


( ) 1. My English name ______ May .


B. have got

C. is

( ) 2. It is _____ apple .


B. an

C. /

( ) 3. I can _____ .


B. singing

C. sings

( ) 4. --How are you ?

--_____ , thank you .


B. Five

C. No

( ) 5. Mike _____ a big balloon .


B. has

C. is

( ) 6. _____ you like apples .


B. Do

C. Are


1.Stand up , please . A. 洗洗你的脸。

2.Do you like apples ? B. 请起立。

3.Smell the orange. C. 你喜欢苹果吗?

4.How old are you ? D. 摸摸你的鼻子。

5.What’s this ? E. 你几岁了?

6.Wash you face. F. 闻闻这个桔子。

7.Touch your nose . G. 打开你的书?

8.Open you book. H. 这是什么?


1.Show , your , me , rubber .

2.It’ s , ruler , a .

3.do , to , like , you , eat , What ?

4.you , got , a , doll , Have ?

5.at , hand , your , Look .

四、Choose and fill.

1.This my nose . 这是我的鼻子。

2.Touch mouth . 摸摸你的嘴。

3.What you do ? 你会做什么?

4.you got a bicycle ? 你有一辆自行车吗?

5.you like to eat peaches ? 你喜欢吃桃子吗?

6.me your pencil . 给我看看你的铅笔。

五、Fill in the blanks and match.

1.d a A. 桔子

2.o a e B. 跳舞

3.g h C. 娃娃

4.l n D. 八

5.m n E. 柠檬

6.d F. 月饼

六、Fill in the blanks with a / an .

1.ant 6. orange

2.book 7. ice-cream

3.ruler 8. pen

4.Umbrella 9. red ball

5.big apple 10. egg

七、Choose the different word .

1.( ) A. apple B. red C. lemon

2.( ) A. orange B. black C. blue

3.( ) A. mouth B. nose C. pear

4.( ) A. pencil B. yellow D. orange


1.举起你的手。 A. Pick up the rubber .

2.起立。 B. Give me your bag .

3.给我你的书包。 C. Stand up .

4.你能做什么? D. Raise your hand .

5.捡起这个橡皮。 E. What can you do ?

6.这是我的妹妹。 F. Touch your eyes .

7.你有一个豆子吗?G. Taste the melon .

8.尝尝这个甜瓜。H. This is my sister .

9.去秋千那。I. Have you got a bean ?

10.摸摸你的眼睛。J. Go to the swing .

九、Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. I like to eat ice-cream .


B. an

C. / ( ) 2. He got some milk .


B. has

C. have ( ) 3. ! This is my nose .

A.Look at

B. Look

C. look ( ) 4. What you like to eat ?


B. are

C. does ( ) 5. How old are you ? .


B. Thanks

C. Five ( ) 6. I like to eat .


B. a lemon

C. lemons ( ) 7. Drink milk.


B. some

C. two

( ) 8. --What you do ?

-- I can dance.


B. do

C. Can

( ) 9. you got taros ?


B. Do

C. Have

( ) 10. Pick the red apple .


B. up

C. to

十、Fill in the blanks .




4. E



十一、Choose the different sound .

( ) 1. A. n i n e B. f i v e C. s i x

( ) 1. A. b o o k B. l o o k C. m o o n

( ) 1. A. b i c y c l e B. s i s t e r C. b i k e


2017—2018学年度第二学期一年级期末英语试卷 题号一二三四五六七总分 得分 听力部分(60分) 一、请仔细听录音,选择你听到的图片。(2×10=20分) ()1A. B. ()2、A. B.()3. A. B.() 4.A. B.

