

湖北文理学院2019年专升本《内科护理学》试卷(样卷)姓名:考试时间:120 分钟


1. 风湿性心脏瓣膜病最容易累及的瓣膜是

A. 主动脉瓣

B. 肺动脉瓣

C. 二尖瓣

D. 三尖瓣



B. 日常活动后出现呼吸困难,休息后缓解

C. 轻微活动后出现呼吸困难,休息后不易缓解

D. 一般活动后不引起疲乏,呼吸困难



B. 地塞米松

C. 沙丁胺醇

D. 色甘酸钠



B. 电复律

C. 应用利多卡因

D. 停用洋地黄药物

5.患者,女,60岁。静脉补液后,护士为其测中心静脉压为13. 5cmH2O,血压正常,尿量11ml/小时,尿比重<1. 010。根据数据结果,考虑患者可能出现的情况是


B. 弥散性血管内凝血

C. 酸中毒

D. 肾功能不全



B. 4~7天

C. 2周以内

D. 24小时内


检:甲状腺肿大,两手微抖,眼球稍突。实验室检查:T3 6.2nmol/L,T4 254nmol/L。诊断为甲状腺功能亢进收入院。你认为下列哪项不属护理诊断


B. 营养失调

C. 甲状腺肿大

D. 自我形象紊乱


A. 一次咯血量<100ml

B. 一次咯血量>300ml

C. 一次咯血量>200ml

D. 一次咯血量>100ml


A. 胰岛素过量

B. 外伤及手术

C. 妊娠及分娩

D. 感染


A. 勤换内衣

B. 洗澡后涂抹润肤霜


D. 用温水擦洗皮肤


A. 高血压

B. 急性左心衰

C. 抑制心肌细胞易导致严重心律失常

D. 全身水肿

12. 急性特发性血小板减少性紫癜的临床表现不包括

A. 多见于儿童

B. 急性腹痛、关节痛

C. 常有发热

D. 皮肤粘膜出血

13. 成人缺铁性贫血最常见的原因为

A. 饮食中缺铁

B. 需铁量增加

C. 慢性失血

D. 铁吸收不足


A. 进行心理疏导

B. 给予地西泮

C. 减少探视

D. 促进睡眠

15. 下列哪项不是胃肠粘膜的损害因素

A. 非甾体类药物

B. 吸烟

C. 过度精神紧张

D. 前列腺素

16. 甲状腺功能亢进症患者一般不出现哪项消化系统症状

A. 食欲亢进

B. 肝脏肿大

C. 大便干结

D. 营养不良

17. 患者,63岁,睡醒后发现一侧偏瘫,神志清楚,血压150/98mmHg,脑脊液正常。应考虑为

A. 脑出血

B. 脑血栓形成

C. 脑栓塞

D. 蛛网膜下腔出血

18. 哮喘持续状态是指严重哮喘持续多长时间

A. 6小时

B. 10小时

C. 24小时

D. 48小时

19. 下列血气分析结果哪项符合I型呼衰

A. PaO2 65mmHg,PaCO2 35mmHg

B. PaO2 55mmHg,PaCO2 55mmH

C. PaO2 40mmHg,PaCO2 35mmHg

D. PaO2 80mmHg,PaCO2 35mmHg

20. 治疗肝性脑病时,灌肠时应禁用

A. 肥皂水

B. 生理盐水

C. 石蜡油

D. 弱酸溶液

21. 引起再生障碍性贫血最常见的抗生素药物是

A. 氯霉素

B. 氯丙嗪

C. 磺胺甲基异恶唑

D. 保泰松

22. 与消化溃疡发生关系密切的细菌是

A. 链球菌

B. 霍乱弧菌

C. 幽门螺旋杆菌

D. 痢疾杆菌

23. 癫痫大发作可以减药的情况是

A. 癫痫发作停止1年后

B. 癫痫发作停止2年以上

C. 脑电图正常后

D. 服药2年以上

24. 我国肝硬化最常见的原因

A. 酒精中毒

B. 药物中毒

C. 甲型肝炎

D. 乙型肝炎

25. 下面关于尿路刺激征的描述,错误的是

A. 尿意频繁而尿量不多为尿频

B. 一有尿意急不可待要排尿为尿急

C. 排尿时会阴下腹尿道感到烧灼感为尿痛

D. 尿频伴尿急称为尿路刺激征

26. 蛛网膜下隙出血最具有特征性的表现是

