





1. A. health B. break C. death D. headache

2. A. suffer B. flu C. current D. plus

3. A. calculation B. formulation C. equation D. location

4. A. apply B. athlete C. actor D. action

5. A. trouble B. outbreak C. house D. doubt


6. Many people in Africa are now suffering______ hunger and diseases.

A. by

B. from.

C. to

D. of

7. He came into the room quietly to avoid _____ by the others.

A. to see

B. to be seen

C. being seen

D. seeing

8. An epidemic _______ in the small village forty years ago.

A. happen

B. broke out

C. occur

D. was taken place

9. The old man got ill again, but he _________ back into the hospital.

A. refused to go

B. reluctant to go C .glad to D. refused going

10 Many women try to protect their skin ______ by the sun.

A. from burnt

B. from being burnt

C. away from burning

D. away from burnt

11. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC_______.

A. simply

B. abbreviation

C. for short

D. shorter

12.The nurse _______ his pain by giving him a cooling drink.

A. to relieve

B. relieved

C. stopping

D. throw

13.His brave action ________ a serous accident in the street.

A. prevented

B. protected

C. help

D. stop

14.My washing machine is out of order and _____.

A. needs to be repairing

B. needs being repaired

C. needs repaired

D. needs repairing

15 The forest was ____________ by the fire.

A. helped

B. destroyed

C. improved

D. damage

16.It is high time that we that you _____ up your mind.

A. make

B. made

C. making

D. to make

17.There is _________ on the front page of today’s paper.

A. something important

B. important something

C. anything important

D. important anything

18. Scientists have _______ that world ‘s population will double by the end of the century.

A. counted

B. worked

C. calculated

D. resulted

19.They moved to another city several years later, ______ , in 1990.

A. in another words

B. that is to say

C. but

D. someone say

20.Twelve _____ four is forty-eight

A. times

B. time

C. timed by

D. multiple

21. he always managed ______ what he wants.

A. getting B get C. to obtain D. obtaining

22.The arrow on a sign _____ the way to go.

A. gives

B. tell

C. indicate

D. show

23.She can see over the wall because of her ______

A. high

B. weight

C. heavy

D. height

24.Her ________ has increased to 80 kilos.

A. income

B. height

C. weight

D. body

25.Twenty-one ______ three is seven.

A. minus

B. times

C. divided by

D. plus

26.Could you ______ the height of the door for me?

A. count

B. measure

C. ruler

D. test

27.A memorial was built ____ those who died for the country.

A. in honor to B in honor of C. with the honor D. because

28.We will have to ______ how much money we’ll need for the party.

A. work

B. count out

C. calculated

D. work out

29.The thief was seen running _______ of the mountain.

A. to

B. toward

C. forward

D. in the direction

30.Payment will be ______ the work done not to the time spent doing it.

A. the same as B proportion to C. respond to D. proportional to


答案,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共10分,每小题1分)Food is very important. Everyone needs to __31__ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is __32__. We begin to get knowledge even __33__ we are very young. Small children are __34__ in everything around them. They learn __35__ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older,they begin to __36__ story books,science books…,anything they like. When they find something new,they love to ask questions and __37__ to find out answers. What is the best __38__ to get knowledge?If we learn by ourselves,we will get __39__ knowledge. If we are __40__ getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn well. When we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand better.

31. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

32. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat

33. A. until B. when C. after D. so

34. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. better

35. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

36. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write

37. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait

38. A. place B. school C. way D. road

39. A. little B. few C. many D. the most

40. A. often B. always C. usually D. something




Long ago ,there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well known for his good knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn from him. The great man taught his students whole-heartedly and answered their questions with great patience.

One day a student asked him, “My dear teacher, didn’t you say you yourself have many ,many more questions about things than we do? But I think we students have far more than you.”

With a smile on his face, the teacher drew two circles ,one as large as a big cake, the other smaller. Then he said , “Of course, I have learned much more.

But it’s wrong to think that a teacher has fewer questions than his students. Now, look at these two circles. The inside of the bigger one is my knowledge of things, and the inside of the smaller one is yours. Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, I have to use the longer line to draw the bigger circle. That means I have more opportunities to face what is still unknown. And that’s why I myself have more questions than you do. The more you learn , the more questions you have. You will never learn enough ,you know.”

