



2017-2018年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)题目翻译及解题tips 【翻译】:2018与以下哪个数字相加的总和是偶数?The sum of…总和…;the even number偶数 【翻译】:约翰和吉尔一共有92美元。约翰的钱是吉尔的三倍。问约翰有多少钱? ①…has three times(倍数)as many(修饰可数名词)/much(修饰不可数名词)as…A的…是B的几倍 ②As···as···和什么一样多 【翻译】:汤姆是一个篮球热爱者!在他的书中,他写了100次“ILOVENBA”(我爱NBA)。问他写的第500个字母是什么。(提示:本题考查周期循环规律题) 【翻译】:一个长*宽为8*25的长方形和以下哪个长方形有相同的面积。 【翻译】:前100个正整数(1-100)的和与后50个正整数(51-100)的和之间的差是多少? ①Positive difference···与···的差;②positive integers正整数 【翻译】:你有一根10英尺长的杆子需要被切成10等份。若每一份需要10秒去切,完成这份工作一共需要多少秒。 【翻译】:Amy将2018四舍五入约至十位(rounded···to the nearest tens)得到的数字与Ben将2018四舍五入约至百位得到的数字,这两个数字之和是多少?

【翻译】:下列哪组数有最小公倍数? 【翻译】:Dan每买2支铅笔的同时也会5支钢笔。如果他买了10支铅笔,那他一共买了几支钢笔? 【翻译】:星期四的20天后是星期几? 【翻译】:下列哪个角的度数最小? ①an obtuse钝角②an acute锐角③a right直角④a stright平角 【翻译】:我们班的每位学生都要轮流喊一个整数。第一个人喊的是1。后面每人喊的数字都比前者多3,(即第二个人喊的是数字4,1+3=4)。问下面哪个选项的数字是我们班的某一个学生可能喊到的数字?(提示:本题考查等差数列) ①A whole number整数②in turn轮流③shout out大声喊 【翻译】:一个男孩买了一个篮球和一个棒球,一共花了1.25美元。如果这个篮球比这个棒球贵25美分,那篮球多少钱?(注意:1美元=100美分) 【翻译】:2小时+?分钟+40秒=7600秒 【翻译】:如右图,把数字1-7放入其中,使得每条直线的数字相加为12,请问中间的圆圈填数字几?


2017-2018年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (三年级) (初赛时间:2017年11月26日,考试时间90分钟,总分200分) 学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论, 我确定我所填写的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。 请在装订线内签名表示你同意遵守以上规定。 考前注意事项: 1. 本试卷是三年级试卷,请确保和你的参赛年级一致; 2. 本试卷共4页(正反面都有试题),请检查是否有空白页,页数是否齐全; 3. 请确保你已经拿到以下材料: 本试卷(共4页,正反面都有试题)、答题卡、答题卡使用说明、英文词汇手册、草稿纸。考试完毕,请务必将英文词汇手册带回家,上面有如何查询初赛成绩、及如何参加复赛的说明。其他材料均不能带走,请留在原地。 选择题:每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共200分,答案请填涂在答题卡上。 1. 5 + 6 + 7 + 1825 + 175 = A) 2015 B) 2016 C) 2017 D) 2018 2.The sum of 2018 and ? is an even number. A) 222 B) 223 C) 225 D) 227 3.John and Jill have $92 in total. John has three times as much money as Jill. How much money does John have? A) $60 B) $63 C) $66 D) $69 4.Tom is a basketball lover! On his book, he wrote the phrase “ILOVENBA” 100 times. What is the 500th letter he wrote? A) L B) B C) V D) N 5.An 8 by 25 rectangle has the same area as a rectangle with dimensions A) 4 by 50 B) 6 by 25 C) 10 by 22 D) 12 by 15 6.What is the positive difference between the sum of the first 100 positive integers and the sum of the next 50 positive integers? A) 1000 B) 1225 C) 2025 D) 5050 7.You have a ten-foot pole that needs to be cut into ten equal pieces. If it takes ten seconds to make each cut, how many seconds will the job take? A) 110 B) 100 C) 95 D) 90 8.Amy rounded 2018 to the nearest tens. Ben rounded 2018 to the nearest hundreds. The sum of their two numbers is A) 4000 B) 4016 C) 4020 D) 4040 9.Which of the following pairs of numbers has the greatest least common multiple? A) 5,6 B) 6,8 C) 8,12 D) 10,20 10.For every 2 pencils Dan bought, he also bought 5 pens. If he bought 10 pencils, how many pens did he buy? A) 25 B) 50 C) 10 D) 13 11.Twenty days after Thursday is A) Monday B) Tuesday C) Wednesday D) Thursday 12.Of the following, ? angle has the least degree-measure. A) an obtuse B) an acute C) a right D) a straight 13.Every student in my class shouted out a whole number in turn. The number the first student shouted out was 1. Then each student after the first shouted out a number that is 3 more than the number the previous student did. Which number below is a possible number shouted out by one of the students? A) 101 B) 102 C) 103 D) 104 14.A boy bought a baseball and a bat, paying $1.25 for both items. If the ball cost 25 cents more than the bat, how much did the ball cost? A) $1.00 B) $0.75 C) $0.55 D) $0.50 15.2 hours + ? minutes + 40 seconds = 7600 seconds A) 5 B) 6 C) 10 D) 30 16.In the figure on the right, please put digits 1-7 in the seven circles so that the three digits in every straight line add up to 12. What is the digit in the middle circle? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 17.If 5 adults ate 20 apples each and 3 children ate 12 apples in total, what is the average number of apples that each person ate? A) 12 B) 14 C) 15 D) 16 18.What is the perimeter of the figure on the right? Note: All interior angles in the figure are right angles or 270°. A) 100 B) 110 C) 120 D) 160 19.Thirty people are waiting in line to buy pizza. There are 10 people in front of Andy. Susan is the last person in the line. How many people are between Andy and Susan? A) 18 B) 19 C) 20 D) 21


