

Unit One

College English

Enhance Your Language Awareness

Words in Action

▆Working with Words and Expressions

1.Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in

pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.

▆ Sample sentences for reference:

1) Do you think the government will deliver on their election promises?

2) I need to polish (up) my French now because I’m going to France next summer.

3) Details of the competition are available from our head office.

4) Many people choose to go by car rather than by bus, but I prefer the latter.

5) Please file this letter (away), Miss Smith.

6) Today his company continues to thrive in spite of severe competition.

7) She undertook responsibility for the changes he made in the article.

8) A career advisor can offer you sound and practical suggestions on how to make career decision.

9) A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.

10)He perceived a subtle (微妙的;细微的) change in her manner when he met her the second time.

11)Over the years, I have accumulated hundreds of books.

12)He has multiplied his fortune many times within a short period of two years.

2. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences

with them. Change the form where necessary.

▆ Answers:










10)d eliberately

11)f inancial

12)e conomic

3.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their

meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

▆ Answers:

1)makes a point of

2)refresh my memory

3)lead to

4)at hand

5)working out

6)under pressure

7)Last but not least

8)took, down

9)In addition to

10)w ere involved in

11)i n other words

12)p ointed out

13)p ay off

4.Fill in the blanks with words listed in the box below. Change the form where necessary. Then rearrange

the given letters to form two words related to college life and complete the final sentence with the two words.

▆ Answers:

















17)academic excellence

▆Increasing Your Word Power

1.The same word can perform different roles and functions as different parts of speech. Listed in the box

below are some of these words. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct.

▆ Answers:

1)principal / major







8)advocate / have advocated


10)a pproach

11)b lame

12)m ajor / principal

13)a dvocate

14)s chedule

15)b lame

16)a pproaching

17)p ressure

18)p ace

19)p ressured

20)p ace

2. In this unit there are many words and phrases that are similar in meaning. Find out those pairs of

words and phrases and put them down in the space provided.

3.In this unit the verb set is collocated with priorities, timetables, and standards. Try to fill in as many

nouns as possible that can go with set in the space provided. If you are not sure of some collocations, consult a dictionary. Then make sentences of your own using the collocations in the space provided. ▆Answers for reference:

set priorities / timetables / standards / an exam / an alarm / an example / a price /a record / limits

1)Who is going to set (the questions for) the exam this time?

2)She forgot to set her alarm last night: that was why she overslept.

3)Her heroic behavior sets a good example for us to follow.

4)We had to compromise and finally the price was set at $1,000.

5)We were all pleased to know that Liu Xiang had set a world record in the 110-meter hurdles.

6)The government has set strict limits on pay increases.

4.Did you notice the suffixes -ion, -ation, -ly in words such as education, expectation, deliberately in

this unit? The suffixes -ion, -ation can be put after many verbs to form nouns, and -ly can be added to many adjectives to form adverbs. Listed in the box below are some nouns and adverbs with suffixes -ion, -ation, -ly you have come across in this unit. Write down their corresponding verb and adjective forms in the space provided.

Task 1: Complete each of the following sentences with a proper noun with suffixes -ion, -ation listed above. ▆Answers:









Task 2: Correct the mistakes in the following paragraph, paying special attention to the use of adjectives and adverbs. Underline the mistakes and write down your corrections in the space below. If you

think there is no mistake, write “No Mistake”.


1)No mistake




5)No mistake


7)No mistake



10)h ighly

11)a pparent

12)r emarkable

13)p robably

14)N o mistake


Task 1: Decide which one is correct by crossing out the wrong one.

▆ Answers for reference:

1)People go to university to increase their knowledge.

2)The family were at table when the telephone rang.

3)There is a Jack Robinson waiting to see you in the hall.

4)We are striving for a world with no poverty, no hurt and no hatred.

5)The Olympic Games for 2016 will be held in Rio de Janeiro.

Task 2: Insert an appropriate article in each blank, using ? to stand for ZERO article:

▆ Answers:




4) a




8) a

9) a


11)t he

12)t he


14)t he

15)t he



18)t he

19)t he



Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.

▆ Answers:

1)a cademic

2)p riorities

3)c onducted



6)p riority

7)c ompromised

8)a ddition


10)S peaking

11)f ormula

12)Participation / Participating

13)b ased





Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

▆ Answers for reference:

1)The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim.

2)The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.

3)Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academic excellence.

4)He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter.

5)George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn.

6)We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy.

7)It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths / facts.

8)You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the day.

9)I’ll jot down some notes while he’s speaking.

10)I can’t carry the suitcase on my own; it’s too heavy.

