


Section A Understanding of Contract

1.They claim that the definition of the American Restatement ignores the bargain—the exchange of equivalents which is the essence of a contract.


2.Thus to say that a contract can simply be ―a promise‖ is to overlook the fact that there is ge nerally some act or promise given in return for the other promise before that promise becomes a contract.


3.These scholars also argue that all the definitions in terms of promises or agreements presuppose that people only enter into contractual relations after they have made some agreement or promise. 这些学者还是对这些定义持不同观点,他们认为依据合同承诺或契约所作解释的先决条件是当事人业已达成协议或承诺之后构成了合同关系。

4.One is that a person who induces another to rely upon him and change his position, ought not to let that person down, and the other is that a person who does a service to another or renders him some benefit, ought generally to be recompensed for his trouble.


5.After the above discussion we come to know the Contract may be defined as an agreement, a promise or a set of promises, which create legal liabilities rather than moral obligations, enforceable by the law between two or more persons to do or forebear from doing some act or acts;their intentions being to create legal relations and not merely to exchange mutual promises, both having given something, or having promised to give something of value as consideration for any benefit derived from the agreement or the promise except a transaction agreement by deed.


6.A transaction by deed derives its legally binding quality from the special way in which it is made rather than from the operation of the contract law.


7.The definition of contract in the Chinese contract law stresses its functions,saying that a contract is the manifestation of intention to establish, change or terminate the civil relationship between two or more parties.


8. Making a contract is a civil juristic act done by both sides. At least two parties shall enter, and express their genuine intention. Otherwise a contract cannot be established. The purpose to make a contract is to bring out a certain civil juristic effect, including establishing, changing or terminating the civil relationship between the two parties. Making a contract is a legal act rather than illegal act. Unlawfully established contracts are null or void. Contractual obligations are often imposed on all

parties.According to the difference among their apperance,it falls into precontractual

obligation,after contractual obligation and the subordinated obligation in contract performing.



Section A Jurisdiction and Procedure in International Divorce Litigation

1.A court may also exercise personal jurisdiction based on a respondent's general appearance in a proceeding, and a respondent who files a responsive pleading without objecting to jurisdiction is typically deemed to have waived any of these defenses.



2.Before relying on Burnham-type service to confer personal jurisdiction on the court, counsel should be aware that foreign jurisdictions may refuse to enforce a decree entered on this basis, as tag jurisdiction is widely rejected outside the United States.


3.Beyond the question of jurisdiction, due process requires that a respondent must be afforded notice and an opportunity for a hearing, even in the context of an ex-parte divorce.


4.The question of whether substituted service is permitted is determined by the law of the forum, but the means utilized must also comply with the laws of the country in which service is made.

州法律将决定是否允许替代送达,但是所运用的这些方法必须遵守传票送达国国家的法律。5.Service of process on an individual in a foreign country is subject to both the law of the state where the action has been filed and any applicable provisions of foreign or international law.


6.From the perspective of courts in the United States, financial orders that satisfied jurisdictional rules in the country where they were entered, but which were not based on facts that would give rise to personal jurisdiction over the respondent spouse, would not satisfy the due process requirements for recognition and enforcement in the United States.



7.Under this rule of divisible divorce jurisdiction, an ex-parte divorce decree based on the petitioner's domicile or residence within the forum state is entitled to full faith and credit in every state. Court orders concerning marital property and support rights are not entitled to full faith and credit, however, unless the forum court had personal jurisdiction over the respondent. Based on the same policies, courts in the United States give effect to many foreign ex-parte divorce decrees as a matter of comity, but do not recognize and enforce financial orders entered by a foreign court unless that court had full personal jurisdiction.



1.Family law is unique among American legal fields in making children's interests paramount, as it does in the context of custody disputes between a child's legal parents.


2.By elevating children's interests over other concerns, custody courts provide an unparalleled examination of children's development, and how that development is affected by each child's placement in one or another caretaking environment.


3.Courts assessing children's best interests in order to resolve custody disputes take for granted that the ways in which children are brought up will shape the type of adults they become.


While custody courts care about children's day-to-day happiness, they are especially concerned with how children's current experience will affect their future. The custody literature therefore provides extensive analysis of the ways in which childhood experience and early caregiving arrangements can alter a child's course of development into adulthood, for better or for worse.


4.The custody literature reflects a consensus that the conditions most likely to foster a child's

well-being are continuity and stability, and that, conversely, any disruption of a child's environment and caretaking arrangement can inflict developmental harm.


5.Custody courts will discuss with a great degree of nuance—and often with the aid of expert psychological testimony—the harms that disruption of the parent-child tie can inflict on a child given her particular stage of development.


6.Separation of an infant from a parent can disrupt the bonding process that is the foundation of the child's future emotional and intellectual growth, and separation of parent and toddler can impede the toddler's first steps toward autonomy and independence, which the toddler takes by building on the trust developed during the infant-parent bonding process.


7.Such deprivation, moreover, is often attended by additional potential harms in the form of frequent moves, educational disruption, and parental stress, each of which, according to the custody case law, can jeopardize a child's emotional and intellectual development, with long-term effects. 像这类(潜在监护人的)破产,往往跟经常性的迁徙、教育中断、紧张的父母关系等因素交织在一起,增加了对儿童的伤害。依照有关监护权的判例法,前述种种因素均能对儿童的情感和智力发展造成持久的影响。


section A an analysis of situated justice

1.Scholars find that subjects often express greater concern for a fair process than for the substantive outcome of a legal encounter.


2. Absent a fair process, respondents view legal outcomes as suspect and lose confidence in the ability of legal institutions to resolve future grievances.


3.Despite Lind and Tylers recognition that there are situationally based differences in the meaning of procedural justice ”,much of the research that has followed their lead is based on discrete and hypothetical encounters with law and legal authorities like the police.


4.Results capture research participants' feelings about fairness abstractly and are elicited through either forced -choice surveys and interview protocols or social psychological experiments that use vignettes and simulated conflict.


5.suffice it to say, much of the procedural justice research assumes that it is the analyst's job to distill the "objective" from the "subjective" thought from action," and process from outcome, regardless of whether these distinctions have any relationship to how actual litigants describe their legal experiences.


6.To say this a bit differently, we should not rely on a thin operationalization of fairness if we believe that this key concept is culturally thick.


7.These constraints can include the opportunities and normative categories that the law establishes; the roles of professionals like judges and lawyers; and material, social, and cultural resources such as well worn organizational routines for managing disputes.


