

output begins at the column address last specified in the READ PAGE (00h-30h) com-

mand. The RANDOM DATA READ TWO-PLANE (06h-E0h) command is used to enable

data output in the other cache registers.

Figure 38: READ PAGE (00h-30h) Operation

Cycle type



Figure 39: READ PAGE (00h-30h) Operation with Internal ECC Enabled


SR bit 1 = 0 READ error


The READ PAGE CACHE SEQUENTIAL (31h) command reads the next sequential page

within a block into the data register while the previous page is output from the cache

register. This command is accepted by the die (LUN) when it is ready

(RDY = 1, ARDY = 1). It is also accepted by the die (LUN) during READ PAGE CACHE

(31h, 00h-31h) operations (RDY = 1 and ARDY = 0).

To issue this command, write 31h to the command register. After this command is is-

sued, R/B# goes LOW and the die (LUN) is busy (RDY = 0, ARDY = 0) for t RCBSY. After

t RCBSY, R/B# goes HIGH and the die (LUN) is busy with a cache operation

(RDY = 1, ARDY = 0), indicating that the cache register is available and that the specified

page is copying from the NAND Flash array to the data register. At this point, data can

be output from the cache register beginning at column address 0. The RANDOM DATA

READ (05h-E0h) command can be used to change the column address of the data being

output from the cache register.

The READ PAGE CACHE SEQUENTIAL (31h) command can be used to cross block

boundaries. If the READ PAGE CACHE SEQUENTIAL (31h) command is issued after the

last page of a block is read into the data register, the next page read will be the next logi-

cal block in which the 31h command was issued. Do not issue the READ PAGE CACHE

SEQUENTIAL (31h) to cross die (LUN) boundaries. Instead, issue the READ PAGE

CACHE LAST (3Fh) command.

Figure 40: READ PAGE CACHE SEQUENTIAL (31h) Operation

Cycle type



Program Operations

Program operations are used to move data from the cache or data registers to the NAND

array. During a program operation the contents of the cache and/or data registers are

modified by the internal control logic.

Within a block, pages must be programmed sequentially from the least significant page

address to the most significant page address (0, 1, 2, ….., 63). During a program opera-

tion, the contents of the cache and/or data registers are modified by the internal control


Program Operations

The PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command, when not preceded by the PROGRAM PAGE

TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command, programs one page from the cache register to the

NAND Flash array. When the die (LUN) is ready (RDY = 1, ARDY = 1), the host should

check the FAIL bit to verify that the operation has completed successfully.

Program Cache Operations

The PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) command can be used to improve program op-

eration system performance. When this command is issued, the die (LUN) goes busy

(RDY = 0, ARDY = 0) while the cache register contents are copied to the data register,

and the die (LUN) is busy with a program cache operation (RDY = 1, ARDY = 0. While

the contents of the data register are moved to the NAND Flash array, the cache register

is available for an additional PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) or PROGRAM PAGE

(80h-10h) command.

For PROGRAM PAGE CACHE series (80h-15h) operations, during the die (LUN) busy

times, t CBSY and t LPROG, when RDY = 0 and ARDY = 0, the only valid commands are

status operations (70h, 78h) and reset (FFh). When RDY = 1 and ARDY = 0, the only valid

commands during PROGRAM PAGE CACHE series (80h-15h) operations are status op-

erations (70h, 78h), PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h), PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h),


SET (FFh).

Two-Plane Program Operations

The PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command can be used to improve pro-

gram operation system performance by enabling multiple pages to be moved from the

cache registers to different planes of the NAND Flash array. This is done by prepending

one or more PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) commands in front of the PRO-

GRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command.

Two-Plane Program Cache Operations

The PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command can be used to improve pro-

gram cache operation system performance by enabling multiple pages to be moved

from the cache registers to the data registers and, while the pages are being transferred

from the data registers to different planes of the NAND Flash array, free the cache regis-

ters to receive data input from the host. This is done by prepending one or more PRO-

GRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) commands in front of the PROGRAM PAGE

CACHE (80h-15h) command.

PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h)

The PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command enables the host to input data to a cache reg-

ister, and moves the data from the cache register to the specified block and page ad-

dress in the array of the selected die (LUN). This command is accepted by the die (LUN)

when it is ready (RDY = 1, ARDY = 1). It is also accepted by the die (LUN) when it is busy

with a PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) operation (RDY = 1, ARDY = 0).

To input a page to the cache register and move it to the NAND array at the block and

page address specified, write 80h to the command register. Unless this command has

been preceded by a PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command, issuing the 80h

to the command register clears all of the cache registers' contents on the selected target.

Then write n address cycles containing the column address and row address. Data input

cycles follow. Serial data is input beginning at the column address specified. At any time

during the data input cycle the RANDOM DATA INPUT (85h) and PROGRAM FOR IN-

TERNAL DATA INPUT (85h) commands may be issued. When data input is complete,

write 10h to the command register. The selected LUN will go busy

(RDY = 0, ARDY = 0) for t PROG as data is transferred.

To determine the progress of the data transfer, the host can monitor the target's R/B#

signal or, alternatively, the status operations (70h, 78h) may be used. When the die

(LUN) is ready (RDY = 1, ARDY = 1), the host should check the status of the FAIL bit.

In devices that have more than one die (LUN) per target, during and following inter-

leaved die (multi-LUN) operations, the READ STATUS ENHANCED (78h) command

must be used to select only one die (LUN) for status output. Use of the READ STATUS

(70h) command could cause more than one die (LUN) to respond, resulting in bus con-


The PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command is used as the final command of a two-plane

program operation. It is preceded by one or more PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE

(80h-11h) commands. Data is transferred from the cache registers for all of the ad-

dressed planes to the NAND array. The host should check the status of the operation by

using the status operations (70h, 78h).

When internal ECC is enabled, the duration of array programming time is t PROG_ECC.

During t PROG_ECC, the internal ECC generates parity bits when error detection is com-


Figure 44: PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) Operation


The PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) command enables the host to input data to a

cache register; copies the data from the cache register to the data register; then moves

the data register contents to the specified block and page address in the array of the se-

lected die (LUN). After the data is copied to the data register, the cache register is availa-


The PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command enables the host to input data

to the addressed plane's cache register and queue the cache register to ultimately be

moved to the NAND Flash array. This command can be issued one or more times. Each

time a new plane address is specified that plane is also queued for data transfer. To in-

put data for the final plane and to begin the program operation for all previously

queued planes, issue either the PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command or the PROGRAM

PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) command. All of the queued planes will move the data to the

NAND Flash array. This command is accepted by the die (LUN) when it is ready

(RDY = 1).

To input a page to the cache register and queue it to be moved to the NAND Flash array

at the block and page address specified, write 80h to the command register. Unless this

command has been preceded by a PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h) command,

issuing the 80h to the command register clears all of the cache registers' contents on the

selected target. Write five address cycles containing the column address and row ad-

dress; data input cycles follow. Serial data is input beginning at the column address

specified. At any time during the data input cycle, the RANDOM DATA INPUT (85h) and

PROGRAM FOR INTERNAL DATA INPUT (85h) commands can be issued. When data

input is complete, write 11h to the command register. The selected die (LUN) will go

busy (RDY = 0, ARDY = 0) for t DBSY.

To determine the progress of t DBSY, the host can monitor the target's R/B# signal or,

alternatively, the status operations (70h, 78h) can be used. When the LUN's status

shows that it is ready (RDY = 1), additional PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h)

commands can be issued to queue additional planes for data transfer. Alternatively, the

PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) or PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) commands can be is-


When the PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h) command is used as the final command of a two-

plane program operation, data is transferred from the cache registers to the NAND

Flash array for all of the addressed planes during t PROG. When the die (LUN) is ready

(RDY = 1, ARDY = 1), the host should check the status of the FAIL bit for each of the

planes to verify that programming completed successfully.

