


1.A bad thing never dies.


2.A bad workman always blames his tools.


3.A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion.


4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


5.A bully is always a coward.


6.A burnt child dreads the fire.


7.A cat has nine lives.


8.A cat may look at a king. 小人物也有些权利。

9.A clear conscience can bear any trouble.


10.A cook is bold on his own dunghill. 狗仗人势。

11.A constant guest is never welcome.


12.A contented mind is a perpetual feast.


13.A cracked bell can never sound well.


14.A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.


15.A deceitful peace is more hurtful than an open war. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

16.A door must be either shut or open.


17.A drowning man will clutch at a straw.


18.A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the farther of the two.


19.A fault confessed is half redressed.


20.A fool and his money are soon parted.


21.A fool's mouth is his destruction. 祸从口出。

22.A forced kindness deserves no thanks.


23.A fox may grow grey but never good.


24.A friend in need is a friend indeed.


25.A full purse never lacks friend.


26.A golden key opens every door. 钱能通神。

27.A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤。

28.A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

29.A good name is sooner lost than won.


30.A good tale is none the worse for being told twice. 动人的故事令人百听不厌。

31.A hedge between keeps friendship green.


32.A honey tongue, a heart of gall.


33.A house divided against itself cannot stand. 不和之家难长存。

34.A Jack of all trades is master of none.


35.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 万丈高楼平地起。

36.A lazy youth, a lousy age.


37.A leopard cannot change his spots.


38.A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. 常说谎话的人就算是说真话也没人信。

39.A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.


40.A little fire burns up a great deal of corn. 星星之火可以燎原。

41.A little gall spoils a great deal of honey. 一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。

42.A little leak will sink a great ship.


43.A little learning is a dangerous thing.


44.A little neglect may breed great mischief.


45.A man apt to promise is apt to forget.


46.A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不可二用。

47.A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. 和气生财。

48.A miss is as good as a mile.


49.A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. 远亲不如近邻。

50.A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。

51.A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔。

52.A slow fire makes sweet malt. 慢工出细活。

53.A sound mind in a sound body.


54.A still tongue makes a wise head. 寡言为智。

55.A stitch in time saves nine.


56.A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.


57.A word is enough to the wise. 聪明人一点就通。

58.A word spoken is past recalling.


59.A young idler, an old beggar.


60.A-day-old puppy doesn't know to be afraid of the tiger. 初生之犊不畏虎。

61.Able men are always busy. 能者多劳。

62.Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


63.Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families. 家规再严也难免会出问题。

64.According to your purse govern your mouth.


65.Actions speak louder than words.


66.Advice when most needed is least heeded.


67.After a storm comes a calm.


68.All are not thieves that dogs bark at.


69.All cats are grey in the dark.


70.All good things come to an end.


71.All is vanity. 四大皆空。

72.All lay loads on a willing horse.


73.All roads lead to Rome.


74.All that glitters is not gold.


75.All the winning is in the first buying.


76.All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难而后易。

77.All things are easy that are done willingly. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。

78.All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

79.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


80.All's fair in love and war.


81.All's fish that comes to the net.


82.All's well that ends well. 结局好的就算好。

83.An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.


84.An old man's sayings are seldom untrue.


85.Any port is a good port in a storm.


86.Anybody can make mistakes.


87.Appearances are deceptive.


88.Art is long, life is short.


89.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.


90.As you brew, so you must drink. 自作自受。

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.


91.As you sow, so shall you reap.


92.Ask no questions and be told no lies.


93.Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. 避免与好探人隐私,搬弄是非之人在一起。

94.Bad news travels fast.


95.Barking dogs seldom bite. 会叫的狗不会咬人。

96.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


97.Beauty is only skin deep.


98.Beggars can't be choosers.


99.Best is cheapest. 最好的即是最划算的。

100.Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.


101.Better be a fool than a knave.


102.Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave. 宁为老头的爱人,也不愿成为小伙子的奴隶。

@Better be sure than sorry.


@Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡首,不为牛后。

@Better bend than break.


@Better late than never.


@Better master one than engage with ten.


@Better one eye witness than two hearsay witnesses. 耳闻不如目见。

@Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。@Better to ask the way than go astray.


@Between two stools you fall to the ground.


@Birds in their little nests agree.


@Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚。

@Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall @never be disappointed. 一无所求者无失望之虞。

@Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

@Books and friends should be few but good.


@Bread is the staff of life. 民以食为天。

@Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.


