

0210第3次课ABC Some people believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others believe that it has little effects other measures should be taken to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府&行为 A提供体育设施B方便大家参加体育活动(take part in sport),鼓励一种健康的生活方式(encourage a healthy/active lifestyle)C提高人们的健康(create health benefits) A 政府可以加大宣传(launch awareness campaigns) B 说一下不运动(an inactive lifestyle/inactivity)的坏处(health problems/adverse health consequences) C 鼓励人们去运动 A 政府可以制定法律(enforce laws) B 强迫人们改变生活方式(adopt a healthy lifestyle),改变一些破坏健康的行为(health-damaging habits) C 提高健康 People tend to lay emphasis on their fitness today, and I agree that the number of sports facilities should be increased to satisfy their needs. Apart from this, some other approaches should also be taken. It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. These facilities are particularly important for those city dwellers who find it difficult to maintain physical activity due to the lack of sports equipment. It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. It is also worth mentioning that these facilities are available free of charge, so more people will play sport. On the other hand, alternative approaches are proposed and governments can launch awareness campaigns to promote a healthy lifestyle. People will realise that living an inactive lifestyle may cause many health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. They will be encouraged to exercise more frequently, instead of spending many hours in front of the screen every day. In my opinion, enforcing laws to curb some unhealthy habits can also have a positive impact on citizens’ health. Tough punishment can prompt them to adopt a healthy lifestyle and break health-damaging habits. For example, governments can impose a heavy tax on tobacco and alcohol, thereby discouraging smoking and drinking. It is therefore easier to help people maintain health, especially for those who fail to discipline themselves.


I I I上课的核心概念1关于A B C(非常重要)ABC是简单的一个逻辑次序:A一般是个动作或者行为,B是这个行为产生的结果,C是B的结果。假如题目是: a g r e e o r d i s a g r e e? 题目大意:政府应该要人们过健康的生活。同意还是不同意?这个题目是确定A:政府要人们过健康的生活如果你支持,那么你需要想一个优点:A政府要人们过健康的生活B人们多运动,会减少疾病C有利于提高生产力和对国家做贡献如果你反对,那么你需要想一个缺点:A政府要人们过健康的生活B人们觉得自己不能随心所欲生活C不开心,没有满足感我们有时候把A B C说成是A R E:Action-?result--?endresult A B C常见的误解: 误解1:B和C是A的解释。或者C是A和B的一个总结。 答:不是的。A是一个动作或者行为,B是A产生的结果,C是B的结果。 误解2:ABC各写一句话。

答:不是的。有时候A和B可以写成一句话,C一句话。ABC只是一个思路,帮助学生思考事情的因果关系,在考场上不是杂乱无章,仅此而已。 当ABC写到段落里的时候,A和B可以写到一句,作为中心句,第二句话是C。也可能A本身是中心句,B和C写到第二句。还有其他可能,只要顺序是ABC的顺序就可以。 误解3:ABC要写的很详细。 答:不是的,考场上没有那么多时间,ABC简单为主,控制在15字以下。ABC不是将你大脑里所有的中文都写出来。恰恰相反,ABC是让你在大脑的信息里找出一个简单的因果关系,帮助你理清思路。 7ABC常见的Q&A Q1:一个段落如果写了ABC之后,字数不够,可不可以加观点。 A:可以。ABC的目的有两个:1提醒学生注意观点论述的逻辑2提醒学生不要只是写观点,也要想清楚前因后果。然而,这不代表一段话只能写一个ABC。 如果ABC写完后字数不够,可以加观点,但是新的观点最好也要论述一下。 Ahealthylifestyleisimportant,becauseithasabeneficial effectonone’, Q2:ABC要写几句话?有时候只有一句话可以吗? 尽量按照上课的方式拓展句子。如果拓展不了,就要考虑四种方法去拓展段落。如果还不够字数,加1个观点。 2ABC思考的方向(AC确定法) ABC就是一个动作,一个事件或者是一个行为的后果。如果题目出现一个行为,问影响,就是确定了A,如果题目问什么样的事情产生一个影响,就是确定了C。 观点类文章A确定,报告类文章C确定 ? Somepeoplethinkthatworkingwithahighsalaryismoreimportant,. 常见的ABC错误? 1?A看作是立场(A是个动作)? 譬如说:?政府应该禁止广告(这是一个立场)??政府禁止广告(这是一个动作) 2C看作是立场?(C应该是B的结果) 3???ABC之间没有逻辑和因果关系 4??C太虚太空太大,譬如说社会稳定、提高社会地位、社会和谐等 5A和B,或者B和C重复 6??一个例子写成观点,没有概括性





