




Good morning ladies and gentlemen!I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all , my chinese name is XX and my english name is XX .I am XX years old. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of English.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about XX . Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.It is my long cherished dream to be a member of English . I think Im a good team player and Im a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

Thats all. Thank you for giving me this chance.


Good morning,ladies and gentlements, Its my honor to be here today. My name is Ramos, I am from Southeast University. My major is Mechanical design. In the past three years, Im always the top ten students in my class. I have passed the CET4 and CET6 with a high scores and also won the first prize scholorship in 214. In the university Im not only studying hard and but also actively join a lot of activities. I once participated in the Model united nation and organized some useful activities like English Corner for students English learning. My life in university is very colorful and fruithful, it helps me gain knowledge and makes me become more communicative and cooperative through leaning and activities.

Whats more, I worked for Quanfeng Group as a intern overseas

customers quality engineer this summer. I learned a lot about quality

control, quality assurance, quality standard like ISO and EU. Last but not

least, I also learned al ot more from custmers and designing engineers.

You know the overseas cusomers quality engineer requires the person who have excellent communication skills and proficient English skills to work with our overseas customers and engineers. Although sometimes its hard to solve the disputes, but it really helps me to build up my communication skills , capabilities and

oral English.

My hobby is traveling. I love challenging my limits and also comminicating and working with different people. Today the reason why I am here today is to apply for the custmers quality engineer,

I am acquainted with this position but also love it. I have payed

a lot of attention to XXX company for a long time. I hope you can give me a chance to work in XXX company ,a chance to grow with XXX company and an opportunity to devote my career and life to XXX company. thats all, thank you.


自我介绍的英文面试口语 Tell me about yourself 请做自我介绍 I currently work as a secretary to the General Manager in the sales office of a Japanese telecommunications company. 目前我在一家日本电信公司的营业厅担任总经理秘书一职。 Since he doesn't speak Japanese, my main function is to act as liaison between him and eight Japanese staff members. 因为总经理不会说日语,所以我的主要任务就是协助总经理与八位日本同事进行沟通。 In addition to general office duties, I also perform accounting, including payrolls. 除了办公室的日常事务之外,我也做一些与会计相关的业务,包括做工资表。 My boss frequently travels and I effectively manage the office during his absence. 我的上司经常出差,在他出差期间,我就负责打理办公室的事物。 I'm a self-starter and he fully trusts my ability to work without his supervision and he values my judgment in a variety of contexts. 我工作很主动,所以没有上司的监督,我也能做好一切,由此深得上司的信赖。此外,遇到各种情况,上司也很尊重我的判断。 这不是在问你的出生地、家庭成员、家人的职业等个人问题,而是要你介绍自己有什么经验、具备什么知识或能力等。这是一个可以自由


面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档9篇Brief self introduction document in English during inter view 编订:JinTai College

面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档9篇 前言:自我介绍是向别人展示你自己,直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否,也是认识自我的手段。自我介绍是每个人都必然要经历的一件事情,日常学习、工作、生活中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,通过自我介绍获得到对方的认识甚至认可,是一种非常重要的技巧。本文档根据自我介绍内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 2、篇章2:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 3、篇章3:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 4、篇章4:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 5、篇章5:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 6、篇章6:面试简短的英语自我介绍范文 7、篇章7:面试简短的英语自我介绍范文 8、篇章8:面试简短的英语自我介绍范文

9、篇章9:面试简短的英语自我介绍范文 在世界经济全球化及中国加入WTO的形势下,社会需要大量能够用英语在国际上进行科技、经贸、法律和文化等方面交流的专业人才。那么求职者面试时用英语该怎么自我介绍呢?下面是小泰为大家整理的面试时简短的英语自我介绍,仅供参考。 篇章1:面试时简短的英语自我介绍文档 Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job.What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks


英语面试自我介绍精选【带 翻译】

如今,更多的人会倾向去外企工作,在面试时外企一定是要我们用英文去做自我介绍的,那么,怎么把自己介绍好呢?下面是收集整理的英语面试自我介绍精选,欢迎阅读借鉴,希望对你有所启发。更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 英语面试自我介绍精选 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2019. I spent most of my time on study, and Ive passed CET-6 during my university. And Ive acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. In July 2019, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2019, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think Im a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company. Thats all. Thank you for giving me the chance. (中文翻译) 女士们,先生们,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我今年26岁,出生于山东省。我毕业于青岛大学电子专业。我在XXXX年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,通过了大学英语六级考试,掌握了基本的专业知