41. The learned man drew two circles to show _____.

A. he was good at drawing circles

B. his knowledge had something to do with the circles

C. why he had more questions than the students

D. how he could get more knowledge

42. The student didn’t agree that ______.

A. the teacher had so many questions as a learned man

B. the teacher had so many questions

C. the students had fewer questions than the teacher

D. the students had more questions than 0the teacher

43. The teacher was famous for his ______.

A. kindness

B. knowledge

C. patience

D. questions

44. From the passage we can learn that _____.

A. the more questions we have, the more knowledge we may get

B. it’s never too old to learn

C. every one of us should try to be a learned man

D. a teacher should have many questions 45.Which of the following shows us what the teacher drew?


In Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, there is a unique Children Restaurant. It is run wholly by the children. From the manager to the cooks, cashiers, waiters or waitresses and other staff members are all children form 6 to 12 years old. They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These children


2015 级12月对口1班月考英语试题 (总分100分,时间90分) 一、语音题(每小题1分,满分15分) (一) 从A、B、C、D中找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 A. theatre B. great C. dream D. breath B. swear B. blood C. fool D. noodle B. factor D. hate B. recently C. engage D. energy A. whisper B. whistle C. white D. chemist A. yellow B. sky C. pity D. city (二)从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分读音与其它不同的选项。 9. A. salt B. always C. false D. walk 10. A. chemist B. chemical C. chest D. stomach 11. A. language B. standard C. plan D. strange 12. A. artist B. hard C. warm D. argue 13. A. emotion B. operation C. note D. hope 14. A. situation B. unite C. unique D. pull 15. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach 二、单选题(每小题1分,共60分) guide has _____ .She will show them to us. A. some old paper special food new jacket beautiful pictures of the students in our class _____ boys. A. Two third…is thirds…are third…are thirds…is man over there is ______ father. A. Lily’s and Lucy’s B. Lily’s and Lucy C. Lily and Lucy’s and Lucy Lei’s handwriting is better than any other ____ in his class. A. students B. student C. st udent’s D. students’ Lei had ______ last Sunday. A. quite busy B. quite a busy day


对口升学英语试卷 第一部分英语知识运用<共分三节,满分35分) 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与其他单词划线部分读音不相同的选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。<共5分,每小题1分)b5E2RGbCAP 1. A. health B. break C. death D. headache p1EanqFDPw 2. A. suffer B. flu C. current D. plus DXDiTa9E3d 3. A. calculation B. formulation C. equation D. location RTCrpUDGiT 4. A. apply B. athlete C. actor D. action5PCzVD7HxA 5. A. trouble B. outbreak C. house D. doubt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。<共25分,每小题1分)jLBHrnAILg 6. Many people in Africa are now suffering______ hunger and diseases.xHAQX74J0X A. by B. from. C. to D. of LDAYtRyKfE 7. He came into the room quietly to avoid _____ by the others.Zzz6ZB2Ltk A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing dvzfvkwMI1 8. An epidemic _______ in the small village forty years ago.rqyn14ZNXI A. happen B. broke out C. occur D. was taken place EmxvxOtOco 9. The old man got ill again, but he _________ back into the hospital.SixE2yXPq5 A. refused to go B. reluctant to go C .glad to D. refused going6ewMyirQFL 10 Many women try to protect their skin ______ by the sun.kavU42VRUs A. from burnt B. from being burnt y6v3ALoS89 C. away from burning D. away from burnt M2ub6vSTnP 11. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC_______.0YujCfmUCw A. simply B. abbreviation C. for short D. shorter eUts8ZQVRd 12.The nurse _______ his pain by giving him a cooling drink.sQsAEJkW5T A. to relieve B. relieved C. stopping D. throw GMsIasNXkA 13.His brave action ________ a serous accident in the street.TIrRGchYzg A. prevented B. protected C. help D. stop7EqZcWLZNX 14.My washing machine is out of order and _____. A. needs to be repairing B. needs being repaired lzq7IGf02E C. needs repaired D. needs repairing zvpgeqJ1hk 15 The forest was ____________ by the fire. A. helped B. destroyed C. improved D. damage NrpoJac3v1


