


I am an English teacher

演讲人:JinTai College



Since I first steeped on my platform, I have decided to be a good and successful English teacher. However, in my class, when I gave lessons to my students, filled with enthusiasm and passion, some of the students always looked so tired and sleepy. When I spent much of my time preparing for my lessons, trying my best to make my lessons vivid and interesting, the teaching effect and feedback was not that I had expected. Moreover, when I was willing and eager to teach them all that I’ve learned, their abilities of English were still mediocre. I was looking for the reasons. And I was always asking myself: Am I good and successful? How can I be good and successful?

There were of course many complicated reasons and factors. And in my opinion, whether I am good or not,

includes many factors such as my knowledge, my personality, my quality, my methods, teaching art and so on. Absolutely, to be a good and successful English teacher is not an easy job. I need to have an

excellent command of English myself to make my students appreciate me and enjoy my class. I need to have the abilities to provide a comfortable and relaxing a tmosphere and environment for the students’ study. I have to adopt efficient and various teaching methods to my students’ level. I need to develop my teaching art and skills. I should make full of each student’s ability and always encourage them to give th em confidence. Therefore, “Live and learn” and “never too old to learn” have been the mottos I’ve adopted. I must improve my own abilities and skills of teaching, to keep up with the rapid development of our information age and society.

Is that enough for me to be good and successful now? No, that’s far from enough.

In spite of all the above aspects of good teaching is the primary and the most important requirement: love teaching and love my students.

I’ve learned to be the students’ teacher, their elder sister, their friend, their mother and so on. I show my care and love for them. Whenever they are in trouble, being sick, feeling blue or in a bad mood, I am the person that will try to take care of them, talk with them or try to help them balance themselves in good condition. I respect and trust them. When they fall in love with sb., quarrel with friends, cannot get along well with parents, etc. I’ll analyze the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, and give them some opinions or suggestions. I sympathize with and understand them. When they break the rules or do something wrong carelessly, I will help them out of trouble instead of scolding them. I am always strict with them and also place high and enthusiastic hopes on them to make them be strict with themselves and be confident of themselves.

Everyone needs love. Love is one of the most magical and wonderful feelings in the world. Teachers’ love for their students can make the impossible become possible. The love can change the disvalued into valued. The love can win the students’ love and

respect in return. The love can motive the students to work hard. The love can promote the students to better and better in many ways. The love can make the

students open their heart to let us know what they are doing, what they are thinking about and how they are feeling.

-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------


2018英语教师演讲稿(4篇) in a twinkle of an eye, sixteen years has passed since i became an english teacher. looking back, i have experienced pleasure, success as well as confusion and sadness. but i think there is much to be grateful for. during the first two years in sz, i had a hard time in my teaching career. why do i say so? on one hand, i like the city because it is young, vital, beautiful and full of challenges. on the other hand, many students in the common classes are quite different from my former students. they didn't study hard at all. they were too indolent in class, talking, sleeping and doing anything that they like. it is a common sight for them not to do homework. they didn't care about their school marks. they just wanted to get much but paid little. what is more, they showed deaf ears to your advice or criticism for their mistakes or faults. when i wanted to point out their mistakes, i should weigh my words over and over not to hurt their feelings. i felt as if i lost my way in the sea. i even had such an idea: to give up the job as an english teacher.

教师 英语演讲稿

Good morning everyone! I ‘m so glad to stand here to give a speech. Today my topic is what makes a good teacher? I'm a big fan of teachers.I'm here to praise teachers. What makes a good teacher? Three qualities create excellence. Three traits[tre?t]特性make a teacher great. Good teachers have knowledge. Good teachers have commitment.[k??m?tm?nt]承诺,信誉 Good teachers have patience and love. First, academic[??k??dem?k]学术的knowledge is the most important. Good teachers are info[??nf??]信息experts. Good teachers are masters in their field.[fi?ld]领域 And Great teachers are great students. They are aggressive[??ɡres?v]有进取心的learners. They outwork 比。。。更努力工作even the best students. Besides,they are skilled instructors.[?n'str?kt?] 讲师 They know how to teach. They know how to pass on knowledge. Second,good teachers are committed.[k??m?t?d] 坚定地 They are dedicated [?ded?ke?t?d]专注地to their career. They are enthusiastic [?n?θju?zi??st?k] 热情地about teaching. Good teachers are devoted to learning. They are passionate[?p???n?t]热情的about education. They have high standards and expectations.[?ekspek?te??nz]期望 They put students first. They inspire students to work hard. Third,good teachers are patient. They are tolerant and understanding. They are sensitive and sympathetic[?s?mp??θet?k]富有同情心的,too. Good teachers truly care. They respect and trust their students. Their concern[k?n?s??n]忧虑is a special kind of love. They are kind,yet demanding.[d??mɑ?nd??]苛求的 They are fun,yet serious.


