







2019-雅思听力经典场景解析:租房-word范文模板 (1页)

2019-雅思听力经典场景解析:租房-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思听力经典场景解析:租房 雅思听力经典场景不多,但是租房场景一定是最常见的,也是考生最需要熟悉的,因为几乎每一次的听力考试都会出现。选择合适的住所对学习生活起着至关重要的作用。而且住宿问题也是首先要解决的问题。此部分经常涉及租房地点,租房时间,房内设施,居住条件等考点。 比如大家比较熟悉的日本女生 Keiko 咨询关于 homestay 的情况的场景,就提出了 no smoking / smoker , no drinking / drinker ,是否有 pet 的问题的要求。 还有在剑3中收录的一个租房场景中考查了房屋价格以及各种 bill 的拼写。 此外,类似的场景还有曾考到的一男生向搬家公司投诉自己的物品在搬运过程中损坏,以及之前考到的房屋被盗的场景。房屋被盗此类场景是近几年随着留学生活的深入而被借鉴到雅思听力考试当中的,因为学生被偷被盗这样的事件在英国愈演愈烈,丢失了 laptop ,1000£ cash and passport 。 此类场景听力中就曾经考过一女生被偷电脑和钱包的场景,其中警察询问女生电脑 serial number 的题目让大家记忆深刻。所以后来也考到了相关的购买 insurance 的场景,保护自己的财物安全。 在此,要说明的是在英国租房子的平均价格为200-500£每月每人,房东一般会在合同中以每周多少磅的价格注明,包 bill 的房子会把所有费用都包括在内,不包 bill 的房子房东也会包 water bill . 而且入住前一般都要付200£左右的押金。


寄宿家庭守则 作息时间:西方人大多喜欢早睡早起,寄宿学生晚上9 点以后最好不要再使用电话与人长时间聊天(如有特别需要,请告知房东),不要洗澡、洗漱搞出很大响动,更不要在没有通知房东的情况下夜半归来,让房东担心并影响房东休息。 洗浴方面:西方人一般很注重个人卫生,洗澡很勤。寄宿学生最好搬入后就询问清楚自己洗澡的合适时间,以免时间发生冲突或没有热水。洗澡时尽量节省时间,既环保,又体谅别人。洗完后要将浴室清洁一下,用布擦拭干净,最后开窗换气。 朋友来访:一般情况下,在事前一定要征得homestay father 和mother 的同意方可邀请朋友来访,切不可自作主张经常让朋友前来,以防打扰寄宿家庭的日常生活,未经homestay允许绝对不要留宿朋友在自己房间过夜。 适当帮忙:主动参与是融入家庭的最好方法,寄宿学生最好不要心存“我付钱你劳动”的想法,应适当参与一些家务劳动,如饭前摆放与饭后收拾餐桌,洗碗,帮助清洁房屋,等等。 练习会话:能够经常有机会与西方人练习英语是很多寄宿学生选择寄宿的初衷。但最好是找机会、找话题与房东聊天,而不能不分场合、不看脸色死缠烂打地让房东与你练习英语。

收拾房间:西方人家庭一般每周六或周日会进行一次家居清洁,全家动手收拾房间、地毯除尘、衣物洗涤等。此时,寄宿学生也要对自己的房间做一次全面清洁,整理好自己的物品。即便在平日里也不要出现被褥不叠、房间里乱七八糟的现象,要保持房间干净整洁。 饮食方面:加拿大家庭的饮食比较简单。早餐以牛奶、麦片、面包为主,午餐以三明治为主,晚餐以意面、鱼/ 肉、蔬菜色拉为主,也时也会准备诸如中国菜,日本菜,墨西哥菜等各类晚餐。早午餐都是自己动手准备。如果能够主动帮忙准备晚餐,那么不仅可以练习英语,也能更好的融入加拿大家庭和文化之中。 机场应急英语 Basic English Lessons 基本会话: Excuse me, where is the washroom / restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里? Where can I find a pay phone?

