


姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________



(每空xx 分,共xx分)

【题文】Today is Hui’s birthday. Her friends are __________ it with her.

A. spoiling

B. playing

C. celebrating

D. remembering



【题文】Nick’s pet __________ is growing bigger by the day.

A. snail

B. terrapin

C. fish

D. whale



【题文】Thank you for the _________ present.

A. horrid

B. awful

C. lovely

D. ugly



【题文】During the blackout, David lit a __________.

A. torchlight

B. candle

C. paper

D. cigarette



【题文】The lion is a/an __________ animal.

A. fierce

B. adorable

C. gentle

D. friendly



【题文】The huge monkey _________ from tree to tree playfully.

A. flies

B. flips

C. swings

D. sways




【题文】The ________ is crossing the bulA. yawning B. grinning C. smiling D. eating



【题文】The snail is _________ slowly.

A. jogging

B. walking

C. swimming

D. crawling



【题文】I put ________ on my toothbrush.

A. toothpaste

B. Flour

C. Perfume

D. cement



【题文】Please speak __________. I can‘t hear you.

A. softly

B. quickly

C. loudly

D. carelessly



【题文】Answer the questions in complete sentences using the words in the brackets.

1. What is Jasmine doing now?(reading, listening, music)


2. How did the monster look?(gigantic, three legs)


3. Why did the boys run to the telephone booth?(ambulance)


4. What happened when the bell rang?(pupils, returned, classrooms, orderly)



1.She is reading and listening to the music now.

2.It was gigantic and had three legs.

3.They wanted to call the ambulance.

4.The pupils returned to their classroom in an orderly manner.


【题文】Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.

1. Fish are ( over, covers, covered ) with scales.

2. The shoplifter ( who, which, what ) was arrested by the police was a boy from

that school.

3. The stray cats are ( look, looks, looking ) for food.

4. His wallet was ( steal, steals, stolen ) by a young girl.

5. We can ( find, finds, found ) seashells on the beach.

6. Henry paid a princely sum ( for, with, on ) the mansion.

7. Ann was taking a bath when the telephone ( ring, rings, rang).

8. Rambutans ( is, are, am ) hairy fruit.

9. Desmond has ( take, takes, taken ) Helen’s calculator.

10. The speeding motorcyclist was stopped ( by, with, at ) a policeman.

11. Peter and Moses plan to stay ( in, on, at ) the library for one hour.

12. Kenny has ( go, going, gone ) out for lunch.

13. They put ( in, on, out ) the fire before it spread to other houses.

14. He sat ( on, in, onto ) the beach for a long time listening to the waves.

















【题文】Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop.

1. day fine It was and was a the sea calm



2. is he has sports My father that for so busy no time



3. a hole and in The dog the ground dug buried the bone



4. spent whole Janson day the drawing



5. go home that They to when decided they saw was overcast the sky



6. the time Martha at wonderful a zoo had



7. pupils class in there this twenty are



8. likes porch her always cat at sit to the




1. It was fine day and the sea was calm.

2. My father is so busy that he has no time for sports.

3. The dog dug a hole in the ground and buried the bone.

4. Janson spent the whole day drawing.

5. They decided to go home when they saw that the sky was overcast.

6. Martha had a wonderful time at the zoo.

7. There are twenty pupils in this class.

8. Her cat always likes to sit at the porch.


【题文】Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.











There are many (1) ________ people around us. A fat person tends to (2) _________ after climbing a (3) _________ of steps. However, most of them disregard this (4) _________. They continue to (5) __________. Some of them visit slimming (6) _________ in the hope of (7) _________ their weights. In schools, students are (8) _________ for obesity. They have to (9) __________ particular exercise programmes. They are also given (10) __________ on the right type of food to eat.


Overweight pant flight problem overeat centres reducing examined undergo advice


【题文】Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,

B,C or D) in the brackets.

John was in a queue to board the bus. When it was his turn, a man came and squeezed up the bus. John felt angry. He looked around for a seat but could not find any seat except the one beside the rude man. John sat unwillingly beside him. He noticed that the man was very young and had an earring on his left ear. He was listening to the walkman. The music was so loud that John could hear it. John knew that he would not enjoy his bus ride beside such an inconsiderate passenger.

A while later, the young man‘s mobile phone rang. He answered the call and spoke so loudly that the passengers in front turned to look at him and John. Not wanting the passengers to think he was the young man’s friend, John alighted at the next bus stop.