初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语老师 下面WTT小雅给大家分享初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语 老师,欢迎阅读: 初中英语演讲稿 My First English Teacher Dear friends! Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:“ Yes.” Everyone has his teachers, in my mind, I'll never forget her ------my first English teacher Ms. Li. Without her, I wouldn't be standing here. She is a young and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well. That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. She always made opportunities for us to speak English. She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little, I had interest in English, but English was a new subject to me, I had many difficulties in learning it well. I often felt very confused. It was Ms.


教师英语演讲:点燃心灵-英语演讲稿 ethics of teaching profession speaker: zhao qing shan ladies and gentlemen: my speaking theme is burning your heart. pascal once said: man is a thinking reed. all our dignity lies in thought. so, if you want to be a real man, you must learn to think first. it is said that everyone lives by selling something. on the light of this statement, teaching is a job. teachers lives by selling knowledge. so if you want to be a good teacher, you should have enough knowledge; on the other side, teaching is a career. you must pay attention to your students. tao xing zhi said: since you chose to be a teacher ,you should dress yourselves as a monkey king and you need to think by students’way. it is ten years since i was a teacher. i once made some mistakes and i doubted whether it was worth working so hard. but now, i don’t misunderstand. as an english teacher, i teach my students as well as possible. i try my best to make my lessons


教师英语演讲稿:Happiness 教师英语演讲稿:Happiness As we all know, happiness is something that everyone is chasing. But, what is happiness? Does happiness have a universal definition? I say no. But there must be something in life that makes you realize what it means. When you are hungry, you have something to eat. Don’t you feel happy? When you’re in sick, there is a short message full of care and love from your friend. Don’t you feel happy? When you have each tiny wish come true, don’t you feel happy?I always try my best to find out what is the true meaning of happiness. And I think I have got lots of it from my career. Today, standing here, I’d like to share with you a little piece of my happiness from my school life. “Dear queen, how do you feel? Do we massage well?” Lee said softly around me. Of course, the “queen” was me. One day, our P.E teacher was out for business trip. So it was my duty to be the leader in this P.E class. After guiding students to play games for a long time. Everyone was tired. Then, one student lay down. Then, another…in a minute, all of the students lay down on the playground. It was so enjoyable for me to see such a great situation, as in the classroom our lovely guys always sit properly to show their poritive attitudes. The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. Smelling the faint smell of flowers, I couldn’t help closing my eyes and lying on my back. Suddently, a tiny hand touched my arm. “Queen, you must be tired after a day’s work. Right? I’m your faithful maid. Let me serve for y ou.” Then, the other students came over to sit and serve around me. Head, neck, leg. Wow, that was really a great happiness to have such an experience. Dear friends, everyday we have a lot of work to do. Everyday we have a lot of things to complain. But, just like Xiao Shenyang saying, “The eyes close and open - a day is over. The eyes close but never open , all life has gone.” Time is limited. Why can’t we focus on our lovely students and keep a happy mind in the school life? Just like me. Lie down and enjoy the happiness from my kids.


赞美老师的英语演讲稿 篇一:赞美英语教师英文演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”。 篇二:英语教师演讲稿 Good morning , Ladies and gentmen It is great honour t(本文来自:小草范文网:赞美老师的英语演讲稿)o speak here . I value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. To be honest I felt rather nervous. I can still remember when I made my first speech in college. I ev en couldn't control my breath . . Because I really didn't know what to say at that time .Well- today, being an English teacher for some years in Zhongxin, I have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. After being an English teacher, I think, to be a good English teacher, you should know your major well. Your personality is as


英语老师英文演讲稿 篇一:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 Good morning ,teachers and students. My name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is > .It is my greatest honor to be here today. I would like to share my English learning and teaching experience with you . I studied english educashion at my college. I chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. Then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. Far away from my hometown. Then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. I love teaching. I love talking to my students. How do I enjoy myself with my students I don’t think I can express how I love my students in a few words. I just know, they are the future of China; they are infinity in my hand. What could I do with them To wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. From them, every

