红岩》。 《红岩》讲述的是在解放战争时期,重庆地下党组织与国民党反动派展开的激烈斗争,反映了革命烈士将生命化为胜利的崇高风貌以及国民党反动派在濒临灭亡之际垂死挣扎的种种丑态,成功塑造了一批优秀的革命英雄:临危不惧,视死如归的成岗;英勇斗敌,舍己为人的许云峰;坚贞不屈的江姐;出身豪门却投身革命的刘思扬,还有那些在渣滓洞中相互扶持,团结奋斗的难友们,白公馆中奋勇突围,终迎来美好黎明的战士们……这所有的一切在阅读中都清晰的展现在我眼前,那么鲜活,让我激动、悲愤、感叹,久久不能自已。 封面上的两个红字“红岩”,仿佛是用烈士的鲜血染红的,一看见它们,我的心就沸腾了。 我知道对于这些可敬可佩的战士来说,国民党反动派只能带给他们肉体上的折磨,却不能动摇他们心中坚定的信念,反而更激起了他们的斗争精神。让我印象最深的是江竹筠,也就是江姐。在敌人面前,她始终是那么淡定,那件洁白的蓝色旗袍永远是那么干净,不沾一丝

灰尘。就如她本人一样,永远不会向敌人屈服,不管是鞭挞棒打,还是竹刺针扎,她都咬紧牙关,坚决不透露我们党组织的秘密。江姐始终坚信革命会成功,黎明会到来的。在狱友面前,她总是带着淡淡的微笑,用毅然的语气说:毒刑拷打是小的考验,竹签子是牙签做的,共产党员的意志是钢铁做的。她那钢铁形象便在与敌人的斗争中悄悄在我的心目中树立起来了。当然还有那可怜又可爱的小萝卜头宋振中,小小年纪就参加了共产党,还挺住了敌人的摧残。还有那具有传奇色彩的“双枪老太婆”,疯老头儿华子良等等一个个都是我们十分熟悉的典型形象。 当然这其中还有一些忍受不了酷刑的人,不仅背叛了党,还转而投向了国民党反动派,做了特务,成了走狗。比如郑立昌这个人,他利用自己掌握的情报像条哈巴狗一样的给敌人指路,给革命造成了惨重的损失。像这种人是应该得到人们的唾弃的,他自己在红旗前也将抬不起头。 想想那些在敌人面前不变颜色的烈士们,我觉得自己好惭愧。在困难面前我往往没有克服的勇气和毅力,总是有各种理由来说服自己,给自己找一个放弃的理由。比如在工作中,当所有的事情都挤在了一起时,我就会变得急躁,没有耐心,对于工作的热情也随之减少。在学习上,我的成绩不是很突出。每次考完试,我都会对自己说:“没事的,考差不是你的错,你把时间用在工作上,学习顾不上,也是可以原谅的。”但是,现在想想我真的错了。看着那些烈士们在敌人屠刀的威胁下还能够昂首挺胸,气节不屈,而我仅仅只是因为一两个困


A Reading Report of The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne (July 4, 1804—May 19, 1864) was an American novelist and short story writer. He was a key figure in the development of American literature for his tales of the nation’s colonial history. His four major novels were written between 1850 and 1860, and they were The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, and The Marble Faun. The story took place in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrated love affairs between three persons. They were Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. Roger was an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester was his wife, but she did not love him at all. Two years ago, Hester was sent alone across the ocean by Roger. However, Roger did not show up thereafter. While waiting, Hester fell in love with another man, Dimmesdale, who was a young minister and had a high position among ministers and was highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale loved each other, but their love was forbidden in that time. It was sinful because they committed adultery. And the secret was finally discovered because of Hester’s pregnancy. Due to this, Hester was punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which was considered as an evil and a shame. However, Hester refused to tell the name of the father even when she was asked to stand on the scaffold. And she chose to bear all the shame and punishment by herself. At the same time, Roger Chillingworth appeared and tried to take revenge on the adulterer. As time goes on, Hester’s daughter, Pearl was seven years old. And Roger became a real devil. He pretended to live with Dimmesdale to treat his disease. Actually, he just wanted to revenge him. Finally, Dimmesdale was weaker and weaker. In the end, Dimmesdale told the truth to the folks on the scaffold that he was Pearl’s father, and then he died. Roger also died after one year because the revenge took his all energy and strength. Hester then lived alone in her cottage far away from the city by herself. Pearl became a rich woman and lived in a happy life. When Hester died, she was buried next to Dimmesdale. The two shared a single tombstone, with a deep colored letter A shining