()5A. B.()6 .A. B. ()7.A. B. ()8.A. B. ()9.A. B. ()

10.A. B. 二、听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的用√不正确的用×表示 (4×5=20分) ()1.()2. ()3.()4 .()5. 三、听录音,编序号。(4×5=20分) ()()()()() 笔试部分(40分) 四、看图片,找出相应的单词在括号里写序号。(2×5=10分) 1.tea 2. vegetables 3. eggs 4.water 5. rice ()()()()() 五、看图,选择正确的答案。(2×5=10分) ( ) 1 A. I want fish . B. I like train. ( ) 2. A. Can I have a ball? B.Can I have a car? ( )3. A. I like eggs. B .I like juice? ( ) 4. A. What’s in the schoolbag? B. What’s on the desk? ( ) 5. A. I like your red dress.B. I like your green T-shirt.

六、根据情景问答。(2×5=10分) 1、当你想表达:“在门的后面是什么?”怎么说( ) A. What's behind the door? B .What's under the desk? 2、当你想对别人表示感谢,可以说Thanks ,还可以说() A .Thank you. B .Here you are. 3、当你想表达:“我饿了。我想要米饭和蔬菜。”怎么说( ) A .I'm hungry. I want rice and vegetables. B .I'm thirsty. I want rice and fish. 4、“Do you like fish?”表达的是什么意思?( ) A.你喜欢鱼吗? B.我喜欢鱼。 5、当你问妈妈索要玩具时,妈妈答应给你购买时,妈妈会说() A .Sure. Here your are. B .Sorry, no. 七、正确抄写以下字母。(1×10=10分) 八、I can sing “A B C”.

一年级下册英语期末试卷 外研社 无答案

第二学期一年级英语期末测试卷 答题时间:40分钟 听力部分(共七大题,70分) Ⅰ.听一听,选一选,把序号写在括号里。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. this B. that C. these ( )2. A. feet B. face C. foot ( )3. A. eye B. eyes C. ear ( )4. A. hands B. hand C. head ( )5. A. driver B. doctor C. nurse Ⅱ. 听一听,圈一圈(每小题2分,共12分) (1) 11 12 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Ⅲ. 听一听,排一排(1,2,3,4,5)给图片排序。(每小题2分,共10分) Ⅳ.听一听,连一连。(每小题2分,共10分) Ⅴ.听一听,在正确的 内打√(每小题2分,共8分) (1) (2) (3) (4) Ⅵ.听一听,在正确单词的 内打√(每小题2分,共10分) 1.Do you like dolls?Yes , I _______. A. do B. don ’t 2. What ’s your favourite ________? A.sport B. colour 班级 姓名 黑板 红领巾 黑板

3. Let’s play _________. A.. football B. basketball 4. That snake is ________. A. long B. short 5. _________ are my books. A. They B. These Ⅶ. 听音,判断下列图片的正√误×。((每小题2分,共10分) 笔试部分(共四大题,30分) Ⅰ. 给单词归类,写序号(7分) 1. policeman 2. sock 3. swimming 4. shirt 5. driver 6. doctor 7. football 服装类:职业类:运动类: Ⅱ. 根据句子选图片,将序号填在前面的括号里。(每小题2分,共8分) A B C D ( )1. He’s thin. ()2. He’s fat. ( )3. She’s short ( )4. She’s tall. Ⅲ.根据问句选答句,将序号填在前面的括号里。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. How many feet? A. These are your eyes. ( ) 2.What are these? B. One,two,tree…eight. ( ) 3.Let’s count. C. This is my mouse. ( ) 4.What’s this? D.It’s under the chair. ( )Where’s my shirt? E. Eight feet. Ⅳ.读一读,选一选。(每小题2分,共10分) ()1.There are eight . A .duck B. cows C .cow ()2.This is my mother. is a teacher. A. He B. She C. she ()3.What’s your favourite animal? I like . A.red B. tiger C.swimming ()4.These my eyes. A. are B.is C.am ( )5.The elephant is very . A.long B.big C.little