@Business is business. 公事公办。

@Call a spade a spade. 称黑桃为黑桃;有话直说。

@Care killed a cat. 烦恼能杀九命猫。

@Cast never a clout till May is out.


@Cast not the first stone.


@Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. 勿舍本逐末。

@Catch your bear before you sell its skin.


@Charity begins at home. 仁爱始于家。

@Children should be seen and not heard.


@Christmas comes but once a year.


@Circumstances alter cases. 此一时,彼一时。

@Clothes do not make the man.


@Coming events cast their shadows before.


@Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人。

@Conscience does make cowards of us all.


@Constant dripping wears away the stone.


@Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。

@Cross the stream where it is shallowest.


@Custom makes all things easy.


@Custom reconciles us to everything.


@Cut your coat according to your cloth.


@Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会泄秘。

@Death is the great leveller. 死亡使一切平等。

@Deeds, not words. 行动胜于空谈。

@Desert and reward seldom keep company.


@Desires are nourished by delays.


@Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. 绝症须用烈药医。@Diamond cuts diamond. 势均力敌。

@Discontent is the first step in progress.


@Discretion is the better part of valour.


@Distance lends enchantment to the view.


@Do as I say, not as I do.


@Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you. 随俗而行,众人称颂。@Do as you would be done by. 己所欲施于人。

@Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

@Do not cast your pearls before swine.


@Do not halloo till you are out of the wood.


@Do not kick against the pricks.


@Do not put new wine into old bottles.


@Do not wear out your welcome.


@Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残。

@Don't change horses in mid-stream.


@Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 小鸡未孵出前,数也没用;别打如意算盘。

@Don't cross a bridge till you come to it.


@Don't cry before you are hurt.


@Don't cry stinking fish.


@Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.


@Don't cut the bough you are standing on.


@Don't empty the baby out with the bath water.


@Don't have too many irons in the fire.


@Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.


@Don't make a rod for your own back. 勿自讨苦吃。

@Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you. 勿自贬身价;自辱者,人皆辱之。

@Don't meet trouble half-way. 别自找麻烦。

@Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


@Don't put the cart before the horse.


@Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.


@Don't ride the high horse.


@Don't speak ill of others behind their backs.


@Don't take your harp to the party.


@Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.


@Don't tell tales out of school.


@Don't wash your dirty linen in public.


@Dying is as natural as living.


@Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起使人健康,富裕与聪明。

@Easier said than done. 说比做容易。

@East or west, home is best.


@Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。

@Empty vessels make the most sound.


@Enough is as good as a feast.


@Even a worm will turn. 人急悬梁,狗急跳墙。

@Even Homer sometimes nods. 智者千虑,必有一失。

@Every ass likes to hear himself bray.


@Every bullet has its billet.


@Every cloud has a silver lining.


@Every cock crows on his own dunghill.


@Every dog has his day. 任何人都有风光的时候。

@Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.


@Every flow must have its ebb.


@Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.


@Every law has a loophole. 每种法律皆有漏洞。

@Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. 人不为己,天诛地灭。@Every man has his ill day. 人无千日好。

@Every man has his price. 人皆可被收买。

@Every man has the defects of his own virtues.


@Every man is his own worst enemy.


@Every medal has two sides.


@Every minute seems like a thousand. 度日如年。

@Every oak must be an acorn. 万丈高楼平地起。

@Every why has a wherefore. 事出必有因。

@Everybody's business is nobody's business.


@Everyone to his taste. 人各有所好。

@Everything comes to him who waits.


@Everything must have a beginning. 凡事必有开端。

@Evil be to him who evil thinks.


@Example is better than precept. 身教重于言教。

@Exchange is no robbery. 不公的交换并不算抢劫。

@Expectation is better than realization.


@Experience is the mother of wisdom.


@Experience is the teacher of fools.


@Extremes meet. 相对的事情通常是可互通的。

@Faint heart never won fair lady.


@Familiarity breeds contempt. 熟稔易生轻蔑之心。

@Fine feathers make fine birds.


@First come, first served. 先到先得。

@First impressions are most lasting.


@First thrive and then wive. 先立业,后成家。

@Fling dirt enough and some will stick.


@Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


@Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 禁果最甜。

@Forewarned is forearmed. 预先警告可先作防范。

@Forgive and forget. 既往不咎,尽释前嫌。

@Fortune favours the bold.


@Fortune knocks at least once at every man's gate. 人一生中总有机会降临之时。@Full of courtesy, full of craft. 礼多必诈。

@Give a dog a bad name, and hang him.