When the PROGRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) command is used as the final command

of a program cache two-plane operation, data is transferred from the cache registers to

the data registers after the previous array operations finish. The data is then moved

from the data registers to the NAND Flash array for all of the addressed planes. This oc-

curs during t CBSY. After t CBSY, the host should check the status of the FAILC bit for

each of the planes from the previous program cache operation, if any, to verify that pro-

gramming completed successfully.

For the PROGRAM PAGE TWO-PLANE (80h-11h), PROGRAM PAGE (80h-10h), and PRO-

GRAM PAGE CACHE (80h-15h) commands, see Two-Plane Operations for two-plane ad-

dressing requirements.


电器产品规格书格式公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]

* * 有限公司 产品规格书 (产品名称) 型号: 制定日期: 版本: A [变更履历]

1.适用范围 (产品使用的额定电压,或指只适用于销售于某一地区所使用的电压。) 2.型式 型号说明 主要参数 操作或使用说明 3.外观 1)颜色 各部件颜色要符合表面处理及限度样板。 2)丝印 ①不能有刮伤、印空、脱落等现象。 ②印刷色要符合限度样板。 3)喷油 ①不能有刮伤、脱油等现象。 ②颜色及表面处理要符合限度样板。 4)标识 ①标识内容要明确。符合图纸。 ②在指定位置印刷及贴付。 5)制品批号、个?外装箱批号指定位置要正确、明确地标示出来。 6)不能有刮伤、脏汚、破裂等。 7)电源线有效长度(根据客户要求或参考产品销售地区的安规标准如:UL/PSE/CE等.) 4.构造,部品 1)组装 各部品的组装不能强行压入、接合处、间隙等要根据图面要求。 2)部品 各部的部品根据图面或部品承认图。

3)空间距离、沿面距离 导电体与其它导电体之间的距离 2.5mm以上 导电体非导电体之间的距离 2.0mm以上 4)内部配线 不能触及可动部、高温部、配线装入时不要过分用力。 5)电器装配部品 如:风扇/马达等 (详细说明部品的生产厂商/型号/规格等。) 6)包装 符合包装仕样书要求。 5.性能 1)绝缘电阻 机器在正常室温下,施以机器的额定电压开机运转正常后。拔掉电源用绝缘电阻测试仪测量导电部和非导电部之间的绝缘电阻 规格:(根据产品的要求及产品销售地区的安规作制定) 2)绝缘耐压 机器在正常室温下,施以机器的额定电压开机运转正常后。拔掉电源用耐压测试仪测量导电体和导电体之间的耐压 规格:(根据产品的要求及产品销售地区的安规作制定) 3)额定功率 机器在正常室温下,施以机器的额定电压开机运转正常后。,用功率测试仪测试 机器工作时的功率 规格:(产品功率平均值)W±%以内。(功率波动范围根据不同类型的产品 和客户要求制定) 4)正常升温测试



第一章引言 1.1编写目的 本文档作为数据管控产品体系(元数据和数据质量管理)的产品方案说明书,介绍元数据和数据质量的解决方案。 1.2项目背景 经过多年建设,企业一般已经初步建成了各类管理信息系统,虽然在运用和分析数据支持经营决策方面已初见成效,但是对比战略发展要求和国内外最佳实践经验,还是存在数据管控水平不高,以及配套体系建设相对滞后的问题。为解决这些问题,企业会做种种努力,但由于未采用系统性的管控治理,数据问题并未能从根本上解决,阻碍了企业管理精细化的进程。 参考国内外同业先进理念、做法,一般会从数据标准、数据质量、数据模型、数据分布、数据安全、数据生命周期管理等6个方面,采用全面规划、分步实施的策略,分阶段有序推进数据管控项目建设,包括构建统一的数据管控制度体系、优化数据管控流程、实施有针对性的数据管控配套系统建设,实现对数据资产的全面管理和深度利用,进而提升数据资产管理水平和信息服务水平,形成差异化的竞争优势和核心竞争力。 第二章方案概述 2.1方案目标 本方案主要完成以下工作: ①完成元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的引进、集成部署和客户化定制; ②完成风险相关数据标准在元数据管理系统的落地; ③完成风险相关数据质量的评估及数据质量评估分析模型的开发。 ④完成其他业务需求中明确的试点系统的数据标准发布和质量评估落地工作。