1. John felt _________ to sit beside the young man.

A. unhappy

B. happy

C. excited

D. worried

2. John sat beside the young man because _________.

A. he wanted to talk to the young man

B. he wanted to see whether the young man was wearing any earring

C. the young man was very rude

D. there was no other empty seat

3. John thought that the young man was inconsiderate because _________.

A. the young man listened to the walkman

B. the young man talked very softly

C. the music that the young man was listening to was very loud

D. the young man‘s mobile phone rang

4. The passengers in front turned to look at John and the young man because__________.

A. the young man’s mobile phone rang

B. the young man listened to the walkman

C. they wanted to know who sat behind them

D. the young man was talking loudly

5. John alighted at the bus stop __________.

A. when he reached his destination

B. when he knew he missed his destination

C. beacuse the young man talked very loudly

D. beacuse he did not want the rest of the passengers to think that the young man was his friend Comprehension OE




【题文】Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

To encourage the young people in Singapore to read widely, our government builds many libraries and holds reading campaigns yearly. There are many books in the library. There are non-fiction books and fiction books, reference books and magazines. Books provide knowledge about the world we live in. Reading is a good way of knowing the happenings in the world and the people around

us. We gain a better understanding of people of different cultures and their customs. It is good to cultivate the habit of reading as knowledge is power. It also enables one to speak and write better.

1. How does the government encourage the young people in Singapore to read more books?



2. Name two kinds of books that you can find in libraries.



3. What do books provide?



4. Which word in the passage means ‘develop’?



5. Why is it good to cultivate the habit of reading?




1.The government builds many libraries and holds reading campaigns yearly.

2.We can find fiction/non-fiction books/magazines/reference books in libraries.

3.They provide knowledge about the world we live in.

4.The word ‘cultivate’ means develop.

5.It is because knowledge is power and reading enables one to speak and write better.



一年级上册英语期末考试试卷分析(人教版) 期末过后,每个学校都会要求老师做好试卷分析,为本次考试做好总结,下面是搜集整理的一年级英语试卷分析,大家来看看吧!想了解更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! 一、试题的特点 根据小学生的生理和心理发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础,在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。 二、总体分析: 小学英语教学评价的主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极性,因此,此次其中试卷出题思路非常明确。通过考试的形式来检测小学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯和对所学知识的掌握程度。 由于一年级学生刚刚开始接触英语,因此本卷中全部试题为听力题。听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。满分为100分,共九大块内容,分别为:一、听音标号;二、听音选择,将A、B字母添入括号里;三、听音,连线;四、听音选择;五、听音,圈词;六、听音涂色;七、单项选择;八、看图连线;九、数数连线。整体来看,得分 就率较高的是第一、二、三、六题,失分较多的是第四、五题。 一年级大约280人,按每题总题数计算正确率,考试具体数据见下表: 题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 应对题数 2800 1400 840 2800 1680 1120 1680 1120 2800 实对题数 2755 1385 840 2741 1609 1120 1662 1100 2783 正确率 98.4% 98.9% 100% 97.89% 95.8% 100% 98.92% 98.2% 99.4% 三、问题分析 第一题,听音标号。大部分同学掌握得较好,能准确地排出顺序。不过我发现个别同学在答题的过程中,Stand up和Sit down发生了混淆,因此,在今后的教学中,我要注 意帮助他们对相近的词进行区别。 第二题主要是考察学生们对句子的认读情况。从卷面来看,学生们对单个单词的认读掌握得较好,但对句子的选择不是很准确。


一年级英语期中测试题 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Look at the pictures and underline the appropriate word in each of the bracket. (6*2 = 12 marks) 1. The (barber, hawker, pilot, gardener) is tending to the flowers. 2. The rabbit is eating the (cabbage, lettuce, carrots, turnips)。 3. The (firework, bomb, gun, flame) display on National Day is gorgeous! 4. Grandmother is sitting on the (skates, rocking chair, rocket, sofa)。 5. Maisy is a/an (engineer, artist, lawyer, singer)。 6. Andy goes to the (temple, mosque, church, library) every Sunday. (B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (4*2 = 8 marks) cheeks chicks dinosaur giraffe piglets vegetables 7. Mother bought some ____________ from the market. 8. There are many ____________ in the farm. 9. The ____________ has a very long neck.


新人教版一年级数学上册期中考试卷及答案班级:姓名:满分:100分考试时间:90分钟 题序一二三四五总分 得分 一、我会算。(20分) 13+5= 4+14= 11+6= 11+8= 4+12= 15+4= 3+12= 2+17= 16+2= 4+13= 13+6= 17+1= 二、填空题。(20分) 1、8前一个数是________,后一个数是________。 2、100是由________个十组成的。 3、计数器上,从右边数起,第一位是(______)位,第二位是(______)位,第三位是(______)位,第四位是(______)位。 4、要买下图的物品一共需要________。 5、一张可以换(_____)张和(_____)张。 6、秀秀和娜娜之间有(______)人。 7、比一比,哪种珠子多?画“√”