1. 租房场景(雅思听力)

Ⅰ租房场景4.3.1 住宿登记表(Homework)

5.4.1 新生租房家庭寄宿类(表格填空题) 单词,词组 长难句 1.I have to get an extension to my permit. 2.I’d prefer to do…

SECTION 1 Question 1-10 Question 1-10 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer.

7.4.1 学生租房家庭寄宿类(表格填空题&简答题)单词,词组 长难句 1.I’ve enrolled for… 2.Leave it with me. 把这事交给我吧。

SECTION 1 Question 1-10 Question 1-6 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer. Question 7-10 Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 7. What does the student particularly like to eat? 8. What sport does the student play? 9. What mode of transport does the student prefer? 10. When will the student find out her homestay address?


生活英语词汇及生活用语 家电或设施 stove炉灶, fridge/ refrigerator/freezer冰箱, microwave oven微波炉, washing machine洗衣机, air conditioning空调, electric fans电风扇, radiator(电)暖气, electric stove电炉,personal stereo (system)音响, cooking utensils厨房用具, facilities设施, (water)heater热水器, shades/shutters百叶窗, sofa沙发,armchair扶手椅, couch睡椅, desk,coffee table咖啡桌, computer, carpet地毯, rug小地毯,垫子, fireplace壁炉, television/TV,table, bookshelves书架, lamps灯, painting油画,绘画, plants植物, pot plant盆栽 sink水槽,洗碗槽, wash basin洗脸盆, dishwasher洗碗机,洗碗的人, toaster烤面包机, broom扫把, dust pan撮子, cupboard食橱, curtain窗帘,门帘, bowl碗,mug马克杯, spoon勺子,调羹, table cloth桌布, dresser/dressing table梳妆台, mirror镜子, wardrobe衣柜,衣橱, closet橱柜, shower淋浴, bath/bathtub/tub浴盆,浴缸, toilet盥洗室,马桶, furniture家具 furnished有家具的, unfurnished无家具设备的, hire furniture租家具 床上用品 pillow枕头, pillow case枕头套, bed linen/sheet床单, , mattress/mat床垫, springs弹簧床, blanket毛毯, towel浴巾,毛巾, cushion(沙发)靠垫 门厅 hall会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅, lobby大堂,大厅, 休息室, porch门厅, doorway入口处, entrance hall一楼大厅, lounge侯机厅,候车厅,大厅 房子不理想的地方 not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy, shared kitchen合厨, insects昆虫, a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy没有隐私, have to prepare some repellant除虫剂 电话询问 Is it available now? 现在能住吗 when will it be available?How long has it been empty/vacant for?空多久了


Unit 1 meeting and setting off 请问,您是澳大利亚排球队领队汉森先生吗? Yes. 我是中国排球协会副主席王川,很高兴认识您,欢迎到中国来。 Nice to meet you,too. Thank you for coming to meet us. 不客气。旅途好吗? It was pleasant all the way. By the way ,where do we pick up the luggage? 这边请。取完行李之后,我们将开车送你们去友谊宾馆。宾馆位于海边,俯瞰大海。离机场开车只要20分钟。你们一定会喜欢的。 That's wonderful. I love living in a house with an open view . Do we have anything planned for this evening? 有,今天晚上8点钟在旅馆召开领队及教练的会议。这样安排可以吗? It's OK for me. 那我们7点50酒店大堂见。 That'll be fine. Thank you so much. 不用谢。明天晚上7点还将设宴为您洗尘呢!对了,在此期间,你们是否想去参观一些地方?我很乐意带你们去逛逛。 Well, it depends! If anything comes out good and satisfactory, I'd leave a day for sightseeing. I have always wanted to see the Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Center for Performing Art. You see,I have a special liking for arts. 没问题。观光的事由我来安排。 Thanks very much. Unit 2 scheduling 女士们,先生们,下午好,我叫张雨,是你们在北京的向导。 Very nice to meet you, Miss Zhang. Thank you for coming all the way to meet us at the airport. 不客气。欢迎大家参加长城和九华山庄一日游。现在我想花几分钟时间向大家介绍一下明天的行程安排。 OK, please. We've been looking forward to this trip for a long time. 长途飞行后大家一定都累了,今天晚上好好休息一下,明天早上8点请在宾馆大厅里集合。