8.To develop a situated justice framework, then, we draw from legal consciousness and cultural sociology to analyze internal schema in their social contexts and from dispute processing to analyze the constraints of legal structures.


9.As both the literature on legal consciousness and cultural sociology demonstrate, the ways in which people construct cultural categories are inseparable from the conditions of possibility within their legal, social, economic,and institutional environments.


10.Importantly, a person's legal schema is contingent on the specific contexts in which he or she engages law (or avoids it)- -which includes the legal environment as well as the structure of markets, the workplace, and the government's legal categories and classifications with consequences for everyday behavior.


11.Even when they lack this knowledge, people are reluctant to make a claim because they have insufficient access to lawyers, do not want to be classified as a victim, or doubt whether they deserve legal protections.


12.Thus, our approach begins with the interpretive assumption that people 'build up”the meanings of their legal encounters through both mundane and extraordinary interactions.


13.At a more general level, key cultural constructs like fairness should not be easily dismissed as epiphenomenal window dressing atop the more causal material underpinnings of legal institutions.


14. As cultural theorists argue, any serious contemporary analysis of how power and inequality are produced and reproduced within institutions such as courts must consider the enactment of cultural concepts.


15.In sum,legal situations and constructs establish the very conditions of possibility that an individual claimant encounters by setting up the arena,the rules ,and the ideological parameters within which participants understand and play the game.


Applied to the study of employment discrimination, it reveals litigants' conceptions of fairness in the context of their real life institutional encounters with law and the role of these conceptions in

reproducing an unequal legal system.



Section A foundations of the Law Merchant

1. These questions provide an institutional and functional framework within which to consider a variety of autonomy values that impact on the relationship between merchant law and merchant practice.


2 .The eighteenth-century jurist, William Blackstone, grounded the post-medieval Law Merchant of his day in merchant custom, which he viewed as universal in application, independent of municipal

law and local rules,and guided by the demands of transnational trade.


3.Blackstone’s view of the L aw Merchant arguably was inspired as much by how he thought it ought to function as how it operated in fact.


4.His portrayal of it as autonomous from municipal law reflects his concern that it should not be subject to municipal demands that might otherwise stratify and destabilize it.


5.His depiction of it as a uniform body of transnational law based on merchant practice represents it as a stable regulatory system suited to England's position as a maritime power.


6.Consider the proposition that Law Merchant courts provide merchants with prompt, expeditious, and expert justice.


7. A hypothesis favoring both the procedural and substantive autonomy of the Law Merchant is that judges who have an understanding of merchant practice are best equipped to understand disputes between other merchants and to tailor their decisions to accord with reasonable merchant expectations.


8.The further hypothesis is that, in combining mercantile and adjudicative experience, they deliver informed and orderly remedies befitting the needs of the merchant parties. Illustrating such remedies are those delivered by Piepoudre Courts, in which the mayor of the town, the bailiff of a borough, or a steward presided at the market fair.



9. A challenge to these hypotheses is that Law Merchant judges were not invariably merchants themselves, but included local officials, clerics, and influential members of local communities, whose primary assets were reverence, respectability, or holding an office within a local authority. 这些假设面临着一个挑战,即商事法官并不总是商人本身,而且还包括地方官员,神职人员,以及当地社区受到敬畏,尊敬,或控制一个政府官员的地方权威具有影响力的成员。

10.A further challenge is that the law in Law Merchant was not autonomous from other bodies

of law. Concepts like ex aequo et bono were espoused in Roman and canon law well before the Law Merchant, and they were propagated by merchant and non merchant courts alike.


11.Another challenge to the independence of Law Merchant justice was the interplay between local and itinerant influences on deliberations before merchant courts. Rulings of merchant courts also varied from win–lose determinations to facilitation between merchant parties.


12.In granting licenses and exemptions to merchant guilds, fairs, markets, and towns local authorities sought to maintain stable relationships between merchants and the local community, to promote domestic employment and industry, and to preserve local law from foreign influences.


13. A romantic image of Law Merchant justice is of politically connected merchants exerting influence through their surrogates in the courts of kings and through their economic impact over guilds, fairs, and markets.


14.Merchant judges employ informal proceedings to respond to the immediate demands of merchants, such as by considering trade usages of merchants who dealt in perishable goods, and by reacting to fluctuating prices or irregular sources of supply in volatile markets.



Section A The substantive scope of the CESL

1.In some respects, the substantive scope of the regime set out in the CESL reflects the restrictions as to the subject-matter of the contracts for which it is available, as can be seen in those of its provisions governing the obligations and remedies of parties to the particular types of contract in question(Parts IV and V of the CESL).


2.First, while the CESL contains rules governing the formation of a contract(containing rules on

pre-contractual information and on offer and acceptance ), it does not contain any rule governing the relations between parties who have not or have not quite concluded a contract:


3.In particular, the CESL imposes a number of duties of pre-contractual information owed by one contracting party to another and then provides that a party which has failed to comply with any duty to provide pre-contractual information is liable for any loss caused to the other party by such a failure.


4.Recital 27 states that ?the matters of a contractual or non-contractual nature that are not addressed‘in the CESL: …include legal personality, the invalidity of a contract arising from lack of capacity, illegality or immorality, the determination of the language of the contract,matters of non-discrimination, representation, plurality of debtors and creditors, change of parties including assignment, set-off and merger,property law including the transfer of ownership, intellectual property law and the law of torts. Furthermore, the issue of whether concurrent contractual and non-contractual liability claims can be pursued together falls outside the scope of the Common European Sales Law. 详述27条明确指出,在欧洲统一销售法中,以下关于契约性或非契约性的问题?未明确规定:...包括主体资格问题,由于缺乏相应的法律行为能力,或者因非法或不道德,或者因缺乏意思表示能力而导致无效合同,关于非歧视性问题、代表性问题,存在多个债务人和债权人的问题,合同各方转让、抵销,包括所有权转移的物权法以及知识产权法和侵权法的相关问题。

5.It will be noticed that the list is explicitly stated as being an inclusive rather than an exclusive one,and some of its contents give rise to uncertainty (how can the law of torts be altogether excluded from the scope of the instrument given the inclusion of liability for breach of pre-contractual information duties? ) and substantive difficulty (as in the case of the exclusion of ?illegality or immorality).


6. Issues within the scope of the Common European Sales Law but not expressly settled by it are to be settled in accordance with the objectives and the principles underlying it and all its provisions, without recourse to the national law that would be applicable in the absence of an agreement to use the Common European Sales Law or to any other law.


