
乔吉拉德 雪佛兰 四次名片 自己、父亲、母亲 对方主动说了
人脉即是财富 relationship is a fortune
学历代表过去 diploma represents past,
财力代表现在 money represents present
学习力代表将来 ability to learn represents future
拜名师交贵友 to learn from others
专家才是赢家 winner are those who do things professionally
我你比高两届 i am two years senior than you
我比你低三届 i am three years junior than you
美 老年人 senior citizen
所有亲生的兄弟姐妹 siblings
友好的 brotherly
只有感动自己才能感动别人 带领团队 不要为功利而作,而是以内自己喜欢。
你们的努力终会有回报 your hard working will rewarded by god one day
成功需要:稳步发展 细水长流 it takes time to successful
心灵鸡汤 chicken soup
实力很重要 what really counts is what you do ,not what you say
你有xx吗?英: do you have xx ? 美;have you got xx?
万能句型 i 've got it
人一定要活到无我(菜根谭):giving it all
把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中:do your best to help others(与圣经中 某些不约而同
特定语境:i want to go somewhere (我想去厕所)
当然 you bet (certainly)
大家闺秀 a lady of a good family
——thank you
——anytime (随时效劳) / no sweat (小事一桩)
no sweet without sweat。先苦后甜

别人夸你之后,你说:you are so sweet

a boy of few words 沉默寡言的人
困难最大的杀手是方法;the killer for difficulty is solution.
人低为王,水低为海:be modest all the time (低调)

从绝望之山上砍下一块希望的石头(马丁路德金)hew out of a mountain of despair a stone of hope

我可以自己把它搞定:no thanks ,i can handle it
egg on sb.'s face 丢脸 丢人现眼
this scandle or this bad thing has left eggs on his face. 这件丑闻、糗事让他丢人
each inch 每一寸地方、无处不在 、每个角落 (可用于很多语境)
encouragement makes a man 鼓励是白痴变为天才(批评也可以使一个天才变成白痴)

everything has two sides to think of 每件事都有两面性

要看的4套书 四书五经 大学
名片 business card
business(缩写biz) is about Bs(bullshit 胡说)

hairdo =hairstyle 发型
i like your new do(发型),you look a little sexer
i was doing eighty(开车80麦),but he passed me flying 他以费一样的速度超过了我
we are going to do(装修) sally's

room in yellow.
he is doing time(坐牢)in the state pen(联邦监狱)
no problem too large ,no business too small。(没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意 IBM)
enjoy everything ,own everything 享受一切,就拥有了一切

与别人相处时,一定要享受他带给你的折磨 :enjoy the torment form others .(爱上她的缺点)

英文中忌讳重复次,听力、笔、 说
非常喜欢XX:i am into xx 。n./doing i have a crash on xx (secret crash 暗恋) be crazy about

what does the watch say 几点了

i am head over heels in love with xx 对xx喜爱的天翻地覆
are you really ==indeed 真的吗?
我也是 same here \ like wise
a cup of tea (表示钟爱的事情)
a piece of cake (小事一桩)===grab a candy from a kid

说话方式 :先说总观点,然后补充例子和比喻

cheerful==happy-go-lucky 乐天派

AA制 split the bill(美=share the check) go (欧洲)
share is more 好东西分享了才是好东西

how are you doing?
same old same old 一般般
miserable 很不好 (悲观的)
awesome 非常好(Xsome= be full of X)

how can i address you 怎么称呼你 正式
home-made remedy 祖传秘方

may i ask/ could i know your mame
it's an honour to know you
i've heard so much about you

bill,please 买单

fun city==big apple = new york

IBM =international business machine= international big mouth

洛杉矶 天使之城

i work for==i am working with 我在哪工作

for coming all the way 不远万里来这里

please allow me to introduce

match maker / going-between 红娘

nice to meet you 第一次见面
nice to see you 第二次以后见面

mortal man 凡人


how's it going 最近怎么样 how are you doing
pretty good / 非常好
keeping busy 非常忙

生意不好:slow 好:great

a pretty sight(养眼、舒服,漂亮)