拼音字母表 汉语拼音声母( 23个) b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫] 汉语拼音韵母( 24个) 单韵母(6个): a[阿] o[喔]e[鹅]i[衣]u[乌] ü[迂] (上边有两点读於) ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥]ou[欧] iu[由] ie[耶]üe[月]er[儿] 复韵母(9个): 前鼻韵母(5个):an[安]en[恩] in[因] un[温] un[晕] 后鼻韵母(4个):ang[昂] eng[嗯] ing[英] ong[ ] 整体认读音节(16个) zhi [蜘]chi [吃] shi[狮] ri[日] zi[姿]ci[次]si[思]yi[衣] wu[乌]yu[鱼] ye[爷]yue[约] yin[音]yun[晕] ying[英]yuan[元] 声调: 一声平平左到右,二声就像上山坡, 三声下坡又上坡,四声就像下山坡。 汉语拼音声调标注位置口诀: (1)有a不放过;(2)没a找o、e;(3)i、u并列标在后;(4)小ü上面两点抹;(5)单个韵母不必说(6)小ü碰到j、q、x,去掉两点还念ü。

汉语拼音练习题 二、按顺序默写二十三个声母。(23分) 三、按要求分类写下来。(12分) a g u t m e r ü p i c o 单韵母: 声母: 四、照样子写音节。(7分) b—ù→( bù) zh—è→( ) x—ǜ→() d—u—ǒ→( ) n—ǚ→()h—u—à→( ) q—ǜ→() z—u—ō→( ) 五、给下面的字选择正确的读音,写下来。(10分) 土鱼火麻牙禾目石竹皮 8分) 七、读一读,按要求分类写下(15分) p iu zi sh w ying ie k yi wu er n u en yuan 声母: 韵母: 整体认读音节: 八、下列音节的标调哪种是正确的,在后面的括号里打“√”。(8分) xié( ) shǔi( ) niú( ) hǔan( ) xíe( ) shuǐ( ) níu( ) huǎn( ) què( ) bái( ) léi( ) zhúo( ) qùe( ) baí( ) leí( ) zhuō( ) 九、填空。(8分) b—()→( bái) q—( )→quèx—un→() j—ü—àn→( ) l—üè→()ɡ—()—ó→ɡuó( )—ín→mín x—i—ǎo→( ) 十、看字写拼音。(将拼音写在汉字上方) 宜层尽染叠翠爽壮谷登华实色金丰图梨笼浪粱燃勤劳波灯作字 十一、读儿歌,回答问题。(先看拼音,在拼音下写出对应的汉字,再用拼音回答)(3分)


一、连线 1. light 灯6. I’m hungry! 给你。 2. bed 门7. Here you are. 我渴了! 3. door 床8. I’m thirsty! 我想吃鱼肉。 4. box 房间9. I want fish. 谢谢你。 5. room 箱子10. Thank you! 我饿了! 二、选择 ( )1. 在书包里面_____ the schoolbag A. in B. under ( )2. 在床上_____ the bed A. on B. in ( )3. 在台灯旁边_____ the light A. on B. near ( )4. 在门后面_____ the door A. on B. behind ( )5. 在桌子下面_____ the desk A. near B. under 三、选出正确的汉语意思 ( )1. rice A. 米饭 B. 鱼 ( )2. noodles A. 面条 B. 椅子 ( )3. vegetable A. 门 B. 蔬菜 ( )4. chicken A. 灯 B. 鸡肉 ( )5. egg A. 床 B. 鸡蛋 四、选出正确的英文单词 ( )1. 飞机 A. plane B. chair ( )2. 球 A. desk B. ball ( )3. 火车 A. train B. rice ( )4. 小汽车 A. box B. car ( )5. 玩具熊 A. bear B. egg 五、判断 1. chair 椅子() 2. desk 桌子() 3. blackboard 火车() 4. classroom 床() 5. under 小汽车() 六、听一听,圈出你所听到的单词。 1、A、father B、sister C、brother 2、A、autumn B、toes C、hand 3、A、ear B、eye C、face 4、A、pen B、pencil C、book 5、A、swing B、slide C、ball 七、听一听,圈出你所听到的句子。 1、A、This is my mother. B、This is my father. 2、A、I can dance. B、I can write. 3、A、Show me your rubber. B、Show me your ruler. 4、A、This is an lemon. B、That is a pear. 5、A、Eat some cakes. B、Eat a mooncake. 八、将句子与小熊相应的位置连起来。 This is my face. This is my nose. This is my eye. This is my mouth. This is my ear.