高考班期末语文试卷 姓名:分数: 一、填空题(每空2分,共12分) 1、《边城》的作者是。 2、代表中国古典小说最高峰的作品是《》。 3、《南州六月荔枝丹》是一篇_______。 4、《赤壁怀古》是宋词派的代表作品。 5、,相逢何必曾相似。 6、议论文从论证方式上可以分为和驳论。 二、选择题(每小题3分,共24分。每小题选项中只有一个答案是正确的,请将正确答案的序号填在题后的括号内) 1、下列各项中加点字注音全部正确的一项是( ) A 馔zhuan玉阿谀yu 贻yi笑大方 B句读du 凝噎ye 将qiang进酒 C暮霭ai 嗟jie乎迂讷ne D纶guan巾贾jia人还酹lei江月 2.下列每组两句话所表达的意思完全不同的一组是( ) A.①我原则上同意你的意见。②你的意见我原则上同意。 B.①月光朦胧地洒落在花坛上。②朦胧的月光洒落在花坛上。 C.①老王和老张已经联系过了。②老王和老张都联系过了。 D.①她那件衣服再漂亮没有了。②她再也没有那件漂亮衣服了。 3.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()A.迩补郁热窟窿予心不忍 B.委屈门第抱应一帆风顺 C.袖襟连络固直卑鄙无聊 D.拜望见地惊愕绝子绝孙 4.下列有关课文内容与分析说法不正确的一项是()A.《荷塘月色》一文,将作者复杂的心绪寄寓于荷塘与月色的描写之中,情与景如水乳交融。 B.《世间最美的坟墓》是奥地利作家茨威格的一篇游记,写的是他瞻仰托尔斯泰墓地时的所见、所闻和所感。 C.司马迁的《史记》是我国第一部编年体通史,被鲁迅誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚。 D.《画里阴晴》一文中,作者吴冠中通过抒发自己的感悟,道出了艺术创作贵在创新的真谛。 5、下列对句中破折号的用法解释正确的一项是() ○1我----我-----我只要见见我的萍儿。 ○2你现在没有资格跟我说话——矿上已经把你开除了。 ○3我是你的——你打的这个人的妈。 A、○1表示说明○2表示转折○3表示延续 B、○1表示中断○2表示解释○3表示转折 C、○1表示插说○2表示递进○3表示解释 D、○1表示递进○2表示转折○3表示中断 6、下列各句中所使用的修辞方法不同于其他句子的一项是() A、翠翠的心被吹柔软了。 B、爷爷不在了,你将来怎么办? C、三婶老了,村里的人们都去送葬。 D、老张在床上安详的睡着了,不过是永远的睡着了。 7、下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A、为了防止这类事故不再发生,我们必须采取有效措施。 B、高考失败,小洋伤心极了,他多么希望知心朋友和他分享这无限的苦恼啊! C、自从来到这个世界上,人类就一直面临着两种挑战,一是来自人类本身,一是来自大自然。 D、考生在考场上专心答卷,而场外的老师和家长无时无刻都在焦急地等待。 8、下列各句中加点词语使用恰当的一项是() A、伍六一又愤怒了,他气急败坏的后倒“你们放开我!我自己跑!” B、榭树林中忽然跑出一个扭扭捏捏的士兵,摔倒在了袁浪的脚下,那是第一个到达的士兵。 C、袁浪意味深长地看看,又看看远处的许三多和伍六一,他的眼神里充满了一种钦佩。 D、那两个兵最后看了一眼,开始了他们苟延残喘的奔跑。 三、阅读下面的文字,完成16—14题(12分) 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是()的叶子。叶子出水很高,像()的舞女的裙。()的叶子中间,()地点缀着些白花,有()地开着的,有()地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。微风过处,送来()清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道()的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。 1、.将下面的词恰当地填入括号内。(2分)


长沙市对口升学英语全真模拟试卷一 Part II:知识运用(共三节,50小题,每小题1分;满分50分) 第一节:词汇和语法(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 21. You’d better take a bus ____ it is rather late now. A. because B. as C. while D. when 22. The dictionary is not ___ but ____. A. hers; his B. her’s; he’s C. her; his D. herself; himself 23. ____ mother is preparing breakfast for them. A. Mike and Tom’s B. Mike’s and Tom’s C. Mike and Tom D. Mike’s and Tom 24. The price was reduced _____. A. by 20 percents. B. by 20 percent C. by percent of 20 D. on 20 percent 25. They all looked ____ at the teacher and felt very _____. A. sad; sad B. sadly; sadly C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad 26. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ____ 27%. A. by B. for C. to D. in 27. My uncle ____ when I go to see him. A. has always worked B. will always work