7. The economic objectives of the CESL rest on the possibility for a trader to do business cross-border on a single, uniform legal basis and, therefore, a single set of standard terms.How does the Proposal envisage that this will be achieved at a technical level,especially given the qualifications on choice of a law under the Rome I Regulation.


8.The agreement to use the Common European Sales Law should be a choice exercised within the scope of the respective national law which is applicable pursuant to the Rome I Regulation or, in

relation to pre-contractual information duties,pursuant to the Rome II Regulation, or any other relevant conflict of law rule.



Section A The obligation to do an EIA

1.Uruguayan law nevertheless required an EIA for a project of this kind and one was duly carried out by Botnia, the company which owned the plant, and two further EIAs were also produced by consultants actingfor the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which funded the construction work.


2. The obligation to protect and preserve, under Article 41(a) of the Statute[of the River Uruguay]l, has to be interpreted in accordance with a practice, which in recent years has gained so much acceptance amongStates //that it may now be considered a requirement under general international law to undertake an environmental impact assessment where there is a risk that the proposed industrial activity may have a significant adverse impact in a transboundary context, in particular, on a shared resource. (A-2)

依据《乌拉圭河公约》第四十一条第一款的规定: 环境保护的义务需按照近几年成员国业已达成的共识所形成的惯例来解释。由于评估的风险对计划中的工业建设活动,尤其是那些跨境环境下共享资源的项目可能产生实质性的负面影响,所以成员国现在可以按照一般国际法的规则考虑担《环境影响评价》中要求的义务。

3. Either way, the Court has now confirmed that in appropriate circumstances an EIA must be carried out prior to the implementation of a project that is likely to cause significant transboundary harm.


4.The practice of the parties in MOX Plant and Pulp Mills cases similarly shows that, where activities with a known risk of potentially significant pollution are involved, the necessity of an EIA can be presumed, even if the actual risk is a small one.


5. The Court's subsequent reference to an EIA taking place before implementation of the project also leaves open the possibility that in some cases an EIA may occur in several stages一for example in schemes which require an "initial environmental examination' followed by a full EIA only if a likelihood of significant harm is then identified.



第19卷第12期 武汉科技学院学报Vol.19 No.12 2006年12月 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Dec. 2006 英语长句翻译方法及技巧 张艳萍 (湛江师范学院大学外语部, 广东湛江 524048) 摘要:英语长句翻译是英语学习中的一个难点,本文从英汉语言对比的角度,探讨了英汉两种语言的 差异,进一步分析了两种语言长句的特点,概述了英语长句的常用的四种翻译方法,并举例分析了这些 方法在实际中的运用。 关键词:英汉长句;差异;翻译;技巧 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5160(2006)-0200-04 我们在英语教学过程中,往往会发现学生在汉译英时出现中国式英语,英译汉时句子却“西化”。究其原因我认为这主要是因为英语和汉语来自两种完全不同的文化语言体系,语序差别甚大,尤其遇到复杂长句,除了需要较强的对比分析理解能力外,还要求我们掌握一定的翻译理论和技巧以及具备较好的语言表达能力。为此,本人结合自己的英语教学实际,拟从英汉语言对比的角度来对英语长句的翻译问题作些探讨。 1 英汉句子结构的差异 人类语言的多样性,使翻译成为人类交流的重要媒介。同时,由于不同语言体系的差异,在英汉翻译里,英语和汉语会在句法结构、内在逻辑关系存在着明显差异: (1)英语句子重形合,汉语句子重意合。汉语注重隐性连贯注重逻辑事理顺序、注重功能、意义,注重以神统形,形合手段比英语少得多,没有英语所常用的那些关系代词、关系副词、连接代词和连接副词。并且汉语介词数量少,句式结构上也无太多的限制,可以利用说话的语气、环境及语言结构内部的相互衬托等条件使语句尽量辞约义丰。所以汉语是一种必须联系交际人主体意识、语言环境、句子表达功能作动态的意念分析的重“意合”的语言,是有别于英语句子重“形合”,试看下面句子: 例1:My idea of a good P.E. class is one where youth are involved in at least 20 minutes of basic movement that gets their heart rates up. 译文:说到一节好的体育课,我的想法是青年在体育课中至少要进行20分钟使他们心跳加快的基本运动。 这是一个典型的重形合的英语句子,全句用两个关系代词将两个定语从句联系起来,在译文中,将关系一层层理清楚,整句语气从容不迫,这就符合了汉语的叙事方法。 例2:不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 译文1:If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 原文中的假设关系是隐含的,译成英语时用连词if把假设关系给表达出来,从这一例句可以看出英语重形合而汉语重意合的句子特点。 译文2:Who never consults an old man may suffer loss. 此句用名词性从句来翻译,同样体现了英汉两种语言在“形”和“意”上的区别。 (2)汉语通常根据时间顺序逐个翻译,而英语则较注重空间顺序。 汉语句中可常见两个以上的动词,甚至几乎全句皆动词。如:孩子们手里拿着老师给他们的礼物,唱着、 收稿日期:2006-09-17 作者简介:张艳萍(1978- ),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语翻译.


法律英语学习的层次与材料简介来源:胡敏的日志 接触法律方面的英语已数年,从漫无目的信手乱翻,到上法律英语课,再到上英语的法律课程,到现在的用英语进行法律方面的工作,走了很多弯路,也积攒了点滴经验体会。看版面上相关的讨论,觉得还可以更体系化,总结几点,和各位切磋。 学习法律英语,不能仅以会读、会写几个词汇就觉得万事大吉,要清楚自己的目标、学习的层次,循序渐进,渐次登堂入室。根据不同的层次,大致可分一下几个类型: 1. 入门搭框型:了解法律英语的基本词汇、语用同时西方法律、司法基本体系构架,即Mr.何家弘的“一石二鸟”。 可以学习下何家弘的《法律英语》(法律出版社,2003 第二版,好像已有配套翻译)。这种书要精读。试着自己动手翻译一遍,事半功倍。基础好同学可以接着读一点,英国人或美国人专门给外国人学法律英语的书,如《English Law and Language》(Cassell 出版)。 2. 专业型拓展型:拓展下自己的专业或者自己喜欢的领域。建议通读一本相关领域的简明教材,例如blackstone,nutshell系列的都不错的。另外,以熟悉的领域为核心,是提高英语的水平的有效捷径。 3. 比较参考型:即研究某个课题外国是否有相同的法律规定、案例规则等。学会泛读,把握主旨。以精读课的方式来读,反而会让自己陷入生词、查词旋涡。类似方面的,可以读一些案例。例如:https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa9298089.html,数据库大学校园网通常能已经由学校付费,学生可以免费使用。 (附:《https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa9298089.html,数据库》是面向法律专业人员设计的,拥有11400多个数据资料库以及31500多项资料来源,特别是在法律事务方面,是收录最全的法律资源库之一。包含了LexisNexis中全部法律内容,也包含了商业、金融、政治、时事等方面的内容,主要是全球范围内(如英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、中国内地、香港等)法律案例、法律法规条文、国家法、国际条约和协议、知识产权等,使用的对象为律师、大学法学院、法律咨询公司、司法官员等。) 4. 日常应用型:即与法律有关的日常业务中,处理涉外信函。注意学习一些商务信函的知识和相关领域的常用词汇、句型、格式。推荐《国际商务写作教程》(王素清,对外经贸大学出版社)。日常应用的专业词汇、句型跟法律英语教材、案例书籍、法条等的具有很大差别,这是新手一定要注意的。多阅读些此前的卷宗,虚心学习,不怕修改,三几个月就能顺手了。 5. 专业应用型:即出具外语法律文书、法律建议,如合同等。最保险的还是找一些类似的格式文书照搬过来,格式文书在网上能够搜索的到,或者参考此前业务成文。 6. 翻译通才型:即从事涉及法律内容的材料翻译。多读、多练、功夫在诗外。中英文方面的法律书都通读些,一些基本的简明教程即可。另外,还应当以法律为中心,多关注关联的知识