2.2项目范围 2.2.1实施内容 1)元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统相关基础性工作 根据业务需求,结合企业现有系统的情况,制定具体项目实施方案,确保能完成相关咨询成果在系统内的部署和设置。完成系统接口设计、系统架构设计和形成实施所需的需求规格化文档等工作。完成产品的集成安装和初步调试工作。若提供的软硬件配置建议书不能完全满足企业软硬件选型需要的,需要协助事先完成必要的产品测试工作,确定最终的系统软硬件配置清单。 2)元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的客制化开发实施 根据企业的业务需求,对产品或应用进行客制化实施。根据对业务、技术元数据进行抽取和加载,在系统中建立元数据之间的映射关系。根据评分模型对评分卡进行客制化开发,并能将评分结果数据在第三方报表平台上展现。本阶段需要完成系统的概要设计、详细设计;完成数据接口设计和数据ETL工作;完成产品的配置,应用和报表的客制化开发等。产品客户化过程中,出现在场人员无法解决的技术或产品问题时,投标人应及时组织国内国外资源,快速解决问题,不能因此对项目进度造成影响。 3)元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的测试 完成元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的各类测试工作,包括:单元测试、集成测试、压力测试和协助用户测试,测试工作需要符合企业测试规范要求。单元测试和集成测试的主要工作是:制定测试策略和计划、准备测试案例和数据、执行各类测试案例(含功能测试、接口测试、报表测试、系统管理和非功能性需求测试等)、分析测试结果、针对测试问题进行回归测试。压力测试的主要工作是:制定测试策略和计划、准备测试案例和数据、执行性能测试案例、分析测试结果、针对测试问题进行回归测试,完成系统调优工作。用户测试的主要内容是:做好测试数据准备工作,并协助完成测试。 4)元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的上线和试运行 完成元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统的上线和试运行工作。元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统上线的相关事宜,主要包括:确定系统软硬件、完成系统整体部署(含集成部署)、调试和调优、完成系统的初始化工作。完成符合企业规范的上线和移交文档。编写用户操作手册、业务手册、系统操作手册等。元数据管理系统和数据质量评估管理系统试运行相关工作,主要包括:试运行实施规划、试运行过程中的问题整理和处理、试运行结果分析等。维护系统、明确系统应急处理机制并演练等。


Features ?ARM? 32-bit Cortex?-M3 CPU Core –72 MHz maximum frequency, 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) performance at 0 wait state memory access –Single-cycle multiplication and hardware division ?Memories –64 or 128 Kbytes of Flash memory –20 Kbytes of SRAM ?Clock, reset and supply management – 2.0 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os –POR, PDR, and programmable voltage detector (PVD) –4-to-16 MHz crystal oscillator –Internal 8 MHz factory-trimmed RC –Internal 40 kHz RC –PLL for CPU clock –32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration ?Low-power –Sleep, Stop and Standby modes –V BAT supply for RTC and backup registers ? 2 x 12-bit, 1 μs A/D converters (up to 16 channels) –Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V –Dual-sample and hold capability –Temperature sensor ?DMA –7-channel DMA controller –Peripherals supported: timers, ADC, SPIs, I2Cs and USARTs ?Up to 80 fast I/O ports –26/37/51/80 I/Os, all mappable on 16 external interrupt vectors and almost all 5 V-tolerant ?Debug mode –Serial wire debug (SWD) & JTAG interfaces ?7 timers –Three 16-bit timers, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input –16-bit, motor control PWM timer with dead-time generation and emergency stop – 2 watchdog timers (Independent and Window) –SysTick timer 24-bit downcounter ?Up to 9 communication interfaces –Up to 2 x I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus) –Up to 3 USARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA capability, modem control) –Up to 2 SPIs (18 Mbit/s) –CAN interface (2.0B Active) –USB 2.0 full-speed interface ?CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID ?Packages are ECOPACK? Table 1. Device summary Reference Part number STM32F103x8 STM32F103C8, STM32F103R8 STM32F103V8, STM32F103T8 STM32F103xB STM32F103RB STM32F103VB, STM32F103CB, STM32F103TB 找Memory、FPGA、二三极管、连接器、模块、光耦、电容电阻、单片机、处理器、晶振、传感器、滤波器, 上深圳市美光存储技术有限公司 August 2015