@Give a lie twenty-four hours' start, and you can never overtake it. 若不及时遏止谎言,将会以讹传讹,被人信以为真。

@Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself. 多行不义必自弊。

@Give and take. 有施必有受。

@Give credit where credit is due.


@Give one an inch, and one will take a mile.


@God helps those who help themselves.


@God never shuts one door without opening another. 天无绝人之路。

@God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.


@God's mill grinds slow but sure.


@Good advice is harsh to the ear. 忠言逆耳。

@Good company on the road is the shortest cut.


@Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失。

@Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

@Great oaks from little acorns grow.


@Greed has no limits. 人心不足蛇吞象。

@Half a loaf is better than no bread. 寥胜于无。

@Handsome is as handsome does.


@Harp not for ever on the same string.


@Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

@Haste trips over its own heels.


@He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue. 祸从口出,言多必失。

@He gives twice who gives quickly.


@He is rich that has few wants. 寡欲者容易满足。

@He that cannot obey cannot command.


@He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. 作贼心虚。

@He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

@He that has a great nose thinks everybody is @speaking of it.


@He that touches the pitch shall be defiled.


@He travels the fastest who travels alone.


@He who begins many things, finishes but few.


@He who denies all confesses all. 欲盖弥彰。

@He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。

@He who hesitates is lost. 踌躇不前者必定会失败。

@He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


@He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.


@He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 万丈高楼平地起。

@Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。

@History repeats itself. 历史会重演。

@Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.


@Honesty is the best policy. 诚实乃上策。

@Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


@I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。

@Idle folk have the least leisure. 懒人少空闲。

@If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. 如果别人骗我一次,可耻的是他;如果我被骗两次,可耻的是我。

@If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. 值得做的事,就要尽力做。

@If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. 第一次不成功,就应尝试,尝试,再尝试。

@If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city. 若人人皆能保持自家门前的清洁,便能拥有一个干净的城市。

@If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind. 两人共骑一马,就要有人坐后面;一山不容二虎。

@If you do not like it you may lump it. 即使你不喜欢它也要忍受它。

@If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist.


@If you run after two hares you will catch neither. 一心二用将一事无成。

@If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. 若想事情做得好,就当自己做。

@In for a penny, in for a pound. 一不做,二不休。

@In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王。@In wine there is truth. 酒后吐真言。

@It is as well to know which way the wind blows. 识时务者为俊杰。

@It is better to give than to take.


@It is easier to pull down than to build.


@It is easy to be wise after the event.


@It is good fishing in troubled waters.


@It is love that makes the world go round.


@It is never too late to learn.


@It is the unexpected that always happens.


@It never rains but it pours.


@It takes all sorts to make a world.


@It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。

@It's never too late to mend.


@It's no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

@Judge not, that you may not be judged.


@Keep something for a rainy day.


@Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.


@Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。

@Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs. 责人之前先责己。@Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

@Laugh and grow fat. 心宽则体胖。

@Learn to walk before you run.


@Let bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去。

@Let not the sun go down on your wrath.


@Let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。

@Liars should have good memories.


@Life is not all beer and skittles.


@Life is short and time is swift.


@Life is sweet. 生命是美好的。

@Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

@Like will to like. 臭味相投;物以类聚。

@Little by little and bit by bit.


@Little money, few friends. 钱少朋友少。

@Live and learn. 学无止境。

@Live and let live. 自己活着,也让别人活着。

@Live not to eat, but eat to live.


@Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

@Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁观者清。

@Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。

@Love me, love my family. 爱屋及乌。

@Love will find a way. 真情所至,金石为开。

@Make haste slowly. 欲速则不达。

@Make hay while the sun shines. 把握良机。

@Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。

@Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多。

@Many hands make light work. 人多好办事。

@Marriage is a lottery. 婚姻靠运气。

@Marriages are made in heaven. 姻缘天注定。

@Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.


@Men are blind in their own cause. 当局者迷。

@Men are known by the company they keep.


@Men are not to be measured in inches.


@Might is right. 强权即公理。

@Mind your own business. 少管闲事。

@Misfortunes never come singly. 祸不单行。

@Moderation in all things. 凡事中庸而行。

@Money begets money. 财能生财。

@Money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

@More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。

@More than enough is too much. 凡事宜适可而止。

@Murder will out. 若要人不知,除非己莫为。

@Necessity is the mother of invention.


@Necessity knows no law. 急需之下难雇法律。

@Never ask pardon before you are accused.


