

144 WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new In the News box on ―The Tax Debate ‖ has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus. the meaning and causes of the deadweight loss from a tax. why some taxes have larger deadweight losses than others. how tax revenue and deadweight loss vary with the size of a tax. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 8 is the second chapter in a three-chapter sequence dealing with welfare economics. In the previous section on supply and demand, Chapter 6 introduced taxes and demonstrated how a tax affects the price and quantity sold in a market. Chapter 6 also described the factors that determine how the burden of the tax is divided between the buyers and sellers in a market. Chapter 7 developed welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapter 8 combines the lessons learned in Chapters 6 and 7 and addresses the effects of taxation on welfare. Chapter 9 will address the effects of trade restrictions on welfare. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to apply the lessons learned about welfare economics in Chapter 7 to the issue of taxation that was addressed in Chapter 6. Students will learn that the cost of a tax to buyers and sellers in a market exceeds the revenue collected by the government. Students will also learn about the factors that determine the degree by which the cost of a tax exceeds the revenue collected by the government. 8 APPLICATION: THE COSTS OF TAXATION


第二章 例2.1.1(p24) (1)表2.1.2中E(Y|X=800)即条件均值的求法,将数据直接复制到stata 中。 程序: sum y if x==800 程序: 程序: (2)图2.1.1的做法: 程序: twoway(scatter y x )(lfit y x ),title("不同可支配收入水平组家庭消费支出的条件分布图")xtitle("每月可支配收入(元)")ytitle("每月消费支出(元)")xtick(500(500)4000)ytick(0(500)3500)

例2.3.1(p37) 将数据直接复制到stata 中 程序: (1) total xiyi return list scalars: r(skip) = 0 r(first) = 1 r(k_term) = 0 r(k_operator) = 0 r(k) = 0 r(k_level) = 0 r(output) = 1 r(b) = 4974750 r(se) = 1507820.761894463 g a=r(b) in 1 total xi2 xiyi 4974750 1507821 1563822 8385678 Total Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] Scatter 表示散点图选项, lfit 表示回归线,title 表示 题目,xtick 表示刻度,(500 (500)4000)分别表示起 始刻度,中间数表示以单 位刻度,4000表示最后的 刻度。要注意的是命令中 的符号都要用英文字符, 否则命令无效。

return list g b=r(b) in 1 di a/b .67 (2) mean Yi gen m=r(b) in 1 mean Xi g n=r(b) in 1 di m-n*0.67 142.4 由此得到回归方程:Y=142.4+0.67Xi 例2.6.2(p53) 程序:(1)回归 reg y x


WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new Case Study on Left-Digit Bias has been added and a new In the News feature on "Can Brain Science Improve Economics" has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to examine problems caused by asymmetric information. the market solutions to asymmetric information. why democratic voting systems may not represent the preferences of society. why people may not always behave as rational maximizers. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 22 is the last chapter in the microeconomics portion of the text. It is the second of two unrelated chapters that introduce students to advanced topics in microeconomics. These two chapters are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. The purpose of Chapter 22 is to give students a taste of three topics on the frontier of microeconomic research. The first topic addressed is asymmetric information , a situation when one person in an economic relationship has more relevant knowledge than the other person does. The second topic is political economy , the application of economic tools to the understanding of the functioning of government. The third topic addressed is behavioral economics , the introduction of psychology into the study of economic issues. 22 FRONTIERS OF MICROECONOMICS


