

An empirical analysis of supply chain risk management in the German automotive industry

J¨orn-Henrik Thun?,Daniel Hoenig

Industrieseminar,Mannheim Business School,University of Mannheim,68131Mannheim,Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:



Available online27October2009


Supply chain management

Risk management

Automotive industry

Empirical analysis

a b s t r a c t

The purpose of this paper is the empirical analysis of supply chain risk management practices.The

analysis is based on a survey with67manufacturing plants conducted in the German automotive

industry.After investigating the vulnerability of supply chains in general and examining key drivers of

supply chain risks,the paper identi?es supply chain risks by analyzing their likelihood to occur and

their potential impact on the supply chain.The results are visualized in the


distinguishing between internal and external supply chain risks.Furthermore,instruments for dealing

with supply chain risks are investigated.Therefore,the impact of supply chain risk management on

performance is tested.In order to distinguish between companies with a high degree of supply chain

risk management and those with no or only limited implementation the plants are grouped by means of

a cluster analysis based on factors re?ecting the instruments of supply chain risk management.In

particular,groups are created representing two different approaches to deal with supply chain risks,i.e.

reactive and preventive supply chain risk management.The clusters are investigated concerning

differences in terms of performance criteria.The analyses reveal that companies with a high

implementation degree show a better supply chain performance.Furthermore,the results show that

the group using reactive supply chain risk management has higher average value in terms of

disruptions resilience or the reduction of the bullwhip effect,whereas the group pursuing preventive

supply chain risk management has better values concerning?exibility or safety stocks.

&2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


In a business environment characterized by high complexity and

uncertainty,manufacturing companies are forced to manage their

supply chains effectively in order to increase ef?ciency and

reactivity.Catastrophes such as9/11,hurricane Katrina,or the

Tsunami in2004have raised the attention on this issue.But also

everyday problems such as supplier losses or quality problems

make supply chain risk management important.It aims at

mitigating the negative impact of external disturbances and tries

to manage certain risks within supply chains.Especially the

automotive industry is well known for their efforts to improve its

supply chains according to their demanding business environment.

Since the1990s,a focus of managing supply chains lies in the

improvement of cost-ef?ciency(Lee,2004).Companies further-

more try to meet the requirements of competition through the

intensive implementation of concepts streamlining supply chain

processes(Childerhouse et al.,2003).This,for example,is

incorporated in the automotive industry through widely used

concepts such as just-in-time and just-in-sequence in order to

create lean supply chains(Svensson,2004;Thun et al.,2007).The

trend towards lean supply chains results in low inventories

achieved by close collaboration with customers and suppliers on

the one hand,but leads to high vulnerability on the other hand

since turbulences in the supply chain can barely be compensated

without safety stocks.Another reason for increasing supply chain

risks is the trend towards outsourcing due to the fact that additional

dependencies are created and the complexity in the network rises

(J¨uttner et al.,2003).The more complex a network is,the more

interfaces do exist and the higher the vulnerability will be(Peck,

2005).In a similar way,globalization increases supply chain risks

(Berry,2004)because aspects such as transportation risks,cultural

risks or exchange rate risks gain importance.

Numerous articles address the effects of external events on

supply chains and the companies involved(e.g.Chopra and Sodhi,

2004).Especially,catastrophes and their consequences have

augmented the attention to risk in supply chains within the last

years.For example,after the terrorist attacks of September11,

2001,Ford and Toyota had to stop their production in their

manufacturing plants in the US due to signi?cant delays in

delivery of parts coming from foreign countries(Shef?,

2001).Other examples are delayed deliveries due to quality

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

journal homepage:https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa5653003.html,/locate/ijpe

Int.J.Production Economics

0925-5273/$-see front matter&2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


?Corresponding author.Tel.:+491703128459.

E-mail address:thun@is.bwl.uni-mannheim.de(J.-H.Thun).

Int.J.Production Economics131(2011)242–249

problems or a complete loss of a supplier caused by its insolvency. In December2001,Land Rover had to worry about the production of its key model Discovery since its only supplier for Chassis, UPF-Thompson,?led for bankruptcy(Shef?and Rice,2005).Only by a high expense of goodwill,Land Rover could avert a nine-month disruption of production as well as the loss of1500jobs. Another demonstrative example for damage amounting to millions of dollars is the case of the German components supplier Robert Bosch who delivered its customers with defective high-pressure pumps for diesel fuel injection systems in the beginning of2005.However,a sub-supplier of Bosch was accountable for this mistake and,hence,the entire supply chain was affected.

These examples show that new risks emerge from the dependency and integration of companies in the supply chain. But not only such dramatic incidents disrupt supply chains,also more ordinary and workaday problems might affect supply chains.Often,comparable disruption is provoked by risks related to customers and suppliers as well as infrastructure and network.

A well known network risk is a phenomenon commonly referred to as the Bullwhip-effect which describes the ampli?cation of inventory when moving up the value chain(Lee et al.,1997).

Consequences of supply chain disruptions might be?nancial losses,a negative corporate image or a bad reputation eventually accompanied by a loss in demand as well as damages in security and health(J¨uttner et al.,2003).In the light of these risks and their inherent consequences,it can be assumed that the performance of a supply chain will be affected negatively. Although,general statements regarding the?nancial losses of affected companies and industries involved in supply chain disruptions are neither possible nor reasonable,yet,some examples of companies exist that estimated their daily loss to $50–$100million showing clearly the meaning of such negative incidents(Rice and Caniato,2003).Altogether,the prevailing developments stress the need for the management of risks within a supply chain.

Although supply chain risk management has gained attention in the past years in academia(J¨uttner,2005),there is a lack of work on this subject matter.There is a need for empirical work in the?eld of supply chain risk management analyzing the main supply chain risks and investigating instruments for an effective supply chain risk management.The main objective of this paper is to analyze the status quo of supply chain risk management in Germany based on a study conducted in the automotive industry. In particular,the purpose is to investigate the relevance of different risks in terms of their probability of occurrence and their potential impact on the supply chain.Furthermore,several instruments of supply chain risk management are analyzed regarding their potential to cope with supply chain risks.Hence, the relationship between the implementation of these instru-ments and different performance criteria is analyzed.

2.Literature review

Risk management in general is described as the identi?cation and analysis of risks as well as their control.A main particularity of Supply Chain Risk Management(SCRM)contrary to traditional risk management is that it is characterized by a cross-company orientation aiming at the identi?cation and reduction of risks not only on the company level,but rather focusing on entire supply chains.

However,in many industries risk management is still under-stood primarily as a company-speci?c task as it is pointed out by J¨uttner(2005,p.131):‘‘Companies implement organization-speci?c risk management,but there is little evidence of risk management at the supply chain level’’.Other studies show that only a minority of companies have implemented adequate methods for risk management although they are quite aware of the consequences of risks for their supply chain(Tang,2006). Hence,companies seem to have a huge catch up to do in terms of implementing instruments for risk identi?cation,analysis,and control in order to establish an effective supply chain risk management for creating secure and resilient supply chains.

The impact of an incident on a supply chain depends on the particularity of the incident on the one hand and on the design of the supply chain on the other hand.The latter refers to the aspect of vulnerability of a supply chain.Christopher and Peck(2004, p.3)de?ne vulnerability as‘‘an exposure to serious disturbance, arising from risks within the supply chain as well as risks external to the supply chain’’.The mitigation and control of vulnerability is the aim of supply chain risk management which is de?ned as


the identi?cation and management of risks for the supply chain, through a co-ordinated approach amongst supply chain members, to reduce supply chain vulnerability as a whole’’(J¨uttner et al.,2003, p.201).A special challenge of supply chain risk management lies in the multitude of risks within a supply chain.A central aspect is the identi?cation of the relevance of a particular risk for a supply chain.

In terms of survey research papers deal with supply chain risk. Atkinson(2006)deals with lean manufacturing and global sourcing in the context of supply chain risk management.A survey of purchasing executives shows that only half of all respondents reported monitor supply chain risks often.Further-more,the study reveals that only the risk management depart-ment has a broad view to address risks from one end of the supply chain to the other.Blackhurst et al.(2005)conducted a study in several industries analyzing global sourcing and supply-chain disruptions empirically.They identi?ed critical issues for disrup-tion analysis and mitigation as well as resilient supply-chain design.Craighead et al.(2007)evaluate different kinds of supply chain disruptions based on an empirical study.Besides design characteristics they investigate two categories of supply chain risk management,i.e.the capabilities of recovery and warning.

Based on a sample of827disruption announcements,Hendricks and Singhal(2005)investigate the effects of supply chain disrup-tions on stock prices and equity risks.They conclude that?rms do not recover quickly from the negative effects of disruptions.Based on the?ndings from an exploratory quantitative survey and qualitative group discussions with supply chain managers J¨uttner (2005)shows that44%of the responding companies expect the vulnerability of their supply chains to increase within the next?ve years.It is argued that the concept of supply chain risk management is still in its infancy although the data reveals a clear need for dealing with risk issues in supply chains.

Kleindorfer and Saad(2005)investigate a data set on accidents in the US Chemical Industry.Based on empirical results they derive implications for the design of supply chain risk manage-ment.Although this brief literature review contains a couple of articles dealing with supply chain risk management,it clearly shows that there is still a de?cit of academic work in terms of survey based research(see for an exception Wagner and Bode, 2006).Even the link between instruments of supply chain risk management and performance should be investigated empirically in order to give evidence on the question of which instruments are regarded as being effective.