@Never do things by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。

@Never judge by appearances. 不可以貌取人。

@Never make threats you cannot carry out.


@Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今日事,今日毕。@Never say die. 永不气馁。

@No cross, no crown. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。

@No gain without pain. 天下无不劳而获的事。

@No man can serve two masters. 一仆难侍二主。

@No man is content with his lot.


@No man is infallible.


@No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。

@Nothing is as good as it seems beforehand.


@Nothing is more precious than peace.


@Nothing venture, nothing have.


@Of two evils choose the lesser. 两害相权取其轻。@Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。@One cannot put back the clock.


@One good turn deserves another.


@One lie makes many. 说一谎需百谎圆。

@One man's meat is another man's poison.


@One swallow does not make a summer.


@Opportunity seldom knocks twice.


@Out of sight, out of mind. 久别情疏。

@Paddle your own canoe. 自力更生。

@Patience is a virtue. 忍耐是一种美德。

@Pay somebody back in his own coin.


@Pleasant hours fly fast.


@Poverty is the mother of crime. 贫穷为罪恶之母。@Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

@Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。

@Pride goes before fall. 骄兵必败。

@Rome was not built in a day.


@Saying is one thing and doing is another.


@Searching for a needle in a haystack. 大海捞针。

@Second thoughts are best. 三思而后行。

@Seeing is believing. 眼见为实;百闻不如一见。

@Self-praise is no recommendation.


@Silence gives consent. 沉默表示同意。

@Silence is golden. 沉默是金。

@Spare the rod and spoil the child. 不打不成器。

@Start off with a bang and end with a whimper.


@Still waters run deep. 水深流静;大智若愚。

@Strike while the iron is hot. 打铁趁热。

@Take things as they come. 随遇而安。

@Talk of the devil and he's sure to appear.


@Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风。

@The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. 别人的东西总比自己的要好。

@The bait hides the hook. 耳中藏钩;笑里藏刀。

@The beaten road is the safest.


@The best fish swim near the bottom.


@The best of friends must part.


@The biter is sometimes bit. 骗子有时反被骗。

@The bull must be taken by the horns.


@The child is father of the man.


@The course of true love never did run smooth.


@The darkest hour is that before the dawn.


@The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.


@The devil finds work for idle hands to do.


@The devil is not so black as he is painted.


@The early bird catches the worm.


@The end justifies the means.


@The exception proves the rule.


@The fairest rose is at last withered.


@The first blow is half the battle. 先下手为强。

@The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth. 事与愿违,造化弄人。

@The grapes are sour. 吃不到的葡萄是酸的。

@The greatest talkers are the least doers.


@The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 推动摇篮的手可支配世界;母亲抚养孩子在未来掌管世界。

@The highest branch is not the safest roost.


@The longest day must have an end.


@The love of money is the root of all evil.


@The mills of God grind slowly.


@The more you have, the more you want.


@The pen is mightier than the sword.


@The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。

@The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.


@The tailor makes the man. 人靠衣装,佛靠金装。

@The truth will out. 真相终将大白。

@The world is much the same everywhere.


@There are tricks in every trade.


@There are two sides to every question.


@There is a black sheep in every flock.


@There is a witness everywhere.


@There is honour among thieves. 盗亦有道。

@There is no disputing about tastes.


@There is no royal road to learning. 求学无捷径。

@There is no satiety in study. 学无止境。

@There is no smoke without fire. 无火不起烟;无风不起浪。

@There is nothing new under the sun.


@There is nothing permanent except change.


@There is nothing that costs less than civility. 世上没有比谦恭更便宜的东西了;礼多人不怪。

@There is safety in numbers. 人多则无患。

@There's no place like home. 在家千日好。

@They brag most who can do least.


@Things are seldom what they seem.


@Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have. 少想你所缺乏的,多想你所拥有的;知足常乐。

@Those whom the gods love die young. 好人不长寿。

@Throw out a minnow to catch a whale.


@Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不饶人。

@Time flies. 光阴似箭。

@Time is money. 时间就是金钱。


中国美食小吃的中英文翻译对照 中式早點 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice

糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类

鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves


100条常用英语谚语大全 我们的英语谚语简单精妙,十分值得我们学生去记诵,以下是我搜集整理的100条常用英语谚语大全,欢迎阅读。 100条常用英语谚语大全一 1. Time flies.时光易逝。 2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。 5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。 6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。 7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。 8. No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。 9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。 10. One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。 11. The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。 . Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。

13. Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。 14. Happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。 15. Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。 16. The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。 17. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。 18. Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。 19. To him that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.事事及时做,一日胜三日。 20. To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。 21. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。 22. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。 23. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back toyou.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。 24. Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太阳好。 25. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。


【名人名言(中英文对照)(励志篇)】【名人名言】奋斗 1. Genius only means hard-working all one's life. (Mendeleyer , Russian Chemist) 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 (俄国化学家门捷列耶夫) 2. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill, British Politician) 我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家丘吉尔 . W.) 3. Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon, American President ) 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。(美国总统尼克松 . R.) 4. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker) 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 (法国思想家卢梭. J. J.)

5. There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. (Karl Marx, German revolutionary ) 在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着其崎岖之路攀登的人,才有希望达到它光辉的顶点。( 德国革命家马克思. K .) 6. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " impossible". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝拿破仑. B.) 7. To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. (Ronald Reagan , American President ) 为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。(美国总统里根. R.) 8. Where there is a will , there is a way .( Thomas Edison , American inventor ) 有志者,事竟成。 (美国发明家爱迪生. T.)


常用英语谚语学习 A A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. 江山易改,本性难移;狗改不了吃屎。 (讽刺那些恶习难改的人或是提醒他人注意防范坏人。) A fault confessed is half redressed. 知过能改,善莫大焉。 (关于原谅、宽容。) A fool’s haste is no speed. 急急忙忙,想快反慢;欲速则不达。 (不可急功近利,做事要稳妥。) A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 多行不义必自毙;做贼心虚。 (用于规劝他人向善。) A burden of one's choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。 (自己喜欢的、感兴趣的事做起来很轻松愉快。) A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林;到手的才实在;把握现在,不要空想未来。(珍惜自己所拥有的,不要去强求自己无法得到的东西) A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 (比喻有牺牲、奉献精神的人,如老师。) Adversity leads to prosperity. 穷则思变。 (讲逆境、困难。) A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 (对伟人评价。) A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 (劝告的话不中听,但往往是正确的。) A word spoken is past recalling. / A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 一言既出,驷马难追。 (信守诺言。) Although the sun shines, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。 (事前做好准备、防范措施。) All good things come to an end. 好景不常;天下没有不散的筵席。 (离别时互相劝慰的话语。) A crooked stick throws a crooked shadow. 上梁不正下梁歪;曲杖生曲影。 (说明榜样的重要性。)


经典英语谚语100条 谚语跟成语一样都是语言整体中的一部分,可以增加语言的鲜明性和生动性。下面是由PQ橙子推荐的经典英语谚语100条,欢迎大家阅读。 1、As you make your bed so you must lie on it自食其果。 2、Ask no questions and you will be told no lies如果你少问,谎言就难进。 3、At open doors dogs come in狗从开著的门中进来。 4、Avarice blinds our eyes财迷心窍。 5、Avarice increases with wealth越富越贪。 6、Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler好问是非者,恰是是非之人。 7、Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture酒神淹死的人比海神多。 8、Bad news has wings好事不出门,坏事传千里。 9、Bad news travels fast坏事传千里。 10、Bad workmen often blame their tools拙匠常怪工具差。 11、Bare words, no bargain空言不能成交易。 12、Barking dogs Don't bite吠犬不咬人。 13、Barking dogs seldom bite吠犬不咬人。 1 / 8

14、Be always as merry as ever you can, for no-one delights in a sorrowful man务请心情常欢畅,只因无人喜忧伤。 15、Be considerate towards the poor要为穷人著想。 16、Be honest rather clever诚实比聪明更要紧。 17、Be just to all, but trust not all要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。 18、Be prepared to put one's hand in one's pocket准备慷慨解囊。 19、Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。 20、Be slow to promise and quick to perform不轻诺,诺必果。 21、Be swift to hear, slow to speak听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。 22、Beauty is but a blossom美丽只是盛开的花朵。 23、Beauty is but skin-deep红颜易变。 24、Beauty is in the eye of the beholder情人眼里出西施。 25、Beauty is in the eye of the gazer情人眼里出西施。 26、Beauty is potent; but money is omnipotent美丽是有力量的,但金钱更有权威。 27、Beauty is truth, truth beauty美就是真,真就是美。 28、Beauty lies in lover's eyes情人眼里出西施。 2 / 8