stata回归分析完整步骤——吐血推荐 ****下载连乘函数prod,方法为:findit dm71 sort stkcd date //对公司和日期排序 gen r1=1+r //r为实际公司的股票收益率 gen r2=1+r_yq //r_yq为公司的预期股票收益率 egen r3=prod(r1),by(stkcd date) //求每个公司事件日的累计复合收益率 egen r4=prod(r2),by(stkcd date) //求每个公司事件日的累计预期的复合收益率 gen r=r4-r3 capture clear (清空内存中的数据) capture log close (关闭所有打开的日志文件) set mem 128m (设置用于stata使用的内存容量) set more off (关闭more选项。如果打开该选项,那么结果分屏输出,即一次只输出一屏结果。你按空格键后再输出下一屏,直到全部输完。如果关闭则中间不停,一次全部输出。)set matsize 4000 (设置矩阵的最大阶数。我用的是不是太大了?) cd D: (进入数据所在的盘符和文件夹。和dos的命令行很相似。) log using (文件名).log,replace (打开日志文件,并更新。日志文件将记录下所有文件运行后给出的结果,如果你修改了文件内容,replace选项可以将其更新为最近运行的结果。) use (文件名),clear (打开数据文件。) (文件内容) log close (关闭日志文件。) exit,clear (退出并清空内存中的数据。) 假设你清楚地知道所需的变量,现在要做的是检查数据、生成必要的数据并形成数据库供将来使用。检查数据的重要命令包括codebook,su,ta,des和list。其中,codebook提供的信息最全面,缺点是不能使用if条件限制范围,所以,有时还要用别的帮帮忙。su空格加变量名报告相应变量的非缺失的观察个数,均值,标准差,最小值和最大值。ta空格后面加一个(或两个)变量名是报告某个变量(或两个变量二维)的取值(不含缺失值)的频数,比率和按大小排列的累积比率。des后面可以加任意个变量名,只要数据中有。它报告变量的存储的类型,显示的格式和标签。标签中一般记录这个变量的定义和单位。list报告变量的观察值,可以用if或in来限制范围。所有这些命令都可以后面不加任何变量名,报告的结果是正在使用的数据库中的所有变量的相应信息。说起来苍白无力,打开stata 亲自实验一下吧。

STATA 第一章 回归分析

在此处利用两个简单的回归分析案例让初学者学会使用STATA进行回归分析。STATA版本:11.0 案例1: 某实验得到如下数据 x 1 2 3 4 5 y 4 5.5 6.2 7.7 8.5 对x y 进行回归分析。 第一步:输入数据(原始方法) 1.在命令窗口输入input x y /有空格 2.回车 得到:

3.再输入: 1 4 2 5.5 3 6.2 4 7.7 5 8.5 end 4.输入list 得到 5.输入reg y x 得到回归结果 回归结果: =+ 3.02 1.12 y x T= (15.15) (12.32) R2=0.98 解释一下: SS是平方和,它所在列的三个数值分别为回归误差平方和(SSE)、残差平方和(SSR)及总体平方和(SST),即分别为Model、Residual和Total相对应的数值。df(degree of freedom)为自由度。 MS为SS与df的比值,与SS对应,SS是平方和,MS是均方,是指单位自由度的平方和。 coef.表明系数的,因为该因素t检验的P值是0.001,所以表明有很强的正效应,认为所检验的变量对模型是有显著影响的。_cons表示常数项 6.作图可以通过Graphics——>twoway—twoway graphs——>plots——>Create

案例2:加大一点难度 1. 首先将excel另存为CSV格式文件

2. 将csv文件导入STATA, File——>import——>选第一个 3.输入list 4.进行回归 reg inc emp inv pow 5.回归结果 =-+++ inc emp inv pow 395741.718.18 4.3530.22


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.


Examine why people tend to use common r esour ces too much Consider some of the impor tant common r esour ces in our economy Consider some of the impor tant public goods in our economy Lear n t he def ini ng characteristics of public goods and common r esour ces Examine why private markets fail to pr ovide public goods See why the cost-benefit analysis of public goods is both necessar y and dif ficult An old song lyric maintains that “the best things in life are free.” A moment’s thought reveals a long list of goods that the songwriter could have had in mind. Na-ture provides some of them, such as rivers, mountains, beaches, lakes, and oceans.The government provides others, such as playgrounds, parks, and parades. In each case, people do not pay a fee when they choose to enjoy the benefit of the good.Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysis. Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets, where buyers pay for what they receive and sellers are paid for what they provide. For these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers. When goods are available free of charge,however, the market forces that normally allocate resources in our economy are absent. In this chapter we examine the problems that arise for goods without market prices. Our analysis will shed light on one of the Ten Principles of Economics P U B L I C G O O D S A N D C O M M O N R E S O U R C E S 225