法律英语的句法特点及其汉英翻译策略 引言 法律语言在书面表达上的一个显著特点就是多用长句,这也就是法律的起草者和翻译者所说的“一句话”结构。在英、汉法律文本中,这种使用长句表达的倾向缘于立法者试图将某一问题的相关信息全部安置于一个完整的句子之内,避免几个分散的句子可能引起的歧义。立法语言的长句结构可以追溯到古代罗马、希腊以前的时期,当时,由于没有标点符号而导致了“一句话”的长句结构在法律语言的表述中大量使用,有时甚至仅用一个长句来表述某一部法规的整个内容。随着社会的进步,标点符号出现了;但是,法律法规也变得日趋复杂。 为了让使用者易于理解和掌握,一部法律法规通常被分为数个部分来进行表述,但使用长句结构的表达习惯在法律的起草和翻译中却一直延用至今。 长句结构的构成要素 长句结构在法律语言中的应用之所以有如此旺盛的生命力,是因为很多学者认为,一个立法语句应该由三个或更多的主要分句构成,本文对构成法律英语的长句结构的三个要素(条件句、逻辑连接词and 和o r 、修饰限定成分)进行了分析,并提出在汉英法律翻译中如何利用这三个要素来避免在一个长句里出现歧义或错误的解决办法。 主要分句又由几个从属分句修饰限定。这样的长句不容易产生误解,因为读者不必去核实各个独立句子之间的关系。此外,他们还认为一系列的短句带来的不可避免的结果是毫无必要的重复或使人厌烦困惑的相互指代,或二者兼而有之,因此很可能会影响交际效果。所以,大多数学者都坚持在法律的起草和翻译上使用“一句话”的长句结构来进行表述。例如:例1:第一百一十三条当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失,包括合同履行后可以获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同时预见到或者应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。 Article 113 If either party fails to perform its obligations under the contract or does not perform its obligations as contracted and thus causes losses to the other party, the


第一课美国法律制度介绍 第一部分特征与特点 美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。与许多别的国家相比它是一个新的国家。同时,它还因新人口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家。但是在其它的意义上它是老国家。它是最老的“新”国家——第一个由旧大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。它拥有最古老的成文宪法、最古老的持续的联邦体制以及最古老的民族自治实践。 美国的年轻(性)有一个很有意思的特点就是它的历史肇始于印刷机发明之后。因此它的整个历史都得以记录下来:确实可以很有把握地说,任何其它国家都没有像美国这样全面的历史记录,因为像在意大利、法国或者英国过去的传说中湮没的那样的事件在美国都成了有文字记载的历史之一部分。而且其记录不仅全面,还非常浩繁。不仅包括这个国家自1776年以来的殖民时期的记录,还有当前五十个州以及各州和联邦(nation)之间错综复杂的关系网络的历史记录。因此,据一个非常简单的例子,美国最高法院判例汇编有大约350卷,而一些州的判例汇编也几乎有同样多的卷数:想研究美国法律史的读者要面对的是超过5000巨卷的司法案例。 我们不能说一个文件或几个文件就能揭示出一国人民或其政府的特性。但如果横跨一百多年的千百万个文件敲出始终如一的音调,我们就有理由说这就是其主调。当千百万个文件都以同样的方式去解决同样的中心问题,我们就有理由从中得出可以被称为国民特定的确定结论。 第二部分普通法和衡平法 同英国一样,美国法律制度从方法论上来说主要是一种判例法制度。许多私法领域仍然主要是由判例法构成,广泛而不断增长的制定法一直受制于有约束力的(解释制定法的)判例法。因此,判例法方法的知识以及使用判例法的技巧对于理解美国法律和法律方法是极其重要的。 从历史的角度来看,普通法就是由英国皇家法院的巡回法官的判决所得出的普通的一般法——优于地方法。采纳或执行某项诉讼请求是以存在法院令状这种特殊形式的诉为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉”所构成的体系。如果存在令状(于1227年),诉讼请求就可以被采纳或执行;没有法院令状(为前提)的诉讼请求就没有追索权,因而该诉讼请求也不存在。“牛津条例”(1285年)禁止创设除了“个案令状”之外的新令状,这种“个案令状”使该制度变得较为灵活了,而且导致了后来合同和侵权法的发展。 对于诉的形式的严格限制及由此产生的对追索权的限制导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的发展。“衡平”的一般意义就是寻求“公平”,即公平且善良地裁决,它最初是由国王,后来由作为“国王良知守护人”的大法官颁行,以便在艰难的案件中提供救济。但是到了十四世纪,衡平法和衡平判例法发展成了一个独立的法律制度和与一般的普通法法院一争高下的司法系统(衡平法院)。其规则和格言变得非常固定而且在某种程度上不像在其它法律制度中一样灵活。衡平法的特点有:以特定履行(或实际履行)的方式提供救济(与普通法提供补偿性损害赔偿金的救济方式形成对照);强制令(为或者不为某项具体行为的临时或者最终法令);渗透了整个法律制度并且能在许多场合下揭示现代法律概念的起源的所谓的衡平法格言的发展。不过,一般都是只有在普通法救济不充分时,才会出现衡平法救济。比如,优于普通法损害赔偿金被认为是不充分的,这是因为考虑到不动产所具有的唯一性,这些赔偿金无法补偿不动产购买人(的损失),就可能判以特定履行购买不动产。 与普通法一样,衡平法通过司法接纳或通过明确的制定法条款,成了美国法律的一部分。目前,这两个法律制度在许多美国司法管辖区中得以融合(始于1848年的纽约),因而,在这些司法管辖区以及联邦的实践中只存在一种形式的民事诉讼。只有为数很少的州还保留