英语名言警句50句 中英对照

001 The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。 002 Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。 003 TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 004 It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to dec eive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事。 005 ’Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易。 006 An old man in a house is a good sign. 家中有老是一个好迹象。 007 Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,a sting. 别用言词贬低任何人,无论国王还是奴隶。最卑戝的蜜蜂也 008 Beware,beware!he’ll cheat’ithout scruple,who can without fear. 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。 009 How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心 010 If thou dost ill,the joy fades,not the pains;if well,the pain doth fade,the joy remains. 你若作恶,消失的是快乐而非痛苦;你若行善,消失的 011 Trick and treachery are the practice if fools,that have not wit enough to be honest. 傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人 012 Great beauty,great stength,and great riches,are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all. 貌美,力大,有钱,实无大益;一 013 Let our fathers and garandfathers be valued for their goodness,ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的 014 Thirst after desert,not reward. 渴求美德而非奖赏。 015 If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。 016 If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life. 若欲求长寿,生活须行善,因为蠢行和邪恶会把生命缩短。


水果类(fruits): 西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜 watermelon 香蕉 banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo) 橙子 orange 苹果 apple 柠檬 lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子 peach 梨 pear 枣 Chinese date (去核枣 pitted date )椰子 coconut 草莓 strawberry 树莓 raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry 葡萄 grape 甘蔗 sugar cane 芒果 mango 木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya 杏子 apricot 油桃 nectarine 柿子 persimmon 石榴 pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit 槟榔果 areca nut 西班牙产苦橙 bitter orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘 cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach 荔枝 litchi 青梅 greengage 山楂果 haw 水蜜桃 honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon 李子 plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry 桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple 杨桃 starfruit 枇杷 loquat 柑橘 tangerine

莲雾 wax-apple 番石榴 guava 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米 Sweet corn 牛肉 beef 猪肉 pork 羊肉 mutton 羔羊肉 lamb 鸡肉 chicken 生菜莴苣 lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)卷心菜 cabbage 萝卜 radish 胡萝卜 carrot 韭菜 leek 木耳 agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear 秋葵 okra 洋葱 onion 芹菜 celery 芹菜杆 celery sticks 地瓜 sweet potato 蘑菇 mushroom 橄榄 olive 菠菜 spinach 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕 lotus root 紫菜 laver 油菜 cole rape 茄子 eggplant 香菜 caraway 枇杷 loquat 青椒 green pepper 四季豆青刀豆 garden bean 银耳 silvery fungi 腱子肉 tendon 肘子 pork joint 茴香 fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用) 鲤鱼 carp


常用的英语谚语合集 常用的英语谚语大全 1、crossyourheart你发誓 2、gate-crasher不请自来的不速之客 3、takeiteasy 凡事看开些,不要太冲动,不要看得那么重 4、makeyourselfcomfortable不用约束(招待客人时说的话) 5、youareallwet你完全误会了 6、sheishangover她昨夜喝醉了 7、it’samatteroftime这是迟早的问题 8、shepullsout她退出了 9、Ihavemylimit我的忍耐度有限 10、don’tbrushmeoff不要敷衍我 11、let’sgetitstraight我们打开天窗说亮话吧 12、whatyoucallthis你这算什么 13、howaboutabite随便吃些什么吧 14、youcancountonme你可以信得过我 15、heseethingsnotpeople他论事不论人 16、wesangthesamesongs我们志同道合 17、Ihopeyouintheroll我希望你也能来 18、let’sgoDutch我们各付各的吧 19、speakofthedevil说曹操,曹操就到

20、keepintouch保持联络 21、don’tturnmedown不要拒绝我 22、don’tletmedown别叫我失望 23、manproposesandgoddisposes谋事在人成事在天. 24、theweakestgoestothewall.优胜劣败 25、tolookonewayandrowanother声东击西. 26、ineveryone’smouth.脍炙人口 27、tokickagainstthepricks螳臂挡车. 28、togivethelastmeasureofdevotion鞠躬尽瘁. 29、tosufferforone’swisdom.聪明反被聪明误 30、toharponthesamestring.旧调重弹 31、what’sdonecannotbeundone覆水难收. 32、toconvertdefeatintovictory.转败为胜 33、beyondone’sgrasp.鞭长莫及 34、tobeseverewithoneselfandlenientwithothers.严以责己宽以待人 35、aheartofsteel.铁石心肠 36、tobeguidedbydestiny.听天由命 37、pridegoesbeforeafall骄者必败 38、thesupremeartofwaristosubduetheenemywithout不战而屈人之兵 39、whatisbuggingyou什么事使你心烦