一、邹式检验(突变点检验、稳定性检验) 1.突变点检验 1985—2002年中国家用汽车拥有量(t y ,万辆)与城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入(t x ,元),数据见表。 表 中国家用汽车拥有量(t y )与城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入(t x )数据 年份 t y (万辆) t x (元) 年份 t y (万辆) t x (元) 1985 1994 1986 1995 4283 1987 1996 1988 1997 1989 1998 1990 1999 5854 1991 2000 6280 1992 2001 1993 2002 下图是关于t y 和t x 的散点图:

从上图可以看出,1996年是一个突变点,当城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入突破元之后,城镇居民家庭购买家用汽车的能力大大提高。现在用邹突变点检验法检验1996年是不是一个突变点。 :两个字样本(1985—1995年,1996—2002年)相对应的模型回归参数相等H H :备择假设是两个子样本对应的回归参数不等。 1 在1985—2002年样本范围内做回归。

在回归结果中作如下步骤(邹氏检验): 1、 Chow 模型稳定性检验(lrtest) 用似然比作chow检验,chow检验的零假设:无结构变化,小概率发生结果变化* 估计前阶段模型 * 估计后阶段模型 * 整个区间上的估计结果保存为All * 用似然比检验检验结构没有发生变化的约束 得到结果如下;

(如何解释) 2.稳定性检验(邹氏稳定性检验) 以表为例,在用1985—1999年数据建立的模型基础上,检验当把2000—2002年数据加入样本后,模型的回归参数时候出现显著性变化。 * 用F-test作chow间断点检验检验模型稳定性 * chow检验的零假设:无结构变化,小概率发生结果变化 * 估计前阶段模型 * 估计后阶段模型 * 整个区间上的估计结果保存为All


班级:金融学×××班姓名:××学号:×××××××C6.9 NBASAL.RAW points=β0+β1exper+β2exper2+β3age+β4coll+u 解:(ⅰ)按照通常的格式报告结果。 由上图可知:points=35.22+2.364exper?0.077exper2?1.074age?1.286coll 6.9870.4050.02350.295 (0.451) n=269,R2=0.1412,R2=0.1282。 (ⅱ)保持大学打球年数和年龄不变,从加盟的第几个年份开始,在NBA打球的经历实际上将降低每场得分?这讲得通吗? 由上述估计方程可知,转折点是exper的系数与exper2系数的两倍之比:exper?= β12β2= 2.364[2×?0.077]=15.35,即从加盟的第15个到第16个年份之间,球员在NBA打球的经历实际上将降低每场得分。实际上,在模型所用的数据中,269名球员中只有2位的打球年数超过了15年,数据代表性不大,所以这个结果讲不通。 (ⅲ)为什么coll具有负系数,而且统计显著? 一般情况下,NBA运动员的球员都会在读完大学之前被选拔出,甚至从高中选出,所以这些球员在大学打球的时间少,但每场得分却很高,所以coll具有负系数。同时,coll的t统计量为-2.85,所以coll统计显著。 (ⅳ)有必要在方程中增加age的二次项吗?控制exper和coll之后,这对年龄效应意味着什么?

增加age的二次项后,原估计模型变成: points=73.59+2.864exper?0.128exper2?3.984age+0.054age2?1.313coll 35.930.610.05 2.690.05 (0.45) n=269,R2=0.1451,R2=0.1288。 由方程可知:age的t统计量为?1.48,age2的t统计量为1.09,所以age和age的二次项统计都不显著,而当不增加age2时,age的t统计量为?3.64,统计显著,因此完全没有必要在方程中增加age的二次项。当控制了exper和coll之后,年龄对points的负效应将会增大。 (ⅴ)现在将log?(wage)对points,exper,exper2,age和coll回归。以通常的格式报告结论。 所以,log wage=6.78+0.078points+0.218exper?0.0071exper2?0.048age?0.040coll 0.850.0070.0500.00280.035 (0.053) n=269,R2=0.4878,R2=0.4781。 (ⅵ)在第(ⅴ)部分的回归中检验age和coll是否联合显著。一旦控制了生产力和资历,这对考察年龄和受教育程度是否对工资具有单独影响这个问题有何含义?


