


Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.

It takes many special qualities to make a friend. Understanding should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interests. This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.

It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. Love is not selfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.

Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons. This individual distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life. Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long. Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood. Saints are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication. Never shy to confess.

Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience. Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it


我的大学生活英语演讲稿 在大学英语的学习更加注重实际运用,因为同学们大学后就得面临社会的大染坊,把英语运用的好,这在以后的工作当中绝对是一大臂力,下面是为你提供的我的大学生活英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读。想了解更英语演讲稿,请继续关注本栏目。 【我的大学生活英语演讲稿(一)】 Honourable judges and friends, Good morning! i am very glad to be here to share my college life with you . Two years ago, i came into this city of and started my college life , the most memorable journey of my life. i was just a shy and little girl that time. all the things seemed fresh to me: new faces, large library and physics lab etc. i breathed the air of college greedily, i was curious about class given by the teachers are provide us with information not only from our textbook but from other sources as actively involved in student union and varies of association. but soon i realized that i do not make full use of my spare time ,so i got a part-time job to help a junior student with math lessons besides,i also took part in


大学生英文演讲稿3篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— honorable judges, fellow students:recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds?will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept there sponsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money. the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong.we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood typetested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.


大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-educatio n Self education: a model of College English speech 编订:JinTai College

大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-education 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 when finishing the high school course, not every student has the chance or ability to go to college. some students choose to seek a job, start their own business or pursue other interest. however, for some students who want to get further education, they choose self-education, self-education is no better than university studies. on the one hand, self-education lacks of a well-defined structure. in the school, the teacher will make some plans for students’ studies; they plan the target, the fulfillment of expectation and assessment


大学生英语演讲稿(中英文对照) the east and the west, let’s enjoy the bination of the two cultures? kipling said:“east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!” but now, a century later, they have met. they have met in business. they have met in education. they have met in the arts. some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but i believe that the best future lies in the creative bination of both worlds. we can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use. we can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our t 您正在查看《大学生英语演讲稿(中英文对照)》 radition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own. i love beijing and hennan opera because it always reminds me of who i am. but i am also a fan of pop music, especially english songs. so i have bined eastern melody with western language. it is called western henna opera. when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other. when this happens, we need to


《》 I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joing societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life. University life is like drinking coke. I“m experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it! 我一直在大学呆了一年多。我儿时,我才意识到大学生活就像喝可哀。 的生活经历口味、酸、甜、苦、辣。 我从省,离这儿很远。我常常想念妈妈的亲戚、朋友,在我的家乡。 然而,我经常见到。那么孤独总是会陪伴我。我很难过,我无法和在一起。 荣幸的是,我在大学生活是多彩的。有更多的闲暇,可以做更多的事情除了学习,如加入社团俱乐部,打工。的活动,使的生活多彩,而且还能帮助改进各样的技能。大学是社会,里学到的微缩有利于今后____的生活。的人生之路不会一帆风顺。挫折是无法的。失败的____的考试,跟男孩女孩的朋友,或者拒绝由有前途的公司,会让的挫折。有时候,觉得很悲痛,甚至大哭起来。 喝可哀是优美的,undesirble随之打嗝。这是苦的,酸和焦急,而且甜。 你甚至可以感觉到激烈下一杯。全身后,大学的经验是成长的一。哭泣,微笑着,坠入爱河,受伤,离开,学习,然后做的人。 大学生活就像喝可哀。我的感受。我知道,我喜欢它! 1/ 1


大学生英语演讲稿College English speech 编订:JinTai College

大学生英语演讲稿 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 Thirty college students across the country attended the Tenth 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Contest in Beijing on April 10.Eventually, Xia Peng, from Nanjing University was named the champion. The second and third places went to Zhang Jing, a sophomore from China Foreign Affairs University, and Zhang A Xu, from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, respectively. More than 1000 college students in Beijing are lucky birds to listen to the speeches on the spot in Friendship Hotel.


大学生活英语演讲稿 篇一:如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文模板如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文模板 这是一篇如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文,是由为您收集整理的,愿您喜欢~ Honourable judges and friends, Good morning! i am very glad to be here to share my college life with you . Two years ago, i came into this city of and started my college life , the most memorable journey of my life. i was just a shy and little girl that time. all the things seemed fresh to me: new faces, large library and physics lab etc. i breathed the air of college greedily, i was curious about everything.the class given by the teachers are excellent.they provide us with information not only from our textbook but from other sources as well.i actively involved in student union and varies of association. but soon i realized that i do not make full use of my spare time ,so i got a part-time job to help a junior student with math lessons besides,i also took part in activities concerning public welfare. we taught the kids there who could not


大学毕业英文演讲稿 first, i would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. if i had asked this question to president nixon, he would probably had said,”our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but th e chalice of opportunity.” needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to china is the xx olympic games. till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. how much changes have you seen? new roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction. other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the olympic games that cannot be seen directly. for example, more and more people will get to know china. i’m sure the mysterious chinese culture will attract them strongly. and the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. what is more, olympic games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of chinese youth with the olympic values and the olympic spirit. now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights? i’ve already said a lot about the olympics and china. but i think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”does the olympic games have any special meaning to you?” for us, i mean the chinese youth, xx olympic games is a tremendous gift. because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .the society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”hey! come here and take the helm! ”how charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. this morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the olympic games waving its hand. after chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the olympic games. and mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others. at the end of my speech, i hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.