小学英语教师英语演讲稿My education dreams

Ladies and gentlemen, My name is .... Today, it’s my greatest honor to stand here to share my dreams about education with you. Dream is the most beautiful desire in our minds.It’s such a lovely word that we pursuit it with all our passion. The Chinese people have China’s dream which is to realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. While as a teacher,I have a dream about education myself. I hope the students have a soft mind and are full of gratitude to the people and the world around them. And I hope they are grave and confident.I have a dream one day they’re able to realize the long-cherished dream deep in their mind. As a teacher, I should work with scientific methods and advanced educational concepts.First, I would recommend the students to go out of the classroom. Moreover , I will evaluate them with a multiple criteria.They are different individuals who have their own personalities. They deserve our love equally. Dream is sweet. Education itself is full of dreams and hope. As a teacher, I have too much expectations and dreams about my occupation.I will spare no efforts to make my dream come true. That’s all.Thank you for your attention.


关于英语教师演讲稿精选三篇 I like to look into the mirror. I remember when I was a little girl, I often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as I was. Now I still like to look into the mirror. Only now, the dressing table is too low for me. As I bend down, I see the face of a young woman, glowing with maturity, confident in her future and fascinated with her own reflection. The fact that I like to look into the mirror has to do with my granny with whom I spent most of my childhood. I remember clearly that one night I heard her murmuring, "Women can't be seen. Women can't be seen." I was so confused as to look into the mirror the next morning to check if I could indeed see myself. Only now as a young woman myself, can I understand that it was not physical visibility that granny had on her mind. Granny spent all her life taking care of the family, day in and day out. She cooked for her husband and 10 children. But whenever guests came, she and other female family


教师全英文演讲稿 I can be a good English teacher Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! My name’s ##. I’m from ## Primary School. Today I’m very glad to be here to share my ideas of “I can be a good English teacher” with you. English was my favorite subject when I was a middle school student. I felt so cool when I won the first prize of every text. I have been longing to be an English teacher since I was a little girl. Ten years ago, I really became a teacher, an English teacher. I remembered when I stood at the teacher’s desk for the first time, maybe because I was too young, maybe because I was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, don’t behave themselves at all. I felt ashamed and helpless. In order to save my face, I just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little. I thought sooner or later, they would listen to me. Yes, I could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange. No, they were not listening to me. It was too quiet. I was looking for the reasons. And I was always asking myself:


家长会英语教师发言稿 我是五年级的英语老师,首先感谢各位家长能够在百忙中抽空来参加本次家长会,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬请批评指正。 我今天主要跟各位说三个方面: 一、回顾过去 二、英语学习状况分析; 三、对家长的要求 (一)、回顾过去 首先,我们学习英语存在着这些难题:英语不是我们的母语,没有现成的语言环境,不能在现实生活中反复运用;所以小朋友们学的知识容易忘记,而且不能立刻体现学英语的价值。但是,英语是国际性语言,我们在求学路上一直都离不开英语。从小学的毕业考,中考,高考,到考硕士,出国,英语都是必考的。在以后的社会竞争中,你不会英语可能寸步难行。 但是,我们在学校学习英语的时间是非常有限的,只靠课堂40分钟的学习是远远不够的。要学好英语,学校学习占40%,课后的巩固学习占60%。那么,在课后学生要怎么做才能把英语学得更好呢? (二)、英语学习状况分析 英语学习从哪里开始?学英语不是从背单词开始,而是从耳朵开始。英语学习从打通耳朵开始。要让孩子多听,而且是反复听同一段英语,不断的对孩子进行语言的输入,为孩子的语音语调打好基础。

那用什么时间听呢?早上起床之后,在刷牙吃早餐的时候放给孩子听,晚上可以边听边模仿,听力水平是学好英语,培养语感的基础。 父母不懂英语,能帮孩子吗?只要找对方法,就可以帮助孩子。我们要好好利用学习资源,晚上的时候,要有三十分钟的英语学习时间,这三十分钟,家长让孩子不断的听,模仿跟读,语音语调就是要靠模仿出来的。我们发的有英语配套磁带,就看你听不听。 听,模仿语音语调,读熟能背下来,这样的学习对英语来说是最有效的。 孩子是每个家庭的重心和希望。我们真诚地呼吁家长,配合学校,配合老师帮助孩子学好英语。我们要和孩子共同成长。在此,提出我对家长的要求。 (三)、家长的要求: 1、每天让小孩听,模仿读至少20分钟,读熟能背。 2、每天看一眼孩子的作业,写得不好,一定要重写。 3、学习贵在坚持。只要养成这种良好的学习习惯,以后越大越省心。 4、播放一些英语动画片给小孩看,多听英语歌。 作业要求: 听读要求:每天必须听录音读英语不少于25分钟。 (请家长监督) 书写要求:整洁,清楚,格式正确 速度要求:及时不拖拉,形成良性循环