Theme-Related Writing

1. Write an essay in about 100–120 words based on your discussion in Optional Classroom Activities. You can take either of the following titles:

1) I like to study on my own

2) I like to study in a group

2. If you didn’t do Task 3 in Optional Classroom Activities you can write an essay of around 120 words on the following topic.

College Is Not an Ivory Tower

▆Sample Essays for Task 1:

I like to study on my own

Many of my classmates like to study together. However, I always like to study on my own, with good reasons. First, I feel that I can concentrate better when I study alone. When I have to work together with other people, I often get distracted and more often than not, I end up chatting with them without completing the task at hand. Second, when I study on my own, I can work at my own pace, choosing to spend more time on certain difficult sections and less time on less challenging parts. I can also check my class notes or reference books whenever I feel the need to. One final good advantage of studying alone is that unlike group work, self study is not restricted by time and space. In other words, if I feel like studying, I can do so at any time and anywhere. (146 words)

I like to study in a group

According to a recent study, students who study together by discussing homework and problems usually score higher than those who work on their own. I am happy to hear that because I like to study in a group. I think we can reinforce our understanding of what we have learned in class by asking each other questions. Besides, it is always enjoyable working with someone else. A discussion on questions we don’t understand very well will help clear up any possible confusion. Last but not least, we should not ignore the importance of cooperation in our society. Working with others helps develop our team spirit, which has become essential in this modern world of ours. After all, two heads are always better than one.

(125 words)

▆Sample Essay for Task 2:

College Is Not an Ivory Tower

People often say that college is an ivory tower and life on campus is cut off from the harsh realities of the real world. College may have been an ivory tower before, but it is not so any more. We college students are under various kinds of pressure. First of all, most of us are burdened with a heavy tuition fee, which keeps on increasing every year. So some of us have to work over ten hours every week. Life for those who can get financial help from their parents is not easy either, as they very often have to follow their parents’ advice and take a major they don’t like. Finally those who are abo ut to graduate suffer from a different kind of pressure: hunting for a job. It is no longer easy for a college student to get a decently paid job these days.

(134 words)

新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程4Lecture Key_U1

Unit One Man and Nature Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1) spark 2) compelled 3) bare 4) scrape 5) destruction 6) output 7) retreat 8) tipped 9) miracle 10) eternal 11) pile 12) transfer 13) mass 14) thereby 15) have emerged 16) trigger 17) threaten 18) consumed 19) hollow 2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1) show signs of 2) cope with 3) lives in fear of 4) tough it out 5) cut down 6) from head to foot 7) searched out 8) nothing short of 9) As yet 10) settle in 11) take heart


全新版大学英语听说教程答案第三册 UINT1 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F Part C 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d PART D My First Job My parents ran a small restaurant. It was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My first job was shining shoes for customers when I was six years old. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me ten pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks?" He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot. Unit 2 Part B Text 1


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;


Unit One Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)bunch 2)amazed 3)shift 4)bundle 5)drop 6)capacity 7)participating 8)style 9)commerce

10)rob 11)symbol 12)appreciated 13)displayed 14)slip 15)conquer 16)roast 17)figured 2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings Do you know how to use them in the proper context Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)in rich contrast to 2)are exposed to 3)risked his life 4)rely on 5)at knife-point 6)stands out


Unit1 Part B Passage1 Exercise1: 1.c 2.a. 3.b Exercise2 : 1.her husband spend more time with his mother 2.1)she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she her hair curled . 2)she had told her lady friends about this. Passage2 Exercise1: 1.c 2.d 3.d Exercise2 :1.took;out to dinner;neighborhood 2.nice than he expected 3.A couple of times 4.the importance of showing down;his marriage Part C 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.d had Unit 2 Part B Passage1 Exercise1:1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c Exercise2 :1984;son;medical school;tuition;afford it;realize;newspaper ads;extra business;advertisement;succeeded;agent;changed; phone call;put aside;doing;immediately;familiar;his father-in-law’s;visited;father-in-law;alive;coincidence; Passage2 Exercise1:1.The house was decorated exactly the same as Mr.Stewart remembered it. 2. Mr.Stewart happened to be in the house when a postman came to deliver a letter to his father-in-law who had died 15 years ago. 3.the old postman had called in sick that day ,and the postman who came in his place was not familiar with the neighborhood .otherwise the letter would have been returned to its sender Exercise2 :1.He was intrigued 2.A bank statement 3.his father-in-law had put an amount of money in the bank for his grandchildren’s education. 4.A little over $15000 5.he could use the money to cover the tuition of his first year at a medical school. 6.he is a doctor in Illinois Part C collections;shot;presence;justice;Theater;occur;victim; 8)officers had only managed to identify the first victim minutes before the second accident 9)they married on the same day ,had worn identical wedding dresses and carried the same flowers 10)How can we explain the above similarities Unit 3 Part B Passage1 Exercise 1: 1.c 2. c Exercise 2:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F Passage2 Exercise 1: 1.d 2. b Exercise 2: 1.Because she was afraid Krimali might not be able to catch the baby. 2.Because she thought the bed sheets could somehow protect the baby from being hurt if she failed to catch her. 3.Because they were afraid of the swaying ceiling 4.to make it easier and safer for the baby ’s mother to get down. 5.About two dozen Part C 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.d Unit 4 Part B Passage1 Exercise 1: 1. d 2. c 3.a Exercise 2: 1.understand each other ’s expectations ;could be avoided ;live happily together 2.cleaning up;cleaned up and put away before going to bed 3.sleeping; 11p.m;6:30a.m;on weekends Passage2 Exercise 1:1.c 2.c 3.a Exercise 2: 1.get lost;five minutes ;driving;stop;direction 2.breaking rules;break a rule;apologize and do something nice for the other person to make it up 3.reviewing the contents of the agreement;review this agreement once a year;make necessary changes Part C 1.a 2.d 3.b Unit 5 Part B Passage1 Exercise 1:1. d 2. c Exercise 2: Testing;river;if there were antibiotics ; resistant;350 water samples;the samples;low levels;three;Water Prize ;5000;Sweden’s