A. 剧烈头痛

B. 呕吐

C. 脑膜刺激征

D. 短暂意识障碍

27. 糖尿病的基本病理变化是

A. 生长激素分泌过多

B. 甲状腺素分泌过多

C. 胰升糖素分泌过多

D. 胰岛素绝对或相对不足

28. 右心功能不全引起的呼吸困难是由于

A. 气道反应性增强

B. 支气管狭窄及阻塞

C. 肺循环淤血

D. 体循环淤血

29. 高血压危象紧急处理的关键是

A. 迅速降低血压

B. 绝对卧床休息

C. 限制钠盐的摄入

D. 给予氧气吸入

30. 2型糖尿病患者最常见的死因是

A. 感染

B. 低血糖

C. 糖尿病肾病

D. 心脑血管意外

31. 类风湿性关节炎关节病变的特点是

A. 大关节

B. 关节畸形

C. 游走性疼痛

D. 对称性改变

32. 引起上消化道出血的最常见病因为

A. 急性胃粘膜病变

B. 胃癌

C. 消化性溃疡

D. 食道静脉曲张破裂出血

33. 下列白血病护理措施中不妥的一项是

A. 注意病室消毒,预防感染

B. 定时进行口鼻清洁,清除血痂

C. 增加营养,补充热量

D. 重视心理护理,避免不良刺激

34. 有关肾型过敏性紫癜,下列哪项是对的

A. 多在紫癜型发生前2周出现尿液改变

B. 少数病人可在数周内恢复

C. 多数病人可迁延数月

D. 极少数发生尿毒症

35. 成人最常见的肺结核类型是

A. 原发型

B. 血行播散型

C. 浸润型

D. 结核性胸膜炎


A. 体力劳动

B. 饱餐

C. 睡眠

D. 吸烟

37. 急性白血病引起贫血的主要原因是

A. 感染

B. 幼红细胞代谢受到干扰

C. 红细胞寿命缩短

D. 出血

38. 肺炎球菌肺炎时产生的铁锈色痰最主要的原因是

A. 痰内有大量红细胞

B. 痰内含大量脓细胞

C. 白细胞破坏时所产生的溶蛋白酶

D. 红细胞破坏释放出含铁血黄素


A. 心室颤动

B. 心室扑动

C. 三度房室传导阻滞

D. 阵发性室上性心动过速



B. 活动无耐力

C. 清理呼吸道无效

D. 体液过少

41. 患者,男,64岁,肺源性心脏病,近5年因受凉后痰多、粘稠、不易咳出,全身乏力,卧床5日未解大便。该患者的首要问题是

A. 便秘

B. 活动无耐力

C. 焦虑

D. 清理呼吸道无效

42. 肺结核诊断最可靠的依据是

A. 胸片

B. CT检查

C. 结核菌素试验

D. 痰菌检查


A. 支气管痉挛

B. 胸廓运动受限制

C. 肺循环淤血

D. 体循环淤血


A. 急性左心衰竭

B. 心源性休克

C. 心律失常

D. 心脏破裂


A. 慢性支气管炎并发症阻塞性肺气肿

B. 肺纤维化

C. 矽肺

D. 肺结核


A.精神紧张 B. 活动量少 C. 腹部肿瘤压迫 D. 长期滥用泻药


A. 卧床休息

B. 控制水的摄入

C. 保证饮食总热量

D. 限制蛋白质摄入


A. 按时服药

B. 均衡饮食

C. 提倡多吃素食

D. 多食用凉拌蔬菜


A. 立即清创

B. 应用抗生素

C. 吸氧

D. 封闭胸壁伤口


A. 过敏性休克

B. 血管神经性水肿

C. 荨麻疹

D. 低血糖




B. 右肺不张

C. 右侧肺炎

D. 左侧胸腹膜粘连


A. 溃疡病活动期

B. 幽门梗阻

C. 上消化道出血

D. 胃癌


A. 休克

B. 呼吸衰竭

C. 心力衰竭

D. 窒息


A. 缓解呼吸困难

B. 改善呼吸功能

C. 补足液体

D. 心理支持


A. 坐位双腿下垂

B. 持续低流量吸氧

C. 高热量流质饮食

D. 西地兰快速静脉推注



B. 再生障碍性贫血

C. 急性白血病

D. 慢性白血病



B. 病毒因素

C. 物理因素

D. 免疫功能亢进