对口升学英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共分三节,满分35 分) 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与其他单词划线部分读音不相同的选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A. health B. break C. death D. headache 2. A. suffer B. flu C. current D. plus 3. A. calculation B. formulation C. equation D. location 4. A. apply B. athlete C. actor D. action 5. A. trouble B. outbreak C. house D. doubt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共25 分,每小题1 分) 6.Many people in Africa are now suffering hunger and diseases. A.by B. from. C. to D. of 7.He came into the room quietly to avoid by the others. A.to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing 8.An epidemic in the small village forty years ago. A.happen B. broke out C. occur D. was taken place 9.The old man got ill again, but he back into the hospital. A.refused to go B. reluctant to go C .glad to D. refused going 10 Many women try to protect their skin by the sun. A. from burnt B. from being burnt C. away from burning D. away from burnt 11.The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC . A.simply B. abbreviation C. for short D. shorter 12.T he nurse his pain by giving him a cooling drink. A.to relieve B. relieved C. stopping D. throw 13.His brave action a serous accident in the street. A. prevented B. protected C. help D. stop 14.My washing machine is out of order and . A. needs to be repairing B. needs being repaired C. needs repaired D. needs repairing 15 The forest was by the fire. A. helped B. destroyed C. improved D. damage


中等职业学校英语教学大纲 本表共收词2 200个左右(含九年义务教育阶段的词汇及常见的职业类词汇)。其中无标记单词约1 700个,标*号的单 词约500个。达到基础模块的“基 本要求”,应学习本表中无标记的 约1 700个单词。达到基础模块 的“较高要求”,应继续学习约200 个标*号的单词。达到拓展模块 的教学要求,应再学习约300个 标*号的单词。 A a(an)art.一,一个ability n.能力,才能 able a.能够。能干的 *aboard prep. & ad.在车船飞机上about ad. & prep.关于,附近大约above prep. & a.在上面abroad ad. 在外,国外 *absent a.缺席的 accept v.承认接受 *access n. & v. accident n.事故,偶然的事account n.算账,原因,叙述accountant n. ache v. & n.痛 across prep. & ad.穿过,在..那边act n. & v.行动,扮演(角色)action n.行动 active a.积极活跃主动的activity n.活动活泼能动性actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actually ad.实际上,居然,竟ad(=advertisement)n. add v.增加,增添,又说addition n. address n.地址 *adjust v. *administration n. *admire v.钦佩,羡慕,赞美adult n. *advanced a先进的,高级的advice n.劝告,指点,意见advise v.劝告,建议 *afford v.负担得起,提供 afraid a.怕,害怕的 Africa n.非洲 African n. & a.非洲的,非洲人 after prep. & conj.在..之后 afternoon n.下午 again ad.再次,又 against prep.反对,靠 age n.年龄,时代 agency n. agent n. ago ad.以前 agreement n.同意,协议 ahead ad.在前,向前,提前 aid n. & v.帮助,辅助 aim v.瞄准,针对,n.目的 air n.空气,飞机 airline n. airport n.航空站 *aisle n. album n. *alcohol n. *alert a. alike a. & ad. alive a.活着的 all a.,ad.& pron.全部的,完全 allow v.允许 almost ad.几乎,差不多 alone a.单独的 along ad. & prep.沿着,向前 aloud ad. already ad.已经 also a d.也,同样 although conj.虽然 always ad.总是,老是,一直 am/a. m.,AM/A. M. n. *amazing a.令人惊异的 America n.美洲,美国 American a.美洲的n. 美洲人,美 国人 among prep.在..之中,在..之间(三 者以上) *ancient a.古老的,古代的 and conj.和与及而 angry a.愤怒的,发怒的 animal n.动物,畜生 another a. & pron.另一个,又一个 answer v.回答n. 答案 any pron.无论什么无论哪个a.任 何的 anybody(=anyone)pron.任何人 *anyhow ad.不管怎样 *anymore ad. anything pron.无论什么任何事 anyway ad.不管怎样 *anywhere ad.无论哪里 apartment n. *apologize v.道歉 appear v.显露,出现,好像 *appetite n. *application n. apply v. appointment n. April n.四月 area n.地区,面积,地面