30句实用英语谚语(中英对照) 不论是是在日常交流还是写作中,适当的使用谚语可以分分钟让 你的表达变得高大上,那么今天就分享30个常用的言语表达吧! 1、A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才 能有学问。 2、A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。 3、A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能 二用。 4、A man is known by his friends.什么人交什么朋友。 5、A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。 6、A man without money is no man at all.一分钱难倒英雄汉。 7、A merry heart goes all the way.心旷神怡,万事如意。 8、A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。 9、A mother's love never changes.母爱永恒。 10、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,医 生远离我。 11、A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。

12、An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼, 以牙还牙。 13、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。 14、An old dog cannot learn new tricks.老狗学不出新把戏。 15、An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.聪 明才智,不如运气。 16、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.预防 为主,治疗为辅。 17、A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。 18、As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 19、A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 20、A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆丰年。 21、A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身体。 22、A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智。 23、A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。 24、A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正 不怕影子斜。


英语谚语大全【简单的】 本文是关于英语谚语大全【简单的】,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 失败是成攻之母 practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 all roads lead to roma. 条条大道通罗马 don′t judge a person by the clothes he wears. 不能以貌取人 don′t count your chickens before they are hatched. 切莫过于乐观 learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进 it′s easy to be wise after the event. he sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。 he that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。 so said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。 haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。 better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。 although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

so the world wags. 这就是人生。 one can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。 no weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。 little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。 like knows like. 惺惺相惜。 it is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。 dreams are lies. 梦不足信。 do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 a light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。 an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。 poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。 deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速. one sin opens the door for another. ---german 犯了一次罪恶就会犯另一次罪。 one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。


常用英语谚语 ◆Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。 ◆Don’t judge a man’s actions at first sight; give them a second look. 乍看难评人,再看认得清。 ◆Art is long, life is short. 人生短暂,技艺无涯。 ◆Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。 ◆Life isn’t a bed of roses. 人生不是开满玫瑰的温床,不会事事称心如意。 ◆You have made your bed and you must lie on it. 事情是你犯下的,后果必须由你来承担。 ◆A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林。 ◆Birds of the same feather flock together. 羽毛相同的鸟会结群在一起。(人与类聚,物与群分) ◆The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃。 ◆Kill two birds with one stone. One stone kills two birds. 用一个石头打死两只鸟。(一石二鸟,一箭双雕) ◆It’s the mind that ennobles, not the blood. 使人崇高的是心灵而不是血统。 ◆Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水;近客不如远亲。 ◆Blood will have blood. 血债要用血来还;杀人者偿命。


麻油鸡汤:sesame chicken soup 排骨酥汤:spareribs soup 榨菜肉丝汤:Szechuan cabbage & pork soup 蛇羹(汤):snake soup 甜点 爱玉:vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦:tomatoes on stick 芝麻球:glutinous rice sesame ball 长寿桃:longevity peach 麻花:hemp flower 双胞胎:horse hooves 杏仁豆腐:almond tofu 豆花:uncongealed tofu 点心 小笼包:small steamed bun 豆沙包:smashed (red) bean bun 水饺:boiled dumpling 蒸饺:steamed dumpling 水晶饺:pyramid dumpling 年糕:new- years hard rice cake 元宵:full- moon dumpling (glutinous rice ball) 月饼:moon cake 茶叶蛋:boiled egg in tea 咸鸭蛋:salted duck egg 皮蛋:preserved egg (100-year egg) 凤梨酥:pineapple cake 锅贴:fried dumpling 蚵仔煎:oyster omelet 油豆腐:oily tofu (bean- curd) 臭豆腐:stinky tofu 甜不辣:tenpura 虾球:shrimp ball 春卷:spring roll 鸡卷:chicken roll 碗糕:salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕:rice tube pudding 红豆糕:red bean cake 萝卜糕:fried white radish cake 绿豆糕:bean paste cake 猪血糕:pork blood cake 芋头糕:taro cake 糯米糕:glutinous rice cake 肉圆:Taiwanese meatball (rice-meat dumpling) 当归鸭:angelica duck 加工食品 牛肉乾:dried beef 豆乾:dried tofu 冬菜:spiced cabbage 肉脯:fried pork crisps 肉松:crushed dried pork 面筋:flour gluten 豆瓣酱:broad bean paste 辣椒酱:chili sauce 泡菜:pickled vegetables (pickles) 榨菜:pickled mustard root 香肠:pork sausage 豆腐乳:preserved bean-curd (bean-curd cheese) 酱瓜:pickled cucumber 酱姜:soy-preserved ginger 萝卜乾:dried turnip 肉类及海鲜: 猪肉pork 猪排chop 五花肉streaky pork/marbled beef 肥肉fatty meat 瘦肉lean meat 前腿fore leg