第一章引言 目录 1回归的本质 (1) 2计量经济学的一些基本概念和术语 (3) 2.1 统计关系与确定性关系 (3) 2.2 回归关系、相关关系与因果关系 (4) 2.3 术语与符号 (4) 2.4 数据类型 (4) 2.5 计量经济学的估计框架 (5) 2.6 经典计量经济学的方法论 (5) 3Stata简单介绍 (8) 4第一章附录: (8) 4.1 诺贝尔经济学奖与计量经济学 (8) 4.2 相关数学基础 (14) 4.3 本章相关数学证明 (19)

1 回归的本质 计量经济学的一般模型: 2(,)[]0[]y F X E E βεεεεσ′=+==Ω 回归是计量经济学的核心,理解回归的本质,对于掌握计量经济的理论与方法至关重要。回归的本质用语言来描述其实很简单,就是: 对于一组随机变量y 和X ,如果y 和X 存在特定的关系,为分析y 和X 之间的相互影响,或用X 去预测y ,需要知道y 和X 的模型形式以及模型中参数β的值,但是,由于—— 1、正确的模型形式(,)y F X β=未知,只能尽可能去逼近它(注:这涉及经济理论模型及模型设定的问题)。 2、即使假定模型的形式(,)y F X β=(不包括β)已被确定,也不可能穷尽随机变量和y X 的所有取值(即总体),来得到真实的β。 基于这两点,真实的模型形式(,)F X β和β无法得到,只能利用估计方法和 样本数据去尽可能得到与真实(,)F X β和β偏差或者误差最小的?(,)F X β和?β,即 2??min [((,))]E y F X β? (1) 使得(1)成立的?(,)F X β即是对于y X 的条件数学期望: ??(,)[/]F X E y X β= 注:从参数估计的角度来说,对于不同的估计方法,比如OLS (最小二乘估计法)、MLE (最大似然估计法)、GMM (矩估计或广义矩估计法),最小化均方误差的表述不尽相同,但本质是一样的。 理解回归的例子:凯恩斯消费函数、OLS 、一元线性回归(双变量回归) 凯恩斯消费函数是一个典型的一元线性回归模型,根据凯恩斯的经济理论,消费和收入存在密切的联系,如果用表示消费,Y 表示收入,则最简单与最常见的凯恩斯消费函数C 理论模型可表示为: C Y αβ=+ (2) 函数满足以下条件:


十大经济学原理。 曼昆在《经济学原理》一书中提出了十大经济学原理,他们分别是: 十大经济学原理一 :人们面临权衡取舍。人们为了获得一件东西,必须放弃另一件东西。决策需要对目标进行比较。 People Face Trade offs. To get one thing, you have to give up something else. Making decisions requires trading off one goal against another. 例子:这样的例子很多,典型的是在“大炮与黄油”之间的选择,军事上所占的资源越多,可供民用消费和投资的资源就会越少。同样,政府用于生产公共品的资源越多,剩下的用于生产私人品的资源就越少;我们用来消费的食品越多,则用来消费的衣服就越少;学生用于学习的时间越多,那么用于休息的时间就越少。 十大经济学原理二 :某种东西的成本是为了得到它所放弃的东西。决策者必须要考虑其行为的显性成本和隐性成本。 The Cost of Something is what You Give Up to Get It. Decision-makers have to consider both the obvious and implicit costs of their actions. 例子:某公司决定在一个公园附近开采金矿的成本。开采者称由于公园的门票收入几乎不受影响,因此金矿开采的成本很低。但可以发现伴随着金矿开采带来的噪声、水和空气的污染、环境的恶化等,是否真的不会影响公园的风景价值?尽管货币价值成本可能会很小,但是考虑到环境和自然生态价值会丧失,因此机会成本事实上可能很大。 十大经济学原理三 :理性人考虑边际量。理性的决策者当且仅当行动的边际收益超过边际成本时才采取行动。 Rational People Think at Margin. A rational decision-maker takes action if and only if the marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost. 例子:“边际量”是指某个经济变量在一定的影响因素下发生的变动量。例如,人在饥饿时吃一个包子的边际量(此时又叫边际效用)比在温饱时吃一个包子的边际量要大。 十大经济学原理四 :人们会对激励作出反应。当成本或收益变动时,人们的行为也会发生变动。 People Respond to Incentives. Behavior changes when costs or benefits change. 例子:比如一个学生,如果老师在课堂上表扬了他,他会感到很高兴,然后会更加努力,也可能因受表扬而骄傲退步。 十大经济学原理五 :交易能使每个人状况更好。交易使每个人专攻于他或她最擅长的领域。通过和他人的交易,人们可以购买更多样的产品和服务。