8、7比71小(______),(______)比20少10。 9、2 元 5 角=(____)角 48 角=(____)元(____)角 1 元=(____)分 10、20里面有(____)个十。 三、选择题。(10分) 1、小东比小明多3朵花,小红有8朵花,则小东有()朵花。 A.5B.11 C.无法确定 2、一般妈妈早上去上班的时间是()。 A.B.C. 3、苹果树第一天开了5朵花,以后每一天都比前一天多开3朵,到第四天一共开了()朵花。 A.11 B.38 C.32 4、两位数加减两位数,相同数位要对齐,从( )位算起。 A.个B.十C.百 5、50角和5元比,( )。 A.50角多 B.5元多 C.一样多 四、数一数,填一填。(10分)


一年级语文上册期中考试卷及答案班级:姓名:满分:100分考试时间:90分钟 题序一二三四五六七总分 得分 一、我会读拼音,写词语。(20分) xuě huā zuǒ yòu běi jīng tài yáng yīn wèi pá xíng kuài lè shēng yīn 二、比一比,再组词。(10分) 土(______)伞(______)风(______) 上(______)个(______)月(______) 三、读一读,连一连。(10分) 空山不见人孝义为先 爆竹声中一岁除性本善 近水知鱼性但闻人语响 人之初近山识鸟音 千万经典春风送暖入屠苏 四、想一想,选词填空。(10分)

①轰隆隆②呱呱呱③喵喵喵④淅沥沥 (_______)(________)(________)(________) 五、照样子,按要求写句子。(15分) 例:小鸭子游到小公鸡身边。 小鸭子(飞快地)游到小公鸡身边。 a. 我在写作业。 我在(__________)写作业。 b. 小朋友在玩游戏。 小朋友在(___________)玩游戏。 六、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分) 天亮了,鸟儿醒了,叽叽喳喳地唱着:“露珠儿,晶晶亮。好像小珍珠,挂在小草上。”太阳听见了,说:“露珠是什么样?让我看看。”太阳睁大眼睛对着小草使劲儿看,可是什么也没看见。太阳呆住了,“咦,露珠儿呢,哪儿去了?” 1.天亮了,________醒了,叽叽喳喳唱着歌。 2.露珠儿,晶晶亮,好像________挂在小草上。 3.露珠为什么不见了,是因为() A.太阳出来了。B.露珠掉在地上了。 七、看图写话。(15分)


阳光小学一年级英语期中试题 1、light 灯 2、bed 门 3、door床 4、box房间 5、room箱子 二.选择(15 分) ()1、在书包里面 _____the schoolbag A、in B、under ()2、在床上 _____thebed A、onB、in ( )3、在台灯旁边 _____thelight A、onB、near ( )4、在门后面

_____ thedoor A、on B、behind ()5、在桌子下面 _____thedesk A、near B、under 三.连线、(15分) 1、I’mhungry!给您。 2、Here youare、我渴了! 3、I’m thirsty!我想吃鱼肉。 4、Iwant fish、谢谢您。 5、Thank you! 我饿了! 四.选出正确得汉语意思、(15分) ( )1、rice A、米饭B、鱼 ()2、noodles A、面条B、椅子 ( )3、vegetable A、门B、蔬菜 ()4、chicken A、灯B、鸡肉

( )5、egg A、床B、鸡蛋 五.连线、(10分) 1、Eh 2、H e 3、M t 4、T m 5、S s 六。选出正确得英文单词、(15分) ()1、飞机A、plane B、chair ()2、球A、desk B、ball ()3、火车A、trainB、rice ()4、小汽车A、box B、car ()5、玩具熊A、bear B、e gg 七。判断、 ( 15 分) 1、chair椅子() 2、desk桌子() 3、blackboard火车()


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


2020年青岛版一年级下册数学期中测试题 一年级数学试题 一、看谁算的最准确.(12分) 70+2= 25-9= 2+64= 71-3= 6+57= 39+60= 80-20= 16+8= 13-6= 42+8= 56-6= 19-8= 二、填一填.(32分) 1、46里有()个十和()个一. 2、20里面有()个十.10个10 是(). 3、30比()大1,比()小1. 4、(如右图)在个位上加1个珠子后,表示的数是(). 5、和79相邻的两个数是()和(). 6、最大的两位数是(),最小的两位数是().它们的差是(). 7、个位是1,十位是9,这个数是(). 8、从2、8、5三个数字组成的两位数中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( ). 9、把下面各数按从小到大的顺序排列起来. 56 48 34 72 90 87 65 ()<()<()<()<()<()<() 10、爸爸今年29岁,小红今年3岁,小红比爸爸小()岁.再过30年,爸爸比小红大()岁. 11、35+745 91+9100 62-753 69-877 62-4024 67+2080+7 914-5 4+6268 三、看图写一写.(29分) 1、写出下面钟面上的时刻.(8分) 2、下面的小棒组合中,能拼出长方形的是().(2分) ①②③④ 3、数一数,填一填.(8分)