2017年北京六城区(海淀、西城、东城、朝阳、石景山、丰台)高三英语一模阅读A篇专项练习 海淀: A I am Henry Jekyll.I was born in the1800s.I inherited(继承)a large fortune,a healthy body and an excellent mind.I was naturally hard-working and soon I was very successful in my job.So the outside world saw a serious,hard-working,successful doctor.Behind this quiet character, however,was a wild,fun-loving,irresponsible young man.Both of them were me.They lived together in the same body. “Was it possible,”I wondered,“to find a drug that could give each side of my character its own separate face and body?” After much thought and careful study I believed I had found the answer.I had read many scientific books and spent many hours in my laboratory,searching for the right mixture of chemicals to make my drug.At last I got everything ready. Late one night,I mixed everything together and prepared my drug.I watched the smoke rising from the liquid as its color changed from red to purple and at last to green.Then,bravely,I drank every bitter drop. I felt a violent sickness in my stomach and a terrible pain in all my bones.The room seemed to turn round and round and I trembled with fear.Then the fear and pain disappeared and a strange,sweet feeling took its place.Wild thoughts danced through my mind—the wild passions of an evil and cruel stranger.But inside myself I felt younger,lighter,more carefree than ever before.“If this is pure evil,”I thought,“I like it.” I stood there,enjoying these strange new thoughts and passions and suddenly realized that I was shorter.So I decided to go to my bedroom in my new body and take a look at myself in the mirror there.As I came into my room,I saw Edward Hyde for the first time. At that time,the good side of my character was stronger than the evil side.Henry Jekyll had his faults,but he was mostly a good,kind man.I believe that is the reason why Edward Hyde was so much smaller than Henry Jekyll.But that was not the only difference between the two men. Henry Jekyll had a kind,open,honest face.But pure evil stared out of Edward Hyde’s eyes.I felt no dislike,however.Indeed,I welcomed him.Edward Hyde was me,young and strong and full of life. 56.In others’eyes,the writer was______. A.wild and successful and responsible C.quiet and irresponsible D.serious and hard-working 57.The writer wanted to find a drug to______. the right mixture of chemicals B.create separate bodies for both sides C.observe the change of the chemicals D.make himself smaller but stronger


寄宿家庭常用词汇 Common Vocabularies of Homestay Family At kitchen 厨房 cabinet Paper towels dish drainer dishwasher 橱柜达纸巾盘碟滴干板洗碗机garbage disposal sink toaster shelf 废物处理机水槽烤面包机橱架refrigerator freezer coffeemaker blender 冰箱冰库煮咖啡器搅碎机microwave oven electric can opener toaster oven pot 微波烤炉箱电动开罐器烤面包机兼烤箱锅子 teakettle stove burner oven 烤茶壶火炉炉头烤箱 broiler counter drawer pan 烤培炉流理台抽屉平底锅 electric mixer food processor cutting board 电动搅拌器食物处理器切菜饭 Dining Area 用餐区 China cabinet set of dishes platter ceiling fan 餐具五斗柜整套餐碟餐盘天花板扇 light fixture serving dishes candle candlestick 电灯装置餐盘蜡烛烛台 vase tray teapot sugar bowl 花瓶托盘茶壶糖罐 creamer saltshaker pepper shaker dining room chair 奶脂罐盐瓶胡椒瓶用餐座椅 dining room table tablecloth napkin place mat 餐桌餐布餐具垫叉子 fork knife spoon plate 叉子刀汤匙盘子 bowel glass coffee cup mug 碗玻璃杯咖啡杯马克杯


ICS03.200 A 12 DB 浙江省地方标准 DB33/T 2048—2017 民宿基本要求与评价 Basic requirements and evaluation for homestay inn 2017-09-11发布2017-10-11实施

前言 按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本标准由浙江省旅游局提出。 本标准由浙江省旅游标准化技术委员会归口。 本标准起草单位:浙江省旅游局、浙江旅游职业学院。 本标准主要起草人:杨建武、李伟钢、吴健芬、章艺、伍卫军。