运用Stata做计量经济学 运用Stata建模的7步骤: 1、准备工作;目录、日志、读入数据、熟悉数据、时间变量、more、……; 2、探索数据:数据变换、描述统计量、相关系数、趋势图、散点图、……; 3、建立模型:regress、经济理论检验、实际经济问题要求、统计学检验、计量经济学检验:R2,T,t,残差; 4、诊断模型:异方差、序列相关、多重共线性、随机解释变量问题、……; 5、修正模型:WLS、GLS、工具变量法(ivregress),……; 6、应用模型:置信区间、预测、结构分析、边际分析、弹性分析、常用模型回归系数的意义、……; 7、整理:关闭日志、生成do文件备用 1、准备工作 让STATA处于初始状态,清除所有使用过的痕迹clear 指明版本号version11 设定并进入工作文件夹:cd D:\ (设定路径,将数据、程序和输出结果文件均存入该文件夹) 关闭以前的日志capture log close 建立日志:log using , replace 设定内存:set mem 20m

关闭more:set more off 读入数据:use .dta, clear 认识变量:describe 建立时间变量:tsset 2、用描述统计方法探索数据特征 必要的数据转换:gen、replace、……; 描述统计量:summarize, detail 相关系数矩阵:corr/pwcorr 散点图和拟合直线图:scatter y x || lfit y x 矩阵散点图:graph matrix y x1 x2 x3,half 线性趋势图:line y x 3、建立模型 OLS建立模型:regress y x1 x2 x3; 由方差分析表并用F和R2检验模型整体显著性; 依据p值对各系数进行t检验,一次只能剔出一个最不显著的变量,直到不包含不显著的变量; 估计参数,判别变量的相对重要性; 构造和估计约束模型,用以检验经济理论



Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. WHAT’S NEW: The section on capital flight has been updated to include Asia and Russia. The topic of “The Twin Deficits in the United States” is now briefly discussed in the main text. There is a new In the News box on “How the Chinese Help American Home Buyers.” LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to build a model to explain an open economy’s trade balance and exchange rate. how to use the model to analyze the effects of government budget deficits. how to use the model to analyze the macroeconomic effects of trade policies. how to use the model to analyze political instability and capital flight. KEY POINTS: 1. To analyze the macroeconomics of open economies, two markets are central―the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange. In the market for loanable funds, the interest rate adjusts to balance the supply of loanable funds (from national saving) and the demand for loanable funds (from domestic investment and net foreign investment). In the market for foreign-currency exchange, the real exchange rate adjusts to balance the supply of dollars (for net foreign investment) and the demand for dollars (for net exports). Because net foreign investment is part of the demand for loanable funds and provides the supply of dollars for foreign-currency exchange, it is the variable that connects these two markets. 2. A policy that reduces national saving, such as a government budget deficit, reduces the supply of loanable funds and drives up the interest rate. The higher interest rate reduces net foreign investment, which reduces the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange. The dollar appreciates, and net exports fall. 30 A MACROECONOMIC THEORY OF THE OPEN ECONOMY