书名: 1.《合同法》和《公司法》的英文翻译打码QQ群:54493069 2.孙万彪:《英汉法律翻译教程》和《汉英法律翻译教程》 3.《法律翻译-从实践出发》 4.李克兴:《法律翻译理论与实践》 5.陈忠诚:《法窗译话》 入门级: 1、孙万彪的《英汉法律翻译教程》和《汉英法律翻译教程》,涉及的内容都是最基本的,书写得比较严谨,孙老师应该是语言专业出身,对一些词(比如说threatened )的处理比较好。 2、中文版的《合同法》和《公司法》以及英文版的《合同法》和《公司法》,中文版的不必管哪个出版社的,想来都差不多。英文版的至少有两个版本,我在书店里见过,但现有手头没有,也不方便找。 3、《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》,有中英文对照版,算是做得比较精致的一本书。这本书不厚,但可以让你明白好的翻译作品应该是什么样的。 4、香港的双语资料库,至少可以利用一下香港联合交易所的双语《上市规则》。香港的词法和句法与大陆有所不同,但值得借鉴。 中级篇: 1、《法律文本与法律翻译》,作者之一是李克兴,他最近还写了一本书,也不错,可以看看。书名记不得了,但如果你在百度搜索栏敲入“李克兴”、“法律翻译”,逐页翻页,应该可以找到。 2、《法律翻译-从实践出发》,这本书有多名作者,既有宏观的论述,又有微观的剖析,作者基本上都是圈内高人。 3、《美国1933年证券法》和《美国1934年证券交易法》,著名的两部美国法律,主译是张路老师,这一系列的书还有,与律所的实战翻译风格比较接近。 4、利用互联网,直接查阅相关法律,如美国的《特拉华州普通公司法》。至于具体查阅哪部法律,看个人的兴趣。每本书后面都有参考书目,可以利用这个作为线索。 高级篇 1、《国际商法教学案例英文选编》,对外经济贸易大学考研用的“灰皮书”,不知现在是不是这样?先读懂这本书,加深对法律知识的了解。 2、《英美商事组织法》,对外经济贸易大学丁丁老师著,同一系列的书还有很多。 3、陈忠诚老师的《词语翻译漫谈》及其续篇、《法窗译话》以及相关的词语翻译书,加强“炼字”功夫。


法律文件严谨,采取各种语言手段防止误解或歧义;其内容必须字面化、外部化,说一是一,说二是二。含蓄的表达、深层的蕴涵在法律文件中无施展的余地。 在用词方面,法律文件除了专门术语外,还常用一部分古词、旧词。特别是here,there,where加介词构成的复合副词,如:hereto,herein,hereunder,hereinabove,thereon,therein,thereof,thereat,therethrough,wherein,whereby,whereof,wherefor等等。古体副词的大量使用提高法律文件的正式程度,也形成了法律文件特有的稳定性和保守性。 在句法方面,法律文件长句多,几十字、上百字的长句司空见惯。为

了把话说得天衣无缝,不惜运用各种附加语、修饰语、说明语,以致句法成分前后编插、枝权横生,句子结构膨胀,语法关系复杂,读来不畅。行文中少用代词,宁可重复名词。 在篇章结构方面,有的甚至通篇不用逗号表示停顿。但是,为了突出内容要点和逻辑程序,法律文件也采用一定的版面手段,如大小写,变换字体、序列和布局等。 根据法律文件的特征,翻译上有如下要求: Legal Document Translation From stylistic point of view, the legal document is rigorous, so it adopts every language method to prevent misunderstanding or ambiguity. Its content must be literally clear and outspoken. The


法律英语词汇的特点及其翻译 Ξ 李 丽 (三峡大学外国语学院教师 香港中文大学翻译系博士生 香港沙田) 摘 要 法律文件的英汉翻译在中国发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文从四个方面归纳法律英语词汇的特点,即专业性、正式性、客观性及准确性,并进一步探讨具体的法律词汇翻译的方法和对策。关键词 法律翻译 法律词汇特点 翻译方法 翻译策略 Abstract Translation of legal documents is now playing an ever -increasing role in China.This paper first surveys four primary characteristics of legal vocabulary ,namely ,professionalism ,formalism ,objectivity and exactitude ,followed by a presentation and discussion of s pecific strategies and methods of translating legal vo 2cabulary between English and Chinese. K ey Words Legal translation characteristics of legal vocabulary translation methods translation strate 2gies 随着中国加入WTO ,世界经济一体化,中国与世界的交往和联系越来越多。法律文件的翻译将会在社会生活中扮演很重要的角色。要做好法律文件的英汉翻译,我们必须了解法律英语的一些特点。所谓法律英语,“是指法律界通用的书面英语(包括法律、法规、条例、规章、协定、判定和裁定等),尤其是指律师起草法律文件(合同、章程、协议、契约等)惯常使用的语 言。”[1] 法律英语在词汇、句式等方面都有它自己的特点。本文尝试归纳出法律英语在词汇方面的四大特点,并进而探讨一些具体的翻译方法和策略。1 专业性 “法律语言部分地是由具有特定法律意义的词组成,部分地是由日常用语组成。具有特定法律意义的词,在日常用语中即使有也很少 使用,如预谋、过失、非法侵害等。”[2] 除了具有特定法律意义的词之外,很多在日常生活中普遍应用的词汇,一旦到了法律文本中,便具有了区别于日常意义的法律意义。这也就是我们常 说的法律词汇的“专业性”。下表列举部分英语单词的普通意义和法律意义: 英语单词 日常意义法律意义adverse 相反的非法的battery 电池伤害、人身攻击condemn 谴责判刑、定罪declaration 声明、宣言申诉书exhibit 展出物证hear 听见听审immunity 免疫力豁免权leave 离开休庭proceed 进行起诉report 报告揭发sentence 句子判决undo 解开勾引、诱奸vacation 假期休庭期warrant 保证拘捕令 除了这些普通词汇所具有的专业意义之外,法律英语中还保留了一些外来词和旧体词,这也是法律词汇专业性的一个体现和标记。 外来词:现代法律词汇中保留一些来自拉文的词汇,如: ad hoc 专门地bona fide 真诚地 de facto 事实上的inter alia 除了别的因素以外in re 关于 mutatis mutandis 已作了必要的修订pari passu 按相同比例per se 自身pro bono 为了公益pro rata 按比例 第18卷3期2005年8月 中国科技翻译CHIN ESE SCIENCE &TECHNOLO GY TRANSLATORS JOURNAL Vol.18.No.3 Aug.2005 收稿日期:2005—03—09/14