3.1.Vulnerability of supply chains

Although many companies are aware of risks that might in?uence their supply chain negatively,managers fail to implement

J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig/Int.J.Production Economics131(2011)242–249243







supply chain的重要性T

























ty 升?高,




suitable instruments of supply chain risk management (Tang,2006).A possible reason for disregarding these instruments is that some risks are eventually underestimated in terms of their likelihood or impact on the supply chain.A further reason might be that managers are simply not familiar with appropriate instruments and neglect them accordingly.Finally,the dif?culty to quantify the bene?ts of hedging against supply chain risks might hinder the implementation of appropriate instruments.Often,the problem is the economic legitimation of instruments for supply chain risk management to prevent disturbances or disruptions (Zsidisin et al.,2000).This is pointed out by a manager in a study by Rice and Caniato (2003,p.28):‘‘Nobody gets credit for solving problems that did not happen’’.Although it seems to be indispensable to build up supply chain risk

management before a

serious incident

can show its

relevance (Norrman and Jansson,2004),many companies fail to do so.Accordingly,the following hypothesis is formulated:H 11.Supply chains are regarded as being susceptible in terms of supply chain risks.

3.2.Drivers of supply chain risks

Some developments have forced companies to change their way of doing business in order to maintain the competitiveness of their supply chain.On the one hand,companies have to offer a great range of different products or variants in order to satisfy customer demand which leads to higher vulnerability due to higher complexity (Harland et al.,2003).Furthermore,companies

can no longer afford to focus on local markets.They are forced to realize the potential of global markets in terms of suppliers as well as customers resulting in a highly complex supply chain.Due to a high interconnectedness of companies and close relationships within complex networks supply chains have become more vulnerable for disturbances (Zsisidin et al.,2005).Accordingly,the trend towards globalization must be regarded as a source for supply chain risks too.Besides complexity,the need for a lean supply chain acts as a driver for supply chain risks as well.Lean

management approaches prove to be very ef?cient and seem to be indispensible in order to be competitive in the automotive industry but they bear the risk of making supply chains vulnerable.This is also stressed by Norrman and Jansson (2004,

p.434):‘‘The leaner and more integrated supply chains get,the more likely uncertainties,dynamics and accidents in one link affect the other links in the chain’’.Furthermore,companies focus on their core competence and tend to outsource other activities to business partners.Also the ongoing trend towards single sourcing

raises supply chain risks due to a higher dependency in terms of delivery problems.Accordingly,ef?ciency and complexity are regarded as key drivers of supply chain risks.

H https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa5653003.html,plexity and ef?ciency are key drivers for supply chain


3.3.Supply chain risks

In the following,risks driving the vulnerability of supply chains are discussed based on an approach by Christopher and Peck (2004)who distinguish between external and internal supply chain risks.In terms of internal supply chain risks,cross-company-based risks and internal company risks can be differ-entiated.Internal company risks deal with disruptions caused by problems within the organizational boundaries of the company such as machine breakdowns or IT problems.These risks can be in?uenced by a company directly (Rice and Caniato,2003).In the context of cross-company-based supply chain risks it can be distinguished between purchasing risks and demand risks.

Purchasing risks are concerned with ‘‘upstream’’activities in the

supply chain (Zsidisin,2003).Here,companies are faced with the risks related to suppliers,e.g.quality problems of delivered parts (Zsidisin et al.,2000).Furthermore,the ?nancial instability of a supplier can lead to its insolvency and therefore can result in the total loss of a supplier (Giunipero and Eltantawy,2004).Technological changes or innovation in terms of the product design might overstrain a supplier’s capabilities and therefore lead to disturbances at the supply site.

Demand risks are based on ‘‘downstream’’activities in the supply chain (Svensson,2002).These risks can be related to the distribution of products or can be based on uncertainties in terms of demand forecasts which might result in delivery bottlenecks,

high inventories,or inef?cient capacity utilization (Cachon and Lariviere,2001).Finally,external supply chain risks deal with environmental causes that can barely be in?uenced and lead directly or indirectly to disturbances within the supply chain.They can be caused by sociopolitical,economical,technological or geographical reasons.Examples are earthquakes or hurricanes as well as terrorist attacks or political instabilities (Kleindorfer and Saad,2005).

Subsequent to risk identi?cation,an assessment of the risks concerning their probability of occurrence and the extent of the adverse effect on the entire supply chain should be carried out.Although the exact quanti?cation of these values is often dif?cult

since a precise assessment of the probability of occurrence and their effect is hardly possible it is advisable to evaluate the identi?ed risk at least in a qualitative way.

It is presumed that internal supply chain risks have a higher likelihood to occur than external supply chain risks since the majority of the latter are predominantly exceptional (e.g.war or terrorist attacks),whereas internal supply chain risks such as

supplier problems or a change in customer demand cannot be regarded as uncommon incidents.Hence,these supply chain risks

are expected to have a higher probability.Furthermore,it is expected that external supply chain risks such as natural disasters will show a higher impact since their occurrence is normally accompanied by grave consequences.The risks can be depicted in a portfolio regarding the dimensions ‘‘probability’’and ‘‘impact’’based on a Likert-scale (Wittmann,2000).Fig.1shows the probability-impact-matrix.

Accordingly,the following two hypotheses are formulated concerning the probability and impact of typical supply chain risks.

H 13a.Internal supply chain risks have a higher likelihood to occur than external supply chain risks.

H 13b.External supply chain risks have a greater impact on the supply chain than internal supply chain risks.






impact C 12





J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig /Int.J.Production Economics 131(2011)242–249244



市场需求, 造成了供应链的出错率











公司内部,机器breakdown 算是内部供应链的?小问题。

















?高?风险难预测的就是immediate action



3.4.Instruments of supply chain risk management

The instruments of supply chain risk management can be

differentiated in preventive instruments and reactive instru-ments.(Note that both,as well preventive as reactive instruments are induced before an incident occurs,but only preventive instruments show also their impact beforehand,whereas reactive instruments can only show an impact afterwards when a incident already occurred although they are induced ex ante.)Preventive instruments are cause-related measurements that

strive for lowering the probability of risk

occurrence.Examples for risk

avoidance are the concentration


products with constant

demand and


variants or the

focus on secure markets.Furthermore,some risks, e.g.natural disasters,can be dodged geographically by locating production sites in safe areas.More common are instruments that do not completely eliminate the risks but decrease their probability of occurrence signi?cantly.For instance,companies can focus on certi?ed suppliers in order to guarantee high quality and a high on-time delivery ratio.That way,delivery problems can be avoided.Furthermore,supplier relationship management or even supplier development can help to reduce supply-site uncertainties and hence lead to lower supply chain risks (Giunipero and Eltantawy,2004).Also approaches for improving the transparency of and the informa-tion transmission within supply chains such as RFID,mobile devices,or ‘‘Tracking &Tracing’’can decrease the probability of occurrence of supply chain risks (Byrne,2005;Shef?and Rice,2005).

Reactive instruments are effect-oriented measurements that strive for mitigating the negative impact of an incident.Reactive instruments do not directly act on the risks but strive for absorbing the damage caused by a risk.Accordingly,the supply chain should be designed in a way that the consequences of an incurred risk are cushioned.The creation of a resilient supply chain can be achieved in two different ways:Improving ?exibility

or building up redundancies (Rice and Caniato,2003),whereby we concentrate on the latter.The common approach for creating redundancies is to build up safety stocks (Shef?and Rice,2005).Another classical example is the approach of dual sourcing or multiple sourcing.If one supplier fails due to quality problems or other delivery problems,still at least one further supplier is available ensuring the delivery of parts.Moreover investments in a back-up IT system can be named in this context.Although most of the mentioned instruments lead to ef?ciency losses which result from the conscious creation of redundancies,this approach must nevertheless be regarded as rational if these losses are interpreted as insurance premium (Shef?,2001).Against the background of this discussion the following hypotheses are formulated:H https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa5653003.html,panies with a high degree of supply chain risk management show a higher performance than companies with a low degree.

H 14b.There is a difference between companies using preventive instruments contrary to those using reactive instruments in terms of performance criteria.

4.Analysis 4.1.Research design

Due to the differences existing between industries it is reasonable to concentrate on one speci?c industry.In this study we focus on the automotive industry in Germany.This industry is suitable as it is characterized by close collaboration and high

complexity of supply chains.The great majority of the participat-ing companies belongs to 1st tier supplier (structural data of the sample is shown in Appendix A).The purpose of the analysis is the empirical investigation of the discussed issues of supply chain risk management in order to give some insights on this topic from a practitioner’s point of view.For this study,204companies have been contacted and 185questionnaires have been sent out.The ?nal data base comprises the data of 67companies.As potential respondents for this survey managers in charge of supply chain management or logistics are chosen since they are expected to be the most knowledgeable in providing the desired information about supply chain risk management.The questions used for this analysis are measured by ?ve-point Likert scales ranging from ‘‘strongly disagree’’to ‘‘strongly agree’’(the questions are shown in Appendix A).The data base contains multiple items about typical supply chain risks and instruments as well as indicators for the competitive performance of the plants.The items concerning supply chain risk management are used to create factors presenting a statistical construct for the particular subject matter as described in the following.


Before typical supply chain risks and the instruments of supply chain risk management will be analyzed,the main risk drivers and the estimations in terms of supply chain vulnerability will be examined.Regarding the latter,the respondents are asked for their estimation concerning the vulnerability of their supply chain.The average value of all respondents is 3.19on the ?ve-point Likert-scale.Almost 40%of the companies regard them-selves as being highly vulnerable (point 4or 5on the Likert-scale).Only every fourth manager estimates his supply chain as being little or not at all susceptible in terms of supply chain disruptions (point 1or 2on the Likert-scale).Altogether it can be stated that the majority of the managers (almost 75%)do not regard the vulnerability of their supply chain as being low.Hence,hypothesis H 11cannot be rejected.Furthermore,the managers are asked to give their estimations about the key developments driving supply chain risks.Fig.2depicts the results.