0210第2次课ABC Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. In the 21 century, international trade is growing at an amazing pace, and countries are cooperating more closely together in a wide range of fields, such as business and cultural exchange. I agree that the advantages of globalisation outweigh disadvantages. Supporters of globalisation argue that strong economic ties between countries have a positive effect on economnic growth. Some underdeveloped countries are unable to get rid of poverty due to the lack of capital, technology and infrastructure. International trade provides these countries with opportunities to export goods and services to high-income countries and earn foreign exchange, which can drive economic growth and improve citizens’ living standards. On the other hand, opponents suggest that globalisation can pose a threat to cultural diversity. Many people tend to adopt western habits because advertisements and movies from western countries have conquered the screen and they regard these habits as fashionable. They choose to eat fast food and celebrate western festivals such as Christmas, and this means that some of their own traditions and norms may disappear. In my opinion, globalisation may encourage people to preserve their cultures. The expansion of some industries including tourism has made it possible for these people to realise the distinctive characteristics of their cultures. The growing popularity of their cultures, heritage sites and works of art can instill a sense of pride in these communities and this is why residents can make a conscious effort to protect their cultures. In conclusion, as countries are interconnected, some disadvantaged areas can expect economic growth and people who live in these areas will also pay attention to their heritage. A各国之间进行商业文化交流B增强进出口贸易C 赚得外汇,促进各国的经济发展Strengthen economic ties, earn foreign exchange, drive economic growth A国际间文化交流越来越多B人们模范西方习惯C文化习俗濒临灭绝 Western cultures predominate, adopt western habits, cultural diversity, Preserve well-established conventions A 交流增加 B 人们意识到自己文化的特点(distinctive cultural characteristics) C 会给他们灌输一种自豪感(instill a sense of pride),他们会保护自己的文化 060Tracy 0215(534110042) 19:12:14


何琼01.10听力技巧班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1kTyTN19密码:53cr 技巧班F71446ECE401A35DFD5818FE5C7CB71C5FE09B25F0CAD80F26 何琼0208精听链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1o6FIVe6密码:s275 2月最新多素材https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1gdFrrsJ 密码: ofbm 教主1.23听力预测班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1sjlkyk9密码:ledf 老龚1.24阅读预测班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1bncP0QV密码:pi2t 乐静1.4精读班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1gdDVeVL密码:8d91 顾家北0106精品班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1pJjmuqZ密 码:xpsk 0115词伙班链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1hqn45X6密码:m9tt 我预测 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/148Zbh 密码: 8pnz 梅晗12.1期雅思词汇速记班(词霸营):链接: https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1hqJrZ5E密码:dyiq

顾12月 链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1pGc5E密码:5mdy 顾家北写作精品班链接: https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1im0Y4密码:y8lb 顾家北词伙班链接: https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1b0Sbz密码:9nkn 顾家北 链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/1uuUG5密码:78af 施正南 链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/s/15kqmN 密码:67i5 Frank 结构 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=3307952678&uk=253641 3184密码:a3lb 乐静阅读强化班 链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=2971998998&uk=3912698421 提取密码:appc 钱多多 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=599383427&uk=2536413184 密码:kljy frank黄瀚生9月口语预测班 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=3646640594&uk=691022789 密码:dwwg 王陆8.18期听力高分班 链 接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=3303720425&uk=2805054812 密码:g1wq 刘洪波阅读高分真经班 链 接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae5833407.html,/share/link?shareid=3087556391&uk=1630537046