八年级关于霍桑《红字》读后感精选范文五篇500字《红字》是美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的长篇小说。发表于1850年。下面是橙子为大家整理的八年级关于霍桑《红字》读后感精选范文五篇500字相关模板,接下来我们一起来看看吧! 八年级关于霍桑《红字》读后感精选范文五篇500字(一) 《红字》是美国小说家霍桑最杰出的代表作也是整个美国浪漫主义小说中最有声望的权威作品之一。小说的故事发生在十七世纪中期加尔文者派统治下的波士顿作者从当时的社会现状入手通过一个感人的爱情故事悲剧来揭露当局对人们精神心灵和道德的摧残。 海丝特*白兰是一个在婚姻上遭到不幸的女人年轻美貌却嫁给了身体畸形多病的术士罗杰*齐灵沃斯夫妻间根本谈不上爱情后来罗杰又在海上失踪杳无音讯白兰孤独的过着日子。这时一个英俊有气魄的青年牧师亚瑟*丁梅斯代尔闯入了她的生活他们真诚的相爱了度过了一段隐私但热烈的爱情生活。不久白兰由于怀孕的隐情暴露以通奸罪被抓在狱中生下了女儿小珠儿。 按照当时的教规白兰只有交代奸夫的姓名才能获得赦免否则将受惩罚。然而执行审讯任务的却正是他的情人。白兰宁愿独自忍受任何惩罚为了把她和丁梅斯代尔之间的爱情深深地埋在心中她坚强的挺住了。 海丝特*白兰受到了惩罚她必须终身穿着一件绣着红色A字的外衣。字母A代表"通奸(Adultery)"一词。白兰带着小珠儿离群独居在郊外偏僻的茅舍中过者孤寂的生活。而用心险恶的前夫罗杰发现了丁

梅斯代尔的反常表现利用牧师痛苦和矛盾的心情不断地折磨他终于丁梅斯代尔在他即将升为主教的前夕当众宣布了自己的秘密丁梅斯代尔向周围的人们展露了这首爱情的颂歌。当他把自己的胸衣扯开时一个猩红的A字烙在他的胸前。他在自己的爱人身边离开了人世。 海丝特*白兰他坚强有毅力对爱情忠贞不渝。虽然被统治者认为有罪但她是清白的纯洁的。她的精神不断上升成为真善美的化身。她的举动是对封建政权与教权压迫下的爱情人权和自由的充分肯定。 丁梅斯代尔最初与白兰产生了炽热的的爱情虽然他一度退却了为自己能够隐蔽的安慰但内心的痛苦并没有因他的安全而平息相反越来越强烈。他与白兰的约会他在枷刑台上的自我忏悔他们的逃跑计划以及最后的公开演说都成为了丁梅斯代尔向着爱情的祭坛一步步走近的脚印。最后他扯开上衣人们见到了烙在他胸口的红色A字。这个A字实际上是烙在他的心上的这是爱情的升华。 八年级关于霍桑《红字》读后感精选范文五篇500字(二) 《红字》是美国小说家霍桑最杰出的代表作,也是整个美国浪漫主义小说中最有声望的权威作品之一。小说的故事发生在十七世纪中期加尔文者派统治下的波士顿,作者从当时的社会现状入手,通过一个感人的爱情故事悲剧来揭露当局对人们精神,心灵和道德的摧残。 海丝特·白兰是一个在婚姻上遭到不幸的女人,年轻美貌,却嫁给了身体畸形多病的术士罗杰*齐灵沃斯,夫妻间根本谈不上爱情,后来,罗杰又在海上失踪,杳无音讯,白兰孤独的过着日子。这时一个英俊有气魄的青年牧师,亚瑟*丁梅斯代尔闯入了她的生活,他们