民宿基本要求与评价 1 范围 本标准规定了民宿的定义、基本要求、环境设施、管理服务、评价原则、等级划分条件要求。 本标准适用于正式营业的民宿,包括但不限于客栈、庄园、宅院、驿站、山庄等。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 2894 安全标志及其使用导则 GB 5749 生活饮用水卫生标准 GB 8978 污水综合排放标准 GB 9663 旅店业卫生标准 GB 14881 食品安全国家标准食品生产通用卫生规范 GB 14934 食(饮)具消毒卫生标准 GB 16153 饭馆(餐厅)卫生标准 GB 18483 饮食业油烟排放标准(试行) GB/T 17217 城市公共厕所卫生标准 GB/T 19095 生活垃圾分类标志 GB/T 22800 星级旅游饭店用纺织品 JGJ 125 危险房屋鉴定标准 CJJ/T102 城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准 3 下列术语和定义适应于本文件。 3.1 民宿 homestay inn 利用城乡居民自有住宅、集体用房或者其他配套用房,结合当地人文、自然景观、生态、环境资源及农林牧副渔业生产活动,为旅游者休闲度假、体验当地风俗文化提供住宿、餐饮等服务的处所。 3.2 民宿主人owner & investor 民宿业主或经营者。 4 基本要求

IELTS listening section1

一、听力场景词汇1:住房 雅思考试是一门非常贴近生活的考试。这个特点尤其在其中的听力考试部分有非常充分的体现。听力考试中常考的场景,很多都是生活里一些小片段的节选。在接下去的听力专题中,我们将挑选一些常考的典型场景,跟读者一起来通过场景这个角度,熟悉和熟悉雅思听力。 雅思考试是非常贴近生活的考生,而雅思听力场景也是非常贴近生活,其中雅思听力租房场景就其中较为代表性的场景,为此小编特收集整理的雅思听力租房场景的相关介绍,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。 首先,我们来看雅思听力租房场景。 租房场景是雅思听力中一个非常重要的生活场景。在2005年的考试中,一共考察了7次。尤其集中在7月份的考试中,考察了3次之多。且均出现在第一部分,为男女对话。如,在7月9日的考试中,一男子电话询问一个房屋中介(house agent),问了4套房子的情况。要求考生根据所听到的对话,填写下面的表格(划线部分为答案): 从例子来看,雅思听力租房场景可以从题型和词汇两方面来进行预备。 从题型上看,租房场景经常会出现各种形式的填空题,如个人信息填空、表格填空题和句子填空等等。在个人信息填空中,往往是某一个学生的住宿情况登记(Accommodation Form),其中的考点包括:姓名、日期、地址的写法、住宿类型、个人爱好、饮食习惯、其他住宿要求等等。这一部分对话速度不会很快,而且会有信息的重复,所以对于考生把握到答案难度并不大。 但是,从以往考生的考试经验来看,这一部分也是十分轻易失分的部分。这主要是由于这一部分几乎所有填空题对于答案的要求很高,如:常见姓名的拼写、专有名词首字母大写、名词答复数等等。考生往往偏重于对于答案内容的把握,而忽视对于格式的要求而“大意失荆州”。 由于近期考试租房场景几乎都以填空题形式出现,对于租房场景词汇的把握程度也决定了考生在考场中的表现。在这个场景涉及到的双方,主要是需要租房的房客(tenant)以及出租房屋的房东(landlord/landlady),或者代理房屋出租的房产中介(house agent)。租房涉及到的话题包括:住宿类型、租金、房间设施、租房/住宿要求等等。就住宿类型来讲,学生可以选择寄宿在别人家中(homestay),可以住在学校宿舍(dorm),也可以自己在外面租房子。 就租金方面,我们不仅要熟悉表示租金的rent,还要熟悉其他:如,第一个月除了租金外还需支付押金(deposit),每月的花费除了租金以外,还有各种各样的帐单(bills),包括:电话费(telephone bill)、煤气费(gas bill)、水电费(water/electricity bill)等等。此外,房间的各种设施也是此场景中一个重要的考点。考生需了解的包括各种家用电器、家具,以及各个房间的名称。常考的家电包括:冰箱(fridge)、热水器(water heater)、空调(air conditioner)、吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)等等。其他如走廊(corridor)、阳台(balcony)、地下室(basement)等等也是考生需要熟悉的词汇。 解答雅思听力租房场景的六部曲 租房场景一直都是雅思听力考试当中的一棵常青树,无论听力考试难度怎么加大或是新题不断出现,每一年,租房场景都是会在考试中出现的一个经典场景。从08到10年的机经来看,每年都是4-5次的出题频率,同时以旧题为主。租房场景一般出现在section 1 中,以表格和