作文典型错误: 1.We are frequently confronted with statement about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity. 2.Globalisation will always have supporters who are blind on the destruction it can cause. 3.One problem that has not yet been addressed is the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists. 4.Children, if grown up in a multicultural society, are more likely to embrace different cultures and values. 5.It is obvious that comparing with its drawbacks, the rise of English as a global language can bring us a lot of benefits. 6.Importing goods from overseas might cause a country to depend exceedingly on imports, which mean that it would gradually lose the control on the market. 7.It would be not denying that almost every country has its unique culture or art forms that is different from other countries'. 8.Cultural diversity can be viewed both positively and negatively. While some see it as a barrier to effective communication or a cause of miscommunication, the others regard it as an asset. 9.It is undeniable fact that the tourism industry has provided a substantial source of income for many countries. 10.I believe that everything has its downside, and the spread of English as a global language in the world is not exception. 11.New immigrants cannot fit into a new environment can happen very often. 12.Tourism also enables people, not only visitors, but also local dwellers, learn values and features of different cultural backgrounds. 13.Cross-cultural communication occurs between people living in same country but from different cultural backgrounds. 14.In a multi-ethnical society, nationality can a taboo subject and people are embarrassed to talk openly about it. 15.Many donor countries believe that main obstacle to third-world development is lack of capital and that giving poor countries cash to invest can spur rapid grow.


雅思远程教育范文 ATTENTION 如果你是已经雅思7+在努力刷8分的大神,你可以关掉这篇文章了。本帖仅适用于基础一般目标分数在6.5-7分的孩子。虽然我觉得考7.5也只需要这样的努力加一点刚好的运气。 首先是本人的考情报告: 基础: cet-4裸考560,cet-6裸考539,虽然之后二战雅思的时候顺便考了一次六级是564,但是当时开始准备雅思的时候英语就是这基础,不上不下,顺便说一下我觉得大学六级和雅托没有什么太大关系(注意是六级,四级都过不了考雅思肯定挺吃力),我身边六级没过一战雅思6.5的还挺多的。 一战: 去年8月8号的考试,上xdf的6.5分的30人课上了一个月(做题方法的梳理,可上可不上),自己复习了20多天,第一次考

口语,非常紧张,当时如果口语小分能提到6,总分就能上7,不过怀揣着想继续学英语的一腔热血,我放弃了申诉(人傻钱多 二战: 去年12月19号的考试,中间有几个月没有碰雅思,最后大概冲刺了两周口语,基本没有复习别的。所以除了口语勉强到6,其他的就呵呵了,听力因为缺少练习直接下降了1分 三战: 今年7月16号的考试,中间又有几个月没有碰雅思,实习结束后零零碎碎复习了一个月,考前冲刺了大概半个月 我最后的分数并不是很高,所以我觉得我的经验作为反面教材可以帮助大家少走弯路。 以下是鲜血换来的教训,现在说出口都很疼: 1,考雅思的时候不要做别的事! 考雅思的时候不要做别的事!

考雅思的时候不要做别的事! 我现在最后悔的事情就是去年大二的暑假没有抓紧剩下的时间把雅思考完,拖了一年多,可是这一年多里我两次复习的时间加起来大概只有两个多月,大三上去拍了微电影,大三下跑去实习了,做这些事情都非常分心分神,战线拉得太长人容易疲惫,另外你会发现,更好的实习实践机会来了,你的雅思却还没考完,耗在那里一块心病。 两次雅思报名间隔的时间不要太长了,你以为给自己留够了复习时间,结果还是从考前半个月一个月才去找书看。 2,所有参考书烦请物尽其用 囫囵吞枣写三本题目没有认认真真写一本来得有用,如果剑桥都没做完就不要到处打听刷什么别的题,我一开始做真题都是一边吃早餐一边做听力,各种乱涂乱画,做阅读写一篇空一篇,简直是暴殄天物,题就这么多浪费一点少一点,大家做真题,第一遍最好把答案写在答题纸上,不要弄脏卷面了,因为你迟早会刷第二遍或者第三遍。