新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案 Active reading(1) 3).Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue) 2 a chance to do something (opportunity) 3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment) 4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus) 5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest) 6 to start a major activity (launch) 7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects) 8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment) 4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself. 5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes) 2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance) 3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor) 5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy) 6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized) The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out) 8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating) For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion) 6) . Answer the questions about the words. 1 (b) not very clearly? 2 (a) active?


Unit Two Optimism and Positive Thinking Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)positive 2)startled 3)perspective 4)harden 5)shape 6)address 7)crises 8)curse 9)incredible 10)conversely 11)issue 12)response 13)prior 14)rare 15)accomplish 2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)get the hang of 2)have lived through 3)makes a difference 4)have no idea 5)concerned with 6)slipped over 7)ran into 8)in reverse 9)mull over ▆Increasing Your Word Power 1.Decide whether “do”, “make” or “take” is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Change the verb form where necessary.


全新版大学英语综合教程4 Text A课后练习答案 Unit One Fighting with the Forces of Nature Part II Text A Vocabulary 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) eclarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2) Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike. 3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obsolete. 4.1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases. 2)Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3)The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks. II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4)Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 4)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 5)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 6)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. 1. invasion 2. stand in the way 3.conquest 4. catching... off his guard 5. launching 6. declaration 7. campaign 8. drag on 9. reckon with 10. bringing...to a halt 2. 1. allow 2. reckoned 3. highly 4. forecasts 5. rapidly 6. instant 7. delivery 8. advantage 9. observing 10. Powerful II. Translation 1.1) Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm. 2)We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons. 3)Having been cut of a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasingly


全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3习题答案(1-4) Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Text A Content Questions ( P10 ) 1. Write and live on a farm. 2. Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey and wood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter. 3. No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough. 4. They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. 5. When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest in the growing season. 6. He decided to quit his job and start to freelance. 7. He has to crawl into black bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racing teams for “Smithsonian” magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster” for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Waters Wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destinations”. 8. As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars. 9. They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. For example, they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies. 10. A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy. 11. They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have been able to accomplish. 12. They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. Yes, they have finally realized their dreams. Text Organization ( P11 ) Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one. Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard. Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. Happy Moments and Events 1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables 2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. 3) keeping warm inside the house in winter 4) writing freelance articles 5) earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life Hardships


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in

Passage 1 1.2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4 to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2

新世纪大学英语系列教程第2版综合教程 课后题答案

新世纪大学英语系列教程第2版课后题答案-综合教程 新世纪大学英语系列教程第2版综合教程课后题答案 Unit One Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions

1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: bunch 1)amazed 2)shift 3)bundle 4)drop 5)capacity 6)participating 7)style 8)commerce 9)rob 10)symbol 11)appreciated 12)displayed 13)slip 14)conquer 15)roast 16)figured 17) 2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers:


一单元: 1.我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。 We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我的责任。My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point. 3.这些玩具必得在达道严格的安全要求后才可出售给给儿童。 The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4.作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。 Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion. 5.至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。 When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world. 二单元: 1.虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。 Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis. 2.在持续不断的沙尘暴威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement. 3.根据最近的网上调查,许多消费者说他们也许会有兴趣考虑购买电视广告中播放的产品。 According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials. 4.看到卡车司机把污染的废弃物倒在河边,老人马上向警方报告。 Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once. 5.一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的,因为他们能够提高产量,帮助发展中国家战胜饥荒和疾病。 Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.