4、接力赛.(9分 ) 5、在合适的答案下面画“○”.(2分) 故事书可能有多少本? 四、看图列算式.(6分) 五、解决问题.(21分) 1. 2、还有多少页没看? 3. (1)哥哥比弟弟多摘了多少个松塔? (2)哥哥和弟弟一共摘了多少个松塔? 4、(先把合适的问题圈起来,再列算式)(5分) 有13头牛和16只羊,其中白羊有4只. ①黑羊有多少只? ②黑牛有多少头?


小学一年级英语期中考试试题 这篇关于小学一年级英语期中考试试题,是WTT特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、听力部分(50%) 1.听音写数字(10%) ()()()()() 2.Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾(20%) ()A.Hi,Sam! ( ) B.Goodbye,Sam! ()A.Hello,I’m Lingling. ( ) B.I’m fine,thank you. ()A.How are you,Daming? ( ) B.By,Daming. ()A.It’s three. ( ) B.It’s green. ()A.Point to the window. ( ) B.Point to the door. 3.Listen and number.听音标号(10%) Hello,I’m Pingping.( ) Hi,I’m Amy.Bye,Lingling.( ) Bye-bye,Amy.Bye,Lingling.( ) How are you?I’m fine.( ) Hello,What’s your name?( ) 4.Listen and colour.(10%) 1 3 5 7 9 二、笔试部分(50%) 1.数词连线(10%) one four six ten two 4 1 6 2 10 2.单词连线(20%) red A.蓝 green B.紫色 blue C.红色

purple D.绿色 dog E.狗 girl F.男孩 boy G.女孩 window H.门 door I.球 ball J.窗 3.句子连线(20%) Good morning,Sam. Hi,Lingling. Hello,I’m Lingling. Bye-bye,Sam. Goodbye,Lingling. I’m fine,thank you. How are you,Daming? Good morning,Daming.


人教版一年级下册期中考试数学试题测试卷37 期中测试提优卷 tián yi tián 一、填一填。 1. 55是一个( )位数,右边的“5”表示( ),左边的“5”表示( )。 2.( )个十和( )个一合起来是( )。 在计数器上添上3个珠子后,这个数最小是( )。 3.在6、10、75、27、49、68这些数中,个位是7的数是( ),比75少一些的数是( )。请将这些数按从大到小的顺序排一排。 ( )>( )>( )>( )>( )>( ) 4. 45 47 51 20 5.与70相邻的两个整十数是( )和( )。 6.比40小并且个位是3的数有( )。 7.一个两位数,个位上的数字与十位上的数字的和是9,这个两位数最大是( ),最小是( )。 8.用两个可以拼成一个( )形,也可以拼成一个( )形,还可以拼成一个( )形。 9.用20个相同的,最多能拼成( )个单独的。 10. 54个乒乓球,每10个装一盒,可以装满( )盒。 pàn yi pàn duì de huà cuò de huà 二、判一判。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”) 1.从左边起,第一位是个位,第二位是十位,第三位是百位。 ( ) 2.45和54两个数中的“5”表示的意义相同。 ( ) 3.70+( )<78,( )里可以填的数有7个。 ( ) 4.是由8个拼成的。 ( ) 5.把5个○分别放在十位上和个位上,可以表示出7个不同的两位数。 ( ) xuǎn yi xuǎn tián xù hào 三、选一选。(填序号) 1.从25数到31,一共数了( )个数。 A.6 B.7

C.8 2.观察左图,算式11-5表示的是( )。A.●的个数 B.●比△多的个数 C.●比△少的个数 3.下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.10个十是100 B.100里面有100个一 C.100比9个十多一 4.右图是百数表中的一部分,28左上角的数是( )。 A.17 B.27 C.38 5.至少用( )根同样的才能拼成一个长方形。 A.4 B.6 C.8 suàn yi suàn 四、算一算。 1.直接写出得数。 18-6= 4+7= 82-2= 10+8= 14-5= 5+30= 63-60= 47-40-5= 6+2+50= 19-7-4= 15-8+9= 30+6-6= 2.( )后面藏着几? 4+( )=34 ( )-8=40 17-( )=49-40 ( )-50>5 ( )+70<77 63-( )<59+1 zuò yi zuò 五、做一做。 1.从下面的数中选3个数,写出4个算式。 20 29 38 8 9 2.请你把玩具箱中的卡片分一分。 方法1:我按( )分。方法2:我按( )分。