The Scarlet letter红字

具体分析作品的语言风格、主题展现、所属文学流派、作者的创造风格等;(35%) Scarlet letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Literary Genre: 19th C American Romanticism –Dark Romanticism style –typical romantic writer a man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in 1 the use of symbol: The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing 2 the use of ambiguity: to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty – multiple point of view 3revelation of characters’ psychology4 the use of supernatural Writing Skills Allegory Ambiguity supernaturalism symbolism Symbolism:Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent things such as ideas and emotions. Hawthorne’s Style ?an anatomist of the heart ?using symbols and setting to reveal the psychology of the characters ?soft and flowing style ?ambiguity Major Themes ?Public Guilt vs. Private Guilt ?Punishment vs. Forgiveness ?Sin and Judgment ?Civilization vs. Wilderness ?The Town vs. the Woods Sin &knowledge The story of Hester and Dimmesdale is similar to that of Adam and Eve. In both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledge—specifically, in knowledge of what it means to be human. For Hester, the scarlet letter functions as ―her passport into regions where other women dared not trea d,‖ leading her to ―speculate‖ about her society and herself more ―boldly‖ than anyone else in New England. As for Dimmesdale, the ―burden‖ of his sin gives him ―sympathies so intimate with the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so that his heart vibrate[s] in unison with theirs.‖ His eloquent and powerful sermons derive from this sense of empathy. The Nature of Evil The characters in the novel frequently debate the identity of the ―Black Man,‖ the embodiment of evil. Over the course of the novel, the ―Black Man‖ is associated with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Mistress Hibbins, and little Pearl is thought by some to be the Devil’s child. It may implies that evil is an inseparable part of human being. The characters also try to root out the causes of evil. First, it is the true love between Hester and Dimmesdale that seduces them into evil. Second, the adultery between Hester and the minister arouses Chillingworth’s hate which accounts for his carefully plotted and precisely aimed revenge on Dimmesdale. Thus, the book argues that true evil arises from the close relationship between hate and love. ?Identity and Society Though Hester is publicly shamed and forced by the people of Boston to wear a badge of humiliation, she is reluctant to leave the town. Not being physically imprisoned, she can go somewhere else to resume a normal life. Surprisingly, Hester reacts with dismay when Chillingworth tells her that the town fathers are considering letting her remove the letter. To Hester, running away or removing the letter would be an acknowledgment of society’s power over her: she would be admitting that the letter is a mark of shame and something from which she desires to escape. Instead, Hester stays, refiguring the scarlet letter as a symbol of her own experiences and character. Her past sin is a part of who she is; to pretend that it never happened would mean denying a part of

《红字》1000字英语读后感——The Scarlet Letter

Perseverance and Kindness Make A Brilliant Life — After reading The Scarlet Letter Not only is The Scarlet Letter the most successful representative work of Nathaniel Hawthorn, but also the most prestigious work in the field of American romanticism novels. The story offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of American Puritan society in the 17th century. However, the basic conflicts and problems of the main characters are rather familiar to readers at present. The story was set Boston in the middle 17th when people are brutally persecuted by the authority both mentally and physically. Heist, a young beautiful woman, suffered the adversity of marriage, whereas unfortunately married to a Warlock who is handicapped and sickish, with whom she has nothing in common. Subsequently, the man got lost during a voyage and disappeared ever since, leaving endless pain and woe to the young woman. But exactly during this tough time, suddenly breaks in a man. They fell in love and spend a pleasant and unforgettable time with each other. All good things didn?t last long. It was not long before the poor young woman was arrested in the name of adultery because the fact of pregnancy was exposed to public. She gave birth to the child anyway. According to the doctrine at that time, Heist could be assoiled only under the condition of making it clear the name of the father. Dramatically, the man who was in charge of the interrogation is her lover.


红字的读书笔记 《红字》是美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的长篇小说。发表于1850年。下面,小编为大家分享红字读书笔记,希望对大家有所帮助! 红字读书笔记一:这是一部关于灵魂的小说,每个人都有自己的灵魂,但有的人维护着灵魂,有的人损害着灵魂,有的人丢失了灵魂,于是这个世界充满了千姿百态的人生和人的故事。 主人公海斯特·白兰胸前佩戴着烙有灵魂耻辱的红字——大大的一个A。在倍受折磨的道德鞭笞下,进行着灵魂的救赎。但她是一个不屈于命运的女人,在她的一生中充满了对命运的蔑视。她怀疑这世俗道德的合理性,但同时又矛盾的意识到灵魂的邪-恶,人性的复杂可见一斑。这种宗教的感情纠葛,对于没有宗教信仰的人来说很难理解,我就是这样一个无法理解的人。宗教已经是西方人生活的一部分,离开宗教的生活,一定是很痛苦的。但我没有宗教经验,所以根本无法体会主人公的心理。这也是我理解小说的障碍,但我却是没办法去克服。 小说还表达了人要获得自由和解放就要去斗争的思想,这在海斯特·白兰的身上得到了体现,她一直抗拒着悲惨的命运,心里充满了对美好生活的向往,充满了无私的爱,这是难能可贵的一种精神。因为这样她才成为一个高尚的人,