III 上课的核心概念 1 关于ABC (非常重要) ABC 是简单的一个逻辑次序:A 一般是个动作或者行为,B 是这个行为产生的结果,C是B 的结果。 假如题目是: The government should require people to lead a healthy lifestyle. To what extent do you a gree or disagree? 题目大意:政府应该要人们过健康的生活。同意还是不同意? 这个题目是确定A:政府要人们过健康的生活 如果你支持,那么你需要想一个优点: A 政府要人们过健康的生活 B 人们多运动,会减少疾病 C 有利于提高生产力和对国家做贡献 如果你反对,那么你需要想一个缺点: A 政府要人们过健康的生活 B 人们觉得自己不能随心所欲生活 C 不开心,没有满足感 我们有时候把ABC 说成是ARE:Action-→result--→end result ABC 常见的误解: 误解1:B 和C 是A 的解释。或者C 是A 和B 的一个总结。 答:不是的。A 是一个动作或者行为,B 是A 产生的结果,C 是B 的结果。 误解2:ABC 各写一句话。 答:不是的。有时候A 和B 可以写成一句话,C 一句话。ABC 只是一个思路,帮助学生思考事情的因果关系,在考场上不是杂乱无章,仅此而已。 当ABC 写到段落里的时候,A 和B 可以写到一句,作为中心句,第二句话是C。也可能A 本身是中心句,B 和C 写到第二句。还有其他可能,只要顺序是ABC 的顺序就可以。 误解3:ABC 要写的很详细。 答:不是的,考场上没有那么多时间,ABC 简单为主,控制在15 字以下。ABC 不是将你大脑里所有的中文都写出来。恰恰相反,ABC 是让你在大脑的信息里找出一个简单的因果关系,帮助你理清思路。 7ABC 常见的Q&A Q1:一个段落如果写了ABC 之后,字数不够,可不可以加观点。 A:可以。ABC 的目的有两个:1提醒学生注意观点论述的逻辑2提醒学生不要只是写观点,也要想清楚前因后果。然而,这不代表一段话只能写一个ABC。 如果ABC 写完后字数不够,可以加观点,但是新的观点最好也要论述一下。


顾家北 0813精品班作文 大作文 Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to ensure that individuals protect the environment? 顾家北 Environmental problems have threatened the world but few people have chosen to take any action to deal with these problems, although they realise the impact of these environmental woes on their lives. We should implement some changes to improve the situation. Many people spend money wisely, so they are not willing to purchase environmentally friendly products, de spite the fact that these products can help preserve the environment. These products are normally more expensive than conventional counterparts. For example, LED lighting devices are energy efficient, but normally charge consumers a higher price than traditional light bulbs. Electric cars are normally likely to cost more money than those vehicles powered by petrol. As consumers do not opt for these green products, it is not easy to conserve resources and reduce pollution. Another reason is that many people are not willing to change their ways of life, even though these lifestyles can be harmful to the environment.

顾家北 大作文 模板

1 Discuss both views and give your opinion (背景)人are expected to do. (我的观点)________, but I would argue that ______. (反方观点1)Some people are strong advocates of doing (理论论述) (举例子)主语, for instance, ______. (结论/反例) (正方观点1)Opponent, however, argue that ______. (理论论述) (举例子)for example, ______. (结论/反例) (正方观点2=我的观点)In my view , ______. (理论论述) (举例子)______ is a good case in point. (结论/反例) In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to(如何做)______, and it would be productive to(影响)

2 advantage/disadvantage Positive/negative Agree/disagree (背景)________, possibly because(of)________. (我的观点)Although________, I would argue that ______. (正方观点1)One benefit/problem associated with __ is that ______. (理论论述) (举例子)for example, ______. (结论/反例) (正方观点2)______, as/because/since______. (理论论述) (举例子)______ is a good case in point. (结论/正方观点3)In conclusion/addition, ______. (反方观点1)On the other hand, ______. (理论论述) (举例子)主语, for instance, ______. In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to(如何做)______, and it would be productive to(影响).


the graph below shows the proportions of a country' past and predicted spending on three areas education, retirement pensions and health. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant The charts show the proportions of the workforce of different industries in three countries in two different years. Sunnarise the information by selecting,and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. 添加公众号:考鸭君,免费下载最新顾家北、黄瀚生等名师网课资料,每日更新!!

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from A European country in 2009. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 添加公众号:考鸭君,免费下载最新顾家北、黄瀚生等名师网课资料,每日更新!!

雅思大作文 1全球化及影响

雅思大作文题材分类 ——第1类全球化及影响Topic 1: Environmental problems are so big that they cannot be solved by any person or country alone. Instead, it should be solved at international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? Topic 2: In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy products made in other countries. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the problems? Topic 3: Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Topic 4: The tourist industry has been expanding in some countries and international tourism has benefited these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Topic 5: English has become a universal language. Do you think that the positive effects of this trend outweigh negative effects?