2015-2016年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (五年级) (初赛时间:2015年11月14日,考试时间90分钟,总分200分) 学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论, 我确定以下的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。 如果您同意遵守以上协议请在装订线内签名 选择题:每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共200分,答案请填涂在答题卡上。 1. A 6 by 6 square has the same area as a 4 by ? rectangle. A) 3 B) 6 C) 8 D) 9 2.Every prime has exactly ? positive divisors. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 or more 3.If I answered 34 out of 40 questions on my math test correctly, I answered ? % of the questions correctly. A) 75 B) 80 C) 85 D) 90 4.120 ÷ 3 ÷ 4 × 12 = A) 1 B) 10 C) 12 D) 120 5.10 × 20 × 30 × 40 = 24 ×? A) 1000 B) 10 000 C) 100 000 D) 1000 000 6.One of my boxes contains 1 pencil and the others each contain 5 pencils. If there are 101 pencils in my boxes, how many boxes do I have? A) 19 B) 20 C) 21 D) 22 7.An electrical company imports 2016 light bulbs. Unfortunately, 25% of those are damaged. How many light bulbs are not damaged? A) 25 B) 504 C) 1512 D) 2016 8.50 × (16 + 24) is the square of A) -40 B) -4 C) 4 D) 80 9.Which of the following numbers has exactly 3 positive divisors? A) 49 B) 56 C) 69 D) 100 10.Ten people stand in a line. Counting from the left, Jerry stands at the 5th position. Counting from the right, which position is he at? A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 11.On a teamwork project, Jack contributed 2/7 of the total amount of work, Jill contributed 1/4 of the work, Pat contributed 1/5 of the work, and Matt contributed the rest. Who contributed the most toward this project? A) Jack B) Jill C) Pat D) Matt 12.Which of the following numbers is a factor of 2016? A) 5 B) 11 C) 48 D) 99 13.2 × 4 × 8 × 16 × 32 × 64 = A) 210B) 215C) 221D) 2120 14.On a game show, Al won four times as much as Bob, and Bob won four times as much as Cy. If Al won $1536, how much did Al, Bob, and Cy win together? A) $96 B) $384 C) $1920 D) $2016 15.The sum of two composites cannot be A) odd B) even C) 11 D) 17 16.If a and b are positive integers such that a/b = 5/7, then a + b is A) 12 B) 24 C) 36 D) not able to be determined 17.What is the greatest odd factor of the number of hours in all the days of the year 2015? A) 3 B) 365 C) 1095 D) 3285 18.If the current month is February, what month will it be 1 199 999 months from now? A) January B) February C) March D) April 19.Two angles are complementary. One of these angles is 36° less than the other. What is the measure of the larger angle? A) 36°B) 54°C) 63°D) 72° 20.(The square root of 16) + (the cube root of 64) + (the 4th root of 256) = A) 12 B) 24 C) 32 D) 64 21.In ?ABC, m∠A–m∠B = m∠B–m∠C. What is the degree measure of ∠B? A) 30 B) 60 C) 90 D) 120 22.For every 3 math books I bought, I bought 2 biology books. I bought 55 books in all. How many of those are math books? A) 11 B) 22 C) 33 D) 44 23.John wrote a number whose digits consists entirely of 1s. This number was a composite number. His number could contain exactly ? 1s. A) 17 B) 19 C) 29 D) 32 24.Weird Town uses three types of currencies: Cons, Flegs, and Sels. If 3 Sels = 9 Cons and 2 Cons = 4 Flegs, then 5 Sels = ? Flegs. A) 12 B) 24 C) 30 D) 36 第1页,共4页