一年级英语期中测试卷(时间:40 分钟满分:100 分) 班级:姓名:分数: 一、 Listen and draw lines.(听听力并连线。每小题2 分,共10 分。) 二、Listen and tick(√)the correct box.(听听力在正确的方 框里打对勾。每题2 分,共10 分。) □A.horse □B.mouse □C.house □A.hand □B.hair □C.head □A.ugly □B.short □C.small □A.mice □B.fish □C.pets □A.shoulders □B.face □C.toes 三、 Read the questions.Listen and write one-word answers. (读问题,听听力并写下一个单词的答案。每题3 分,共15 分。) What’s your favourite pet? My favourite pet is a. What colour is your pet? It’s. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2

5 Where is your pet? It’s the chair. What’s that? It’s a monster with big . I’ve got a lot of hair. 四、Look and read.Put a tick (√)or a cross(×) in the box. (看图读单词,在方框里打√或者×。每题2 分,共10 分。) ①②③④⑤ two horses □ 五、 Circle the different word.(圈出不同类的单词。每题2 分, 共10 分。) bike computer nose train ball table horse bird dog fish eyes doll ears teeth mouth red white grey blue head four eight six eraser ten 六、 Look and read .Write yes or no.There is one example.( 看图读单词,在横线上写yes 或者no。每题3 分, 共15 分。) Example: It’s a small horse . no This is a black and green penguin. _ 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 a cat a bird a dog three fishs □□□□


新苏教版一年级语文下册期中考试题及答案(完整)班级:姓名:分数:考试时间:90分钟 题序一二三四五六七总分 得分 一、我会读拼音,写词语。(20分) fēi niǎo xuě huāguó wáng shén me qīng shuǐqīng shān huǒ hóng shēng dòng 二、比一比,再组词。(10分) 打(_______)跑(_______)足(_______)体(_______)身(_______)拍(_______)泡(_______)走(_______)休(_______)自(_______) 三、读一读,连一连。(10分) 莲正 反花 风鸟 飞雨 马车 四、想一想,选词填空。(10分) 迎上去追上去游过去 1. 小蝌蚪看见荷叶上蹲着一只大青蛙,就(___)。

2. 老师来到我家家访,我连忙(___)。 3. 那个阿姨把钱了,我捡起来(___)还给她。 五、照样子,按要求写句子。(15分) 那位戴着墨镜的盲人穿着一身整齐的西装。(缩写句子) ______________________________________________ 2.我知道鲁迅先生是同我们一起的。历经艰苦我哼都不哼一声。(用关联词连接句子) ______________________________________________ 3.老农在诉说着过去的辛酸往事。(修改病句) ______________________________________________ 六、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分) 我自己能行 猴子小皮在树上跳来跳去。忽然,它一脚踩空,从树上摔了下来。好重的一跤哇!小皮摔得眼冒金星,屁股生疼,手也破了。 小皮慢慢走到树下,想爬回树上,可是它的手疼得厉害,没爬多高就又掉了下来。妈妈大声喊:“小皮,等着妈妈下去背你。”小皮大声说:“妈妈,我自己能行。” 小皮重新向树上爬,尽管手还是很疼,但它坚持着爬到大树上。小皮坐在妈妈身边,高兴地说:“妈妈,我自己能行。” 1.短文共有______个自然段,第一自然段有______句话。 2.读第二自然段中画“_____”的句子时,我应该读出(①坚定、自信②急切、激动)的语气。(用“√”标出正确答案的序号) 3.“小皮重新向树上爬”,联系上下文,我知道“重新”的意思是 (______)。(填序号) ①第一次②再一次 4.“我自己能行”,小朋友,你自己能做什么事?写一写吧!


1 一年级数学下册期中考试试题 1、 写作:( ) 写作:( ) 写作:( ) 读作:( ) 读作:( ) 读作:( ) 2、按规律填数 ( )、45、50、( )、( ) 22、( )、26、( )、( ) 3、4个一和6个十是( ),( )个十和( )个一是75。 4、个位上的数是7,十位上的数是5,这个数是( )。 5、32十位上的数是( ),表示( )个( ),个位上数是( ),表示( )个( )。 6、比33小3的数是( ),45比( )多5。 7、最大的一位数是( ),最小的两位数是( ),最小的两位数比最大的一位数多( )。 8、59前面的一个数是( ),后面的一个数是( )。 9、和60相邻的两个数是( )和( ),39和41中间的数是( )。 10里填上“>”、“<”、或“=”。 11、把这些数从大到小排一排:67,88,23,15,52。 ( )> ( ) > ( )> ( ) > ( ) 二、选择。(请将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(4分) 1、下列数中,( )比76大,比79小。 ① 89 ② 58 ③ 76 ④ 78 2、个位上是7,十位上是9,这个数是( )。 ① 99 ② 98 ③ 97 ④ 96 3、红花有89朵,黄花比红花少很多。黄花可能有( )。 ① 88只 ② 25只 ③ 90只 4、同学们去浇树,六年级浇了30棵,三年级比六年级浇的少一些。三年级可能植树( )。 ① 34棵 ② 26棵 ③ 10棵 3 4、能快速填空吗? 45 = 40 +( ) 36 = 30 +( ) 54 =( )+ 4 14分,每空1分)