一年级学生英语下册期末试卷 【导语】学习英语很艰苦,也充满乐趣,肯定会遇到挫折和失败,只要习惯于挑战失败,就没有什么可以把你击倒。试想一下,有一口流利的英语是什么感觉。好好努力吧,英语很简单的。以下是WTT整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您,提升您孩子的英语水平。 一.正确朗读下列字母组: NM JG UV IR SZ pq hn wv lj xs 二. 正确朗读下列单词: jump mouth autumn bean balloon bicycle sister slide swing five purple brown colour turn fireman how many pick out very high a tall policeman Is he a short driver ? 三. 听一听,作应答: 1. What do you like to eat? 2.Have you got a lemon 3.What have you got ? 4.What has he got? 5.Can you dance? 6. Good morning. 7. How are you? 8. How old are you? 9. Hello. This is Peter. 10. How many rubbers have you ? 11. What’s this? (apple) 12. What’s that? (leaf) 13. Is this a pear? 四. 听录音,做动作 1.Show me your hand. 2.Touch your arms.


小学英语字母练习 班级姓名 听力部分 一听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。 1 s x z 2 B D P 3 U V W 4 G J I 5 L I R 6 I a r 7 g i l 8 o c q 9 M N U 10 b g y 二将你所听到的字母组合的序号填在括号内。 () 1 A. I J G B I G J C. J I G ()2A. PQRLB. RLQPC. LRPQ ()3A. tvbB. betC. bct ()4A. pqbdB. bpdqC. qdbp

()5A. SXZB. XZSC. ZXS 三、听录音给下列字母标序号 F R P B G C X F E Y ()()()()()()()()() ( ) 笔试部分 一、正确抄写下列字母。 L Q I P K b g d y j 二、写出下面字母相应的大写或小写。 C b f E I A c a F B D G h i d e g H

三、默写Aa---Zz。 四、写出所给字母的邻居 1 ____ F______ 2. ______ G ______ 3. ______k______ 4. o ____ ____ 5. ____m _____ 6. ______v______ 7 ____ Hh______ 8. ______ Ll ______ 8. ______Rr______ 五、判断下列各组字母的排列顺序,正确的写“√”,不正确地写“×”。 1、ABD() 2、BGD() 3、LEN() 4、EHK() 5、DEB()

6、BGI() 7、HIG () 8、JKM() 9、FGJ()10、CFI()


一年级英语上册第一单元练习题 一年级英语教案 一年级英语上册第一单元练习题 一. 找出你所听到的那个字母, 并将其编号填入题前括号内, 念两次。( )1. A.Aa B. Dd ( ) 2. A.Dd B. Hh ( )3.A.Rr B. Kk ( ) 4. A.Kk B.Ww ( )5. A.Mm B. Tt ( ) 6. A. Pp B. Qq ( )7. A. Gg B. Ss ( ) 8. A. Vv B. Ww ( )9. A.Hh B. Yy ( )10. A. Zz B. Uu 二. 找出你所听到的那个单词, 并将其编号填入题前括号内, ( )1 A. banana B. lychee ( ) 2. A. red B. yellow ( )3. A. orange B.apple ( ) 4. A. look B. point ( )5. A.desk B. chair ( )6. A. mouth B. nose ( )7. A.ear B. finger ( ) 8. A. five B. eight ( )9. A. three B. nine ( )10. A. six B. seven

三. 找出你所听到的那个单词, 并将其编号填入题前括号内, 念两次。( )1. A. Close the door. B. Open the window. ( )2. A. Show me the fruit salad. B. Open your mouth. ( ) 3. A. Draw nine oranges. B. Draw five lychees. ( )4. A. This is my classroom B. This is a green apple. ( )5. A. Look at the apples. B. Point to the bananas. 四.抄写下列句子。 1.This is my banana. 2. Open your eyes. 3. Look at your book. 4. What’s this ?. 5.How are you ?