受到了人们的尊敬,从而洗刷了身上的耻辱,而那个红字也成了高尚的象征。在这里作家是和传统道德做着挑战,他把世俗道德拿出来进行了解剖,让读者不得不重新审视我们道德标准的合理性,以及其中最见不得人的阴暗面。这就是这部名著最耀眼的地方和流芳百世的原因。 小说中另一个主人公丁梅斯代尔牧师,是受宗教迫-害最苦的人,为了救赎自己的灵魂,这个可怜的人受尽了精神的折磨,在自己的胸口用烙铁烙了一个红字,用来谴责自己,最后在无法忍受的精神压力下悲惨的死去,成为人类社会虚伪道德的牺牲品。人类的历史很短,但用各种名义迫-害人的历史却很长,西方的宗教就是这样,看似光明,给人希望,但实际是残害人的工具,宗教的邪-恶由此一斑。从丁梅斯代尔身上也表现了人在面对强大压迫下的软弱的一面,这是造成悲剧的根源之一。 他们的女儿小珠儿展现了儿童的天性,这是世间最美好的东西,人的天性本该如此,这才是人的本来面目,然而我们用自己创造的那些教条,那些戒律,把自己变成了精神的奴隶,失去了人的本性,从而无比的痛苦,无可奈何地活在这个本应该是充满快乐的世界。这是我们必须反思的事,否则人的痛苦会延续下去。 反面人物齐灵渥斯是个没有灵魂的家伙,它本做一个可以宽容一切的人,因为他是有理由这样做的,但他没有。他


The Scarlet Letter Before I read this book, which written by Hawthorne, the book’s name drove me into thought, what content the book would show for me? Why it was named the scarlet letter. While now, it is clearly that the scarlet letter was what embroidered and illuminated upon the heroine’s bosom, Hester Prynne , in fine red cloth, stitched by fantastic flourished of gold thread. It is because that Hester was found guilty of adultery by a court of stern Puritan judges. By Hawthorne’s description, I always constructed the scene in my thought, the image of Hester, actually, she was the only character I praised in the book, though sometimes she was a woman with nervousness. From the beginning to the end, Hester grew strong, for taking good care of little Pearl, being merciful to help people who rejected her first, as for these, gradually, the scarlet had been converted into good meanings, such as Able, copying with Roger Chillingworth, her husband, coming up with solutions for Arthur Dimmesdale, her lover. All the time, Hester suppressed her feelings, avoided any contention with people, except fought for the right raising little Pearl. With her light hand, little Pearl was dressed up as an angel, a


《红字》读后感1000字 《红字》读后感1000字 《红字》是我许久以后遇到的一本振奋人心的好书,因为文化风俗的差异,对外国的名著一直带着一种似是而非的解读,因此也就显得不伦不类。但是,美国作家霍桑的长篇小说《红字》却是一本比较容易读懂的书,因为它更是关于人性的。 《红字》讲述了17世纪清教殖民统治下,在波士顿发生的一个恋爱悲剧。女主人海丝特·白兰以为丈夫在海难中已经遭遇不幸。在孤独中白兰与牧师丁梅斯代尔相恋并生下女儿珠儿。白兰被当众惩罚,戴上标志"通奸"的红色A字示众。然而,在众人鄙视的目光中,白兰始终独自承担着所谓的"耻辱"与"罪恶",她不断热心接济和帮助别人,最终赢得了人们的尊敬,而经过多年的窥探,她的丈夫罗杰也认定了"道德伟大"的丁梅斯代尔牧师就是那个隐藏的同犯。于是他千方百计地接近牧师,旁敲侧击,冷嘲热讽,不停地在精神上对牧师