中等职业学校对口升学考试数学模拟试题(一) (时间:120分钟;分数:150分) 一、选择题(12小题,每题5分,共60分) 1. 已知集合{}1,2,3,4A =,集合{}2,4B =,则A B =( ) (A ){}2,4 (B ){}1,3 (C ){}1,2,3,4 (D ) ? 2.圆22(2)5x y ++=关于原点(0,0)P 对称的圆的方程为 ( ) (A )22(2)5x y -+= (B )22(2)5x y +-= (C )22(2)(2)5x y +++= (D )22(2)5x y ++= 3.的展开式中的系数是( ) (A )6 (B )12 (C )24 (D )48 4.在ABC ?中,a b c ,,分别为角A B C , ,所对边,若2cos a b C =,则此三角形一定是( ) (A )等腰直角三角形 (B )直角三角形 (C )等腰三角形 (D )等腰或直角三角形 5.已知实系数一元二次方程01)1(2=+++++b a x a x 的两个实根为21,x x , 且 1,1021><

第9题 7.已知x 、y 的取值如下表所示:若y 与x 线性相关,且?0.95y x a =+,则a =( ) x 0 1 3 4 y 2.2 4.3 4.8 6.7 (A )2.2 (B )2.9 (C )2.8 (D )2.6 8.设A 、B 为直线y x =与圆221x y += 的两个交点,则||AB = ( ) (A )1 (B )2 C 3 D 2 9.如下图,矩形ABCD 中,点E 为边CD 的中点,若在矩形ABCD 内部随机取一个点Q ,则点Q 取自△ABE 内部的概率等于( ) (A )14 (B )13 (C )12 (D )23 10.已知圆22:40C x y x +-=,l 过点(3,0)P 的直线,则 ( ) (A )l 与C 相交 (B )l 与C 相切 (C )l 与C 相离 (D )以上三个选项均有可能 11.若a ∈R ,则“1a =”是“1a =”的( )条件 (A )充分而不必要 (B )必要而不充分 (C )充要 (D )既不充分又不必要 12.一束光线从点)11(,-A 出发经x 轴反射,到达圆C : 13-2-22=+)()(y x 上


湖南职高对口升学试题高三英语期中考试试题 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】


一、选择填空。(30分) 1.My father usually ____ a bus to work . . on 2. ---Excuse me ,is this you backbag? ---No ,it isn’t is red . 3. Maths____my favourite subject. B. is 4. ---____are the socks? ---They are 5 dollars. A. How much mang 5. Look ,Jenny ____ in her garden. A. work working 6. Thanks for ____me. A. help 7. Do you want ____ to the movie? A. to go C. go 8. ---What do you _____ soap operas? _ ---I don’t mind . A .think about of about 9 .Mr Wood will teach_____ English this term. 10. There _____ a pay phone on this street. B. are 11. Let’s go and_____ hello to him . are _____cute. few bit of _____you____your homework. ----About an hour ago. ,finish ,finish ,finish is Sarah like? ----______ is a tall girl with blond hair likes travelling very much is very outgoing 15,----How’s the weather ----______. went to the beach like sunny days is raining ____run in the hallways. ----I’m sorry . Iwon’t do it again. ’t be you go to the suppermarket ----About once a week . long soon often ’t eat _____ junk food ,It is not good for you health . A. too much too many Clark is a funny man .He is good at_____ jokes. usually____me about an hour to get from home to school. up ,_____you will miss the flight. 22..---______do you go to shool? . ----At half past seven. stay health ,you should try _____more vegetables and fruit. eat you know ____the supper market? way of way to way is he go home last Sunday ---______ ,he did ,he did ,he didn’t ,he doesn’t you like______with me play I need to hand in my homework now ----______ ,you needn’t ,you don’t , you don’t story sounds very ______ Aintersting many _____would you like of tea of tea of teas have______holiday in summer.