{ 项目名称} 产品需求规格说明书 机构公开信息


目录 0. 文档介绍 (4) 0.1文档目的 (4) 0.2文档范围 (4) 0.3读者对象 (4) 0.4参考文档 (4) 0.5术语与缩写解释 (4) 1. 产品介绍 (5) 2. 产品面向的用户群体 (5) 3. 产品应当遵循的标准或规范 (5) 4. 产品范围 (5) 5. 产品中的角色 (5) 6. 产品的功能性需求 (6) 6.0功能性需求分类 (6) 6.M F EATURE M (6) 6.m.n Function M.N (6) 7. 产品的非功能性需求 (7) 7.1用户界面需求 (7) 7.2软硬件环境需求 (7) 7.3产品质量需求 (7) 7.N 其他需求 (7) 附录A:需求建模与分析报告 (8) A.1需求模型1 (8) A.N 需求模型N (8) 附录B:需求确认 (9)

0. 文档介绍 0.1 文档目的 0.2 文档范围 0.3 读者对象 0.4 参考文档 提示:列出本文档的所有参考文献(可以是非正式出版物),格式如下:[标识符] 作者,文献名称,出版单位(或归属单位),日期 例如: [SPP-PROC-PP] SEPG,需求开发规范,机构名称,日期 0.5 术语与缩写解释

1. 产品介绍 提示: (1)说明产品是什么,什么用途。 (2)介绍产品的开发背景。 2. 产品面向的用户群体 提示: (1)描述本产品面向的用户(客户、最终用户)的特征, (2)说明本产品将给他们带来什么好处?他们选择本产品的可能性有多大? 3. 产品应当遵循的标准或规范 提示:阐述本产品应当遵循什么标准、规范或业务规则(Business Rules),违反标准、规范或业务规则的产品通常不太可能被接受。 4. 产品范围 提示:阐述本产品“适用的领域”和“不适用的领域”,本产品“应当包含的内容”和“不包含的内容”。说清楚产品范围的好处是:(1)有助于判断什么是需求,什么不是需求;(2)可以将开发精力集中在产品范围之内,少干吃力不讨好的事情;(3)有助于控制需求的变更。 5. 产品中的角色 提示:阐述本产品的各种角色及其职责。各种角色的具体行为将在功能性需求中描述。


40V高输入电压LDO线性稳压器一般说明 PW6206系列是一款高精度,高输入电压,低静态电流,高速,低压降线性稳压器具有高纹波抑制。在VOUT=5V&VIN=7V时,输入电压高达40V,负载电流高达300mA,采用BCD工艺制造。PW6206提供过电流限制、软启动和过热保护,以确保设备在良好的条件下工作 PW6206调节器有标准SOT89-3L和SOT23-3L封装。标准产品无铅无卤。 特点 ?输入电压:4.75V~40V ?输出电压:1.8V~5.7V ?输出精度:<±2% ?输出电流:150mA(典型值) ?最高300mA@VIN=7V,VOUT=5V,PW6206B50HV封装 ?电源抑制比:60dB@100Hz ?跌落电压:600mV@IOUT=100mA ?静态电流:4.2μA@VIN=12V(典型值) ?ESD HBM:8KV ?推荐电容器:10uF 应用芯片135代2845理8039 Mr。郑,技术工程FAE ?智能电表 ?车内娱乐 ?电动自行车 典型应用电路

应用信息 输入电容器 VIN 和GND 引脚之间需要10μF 的输入电容。电容器应尽可能靠近VIN 引脚,建议使用电解电容器。必须考虑公差和温度系数,以确保电容器在整个温度和工作条件范围内工作。 输出电容器