As it can be seen from the ?gure,the trend towards globalization of supply chains and the necessity to offer many product variants have the highest mean values.Hence,factors increasing the complexity of supply chains must be regarded as key drivers for supply chain risks.But also approaches for building up a lean supply chain such as outsourcing,reduction of suppliers,or a focus on ef?ciency are drivers of supply chain risks.The results indicate that hypothesis H 12cannot be rejected.

In order to give empirical evidence concerning the potential risk a company might be confronted with,the various risks are depicted in the ‘‘probability/impact’’-matrix.The risks can be compared regarding their probability of occurrence and their impact on the supply chain.Furthermore,the most critical risks can be identi?ed.Fig.3shows the results of the ‘‘probability/impact’’-matrix in terms of internal and external supply chain risks.

As the ?gure indicates there are obvious differences in terms of supply chain risks.Supplier quality problems must be regarded as most critical risk since they have both,a high probability and a high impact.Supplier failure and a malfunction of the IT system are seen as severe problems but are less likely to occur.The highest probability values are observed in terms of increasing raw material prices,customer demand changes,and delivery chain disruptions.A T -test concerning the difference between external and internal supply chain risks shows that the latter show higher

J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig /Int.J.Production Economics 131(2011)242–249245


afterward 前向减少减少供应链?风险的?方法:选择可靠的供应商选择安全的?生产地点采?用RFID 技术






average values in terms of

their probability on a high signi?cance level (p o 0.05).Hypothesis H 13a cannot be rejected,accordingly (The mean values and the results of the T -test are shown in Appendix A).Regarding the impact,external supply chain risks do not show higher values.In fact,the opposite is true since internal supply chain risks have higher values on a very high signi?cance level (p o 0.05).Hence,hypothesis H 13b is rejected.

In the following,the instruments of supply chain risk manage-ment will be investigated.This is done by means of a factor analysis and a cluster analysis.In a ?rst step,the items in terms of the instruments of supply chain risk management are aggregated by a factor analysis.For the validity of the factors their Eigenvalues and the explained variance are tested.The Eigenvalue of each factor exceeds the minimum threshold of 1.0,and the explained variance of the factors is 450%.Additionally,all factor loadings are 40.4.The reliability of the factors is tested by Chronbach’s Alpha.Following Nunnally (1978),a value of 0.7is regarded as acceptable,whereas Sakakibara et al.(1997)regard a value of 0.6as satisfying for newly developed scales.All created factors have at least an Alpha 40.6.Accordingly,all created factors ful?ll the criteria for validity and reliability and can be used for further analyses.The criteria for validity and reliability as well as the factor loadings are presented in Table 1.

An analysis of the mean values shows that the instru-ments are predominantly implemented on a low level only.Furthermore,a T -test on a high signi?cance level (p o 0.1)

comparing the instruments of preventive and reactive supply chain risk management reveals that the latter has been imple-mented even less (see Appendix A for the values of the T -test).In order to identify plants actively applying instruments of supply chain risk management the companies are separated by means of a cluster analysis.For the cluster analysis Ward’s method with the squared Euclidean distance is used.The cluster analysis divides the plants into three groups,whereby one group represents the companies with a focus on preventive instruments of supply chain risk management,another group concentrates on reactive instruments,and the last group shows companies with a low implementation degree.The results of the cluster analysis are con?rmed by a discriminant analysis which classi?es 93%of the companies in accordance to the groups created by the cluster analysis (Table 2).

A comparison of means reveals that there exist differences in terms of several performance measures (Fig.4).Most of the T -tests are on a high signi?cance level (p o 0.05)or at least on a signi?cance level of p o 0.1.(Note :Those performance criteria with p o 0.05are marked with **and those with p o 0.1are marked with *.)Hence,hypothesis H 14a cannot be rejected since only two of the investigated performance criteria do not show signi?cant differences.

The results of the analysis are twofold.Firstly,the comparison shows that the group with the lowest values for supply chain risk







machine breakdowns strike technological change supplier failure

supplier quality prob lem s delivery chain disrupts.

malfunction of IT system

increasing raw

material prices change in

customer demand war terrorist attack

increasing customs duty

transportation failure

oil crisis



import restriction accident (e.g. fire)

external supply chain risks internal supply chain risks

Fig.3.Supply chain risks.






Central Distribution Centralized Production

Focus on efficiency Reduction of Suppliers Outsourcing

Product Variants

Globalization Fig.2.Drivers of supply chain risks.

Table 1

Validity and reliability of factors.Factors

Preventive SCRM Reactive SCRM


Suppliers with high quality

0.919 3.3Suppliers with a high on-time delivery ratio

0.909 3.2Prevention of geopolitical risks 0.676 2.9Supplier development 0.598

3.9Multiple sourcing 0.875 2.5Back-up IT systems 0.827 2.9Dual sourcing 0.698 2.7Safety stocks 0.419



2.486 2.112Explained variance 62.1452.80Chronbach’s Alpha


0.68Table 2

Average values of the SCRM groups.

Variables Preventive SCRM Reactive SCRM No SCRM

à1.437à0.750Preventive SCRM 0.551à0.249Reactive SCRM



J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig /Int.J.Production Economics 131(2011)242–249


management also have the lowest values for every single performance criteria.This leads to the supposition that supply chain risk management seems to improve the performance of a supply chain.Secondly,there exist differences between the two groups conducting supply chain risk management.The group pursuing the

instruments for preventive supply chain risk management has higher average values in terms of an increased ?exibility and decreased stocks.Furthermore,this group has higher values concerning reactivity and cost reduction.Contrary to that,the group representing the companies with reactive supply chain risk management instruments has higher average values in terms of the reduction of the bullwhip effect and external disruptions resilience.Hence,hypothesis H 14b cannot be rejected.


The empirical analysis reveals that supply chains are predomi-nantly regarded as being vulnerable.A reason might be the rather low implementation degree of the instruments of supply chain risk

management which is in accordance to the literature (J ¨uttner,2005;

Tang,2006).Furthermore,factors rising complexity such as globalization and product variants on the one hand,and factors increasing ef?ciency such as outsourcing or reduction of suppliers on the other hand are identi?ed as key developments driving supply chain risks and therefore increasing supply chain vulner-ability.Globalization fosters supply chain risk since the resulting dependencies might lead to risks on the demand side as well as on the supply side.Moreover,many product variants result in supply chain risks because they increase the uncertainty in a supply chain.In terms of ef?ciency outsourcing raises the amount of interfaces and the dependency between companies making the supply network more vulnerable.The reduction of the amount of supplier additionally can improve supplier relationships on the one hand,but leads to a dependency on the other hand.Beyond that the ongoing trend towards offshoring will also increase the vulner-ability of supply chains,since supply relationships will be more complex and susceptible to faults due to cross-national connections.

In addition to the drivers described above the resulting supply chain risks are investigated.The analysis shows that potential risks threatening supply chains are evaluated differently con-cerning their impact on the supply chain and their probability to occur.The results reveal that internal supply chain risks are regarded as being more likely to occur and that they would also

have a greater impact on the supply chain.The latter result might be in?uenced by the fact that managers estimate the impact of incidents with a higher likelihood stronger since they implicitly reevaluate the impact based on its expectation value.However,the results indicate that most of the risks supply chains are confronted with arise from inside the supply chain.This indicates that managers are able to act on these risks directly.

Additionally,the study reveals that supply chain risk manage-ment has the potential to improve supply chains in the automotive industry.A comparison of means shows that those companies having a low implementation degree of supply chain risk management instruments have lower average values in all of the investigated performance criteria such as resilience against external disruptions,reactivity improvement,or ?exibility.Furthermore,a T -test shows that reactive instruments of supply chain risk management are less implemented than preventive instruments.A reason for this might be the fact that reactive instruments are cost intensive since they are primarily based on

resource-binding redundancies such as safety stocks.In a further step,the companies are grouped by a cluster analysis separating the companies in groups pursuing reactive or preventive supply chain risk management.The group using preventive instruments shows higher values in terms of increased ?exibility,decreased stocks,reactivity,and cost reduction.The group using reactive instruments shows higher average values concerning a reduction of the bullwhip effect and external disruptions resilience.These results reveal that reactive supply chain management is effective in terms of external impacts on the one hand,but leads to inef?ciencies due to the redundancies on the other hand.Contrary to that,preventive supply chain risk management supports the creation of a resilient supply chain.

As research limitations the following aspects should be mentioned.This study focuses on the automotive industry exclusively.Further research could transfer the ideas to other industries such as electronics or machinery in order to test general validity of the results.Additionally,an international survey would give interesting insights concerning the degree of implementation in other countries or could identify cultural differences with respect to supply chain risk management.Acknowledgment

This research is ?nancially supported by the Julius-Paul-Stiegler-Ged¨achtnis-Stiftung.

Fig.4.Supply chain performance measures.