常用英语谚语大全 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 开头不好,结尾必糟。 2. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 蛋糕莫保留,坏习气要除掉。 3. A bad workman always blames his tools. 劣工咎器。 4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 两鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。 5. A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. 人无知犹如房屋无基。 6. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 书是随时携带的花园。 7. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮了别人,燃尽了自己。 8. A door must be either shut or open. 门不关就得开,二者必居其一。/ 非此即彼。 9. A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。 10. A good beginning makes a good ending. 欲善其终, 必先善其始。 11. A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 12. A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少年懒惰,老来贫苦。 13. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光。 14. A little help is worth a deal of pity. 一次行动胜过一筐空话。 15. A little is better than none. 有一点总比没有好。 16. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,害已误人。 17. A little labour, much health. 常常走动,无病无痛。 18. A little learning is a dangerous thing. 浅学寡识是件危险的事。 19. A little of everything, and nothing at all. 样样皆通,样样稀松。 20. A man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 21. A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,办事痛快。


英语学习——英语谚语1.Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。 2.A good book is a light to the soul. 好书一本,照亮心灵。3.Speed is the soldier's asset. 兵贵神速 4. Adversity is a good discipline. 苦难是磨练人的好机会 5. We can't judge a person by what he says but by what he does. 判断一个人,不听言语看行动。 6. The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down. 世界好似一把梯,有人上去有人下。 7. He that falls today may be up again tomorrow. 今天跌倒的人也许明天就会站起。 8. Lying is the first step to the gallows. 说谎是上断头台的第一步。 9. There are occasions when one must yield 任何人都有不得不低头的时候 10. After death, the doctor. 放马后炮 11、He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。 12、So said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。 13、Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。 14、Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。 15、Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。 16、So the world wags. 这就是人生。 17、One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。


比较全的食物英文翻译 水果类(fruits): 西红柿tomato 菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃cherry 桃子peach 梨pear 枣Chinese dat e (去核枣pitted date )椰子coconut 草莓strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓blueber ry 黑莓blackberry 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 木瓜pawpaw或者papay a 杏子apricot 油桃nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲jackfruit 槟榔果areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach 荔枝litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃honey p each 香瓜,甜瓜musk melon 李子plum 杨梅waxberry red bayberry 桂圆longan 沙果crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷loquat 柑橘tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴guava 肉、蔬菜类: 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜cabbage 萝卜radish 胡萝卜carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆pea 马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱onion 芹菜celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom 橄榄olive 菠菜spinac h 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕lotus root 紫菜laver 油菜cole rape 茄子eggpla nt 香菜caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒green pepper 四季豆青刀豆garden bean 银耳sil very fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼c arp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑needle mushroom 扁豆lentil 槟榔areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜summer radish 竹笋bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜day lily (day lily bud)豆芽菜bean sprout 丝瓜towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的) 海鲜类(sea food): 虾仁Peeled Prawns 龙虾lobster 小龙虾crayfish(退缩者)蟹crab 蟹足crab claws 小虾(虾米)shrimp 对虾、大虾prawn (烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid 海参sea cucumber 扇贝scallop 鲍鱼sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles 牡蛎oyster 鱼鳞scale 海蜇jellyfish 鳖海龟turtle 蚬蛤clam 鲅鱼culter 鲳鱼butterfish 虾籽shrimp egg 鲢鱼银鲤鱼ch ub silver carp 黄花鱼yellow croaker 调料类(seasonings): 醋vinegar 酱油soy 盐salt 加碘盐iodized salt 糖sugar 白糖refined sugar 酱soy sauce 沙拉salad 辣椒hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chin ese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖granulated sugar 红糖brown sugar 冰糖Rock Sugar 芝麻Sesame 芝麻酱Sesame paste 芝麻油Sesame oil 咖喱粉curry 番茄酱(汁)ketchup redeye 辣根horseradish 葱shallot (S pring onions)姜ginger 蒜garlic 料酒cooking wine 蚝油oyster sauce 枸杞(枇杷,