B. 阻塞性肺不张

C. 支气管肺炎

D. 支气管扩张



B. 奎尼丁

C. 硝普钠

D. 利多卡因



B. 肺动脉瓣区第二心音亢进

C. 二尖瓣面容

D. 右心室扩大



B. 肝掌和蜘蛛痣

C. 腹水

D. 脾脏肿大



B. 意识障碍和昏迷

C. 肝功能异常

D. 血氨升高



B. 改善肾功能

C. 防止肾性骨病发生

D. 增加肾血流、尿量





D. 代谢性酸中毒时



B. 进行性消瘦

C. 进行性贫血

D. 出血和感染



B. 颅内出血

C. 脑炎

D. 脑膜炎



B. 正规胰岛素在餐前1小时注射

C. 剂量必须准确

D. 采用1ml注射器



B. 肘关节

C. 膝关节

D. 双手小关节



B. 视神经炎

C. 角膜感染

D. 视网膜病变




B. 避免服用能引起本病加重的药物和食物等

C. 用30℃左右温水湿敷面部

D. 安置背阳的病室,卧床休息



B. 腹压加剧导致呕吐

C. 血压陡升致脑溢血

D. 诱发心律失常致猝死

72. 缺氧伴有二氧化碳潴留的呼吸衰竭患者给氧宜采用

A. 间歇给氧

B. 高浓度给氧

C. 低浓度持续给氧

D. 高压给氧

73. 结核患者痰液最简便易行的消毒方法

A. 酒精消毒

B. 来苏儿液消毒

C. 焚烧

D. 新洁尔灭消毒


A. 加大氧流量

B. 抽血作血气分析

C. 增加呼吸频率

D. 检查有无气道阻塞

75. 幽门梗阻临床不会出现

A. 呕吐大量隔餐发酵食物

B. 胃蠕动波

C. 餐后腹痛

D. 肠型

76. 甲胎蛋白测定阳性,对下列哪种疾病有诊断意义

A. 慢性活动性肝炎

B. 肝硬化

C. 原发性肝癌

D. 肝转移癌


A. 高度水肿

B. 高血压

C. 高脂血症

D. 大量蛋白尿


A. 呼吸性酸中毒

B. 呼吸性碱中毒

C. 代谢性碱中毒

D. 代谢性酸中毒


A. 肺气肿

B. 肺不张

C. 肺水肿

D. 气胸



A. 血压急剧升高

B. 休克

C. 充血性心力衰竭

D. 心搏骤停




B. 自理能力缺陷

C. 潜在的感染

D. 有皮肤完整性受损的危险

E. 预感性悲哀



B. 用口呼气

C. 呼与吸时间之比为2:1-3:1


E. 吸气时收腹









B. 脑缺氧

C. 脑水肿

D. 高热

E. 脑疝



B. 急性穿孔

C. 幽门梗阻

D. 癌变

E. 感染









B. 凝血因子合成减少

C. 播散性血管内凝血

D. 白血病细胞浸润

E. 脾功能亢进

88.关于浸润性突眼,( )是不正确的。


B. 仅与甲亢同时存在

C. 甲亢病情控制后,浸润好转

D. 突眼双侧对称

E. 突眼度多>19mm

89.( )中毒时,可用2%碳酸氯纳溶液洗胃。








B. 甲状腺功能亢进

C. 急性肾功能衰竭早期

D. 库欣氏综合症

E. 慢性肾脏病进入肾功能减退期





计算机专升本试题及 答案

计算机专升本试题及答案 专升本考试是大学专科层次学生进入本科层次阶段学习的选拔考试的简称,是中国大陆教育体制大专层次学生升入本科院校的考试制度。计算机专升本试题及答案,我们来看看下文。 一、单选题 (每小题1分,共30分) 1. 在Word的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定列后,单击表格菜单中"删除列"命令后( )。 A.表格中的内容全部被删除,但表格还存在 B.表格和内容全部被删除 C.表格被删除,但表格中的内容未被删除 D.表格中插入点所在的列被删除 2. 十进制数8000转换为等值的八进制数是( )。 A.571(O) B.57100(O) C.175(O) D.17500(O) 3. 下列设备中,既能向主机输入数据又能接受主机输出数据的是( )。 A.显示器 B.扫描仪 C.磁盘存储器 D.音响设备 4. 下列操作中,( )不能关闭FrontPage应用程序。 A.单击“关闭”按钮 B.单击“文件”菜单中的“退出” C.单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭” D.双击标题栏左边的控制菜单框 5. 在Excel 清单中,( )。