雅思写作怎样写才是好作文 在雅思考试中,很多考生都觉得写作有难度。下面就和大家分享雅思写作怎样写才是好作文,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思写作怎样写才是好作文 1、仔细审题,分析提示句 切题是写好*最重要的前提。有的考生抱怨,自己感觉*内容丰富、语言生动流畅,得分却不高。其实,雅思作文跑题是分数偏低的主要原因。,审题,不仅要仔细研究题目,还要结合给出的提示句加以分析。 首先要明确*要写的内容,即*要围绕什么主题来写,这是保证整篇*切题的关键;其次,确定*所需的主语人称,人称混乱是中国学生常犯的一个毛病,而在审题阶段确定人称是避免*人称混乱的有效途径 2、围绕提示句,构建*框架 草拟提纲时,要紧紧围绕提示句,尽量多地扩展提示句所提供的信息,从而基本构筑出雅思作文的框架。在扩展提示句时,

可以原封不动地照抄提示句中的关键词,但是绝对不要照搬提示句中的词组和句子,一定要变换意思相同的表达进行替换。 为了避免段落内容跑题,要从提示句中的关键词出发,围绕关键词开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下所联想到的东西:可以是句子,也可以是词组。 3、依据所拟提纲,写出雅思全文主旨句及段落主题句 雅思全文主旨句涵盖全文的核心内容,而段落主题句则是统领段落中心内容的。段落主题句是为雅思全文主旨句服务的。很多同学对雅思全文主旨句缺乏了解,甚至无法区分全文主旨句和段落主题句。 4、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成段落 有了段落主题句后,还需要参照提纲中的思路,从而完成各个段落。写作段落时,要尽可能多地搜集细节来支持雅思作文主题。 5、检查和修改 雅思考试时间紧张,匆匆完稿之后,疏漏在所难免,因而有必要复查,修改,及时纠正偏差,堵塞漏洞,从而将雅思作文质量再提高一步。建议大家主要针对以下五个重点部位仔细核查: 1)雅思作文是否切题


慎小嶷雅思写作范文 ATTENTION 如果你是已经雅思7+在努力刷8分的大神,你可以关掉这篇文章了。本帖仅适用于基础一般目标分数在6.5-7分的孩子。虽然我觉得考7.5也只需要这样的努力加一点刚好的运气。 首先是本人的考情报告: 基础: cet-4裸考560,cet-6裸考539,虽然之后二战雅思的时候顺便考了一次六级是564,但是当时开始准备雅思的时候英语就是这基础,不上不下,顺便说一下我觉得大学六级和雅托没有什么太大关系(注意是六级,四级都过不了考雅思肯定挺吃力),我身边六级没过一战雅思6.5的还挺多的。 一战: 去年8月8号的考试,上xdf的6.5分的30人课上了一个月(做题方法的梳理,可上可不上),自己复习了20多天,第一次考

口语,非常紧张,当时如果口语小分能提到6,总分就能上7,不过怀揣着想继续学英语的一腔热血,我放弃了申诉(人傻钱多 二战: 去年12月19号的考试,中间有几个月没有碰雅思,最后大概冲刺了两周口语,基本没有复习别的。所以除了口语勉强到6,其他的就呵呵了,听力因为缺少练习直接下降了1分 三战: 今年7月16号的考试,中间又有几个月没有碰雅思,实习结束后零零碎碎复习了一个月,考前冲刺了大概半个月 我最后的分数并不是很高,所以我觉得我的经验作为反面教材可以帮助大家少走弯路。 以下是鲜血换来的教训,现在说出口都很疼: 1,考雅思的时候不要做别的事! 考雅思的时候不要做别的事!

考雅思的时候不要做别的事! 我现在最后悔的事情就是去年大二的暑假没有抓紧剩下的时间把雅思考完,拖了一年多,可是这一年多里我两次复习的时间加起来大概只有两个多月,大三上去拍了微电影,大三下跑去实习了,做这些事情都非常分心分神,战线拉得太长人容易疲惫,另外你会发现,更好的实习实践机会来了,你的雅思却还没考完,耗在那里一块心病。 两次雅思报名间隔的时间不要太长了,你以为给自己留够了复习时间,结果还是从考前半个月一个月才去找书看。 2,所有参考书烦请物尽其用 囫囵吞枣写三本题目没有认认真真写一本来得有用,如果剑桥都没做完就不要到处打听刷什么别的题,我一开始做真题都是一边吃早餐一边做听力,各种乱涂乱画,做阅读写一篇空一篇,简直是暴殄天物,题就这么多浪费一点少一点,大家做真题,第一遍最好把答案写在答题纸上,不要弄脏卷面了,因为你迟早会刷第二遍或者第三遍。