在实际应用中,选择输出电容器以保证其稳定运行是非常重要的。稳定和正确操作的最小电容为1μF。电容公差应在工作温度范围内±30%或更好。建议电容器类型为MLCC。 空载稳定性 PW6206将在无外部负载的情况下保持稳定和调节。这在CMOS RAM保持活动应用中尤其重要。 典型电路 下图显示了PW6206设备的典型应用电路。根据应用情况,应仔细选择外部组件的值。在插拔应用中,由于芯片上电源的插入和拔出引起的过冲会损坏芯片,因此建议VIN小于30V,输入电压峰值不超过45V。 在封堵应用中,建议R、Cin选用如下: 1Cin=10UF~100UF电解电容器,最大电压大于50V,R=0; 2Cin=1UF~10UF MLCC,最大电压V大于50V,R=2Ω,1206型电阻器应仔细选择,以确保有足够的裕度来承受插入期间的浪涌电流。


项目名称 产品需求规格说明书


目录 0. 文档介绍 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 文档目的 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 文档范围 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 读者对象 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 参考文档 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 术语与缩写解释.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1. 产品介绍 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 2. 产品面向的用户群体..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3. 产品应当遵循的标准或规范............................... 错误!未定义书签。 4. 产品范围 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 5. 产品中的角色 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6. 产品的功能性需求....................................... 错误!未定义书签。 功能性需求分类.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 F EATURE M ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Function ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 7. 产品的非功能性需求..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 用户界面需求............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 软硬件环境需求.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 产品质量需求............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 其他需求 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


WD6122 红外遥控发射电路 WD6122 芯片是通用红外遥控发射集成电路,采用CMOS 工艺制造,最多可外接64个按键,并有三组双重按键。封装形式为SOP-24和SOP-20。 一.特点 z低压CMOS 工艺制造 z工作电压范围宽 z通过外部接法最多可产生65536种用户码 z可通过SEL管脚选择,最多可支持128+ 6条指令码 z SOP-24、SOP-20、COB封装形式可选 二. 应用范围 z VCD、DVD 播放机、电视机、组合音响设备、电视机顶盒 三. 产品规格分类 z WD6122-001:SEL2接GND ,ROM中数据为0 z WD6122-002:SEL2接VDD,用户专用模式 四. 结构框图

WD6122 红外遥控发射电路 五. 管脚图及管脚说明 1. 管脚图 2. 管脚说明 管脚号 符号 输入输出 功能描述 23、24、1~6 KI0-KI7 I 键扫描输入端 7 REM O 数据输出管脚(遥控输出) 8 Vdd 电源正极 9 SEL I 选择管脚 10 OSCO O 振荡器管脚(输出) 11 OSCI I 振荡器管脚(输入) 12 Vss 电源负极 13 LMP O 输出LED指示(呈闪烁状态) 21~14 KI/O0~KI/O7I/O 键扫描输入/输出管脚 22 CCS I 键扫描输入

WD6122 红外遥控发射电路 六. 功能说明 1. 编码方式 WD6122 所发射的一帧码含有一个引导码,16位的用户编码和8位的键数据码、键数据码的反码也同时被传送。码型结构如下: 引导码由一个9ms的载波波形和4.5ms的关断时间构成,它作为随后发射的码的引导,这样当接收系统是由微处理器构成的时候,能更有效地处理码的接收与检测及其它各项控制之间的时序关系。编码采用脉冲位置调制方式(PPM)。利用脉冲之间的时间间隔来区分“0”和“1”。每次8位的码被传送之后,它们的反码也被传送,减少了系统的误码率。 2.键盘输入矩阵 WD6122键盘输入矩阵请参考下图: 3.按键输入 WD6122 在键扫描输入端KI0~KI7 和键扫描定时信号输入/输出端KI/O0~KI/O7构成的8×8 矩阵上共设置64 个按键。 只有第21#键与其它连在KI/O5 线上的键即22# 、23# 、24#键组合才能实现双重按键功能。即只有下列按键的组合才能进行双重按键操作。 1) 21#键与22#键;2 )21#键与23#键;3 )21#键与24#键 每个键输入端与电源负端VSS之间均接有下拉电阻。当有超过一个以上的按键(除非双重按键的组合21#与22#键21#与23#键21#与24#键)同时按下时,码的发射输出将停止。 当一个键按下时先读取用户码和键数据码,22ms后遥控输出端(REM)启动输出,按键时间只有超过22ms才能输出一帧码,超过108ms后才能输出第二帧码。 Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010For Evaluation Only.