2013小学一年级英语下册期末试卷精选 这篇关于2013小学一年级英语下册期末试卷精选,是WTT特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 口试: 一.正确朗读下列字母组: NM JG UV IR SZ pq hn wv lj xs 二.正确朗读下列单词: jump mouth autumn bean balloon bicycle sister slide swing five purple brown colour turn fireman how many pick out very high a tall policeman Is he a short driver ? 三.听一听,作应答: 1.What do you like to eat? 2.Have you got a lemon 3.What have you got ? 4.What has he got? 5.Can you dance? 6.Good morning. 7.How are you? 8.How old are you? 9.Hello. This is Peter. 10. How many rubbers have you ? 11. What’s this? (apple) 12. What’s that? (leaf) 13. Is this a pear? 四.听录音,做动作 1.Show me your hand. 2.Touch your arms.

3.Clap your hand. 4.Raise your hands. 5.Close your eyes. 6.Open your eyes. 7.Stand up, please. 8.Sit down, please. 9.Give me a rubber, please. 10. Touch your arms. 11. Wave your hand. 12. Smell your hands. 13. Feel the apple. 14. Taste the melon. 15. Look at the teacher. 16. Wash your hands. 17. Eat the mooncake. 18. Point to your eyes./ears/nose/mouth/face/arm/toes. 19. Go to the door.(门) 20. Pick up the doll. 五.用I have got…说说你有的玩具: 听力: 一.选出你所听到的字母、单词: ()1. A. JG B. GJ C. LJ ()2. A. RI B. IR C. AR ()3. A. UV B. VU C.WV ()4. A. mn B. nm C. nh ()5. A. opq B. pqo C.oqp ()6. A. ball B. doll C. balloon ()7.A.ruler B. rubber C. read ()8.A. slide B .sweet C. swing ()9.A. he B. she C. the


一、圈出不同类的单词。 1. apple orange ruler peach 2. taro mooncake bean four 3. touch feel taste eye 4. this that it show 5. pen ruler read rubber 6. song sing write move 7. tree leaf stick melon 8. sit down up 9. tree three stick 10. pens book ruler 11. is are you 12. this that is 二、选出正确的选项,将前面的字母写入括号内。 ( )1. Stand_______, please. A. up B. down ( )2. Open_______ book. A. you B. your ( )3. ---How are you? ---_________. A. I’m six years old. B. Fine, thank you. ( )4. ---Hello. ---_________. A. Hello. B. Good morning. ( )5. ---What can you do? ---________. A. I can read. B. I can see a ruler.

( )6. Give _____ an orange, please. A. me B. my ( )7. _____ is Tim. A. This. B. I ( )9. _____ am May. A. I B. That ( )10. ---How many ______? ---Five. A. pears B. pear ( )11. How old are you? ---______. A. I’m fine. B. I am five. ( )12. This ____ my hand. A. am B. is ( )13. Draw _____ apple. A. a B. an. ( )14. ---What is that? ---_____. A. It’s a taro. B. That is a taro. ( )15. ---What do you like to eat? ---I like to eat ____. A. bean B. beans ( )16.Give ------ a pear ,please. A. me B. I ( )17.You ----- a cake . A. have got B. got ( )18.----- is this ? A. what B. How many ( )19. How many -----? A. pens B book ( )20.当你让小伙伴看你的手时,你要说: A. Look at your hands. B.Look at my hands.