山西省2016年对口升学考试 英语模拟考试 本试题分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分100分,考试时间90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 选择题 注意事项: 1.选择题答案必须填涂在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律不记分。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号、考试科目写在答题卡上。 3.考生须按规定要求正确涂卡,否则后果自负。 一、语音(本大题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分发音与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1.you A.baby B.fly C.goodbye D.year 2.speak A.great B.repeat C.pleasant D.idea 3.many A.apple B.page C.any D.assure 4.love A.go B.month C.dog D.do 5.except A.excel B.exit C.examine D.express 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分发音与其他读音不同的选项。 6.A.question https://www.360docs.net/doc/a9211079.html,rmation C.accommodation D.attention 7.A.guide B.arrive C.wife D.give 8.A.dialogue B.manage C.arrange D.luggage 9.A.hear B.earth C.early D.earn 10.A.chalk B.cheer C.machine D.church 二、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)


科目:英语 适用班级: 第 1 页 共 4 页精品word ,欢迎共阅 2015-2016年中职英语对口升学模拟卷 英语 试卷 三年级适用 (考试时间90分钟共100分) 一.词汇判断(每小题1分,共10分。下列每组单词中,只有一个单词符合所给汉语意思,找出这个单词并将序号填入括号内)。 1.收集,搜集 A .collect B .select C .college D .correct 2.订单;订购 A .older B .elder C .order D .oral 3.宝贵的,珍贵的 A .expensive B . precious C . dear D . proud 4.对待,控制,处理 A .hardly B .hard C handle D .hand 5.判断 A .just B .join C .joy D .judge 6.拒绝,抵制 A .result B .regard C .reject D .subject 7.出发 A .departure B .begin C .department D .depend 8.极端地,非常地 A .suddenly B .extremely C .greatly D .promptly 9.惩罚 A .punishment B .public C .provide D .purpose 10.服务 A .seed B .seal C .service D .serious 二.单项选择(每个2分,共20分) 1.I’m not good _____ maths , but I’m doing quite well _____ chemistry. A .in; in B .at; at C .at; in D .on; in 2.My parents usually go out for _____ walk in _____ evening. A .the; a B .a; the C .the; the D ./; the 3.My father _____ go to work _____ I came back. A .don’t; until B . didn’t; until C .hasn’t; until D .doesn’t; until 4._____ you see a red building next to the library? A .May B .Shall C .Will D .Can 5.One of the fastest-indoor sports is table tennis, _____ is also called ping pong. A .that B .which C .where D .when 6.I find _____ important to speak English well. A .that B .this C .what D .it 7._____ fruits is good for our health . A .Eat B .Eating C .Ate D .Be eating 8.-- Have you moved into the new house? -- Not yet, the rooms _____. A .are being painted B .are painting C .are painted D .are being painting 9.You have worked all day long and you’d better _____. A .stop to have a break B .stop having a break C .to stop have a break D .to stop having a break 10.It was _____ a funny story _____ all the students laughed. A .such; that B .so; that C .too; to D .not; at all 三.补全对话。(每小题2分,共20分) 1.-- English is quite a difficult subject. I even want to drop it. -- . I’ll help you with it. A .I’m sorry B .Of course C .You’d better not D .That’s all right 2.-- What’s he like?


高三第四次(12月份)语文月考试题 时量 150分钟总分120分 一、选择题(每题3分,共18分) 1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一组是( ) A.包庇.(bì)羸.弱(léi)玷.污(diàn)游目骋.怀(chěng)B.天姥.(mǔ)笑靥.(yè)机械.(jiè)言简意赅.(gāi) C.亲.家(qìng)发酵.(jiào)酗.酒(xù)觥.筹交错(guāng) D.泯.灭(mǐn) 掰.开(bāi) 狙.击(zǔ ) 安土重.迁(zhòng) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( ) A.翌日酣眠礼上往来枉费心机毛骨悚然 B.打烊赡养一愁莫展班门弄斧曲高合寡 C.喝采急燥破釜沉舟认识浮浅出类拔萃 D.提纲安详卑躬屈膝委曲求全口干舌燥 3.依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() (1)由于摆脱了功利,山水田园诗人便有了一种恬静__的心境。 (2)为了适应干旱的环境,仙人掌最初的叶子如今已__成了针形。 (3)专业人士提醒留学者,不要等出了纠纷,权益受到__时才想起律师,应事先处理好有关事宜。 A.淡薄退化伤害 B.淡薄蜕化伤害 C.淡泊蜕化损害 D.淡泊退化损害 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A.他们虽然是健全人,却要和一个手无寸铁 ....的残疾小姑娘抢火炬,真是太渺小了。 B.这篇文章未必有什么值得大家反复推敲的微言大义 ....。 C.为了人民的利益,她早已将自己的生死置若罔 ...闻.。 D.运动会上,他借的一身衣服很不合身,真是捉襟见肘 ....。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.他决定背着妈妈去医院检查身体 B.难道你能否认勤奋不会造就天才吗? C.为了避免今后再出现类似的错误,我们及时召开了紧急会议,商讨改进的措施。 D.投资环境的好坏,是招商引资工作取得成功的关键。