College life 大学生活 Good morning everyone. I am very glad to be here to share my college life with you . 早上好,同学们。我很高兴在这里与你分享我的大学生活。 When I was young at high school,I couldn't stop dreaming about my college life again and again.Suffering too much pressure form college entrance test,I always admired college students for their relaxed life in college. 当我年轻的时候,在高中,我不能停止梦到我的大学生活一次又一次。太多的苦难,压力表的高考,我总是羡慕大学生在大学轻松的生活。 In my personal opinion,living in university is an enjoyment.Every day we can open our eyes naturally,and put on clothes in our own style without warring about teachers'rigid https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa13194211.html,municating with great master is no longer beyond our reach.Each course we take can be a feast for our mind and soul.After class,we will lead a rich and colorful life filled with various leisure activities such as .Library in university is another factor I pursue.I think it's an access to enhancing our comprehensive abilities to read even just scan all sorts of writings.What's more,we will have so much disposable time that we can do whatever worthy. All in all,I once imagined that I can live a life that is substantial but meaningful. 在我个人看来,生活在大学是一种享受。每天我们可以打开我们的眼睛,自然,和穿衣服的风格没有交战约teachers'rigid控制。与大师不再是遥不可及。每个过程我们可以享受我们的思想和灵魂。下课后,我们过丰富多彩的生活充满各种休闲活动等。图书馆在大学的另一个因素是我的追求。我认为这是一个获得提高我们的综合能力阅读甚至只是扫描各种著作。更重要的是,我们将有这么多可支配的时间,我们可以做任何值得的。总之,我曾以为我可以生活是充实而有意义的。 But when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don’t know what to do after class .in fact , we have far less lessons than we had in high school;. So , what should I do in the long spare time . I didn’t know ,so I spent much of my time reading , you know ,some novels , but ,day after day ,I began to feel boring only to read . Will the next four years be the same ? I wondered .if so , I will be crazy ,Four years have too much spare time , four years reading novels ,four years feel depressed ,I couldn’t think more about it .So after a period of several weeks , I started to make a plan for my college life , in order to make it colorful and valuable . 但是当我进入大学,我发现我先前想象的完全不同,我感到有点沮丧。因为我不知道怎么做课后。事实上,我们已经不在高中的课程比;。所以,我应该在漫长的课余时间。我不知道,所以我花了很多时间阅读,你知道,一些小说,可是,日复一日,我开始觉得无聊才读书。接下来的四年会是相同的吗?我不知道。如果是这样的话,我会疯的,四年有太多的业余时间,四年读小说,四年感到失落,我不敢想。所以经过几个星期的时间,我开始计划我的大学生活,以便使它丰富多彩和有价值的。 First of all , I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building .Second , I should go to the library , of course , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are included.Then,I should actively involved in student union and varies of association. 首先,我应该每天早上早起而不是睡得晚,甚至在周末,这样我能做一些锻炼健身。其次,我要去图书馆,当然,不只是小说,其他种类的书,喜欢数学,英文是。然后,我积极参与学


大学生英语演讲稿范文三分钟 Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office, at work the task is not to be liked, but to be effective, says computer sales executive Andrea. “This is possibly the single most important lesson we can learn. You can't always be popular. You shouldn't have to be; it's not what you're there for. Progress depends on having your own ideas and sticking to them. And that means having the guts to make difficult decisions when you have to,” she says. We're aware from day one in our first job that every decision we make is either a building block or a stumbling block on our career path. We should use the time to lay the groundwork of future respect by being professional, responsible, innovative, diligent and reliable. Respect is never given for nothing. Claire knew that she was offered a move to Paris with her finance company because she had gained a reputation for keeping cool under fire. And the next step up the ladder would depend on her performance in Paris. “It's essential to build regard if you're going to be able to do what you want in your job,” she says. Winning respect enhances all you do. A proposal for change is more likely to be well received; an application for a raise or a request for promotion is more likely to succeed.