2019牛津版小学一年级英语下册期末考试试题 一、Read and circle:(圈出不同类的单词) 1.four five three tree 2.pencil peach ruler rubber 3.hen dog sheep monkey 4.look book smell taste 5.chick cow big duck 6.rice egg milk noodles 7.toy bicycle kite doll 8.cold biscuit jelly ice cream 9.sing dance song run 10.Eddie Danny Alice Peter 11.red orange blue apple 12.oink moo woof cat 13.hello hi your goodbye 14.sheep panda monkey bear 15.here touch smell see 16.biscuits sweets water cakes 17.ball doll kite toy 18.sweet bicycle jelly ice cream

19.drink small taste smell https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac5651357.html,k biscuit juice water 21.cold rainy windy cloudy 22.summer cloudy rainy windy 23.sunny spring winter autumn 24.bicycle blouse T-shirt dress 25.biscuit rice soup hot 二、Read and choose (读一读,选择准确的内容完成句子,圈在字母代号上) 1. What can you see? A. I can see a hen. B. I see a hen. 2. A: Can your father read? B: Yes, ________ can. A. he B. she 3. A: How many peaches? B: One _________ . A. peaches B. peach 4. What's this? A. It's a chick. B. It's yellow.


英文字母测试题(一年级) 姓名: __________ 学号:__________ 得分:__________ 一、请在四线三格内,按字母表顺序,规范的写出26个字母的大小写。(10分) 二、请写出以下字母的邻居。(10分) 1、_____c_____ 2、____v____ 3、____y____ 4、___t____ 5、___f____ 6、____m____ 7、___g____ 8、_____P_____ 9、____s ___ 10、___j____ 三、按字母表的顺序,重新排列下列字母。 e c d f q s y m n p x k a 四、请根据字母大小写连线(10分) G V D Q B H R y K T

y v k q r t b h d g 五、判断字母的大小写,对的划√,错的划×(10分) Bb ( ) Hh( ) Gi( ) Ij( ) Mm( ) Nn( ) Xx ( ) Yv( ) Db( ) Jg( ) 六、请根据印刷体写出手写体(10分)。 Aa_______ Ff_______Gg_______ Kk______ Hh________ Qq_______ Pp_______ Yy_______ Ii_______ Dd ________ 七、字母排序,正确的划√,错的划×(10分)。 1、A B C D F E ( ) 2、F G H I J K L ( ) 3、o p q r s t ( ) 4、U V W X Y Z ( )

5、d e f m l n ( ) 八、请根据大写写出小写(10分)。 O_____ P______ Q______ X______Y______ B_______D_______H_______G______T______ 九、请将单词改成大写(10分)。 draw _________ dance__________ read _________ sing_________ book__________ pencil__________ ruler_________ rubber __________mother_________ father________ morning________ 十、请将单词改成小写(10分)。 FAT____________THIN____________TALL____________ SHORT____________EAR_____________EYE____________ FACE_____________NOSE______________MOUSE________ GOODBYE___________


幼儿英语:小学一年级英语上册字母书写练习试题 一、读字母,写出所缺的字母。 __B C D E _ G H__J K L M__ O P Q__S T U V__ X Y Za b __ d __ __ g h i __ __ l m n o p __ __ s t u __ w x __ z 二、写出相邻的字母。 __ D ___ ___ f ___ ___P ___ ___ w___ ___i ___ ___ R___ ___ t___ 三、根据要求改写。 改为小写字母: END_________________________________ COFFEE_____________________________ SUPERMARKET_____________________ 改为大写字母: order________________________________ class_________________________________ restaurant___________________________