产品需求规格说明书Xxx系统x.xx 版权所有 内部资料注意保密


目录 1 简介 (5) 1.1 目的 (5) 1.2 范围 (5) 1.3 定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语 (5) 1.4 参考资料 (5) 2 功能需求 (6) 2.1 角色描述 (6) 2.2 需求简介 (6) 3 需求描述 (6) 3.1订单同步通知 (6) 3.1.1 相关角色 (6) 3.1.2 需求描述 (6) 3.1.3 需求场景 (6) 3.2 订单通知接口增加ordertype字段 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3 余额查询的应用级开关和用户类型开关.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.3.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.4 信控优化 ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.4.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.4.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.4.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.5 价格标签应用接入.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.5.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.5.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.5.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.6 价格标签局数据制作.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.6.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.6.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.6.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.7 价格标签订购流程.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.7.1 相关角色................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.7.2 需求描述................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.7.3 需求场景................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.8 价格标签业务的核减退费.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。


Bridgelux BXCE 45x45 NLX-5 Product Data Sheet DS-C10 (2/4/2011) NLX-5 BLUE POWER DIE BXCE 45 x 45 mil PRODUCT DATA SHEET DS-C10 The Bridgelux NLX-5 family of blue power die enables high performance and cost effective solutions to serve solid state lighting market. This next generation chip technology delivers improved efficiency and performance to enable increased light output for a variety of lighting, signaling and display applications. Features ? High lumen output and efficiency ? Long operating life ? Increased current spreading traces for highly efficient and uniform illumination ? 100% Tested and sorted by wavelength, power and forward voltage ? Lambertian emission pattern ? Compatible with Solder paste, solder preform or silver epoxy die attach ? Delivered on medium tack blue tape (20cm±10mm ×20 cm±10mm) Applications ? General Illumination ? Street Lights ? Portable Lighting ? Architectural Lighting ? Directional Lighting ? Wide Area Lighting ? Display Backlighting ? Digital Camera Flash ? Automotive Lighting ? White LEDs LED Chip Diagram


单通道触摸感应开关 TTP233D-HA6 规格书 Revision 1.7 2014-04-25 一级代理:深圳市芯片科技有限公司芯派 深圳芯派科技 TEL:135 3045 2646 (唐生)ICQ:294 434 3362 ICQ:294 435 3362

1 key Touch Pad Detector IC Outline z The TTP233D-HA6 TonTouch TM is a touch pad detector IC which offers 1 touch key. The device built-in regulator for touch sensor. Stable sensing method can cover diversity conditions. The touching detection IC is designed for replacing traditional direct button key with diverse pad size. Low power consumption and wide operating voltage are the contact key features for DC or AC application. Characteristic z Operating voltage 2.4V ~ 5.5V z Built-in regulator for touch sensor z Built-in low voltage reset (LVR) function z Operating current, @VDD=3V no load At low power mode typical 2.5uA, maximum 5uA z The response time max about 220mS at low power mode @VDD=3V z Sensitivity can adjust by the capacitance(1~50pF)outside z Stable touching detection of human body for replacing traditional direct switch key z Provides Low Power mode z Provides direct output or toggle output selection by pin option (TOG pin) z Q pin is CMOS output can be selected active high or active low by pin option (AHLB pin) z Have the maximum on time 16 sec z After power-on have about 0.5sec stable-time, during the time do not touch the key pad, and the function is disabled z Auto calibration for life The re-calibration period is about 1 sec within 8 sec after power-on. When key has been touched within 8 sec or key has not been touched more than 8 sec after power-on, then the re-calibration period change to 4 sec Applications z Wide consumer products z Button key replacement