页脚内容 - 2 - 2015-2016年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (五年级) (初赛时间:2015年11月14日,考试时间90分钟,总分200分) 学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论, 我确定以下的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。 如果您同意遵守以上协议请在装订线内签名 选择题:每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共200分,答案请填涂在答题卡上。 1. A 6 by 6 square has the same area as a 4 by ? rectangle. A) 3 B) 6 C) 8 D) 9 2. Every prime has exactly ? positive divisors. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 or more 3. If I answered 34 out of 40 questions on my math test correctly, I answered ? % of the questions correctly. A) 75 B) 80 C) 85 D) 90 4. 120 ÷ 3 ÷ 4 × 12 = A) 1 B) 10 C) 12 D) 120 5. 10 × 20 × 30 × 40 = 24 × ? A) 1000 B) 10 000 C) 100 000 D) 1000 000 6. One of my boxes contains 1 pencil and the others each contain 5 pencils. If there are 101 pencils in my boxes, how many boxes do I have? A) 19 B) 20 C) 21 D) 22 7. An electrical company imports 2016 light bulbs. Unfortunately, 25% of those are damaged. How many light bulbs are not damaged? A) 25 B) 504 C) 1512 D) 2016 8. 50 × (16 + 24) is the square of A) -40 B) -4 C) 4 D) 80 9. Which of the following numbers has exactly 3 positive divisors? A) 49 B) 56 C) 69 D) 100 10. Ten people stand in a line. Counting from the left, Jerry stands at the 5th position. Counting from the right, which position is he at? A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 11. On a teamwork project, Jack contributed 2/7 of the total amount of work, Jill contributed 1/4 of the work, Pat contributed 1/5 of the work, and Matt contributed the rest. Who contributed the most toward this project? A) Jack B) Jill C) Pat D) Matt 12. Which of the following numbers is a factor of 2016? A) 5 B) 11 C) 48 D) 99 13. 2 × 4 × 8 × 16 × 32 × 64 = A) 210 B) 215 C) 221 D) 2120 14. On a game show, Al won four times as much as Bob, and Bob won four times as much as Cy. If Al won $1536, how much did Al, Bob, and Cy win together? A) $96 B) $384 C) $1920 D) $2016 15. The sum of two composites cannot be A) odd B) even C) 11 D) 17 16. If a and b are positive integers such that a /b = 5/7, then a + b is A) 12 B) 24 C) 36 D) not able to be determined 17. What is the greatest odd factor of the number of hours in all the days of the year 2015? A) 3 B) 365 C) 1095 D) 3285 18. If the current month is February, what month will it be 1 199 999 months from now? A) January B) February C) March D) April 19. Two angles are complementary. One of these angles is 36° less than the other. What is the measure of the larger angle? A) 36° B) 54° C) 63° D) 72° 20. (The square root of 16) + (the cube root of 64) + (the 4th root of 256) = A) 12 B) 24 C) 32 D) 64 21. In ?ABC , m ∠A – m ∠B = m ∠B – m ∠C . What is the degree measure of ∠B ? A) 30 B) 60 C) 90 D) 120 22. For every 3 math books I bought, I bought 2 biology books. I bought 55 books in all. How many of those are math books? A) 11 B) 22 C) 33 D) 44 23. John wrote a number whose digits consists entirely of 1s. This number was a composite number. His number could contain exactly ? 1s. A) 17 B) 19 C) 29 D) 32 24. Weird Town uses three types of currencies: Cons, Flegs, and Sels. If 3 Sels = 9 Cons and 2 Cons = 4 Flegs, then 5 Sels = ? Flegs. 城市 区 准考证号 所在学校 年级 姓名(签名) ………………………………………………装……………………………………………订……………………………………………线…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………装…………………订…………………线…………………内…………………不…………………答…………………题……………………………………… 第1页,共4页