E4.1 E4.2 E4.3 E4.4

E4.1 VARIABLES ahe age 0.605 (0.0245) Constant 1.082 (0.688) Observations 7,711 R-squared 0.029 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 1. ① 截距估计值estimated intercept: 1.082 ② 斜率估计值estimated slope: 0.605 回归方程:ahe= 1.082+0.605*age ③ 当工人年长 1 岁,平均每小时工资增加0.605 美元。 2. Bob: 0.605*26+1.082=16.812 (美元) Alexis: 0.605*30+1.082=19.232 (美元) 答:预测Bob 的收入为每小时16.812美元,Alexis为19.232 美元。 3. 年龄不能解释不同个体收入变化的大部分。因为R-squared 反映了因变量的 全部变化能通过回归关系被自变量充分解释的比例,而分析得R-squared 的值为0.029,解释度低,说明年龄不能解释不同个体收入变化的大部分

E4.1 (0.0449) Observations 463 R-squared 0.036 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 ① 截距估计值: 3.998 斜率估计值: 0.133 回归方程: Course_Eval=3.998+0.133*beauty lave_esruo 0a u ty a e 1. 答:两者看上去有微弱的正相关关系 2. VARIABLES course eval beauty Constant 0.133 (0.0550) 3.998


STATA一章回第归析分. 在此处利用两个简单的回归分析案例让初学者学会使用STATA进行回归分析。STATA版本:11.0 案例1: 某实验得到如下数据 x 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6.2 7.7 y 4 8.5

对x y 进行回归分析。 第一步:输入数据(原始方法) 1.在命令窗口输入input x y /有空格 回车2. 得到: 3.再输入:1 4 2 5.5 3 6.2 4 7.7 5 8.5 end 4.输入list 得到 5.输入reg y x 得到回归结果 回归结果: x1.12?3.02?y 2=0.98 T= (15.15) (12.32) R 解释一下: SS是平方和,它所在列的三个数值分别为回归误差平方和(SSE)、残差平方和(SSR)及总体平方和(SST),即分别为Model、Residual和Total相对应的数值。 df(degree of freedom)为自由度。 MS为SS与df的比值,与SS对应,SS是平方和,MS是均方,是指单位自由度的平方和。

coef.表明系数的,因为该因素t检验的P值是0.001,所以表明有很强的正效应,认为所检验的变量对模型是有显著影响的。_cons表示常数项 6.作图可以通过Graphics——>twoway—twoway graphs——>plots——>Create 案例2:加大一点难度 1. 格式文件CSV另存为excel首先将. 2. 将csv文件导入STATA, 选第一个>——>import——File

3.输入list 4.进行回归 reg inc emp inv pow 5.回归结果 pow30.22?inv4.35?emp18.18?395741.7??inc


复习题: 一、True or False: 1. Government policies that improve equality usually increase efficiency at the same time. 2. A rational decisionmaker takes an action if and only if the marginal cost exceeds the marginal benefit. 3.Trade allows each person to specialize in the activities he or she does best, thus increasing each individual's productivity. 4. the production possibilities frontier shows the opportunity cost of one good as measured in terms of the other good. 5. When a production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, the opportunity cost of the first good in terms of the second good increases as more of the second good is produced. 6. For a country producing two goods, the opportunity cost of one good will be the inverse of the opportunity cost of the other good. 7. If a country has the comparative advantage in producing a product, then that country must also have the absolute advantage in producing that product. 8.An increase in the price of pizza will shift the demand curve for pizza to the left. 9. A decrease in supply shifts the supply curve to the right. 10. The demand for gasoline will respond more to a change in price over a period of five weeks than over a period of five years. 11. Suppose that when the price rises by 10% for a particular good, the quantity demanded of that good falls by 30%. The price elasticity of demand for this good is equal to 1/3. 12. Demand is inelastic if the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1. 13.A price ceiling is a legal minimum on the price at which a good or service can be sold. 14. A price floor set above the equilibrium price is not binding. 15 .The equilibrium of supply and demand in a market maximizes the total benefits to buyers and sellers of participating in that market. 16. Efficiency is related to the size of the economic pie, whereas equality is related to how the pie gets sliced and distributed. 17. When markets fail, public policy can potentially remedy the problem and increase economic efficiency. 18. As the size of a tax increases, the government's tax revenue rises, then falls. 19.Because the supply of land is perfectly elastic, the deadweight loss of a tax on land is very large. 20.In principle, trade can make a nation better off, because the gains to the winners exceed the losses to the losers.