J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig /Int.J.Production Economics 131(2011)242–249247





Appendix A

Questions Vulnerability

Do not agree Do agree


In general,do you consider your supply chain as vulnerable to incidences?&&&&&Developments driving supply chain risks

In your opinion,to which extent do the following developments contribute to an increase of risk within your supply chain?Do not agree Do agree absolutely Focus on ef?ciency instead of security aspects &&&&&Globalization of the supply chain &&&&&Focus on central distribution &&&&&Inforced outsourcing &&&&&Reduction of suppliers &&&&&Increased product variety &&&&&Centralized production &&&&&Typical risks and their consequences

How do you estimate the probability of the following risks and their consequences concerning your company?Probability Consequences Very low Very high Very low Very high &&&&&Supplier failure

&&&&&&&&&&Supplier quality problems &&&&&&&&&&Oil crisis

&&&&&&&&&&Terrorist attack &&&&&&&&&&Strike

&&&&&&&&&&Malfunction of IT-system &&&&&&&&&&Accident (e.g.?re)&&&&&&


Natural disaster &&&&


Probability Consequences

Very low Very high Very low Very high &&&&&Machine breakdowns

&&&&&&&&&&Import or export restrictions &&&&&&&&&&Transportation failure

&&&&&&&&&&Delivery chain disruptions &&&&&&&&&&Increasing customs duty

&&&&&&&&&&Change in customer damand &&&&&&&&&&Technological change




Increasing raw material prices


Company data Number of Employees Frequency Revenue Frequency o 1001o 504100–5001650–10010501–100012101–500211000–500014501–1000745000244100024Overall 67





Impact External supply chain risk 2.0125 3.1250Internal supply chain risk 2.9444 3.8889Overall



J.-H.Thun,D.Hoenig /Int.J.Production Economics 131(2011)242–249


Sum of squares df Means of squares F Signi?cance Probability n internal or external risk 3.6781 3.67810.754.005



Impact n internal or external risk 2.4711 2.47114.459.002



Implementation Preventive instruments 3.35

Reactive instruments 2.65

Overall 3.00

Sum of squares df Means of squares F Signi?cance Implementation degree n preventive or reactive instrument0.98010.980 5.444.058




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全面风险管理体系建设 方案 内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)

我们侧重从企业整体层面制定风险战略、完善内控体系、设计风险管理流程和组织职能等。我们帮助企业搭建风险管理的综合架构,建立风险管理的长效机制,从根本上提升风险管理的效率和效果。 全面风险管理体系建设将帮助企业达到以下目标: ·从企业战略出发,统一风险度量,建立风险预警机制和应对策略 ·明确风险管理职责,将所有风险的管理责任落实到企业的各个层面 ·形成风险信息的收集、分析、报告系统,为风险的实时有效监控和应对提供依据 ·避免企业重大损失,支持企业战略目标的实现 ·使所有企业利益相关人了解企业的风险,满足股东以及监管机构的要求 ·形成一套自我运行、自我完善的风险管理机制 · 风险评估 系统辨识客户企业面临的风险,将辨识出的风险进行定性和定量的分析,评价风险对企业目标的影响。 ·统一的风险语言 ·确定风险列表和坐标图

·确定企业风险管理的重点 ·明确风险的价值 · 风险管理诊断 评估企业风险管理体系的整体水平,诊断对于重大风险管理的应对手段,把握企业了解当前的风险管理现状,提出改进的建议方案。 ·评估核心风险的管理状况 ·满足合规的要求 ·找出风险管理现状与最佳管理实践之间的差距 · 风险战略设计 根据企业的发展战略,结合企业自身的管理能力,明确风险管理目标,并针对不同的风险,引入量化分析工具,确定风险偏好和承受度,设计保证战略目标实现的风险管理战略。 ·确定风险管理指导方针 ·确定风险偏好及风险承受度 ·确定企业整体风险模型 ·确定风险预警体系 · 风险文化建设 统一企业的风险意识和风险语言,培养企业员工的风险责任感,建设与企业风险战略相符合的风险文化。 ·普及风险管理知识 ·强化全员风险意识


全面风险管理的目标和相关主要内容 在改革开放之后,人们的生活质量发生了很大变化,但更大变化的却是人们的社会环境 和经济环境变得更加复杂,由此企业也就面临着更加多样的竞争环境,这就迫使企业的管理 者必须应对更加复杂和快速的变化。在这种情况下,企业内外部的风险时刻显现,因风险处 理不当而遭受损失甚至破产的企业也越来越多,这就要求企业的管理者必须建立一定的风险 防范和应对机制,既保证企业可以稳定的发展,又可以对风险事件做出快速反应,且不使做 出的决策偏离企业的战略正途。 全面风险管理的目标 现在世界上最先进的体系化风险防范机制是在企业建立全面风险管理体系,全面风险管 理代表着风险管理的最前沿的理论和最佳实务。 全面风险管理是这样一个过程:它与企业的董事会、经理层和其他员工紧密相关,在战 略制定中得到应用,贯穿于整个企业,用来识别影响企业目标实现的潜在事件,在企业风险 偏好的指导下管理风险,为企业目标的实现提供合理的保证。 由此可见,企业建立全面风险管理体系的总体目标就是为企业实现其经营目标提供合理 的保证,也就是为了保证企业经营目标的实现,将企业的风险控制在由企业战略决定的范围 之内。换句话说就是全面风险管理可以帮助所有的企业,不管其大小或目标是什么,来全面 系统地辨识、衡量、排序并处理所面临可导致其偏离企业目标的风险。 同时,企业建立全面风险管理体系还可以确保企业遵守有关法律法规,确保企业内外部 尤其是企业与股东之间实现真实、可靠的信息沟通,保障企业经营管理的有效性,提高经营 效率,保护企业不至于因灾害性事件或人为失误而遭受重大损失。 全面风险管理的主要内容 全面风险管理体系由风险战略、风险管理职能、综合内控、风险理财及风险管理信息系 统五个模块组成。 风险战略是指导企业风险管理活动的指导方针和行动纲领,是针对企业面临的主要风险 设计的一整套风险处理方案。 风险管理组织职能是风险管理的具体实施者,通过合理的组织结构设计和职能安排,可 以有效管理和控制企业风险。 内部控制作为全面管理体系的一部分,是通过针对企业的各个主要业务流程设计和实施 一系列政策、制度、规章和措施,对影响业务流程目标实现的各种风险进行管理和控制。 风险理财是指企业运用金融手段来管理、转移风险的一整套措施、政策和方法。 风险管理信息系统是传输企业风险和风险管理状况的信息系统,其包括企业信息和运营 数据的存储、分析、模型、传送及内部报告和外部的披露系统。 全面风险管理体系构成—风险战略 如同企业战略是指导企业运作的总纲领一样,风险战略是指导企业风险管理活动的指导 方针和行动纲领,企业的风险管理活动将围绕风险战略展开。 风险战略是指企业进行风险管理的总体策略,企业根据自身条件和外部环境,围绕企业 发展战略,确定企业的风险偏好或风险承受度,以及风险管理有效性的标准,然后选择风险 承担、风险规避、风险转移、风险转换、风险分散、风险补偿、风险控制等适合的风险管理 工具,并确定风险管理所需人力和财力资源配置的原则。 风险战略首先需要确定量化风险时所使用的量化模型,制定企业的风险度量标准。统一 的风险度量标准使得企业可衡量不同业务之间风险的大小,确定企业应当着重管理哪些风险,并明确分配风险管理资源的分配基准。 企业制定风险战略,在充分考虑企业风险承受度的基础上,还要选择各种手段以进行风 险应对。例如如果某项业务所含固有风险超过企业风险承受度,则在风险战略的指导下,企


充分认识加强企业内部控制管理的重要意义 核电产业由“适度发展”向“积极发展”的快速增长期为企业成长带来了广阔的空间,随着企业规模的扩大和发展的深入,防范各种经营风险,提高企业内控管理逐步成为企业健康发展的重要内容。近年来,上海电气党委对加强企业内部管理、风险控制、制度完善作为纪委工作的重点工作抓,而作为世界级工厂建设的企业过程中如何充分认识企业内控管理重要性和必要性,找准企业内控管理的对策,为企业可持续发展提供有力保障。 一、企业内部控制的含义及发展 1、企业内部控制含义。 常用的定义是企业内部控制是指一个单位为了实现其经营目标,保护资产的安全完整。保证会计信息资料的正确可靠,确保经营方针的贯彻执行,保证经营活动的经济性、效率性和效果性而在单位内部采取的自我调整、约束、规划、评价和控制的一系列方法、手续与措施的总称,简称为企业内控。 从上述我们可知,内部控制是指经济单位和各个组织在经济活动中建立的一种相互制约的业务组织形式和职责分工制度。内部控制的目的在于改善经营管理、提高经济效益。它是因加强经济管理的需要而产生的,是随着经济的发展而发展完善的。 2、企业内部控制发展

内部控制起源于上世纪三十年代,在1934年美国的《证券交易法》中首先提出了“内部会计控制”。2001年底以来美国安然、世通、施乐等大公司的一系列会计丑闻被曝光后,2002年美国颁布了《萨班斯—奥克斯利法案》要求美国的上市公司必须建立内部控制体系。 我国的内部控制发展较晚。直到2008年和2010年,我国财政部、证监会、审计署、银监会和保监会五部委联合发布了《企业内部控制基本规范》和《企业内部控制配套指引》,共同构成了我国企业内部控制规范体系。内控规范的发布是中国在公司治理方面的一个重要里程碑,体现了中国经济与全球经济的进一步接轨和整合。企业对于内部外部的风险可以得到更系统有力的控制。内控规范为中国企业建立内部控制体系提供了一个标准的框架,在理念、实施和制度层面为企业提供了基础,即解决了什么是内控的问题,又解决了怎样开展内控的问题。 二、企业内部控制管理制度的建设重要意义 1、内部控制管理制度建设 内部控制体系要求建立统一规范的内部管理制度,在不断地加以补充和完善的过程中,使各项规章制度成为一个有机的统一体,让企业生产经营各项活动有章可循、有据可依,形成人人都能够遵循的统一完整的制度体系,达到能够使企业各项活动都能被体系涵盖并有效的控制。纪检监察工作是围绕企业生产经营的重点领域和关键步骤,通过直接参与和监督检查等形式,查找管理中的薄弱环节和漏洞,有针对性地提出整改措施和建议,督促企业有关部门加强制度建设, 及