A.只能将标题行冻结 B.可以将任意的列或行冻结 C.可以将A列和1、2、3行同时冻结 D.可以将任意的单元格冻结 6. CRT显示器的像素光点直径有多种规格,下列直径中显示质量最好的是( )mm。 A.0.39 B.0.33 C.0.31 D.0.28 7. 软盘不加写保护,对它可以进行的操作是( )。 A.只能读盘,不能写盘 B.只能写盘,不能读盘 C.既能读盘,又能写盘 D.不能读盘,也不能写盘 8. 软件与程序的区别是( )。 A.程序价格便宜、软件价格昂贵 B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的 C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的 D.软件是程序以及开发、使用和维护所需要的所有文档的总称,而程序是软件的一部分 9. 微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的( )。 A.人工智能 B.专家系统 C.信息管理 D.科学计算 10. 下列四个不同进制的无符号整数中,数值最小的是( )。 A.10010010(B) B.221(O) C.147(D) D.94(H)


湖北师范大学文理学院专科专业 湖北师范大学文理学院有哪些专科专业呢?湖北师范大学文理学院是一所本科为主的学校,学校的专科专业有:电子商务(网站设计与运营方向、4G网络营销方向)、计算机应用技术(移动互联网开发方向、3D建筑设计方向)、计算机网络技术(5A智能楼宇方向)、应用英语(国际双语幼教方向)等。 电子商务专业(非师范类,三年制专科) 培养目标:本专业培养与我国社会主义现代化建设要求相适应,掌握本专业必备的基础理论和专门知识,具有较强的实践能力,德、智、体全面发展,能够利用所学掌握的信息技术、商务知识、在与电子商务的机构、网站、企业从事电子商务实际工作的高等技术应用型人才。 主要课程:经济数学基础、管理学、经济学、统计学、会计学、财务管理、市场营销学、网络营销学、国际贸易实务、管理信息系统、商务谈判、企业电子商务管理、电子商务概论、电子商务案例分析、计算机与网络技术基础、互联网软件应用与开发、网页设计与制作、供应链与特流管理、电子商务法律、商务英语等。 就业去向:学生毕业后主要在高新技术企业、旅游服务行业、出版行业、商业部门、物流企业、股份公司、中介机构、金融机构、机关政府部门从事电子商务技术服务、物流管理、报关业务、营销等工作。 计算机应用技术专业(非师范类,三年制专科) 培养目标:本专业培养掌握计算机科学的基础理论及基本知识,具有操作计算机系统的基本技能,具有从事计算机软件开发与维护、硬件设备维护的实践操作能力的应用型专门人才。 主要课程:高等数学、离散数学基础、高级语言程序设计、算法与数据结构、电子线路与数字逻辑、计算机硬件技术基础、计算机软件技术基础、多媒体应用技术、计算机网络技术、管理信息系统、网络数据库、网络管理等。 就业去向:毕业生可以到企事业单位从事应用软件设计、维护、开发,计算机系统设计、安装、管理、维护工作和计算机网络的安装、调试及维护工作。 计算机网络技术专业(非师范类,三年制专科) 培养目标:本专业培养适应社会主义市场经济发展需要,既有扎实的计算机基础理论,又具备计算机网络工程的设计和操作能力、能从事计算机网络系统规划、设计,网络设备的