进行折磨。最终,牧师被白兰的勇敢所感染,决定和她以及小珠儿一起离开这个地方。然而,牧师病情加重,在他生命的最后,他勇敢的走向了曾经白兰受罚的邢台,坦诚他所认为的"罪"。 海丝特·白兰,勇敢者,凭借爱情与其坚毅赢得生之希望,她对爱人的守望,对爱情那清晰明了的坚持,永不背叛。虽然她无法摆脱强加在她身上的耻辱,但她内心深处的感情却敬请澎湃,无法遏制。她认为追求爱情是自然的事,是人的本性,与社会、宗教、道德无关。"正是因为她和丁梅斯代尔先生的爱情,使她能够在众人的白眼中坚守下来。 1 可以说,海斯特·白兰包含了作者所理解的完美女性的一切优秀品质。读这篇小说时,我情不自禁的把她和夏洛蒂·勃朗特笔下的简爱做一番对比。她们都是女性中最具有独立人格的人,虽然海斯特·白兰的坚强掩埋在了她的柔弱与,美丽之下,但这份光芒永不会消散。 丁梅斯代尔是无形的红字。与海丝特相比,他显得怯懦,但这是他受


红字的故事梗概英文版 New England in the 17th century: Young Hester Prynne arrives at the colony with the purpose to find a house for herself and her husband, old doctor Roger Prynne, who still resides in good old England and will follow later. From the first day the other inhabitants of the village notice that Hester is intelligent and independent, which attracts the ones and strucks the others. When she, however, finds herself a house near the forest and takes a walk in it she sees by chance a naked young man swimming in the river nearby. The man, as she finds out later, is the very popular Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. The two soon find themselves attracted to each other and secretly begin an affair. As the result of this Hester becomes pregnant and when the government finds out, she is showed up in public and has to wear

the summary of the Scalet Letter《红字》简介

The Scalet Letter Hester, a woman taken in adultery, must wear the letter A on her chest for all to see. She refuses to name her lover, the Reverend Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale; keeps her word not to reveal the identity of her husband,who believed to be dead, now calling himself Roger Chillingworth; and raises her daughter, Pearl, on her own. After Hester 's competence and usefulness to the community become evident, some think the letter stands for "able". Destroyed by his lie and guilt, Dimmesdale dies in Hester's arms, and some see a scarlet A on his chest. Destroyed by his single-minded quest for vengeance, Chillingworth bequeaths his vast estates to Pearl, who leaves America to live abroad, depriving America of all her parents have.

美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析

The Scarlet Letter Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne Symbolism: The Scarlet Letter, A symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. The letter’s meaning shifts as time passes. Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulteress, the “A” eventually comes to stand for “Able.” The Meteor , to Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and marks Governor Winthrop’s entry into heaven The Rosebush,Next to the Prison Door .The narrator chooses to begin his story with the image of the rosebush beside the prison door. The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man’s activities. Pearl is a sort of living version of her m other’s scarlet letter. She is the physical consequence of sexual sin and the indicator of a transgression (evildoing). Upward American spirit Character analysis: Hester: disloyalty, betrayal, deception, sexual desire, adultery. Face, correct, redeem, purify. Praise, content, conformability. Dimmesdale: adultery, cowardice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, selfishness, too coward to confess, tortured by his conscience. Sympathetic, disfavor his hesitation, indecisiveness and cowardice. Chillingworth: revenge. Tortured by the desire of revenge, twisted and reduced to nothing. disgusted, think he committed greater crime. Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter Puritan background: setting, events, characters, thoughts, behaviors. Puritan doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1.Nature The declaration of Transcendentalism Analysis of “Nature” A long essay which has eight parts: the opening, commodity, beauty, language, discipline, Idealism, spirit and prospects. Our selectio n is taken from the opening. Taken as a whole, “Nature” expresses Emerson’s philosophy in a more systematic fashion than any other work of his. Meanings of nature I Beauty Nature is beautiful. : the complete, mysterious, useful and moral beauty of nature. First, nature’s beauty lies in its completeness. Second, nature’s beauty lies in its mystery. cannot be manipulated. Only when he holds a sincere respect for nature, can man feel the mysterious beauty of nature. Third, nature’s beauty lies in its usefulnes s. Nature provides man without any benefit II Nature Is Divine ●Nature is divine and has the eternal order which should not be violated. Influenced in a way by Chinese ancient philosophy, Emerson believes that all the things in the world come from the same root---the Oversoul. ●Emerson believes that man can find God in his own heart by direct contact with nature ●Nature has permeated (penetrate) all aspects of human life. Spirit embodied in nature has influence upon us. Nature inspires man and gives him\her power. Man should find the truth,