完胜英语面试自我介绍10种不同口语表达方式 It’s the job interview of your life and you need to come up with something fast. Mental pictures of words are mixing in your head and your tongue tastes like alphabet soup. You mutter words like “deterministic” or “innovativity” and you realize you’re dr enched in sweat. You wish you had thought about this. You wish you had read this post before. 你现在在一场重要的面试上,要求你快速做出反应。各种单词在 脑中搅成一团,舌头就跟打了结一样,你只能咕哝地说些“有决断力”或者“创新水平”这样的词,并且你意识到自己已经汗流浃背。这时 你会想,要是之前准备过就好了。你想要是早一点读到这篇文章就好了。 Here are 10 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself. Choose the ones that describe you the best. 以下10个句子能够协助你更好地在面试中做自我介绍。选择最适 合你的那些。 “I am someone who…”: “我是一个......” 1. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.” 1. “能够适合任何环境的人。我能够在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长,并且把那些意外的障碍变为成功的基石。”


[自我介绍(英文面试)]英语自我介绍面试简短 自我介绍这个环节在哪里都是不可少的,很多人就是烦恼自我介绍怎么介绍比较适合,时间的长短,字数的多少?求职者、升学的新生等,教师范文吧在这里提供自我介绍范文,仅供参考。下面是一篇英文自我介绍。 Sample3: From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. Being good is must; successful, however, is plus. Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment.


外企英语自我介绍 篇一:英语面试自我介绍常用句型 上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。 2、I am years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education. 我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。 3、 My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/t ennis/ 我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。 4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend mo st of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.


外企面试最常见的35个英文问题 一.Personal Information关于个人信息的问题 1.What is the meaning of your English name?你的英文名字有什么含 义么? 2.What is the meaning of your email address?你的电子邮件地址有什 么寓意么? 3.Where are you from?Where is your hometown?你是哪里人?家乡在 什么地方? 一.Education 关于教育背景的问题 4.Why did you select your major area of study?你为什么要选择这个专 业? 5.What subjects were your favourite?Why?你最喜欢的课程是什么? 为什么? 6.What subjects were your least favourite?Why?你最不喜欢的课程是 什么?为什么? 7.Other than the courses you studied,what is your important thing you learned from your college experience?除了学习方面,你在大学里面最大的收获是什么? 8.How did you finance your college education?你大学的费用是怎么样 支付的?(家里供还是自己打工?) 二.Experience关于工作经验的问题 9.Would you briefly describe this company to me ?介绍一下你的原单


面试英语口语自我介绍1 good morning/afternoon,my name isyanghaiyan ,you can call me yanzi.i like the feeling flying in the sky like aswallow.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, iwould like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a goodperformance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old,born inshandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brotherand myself.i am an optimistic and confident girl.i have full confidence in abright future,and i believe i can do well in caac.punctuality and diligence arecrucial to most future careers,i will try my best. altough i just graduatedfrom school, i have confidence to venture my funture.scoaring in the sky as anairhostess has been a dream for me since childhood.this is why i'm longing fora job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview.i hopemy application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best serviesthroughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can cometure.that's all.nice talking to you .thanks. 面试英语口语自我介绍2 Morning,everyone! My name is Qinhaiyan,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an crew,and i hope i can make a good performance today. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 24 years old,born in Guang-i province ,and i am curruently a senior student at Tianjin Agricultural College .my major is Marine Fishery Science and Technology,and i have received my bachelor degree .I have passed CET-4 with a ease. i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone,reading,listening to music,but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 面试英语口语自我介绍3 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed.


面试简单的英语自我介绍精品范文 面试简单的英语自我介绍精品范文一: Good morning, interviewers! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20XX. I spent most of my time on study, and I"ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I"ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. In July 20XX, I began working for a small private pany as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 20XX, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer.


面试外企英语自我介绍 范文一: hello, my name is xx, is pleased to participate in your interview. i am now studying at the qingdao agricultural university, is about to graduate in july this year. i was majoring in environmental engineering, the main courses of water pollution control projects, engineering mechanics, construction and other graphics. while studying at the school, i have served as a member of our sports classes, organizing college students participated in various sports activities held, such as college basketball and so on, i benefited from. in addition, i also participated in some group activities, such as the vanguard of young volunteers, in which enhanced the ability of my team. i am more outgoing personality, and students can get along, a strong sense of responsibility, practical efforts. today, i recruited technical support your company's position in the hope that i have learned to bring into full play, and learn to grow here. i hope to have the opportunity to become colleagues with you.thank you. 范文二: good morning sir, (what will you say if it is a woman?) i am glad to be here for this interview. first, let me thank you for finding time in the midst of pressing affairs. i am 25 years old and i am local. (i live locally sounds better) i am seeking an opportunity to work with xxx as sales. (..in sales or as a sales representative/whatever).my professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.