——how is it going
——keeping busy

you name it 你说吧
生意好:good great 生意不好:slow

没那回事:not that i know of

rumors always go around

sounds like music

a man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts

sum up(总结) at night what you have done by day

make yourself organised 规


let's go over there to do sth. 去那做什么

——what's happening with you
——what's up ?nothing much。 (熟人间打招呼,不见得非要问什么)

payraise 加薪 /ei/
big raise 加薪

money talks/speaks

you seem depressed 你看起来很不爽啊

got a ticket 罚单

for speeding 超速罚款

you did?=really 真的吗

fake smile 虚伪的笑 laugh guiltily 抱歉的笑

all acts performed in the world begin in the imagination。(芭芭拉)
松下新支柱 以后统治世界的不是武力而是智慧

always seek the best from others 看别人的长处

the purpose of this trip is to train our team in a real situation and to text our new members

those deserved apecial praise are xx
old guard 前辈

would you care for something to drink?你想来杯喝的吗(美)
=how do you like it

take a hike 与你绝交

take some suger in your coffee


mine black=black coffee 黑咖啡

mine plain 什么都不加的咖啡
white coffee 只加奶的咖啡

a pinch(掐) of sugar 加少许糖


suger and spice 形容女士很可爱 (温柔贤良、明眸皓齿、倾国倾城)

what a suger = what a day

if you can complete the mastery over self,you will easily master all else. to triumph over yourself is perfect victory.

the greatest strength and wealth is self-control最大的力量和财富是控制好自己。

under control 在控制中 ,控制自己

what's your plan for +时间=are you up for +时间(美国说法)

you bet 当然

are you up for a night of adventure 你今夜是否去happy?

pay sb. a visit 拜访某人

dress up to nines 盛装打扮

wear to kill 要穿的迷死人

sunday best 最好的衣服

eat more Roughage 多吃些粗粮

remember what life tells you

do more than others expect you to do

don't take it to heart everything you hate


don't spend all things you have不要花掉你所有的积蓄

don't sleep as long as you want

how was the party( last night)?(昨晚)过得怎么样?
it was a lot fun 太有意思了 太棒了

cold shoulder\long face 冷漠的人

crack a joke 讲笑话

enjoy the different states of your life 享受人生的不同状态

i'll be delighted 我很乐意。。。

what time shall we make it 什么时候做?

can you make it ?什么时候能做/能来?你能来吗?

----that's a bit late, isn't it?
----sorry for being tardy/(late)

of late=resently

已故的谁 late XX

busy is not a word 非常忙

练嘴皮子:pick it up, check it out 两只小鸟

you are good for nothing 你就是个饭桶

you are a half man你就不是个男人

an experienced

man (什么方面的)老手

dull boy 缺心眼的人

that's a girl's way 这就是女孩的方式

银行工作人员:bank tell 商店售货员:shop assistant

ATM=automatic teller machine

去买东西,想买什么, look for

侃价时,要就要,不要就走:take it or leave it

cash or charge 付现金还是记账(刷卡)

抚恤金 blood money 加班费 dark money 捡的钱 fairy money 定金 earnest money 用来贿赂的钱:glove money(手套里的钱,看不见)

有利可图的钱:good money 没钱赚的钱 bad money 堵别人嘴的钱:hash money 本钱:seed money 餐费:table money

委托金:trust money

do you think you could/would show me how? 随时向别人学习时的问话

let me share you some of my experience 谦虚的说去教别人什么

yes man 没主见的人、附合别人的人

委婉的表达不合意:not...exactly right / exactly man

sure,I'd be happy to

放开我/我的手 :let go

chick 漂亮的女孩子 chicken 胆小鬼 chicken feed 一点钱、做事很吝啬

hen-pecked 妻管严 = wife-bulliey husband

停止欺负 stop hen-pecking

在哪工作 put in


touching topics 敏感话题

job-hopping 跳槽

my job is going nowhere 我的工作毫无进展

it's time to move on 是换工作的时候了

这个XX不需要动脑筋 no-brainer

something more challenging 更有挑战性的东西


it sure is 确实是

far from 差远了

how do you find/enjoy/like your meal 你认为你的饭怎么样?

yummy yuck tasty superb(上等的) 好吃

.....is superb of excellent quality 质量上乘

right away 马上

french wine in 1845 劣质

it sounds like rip-off 听起来你被宰了

don't rip me off 别蒙我

rip through sth. 彻底毁灭XX

rip you apart 把你撕碎

no man is happy who does not think himself so 认为自己不幸福的人,永远不会幸福。

if you wouldn't mind。。。


magic moment 魔力时刻(帮助别人的时候)

meet his maker /pass away /die 去世

is over booked / booked up 订满了

directly cross the street 直穿过这条街

give me five 共同庆祝

house keeper 宾馆客服

I don't have enough room to swing a cat 没那么宽阔的心胸 (cramped 狭窄)

you sound very familiar 你的声音听起来很熟悉

bump into sb. 偶然遇见某人

break the ice 打破僵局

I have a shortful / GOOD memory 我记忆不好 / 好

always look at a glass as half full 乐观
always look at a glass as half empty 悲观


I never forget a handsome face 我从不会忘记一张漂亮的面孔

我终于想起你来了 it’s you

Tom boy 男孩性格的女孩

parents meeting 家长会

she's doing nicely 她最近表现不错

is that so 真的吗

mean to 本打算做什么却没做成

knock-out 绝世美女

forget-me-not 勿忘我

can I make a suggestion?我可以提一个建议吗?