数学英语词汇 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 数字digit 数number 自然数natural number 整数integer 小数decimal 小数点decimal point 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 比ratio


- 1 - / 3 2015-2016年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (五年级) (初赛时间:2015年11月14日,考试时间90分钟,总分200分) 学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论, 我确定以下的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。 如果您同意遵守以上协议请在装订线内签名 选择题:每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共200分,答案请填涂在答题卡上。 1. A 6 by 6 square has th e same area as a 4 b y ? rectangle. A) 3 B) 6 C) 8 D) 9 2. E very prime has exactly ? positive divisors. A) 1 B ) 2 C) 3 D ) 4 or m or e 3. If I answe red 34 ou t o f 40 qu esti ons on m y ma th te st corr ectl y, I answ ere d ? % of t he qu estions corre ctly. A) 75 B) 80 C) 85 D) 90 4. 120 ÷ 3 ÷ 4 × 12 = A) 1 B) 10 C ) 12 D ) 120 5. 10 × 20 × 30 × 40 = 24 × ? A) 1000 B) 10 000 C ) 100 000 D) 1000 000 6. On e of my box es cont ai ns 1 p encil and the ot he rs each con tain 5 pencils . If t he re are 101 penci ls in m y box es, how man y boxes do I h ave? A) 19 B) 20 C ) 21 D) 22 7. A n electr ical com pany imports 2016 light bu lbs. Un fortuna tel y, 25% of t ho se ar e damaged. How man y lig ht bu lbs a re not dam age d? A) 25 B ) 504 C) 1512 D ) 2016 8. 50 × (16 + 24 ) is the sq uare of A) -40 B ) -4 C) 4 D) 80 9. Wh ich of t he foll owing numb ers has ex actly 3 po sitive divis ors? A) 49 B ) 56 C) 69 D) 100 10. Ten peopl e stand i n a line. Counting f rom t he left, J erry stan ds at the 5th position. Coun tin g from t he rig ht, which pos iti on is he at? A) 4 B ) 5 C) 6 D) 7 11. On a t eamwork p roje ct , J ack contribut ed 2/7 of the to tal amount of w or k, Ji ll c on tribut ed 1/4 of the work, Pat cont ributed 1/5 of the work, and Matt cont ri but ed t he rest. Who co ntrib uted th e m ost t ow ard thi s project? A) J ac k B) Jill C) Pa t D) Matt 12. Whic h of the fo llowing n umb ers is a fac tor of 2016? A) 5 B) 11 C ) 48 D ) 99 13. 2 × 4 × 8 × 16 × 32 × 64 = A) 210 B) 215 C) 221 D) 2120 14. On a game sh ow, A l won four times a s much as Bo b, and Bob won f our ti mes as muc h as Cy. If Al won $1536, how much did Al, Bob, and Cy win tog ether ? A) $96 B ) $384 C) $1920 D) $2016 15. The sum of tw o com posi tes c ann ot be A) odd B) e ven C) 11 D) 17 16. If a an d b a re positive in teger s s uch t ha t a /b = 5/7, then a + b is A) 12 B ) 24 C) 36 D) not able to be dete rmi ned 17. What is the g rea test od d fa ctor of the number of h ou rs in a ll the da ys of the year 2015? A) 3 B) 365 C) 1095 D) 3285 18. I f th e cu rrent m on th is Febru ary , wh at mo nth will it be 1 199 999 mont hs f rom now ? A) January B) February C ) March D) A pr il 19. T wo a ngl es a re comple ment ary. One of th ese angles is 36° les s than t he other. Wha t is th e m easure of the larger ang le? A) 36° B ) 54° C) 63° D) 72° 20. (T he squ are root of 16) + (th e cube r oot of 64) + (the 4th root of 256) = A) 12 B) 24 C) 32 D) 64 城市 区 准考证号 所在学校 年级 姓名(签名) ………………………………………………装……………………………………………订……………………………………………线…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………装…………………订…………………线…………………内…………………不…………………答…………………题……………………………………… 第1页,共4页