大学英语B6 一、交际英语 1.-How soon will your father fly to New York? -_____________________ A.At 7.00 am. https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab14187155.html,st week. C.In three days. D.Twice a year. 答案:C 2.- What are you majoring in? - _________ A.In a university. B.Very hard. C.Mathematics. D.At nine in the morning. 答案:C 3.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _______ This is not the end of the world. A.Good luck. B.Cheer up. C.Go ahead. D.No problem. 答案:B 4.- What day is today? - _________ A.It's March 6. B.It's a fine day today. C.It's March. D.It's Monday. 答案:D 5.- How much is this necklace? - _________ A.It's very nice. B.It's a birthday present from my parents. C.It costs fifty pounds. D.It's a bargain. 答案:C 二、阅读理解 Pepys and his wife had asked some friends to dinner on Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. The servants were up very late on the Saturday evening, getting everything ready for the next day, and while they were busy they saw the glow (暗淡的光) of a fire start in the sky. By 3 o'clock on the Sunday morning, the glow had become so bright that one of the servants, Jane, woke her master to see it. Pepys went to the window to watch it. It seemed fairly far away, so after a time he went back to bed. When he got up in the morning, it looked as though the fire was dying down, though he could still see some flames. So he set to work to tidy his room and put his things back where he wanted them after the servants had cleaned everything. While he was doing this, Jane came in to say that she had heard that the fire was a bad one: three hundred houses had been burned down in the night and the fire was still burning. Pepys went out to see for himself. He went to the Tower of London and climbed up on a high part of the building so that he could see what was happening. From there, Pepys could see that it was, indeed, a bad fire and that even the houses on London Bridge were burning. Someone told him that the fire had started in a


一)单选题(选择最佳答案) 1.在Windows98中,单击________按钮,可以使窗口缩小成图标,位于任务栏内。A.还原B.关闭 C.最大化D.最小化 2.Windows98系统允许用户同时执行____________任务,并且能方便地在各任务之间切换以及交换信息。 A.1项B.2项 C.8项D.多项 3.双击Windows98桌面上的快捷图标,可以________。 A.打开相应的应用程序窗口B.删除该应用程序 C.在磁盘上保存该应用程序D.弹出对应的命令菜单 4.在Windows98桌面的任务栏中,代表当前正在进行操作窗口的图标__________。A.变黑B.加亮显示 C.反像显示D.消失 5.在资源管理器窗口中,被选中的文件或文件夹会_______。 A.加框显示B.反像显示 C.加亮显示D.闪烁显示 6.在Windows98的资源管理器中,删除软磁盘中的文件的操作是将文件__________。A.放入回收站B.暂时保存到硬盘中 C.从软盘中清除D.改名后保存在软盘中 7.在PWin98系统中,单击最小化按钮,可以使窗口缩小成图标,并排列在_________。A.快捷栏内B.桌面的右边 C.开始菜单内D.桌面的任务栏内 8.Win98允许用户在桌面上放置_________主页、站点(频道),使你能够像挑选电视节目那样轻松、快捷地访问感兴趣的站点。 A.工作站B.书写器 C.因特网D.记事本 9.用鼠标将桌面上某个快捷图标拖到___________图标上,可以将它删除。 A.开始B.我的公文包 C.收件箱D.回收站 10.手写汉字输入系统一般由________组成。 A.纸张和圆珠笔B.专用笔和写字板 C.钢笔和扫描仪D.圆珠笔和塑料板 11.当前个人计算机的繁体汉字系统多数采用_________所收集的汉字为准进行编码。A.GB码B.五笔字型码 C.BIG5码D.拼音码 12.声音输入汉字是通过_______将讲话的声音输入计算机,然后用语音识别软件转换成对应的字、词。 A.拼音字母B.电话机 C.音箱D.麦克风 13.用IBM Via V oice 4.0进行语音输入时,___________。 A.麦克风最好放在嘴的正前方以便获得较大的输入功率 B.发音的速度最好尽量慢一些,以免系统来不及识别 C.麦克风最好放在约离嘴角两厘米处,以避免呼吸噪声的干扰