QJ003 芯片规格书

QJ003 芯片规格书 1.1 简介 QJ003 是一个提供串口的MP3芯片,完美的集成了MP3、WMV的硬解码。同时软件支持USB /SD/TF驱动,支持FAT16、FAT32文件系统。接播放USB/SD/TF 内部歌曲,直接从电脑USB下载进SD,使用方便,稳定可靠是此款产品的最大特点。另外该芯片也是深度定制的产品,专为USB读卡器,固定语音播放领域开发的低成本解决方案。 1.2 功能 1、支持采样率(KHz):8/11.025/12/16/22.05/24/32/44.1/48 2、24位DAC输出,动态范围支持90dB,信噪比支持85dB 3、完全支持FAT16、FAT32文件系统,最大支持32G的U盘、SD/TF 4、多种控制模式,红外遥控模式、AD按键控制模式 4、音频数据按文件夹排序,最多支持255个文件夹,每隔文件夹可以分配1000首歌曲 5、音量可调,5级EQ可调 6、连接电脑可以显示盘符进行更新内容; 7、在按键模式下,可以进行播放模式选择:单曲循环,大循环; 8、可连输入外部音源作声卡功能 9、LED随播放程闪烁状态 1.3 应用 1、车载导航语音播报 2、公路运输稽查、收费站语音提示; 3、火车站、汽车站安全检查语音提示; 4、电力、通信、金融营业厅语音提示; 5、车辆进、出通道验证语音提示; 6、公安边防检查通道语音提示; 7、多路语音告警或设备操作引导语音; 8、电动观光车安全行驶语音告示; 9、机电设备故障自动报警; 10、消防语音报警提示; 11、自动广播设备,定时播报

2 硬件参数 名称参数 MP3文件格式1、支持所有比特率11172-3和ISO13813-3 layer3音频解码 2、采样率支持(KHZ):8/11.025/12/16/22.05/24/32/44.1/48 3、支持Normal、Jazz、Classic、Pop、Rock等音效 USB接口 2.0标准 输入电压供电在3.3V-5.4V最佳为4.2V 额定电流15ma[不带U盘] 尺寸见6.芯片封装 工作温度-40度~70度 湿度5% ~ 95% 3.芯片管脚 管脚号管脚名称类型功能描述 1 P01 IO FLASH/TF数据脚 2 P00 IO FLASH/TF 时钟脚 3 P02 IO FLASH/TF 片选脚 4 VCOMO I ADKEY按键值检测脚 5 USBDM IO USB数据线DM 6 USBDP IO USB数据线DP 7 VCOM 芯片基准电压检测脚 8 DACVSS AGND 模拟地 9 DACR AO 芯片音源右声道输出 10 DACL AO 芯片音源左声道输出 11 VDDIO POWER 芯片LDO输出3.3V 12 LDO5V POWER 芯片电源输入引脚5V 13 VSSIO DGND 数字地 14 P23/24 AI 外部音源输入端 15 P30/P25 O LED工作状态指示灯,播放时间隔输出高低电平 16 P46/VPP I 遥控信号接收脚


产品需求规格说明书-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

管理化软件 需求规格说明书 XXX分册 编制:编制日期: 审核:审核日期: 批准:批准日期: 上海天跃科技股份有限公司


目录 第一章概述............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 编写目的................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 文档范围................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 术语定义................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 参考资料................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。第二章系统说明........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 产品设计目标............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 产品功能................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 用户类和特征............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 运行环境................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。第三章业务描述........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 参与角色职责............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 资产管理业务............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 押运管理业务............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 值班管理业务............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。第四章功能描述........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 资产管理................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 押运管理................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 值班管理................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 系统管理................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。第五章接口描述........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 外部接口................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 内部接口................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。第六章性能描述........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 数据精确度.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 时间特性................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 适应性.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第七章安全性............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 安全设施需求............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 安全性需求.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第八章其他需求........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 软件应当遵循的标准或规范................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 网络环境/需求........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 软硬件环境约束/需求、兼容性需求......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 扩充性和灵活性.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 可操作性................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 可靠性和稳定性.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 出错处理及恢复.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第九章验收标准........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