外企英语面试的方法指导 如何在外企英语中脱颖而出?如何有效的运用英语在外企英文面试中打动面试官?英语外教专家为我们简要谈谈外企竞争力的问题。 1、流利而准确的英语表达能力将成为你的职场竞争力。 外企英语面试和雅思托福等出guo考试不一样。前者是竞争型测试,后者是通过型测试。也就是说,参加出guo考试的通过人数没有名额限制,你只要能力足够高,发挥得足够好,就能够pass。然而外企招聘却是有名额限制的,只有优于他人的应聘者才可能在外企英文面试中脱颖而出。 专业而熟练的职业技能结合流利的口语表达、清晰的英语思维、地道的英语发音、准确而恰当的俚语运用、跨文化沟通技巧等将成为你应聘外企的主要竞争力。外教William Hill先生告诉我们:“I interviewed a lot of candidates in Shanghai, a few of which did impress me deeply with veteran skills. I was surprised at their spoken English because they appeared to be a Chinese American. I just couldn't decline them.” 在多人竞争某一职位时,简单的“可以理解的”初级英语层次显然不能够凸显个人实力。William Hill先生建议应聘者不妨关注一

下自己的英语表达和发音,中国式英语是应该避免的,多了解你即将应聘的外企的国家文化,因为每个国家的文化不同会使面试过程的氛围也不同。相对来讲美国企业的面试比较relaxing,有点像一般的聊天,只不过聊的内容不是普通的“闲聊”。如果在外企英文面试中能准确地融入一些该国的俚语,则你的面试过程将会非常的愉快。 2、外企招聘时看重哪些英语证书? 如果外企的面试官是老外的话,那么国内的一些英语考试如CET4、CET6、TEM4、TEM8等可能作用并不明显,除了老外不了解这些考试外更多的在于这些考试并没有对考生的口语能力进行测试。关于这个问题William Hill说:“I don't think candidates with those certificates are up to par, because what we focus on is the municating ability. And, as is known, CET and TEM don't seem to test one's speaking skills. But he who owns an IELTS or TOEFL certificate may be preferred.”可见雅思、托福等出guo英语证书可能在一定程度上增强应聘者的竞争力。 常见典型问题拆招:


面试英语口语自我介绍1 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I canmake a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I willintroduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. Igraduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got mybachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spent most of mytime on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquiredbasic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer andI am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. 面试英语口语自我介绍2 I am . I was born in ----- . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. I think language is very interesting. I could e-press one substanceby using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge 面试英语口语自我介绍3 good morning/afternoon,my name isyanghaiyan ,you can call me yanzi.i like the feeling flying in the sky like aswallow.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, iwould like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a goodperformance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old,born inshandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brotherand myself.i am an optimistic and confident girl.i have full confidence in abright future,and i believe i


【英语口语面试自我介绍】英语自我介绍面试简短 pesonel statement(introduction) Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is song yonghao,I am 22 years old .I come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.My undergratuade period will be accomplished in chang'an university in july ,20xx;and now,I am trying my best for obtaining a key to TongJi university. Generally speaking ,I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard . To weaver a homepage for myself, I stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Forthermore,I am a person with great perserverence. During the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.And just owning to this,I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. Well ,in my spare time ,I like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. Also english is my favorate.I often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .But i know my english is not good enough ,I will continue studying. Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention. My hometown------luoyang I am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province. It is famous as the “capital of nine dynasties” and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world. Luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. So it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. Such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chinese buddhism. Luoyang peony is world-famous. Every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .The people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world. I like my hometown very much. 感谢您的阅读!


2020 英 语 复 试 靠 谱 的 自 我 介 绍 二 20 年月日A4打印/ 可编辑

2020英语复试:靠谱的自我介绍二 Good morning,dear professors, I am glad to be here for this interview. My name is Kevin. I am from Beijing Foreign Studies University. My major is English and international studies. I am planning to pursue my master degree of (Media Management) here.I’m an optimistic person, warm-hearted, easy-going and rich in curiosity. I am energetic and enthusiastic. I served as volunteers for many media events held by the government and other organizations. These experiences really broaden my view on my future major. I am brave enough to meet the challenges and deadlines. The first reason why I choose (Media Management) as my major is that I have profound interest in (the journalism and the communication practice). I am curious about (the operation and the mechanism behind the new media).Secondly, I have the good command ( of English). This will help me achieve higher in this field.I hope I can form a comprehensive view of the Media management and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview. 尊敬的教授们,大家上午好,我很高兴来到这里接受采访。我的名字叫凯文。我来自北京外国语大学。我的专业是英语和国际研究。我打算在这里攻读(媒体管理)硕士学位。我是一个乐观的人,热情,随和,富有好奇心。我充满活力和热情。我曾担任政府和其他组织举办的许多媒体活动的志愿者。这些经验确实使我对未来的专业有了更广阔的视野。我很勇敢地迎接挑战和最后期限。我选择(媒体管理)作为我的专业的第一个原因是,我对(新闻和传播实践)有着浓厚的兴趣。我很好奇(新媒体背后的运作和机制)。其次,我的命令很好(英语)。这将帮助我在该领域取得更高的成就。希望在这里学习三年后,可以对媒体管理有一个全面的了解,为以后的职业打下坚实的基础。再次非常感谢您给我这次面试的机会。