College English Test Part I Skimming and Scanning (Each item: 1 point; total: 10 points) [15 minutes] Directions: In this part, you will go over the passage quickly and choose the best answer to each question and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. For questions 1 - 7, mark A. Y, B. N and C. NG; For questions 8- 10, fill in the balnk with proper words Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. World of the Future Scientists think that wonderful things may come true in the future. Future means a time that is not yet here. It can be a short time from now or a long time from now. Some of the underwater wonders are almost ready to come true now. Others won't come tree, we think, until a long time from now. Some, of course, may never come true--but who knows for sure? They may. What are some of the wonders that may come true in the future? A world underground The green utopia (an ideally perfect place) underground is going to help us regain a more harmonious relationship between the often opposing sides of large-scale development and our ecosystem. The city may be called Alice City, from Alice's Adventure in the Wonderland, which offers a wonderful world that is almost as fantastical as that was described in the book. A large clear dome (圆顶), within an area of open parkland, leads into a multi-leveled structured metropolis of underground offices, housing, transportation and public areas. There will be everything to make the city as self-sufficient as possible including shopping malls, theatres and sports complexes in addition to facilities (contained in a separate structure) for power generation, heating and waste recycling. Apart from offering an almost limitless space for development, such underground development has many more attractive ecological advantages over traditional forms of housing. It is less disturbing than high rise development and therefore favorable in environmentally sensitive areas. Land above the complex can be set aside for parkland and recreational use. In towns or cities where pollution levels are high, air can be filtered through air pipes in the roof of an underground housing or industrial complex. A world underwater At the docks you step into a shiny metal submarine that is shaped like a shark. The door is closed behind you, and powerful engine starts to push. Down slides the submarine--like a shark diving. Deeper and deeper under the water. Soon all sunlight is gone. The headlights of the diving ship are turned on. Then, six miles below, you come to the sea bottom. From the diving submarine, you change to tiny jet boat and ride along close to the bottom of the ocean, almost as you would skim over the land in an air-plane. As you travel, you have fun looking out the window at the sights on the bottom of the ocean. You see strange fish and underwater mountains, cliffs, and valleys. But more than that--hotels and mining camps and farms and factories! A world in space Let's go back to dry land and take a future journey the other way-up instead of down. Huge rocket liners take you into space to visit the Moon Camp. You walk around on the moon in a special moon suit. You visit an observatory where a giant telescope looks far into space--farther than anyone has ever been able to see from Earth. You go deep down into one of the moon mines. After you have visited the moon, you visit the Mars Colony and the Venus Exploration Outpost. A new world on the Earth Let's go back to Earth. In the far, far future, girls--and boys, too--may be playing with dolls that look like the people of the planets visited by our spacemen. To control or run all kinds of toys, boys and girls may learn to use special computers --machines that answer questions and do arithmetic faster than you can blink. Bicycles and perhaps skates may be run by jet power, and a new thing to ride may be a small flying saucer. Imagine a race between them! There may be telepathy (心灵感应) helmets that send thought waves from your brain to that of your friend miles away. You just think a thought and your friend knows it! You can have secrets with each other that nobody else can turn in on! Robots There will be other surprises in the future. How would you like to have a robot playmate? Having robot playmates may not be-so much fun as it seems. But maybe a boy with a wrench (扳手) and a screwdriver can fix the robot so that it won't be too perfect! Food What about the food of the future? Scientists think that much of it will be artificial --made in factories from such surprising things as coal, limestone, air, and water. You don't think that ice-cream or cake or candy or even bread and potatoes made out of these things will taste very good? You may be wrong. These artificial things will be blended so skillfully by food chemists that the food of the future probably will be delicious. It probably will also be healthful because all the things that you need to live a long and healthy life will be put into it. A longer life Scientists of the future will almost certainly find other ways to make life last longer. They probably will find cures for most diseases. Hospitals will probably have "body banks" that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on living. People of the future may live to be a lot older than 100 years. TV Are you wondering whether there'll be television in the future? There'll almost certainly be wonderful programs. Television screens probably will be large and flat, hanging on the wall or going across the four walls of a room. People on the screen will look as real as if they were right in the room with you. Highways What about highways of the future? Well, a very small child probably will be able to drive a car. Nobody will need to steer. Electric signals will hold each car on the right road to get wherever the "driver" wants to go. And it probably will be impossible for cars to smash together. Controls that won't even have to be touched will make all speeding cars miss each other or will put on the brakes. Driving by car will be as safe as being at home. Weather control But maybe the most wonderful surprise in the future will be weather control. Cities may have giant plastic domes over them to keep out snow, rain, or storms. When you plan a picnic in a park, you won't have to worry about rain. It will rain only when the "weatherman" thinks it is needed to freshen the air inside the city. All other days will be fair and warm. The future should be a wonderful time in which to live. But the time you axe living in now was also "a wonderful future" to the people who lived 100 years ago. 1. The underground city would get its name from a book called Alice's Adventure in the Wonderland. A. Y B. N C. NG 2. The multi-leveled structure underground would include everything that is necessary to a city, from offices, shopping malls to power and heating system. A. Y B. N C. NG