四、连线,将相对应的大小写字母实行连线。 五、写出5个元音字母(大小写)。 ___________________________________ 六、圈出下列单词中的元音字母。 h a n d , e g g , o r a n g e , u s e , i n t e r e s t i n g ,b a n a n a 七、找出元音字母,写在括号内。 1. F E B D() 2. A L H J F() 3. J K N I M() 4. f g e n l() 5. o p q r s() 八、把排列准确的一组字母的编号填入括号内。 () 1. A. A E F B. G P T C. U V W () 2. A. a b d B. c d e C. j l k () 3. A. T U V B. X Y V C. M N P () 4. A. g i j B. k l m C. n o q () 5. A. R S T B. C E F C. H I K 九、按要求写出下列字母的笔画。 1. H 的第3画____ 2. K 的第2画____


一年级英语下册期末考试试卷 ⅰ、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。(20分) horse照相机鱼carrot baseball大象足球soccer camera马热狗fish elephant剪刀胡萝卜hockey scissors棒球曲棍球hot dog ⅰ、单词分类。请将下边方框中的单词按照用途放入不同的房间。(20分) bed bathtub kitchen knife flowers wardrobe TV table computer broom telephone clock bookcase mirror bowl lamp chairs sofa refrigerator towel cupboard bedroom: bathroom: kitchen: living room: ⅰ、情景交际。请从B栏中找出A栏各句的答语,并将其字母序号填入题前括号中。(20分) A ( )1.What’s he doing? ( )2.Where are my cats? ( )3.Have you got a computer? ( )4.What do you do at school? ( )5.How are you? ( )6.What’s her favourite sport? ( )7.Do you like bananas? ( )8.What’s your name? ( )9.Please have some chicken.

( )10.How old are you? B a. Her favourite sport is tennis. b. I’m 9 years old. c. They’re behind the bookcase. d. Yes,I lik e. e. He’s sleeping. f. I’m fine. Thank you. And you? g. No,thanks. h. No,I haven’t. i. My name is May. j. I read books. ⅰ、读短文,判断正( )误( )。 I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m.,I go to school and play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon,I play badminton. In the evening,I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton? () 1. I don’t like sports. () 2. My favourite sport is table https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac5651357.html, () 3. I go to school at seven in the morning. () 4. I watch TV in the afternoon. () 5. I play badminton with my friends in the morning. ⅰ、找单词。你能在下面的字母格中找出10个单词并圈出来吗?(横行、竖行、斜行均可)(20分) d y i c e c r e a m n r t b o q l s v t o v i p i z z a u e o r h n t n g m o r n i n g k f e e q v r i c e o p g c a k e u n b h v c z u t t y f g x s q


一年级英语字母练习题 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

小学英语字母练习 班级姓名 听力部分 一听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。 1 s x z 2 B D P 3 U V W 4 G J I 5 L I R 6 I a r 7 g i l 8 o c q 9 M N U 10 b g y 二将你所听到的字母组合的序号填在括号内。 () 1 A. I J G B I G J C. J I G ()2A. PQRLB. RLQPC. LRPQ ()3A. tvbB. betC. bct ()4A. pqbdB. bpdqC. qdbp ()5A. SXZB. XZSC. ZXS 三、听录音给下列字母标序号 F R P B G C X F E Y ()()()()()()()()() ( ) 笔试部分 一、正确抄写下列字母。 L Q I P K b g d y j 二、写出下面字母相应的大写或小写。 C b f E I A c a F B D G h i d e g H 三、默写Aa---Zz。 四、写出所给字母的邻居

1 ____ F______ 2. ______ G ______ 3. ______k______ 4. o ____ ____ 5. ____m _____ 6. ______v______ 7 ____ Hh______ 8. ______ Ll ______ 8. ______Rr______ 五、判断下列各组字母的排列顺序,正确的写“√”,不正确地写“×”。 1、ABD() 2、BGD() 3、LEN() 4、EHK() 5、DEB() 6、BGI() 7、HIG () 8、JKM() 9、FGJ()10、CFI()