by all means 当然/完全可以(巴不得呢)

I've been giving this a lot of thought 这个我已经想了好久了

offer a fag of cigarette 给一只烟


pipe music 播放音乐

I'll give it some serious consideration 我会好好考虑的这个问题

show consideration for sb. 关心某人

the hair of dog 以毒攻毒(英国传统:被狗咬了就拔狗毛就没事了)


I hope things work out for you 我希望你能如愿==all the best

authentic [?:'θentik] a. 可靠的,可信的,真的,真正的

simon-pure 地道的

I've been meaning to tell/ASK you 我一直想告诉你

transfer 转(汽车)、调动(职位、部门)

I wish I hadn't done it/that 我真希望我没做(这件事)(极后悔做某事

what's seems to be the problem 出了什么事?=what's the matter


it is nice to have someone to talk to

is she taken/ available ?他有男朋友了吗?她结婚了吗?

do you mind my lanch with you here

no, I wouldn't mind at all

I'll take a day off 我要请假一天

fancy restaurant 非常棒的餐厅

won't sb. mind?谁不介意吗?

mind your p's and q's 请注意你的小细节不要犯错误

Indian summer 幸福安详的晚年

significant specialty 致命的特点,别人无法代替你的特点。很行业内的顶端。专一

I drop in / stop by to ask you a favor 我来请你帮忙(顺便)

introduction letter 介绍信

associate (商业)联系
business associates 商业上的合作伙伴
personal friends 私交的朋友

in reture 回报

pick up and leave 卷铺盖走人
pick up the pieces 收拾残局

pretty chick 美丽的女孩

悲观主义者pessimist 空想主义者spiritalist 乐观主义者optimist 现实主义者 realist

车票钱 fare All fares,please 大家请买票
how did you fare there (古英)你在那里生活的如何?

exact change 具体数额的零钱

allow me,please 让我来(非常恭敬的说)

land of promise 乐土

it looks like rain/snow 看起来要下雨、雪

闷热的天气 sultry (in summer)
湿热、桑拿天 scorching

good use 用得好

I felt like I was roasting inside house 在屋里感觉跟火烤一样

what's the weather going to be/ LIKE tomorrow

when it comes to 谈论到什么问题的时候

under the weather 不舒服

secretly admire 暗恋

暗恋对象 secret crusher


leave it aside 放在一边不说/提

so they say 他们也这样说

I take it that Tony's pretty pleased about it 我认为托尼对它非常感兴趣。

I imagine

(预测地想) you re quite happy about moving 我想你很乐意搬到那去

He's going to have / take much responsibility 他将要肩负更大的责任。

shoulder responsibility 肩负责任

devoted husband 忠诚的丈夫

ostrich policy / trick 鸵鸟战略

Jack could not be relied on 杰克靠不住

(from)direct sense 直觉

don't judge a book by the cover 不要以貌取人
don't judge a person by the appearance

I've been saving money 我一直在存钱


(could)elope with 与谁私奔 (could 表一种虚拟,can表实际,很冲动的地选择了私奔)

should have done 本应做而没做

save it 别再说了,(做某事)好了吧!

talk non-stop 说个不停

存钱 deposit 取款withdraw

I love your cheeks (不喜欢别人,拒绝别人时说的话)

possum 装死的负鼠,装傻
play possum 装傻

happy-go-lucky 开心就会有好运

are you from around here? 你来自附近的国家吗

follow sb. around 整天跟着谁

what's the city like 哪个城市怎么样(what / how about what do you think)

habit makes a man 习惯成就一个人


nothing is more powerful than habit 没什么比习惯更正要


say that again = pardon 再说一遍

do you 读法:“就”的前半音

I'm just getting by resent days 得过且过,勉强度日

口语:话语转折时,思考时,用 well
well,I can tell you later

backstairs (仆人使用的楼梯通往卧室)

backstairs influence 走后门

thought provoking sentence 启人深思的话


otherwise 否则



make a budget 做预算、做计划

check-to-check 月光族

hit the mall 逛街

mall rats 爱逛街的年轻人

grab a candy from a kid 非常简单


I'm working on my budget 我正在研究(做)预算

I'm workin' on it 我正在做\努力\着手做(万能句型)

staring today 从今天开始

you know what 你知道吗?


crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪

nostalgia =homesick 乡愁

opportunity just like a thief 机会来的时候悄悄的来,一旦把机会偷走,你后悔莫及

miss the boat 错过机会

drop me a line 有空给我回信(拿笔写一句话)

短期居:stay 长期居住:live

stay in touch (by) 保持联系(通过)

is that so?真的假的?

