牛津高中英语模块五 Unit2课文知识点教学案

牛津高中英语模块五 Unit2课文知识点教学案
牛津高中英语模块五 Unit2课文知识点教学案

牛津高中英语模块五 Unit2课文知识点


牛津高中英语模块五 Unit2课文知识点教学案U2 NReading and PL5 表方位的副词或介词短语放在句子开头句子,谓语是be, stand, sit, lie 等要完全倒装,并不用进行时,但如主语是人称代词则不倒装。


There lived an old mall.

There stands a bigur claulies a bigIuse stands

a bIuse .(他正站在房子前面)

2. Lloor = bak 自由发言

floor n. 发言权 have / gloor 有/ 获得发言权taloor 发言

At lalL9. voice vt. express 表达、说出~one’发表意见 He voiced our dissatisfa声音、意见、呼声 in a loud / low vv嗓音 sound n. 凡是能听到的声音噪音avels slower than light. He can’t beaHe toldws in a lowL12 amount = quaa large ~ of / large ~s of +n(u) n(c)→a lot of 作主语时,谓语跟 amount 的数一致

A large amouad (were / was)

Large amouad. were / was)amount of n(c) pl / n(u)

+ V(单数)

The amoudesks 1000. (a)large / small amouL14. flow vi. n. 流动~ through 流过~ into 注入、流入

The rivast Sea. The river PaL16 in addition 另外、此外 in add/ doing = besides / as well as 除……之外还

He gave us some books and a few他除了英语之外,还会说法语。

add vt. vi. 加、补充说add to add … to add up add uThis our difficulty.“I don’t believe it, ” he addedalup.These figuallI give youL16. large numbers of / a large number of /a number of / the number of + n (pl)udur school is 10,000. peop lat’s rigL20 popula人口、人口数

What’s the ~of has a ~of a large / small~



The populag / reducing.

Two thirds / Sev~a纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。L21 倍数表示法

⑴A is … times as + adj + as B⑵ A is … times

+adj 的比较级 than B.

⑶A is … times +the +n (size, width,

height …)+of B

这个房间是那个房间的3倍大。(用3种译法) ⑷A is … times +名词性从句


10. L22 cut back (on) 缩减(生产)、削减(支出) cut down on 减少…的量

The production was cut back bIf you want to lose weigamoud you eag (减少吸烟的量) You havding. (削减开支)

与cut 相关短语

cut across 走近路穿过 cut down 砍倒、减少…的量 cut in 插嘴、插入

cut off 切断(煤气、水、电等的)供应、使…孤立cut out 剪下、删掉 cut up 切碎

①The elbecaubl②They should plawawood.

③To make the dish, you shouldvegetabl④He an artic le about Liu Xiangwspa⑤TI begaa⑥We cut ald to savL22 My sugg… L42 Mr Lin suggested …


do, should 可省略. 这类动词的记忆口诀是:I

drop caps. 具体为insist 坚决要求. desire 要求、请求. request 请求. require 要求. order 命令建议. command 命令. advise 建议宁愿. suggest 建议

The teacher’s sugg(学生早点上床睡觉)(他的建


12. Lbility n(u). 责任、职责

avoid / escape (the) ~/ doing

take the ~/ doing 对…负责a~ble adj. 有责任的、应负责任的

be ~ for sb./ sth./ doing


他负责喂鸡。L36 side by side 肩并肩、并排

The two bottles standable side by side.

类似短语:shouldulder hand in land 手拉手、联

arm in arm face to faand neck act hand in handP25run out vi. 用完、耗尽 vt. 使…跑得筋疲力尽

run out of vt.用完、耗尽

我的钱已用完IHe run himself out bached the goal.

与run 相关的短语

~ for 竞选~ over (车辆)辗过~ across ~

long run /P29shock vt. 使震惊/ 震动、电击 n. 震惊、休克、电击

bd at sth. 因… 感到震惊 bd to do

TdI wad awudden deaP29arrest vt. n. 逮捕~sb/ doing


under ~ adj. adv. 被捕You are under ~

P29closely adv. 仔细地、认真地、密切地close adv. 指距离上接近地

这类副词称为同源副词. 不加ly形式既可以是形



的还有 deep 深地 deeply 深深地 high 高地highly

高度地 wide 宽地 widely 广泛地

StandLThis probld with that one. 这个问题与那个问题有密切的联系。a clget clThe teacher always speaks /TLook! The plane is flyingP35equ(u) 装备

a~ a~

equip vt. 装备、配备 equipped equipping equip… with 用…装备

我们教室里配有一台新电脑。Put 挑出、认出、辩

别出xkbup 拾起、得到、开车接人、让人搭车、恢复、收听、(偶然)学会at 挑剔、指责

Please me aatio n.Her healafter a few days’an you your bwd?

He agws.Hbeing la20. P38under way 在进行中

Preparaarty are well under way


under attack undl

under discussion under study

under repair unduction 在建设中

Now Iraq is under attack by several coubike is under repaThe railway is undu21. P38rapid , fast, quapid adj. 迅速的、飞快的常指急流、旋涡等,也可指有意的高速度。

fast 指动作本身迅速。

quick 多指一次的动作敏捷、突然且持续时间短。

Ta plane laLet’s have a mealvading.The bleaTade progglish.Ta river near the village.

22.P38 rely on = depend on 依赖、信赖、依靠、指望

The man can not be reliedly on sb to do / sb’s doing 指望某人干某事、想信某人会做某事

relat… 相信、指望、放心

I relay baDon’t relg youu may relat he willu. like it when 喜欢 dislike it when hate it w(to it) that 务必使 dependat 指望

I like it when you tell a23. P38rema①vi. 物品剩下、人留下、常指灾害之后物品剩下、其他人走了,



Nothing /Little remaineduse a所有人都回家了,但他留了下来。

②link v. 保持、仍是


晚会上,他沉默不语。ain seated The book remains ud③留待、尚待~to be d几个问题有待于解决。


It remains to b那有待于证实。

④表示“留在某地”时remain 和stay 同义。如remain/ sta(呆在那里),但只能

说stay at home 另外remain 既可指人逗留在一定场所,也可指物逗留在一定场所或保

持原来的状态,stay 只表示人逗留在一定场所。aining adj. 剩下的aining 20 yuan.=the 20 yuan lains


24.P38 appreciate vt. 赞赏、欣赏、感激

~sth. /doing ~与thank 区别~表感激时宾语不能是人 thank 接人作宾语

I would ~b. did 如果…我将不胜感激

I ~ your helWe ~ youdevelany.


P25. L8 Ngood new含有否定意义的副词,如ldom, little, hardly, never 等放句首时,句子要部


Little he care about clothes. Never I seen such a film bldla26. L14. … non – governmental organization …作前缀构成 n. adj. adv. 表示不、无、没有–bada– fat

adv. non – violently 非暴力地