人教版英语一年级下册期末试卷 班级姓名学号 一、选出不是同一类的词,并把答案写在括号内(20’) ( ) 1. A: doctor B. nurse C. policeman D. dog ( ) 2. A. six B. ten C. hand D. twelve ( ) 3. A. fish B. at C. cow D. zoo ) ( ) 4 .A. doctor B. bed C. nurse D. driver ( ) 5 .A. bear B. football C. tiger D. lion ( ) 6. A: farm B: pig C: elephant D: panda ( ) 7. A. football B. basketball C. ping-pong D. meatball ( ) 8 .A. yellow B. black C. sport D. orange ( ) 9. A. mouth B. nose C. head D. baby ( ) 10. A. pupil B. grandma C. mother D. father ( 二、连线(20) 最喜爱的动物 a fat cow 一头狮子 a lion 好医生baby pigs 一个矮个的小男孩 a cute panda 一头胖胖的奶牛favourite animal 一条长蛇play with your football ! 一只非常高的长颈鹿good doctor 玩你的足球 a long snake 猪宝宝 a very tall giraffe 一只可爱的熊猫 a short boy 三、选出相对应的答句,并把答案写在括号内(20) ( ) 1. What’s this A. It’s on the table. · ( ) 2 . What colour B .It’s a book. ( ) 3 . What’s your favourite sport C. It’s yellow. ( ) 4 .Let’s play ping-pong. D. Football. ( ) 5 .Are they fat E. Good idea. ( ) 6 .What’s your favourite animal F. Yes, they are.


都江堰市七一青城山学校小学一年级 英语上期期中测试题 班级__________ 姓名_____________ 总分_________ 听力部分 一、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词选项。(12分) ( )1. A. dog B. bird ( )2. A. ruler B.book ( )3. A. mouth B. ear ( )4. A. monkey B. face ( )5. A.tiger B. touch ( )6. A. pen B.pencil 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(16分) ( )1. A. I have a book. B. I have a ruler. ( )2. A. It’s a bird. B. It’s yellow. ( )3. A. Good night. B. Goodbye! ( )4. A. Stand up! B. Sit down, please. ( )5. A. Touch your ear. B. This is my nose. ( )6. A. Good morning. B. Bye-bye. ( )7. A. Show me your pencil. B. I have a pencil.

( )8. A. Act like a monkey. B. It’s a tiger. 四、听录音,在括号里圈出你所听到的单词。(10分) 1. This is my ( mouth nose ). 2. I have a ( ruler pencil ). 3. Show me your ( schoolbag book ). 4. This is a ( dog cat ). 5. What’s ( this that )? 笔试部分 一、将单词和其汉语意思连线配对。(20分) 1. pencil ruler teacher book schoolbag 直尺铅笔书书包老师2. tiger cat dog monkey bird 小鸟老虎猫狗猴子 二、读句子,将句子与正确的图片连线。(15分) 1. This is my teacher. A. 2.I have a ruler. B. 3. Touch your nose. C.


一年级上册英语练习题【三篇】 WTT小编整理了一年级上册英语练习题【三篇】,希望对你有帮助! 一年级上册英语练习题1 一、小朋友,请你选择正确的答案,将序号填在括号里。 ①grandfather ②grandmother ③uncle ④aunt ( )1.He’s my fahter’s father.He’s my________. ( )2.She’s my mother’s sister.She’s my________. ( )3.She’s my mother’s mother.She’s my________. ( )4.He’s my father’s brother.He’s my ________. ( )5.She’s my father’s sister.She’s my_______. 二、将下面的单词重新排列,把正确的句子写在横线上。 1.he , is , uncle , my(.) ___________________________________ 2.is , sister , your , she(?)_________________________________ 三、将下列句子排列成一段对话,将序号写在横线上。 1.hello,Wang Ling. 2.Look at my family photo. 3.Is this your father? 4.Hi,Helen. 5.Yes,he is. ________________________________ 一年级上册英语练习题2 补全对话 1. My____can smell. A. mouth B. nose C. ears 2. My___can hear. A. eyes