小学教育资料 姓名:__________________ 班级:__________________

人教版一年级英语试题 一、看图回答问题 1. Where is the supermarket? __________________________________ Where is the cinema? __________________________________ Where is the bank? __________________________________ Is there a post office near the school? __________________________________ Is the hospital far from the bank? __________________________________ 2. Where is the KFC? __________________________________ Where is the park? __________________________________ Where is the cinema? __________________________________ 3. How can I get to the bookstore? __________________________________ How can I get to the park? __________________________________ 4. How can I get to the park?


一年级英语期中测试试卷 (A) Look at the pictures and tick √ the correct boxes. (6*2 = 12 marks) 1. a plant a tree a flower a shrub 2. a pineapple a pear a banana a guava 3. a watch a kettle a clock a bowl 4. a butterfly a caterpillar a mosquito

a bird 5. a roadsign a poster a card a signal 6. a squint a yawn a frown a smile (B) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks) 7.* 7.* *straw *basket 8.* 8.* *newspapers 9.* 9.* *book

*spectacles 10.* 10.* *umbrella (C) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets provided.(5*2 = 10 marks) 11. Mother went to the __________ to buy some fish. A. market B. bookshop C. toilet D. clinic 12. I like Jenny because she is __________. A. fierce B. kind C. loud D. angry 13. Peter drinks soup with his ___________. A. fork B. spoon C. hands D. toothpick 14. She has just taken a meal. She feels ________ now. A. full B. hungry C. sad D. gentle 15. The sponge is _________. A. hard B. heavy C. soft D. rough Grammar (40 marks) (D) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (10 * 1 = 10 marks) 16. This (is/are) Peter‘s bag. 17. That (is/are) my school. 18. These (is/are) my friends.


第一学期小学期中调研测试 一年级语文试卷 (考试时间:50分钟满分:100分) wǒ jiào yùn mǔ qǐng bǎ wǒ zhǎo chū lái xiě zài sì xiàn gé一、我叫韵母,请把我找出来写在四线格里。(8分) bóqún tuǒběn piāo chuān fēi jiù qǐng bǎ mí lù de pīn yīn bǎo bao sòng huí jiā 二、请把迷路的拼音宝宝送回家。(8分) zh si b wu r yu j zi zhi z yi d ch ri ɡ y zhào yàng zi ,xiě yì xiěxiě 三、照样子,写一写。(10分) b - à→bàj- i -ā→ j - üé→ n - ǚ→j -ü-àn→ ch-u-ō→ chuān→—— qún→—

kàn tú xuǎn yīn jié,zài xiě zài sì xiàn gé lǐ 四、看图选音节,再写在四线格里。(12分) bái cài méi huā shù yè mǎ yǐ jiǎn dāo hú dié kàn pīn yīn xiě hàn zì 五、看拼音,写汉字。(12分) kǒu shí yún tóu 人天白两 huǒ shān hé tián sān rén ér zi zhào yàng zi xiě zì bìng tián kōng 六、照样子写字,并填空。(12分) 例:“下”下第一画是(一) “禾”第三画是()“里”)

“火)第一画是() “耳”)第五画是()zhào yàng zi ,jiā yì jiā,biàn yí biàn 七、照样子,加一加,变一变。(8分) 例:一(十) 了()日()人()木() zhào yàng zi lián yì lián 八、照样子,连一连。(10分) 日草雪爸语词 地月爸花文语 dúér gē wán chéng liàn xí 九、读儿歌,完成练习。(9分) xiāng jiāo shù mā ma 香蕉树妈妈, gè zi gāo yòu dà 个子高又大, shēng xià pàng wá wa 生下胖娃娃, zhǎng de xiàng yuè yá