2005年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. Vocabulary and structure (40分) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. The professor needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out 2.I am not sure whether l can get any profit from the business, so I can't make a(n) decision about what to do next. A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite 3. Because of the cold weather, they through the night in the camp. A. kept the burning fire B. kept the fire burning C. kept the fire burnt D. kept burning the fire 4. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are in stores. A. ready B. available C. probable D. approachable 5. Many people are reported in the natural disaster. A. being killed B. to be killed C. to have killed D. to have been killed 6. If the whole surgery beforehand carefully, there would have been a better result. A. was planned B. has been planned C. had been planned D. were planned 7. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when A. spoken B. speaking to C. speaking D. spoken to 8. to finish quickly. A. Not every worker want B. No every workers want C. Not every worker wants D. No every workers wants 9. The photos on the wall grandma of those happy, old days when a large family lived together. A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind


不在省会的却以省名命名的高职院校、大学一览 一、江苏省(南京) 以省命名却不在省会的大学很多,最明显的省份非江苏莫属了,江苏省以省命名的普通公办本科共有四所,这四所都不在省会南京, 江苏师范大学(徐州)、江苏大学(镇江)、江苏科技大学(镇江)、江苏理工学院(常州)、江苏农业职业技术学院(句容市)、江苏农牧科技职业学院(泰州市) 没有一所普通本科在省会南京,原因有很多,首先,镇江是在民国时是江苏省的省会,所以江苏大学在镇江很正常。南京作为六朝古都,其影响力明显大于江苏,因此南京所有的普通本科都以南京开头,这样,江苏开头的就空缺了很多高校,所以,“徐州师范大学”顺理成章的更名为“江苏师范大学”。 二、安徽省(合肥) 江苏省隔壁的安徽省同样也是很多以省命名的高校却不在省会,但是原因却不是省会合肥比安徽吃香,而是合肥是解放后的新兴城市,并不是安徽的老省会。 安徽理工大学(淮南)、安徽工业大学(马鞍山)、安徽财经大学(蚌埠)、安徽工程大学(芜湖)、徽师范大学(芜湖)、安徽科技学院(凤阳县) 以安徽命名的大学有很多,大部分都不在省会合肥,只有安徽大学,安徽建筑大学,安徽农业大学,安徽医科大学,安徽中医药大学在合肥。 三、河北省(石家庄) 河北是全国省份高校比较分散的省份之一,保定是原来的省会,因此拥有的高校数量较多。 河北大学(保定)、河北农业大学(保定)、河北工业大学(天津,国家211)、河北工程大学(邯郸)、河北联合大学(唐山,由河北理工大学、华北煤炭医学院合并组成)、河北建筑工程学院(张家口)、河北金融学院(保定)、河北科技师范学院(秦皇岛)、河北农业大学职业技术学院(保定市) 四、河南省(郑州) 河南大学同样也不在郑州,郑州是一座年轻的城市,河南的情况跟河北是类似的。 河南大学(开封)、河南科技大学(洛阳)、河南理工大学(焦作)、河南科技学院(新乡)、河南师范大学(新乡)、河南城建学院(平顶山) 五、湖北省(武汉) 湖北省又是另一种情况了,湖北省的省会武汉高校众多,是中国的教育重镇,拥有武汉大学,华中科大这样的全国顶尖大学,同时也有一批武汉、湖北开头的大学,但是以湖北命名很多学院在2012年遭到湖北其他地市的抢注,到底有些呢? 湖北师范学院(黄石)、湖北理工学院(黄石)、湖北汽车工业学院(十堰)、湖北医药学院(十堰)、湖北民族学院(恩施)、湖北工程学院(孝感)、湖北科技学院(咸宁)、湖北文理学院(襄阳) 六、山西省(太原) 山西师范大学(临汾)、山西农业大学(太谷) 七、内蒙古(呼和浩特) 内蒙古科技大学(包头)、内蒙古民族大学(通辽)、内容古农业大学职业技术学院(包头)