2016-2017年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (四年级) (初赛时间:2016年11月20日,考试时间90分钟,总分200分) 学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论, 我确定以下的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。 如果您同意遵守以上协议请在装订线内签名 选择题:每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共200分,答案请填涂在答题卡上。 1.Which of the following is the greatest? A) 2.017 B) 20.17 C) 201.7 D) 2017 2.The sum of the degree-measures of the interior angles of a triangle is A) 180 B) 360 C) 540 D) 720 3.100 + 200 + 300 + 400 + 500 = 300 ×? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 4.100 ÷ 4 = 200 ÷? A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 16 5.In tonight’s talent show, Jack sang 3 songs. The number of songs that Jill sang is 8 less than 4 times the number of songs Jack sang. How many songs did Jill sing? A) 3 B) 4 C) 6 D) 7 6.Doubling a certain number is the same as adding that number and 36. What is that number? A) 18 B) 36 C) 54 D) 72 7.The side-lengths of three square farms are 1 km, 2 km, and 3 km respectively. The sum of the areas of these three farms is ? km2. A) 6 B) 12 C) 13 D) 14 8.What is the greatest common factor of 2017 and 20 × 17? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5 9.If a computer can download 2% of the files in 2 seconds, how many seconds does it take to download all the files? A) 100 B) 200 C) 300 D) 400 10.In yesterday’s giant-pie eating, all pies were the same size. Al ate 3/4 of a giant pie, Barb ate 4/5 of a giant pie, Cy ate 5/6 of a giant pie, and Di ate 6/7 of a giant pie. Who ate the largest portion? A) Al B) Barb C) Cy D) Di 11.The product of two consecutive positive integers is always A) odd B) even C) prime D) composite 12.In a 5-term sequence, the first term is 2. The value of each term after the first is twice that of its previous term. What is the product of the 5 terms? A) 24B) 210C) 215D) 245 13.Ace, Bo, and Cat performed in a talent show. Bo’s total score was twice that of Ace, and Cat’s total score was three times that of Bo. If the sum of all three total scores was 900, what was Cat’s total score? A) 100 B) 200 C) 300 D) 600 14.The length of each side of triangle T is an integer. If two sides of T have lengths of 2016 and 2017, what is the least possible value for the length of the third side? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4032 D) 4033 15.If the sum of three consecutive whole numbers is 2016, what is the sum of the next three consecutive whole numbers? A) 2032 B) 2025 C) 2020 D) 2017 16.If the sum of a prime and a composite is 2017, what is the least possible value for the product of the two numbers? A) 3000 B) 4030 C) 6042 D) 9120 17.What is the smallest whole number that leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by each of 3, 4, 5, and 6? A) 58 B) 60 C) 62 D) 64 18.What is the highest power of 2 that divides 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9? A) 25B) 26C) 27D) 28 19.The product of the digits of 23 is 6. How many different whole numbers between 100 and 999 have a product of 6? A) 12 B) 9 C) 6 D) 3 20.What is the value of 1% of 10% of 100%? A) 0.001 B) 0.01 C) 0.1 D) 1 21.In a box that contains only balls that are red, yellow, or green, 10% of the balls are red, 1/5 of the balls are yellow, and 49 balls are green. How many balls are in the box? A) 70 B) 80 C) 90 D) 100 22.Of the following, which has the greatest number of positive whole number divisors? A) 24 B) 26 C) 51 D) 2017 第1页,共4页第2页,共4页


2016-2017年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛 (五年级) 1.Which of the has the greatest value? A)2017B)2017C)20×17D)20+17 2.Which of the leaves a remainder of2when divided by4? A)2014B)2015C)2016D)2017 3.Which of the is a pr oduct of two consecutive primes? A)30B)72C)77D)187 4.A Bizz-Number is a integer that either contains the3or is a multiple of3.What is the of the10th Bizz-Number? A)24B)27C)30D)31 5.The of an isosceles triangle with side-lengths1and1008is A)1010B)1012C)2017D)2018 6.How integers less than2017are divisible by16bu t not by4? A)0B)126C)378D)504 7.Jon has a n u mbe r of pens.If he distributed them evenly among4students, he have3left.If he distributed them evenly among5students,he have 4left.The minimum n u mbe r of pens that Jon have is A)14B)17C)19D)24 8.Which of the numbers is not divisible by8? A)123168B)234236C)345424D)456624 9.Which of the is both a square and a cube? A)36×58B)36×59C)36×512D)39×512 10.The of two prime numbers cannot be A)odd B)even C)prime D)composite 11.At the end of day,the amount of water in a cup is twice what it was at the beginning of the day.If the cup is at the end of2017th day,then it was 1/4at the end of the?day. A)504th B)505th C)2015th D)2016th 12.The grades on an exam are5,4,3,2,or1.In a class of200students, 1/10of got5’s,1/5of got4’s,25%of got3’s,and15% of got2’s.How many students got1’s?