第十章 法律翻译中被动句式的翻译(课堂讲练)

第十章法律翻译中被动句式的翻译(课堂讲练) 本章教学目标:掌握法律英语翻译中有关被动句翻译的若干基本方法。 课堂讲练: 1、概述 在法律英语句式中,被动语态(PASSIVE VOICE)使用频率很高。通常在以下情况中,法律英语会使用被动语态: 例1、(1)、The Conformity Certificate of the Goods to be delivered shall be delivered directly to Party A by Party C on the Delivery Day of such Goods. 参考译文:拟交付货物的产品合格证应由丙方在该批货物交货日直接交给甲方(或:丙方应在交货日将拟交货物的产品合格证直接交给甲方)。 (2)、When the Goods to be pledged under this Agreement have been delivered to the Dealer acting on behalf of the Pledgee, the Pledgor shall submit to the Dealer a Delivery Note. 参考译文:依照本协议应质押的货物交付给代表质押权人的经销商后,质押人应向经销商提交一份交货单。 (3)、Unless otherwise specified in writing herein, all Confidential Information must be returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed on the expiration of the period of the receiving Party’s using such Confidential Information. 参考译文:除非本协议另有书面规定,所有机密信息在接收方使用期限届满时必须退还给披露方或者销毁。 (4)、如果在合同任何一方向对方发出就因本合同引起的或与之有关的任何争议进行协商的书面请求后15天内,争议仍未得到解决,则任何一方可以将该争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。 参考译文:Where the disputes arising out of or in relation to this Contract can not be resolved within fifteen (15) days after any Party hereto requesting in writing the other Party to commencing a consultation on said disputes, either Party may submit it to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration(CIETAC). (5)、对于任何因违约而给对合同任何一方造成的损失,违约方必须做出金钱赔偿。 参考译文:Any losses suffered by any Party hereto arising from any breach shall be indemnified by the Party in breach. 小结:从上述例句的翻译中可以看出,法律英语使用被动语态,通常是因为(1)、强调动作对象(即受动者),比如例句(1)、(2),此时,往往施动者没有必要说出或不愿说出;或者(2)、施动者本身无法确定,如(3)、(4);或者两种情形兼而有之,如(5)。在汉译时,由于汉语被动语态的使用频率较英语为少,所以,不必受英语句式限制,将所有被动句都翻译成汉语被动句,译文应以既忠实于原文意义,又符合汉语表达习惯为要旨。 2、英语被动语态基本翻译技巧 1)、译成被动句 如需要强调源语中被动语态的受动对象,一般译成汉语被动句。不过,可以使用”予以、由、受、受到、得以、得到、经“等词汇替代”被“,以表达被动含义。 例2、(1)、If any of the provisions of this Contract is held invalid or unenforceable and unless the invalidity or unenforceability materially violates the fundamental intent and sense of other parts of this Contract, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions hereof. 参考译文:如果本合同任何条款被认定为无效或不可执行,除非此无效或不可执行性实质性地违反本合同根本意图或其其他部分意义,则不得影响本合同其他条款的有效性或可执行性。


Legal English (revised version for the students) Ch.1 The Main Features of Legal English 一、法律英语的英译: David Mellinkoff(加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院教授):《The Language of the Law》1963 1.legal English---Lawful English Legal parlance(说法、用语)/legal lingo(行话、隐语)/legal jargon(行话、黑话)/legalese( 法律八股文)/language of jurisprudence(法理语言) 2. the English Language of the Law or shortened as “the language of the law” 3. 法律英语与法学英语 二、法律英语的范围: 是否凡是涉及法律的英语(词汇、表达方法、句子结构……)都是法律英语? 英美法学界所公认的法律英语主要是指普通法国家(common-law countries)的法律人所用的习惯语言(customary language),包括某些词汇、短语,或具有特色的一些表达方法(mode of expressions)。 三、法律英语的主要特点: I. precise or exact (准确) 正常情况下,起草法律文件时,用词造句务必十分精准(with great exactness),因为一旦笔者的思想、观点、企图落实成文字,即成为法庭判断是非的重要依据,因为按严格解释原则(principle of strict construction)或唯名论原则(principle of nominalism),尽管实践中还存在推测意图原则(principle of presumed intent),但其不占主导地位,书面文字仍然是法官解释法律文件的唯一依据。 实务中鉴于对法律文件中文字的理解不一,也是常有纠纷出现: e.g. The Charter required that directors “shall be elected on a vote of the stockholders representing not less than two-thirds of outstanding capital st ock of the corporation.” 甲方理解成:被选上董事的人需三分之二的股东投票赞成(a candidate to be elected needs the votes of two-thirds of the stockholders ) 乙方则认为:选董事时须有三分之二的股东出席(two-thirds of the stockholders must be present at the meeting at which the election is held) What’s the judge’s opinion? e.g. 一个阿肯色州的美国人临终前写了一个遗嘱,遗嘱写道: The remainder of the testator’s property should be “divided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wife’s side and my niece.” 问题出在对“between”一词的理解上。立遗嘱人妻子一边的外甥和外甥女加在一起共有22个。这句话是指立遗嘱人的遗产的一半归其妻子方的22个外甥和外甥女,另一半归其本人一方的外甥女?还是指将遗产在双方的外甥外甥女中平均分配呢? 为达准确之目的,常使用下列招法: 1. 使用专门术语(下文有述) 2. 重复使用具有绝对含义的词汇,如all , none, perpetuity, never, unavoidable; 3. 使用具有绝对限制含义的短语:


法律英语课文翻译 第一课美国法律制度介绍 第一部分特征与特点 美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。与许多别的国家相比它是一个新的国家。同时,它还因新人口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家。但是在其它的意义上它是老国家。它是最老的“新”国家——第一个由旧大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。它拥有最古老的成文宪法、最古老的持续的联邦体制以及最古老的民族自治实践。 美国的年轻(性)有一个很有意思的特点就是它的历史肇始于印刷机发明之后。因此它的整个历史都得以记录下来:确实可以很有把握地说,任何其它国家都没有像美国这样全面的历史记录,因为像在意大利、法国或者英国过去的传说中湮没的那样的事件在美国都成了有文字记载的历史之一部分。而且其记录不仅全面,还非常浩繁。不仅包括这个国家自1776年以来的殖民时期的记录,还有当前五十个州以及各州和联邦(nation)之间错综复杂的关系网络的历史记录。因此,据一个非常简单的例子,美国最高法院判例汇编有大约350卷,而一些州的判例汇编也几乎有同样多的卷数:想研究美国法律史的读者要面对的是超过5000巨卷的司法案例。 我们不能说一个文件或几个文件就能揭示出一国人民或其政府的特性。但如果横跨一百多年的千百万个文件敲出始终如一的音调,我们就有理由说这就是其主调。当千百万个文件都以同样的方式去解决同样的中心问题,我们就有理由从中得出可以被称为国民特定的确定结论。 第二部分普通法和衡平法 同英国一样,美国法律制度从方法论上来说主要是一种判例法制度。许多私法领域仍然主要是由判例法构成,广泛而不断增长的制定法一直受制于有约束力的(解释制定法的)判例法。因此,判例法方法的知识以及使用判例法的技巧对于理解美国法律和法律方法是极其重要的。 从历史的角度来看,普通法就是由英国皇家法院的巡回法官的判决所得出的普通的一般法——优于地方法。采纳或执行某项诉讼请求是以存在法院令状这种特殊形式的诉为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉”


浅谈法律英语中复合长句的翻译 众所周知,做翻译,最难处理的莫过于长句。长句不仅语法结构较为复杂,而且内容层次较多、从句和修饰成分长短不一。法律英语作为一种专业的法律语言,结构较为严谨,严肃庄重。翻译员在进行翻译时,必须严格按照翻译要求进行翻译,以保证法律文件的精确性、严谨性、规范性。本文主要就法律英语中复合长句的翻译进行了研究,并提出了自己的看法。 标签:法律英语翻译复合长句逻辑结构从句 1 概述 随着我国社会经济发展步伐的逐步加快以及经济全球化趋势的不断加强,培养专业化法律英语翻译人才越来越成为我国涉外法律发展的内在驱动力。我国自加入WTO以来,涉外法律领域就引起了法律界的广泛关注。为适应当前发展形势下的法律英语翻译需要,我国必须加快专业人才培养力度,培养一批高质量的专业化法律英语翻译人才。而对翻译员来说,其知识结构和能力结构直接决定着其专业业务水准。在进行翻译时,翻译员必须严格参照一定的翻译标准,在保证翻译准确的基础上,使翻译语言更为通顺流畅,符合汉语表达习惯。所谓翻译英语,就是指法律工作者和研究人员在法律领域使用的一种专门语言,它是英法美系国家的法律语言,是语言的一种功能变体。目前,我国在对法律英语的界定和认识上,仍存在一定的缺陷与不足。本文以法律英语中复合长句的翻译为研究对象,系统地分析和阐述了翻译中应注意的一些问题,以期为今后法律英语的翻译提供良好借鉴。 2 法律英语翻译策略 翻译员在对法律英语进行翻译,尤其是对法律英语中的长句进行翻译时,必须从其整体结构出发进行翻译,尽量保持其原句结构的完整性,并深入把握句子结构,在保证句子含义不变的基础上,采用清晰连贯的表达方式将法律条款呈现出来看。与其他语言不同,法律英语不仅具有一般语言的特点,还体现着法律的功能性。在翻译长句时,翻译员可以从主句入手,先理清主从句之间的关系,再根据逻辑关系进行翻译。一般地,一条法律英语规范中常会使用两个或以上的条件状语从句,这在普通英语中是极少出现的。本文主要以状语从句和定语从句为例,分析了法律英语的翻译策略。 2.1 状语从句翻译策略状语从句在整句中起着副词作用。按照其作用的不同,可将状语从句分为时间状语从句、让步状语从句、比较状语从句、原因状语从句、结果状语从句等。在法律英语中出现频率较高的状语从句为条件状语从句、目的状语从句、时间状语从句、方式状语从句。 2.1.1 条件状语从句翻译策略。法律英语中常使用whereas,provided that,unless,in case,on condition(that)...,supposing等词引导条件状语从句,且



法律英语的特点及翻译难点有哪些 近年来,随着对外法律文化交流的增多,为了让世界更多地了解中国的法律法规,我国每年都有大量的法律文献被译成外文。同时,为了向发达国家学习,我们也大量翻译外国的法律、法规以便学习借鉴。法律翻译作为翻译的一种,因法律英语独特的表达模式和规范与其他种类的翻译区别开来。它在词汇用语、句法结构上具有鲜明的特点,体现了法律语言的独特性。这里我推荐一个在线真人外教一对一的网站给大家——阿卡索外教网来辅助学习,它一节课15元,外教很不错,有欧美和菲律宾的,可以随意选择,上课体验很好,时间地点都可以自己安排,比较灵活方便,感兴趣的,可以去体验下他们的英语免费试听课。 本文试图以法律英语语言特点为切入点,探讨法律英语翻译的难点。法律翻译属于应用文体翻译的一种,涉及多个领域的知识。别于其他场合的语言,法律文本应属于庄重文本,是各体英语中正式程度最高的一种。法律语言呈现出以下特点: 1准确性和正确性 鉴于立法语言所表述的内容是全体公民的行为规范,同时也是司法人员的执法依据,立法者要通过语言文字的准确运用来表述国家的立法思想和具体的法律内容。因此,翻译时一定要反复推敲,做到用词准确,不产生歧义。 所谓准确性(precision),就是指内容表达清楚明了,用词准确无误,不产生歧义。正确性(correctness)是指用语恰当、符合、一致。为保持法律专业术语的稳定性及概念表达上的一致性,英美国家的法学界和司法界人士常常奉行的是坚持一贯的原则,结果既保留了法律英语惯有的表达方式,又明显地区别于其他行业用语。 2庄重性 法律代表着国家意志,是权力的象征,具有至高无上的权威性,法律英语即赋予正式和严谨的特点,表现出庄重性的特点。法律语言的庄重性主要体现在法律词汇的特殊性征上,反映在以下几个方面: (1)含有法律专业意义的普通词汇。 法律英语和普通英语的重要区别之一就是法律英语中用到的很多普通词汇往往具有专业特定含义。例如:prejudice指损害,counterpart指有同等效力的