一、听录音圈词 1、This is my. (desk seat ) 2、That is a. (dog cat) 3、This is our. ( classroom book ) 4、This is a. (dog cat ) 5、That is our. ( teacher seat ) 6、Pen pencil. (and、or) 7、It’s pen. (an、a) 8、It’s school bag. (my、I) 9、What’s? (this、that) 10、It’s eraser. (a、an) 11、How old are. (you、your) 12、birthday. (Happy、How) 13、A red kite you. (for、to) 14、Stand , please? (up、down) 二、连一连,选出英语句子相应的中文意思。 1、Hi,I'm sam. A你好吗? 2、Hello,I'm Lingling. B嗨我是塞姆 3、How are you? C 菲菲再见 4、I'm fine. D 你好我是琳琳 5、Goodbye,Feifei. E 我很好 三、为下列单词选出正确的汉语意思。 ( )1、椅子A、desk B、chair ( )2、什么A、what B、how ( )3、我A、I B、you ( )4、男孩A、boy B、door ( )5、熊猫A、bird B、panda ( )6、你好A、Hello B、Bye ( )7、再见A、Hi B、Goodbye ( )8、红色A、red B、yellow ( )9、是的A、yes B、no ( )10、女孩A、blue B、girl 四、情景选择。 ()1、见面和别人打招呼时,应说__________。 A、Hello B、Goodbye ()2、你想向你的好朋友问好,应该说_________。 A、Goodbye B、How are you ()3、你想知道别人的名字,应该问: A、What`s your name ? B、I`m Mingming . ()4、如果有人问你How are you ?你应该怎么回答: A、Hello . B、I`m fine , thank you . ()5、你想知道它是什么颜色的,你应该问: A、How are you ? B、What colour ? 五、读一读,选一选。 ()1、What`s your name ? A、你叫什么名字? B、你好吗? ()2、Open the door . A、打开窗户。 B、打开门。 ()3、How are you , Lingling ? A、玲玲,你多大了? B、玲玲,你好吗?


2019年一年级数学期中考试题(人教版) 严谨是数学证明中很重要且基本的一部分。查字典数学网为大家准备了2019年一年级数学期中考试题希望能对大家有所帮助。 一、口算。 12 - 7 = 14 - 5 = 4 + 9 = 9 + 8 = 15 - 5 = 18 - 9 = 59 - 9 = 50 + 8 = 10 + 40 = 45 - 5 = 30 + 5 = 75 - 30 = 57 - 40 = 10 + 9 = 20 + 5 = 73 - 40 = 19-9+3= 39-9+8= 15-8+2= 11-9+4= 二、填空题。 1、 80里面有( )个十;由4个十和8个一组成的数是( )。 2、十位是5,个位是0,这个数是( )。( )个十是100。 3、34的十位上是( ),表示( )个十;它的个位上是( ),表示( )个一。 4、从右边起,第一位是( )位,第( )位是十位,第三位是( )位。 5、74前面的一个数是( ),后面的一个数是( )。 6、把这些数从大到小排一排:76,25,60,19,100,82,46 。 7、按规律填数 (1)2、4、6、( )、( )。

(2)40、35、30、( )、( )。 8、用30、8、38三个数写出两个加法算式、两个减法算式. ___________ _____________ ___________ ____________ 9、在○里填上“”、“”或“=” 70-30○30 60○67-7 80-10○70-30 78○69 99○100 78○78 三、把算式与得数用线段连接起来。 7 - 3 20 + 9 50 + 6 87 - 7 56 29 80 4 四、请你数一数,填一填。 这辆小火车里有( )□,有( )Δ,有( )个○, 有( )个。 五、在你认为合适的答案下面打“√”。 1.梨有40个,苹果的个数比梨少得多,苹果可能有多少个? 18个 28个 48个 2.三(5)班有47人去春游,坐哪辆汽车比较合适? 40座的 50座的 30座的 3.小汽车的价钱比飞机便宜一些,小汽车可 能要多少钱? 73元 57元 22元 60元 ?元


一年级下册试题-期中模拟卷-人教新课标2014秋 (含答案) 一.选择题(共5题,共10分) 1.100里面有()个十。 A.10 B.100 C.1 2.从40数到50一共数了( )个数。 A.10 B.11 C.9 D.12 3.下面的数中最大的数是()。 A.90 B.99 C.98 D.89 4.在60和70之间,且个位和十位上的数相同的数是( )。 A.55 B.66 C.77 D.88 5.通过圈一圈,发现23里面有()个4。 A.1 B.4 C.5 D.6 二.判断题(共5题,共10分) 1.可以从剪切得到。() 2.“55”中两个“5”表示的意思一样。() 3.三十六写作36。() 4.这是个长方形。()

5.从右边是,第一位是百位,第二位是十位。() 三.填空题(共5题,共11分) 1.纸飞机的翅膀可以看做________。 2.数一数、填一填。 3.个位上是6,十位上是3,这个数是______。 4.有________条边,是________边形。 5.100前面的两个数是_______和_______。 四.计算题(共5题,共64分) 1.口算。 13+6= 19-9= 1+7= 15-3= 2+7= 4+6= 17-8= 1+17= 9+6= 16-7=

