



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What do you suppose the woman is?

A.A computer engineer.

B.A policewoman.

C.A doctor.

2.What do you think the woman can most probably be?

A.A restaurant waitress.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A school teacher.

3.Who is Mr King?

A.An actor.

B.A director.

C.A scene designer.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Salesman and customer.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Doctor and patient.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Waitress and customer.






6.What will the two speakers most probably do tomorrow?

A.Go shopping together.

B.Stay home and have a rest.

C.Have a picnic.

7.Why does the man urge the woman to open the door quickly?

A.Because someone indoors is anxious to see him soon.

B.Because the packages he’s holding are extraordinarily heavy.

C.Because they’ll get the air tickets to catch the plane.

8.Where is the key to the door in actual fact?

A.In the woman’s purse.

B.On the table in the kitchen.

C.In the man’s pocket.


9.What kind of room does the man want?

A.A double room with a bathroom.

B.A single room with a bathroom.

C.Three single rooms.

10.How long does the man want to stay?

A.Two nights.

B.Three nights.

C.One night.

11.What will the man do after the conversation?

A.Take a double room in the hotel.

B.Take a room with a private bathroom.

C.Go to another hotel.


12.What does the magazine talk about?

A.Junk food with too much fat.

B.Some guidelines on a healthy diet.

C.Principles of good nutrition.

13.What can we know about the woman’s diet?

A.Food without too much fat.

B.Food with much oil and sweet.

C.Food that is salty.

14.What does the man t hink of the woman’s diet?

A.It is not as healthy as the man’s.

B.It is not so healthy and needs improving.

C.It is healthy but not so delicious.


15.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.Passenger and air hostess.

C.Customer and shop assistant.

16.What kind of gift does the man want to buy for his brother?

A.Something that has good weight.

B.Something extraordinary and light.

C.Something expensive and wonderful.

17.What does the man buy in the end?

A.A crocodile leather wallet.

B.A model ship and a model plane.

C.A toothbrush that can be folded.


18.What does the speaker think of one’s appearance?

A.More important than anything else.

B.Not important at all on all occasions.

C.Its importance varies on different occasions.

19.What does the speaker think of being in jeans and a sweater for an interview for government job?



C.Wise enough.

20.What does this speech suggest?

A.Different places,different appearances.

B.Always be in the latest fashion.

C.The same appearance though in different places. 【听力材料及答案】

(Text 1)

W:What’s wrong with you,sir?

M:I’ve got a headache and a slight fever.Besides,I cough badly.

W:How long have you been like this?

M:Three days.

W:Let me take your temperature.

(Text 2)

W:May I help you,sir?

M:Can I have a look at that suit,please?

W:Sure.Here you are.

M:Could I try it on,please?

W:Yes,the fitting room is over there.

(Text 3)

W:Why are you always so busy,Mr King?

M:Because I have to learn my role’s lines by heart and take part in the rehearsals and performances all the time.

(Text 4)

M:Oh,I can’t find my glasses.Do you know where they are,darling?

W:I put them on the high shelf so that our naughty children couldn’t reach them.

(Text 5)

W:How do you like the dishes in our restaurant?

M:Oh,they are wonderful.It’s quite some time since I have enjoyed myself so much.And your service is perfect,too.

(Text 6)

W:Would you help me for a minute,please?

M:Of course.What do you want me to do?

W:Could you hold these packages while I look for the key to the door?

M:I’d be glad to.What’s in these packages? They’re extremely heavy.

W:Just the things we need for the picnic tomorrow.

M:Well,hurry up and open the door.I told you these things were very heavy.

W:I can’t find the key.You must have it.

M:You’re right,but how can I get the key while I’m holding all these packages?

(Text 7)


W:Good morning.Can I help you?

M:Oh,good,you speak English.


M:I’m looking for a double room for the next three nights...with a bathroom.

W:That’s until Thursday?

M:Yes,have you got one?

W:Mm.We’ve got a double room for tonight and tomorrow night,but not for Thursday night.

M: Oh,dear.Nothing for Thursday night?

W:I’m afraid not.

M:Mm.And what about the price?

W:150 francs a night.That’s for a double room without a bathroom.We’re very full.We haven’t got any more rooms with private bathrooms.

M:Oh...no bathroom....Well,thanks anyway.

(Text 8)

M:Look at this.This magazine has some guidelines for having a healthy diet.

W:When you have finished it,I’d like to see that.I’ve been thinking about what I am eating recently.I want to get some more ideas about nutrition and good health.

M:I’ve noticed that you aren’t eating much junk food and are avoiding food with too much fat.I know this diet is healthy,but...

W:What are you thinking? Isn’t this diet very tasty or satisfying?

M:N o,I don’t think it’s tasty but I know it is important to have healthy food to keep fit.

W:Following the principles of good nutrition will help us to be healthy and enjoy a better life.

M:But sometimes I’d like to enjoy a piece of rich cheesecake.

W:Having one serving of cheesecake once in a while is not a problem.We just can’t have too much and too often.

(Text 9)

W:May I help you,sir?

M:Yes,please.I want to buy a personal gift for my brother.He’s taking a trip to South America.

W:Is he going by ship or by plane?

M:He’s flying.My gift will have to be something light in weight.What can you suggest?

W:What about this leather wallet? It’s made of crocodile leather.

M:My sister has already given him one.I’d like something unusual.

W:Here is a gift for the man who has everything.

M:Oh,a folding toothbrush.That’s a wonderful idea.How much is it?


(Text 10)

Today,society is much freer and easier than it used to be.It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else.You can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should just because it is the fashion.The popularity of jeans and the “untidy” look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashions of the top fashion shops.

At the same time,appearance is still important on certain occasions and then we must choose our clothes carefully.It would be foolish for us to go to an interview for a job in the government wearing jeans and a sweater,and it would be considered impolite if we visited our elderly relatives looking as if we were going to a disco party or the

beach.However,you needn’t feel depressed if you don’t look like the latest fashion photo.Look around you and you’ll

find that nobody else does either!