供应链风险管理 第一章风险识别 1.5 几个概念的联系 风险:概率和后果危险:威肋的来源脆弱性:发生的概率 暴露:可能造成的后果风险事件:可能事情的实际发生 风险的负面风险和正面风险创新与守旧 风险的负面后果包括:直接损失(现金,财务);间接损失(信誉) 风险类型最初的影响最终的影响 质量风险产品召回,客户背叛财务损失 环境污染不良的公众形象,客户 不满意与背判 财务损失 健康和安全伤害工人赔偿诉讼,员工不 满 财务损失, 对人的伤害 火灾对人造成伤害,生产, 资产受损财务损失,对人的伤害 计算机故障无法接单,处理工作, 发出发票 财务损失 市场风险收入下降财务损失欺诈金钱偷窃财务损失安全金钱,财产,计划的偷 窃 财务损失国际贸易外汇汇率损失财务损失

政治风险外国政府将资产据为已 财务损失 有,阻碍利润汇回本国 关键的损失种类和分析 财务损失;信誉损失;环境损失;健康与安全;机会损失总结:越是复杂的组织越需要风险管理 2.11 风险管理的益处(背5点) 1.避免生产和收入流的中断。(拓充:例如,由于数据或资产损失,供应不足,物流中断,技术故障) 2.保护市场份额(拓充:例如,通过对市场营销,与品牌有关的和信誉方面的风险进行控制,通过避免技术陈,避免有竞争力的知识产权被告偷窃等) 3.提高企业和供应链弹性 4.保护组织关键人力资源 5.使组织吸引并挽留高素质的员工,供应商和风险伙伴(例如,通过避免雇主品牌和声誉受损,避免因事故丧失士气)6.促进组织和供应链的合作(通过鼓励跨职能和跨供应链的风险问题沟通) P13 风险的识方法:(5点) 1.环境扫描与公司评估(STEEPLE和SWOT分析)2.范围扫描(发现可能带来新机会和风险的未来发展)3.监测同类组织中的风险事件 4.市场情报收集和管理信息系统 5.过程审计(检查质量管理,环境管理,绩效管理和其他流程的效果) 6.研究项目计划,供应链等,发现可辩认的脆弱性


企业风险管理的主要方法 风险管理就是各经济、社会单位在对其生产、生活中的风险进行识别、估测、评价的基础上,优化组合各种风险管理技术,对风险实施有效的控制,妥善处理风险所致的结果,以期以最小的成本达到最大的安全保障的过程。随着社会的发展与科技的进步,现实生活中的风险因素越来越多,无论企业还就是社会,都日益认识到进行风险管理的必要性与迫切性。人们想出种种办法来对付风险,但无论采用何种方法,风险管理的一条基本原则就是:以最小的成本获得最大的保障。 一、企业经营中常见风险 每个企业在经营中都有可能性发生风险,如何化解与减少风险就是企业经营者必须进行研究的。首先要明确有哪几种风险,然后有的放矢地采取措施。只有加强风险意识,进行科学的管理与科学的决策,建立起相应的制度才能避免风险的发生。从目前市场环境来瞧主要有七种风险: 1、经济合同风险:就是指企业在履行经济合同过程中,对方违反合同规定或遇到不可抗力影响,造成本企业的经济损失。因

此,企业在进行经营与产品合同签订后的履约及赔偿责任问题。合同签订后还应密切注视其执行情况,要有远见地处理随时发生的变化。 2、债务风险:就是指企业举债不当或举债后资金使用不当致使企业遭受损失。为了避免企业资产负债,企业应控制负债比率。 3、担保风险:就是指为其她企业的贷款提供担保,最后因其她企业无力还款而代其偿还债务。企业应谨慎办理担保业务,严格审批手续,一定要完善反担保手续以避免不必要的损失。 4、汇率风险:就是指企业在经营进出口及其她对外经济活动时,因本国与外国汇率变动,使企业在兑换过程中遭受的损失。企业平时就要随时注意其外币债务,密切注视各种货币的汇率变化,以便采取相应措施。 5、投资风险:就是指因投资不当造成投产企业经营的效益不好,投资资本下跌。企业对此应采取:在项目投资前,一定要各职能部门与项目评审组一起进行严格的、科学的审查与论证,不能盲


浅谈企业风险管理 蔡则明吉林大学 摘要 随着全球化的发展,市场竞争越来越激烈,任何企业都处在多变的环境中, 重要性和紧迫性逐步突显出来。企业的风险管理是企业经营的重要内容,风险管理对于企业目标的实现、经营效率的提高、企业报告的可靠以及有关政策法规的执行都将是十分有益的,对于提升企业生存能力、增强企业核心竞争力具有不可替代的作用。因此,有必要对我国企业风险管理进行研究。本文介绍了风险管理的理论,并对风险管理的内涵及过程进行了阐述,指出建立风险管理体系将有助于提升企业风险管理水平,从而创造更好的经济效益。讨论分析了我国企业风险管理发展的新趋势,并指出风险管理新趋势对我国企业实施风险管理的启示。本文总结了风险管理的意义及我国的风险管理现状,并讨论了完善我国企业的风险管理体系 关键词:风险 ,企业风险管理,启示 一、企业风险管理简介 (一)企业风险管理概述 风险是客观存在不可避免的,人们只能把风险缩减到最小程度。这就要求社会各部门积极主动认识管理风险,以保证社会生产正常运行,在此背景下,20世纪30年代产生了风险管理。风险管理是指经济单位对风险进行识别、衡量、分析,并在此基础上有效地处置风险,以最低成本实现最大安全保障的科学管理方法。 企业风险管理是企业管理层根据战略决策的要求,对影响战略目标实现的不确定因素进行识别、分析评价、管理与处理,为使风险损失、可能性、发生频率降到适当低的水平的系统管理过程。企业风险管理所涉及的范围十分广泛,从目前的市场环境看现代企业主要针对投资风险、产品风险、市场风险、政策风险等风险采取相应的措施进行预防和防范[1]。 (二)企业风险管理的含义

生产过程中,风险管理部门对可能遇到的各种风险因素进行识别、分析、评估,以最低成本实现最大的安全保障的过程。 从表层上分析,风险管理就是对生产活动或行为中的风险进行管理,从深层上研究,风险管理是指主体通过风险识别、风险量化、风险评价等风险分析活动,对风险进行规划、控制、监督,从而增大应对威胁的机会,以成功地完成并实现总目标。风险管理的主体是管理人员,客体是生产活动中的风险或不确定性,大型、复杂的生产活动过程应设置专门的风险管理机构和相应的风险负责人。 风险管理是一个过程,由风险的识别、量化、评价、控制、监督等过程组成,通过计划、组织、指挥、控制等职能,综合运用各种科学方法来保证生产活动顺利完成;风险管理技术的选择要符合经济性原则,充分体现风险成本效益关系,不 科学规避风险;风险管理具有生命周期性,在实施过程的每一阶段,均应进行风险管理,应根据风险变化状况及时调整风险应对策略,实现全生命周期的动态风险管理。 (三)企业风险管理的意义 由于各种不确定因素的存在,企业的经营活动难免存在各种风险,企业必须及时采取必要措施对风险进行控制,才能避免或降低风险给企业带来的损失,从而确保企业经营目标的实现。因此,有效的风险管理对企业来说具有重要意义[2]。 1.有利于实现企业的经营方针和经营目标。企业经营活动的目标是追求股东价值最大化,但在实现这一目标的过程中,会受到各种不确定性因素的影响,从而影响企业经营活动目标的实现。因此,企业有必要进行风险管理,化解各种不利因素的影响,以保证经营目标的实现。健全的风险控制制度,可以增强企业的管理功能,会计信息可以在会计系统中畅通无阻地传递,对于偏离企业经营方针和经营目标的经济行为,可以立即予以发现并及时反馈到企业各级管理机构,便于采取措施,使企业的经营活动按照既定的方针进行。 2.有利于提高业务处理的工作效率。风险控制系统要求企业各个职能部门的工作能够相互协调和制约,通过业务处理的授权,使企业各职能部门明确工作范围和职权,使各个职能部门能够各司其职,各负其责,从而提高工作效率。风险控制制度是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是现代化企业管理的重要手段。在信息产业已经发达的现代社会,不断完善企业内部风险控制制度,对于防范舞弊、


企业风险管理的主要方法 风险管理是各经济、社会单位在对其生产、生活中的风险进行识别、估测、评价的基础上,优化组合各种风险管理技术,对风险实施有效的控制,妥善处理风险所致的结果,以期以最小的成本达到最大的安全保障的过程。随着社会的发展和科技的进步,现实生活中的风险因素越来越多,无论企业还是社会,都日益认识到进行风险管理的必要性和迫切性。人们想出种种办法来对付风险,但无论采用何种方法,风险管理的一条基本原则是:以最小的成本获得最大的保障。 一、企业经营中常见风险 每个企业在经营中都有可能性发生风险,如何化解和减少风险是企业经营者必须进行研究的。首先要明确有哪几种风险,然后有的放矢地采取措施。只有加强风险意识,进行科学的管理和科学的决策,建立起相应的制度才能避免风险的发生。从目前市场环境来看主要有七种风险: 1.经济合同风险:是指企业在履行经济合同过程中,对方违反合同规定或遇到不可抗力影响,造成本企业的经济损失。因此,企业在进行经营和产品合同签订后的履约及赔偿责任问