2.看图列出算式: ____ ____ ____ = ____ 3.用你觉得方便的方法计算。 11-2= 13-4= 16-8=13-6=17-9= 12-9= 11-5=15-9=15-8= 17-8= 13-8=14-6=14-9= 11-7= 16-9=13-9=12-6= 12-4= 12-7=14-7=4.看谁能算对。 (1)12-8=_____ 12-2=_____ 12-6=_____ 14-9=_____ 16-8=_____ (2)11-3=_____ 9+7=_____ 13-7=_____ 15-8=_____ 17-9=_____ (3)16-9=_____ 10-7=_____ 7+11=_____ 13-9=_____ 17-7=_____ (4)14-8=_____ 12-7=_____ 16-6=_____ 18-9=_____ 10+8=_____ 5.口算下面各题,看看用了多长时间。


小学一年级英语考试试题 笔试部分 一)把下列字母补充完整。 AabCcDeFGHhJKk lMmOopqrSstU VWwYyz 二)找出每组中不同类的`单词。 ()1.A.boyB.girlC.he ()2.A.dadB.fishC.mum ()3.A.yellowB.rabbitC.cat ()4.A.legB.pizzaC.tomato ()5.A.appleB.headC.nose ()7.A.readingB.runningC.dress ()8.A.mumB.oneC.eight ()9.A.youB.heC.Tom ()10.A.socksB.capsC.she 三)找朋友。(中译英。英译中) ()1.livingroomA.教室B.客厅C.卧室. ()2.classroom.A.教室B.餐厅C.学校 ()3.onfootA.脚B.走路C.脚上 ()4.hotA.冷B.热C.高兴 ()5.happyA.高兴B.伤心C.老的 ()6.mybooksA.书本B.他的书C.我的书 ()7.高兴A.bigB.happyC.tall

()8.长A.shortB.longC.slow ()9.眼镜A.glassesB.handbagC.jacket ()10.土豆A.pizzaB.tomatoC.potato ()11.晚上8点钟A.8amB.8pmC.8mm ()12.看电视A.watchTVB.havesupperC.sleeping 四)连线题。 planebikebagskirtfootballpizza birdmouthfootjacketeyesonion 五)选词填空。 1)This(isare)big. 2)(HeHis)candanceand(sheher)canread. 3)Mum,Dad,they(isare)myfriends. 4)She(isare)myfriend, 5)Ilike(dogdogs)butIdo n’tlike(turtleturtles). 6)What’sBobbydoing?Heis.(takeabath,takingabath) 7)IwatchTV(inon)thelivingroom. 8)Iliketoeatapizza(within)someonions. 9)Youcanput(onin)thebluedress. 10)How(isare)yougoingthere? --I’mgoingthere(onby)ship. 11)Thisis(aan)earandthisis(aan)mouth. 12)Thisis(Imy)friend,Linda.Thatis(sheher)dog,Bobby. 13)He’sgotfive.(sticksticks) 六)读一读,找出相对应的句子把序号写在括号里。


一年级英语期中考试卷(含听力) 2015一年级英语期中考试卷(含听力) 听力部分 一、听音,选出你所听到的字母组合,单词或句子,并把它圈起来。 1. A. FEM B. EFW 2. A. JGQ B. GQJ 3. A. hxy B. xya 4. A. mwn B. wnm 5. A. aunt B. uncle 6. A. bird B. blue 7. A. make B. pick8. A. postman B. policeman 9. A. He is a milkman. B. Is he a milkman? 10. A. I see a rabbit. B. I like the rabbits. 二、听单词,根据所读的顺序编号。 1. draw write fold make pick see ()()()()()() 2. Follow me.Turn left.Turn right. How many kites?Colour the kites. ()()()()() 3. ()()()()() 三、听单词,圈出你所听到的单词。 1. blue red white 2. uncle postman policeman yellow green

pink driver grandmother fireman brown black purple brother grandfather milkman 四.听录音,选择正确的句子,将字母编号写在相应的括号内。policeman()(A) I see six birds. postman ()(B) I have eight kites. driver()(C) I am tall. teacher ()(D) I see ten bees. fireman ()(E) I can dance. 五、听句子是否与下面的句子内容相同一致,一致用√不一致用× () 1. My uncle is Ben.() 2. Is that a rabbit ? () 3. I see a bird() 4. What clour is it? () 5. He is a postman .() 6. How many sweets? Ten.六、听问句,选出答语,将其字母编号填在括号里。 () 1. A. I am five B. I am fine. () 2. A. It‘s green. B. Yes,it’s green. () 3 . A. Happy new year. B.Thank you. () 4. A.I see two frogs. B. I like the frogs () 5. A. Yes,he is a milkman. B.No,he is a fireman. 笔试部分 一. 写邻居 _____K____L_______ j_______h_______Q____ ___ Z_____s____R___________ N _____j_____