definitely ad.当然地、肯定的、明确的 absolutely、 exactly

cold should (来自于冷羊肉招待不是

骑士的人) 对别人冷漠或冷漠的人


appointment 正式的商务约会 date 一般的男女间的约会

sorry 后悔

going steady (恋爱关系)已经确定;XX形势已稳定

sth. has come out XX发生

someone special 特别的人


significant other 生命中非常重要的人

对不认识的、不熟悉的人,用that 代替

secret crush 暗恋的对象

I'm happy for you 我为你感到高兴

with enough momentum(动力),nearly any kind of change is possible 有足够的动力(信念),几乎没有不可能的


work through study 边工作边学习

compulsory course 必修课
selective course 选修课


经典短语:语言财富 语言钻石


fit in 融合进(团队、组织、集体、观念等)


althiea's brand 人有旦夕祸福 Man's fate

althiea's brand exists in the course of human life while mutability(不可预测性) of weather (in) the nature 天有不测风云人有旦夕祸福

(街边)小餐馆、风味小吃店:greasy spoon(油腻的小勺子)
fancy restaurant 豪华的餐馆

特色服装店:expensive(shopping mall) take

想来点什么(购物、餐馆)what are you going to have/ what would you like to have
what's the specialty here /of the restaurant 你家特色菜是什么
what do you recommend?


羊排、羊肉片:lamb chops, muttonchop

A comes with(go with) B :B里配有(添加、赠送)A

餐馆里的客气词:enjoy(I hope you enjoy it\the meal\the party)

one step and then another,the longest walk is ended.
one stitch and then another,the longest cloth is mended.
one brick upon another,the tallest wall is made
one flake upon another,the deepest snow is laid

a scenic place 景色宜人的地方

flat tire 车胎扁了(没气了,扎带了)

备胎spare tire

pull over 把车停在路边

thank goodness 天哪、谢天谢地、幸亏

buckle off /fasten seat belt 系上安全带

I could kick myself,really. 我真是恨死我自己了

today isn't my day 今天真糟糕

Jason 负情郎(陈世美)

good fair 打折

经济舱 economy class = coach

I need some information on flights to XX 我想咨询一下去XX的飞机信息

sunshine state(阳光州) = florida (佛罗里达除了阳光,还有迪士尼乐园很有名)

round trip 双程(机票/车票)

去:leave 回:return

non-stop flight 直达飞机

non-stop person 很能说的人=talking non-stop


起程\离开:depart 到达:arrive

5点整 5 o'clock sharp

Barmecide 原:巴格达的一个王子 引申:口惠而不实的人(经常承诺很多事情,但是做不到的人=光说不练的人)
Barmecide's feast 给你很多,实现不了 空许诺言

all-talk person(without action) 光说不练的人

is around the corner 快要到来了

I expect tomorrow will be a little warm 我希望明天暖和一点

暴雨 rainstorm = It's raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

xx liker 喜欢xx的人

雾蒙蒙的 foggy

breezy 有微风的,轻松愉快的。

moody 变化无常的(人)

天气变长了 the weather is getting longer and longer

I can't wait to do = I' m dying for==I' m looking forward to

梦中情人 dreaming girl 白马王子 Mr. right

already gone

we ilve our lives in chains,we don't even know we have the keys。

you're shopping for an army ,you know 你买的太多了=big shopper

soft soap 爱拍别人马屁的人,圆滑的人

soft opera 电视剧

express line 快速通道 = fast alley

the place gets packed 人山人海

cash or charge 现金还是刷卡

please offer me exact change 请找给我正好的钱

many intelligent adults are restrained in thoughts,action and results. they never move further than the boundaries of their self-imposed limtation


can i get you anything 我能帮你做点神马吗

I'd like to, but I really can't

like what 比如说、举个例子吧

later on= after that = next =then

hairdresser 给女士做头发的人
barber 给男士理发的人

that's not(too)much 并不多啊

how are you going to get around 你打算怎么去

merry-go-round 旋转木马


fix the dinner 准备饭菜

fix yourself 打扮

unfixed 放松了的

everything has been fixed up nicely

公寓 美:apartment 英: flat

I'm terribly sorry about it




fire place 壁炉

US dollar 因为很多国家都用dollar,所以得说清哪国的

go up / go down (价格随市场波动自然的)涨价、降价

bring up / bring down 指人为的造成价格上涨或下落

I've been waiting for long

hang the wrinting on the wall 凶兆

meet one's maker 去世,死了

where does it hurt 哪里受伤了?

broke it 弄坏了它

fell on my knee 摔到了膝盖


that's terrific (很抒情的)太好了,太棒了,太糟了

how can i thank you

I can't thank you enough 我如何报答


I'm ALways happy to help out 我从来都是很乐意帮助别人的

Hobson's choice 做事毫不留余地,有原则 , 非常耿直的选择

here goes wish me luck! 看我的吧,祝我好运。