7下 Unit 1 单元复习

7下Unit 1 单元复习 一、单项选择 1. Beijing is ______ old and beautiful city. It is ______capital of China. A. an; a B. the; a C. an; the D. the; the 2. True friends often ______their happiness and sadness with each other. A. own B. show C. take D. share 3. The little girl comes from ______ , but she speaks little ______ . A. Russian; Russia B. Russian; Russian C. Russia; Russian D. Russia; Russia 4. They will get ______ Paris ______ the morning of 5 May. A. to; in B. to; on C. / ; on D. / ; in 5. The Browns’ new home is quite ______ mine. You can see another style there. A. different as B. different from C. the same as D. the same from 6. The garden there ______ many different flowers. A. is B. are C. have D. has 7. Most of us ______ in our ______ at home after school. A. study; studies B. study; study C. studies; studies D. studies; study 8. ______ is Millie’s phone number? It’s 10852533. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How 9. The wall is ______ . It is a ______ wall. A. five metre long; five metres long B. five-metres long; five-metre long C. five metres long; five-metre-long D. five-metre long; five-metres-long 10. ______ of house do you live ______ ? A modern flat. A. What kind; in B. What kind; with C. How many; at D. How much; on 11. The restaurant ______ the bookshop is her ______ . A. next at; favourite B. near to; like C. next to; favourite D. between; like 12. We should stress ______ syllable when we read the word “tomorrow”. A. the first B. the second C. the third D. the last 13. There are over ______ floors in Nanjing Zifeng Tower, and you can enjoy nice meals on the ______ floor there. A. ninety; one B. ninety; first C. ninetieth; one D. ninetieth; first 14. Alice ______ with her family, but they call each other very often. A. don’t live B. doesn’t live C. lives D. live 15. Would you like some more milk? ______. That’s enough. A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Yes, thanks D. No, I don’t 二、完形填空 Have you ever been abroad?Some people often talk about their homestay after coming back home. Do you know homestay? ___1___ is a homestay? When you go to another ___2___ , you live in a local home as a member of the family. This is called a homestay. It's a great experience ___3___ you can learn more about the country and its people. I'm Lily from Jiangsu, China. I come to Canada and study together with some English teachers. We ___4___ an old Canadian couple, Mr. And Mrs. Green. They have a wonderful five-room house. And I have a bedroom of ___5___. They also have two bathrooms and a ___6___ with many beautiful flowers and big trees.