题。合同签订后还应密切注视其执行情况,要有远见地处理随时发生的变化。 2.债务风险:是指企业举债不当或举债后资金使用不当致使企业遭受损失。为了避免企业资产负债,企业应控制负债比率。 3.担保风险:是指为其他企业的贷款提供担保,最后因其他企业无力还款而代其偿还债务。企业应谨慎办理担保业务,严格审批手续,一定要完善反担保手续以避免不必要的损失。 4.汇率风险:是指企业在经营进出口及其他对外经济活动时,因本国与外国汇率变动,使企业在兑换过程中遭受的损失。企业平时就要随时注意其外币债务,密切注视各种货币的汇率变化,以便采取相应措施。 5.投资风险:是指因投资不当造成投产企业经营的效益不好,投资资本下跌。企业对此应采取:在项目投资前,一定要各职能部门和项目评审组一起进行严格的、科学的审查和论证,不能盲目运作。对外资项目更不能作风险承诺,也不能作差额担保和许诺固定回报率。


目标 风险管理是有目的的管理活动。只有明确目标,它才能发挥有效作用。否则,风险管理将仅仅是形式,没有实际意义,也无法评估其效果。 风险管理的目标是以最小的成本获得最大的安全性。因此,这不仅是安全生产问题,还包括风险识别,风险评估和风险处理。它涉及许多方面,例如财务,安全,生产,设备,物流,技术等。这是一个完整的方案和一个系统的项目。 确定风险管理目标通常应满足以下基本要求: (1)风险管理目标与风险管理主体(例如生产企业或建设项目所有者)的总体目标之间的一致性。 (2)目标的现实是确定实现目标的客观可能性。 (3)目标的确定是正确选择和实施各种方案,并客观地评估效果。 (4)为了提高风险管理的综合效果,应根据目标的重要性区分主要和次要风险管理目标。

风险管理的特定目标也需要与风险事件的发生联系起来。从另一个角度来看,它可以分为两种类型:损失前目标和损失后目标。 (1)亏损前目标 ①经济目标。企业应采取最经济的方法来防止潜在的损失,即在实际发生风险事故之前,必须使整个风险管理计划,方案和措施最经济合理,这需要对安全计划的成本进行准确的分析。,保险和防损技术。 ②安全状态目标。安全状况的目标是将风险控制在可接受的范围内。风险管理者必须让人们意识到风险的存在,而不是隐瞒风险,这有利于提高人们的安全意识,预防风险并积极配合风险管理计划的实施。 ③合法性目标。风险管理者必须密切注意与经营有关的各种法律法规,并检查每项经营行为和每份合同的合法性,以免造成企业蒙受财务损失,人才损失,时间损失和声誉损失;并确保企业生产经营活动的合法性。

④实现外部委托的企业责任目标。例如,政府法规可以要求企业安装安全设施以避免与工作有关的伤害,同一企业的债权人可以要求贷款抵押必须有保险。 (2)亏损对象 ①生存目标。不幸的是,一旦发生风险事件,将给企业造成损失。损失发生后,风险管理的最基本和主要目标是维持生存。实现这一目标意味着人们通过风险管理具有足够的抗灾能力和救灾能力,使企业,个人,家庭乃至整个社会都能承受损失的影响,不会因自然灾害而受到严重伤害或崩溃。灾难或事故。为了达到维持生存的目的,前提是灾害风险主体可以在损失发生后的合理时间内,部分恢复生产或运营。 ②保持生产经营的连续性。风险事件的发生给人们带来不同程度的损失和伤害,影响正常的生产经营活动和人们的正常生活,严重时会使生产和生活瘫痪。这对于必须提供不间断服务的公用事业尤其重要。

一 企业建立全面风险管理体系的必要性

一企业建立全面风险管理体系的必要性 (一)中国企业风险管理面临的许多问题需要我们建立健全全面风险管理体系 1缺乏正确的风险理念。风险理念是指对风险的态度和认识。风险理念应该与企业所处的内外部环境、企业的资源状况以及企业战略相适应,应该有助于企业战略目标的实现。正确的风险理念既不是对风险的刻意回避,也不是片面为高回报而刻意追求;既不是对风险 视而不见,也不是对风险过分强调。 2有待于从战略高度认识风险管理的必要性。中国企业对风险管理的认识大都停留在职能管理的层次上,风险管理缺乏必要的高度,也没有得到企业高层的必要关注。 3缺乏系统性风险管理手段。中国企业的风险管理缺乏风险分析和度量手段,缺少专门化的风险管理工具,往往按职能被切分到财务、运营、市场、法律等多个层面,缺乏全局 性的整合框架和主线。 4全面风险管理还未渗透到组织和流程的各个层面。组织的风险理念往往缺乏清晰的表达和内部贯彻,并没有为大多数员工理解和认同,也无法落实到具体的日常工作中。 (二)国内外大公司各类重大风险事件频发为我们敲响了必须建立全面风险管理体系的 警钟 如果企业未建立风险管理机制或企业的风险管理失效。将会在某种程度上毁灭股东价值甚至社会价值,将会面临丢失客户、丧失信誉、丢失合作伙伴、营业中断或直接导致破产等风险,国内外许多著名的企业已为我们敲响了警钟。 1因运营风险而破产的巴林银行。巴林银行创建于1793年,在上世纪90年代前是英国最大的银行之一。1995年2月27日,英国中央银行突然宣布:巴林银行不得继续从事交易活动并将申请资产清理。这意味着具有233年历史、在全球范围内掌管270多亿英 镑的英国巴林银行宣告破产。 1995年,当时担任巴林银行新加坡期货公司执行经理的里森,同时身兼首席交易员和清算主管两职。有一次,他手下的一个交易员因操作失误亏损了6万英镑,当里森知道后,因为害怕事情暴露影响他的前程,便决定动用88888“错误账户”。而所谓的“锚误账户”,是指银行对代理客户交易过程中可能发生的经纪业务错误进行核算的账户。以后,他一再动用“错误账户”,使银行账户上显示的均是赢利交易。随着时间的推移。备用账户使用后的恶性循环使公司的损失越来越大。此时的里森为了挽回损失,竟不惜最后一搏,在日本神户大地震中。多头建仓,最后造成损失超过10亿美元。这笔数字,是巴林银行全部资本及储备金的1.2倍,233年历史的老店就这样顷刻瓦解了。 巴林银行的破产是由于缺乏足够的职责划分和上级对下级从事业务的监控机制。公司巨 大的运营风险导致了其最后的失败。 2因战略风险而倒闭的日本八百伴公司。八百伴公司创业于1930年。八百伴起初是在静冈县热海市开办的蔬菜水果店。经过30多年的奋斗,小商店有了相当大的发展。1962年正式更改店名为八百伴百货店。从此,八百伴大举拓展海内外事业,开始增辟生产线。兼营家庭生活用品和服装。并先后在巴西、新加坡、香港、上海、英国、美国建立了一系列分号。掀起一股流通业国际化的浪潮,逐步发展成为一个拥有236亿日元资本、42家日本国 内骨干店铺、26家海外超市的连锁企业。 1997年9月18日。八百伴日本公司向公司所在地的日本静冈县地方法院提出公司更


风险的管理方法是什么 投资风险管理。 它是指因投资不当造成投産企业经营的效益不好,投资资本下跌。企业对此应采取:在专案投资前,一定要各职能部门和专案评审组 一起进行严格的、科学的审查和论证,不能盲目运作。对外资专案 更不能作风险承诺,也不能作差额担保和许诺固定回报率。 经济合同风险管理。 它是指企业在履行经济合同过程中,对方违反合同规定或遇到不可抗力影响,造成本企业的经济损失。因此,企业在进行经营和産 品合同签订後的履约及赔偿责任问题。合同签订後还应密切注视其 执行情况,要有远见地处理随时发生的变化。 産品市场风险管理。 它是指因市场变化、産品滞销等原因导致跌价或不能及时卖出自己的産品。産生市场风险管理的原因有三个:(1)市场销售不景气, 包括市场疲软和産品産销不对路;(2)商品更新换代快,新産品不能 及时投放市场;(3)国外进口産品挤占国内市场。 存货风险管理。 它是指因价格变动或过时、自然损耗等损失引起存货价值减少。这时企业应马上清理存货,生産时要控制投入、控制采购、按时産出,加强保管。有些观念保守的企业担心存货贬值https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa5653003.html,, 怕影响当前效益,长期不处理,结果造成産品积压,损失越来越大。 债务风险管理。 它是指企业举债不当或举债後资金使用不当致使企业遭受损失了避免企业资産负债,企业应控制负债比率。许多企业因股东投资强 度不够,便以举债扩大生産经营或盲目扩大徵税,结果提高资産负

债率,造成资金周转不灵,还会影响正常地还本付息。最有可能导 致企业资不抵债而破産。 担保风险管理。 它是指爲其他企业的贷款提供担保,最後因其他企业无力还款而代其偿还债务。企业应谨慎办理担保业务,严格审批手续,一定要 完善反担保手续以避免不必要的损失。 汇率风险管理。 它是指企业在经营进出口及其他对外经济活动时,因本国与外国汇率变动,使企业在兑换过程中遭受的损失。企业平时就要随时注 意其外币债务。密切注视各种货币的汇率变化,以便采取相应措施。特别是在银行有外币贷款的企业更应如此。 1.设定止损点; 2.始终仅将一部分资产用作投资; 3.根据走势进行交易; 4.控制情绪。 管理风险的方法在开仓之后使用。最主要的控制风险的方法是设定止损点,从而有效控制损失的限度。 Stop-loss(止损)–即在错误估计交易形势的情况下设立的中止 交易或退出交易的底线。在进仓时需要设置止损点,以避免自己遭 受过多的损失。 (1)控制方法包括: a.风险避免:即放弃和不进行可能带来损失的活动和工作。 b.风险防止:即采取预防和抑制等手段减少损失发生的机会或降低损失的严重性。 c.风险分离:即将面临损失的风险单位进行分离。