英文合同中简单长句的翻译技巧 英文合同中使用的大量长句,主要分为三大类:简单长句、复合长句和并列长句。在翻译这些长句时,首先要正确理解各种相关成分的逻辑关系,然后再适当切分,理出句子的主干成分。最后再按汉语表达习惯,变动语序,重新组合。这样才能连贯、准确、清晰地予以表达。今天我们就先说一下简单长句和并列长句的翻译。 简单长句及其翻译 在翻译英文商务合同中的简单长句时,首先要正确理解各种相关成分的逻辑关系;然后再适当切分,理出句子的主干成分,翻译时以句子的主干为主导;最后再按汉语表达习惯,变动语序,重新组合。这样才能连贯、准确、清晰地予以表达。下面举三个简单长句翻译的例子来说明: 1.The Buyers may, within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, lodge a claim against the sellers for short-weight being supported by Inspecti on Certificate issued by areputable public surveyor. 这是一个简单长句,其主干为The Buyers may…lodge a claim…。 修饰谓语动词的状语有三个, a.分别表示时间within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination b.方式 being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public survey or和 c.目的for short-weight 而且状语中还有状语,作定语的分词issued还有自己的状语 by a reputable public surveyor。 众多状语,尽管在英语中的位置十分灵活,然而按照汉语的行文规范,方式状语一般应位于动词之前;而有些状语在译文中可以灵活处理,例如本句中的时间状语,可以提前至句首。因此,上句可译成:货物抵达目的港15天内,买方可以凭有信誉的公共检验员出示的检验证明向卖方提出短重索赔。 2. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract,the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by openin g an irrevocable L/C for the fullamount of USD30,000 in favor of the Seller t hrough a bank at export port. 此句的主干为…the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price…to the Seller,其中含有一个时间状语 within30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract。


作者:lliusulin提交日期:2009-3-30 11:44:00 访 问:2377 回复:24 本人是法律英语翻译爱好者,以学习法律英语,实践法律翻译为乐趣,在此开贴点评大陆法律英语法律翻译类书籍,各位有相关问题请跟帖,我将尽量解答。本人博客有更多的相关内容,感兴趣者请去https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa9298089.html,/ 本文欢迎转载,但请注明出处转引自法律翻译博客 https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa9298089.html,/ 1、007 国内法律出版物点评原创 欢迎转载,但请注明出处转引自法律翻译博客 https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa9298089.html,/ 国内的法律英语出版物现在是多如牛毛,读者应该如何取舍呢?本文旨在对当前的法律英语出版物进行综述点评,希望对大家能有所帮助。 入门级的可以选择下列出版物: (1)法律出版社,美国法精要系列 具体包括:合同法、侵权法、公司法、产品责任法、家庭法、民事诉讼法、联邦证据法、刑事程序法、保险法、证券管理法、银行及金融机构法、行政法等。 (2)武汉大学出版社,影印版法学基础系列 这是以英国和欧盟法律为主要内容的系列, 具体内容包括:合同法、证券法、侵权法、劳动法、信托法、医疗法、继承法、家庭法、刑法、宪法、法理、英国法律体系等。 想更深地了解英美法律制度的读者可选择: (3)中信出版社,伊曼纽尔法律精要系列 具体包括合同法、侵权法、公司法、财产法、刑法、证据法、刑事诉讼程序、律师职业责任等。 这是一套非常不错的书,内容详尽,重点突出,易读,且附有练习题和答案,缺点是价格太高,都在百元左右。 (4)中信出版社,案例与解析影印系列 本系列中有许多一般系列中没有的专业,比如知识产权、遗嘱和继承等,可补充其它系列阅读。 (6)中信出版社,案例教程影印系列 此系列为美国名校法学院所采用,其主要内容是一些经典案例,想更深入了


功能对等原则在法律英语翻译中的应用 周雪 摘要:世界上,每一个国家和地区的文化,都有自己独特的魅力。笔者被西方文化的差异所吸引,在探究法律英语的基础上,糅合了中西方不同的法律文化,对国际知名学者奈达所提出的“动态对等”原则进行了详细的解析探讨。同时,对如何在实际翻译工作中对更好的结合这一原则以保证法律英语的准确性发表了自己的看法。 关键词:功能对等翻译原则法律英语翻译应用 作者简介:周雪,女,牡丹江师范学院应用英语学院,2012级英语专业学生,黑龙江牡丹江,157000;指导老师:曹书 一、法律英语翻译的研究背景和意义 加入WTO以来,中国与西方国家的经济关系越来越近,而中国经济也更紧密地连接在国际事务中,将不可避免地产生问题,解决大量问题不会从外语中分离,尤其是外国法律语言。加强法律语言的研究,尤其是法律英语一定会保证中国进行国外经济交易的成功。随着世界上外部法律文化交流的增多,每年都有大量中国政策和法律文件必须翻译成外文,让世界更多地了解中国的法律和政策。同时,为了向发达国家学习,很多外国法律和法学著作已经被翻译成中文。本文试图专注于法律英语的语言特征,去探讨法律翻译的特点。 如今,法律英语已成为全球化趋势下的一个突出的专业语言。然而,法律英语有独特词汇、句子结构和语篇组织,其翻译不是一个简单的工作。一般来说,法律翻译目前只关注完成日常的法律翻译,而不是学习或研究法律翻译的相关理论。事实上,法律翻译如果没有相关的理论研究不可能快速获得发展并实现繁荣。多年来,法律文本的翻译策略一直是翻译界研究的重点。归化、异化、直译或释义,人们似乎永远无法达成共识。一些语言学家从法律或律师的角度对法律英语的语言和文体特征作了大量研究,取得了一些伟大的成果。近20年来,许多有识之士开始致力于倡导法律语言的简化。在澳大利亚,新西兰和加拿大,法律语言的简化运动得到一些成功,然而他们的成功似乎不太被重视并应用。 随着改革开放的发展,经济、文化的传播和科学技术的不断扩大,中国与其


法律英语翻译:法律翻译常用词汇注释(A-C) 翻译法律文件时,有些专用词不知道怎么翻,或者不确定最准确、最专业的译法是什么,确实让人苦恼。这里有法律翻译中常见词的中文注释,按字母排序,方便查找。 A Ab initio Ab initio是拉丁文,其意思是“自开始之时”或“从头开始”,可以直接翻译为“自始”。在法律英语中,ab initio的使用频率较高,比较常见。如:ab initio mundi(有史以来),void ad initio (自始无效)等。 Accord accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 Accused 被告Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 Acquire acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 Acquittal 罪名不成立。刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。详见民法中和刑法中表达不同意思的“acquit”一文。 Act act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。 Action