美国寄宿家庭的收费标准 引语: 美国西海岸寄宿服务中心(west coast home stay service),简称WCHSS,成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。The west coast of the United States boarding service centre (west group home stay service), hereinafter referred to as WCHSS, was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services. 正文: 很多留学生家长选择住在当地居民提供的家庭寄宿,以提高其外语水平,了解当地文化,更好地融入当地。选择这类家庭寄宿的初衷,无可厚非。但从其实际效果来看,还存在不少现实中的问题和认识上的误区,不仅远未达到学生和家长入住前的预期目标,而且还给学生本人带了不少负面影响。 Many parents of international students choose to live in the local residents to provide homestay, to improve their foreign language level, understand the local culture, to better integrate into the local. Choose this type of homestay, understandable. But from the point of its actual effect, there are many problems in reality and the misconceptions in understanding, not only far from students and their parents before the anticipated target, and returned to the student with a lot of negative effects. 目前中学生赴美留学越来越普遍了,很多人对到美国居住、食宿等问题感到头疼,大部分人选择了美国当地的中介机构寻找合适的寄宿家庭,再安排学生入住到寄宿家庭。但是寄宿家庭都是兼职的,都只负责简单的三餐和接送,无法实现对学生的全面服务和支持。多数的学生初到美国,在生活和学习上都不适应。而中介、父母、寄宿家庭、学校、学生5方之间的沟通多有障碍,造成信息脱节,这对学生的学习和生活造成很大的困扰和影响。 Current high school students to study abroad is becoming more and more common, many people have trouble problems such as housing, room and board to the United States, most people chose the local agency to find suitable host family, arrange students to check in to the host family. Host families are part-time, however, are only responsible for simple meals and transportation, unable to realize comprehensive service and support for students. Most of the students came to the United States, in the life and study are not used to. And mediation, parents, host family, school, student more than 5 communication between the parties, causing information disconnect, this to students learning and life caused great problems and influence. 学生们来海外留学的目的,是提高其专业知识水平,真正了解当地文化和语言。人以类聚,物以群分,只有与有知识有文化的家庭住在一起,才能真正起到提升的作用。如同会说中文的人不一定有中高层次文化水平和素养一样,在海外,并不是每一个会说英文的人都是中高级知识分子、工商业巨子或政治精英,能给留学生带来提升。与普通的社会中低层家庭住在一起,的确可以学些这个阶层所使用的语言,但对学生本人的提高又有多少帮助呢?The purpose of the students to study abroad, is to improve their professional knowledge level, truly understand the local culture and language. A person with type, content with group of points, only to have the knowledge and culture of the family live together, can we truly have the effect of

牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1Dream homes-Comic strip课时练习题

Unit 1 Dream homes (Comic strip) 一、辨音。 ( )1. A.France B.Canada C.Japan D.Russia ( )2. B.white ( )3. D.Tokyo ( )4. A.tower B.Moscow D.flower ( )5. B.Ben 二、词汇。 1.There are many __________(餐馆) in Beijing. You can have a nice meal in them. 2.My _________(最喜爱的) drink is apple juice. What about you? 3.---How many foreign(外国的) ________ does your father go to ? ---Two. America and the UK. 4.The ________(首都) of the USA is Washington D.C. 5.We don’t like to live in old _________(宫殿). We’ll feel afraid. 6.The boys come from______. They are __________. They speak________.(Japan) 7.It’s not difficult for us ______(learn) about the other countries. 8.Look! There’s a girl ______(cry) in the center of the street. 9.---Who ______(cook) meals in your family? ---My mother does. 10.How about ________(go) on a school trip next week? 三、单选题。 ( )1.Linda thinks that Suzhou is her second _______ because she lives here for 10 years. D.home ( )2.This T-shirt doesn’t match my jeans well. Would you please show me _______?


Are you planning to go abroad? Do you want to know more about the local people,culture, and life? Do you need to focus on your studies or work? If so, Homestay is the best way to do it. Homestay is a living arrangement with a host family who offers an extra private guestroom or space for an international student for a nominal charge in comparison with other expensive types of temporary or long term accommodations. H omestay is most commonly used byforeign exchange students, college and university students, internshipsrelocation, landed immigrants, andinternational scholars when living abroad. IHA's host families offer International student and guest a second home away from home. Homestay today, offers moderately priced accommodation for extended stay guests, including relocating and migrating individuals, athletes, and young workers with working holiday visa. In a homestay, one can easily have an enjoyable and convenient stay, form new friendships, experience a new culture, improve foreign languages, and gather new interpersonal skills in house sharing environment or living with other hosts in a homestay. You will find here information regarding the levels of Homestay and recommended rates. Monthly Homestay Rates No meals from With breakfast from Breakfast & dinner from With 3 meals from Standard$550$600$700$750 Semi-Deluxe$650$700$800$850 Deluxe$750$800$900$950 Search for your host family Step1