重庆专升本计算机试题 专升本模拟题五 一、填空题 1?计算机的运算部件能同时处理的二进制数据的位数称为__________ 。 2?在Word 2000中,除了正文,表格等内容外,图片、数学公式、图表等可以作为对象插入, 采用的是技术,使用这种技术可以实现各种软件之间数据的交换。 3.Windows操作系统的安装类型包括典型安装,便携机安装,最小安装和________ 。 4.在Excel中,单元格E5中有公式"=E3+ $E$2",删除D列后,贝U D5单元格中的公式为 5.发布到因特网的WWW信息又称,终端用户可以通过浏览器读取。 6?在WINDOWS系统中,"编辑(E)"菜单可用键盘上的键调用。 7.声卡的主要性能由采样位数和决定。 &在Excel中,按住键可以选择多个不相邻的工作表。 9.是一种具有标准外观和标准操作方法的对象, 但是它不能单独存在,只能存在于某个窗 口中。 10.VOD即,是集动态影视图像、静态图片、声音、文字等信息为一体,为用户提供实时、高质量、按需点播服务的系统。 二、单选题 1 ?通常人们所说的一个完整的计算机系统应包括_____________ 。 A.运算器、存储器和控制器 B.计算机和它的外围设备 C系统软件和应用软件 D.计算机的硬件系统和软件系统 2.__________________________________________________ 按冯.诺依曼的观点,计算机由五大部件组成,它们是_______________________________________ 。 A.CPU控制器、存储器、输入/输出设备 B.控制器、运算器、存储器、输入/输出设备 C.CPU运算器、主存储器、输入/输出设备 D.CPU控制器、运算器、主存储器、输入/输出设备 3.___________________________________ 第4代电子计算机使用的逻辑器件是。 A.晶体管 B.电子管 C.中、小规模集成电路 D.大规模和超大规模集成电路 4.微型机中的CPU是________ 。 A.分析、控制并执行指令的部件 B.寄存器 C.分析、控制并执行指令的部件和存储器 D.分析、控制指令的部件和存储器和驱动器


1(2分)、 2 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. A、 rectifies B、 prolongs C、 minimizes D、 furnishes 参考答案:D 2(2分)、 2 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday. A、 was playing B、 am playing C、 play D、 played 参考答案:A 3(2分)、 2 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi. A、 way B、 choice C、 possibility D、 selection 参考答案:B 4(2分)、 Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over. A、 spend B、

C、 take D、 takes 参考答案:D 5(2分)、 2 He asked the waiter ________ the bill. A、 on B、 of C、 for D、 after 参考答案:C 6(2分)、 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断). A、 indications B、 signs C、 symbols D、 symptoms 参考答案:D 7(2分)、 2 I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I _____________today. A、 might do it B、 must do it C、 had to do it D、 must have to do it 参考答案:B 8(2分)、


2015年重庆市专升本大学英语全真试题 Part I Listening Comprehension Direction: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A. At 7:35. B. At 7:20 C. At 7:15. D. At 8:10 2. A. She quarreled with her boss. B. She is sick. C. She is fired. D. She received a warning from her boss. 3. A. She likes Chicago better. B. She likes Houston Better. C. She doesn't like Chicago or Houston. D. It's hard to say which city she likes better. 4. A. He is sick. B. He is worried. C. He is confident. D. He is sorry. 5. A. Because the man likes the other dress better. B. Because it is too modern. C. Because she doesn't like it. D. Because it does not fit her very well. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6. Who won the table-tennis match? A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three. D. Class Four. 7. What was the score in the last game of the match? A. 3:2. B. 13:11.