篇一:大学毕业典礼演讲稿 大学毕业典礼演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我是艺术082班环境艺术设计专业毕业生xxx,今天,在这庄严的毕业典礼上,作为优秀毕业生代表发言,我深感荣幸。首先,我代表全体同学向学院的各位领导,老师说声:您们辛苦了!向四年里朝夕相处的兄弟姐妹们道一声:我们要继续努力! 东流逝水,叶落纷纷,荏苒的时光就这样悄悄地消逝了,四年的大学之旅如白驹过隙。相信大学生活里的酸甜苦辣,悲欢离合,给我们每个人都留下了弥足珍贵的回忆;同时,相信大学四年的学习将会成为我们未来发展的无限动力。 此刻的心情,我和在座的各位同学是一样,心中充满了无限的回忆与留恋。面对母校,即将毕业的我们感慨万千。正是由于我们敬爱的领导和老师们的呵护,使得我们顺利完成学业,获得继续深造与建功立业的机会;正是由于您们的培养,使我们拥有充分的个性发展空间;正是由于您们的关怀,使我们能够自信地面对任何艰难困苦;正是由于您们的宽容,使我们学会了珍惜与包容。 回忆这四年的大学生活,我们收获了太多,也错过了太多,而时间从未像现在这样吝啬,连一分一秒也不愿多留给我们。我们总以为自己已经长大,总以为自己可以毫不在乎,但当离别就这样不依不饶到来的时候,才发现自己与这个大家庭已经血脉相连,荣辱与共了。最近,我常常考虑一个问题,假如,只是假如,假如时光可以倒流,回到2008年的9月,再度让我获得一次进入广西工学院的机会,我又会选择怎样的学习方向和生活方式呢?会努力地追求些什么呢?我又会放弃些什么呢?我想这些问题一定会和当时有不一样的答案。然而这仅仅只是一个假如,我们已经不能回到从前了。 现在,我们即将离开,让我们认真保存好每张合影吧,因为合影上的灿烂笑容已经定格在记忆中;让我们用力拥抱每一个我们喜欢、我们欣赏或曾经帮助过我们的人吧,因为我们这些同窗好友,就此一别后,可能一生将很难再重逢;所以让我们在送别的时候,别泪水涟涟,因为我们应更多的记住彼此温暖而真诚的笑脸! 在即将踏上新的人生旅途的时候,我们所有人都将记住:没有大海的壮美,可以有小溪的娟秀,没有高山的巍峨,可以有山路的曲折,没有激昂的乐章,可以有抒情的小调。长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。在以后漫长的人生旅程中,我们将找到自己的方向,做一个最好的自己! 最后,让我们共同祝愿母校的明天更加美好,更加璀璨,我们也衷心祝愿每一位老师身体健康、工作顺利,祝愿毕业生们继续努力,开创美好的未来!谢谢大家!篇二:美国大学十佳毕业典礼演讲精选(中英文对照) 美国大学十佳毕业典礼演讲精选 阅读难度☆☆☆ 每年的五六月,是美国大学举行毕业典礼的季节。按照惯例,各界名流都会受邀到各大名校去作激动人心的演讲。本文精选了近年来美国最有影响力的十佳毕业典礼演讲,与已经或即将毕业的读者朋友们共勉。 1. steve jobs 史蒂芬·乔布斯 stanford university 斯坦福大学 june 12, 20052005年6月12日 remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. you are already naked. there is no


大学生关于英语演讲稿范文 Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman! First I want to say is that I’m very proud of to be invited to to present my topic here, which is “ Inter Civilization”. Before I begin my topic, please allow me to ask you a question: Every time you click the mouse to surf the web, do you know what does it mean? On the , you can make friends overseas and call them with IP phones; you can get information from all over the world; you can even give a hand to some people in troubles and get help when in need. However, we have to admit that inter also leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. Here we should see, there exists good and evil, right and wrong on the web. As izens, we’d better grow to realize the importance of Inter Civilization.


5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇 一篇好的英语演讲稿能够打动评委的心灵,而且在演讲时也朗朗上口。小编为大家整理了5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文篇1 If there are a bunch of good and bad oranges, you should eat good oranges and throw away bad oranges; if you first eat bad oranges, good oranges will deteriorate, and you will never eat good oranges, life is also the case. Oranges are not the only fuit .It means that there are a lot of good things in life, we cant only pursue the only one. It tells us that people should know how to give up the bad and cherish the good. "If you cry only by missing the moon, then you will also miss the stars. "Everyone must know how to forget the past and cherish the present, because now is the most important. Everyone has the past, or happy, or sad. However, the past is only in the past, we cannot go back to the past and bury it deeply in our heart. Most of the time we live in the sun, living in the crowd. Only by knowing how to give up the past we can go further forward. We will always keep optimistic attitude to


大学生毕业英语演讲稿 My dear Mr. and Misses, my fellows schoolmates, Good morning! As you know and see, it is a sunny bump harvest season. In the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which we together planted 4 years ago. Today may these roses and our friendship as well be together and comfort our excited hearts! It was four years ago that everyone of us came from every part of China and formed a new collective. As we are young, it’s very easy for us to communicate. It was in the past four years that we were ambitious. It was in the past four years that we worried. It was in the past four years that we were content. It was in the past four years that we were vexed. It was in the past four years that we were friendly and lonely ... and it was in the past fours that we studied, lived and respected each other with genuine and with our ambitions. Nothing in the world is more significant than we miss all of these. We miss you─teachers who are tireless in teaching; we will keep your gestures and your white hairs in our hearts deeply; we will miss the quietness with the lights at night in the classroom; we will miss the race and exercise on the playground;


大学英语演讲稿:选择的重要性 Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" program... If wecould agree what that was. However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice. Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one color. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades. Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers. Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business communications, international relations, and computer science. The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation. We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not come easily. About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference. Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people? Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it? First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities. I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. I can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China. Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is