进出口供应链管理存在的主要风险: 一、关务风险 (一)背景 海关、政府法律法规繁多 国家政策不断调整 国际贸易竞争日益激烈 (二)关务中可能存在的问题 1、海关对申报商品的归类、货值等有异议,造成无法及时通关 2、清关资料上数据错误,提供给代理前未能检查

3、对相关法律法规了解不及时、准确,造成清关要求未达到。 4、内部沟通衔接不好,导致清关所需的许可证等未及时办理,从而造成延误清关 5、特殊业务需求,如修理物品等进出境手续繁琐 6、相关数据信息没有及时进行整理、汇总、分析,在需要时不能及时提供给海关 (三)企业的关务风险 关务风险就是影响企业关务管理目标实现的不确定因素。这些不确定因素的存在可能给企业带来不必要的财务负担,导致企业正常经营中断或受到影响,可能给公司或集团的总体战略带来不利影响,还会对经营者和管理人员的个人利益带来损害。 1、影响公司财务状况的风险 (1)潜在少缴和未缴关税的风险 潜在少缴或未缴关税的危害在于不能使企业及时准确在对商品的成本进行核算,对生产和销售的决策产生错误的影响;另外,海关稽查、核查,如果发现企业有少缴或未缴税的事情,不但会追缴关税或其他税款,还可能对企业处以罚款或者其他处罚,从而对企业末来的财务状况产生负面影响。 比如:进口货物未向海关申报,低报或漏报应税的对外支付款项,从境外关联企业或者其他特殊关系的企业进口的申报价格过低,特许权使用费未向海关申报,商品归类时归入错误的低税率税号,等等。 (2)多缴税款,承担不当税负 由于对中国法规理解不深,关务如安排税率使用不当,部分企业可能因此多缴税款,而多缴的税款往往无法退还,这就造成企业的净损失,使企业承担不必要的税负负担,损害股东的利益。


1企业风险管理定义 所有的主体都面临不确定性,对于管理当局的挑战在于确定在追求增加利益相关者价值的同时,准备承受多少不确定性。企业风险管理使管理当局能够识别、评估和管理面对不确定性的风险,它对于价值创造和保持而言是必不可少的。企业风险管理是一个过程,它由一个主体的董事会、管理当局和其他人员实施,应用于战略制订并贯穿于企业之中,旨在识别可能会影响主体的潜在事项,管理风险以使其在该主体的风险容量之内,并为主体目标的实现提供合理保证。它包括八个相互关联的构成要素,它们与管理当局经营企业的方式密不可分。这些构成要素联系起来,成为确定企业风险管理是否有效的标准。 本框架的一个关键目标是帮助企业和其他主体的管理当局在实现主体目标的过程中更好地处理风险。但是企业风险管理有许多不同的称谓和解释,难以形成共同的理解,因而对于不同的人而言意味着不同的含义。因此,一个重要的目的在于把各种不同的风险管理概念整合到一个框架之中,在这个框架中构建一个共同的定义,辨别构成要素,并讲述关键概念。这个框架容纳大多数观点,为各个主体评估和增进企业风险管理、为规则制定团体和教育机构的未来行动提供一个出发点。 不确定性与价值 企业风险管理的一个基本前提是每一个主体,不管是营利性的、非营利性的,还是政府机构,存在的目的都是为它的利益相关者提供价值。所有的主体都面临不确定性,对于管理当局的挑战在于确定在追求增加利益相关者价值的同时,准备承受多少不确定性。不确定性潜藏着对价值的破坏或增进,既代表风险,也代表机会。企业风险管理使管理当局能够有效地处理不确定性以及由此带来的风险和机会,从而提高主体创造价值的能力。 在企业经营所处的环境中,诸如全球化、技术、重组、变化中的市场、竞争和管制等因素都会导致不确定性。不确定性来源于不能准确地确定事项发生的可能性以及所带来的影响。不确定性也是主体的战略选择所带来和导致的。举例来说,一个主体采取基于向其他国家拓展业务的增长战略。所选择的这个战略带来


供应链管理中的风险防范 李勇刚 14号 (机电学院工业工程0101班) 摘要:供应链管理从来没有象现在这样被关注过,有些经济学家认为,现在企业之间的竞争就是供应链之间的竞争。供应链管理由于种种原因,在运行中存在许多不确定性,这为供应链上企业的生产管理带来了风险.为了降低这种风险,各企业要共同协调起来,采取一定的方法和措施,共同防范和规避供应链管理风险. 关键词:供应链供应链管理供应链管理的风险供应链管理的风险防范 工业化的充分发展,信息技术的广泛应用,促使全球经济的高速发展,但与此同时,企业所面临的竞争环境也日益恶化。企业面对的是一个需求多元消费群苛刻而且不稳定,产品生命周期短,需求多样化的全球范围内竞争的商业环境。竞争的结果使得企业在有限资源的前提下只能专注于自己的核心业务,从而导致了企业间更多的合作和协同。 供应链(Supply Chain,SC)的概念在80年代末提出,近年来随着全球制造(Global Manufacturing)的出现,供应链在制造业管理中得到普遍应用,成为一种新的管理摸式。供应链管理是通过前馈的信息流和反馈的物料流及信息流,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商,直到最终用户连成一个整体的结构模式。当然包括企业中的一个内部物流过程(它是指将采购的原材料和收到的零部件,通过生产的转换和销售等过程传递到制造企业的用户的一个过程。) 供应链管理要求建立一种机制,用以协调位于供应链上的所有供应商,制造商,分销商等的资源,以最低的成本和最小的时延向最终用户交付合格的产品或服务。然而供应链管理有其非常特殊的地位,即管理的主体并不能控制供应链上所有的资源,然而整个供应链是一个利益共同体,但供应链上的企业毕竟是一个个独立的经营主体,有其各自的经营战略,目标市场,技术水平,运作水平以及各自的企业文化等,甚至存在一个企业同属多个相互竞争的供应链的情形,所有这一切都会增加供应链运作中的不确定性,从而导致供应链管理的风险的产生。供应链企业之间的合作会因为信息不对称、信息扭曲、市场不确定性、政治、经济、法律等因素的变化而导致各种风险的存在。 1.供应链的风险分析 供应链作为一个由原材料不断增值为最终用户产品的过程是客观存在的,不论整个供应链由一个企业运作或是由多个企业协同运作。就单个企业而言,如果其只作为供应链上的一个节点,就极大的减少了运作整个供应链的投资风险;但就整个供应链而言,由于它是多个独立企业的联合,因此就增加了经营的不确定性。供应链上的任何一个节点出问题,都会波及整个供应链,而个别企业的经营风险,又远非别的企业能够控制。因此,供应链上的每个企业都要考虑供应链的风险。 1.1供应链风险的来源 供应链的风险来自多方面,简言之,有自然灾害这种不可抗力的因素,如地震、火灾、暴风雨雪等;也有人为因素,主要有这几个方面:1)、独家供应商问题。供应链上出现独家供应商,采取独家供应商政策存在巨大风险,一个环节出现问题,整个链条就会崩溃。 2)、IT技术的缺陷会制约供应链作用的发挥。如网络传输速度,服务器的稳定性和运行速度,软件设计中的缺陷,病毒等。3)、信息传递方面的问题。当供应链规模日益扩大,结构日趋繁复时,供应链上发生信息错误的机会也随之增多。信息传递延迟会增加供应链


第一章风险识别 1、风险定义:不希望得结果发生得概率 2、危险:可以定义为“一切潜在伤害得来源”或者威胁得来源、 3、固有风险:就是指在采取措施管理风险之前由某一特定风险产生得暴露 4、残余风险:就是指在对固有风险采取控制与减轻措施之后仍旧残留得风险水平 5、风险偏好:组织愿意承受风险得大小 6、风险管理:可以应对不确定性,采取合理优化得措施,以取得更大利益 7、风险得后果包括:(1)正面后果,积极结果得不确定性,结果比预期 得好;(2)负面后果:负面结果得不确定性。 8、负面后果包括:(1)直接损失:直接来自风险得损失;(2)间接损失:声誉与商誉等后果性损失。 9、关键得损失种类:见下表 损失影响减轻措施示例 财务得(如事件造成汇率丢失、 利润损失、XX、资产损 失) 财务损失;利润率下降;生存能力下降; 投资损失 保险;财务控制;财务管理;XX 信誉得(如源于违法得或不道 XX贸易、雇佣以及环境实践、 资产损失) 吸引xx 员工与供应商能力下降;失去

投资者得支持;失去商誉与影响力;商标 权益得贬值;xx 积极主动得问题管理;危机管理计划;道 德与质量政策与政策监督与检查;供应商 监督与管理 10、有效风险管理得益处:(1)降低成本或将不利因素最小化;(2)避免生产与收入流得中断;(3)减轻供应链脆弱 性,保障供应安全;(4)保护市场份额;(5)提高企业与供应链弹性,促进业务持续性,支持灾难恢复;(6)保护关 键人力资源免受伤害、苦难、不安全与贫困;(7)吸纳高素质员工、供应商与风险伙伴;(8)帮助管理者成功应对风 险;(9)提高制定战略、政策与决策得水平;(10)促进组织与供应链合作;(11)提高利益相关者得信心与满意度。 11、外部风险:在组织外部环境中产生得风险。外部环境:市场与社会环境,包括行业结构、国家经济、法律、政治、文 化、自然资源。 12、STEEPLE模型:(1)社会文化因素S:变化就是如何影响客户、供应 商或其她利益相关者得需求或期望得;(2)技术 因素T:就是否存在发展机会或者过时得风险;(3)经济因素E:变化就 是如何影响产品需求与输入供应及成本得;(4)环 境因素E:哪些因素会引起供应问题、合规性问题、市场压力与信誉风险; (5)政治因素P:政策或供应变化得可能含 义就是什么;(6)法律因素L:组织为了做到合规,需要如何适应政策与惯例;(7)道德因素E:哪些问题会造成市场压 力或信誉风险