. 对口升学英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共分三节,满分35 分) 第一节语音知识:从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中找出其划线部分与其他单词划线部分读音不相同的选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 1. A. health B. break C. death D. headache 2. A. suffer B. flu C. current D. plus 3. A. calculation B. formulation C. equation D. location 4. A. apply B. athlete C. actor D. action 5. A. trouble B. outbreak C. house D. doubt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,将其字母标号写到答题纸相应的位置。(共 25 分,每小题 1 分) 6. Many people in Africa are now suffering______ hunger and diseases. A. by B. from. C. to D. of 7. He came into the room quietly to avoid _____ by the others. A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing 8. An epidemic _______ in the small village forty years ago. A. happen B. broke out C. occur D. was taken place 9. The old man got ill again, but he _________ back into the hospital. A. refused to go B. reluctant to go C .glad to D. refused going 10 Many women try to protect their skin ______ by the sun. A. from burnt B. from being burnt C. away from burning D. away from burnt 11. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC_______. A. simply B. abbreviation C. for short D. shorter 12.The nurse _______his pain by giving him a cooling drink. A. to relieve B. relieved C. stopping D. throw 13.His brave action ________ a serous accident in the street. A. prevented B. protected C. help D. stop 14.My washing machine is out of order and _____. A. needs to be repairing B. needs being repaired C. needs repaired D. needs repairing 15 The forest was ____________ by the fire. A. helped B. destroyed C. improved D. damage


高三第四次(12月份)语文月考试题 时量150分钟总分120分 一、选择题(每题3分,共18分) 1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一组是() A.包庇.(bì)羸.弱(léi)玷.污(diàn)游目骋.怀(chěng) B.天姥.(mǔ)笑靥.(yè)机械.(jiè)言简意赅.(gāi) C.亲.家(qìng)发酵.(jiào)酗.酒(xù)觥.筹交错(guāng) D.泯.灭(mǐn)掰.开(bāi)狙.击(zǔ)安土重.迁(zhòng) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是() A.翌日酣眠礼上往来枉费心机毛骨悚然 B.打烊赡养一愁莫展班门弄斧曲高合寡 C.喝采急燥破釜沉舟认识浮浅出类拔萃 D.提纲安详卑躬屈膝委曲求全口干舌燥 3.依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() (1)由于摆脱了功利,山水田园诗人便有了一种恬静__的心境。 (2)为了适应干旱的环境,仙人掌最初的叶子如今已__成了针形。 (3)专业人士提醒留学者,不要等出了纠纷,权益受到__时才想起律师,应事先处理好有关事宜。 A.淡薄退化伤害B.淡薄蜕化伤害 C.淡泊蜕化损害D.淡泊退化损害 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A.他们虽然是健全人,却要和一个手无寸铁 ....的残疾小姑娘抢火炬,真是太渺小了。 B.这篇文章未必有什么值得大家反复推敲的微言大义 ....。 C.为了人民的利益,她早已将自己的生死置若罔 ...闻.。 D.运动会上,他借的一身衣服很不合身,真是捉襟见肘 ....。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.他决定背着妈妈去医院检查身体 B.难道你能否认勤奋不会造就天才吗? C.为了避免今后再出现类似的错误,我们及时召开了紧急会议,商讨改进的措施。 D.投资环境的好坏,是招商引资工作取得成功的关键。 6.下列各项中,标点符号的使用合乎规范的一项是()


湖南省2019年对口招生考试(英语) 第一部分听力理解(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题:每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A.E19.15 B.E9.18. C.E9.15. 答案是C。 1. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a classroom B. In a hospital. C. In a museum 2. What does Jack want to do? A. Take fitness classes B. Buy a pair of gym shoes. C. Change his work schedule 3. What are the speakers talking about? A.What to drink. B. Where to meet C. When to leave. 4. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues B. Classmates C. Strangers. 5. Why is Emily mentioned in the conversation? A. She might want a ticket. B. She is looking for the man. C. She has an extra ticket 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How long did James run his business? A. 10 years B. 13 years. C. 15 years 7. How does the woman feel about James' situation? A. Embarrassed. B. Concerned C. Disappointed 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