附表: (教师)组 题目 teaching english makes me happy 与初赛题目是否相同(否) 注意:标题二号字,正文小四,字体times new roman 篇二:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 good morning ,teachers and students. my name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is << my simple teaching life>> .it is my greatest honor to be here today. i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i studied english educashion at my college. i chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. far away from my hometown. then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. i love teaching. i love talking to my students. how do i enjoy myself with my students? i don’t think i can express how i love my students in a few words. i just know, they are the future of china; they are infinity in my hand. what could i do with them? to wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. from them, every teacher must see their future, teaching and guiding them responsibly. to me, my students are just like the wild flowers. can we see a world or heaven in them? the answer is definitely yes. if you want to enjoy yourself while teaching, respect and love your students as their friends; work hard with full responsibility. because i love my students, then i enjoy myself with full responsibility.that is why i together with you,try our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇三:英语教师演讲稿 good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here . i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. to be honest i felt rather nervous. i can still remember when i made my first speech in college. i ev en couldnt control my breath . . because i really didnt know what to say at that time . well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well. your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic. you must love your students and respect them. in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work. a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our class,


英语教师英语演讲稿(精选多篇) my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 good morning ,teachers and students. my name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is << my simple teaching life>> .it is my greatest honor to be here today. i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i studied english educashion at my college. i chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. far away from my hometown. then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. i love teaching. i love talking to my students. how do i enjoy myself with my students? i don’t think i can express how i love my students in a few words. i just know, they are the future of china; they are infinity in my hand. what could i do with them? to wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. from them, every teacher must see their future, teaching and guiding them responsibly.


大学校园生活英文演讲稿、 friendship is indispensable to peoples life. a man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. friendship is the mother of our psyche, wholl warm her kid when hurt occurs. we have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. alas, its magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship. it also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. love is not selfish. love is endowed by god that we should treasure all our life. 绿色校园英文演讲稿 a beautiful world hello! everyone! now i want to talk about a beautiful world! it is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. you might ask yourself. have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? have i ever planted any trees or flowers near my neighborhood? if your answers are yes”, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. we should always remember that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. by protecting nature, we protect ourselves. finally let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river. be good to the trees. smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you! ”just think what a wonderful world it will be! let’s do our best to make our world more beautiful! thanks everybody篇三:学校演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 今天在这个隆重而热烈的庆典上,我非常荣幸代表2008届全体毕业研究生在这里发言, 向我们的母校道别,向我们的师长道别,向朝夕相处的同窗道别,也向这段美好的岁月道别。 寒暑往来,三易春秋,三年前,当我们满怀求知的欲望踏进学校大门的时候,你的第一反应 是什么,我相信很多人可能和我一样,那就是这个学校真大。三年里,一栋栋大楼拔地而起, 气势宏伟的图书馆,厚重而又不乏生机的新实验大楼,还有那崭新的研究生公寓,无不为我 们提供了良好的学习环境。有人说,这是学校发展的必然,是的,但我们也深知,鸡不鸣而 起,月已落而不息,这里面包含了学校领导和员工们太多的辛勤和汗水。这一切我们看在眼 里,记在心里,离别时刻,我代表全体研究生向关心我们的各级领导、老师道一声:您辛苦 了。 研究生与本科有很多不同,让我感受最深刻的就是我们的生活里多了一位良师益友,他 就是我们的导师。从我们拜见导师的那一刻起,我们的一切就牵动着导师的心,从一篇篇文 章到一门门课程,从论文选题到实验取证,每一个环节都使我们受益匪浅。一千多个日日夜 夜,敬爱的导师,您又因为学生而新添白发,因为我们而新添皱纹。多少次,您第一个踏进 实验室;多少次,您和我们一起为课题加班到废寝忘食;多少次,夜已深,人已静,可有一 扇窗却仍然雕刻着您躬耕的身影。您不是简单的说教,而是身体力行的向我们传授知识,教 我们做人。我是一个不善于,甚至不懂得如何去表达感谢的人,但是有一句话在我心底深埋 了三年,在这里,在这个时刻,我代表所有的研究生向我们敬爱的导师们深深鞠躬,谢谢您,