企业风险管理计划3篇 企业风险管理计划一:风险管理方案计划书 一,风险内容 一)项目成立企业管理方面的风险 1,决策风险:决策过程是一个既能够体现企业团队成员能力的过程,又能够体现企业团队成员人品的过程。一类是能力不足不能把问题剖析清楚,或不能把问题阐述的足够深刻引起重视,这一类成员通常具有很好的人际关系,并成为人际焦点,发表想法时通常不经过调研和思考而是迎合大家习惯性想法,非但没有参考价值,常常是信口雌黄,哗众取宠,但常常被采纳;另一类是为了突出自己的重要性不管是什么人的想法,先否定然后再根据对自己利益要求提出看似合理的想法,表面上是畅所欲言,实际上在搞驳论,逐步树立自己强势的言论地位,这是一种利用别人在众人面前惧怕出丑的心理搞权术,通常经历了多次这样的自我形象“加工”后,没有警觉能力的和天性没有决断能力的人以及另一些有派别意识的人就会不自觉的人不自觉的被这一类人在精神方面进行领导。 2,决策程序

通常以上两类人把决策本身引向次要地位,而增强了决策失误的可能性。以下给出我在科学决策方面的构想,这也作为本项目未来成立企业决策的基本思想,同时这套思想和我的制度体系里的晋升和激励制度两部分配套出现。将为未来公司提供高水平的管理团队和减少决策风险提供有力保障: a,被决策问题的范畴归类。明确问题类别,属于沟通问题,技术问题,制度问题,销售问题,财务范畴问题等等,有助于将问题交由什么部门进行专业解答,提出深入的解析,而不是开个什么除浪费时间什么作用也没有的会议。相信专业可以提供在深度方面令人满意的方案。 b,配套部门的方案提交。通常情况下专业部门提交的方案可能只能体现部门利益最大化,但通常一项决策涉及很多问题的很多方面。技术支持提交的决策方案通常不考虑财务上线,生产部门的人员素质水平。所以各部门从各自部门能力和利益做同样一个技术方案与技术部门做的专业方案对比能够反映出决策问题的临界点,敏感焦点。这个看似苛刻要求通常真正能够让各个部门认识到全局思考问题的重要性的同时能够保证部门资源竞争状况被企


企业风险管理—— 整合框架 内容摘要(简体中文翻译:中国东北财经大学方红星教授)

内容摘要 企业风险管理的基础性前提是每一个主体的存在都是为它的利益相关者提供价值。所有的主体都面临不确定性,管理当局所面临的挑战就是在为增加利益相关者价值而奋斗的同时,要确定承受多大的不确定性。不确定性可能会破坏或增加价值,因而它既代表风险,也代表机会。企业风险管理使管理当局能够有效地应对不确定性以及由此带来的风险和机会,增进创造价值的能力。 当管理当局通过制订战略和目标,力求实现增长和报酬目标以及相关的风险之间的最优平衡,并且在追求所在主体的目标的过程中高效率和有效地调配资源时,价值得以最大化。企业风险管理包括: ? 协调风险容量(risk appetite)①与战略——管理当局在评价备选的战略、设定相关目标和建立相关风险的管理机制的过程中,需要考虑所在主体的风险容 量。 ? 增进风险应对决策——企业风险管理为识别和在备选的风险应对——风险回避、降低、分担和承受——之间进行选择提供了严密性。 ? 抑减经营意外和损失——主体识别潜在事项和实施应对的能力得以增强,抑减了意外情况以及由此带来的成本或损失。 ? 识别和管理多重的和贯穿于企业的风险——每一家企业都面临影响组织的不同部分的一系列风险,企业风险管理有助于有效地应对交互影响,以及整合式地应对多重风险。 ? 抓住机会——通过考虑全面范围内的潜在事项,促使管理当局识别并积极地实现机会。 ? 改善资本调配——获取强有力的风险信息,使得管理当局能够有效地评估总体资本需求,并改进资本配置。 企业风险管理所固有的这些能力帮助管理当局实现所在主体的业绩和赢利目标,防止资源损失。企业风险管理有助于确保有效的报告以及符合法律和法规,还有助于避免对主体声誉的损害以及由此带来的后果。总之,企业风险管理不仅帮助一个主体到达期望的目的地,还有助于避开前进途中的隐患和意外。 事项——风险与机会 事项可能会带来负面的影响,也可能会带来正面的影响,抑或二者兼而有之。带来负面影响的事项代表风险,它会妨碍价值创造或者破坏现有价值。带来正面影响的事项可能会抵消负面影响,或者说代表机会。机会是一个事项将会发生并对目标——支持价值创造或保持——的实现产生正面影响的可能性。管理当局把机会反馈到战略或目标制订过程中,以便制订计划去抓住机会。 ①也有人将其翻译为“风险偏好”、“风险需求”、“风险承受能力”等——译者注。


( 安全管理 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 企业财务风险管理与控制研究有何现实意义(新版) Safety management is an important part of production management. Safety and production are in the implementation process

企业财务风险管理与控制研究有何现实意 义(新版) 企业财务管理的目标,是指企业财务管理在一定环境和条件下所应达到的预期结果,它是企业整个财务管理工作的定向机制、出发点和归宿。财务管理直接关系到企业的生存与发展,财务管理的目标就是保证企业的资金流能够合理正常的运转。资金是企业的“血液”,企业资金运动的特点是循环往复地“流动”。资金活,生产经营就活,一“活”带百“活”,一“通”就百“通”。如果资金不流动,就会沉淀与流失,得不到补偿增值。正因为这样,资金管理成为企业财务管理的核心亦是一种客观必然。 二、企业财务管理的重要特点 1.涉及面广。首先就企业内部而言,财务管理活动涉及到企业生产、供应、销售等各个环节,企业内部各个部门与资金不发生联

系的现象是不存在的。每个部门也都在合理使用资金,节约资金支出,提高资金使用率上接受财务的指导、监督和约束。2.综合性强。现代企业制度下,企业管理是一个由生产管理、营销管理、质量管理、技术管理、设备管理、人事管理、财务管理、物资管理等诸多子系统构成的复杂系统也就是说,财务管理渗透在全部经营活动中,涉及生产、供应、销售的每个环节和人、财、物的各个要素。3.灵敏度高。市场经济体制下,企业成为面向市场的独立法人实体和市场竞争主体。企业要生存发展,必须扩大收入。收入增加意味着人、财、物相应增加。都将以资金流动的形式在企业财务上得到全面的反映,并对财务指标的完成发生重大影响。 三、加强企业财务管理的几点认识 1.财务管理要为企业当好参谋,把好企业投资决策关。决策是企业管理中一项最为重要的工作。决策是有成本的,这一点容易被人忽视。 2.财务管理要为企业管好资金,确保企业资金的正常流通与安全。 3.财务管理要充分发挥财务监督作用,确保企业资产保值增值。企业要真正成为市场经济中的竞争主体和责权明确的法人实


厦门建业大厦有限公司风险管理方案 第一章总则 第一条根据建银实业发[2011]130号文《关于加强风险管理体系建设和建立重点风险事故报告制度的通知》精神制定本方案。 第二条制定本方案的目的是为了提高公司在经营过程中的风险管理水平和风险防控能力,保障公司依法、合规经营。 第三条本方案适应公司范围内所有与风险管理有关的人和事。 第二章风险分析 第四条物业服务风险。 (一)风险内容:物业日常管理风险、设施设备管理风险、物业服务过程的收费风险、人力成本风险、市场竞争风险。 (二)引发风险的因素: 1. 公司目前所管辖的物业服务区域除自管物业及光大银行大厦以外都是建行家属楼,大部分小区因建设工程遗留的质量问题、设施设备调试中未妥善解决、维修资金的不到位等问题,而影响业主正常工作或生活。由此引发的对物业服务的争议和纠纷,若处理不当,业主将会把这些矛盾集中到物业公司身上,诱发管理风险。 2.物业服务中的代收代缴费用一直都是公司存在的风险之一。本应由相关部门自行收取的水、电等费用转嫁给物业公司代为收取,而

物业公司又没有相应的强制权限,一旦业主不缴纳,将会使物业公司面临垫付代收费用而无法收回的风险。 3. 物业服务企业是劳动密集型企业,人力费用的支出占企业总成本支出比例很高,市政府每年公布的全市最低工资标准及全市职工平均工资平均每年都在大幅上涨,导致人力成本也随之不断提高。物业企业的收入来源于物业服务费的收取,且必须遵照政府指导价,然而政府指导价却未能同步上调。这样就导致企业收入没有增加与企业经营各项成本不断上涨的矛盾日益凸显,物业管理本身就属于微利行业,支出增加而收费不变,将会给公司带来人力成本支出的风险。 4. 市场竞争风险强烈。由于物业企业规模的不断扩展,进入门槛较低,私营企业大量涌入,物业企业遍地开花,与国企相比私营企业更加灵活,管理成本相对较低,管理环节较少,同时,私营企业较敢冒风险,敢于利用政府监管力度不够或钻法律空子,挑起无序竞争,使得市场竞争风险加大,加之公司物业服务区域大部分为住宅物业,住宅物业收费遵循政府指导价,而总成本不断加大,这就导致公司缺乏足够的资金和动力来提高服务质量,将会面临物业服务市场萎缩的经营风险。 5.物业服务从业人员素质相对不高,缺乏管理经验,难以应付物业服务中复杂多变的情况,从而给公司带来了风险。 第五条财务风险。 (一)风险内容:财务人员风险、资金风险。 (二)引发风险的因素:
