


By the end of the first half of this year, China’s netizens totaled 123 million, and those under the age of 18, 18.3 million, accounting for 14.9 percent of the total.



Online advertising, including e-mails, pictures, logos and classified ads on Websites, generated RMB 2.06 billion in the first six months, and their market value should reach RMB 4.6 billion for the whole year.



It is estimated that, by 2007, there will be as many as 70 million computers in China connected to the Internet, and 300 million users of data, multi-media and the Internet, with about 15 percent of the population having access to the Internet.



If 15,000 songs in the player aren’t enough for you, listen to more music with the integrated FM radio. 32 station presets let you switch stations with ease.




As we know, one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. Each information storage point of the new material is only 0.6 nanometer in diameter, but the information storage capacity for each point is one million times of a laser disc. With this density, all the information of the U.S. Congress Library can be stored in a disc the size of a sugar cube.



The Summer Palace is the largest and best preserved ancient garden in China. Located in the Haidian District in Beijing, it is about twenty kilometers away from the Tian’anmen Square, covering a land of 290 hectares.


2006年全年访港游客比2005年增长了8.1%,达2525万人次。12月份的访港游客超过240万人次,刷新单月旅客人次的纪录。全年所有主要客源市场具有增长,包括韩国、英国、中东和中国大陆。Overall visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in 2006 increased by 8.1 % to 25.25 million. Arrivals in December exceeded 2.4 million, setting a new record for a single month. V isitor increases were also seen from its major tourism markets in 2006, including South Korea, the UK, the Middle East and the Chinese Mainland.



The Shuanglin Temple is located in Qiaotou Village, which is 6 kilometers southwest of Pingyao County. The temple was started in North Qi Dynasty, and was originally named the Zhongdu Temple. The temple is said to be the treasure of ancient painted sculptures. The 10 temple halls hould 2,052 painted sculptures left from Ming Dynasty. It is the value of cultural relics and the long history that make the temple world-known.


We find them in the big cities of the world and in the most remote jungles; they cross the deserts of Africa and cruise to see the penguins along the polar ice caps; they climb the Himalaya mountains and dive deep into the coral seas of tropical oceans. Tourists are everywhere these days, easily recognizable by their cameras and camcorders, their leisure-time outfit, and their insatiable desire to get away from home and experience life with a difference. Tourism has become the biggest industry in the world. It offers jobs for 200 million people and contributes 11.7 % to global Gross National Product. Almost700 million tourist arrivals are expected for this year, and this number is estimated to grow to 1.5 billion by the year of 2020.



An aging society refers to one with more than 10 percent of its population older than 60, or more than 7 percent of its population older than 65.



Since the 2000 national census, China has been regarded as an aging society with the number of senior citizens older than 60 growing at an annual rate of 3 percent. That is to say, by 2025, China will have 280 million people older than 60, taking up 18.4 percent of the total population. And by 2050, the number will reach 400 million, more than one-fourth of the national population, or one-fifth of the aged population worldwide. What’s more stunning is the 5 percent growth rate of population older than 80.



Alcohol is a leading factor in 68 percent of manslaughters, 62 percent of assaults, 54 percent of murders and attempted murders, 48 percent of robberies and 44 percent of burglaries. Two-thirds of child abuse

cases are alcohol-related as are 72 percent of rape cases. Alcohol is a factor in all driving arrests and leads to all the injuries and deaths associated with them.




People’s lives continued to improve. Last year, a total of 9.7 million more working opportunities were created. The urban per capita disposable income rose to 10,493 yuan and the rural per capita net income grew to 3,255 yuan, up to 9.6% and 6.2 % respectively over the year before last.



Over 7 billion yuan was allocated by the central and local governments for 17 million students from lower-income families in 592 poverty-stricken counties. The fund would cover their tuition and miscellaneous fees, providing them with free textbooks and subsidy for room and board. Free text books were also provided to over 17 million students from financially-challenged families in the central and western regions. As a result, many students who had dropped out of school were able to continue their education.



Our sales in 2006 reached 8.2 billion dollars, and 58% of it came from international markets.


We have an annual turnover of 460 million dollars. Our net profits last year were approximately 36 million. We have a work force of just over 2,000 employees.




Asia operation is growing at a considerably faster rate than the enterprise as a whole. The sales in Asia right now represent eight percent of the company’s total revenue, about 250 million dollars equivalently. We expect in the coming 5 years, the turnover would be between 900 million dollars to 1 billion dollars. That is to say, there would be more than a tripling of present revenue in 5 years.


In 2001, the euro zone’s purchases from China alone, at EU 57 billion,were less than half those from America. In 2005, China sent EU 118 billion-worth of goods to the euro area, slightly behind Americas’ EU 120 billion-worth. Since the third quarter of last year, indeed, China has overtaken America as a supplier to

the zone; now only Britain lies ahead.



数字口译基础练习 Part A . 3,899 3,908 7009 780,120 504,781 五千 九亿三千六百七十七万七千 Part C. 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890. 2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers. 3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters. 4. The n umber of college graduated will climb 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 Part 六万 四百六十七万 九 百六^一万 七百五 十万 十^一亿七千 五百万 五十七万 五千九百三十三万 三千五百三十八万

to a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000. 5.Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000. Part D .以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。 The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles. Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles. The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles. Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has


“英语数字反应能力训练”用表 使用说明: 1.学英语无论听与说,对数字反应迟缓,这是一个普遍存在的问题,也是一个老大难问题。为了解决这个问题,成功的英语学习者可能都有自己独特的经历和方法。这里推荐的是一种高效的训练方案。 2.后面附有七个表格,分别为3-9位数字。每个表包含1500个数字,是由电脑随机产生的。 3.如果你经常坐在电脑旁边,只要有空闲时间,或三分钟、或五分钟不等,随意选一个表来练习,权当是一种休息。当然,最好由浅入深循顺渐进。你也可以根据自己的情况安排固定时段来练习。 4.不必按顺序,也不必从头至尾完成每个表的每个数字,完全随心所欲。只要目之所及,立即在脑海中对数字作出反应,同时口中念念有词,只要不影响到他人,最好诵出声来。从数字映入眼中到诵完这个数字所用时间,随着练习的进行会越来越短,目标是:对数字形成条件反射。 5.训练要诀:目光扫过数字,然后尽快移开目光,通过瞬时记忆来完成数字的读诵,即使是 八、九位的长串数字,也尽量争取做到0.5秒内准确记住,并完整而流畅地诵出。 6.这种方法虽然不是直接训练数字听力,但由于我们从开始学英语就接触了数字的英语表达,对数字的基本语音构件其实早就熟悉了,问题只在于由这些基本构件串成的较大数字我们的反应比较迟缓,只要解决了这个天然障碍,数字的听与说问题其实会同步消除。 7.如果不常坐在电脑旁边,可以随意截取某段表格,然后把它打印出来,自己挤时间进行练习。有mp3、4的同学,可以把表格转成txt文件随身携带,有空可以通过mp3、4的文本阅读器来练习。 8.数字听力要诀:1)阿拉伯化图形反应:阿拉伯数字是最简明有效的数字文字符号,只要我们一听见英文数字,立即反应出其阿拉伯字符串图案,这要通过长期的训练才能熟练;2)跨越“万”之障碍:对于五位以上数字,中国人是以“万”和“亿”为核心来表达。受习惯支配,我们总是不自主地试图把听到的英文数字转成xxx万、xxx亿再予以接收,这大大地减慢了我们对数字的反应速度。其实完全没必要这么做,我们应该逐步养成直接按英语国家的习惯来接受数字语音信息。只要克服了英语数字的语音接收障碍,口译或笔译成中文时再转成万亿制表达其实是很简单的事。 三位数 991 532 420 313 405 786 870 114 793 911 864 235 842 534 850 158 589 463 888 328 627 832 259 641 297 134 163 304 261 343 897 159 385 794 171 919 385 488 700 390 318 854 387 804 837 112 270 160 805 680 116 810 300 312 239 937 201 564 136 920 538 642 287 768 925 924 800 198 394 838 804 687 707 172 263 422 867 912 449 864 217 714 127 552 912 282 624 455 792 115 510 461 820 118 516 970 432 316 656 161


Numbers and Figures Teaching Aims:to help students consolidate their knowledge of the English language; to introduce linguistic and interpretation theories; to train students to be more flexible as against mechanical in interpretation practice; to widen students’ background knowledge and to improve students’ability of interpretation Teaching Content: I. Review the main content of last unit II. Introduction

Figure interpreting is a highly difficult problems to beginners. Chinese and English have different ways of expressing numbers. In Chinese, we have a series of numerical characters to express particular figures. eg. 十、百、千、万、十万、百万……,which are actually the multiples of “十”. But in English, there are no equivalents of “万”and “亿”. Relevant figures have to be expressed on the basis of “thousand”, “million”and “billion”. Note that American English does not use the “and”between hundreds and tens, for example three hundred sixty five (365). 1. Five-Digit Numbers: a. 八万(80,000): eighty thousand



MTI2011数字口译英译中 Part1: Interpreting the following numbers without units. 1)345,679,877 三亿四千五百六十七万九千 八百七十七 2)9,898,076,123 九十八亿九千八百零七万六 千一百二十三 3)1,034,011,111 十亿三千四百零一万一千一 百一十一 4)5,765 五千七百六十五 5)31,345,201 三千一百三十四万五千二百 零一 6)23,000 两万三千 7)135,785,345 一亿三千五百七十八万五千 三百四十五 8)89,521,234,000 八百九十五亿两千一百二十 三万四千 9)456,321,230 四亿五千六百三十二万一千 二百三十 10)45,112,225,003 四百五十一亿一千二百二十 二万五千零三 11)5,623 五千六百二十三 12)890,200 八十九万零二百 13)1,472,650 一百四十七万两千六百五十14)223,887,520 两亿两千三百八十八万七千 五百二十 15)4,590,002,410 四十亿五千九百万两千四百 一十 16)123,586 十二万三千五百八十六17)25,365,768 两千五百三十六万五千七百 六十八 18)1,431,245 一百四十三万一千二百四十 五 19)8,659,009 八百六十五万九千零九20)1,986,457 一百九十八万六千四百五十 七 21)57,800,000,000 五百七十八亿 22)2,863,589,010 二十八亿六千三百五十八万 九千零一十 23)697,675,630,451 六千九百七十六亿七千五百 六十三万零四百五十一24)986,610,958 九亿八千六百六十一万零九 百五十八 25)986,299 九十八万六千二百九十九26)1,789,100 一百七十八万九千一百27)53,089,045


● 8,666 ●57thousand ●801thousand ●363 million ●945 billion ●12.5 million 1.03 trillion, 15.28 billion ●6万 3.5万 ●35万 5.45万 ●278万 3679万 ●5000万 489.46万 ●4亿7千万 31.87亿 ●61亿 1050.8亿 ●201亿 3.9亿 ●5万亿 50.2万亿 ●45万亿 四千三百八十六 二百七十四点九 五万五千九百三十二 十一万零八百四十一 五十四万九千六百三十八 二百七十四万三千六百九十四 八千八百五十九万七千三百二十 二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六 十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四 七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八 One hundred and thirteen point eight four Six thousand four hundred and thirty-one Seventy hundred and forty-two

Eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and five Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-seven Four million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twelve Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six Five hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-seven Two billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and five thousand one hundred and one Thirty-seven billion nine hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and forty-one and thirty-eight 练习: 英汉数字转换 1.8,666 2.801,806 3.2,009,005 4.363,605,401 5.45,060,130 6.945,063,505 7.1,278,865,000 8.12.5million 9.15.28 billion 10.1.03 trillion 汉英数字转换1.203.7亿 2. 1.306万 3.123.45公顷 4.42.192公里 5.60.25公斤 6.600.53亿美元 7. 5.8万元 8.166.68万吨 9.866.9万人次 10.436.75万名新生 到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右。 By 2020, China's GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4 trillion.


口译笔记符号及数字口译 在口译第一阶段考试过程中,听力部分的句子听译和段落听译是难点,这一部分成功与否很大程度上取决于考生对听到的信息进行记录的能力。对考生来说,“脑记”和“笔记”缺一不可,考生听的时候应该把注意力集中在理解和抓要点上,以脑记为主,笔记为辅。 听译部分笔记记要点是关键,而不应该盲目追求“全”。考试对考生的要求是准确传达所听到内容的最基本的、实质性的内容,这就需要考生集中精力抓住并记下关键的词和意群。我们无需也不可能采取听写的方法,整句整段地记录源语信息。笔记记得太多反而会影响对于源语整体的理解。 下面是一些常用的笔记符号,在新世界的口译课堂都会给学生练习到,这里总结出来供更多学生参考使用。 1.缩略(Abbreviations) AMAP——尽可能多(as much as possible) APEC——亚太经合组织 ASAP——尽快(as soon as possible) ASEAN——东盟 B.A.——文学士 B.C.——公元前 B.S.——理学士 CPC——中国共产党 DEPT——系;部门 e.g.——例如 esp.——尤其是 FIE——外资企业 H.Q.——总部 ID——身份;身份证 IOU——欠条

org——组织 Ph.D.——博士 EU——欧盟 UN——联合国 V.P.——副主席 2.数学符号(Mathematical Symbols) + 可以表示“增加”,“另外”,“除此以外”,还可表示“正确”或“好”。 -可以表示“减去”,“少”,或者“差”等。 ×可以表示“错误”,“坏的”,“不好”,“不对”。 >可以表示“大于”,“超过”,“比……好”。 <可以表示“小于”,“不如”,“比……差”。 =可以表示“等于”,“相当于”,“意味着”。 ≠可以表示“不等于”,“不是这个意思”,“不是……的对手”。 ∵可以表示“因为”,“由于”。 ∴可以表示“所以”,“因而”,“因此”。 3.箭头符号(Arrow Symbols) ↑可以表示“上升”,“发展”,“加强”,“改善”,“发射”,“提拔”,“晋升”。 ↓可以表示“下降”,“衰退”,“下跌”,“恶化”。 ←可以表示“来自”,“来源”,“进口”,“回归”。 →可以表示“到达”,“出口”,“前往”,“派遣”,“发送”,“导致某个结果”。 4.标点符号(Punctuation Marks) :可以表示“说”,“认为”,“宣称”,“声明”,“抗议”。 ?可以表示“问题”,“疑问”,“问”。


数字口译基础练习 Part A. 3,899 3,908 7009 879 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 780,120 504,781 Part B. 六万五十七万四百六十七万 九百六十一万五千九百三十三万七百五十万 十一亿七千五百万三千五百三十八万五千九亿三千六百七十七万七千 Part C. 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890. 2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers. 3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters. 4. The number of college graduated will climb

to a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000. 5. Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000. Part D. 以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。 The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles. Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles. The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles.


Unit four Figures in Interpreting 教学目的: 1. 了解中英数位表达及分段方式的差异,通过单纯数字、带单位的数字及带数字 的句子口译练习,初步掌握中英数字互译的方法和技巧; 2. 熟悉有关国际商务和世界贸易的相关词汇、表达,以及有关背景知识; 3. 通过模仿或模拟口译实践提高英语表达和运用能力。 教学重点: 1. 中英数位表达差异; 2. 数字中英互译的三阶段练习; 3. 国际贸易与经济全球化的常用词汇和表达; 4. 与世界贸易相关的背景知识及用语表达。 I. 有关数字的各种表达及注意事项 1. 整数的译法和读法 迅速无误识别数字的前提是必须能够流利地读出数字。要从读两位数起,然后练习读三位和四位数乃至五位或六位以上的数字。其中两位和三位数的读法是读所有数字的基础。英文数字中的每一个逗点的读法也要牢记:有一个逗点读“thousand”,两个逗点读“million”,三个逗点读“billion”。还要清楚,每个逗点间由三位数组成。英文数字中的第四位数、第七位数、第十位数是很关键的数位。 1,234 读作:one thousand,two hundred and thirty-four 4,567,809 读作:four million,five hundred and sixty-seventhousand,eight hundred and nine 5,678,120,000 读作:five billion,six hundred and seventy-eight million,one hundred and twe nty thousand 百位数和百位数以上的数的读法英国人和美国人不同,英国人在百位数和十位数之间用and,美国人常常不用。 126 读作one hundred(and)twenty-six 3,862 读作three thousand, eight hundred(and)sixty-two 489,932读作four thousand(and)eight-nine thousand,nine hundred(and)thiety-two 以one开始的较大数字,通俗的用法或表示大概数字时,可用不定冠词a代替one,如:He's written a thousand poems. “千”有时可转换成“百”来表示,尤其在通俗用法中,如: The fee is about eleven hundred yuan.(费用约一千一百元。) 也即,部分有一个逗点的数字(四位数),英国人用“thousand”表示,而美国人则多用“hundred”。再如,有三个逗点的数字(十位数),美式读法为


数字口译训练 英译汉 EC01 Japan's trade surplus jumped again last month with the sluggish economy continuing to slow demand for imports. Finance Ministry figures show the January trade surplus was $ 5.3 billion. That was almost 40% higher than the same period of last year. It was the 25th consecutive monthly gain in the surplus from previous year level. Japan's trading partners have become increasingly irritated with its growing trade surplus. EC02 U.S. consumers' confidence in the nation's economy dropped sharply in July. The Consumer Confidence Index now stands at 76.6, down nearly seven points from last month's 83.5, to the index's previous lowest point since March. Economists say the index is important to American industry because consumers generally spend less when their confidence is low. EC03 Bangkok(曼谷) - Thailand(泰国)is Asia's biggest production base for pirated(盗版的)compact discs with a capacity to make 60 million copies a year, report said last week. Delegates at a seminar(研究会)on international property rights(产权)said that CD piracy and a host of other copyright violations put Thailand at risk of losing trade privileges(特权), the Nation Daily reported. Thienchai Prinvises, a representative of the Motion Picture Producer Association of America(美国电影协会), said that of the 60 million illegal CDs produced in Thailand, 50 million were exported. He said that failure by police to curb(控制)the piracy(盗版行为)may lead to trade tensions and estimated that Thailand housed about 30 copying machines each able to produce 2 million CDs a year. EC04 Last year was the best year for global GDP growth in decades. Most parts of the world recorded improved growth performance. The prospects for this year remain favorable, although growth is likely to be at a slower, more sustainable pace: it is projected to fall from about 5% to a under 4.5% this year. Global trade has also recovered strongly since the downturn in 2001, and continues to be an important engine of growth: it is currently expanding at something close to twice the rate of growth of world GDP. 参考译文:去年是几十年来全球国内生产总值增长最快的一年。世界大部分地区都有进一步增长。今年的前景看来也很乐观,尽管增长速度可能会稍微慢一些,持续性会更强一些。预计今年的增长率会从5%下降到不足4.5%。全球贸易自从2001年低迷时期以后也反弹强劲,并且继续成为增长的重要动力:目前的增长速度几乎是全球国内生产总值的两倍。


口译数字练习 中译英 一、商务部:1-8月我国实际使用外资同比下降3.40% (2012年09月19日 11:32:39) 新华网消息商务部19日召开例行新闻发布会,商务部新闻发言人沈丹阳通报了2012年1-8月我国商务运行情况,1-8月,全国实现社会消费品零售总额131195亿元,名义同比增长14.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长11.4%,比上年同期加快0.1个百分点。1-8月,我国进出口总值24976.2亿美元,与去年同期相比增长6.2%。其中,出口13091.1亿美元,增长7.1%;进口11885.1亿美元,增长5.1%;贸易顺差1206亿美元,扩大31.8%。 二、7月份中国增持美国国债26亿美元(2012年09月18日 22:05:07) 新华网华盛顿9月18日电(记者蒋旭峰樊宇)美国财政部18日公布的数据显示,7月份,美国最大债权国中国增持美国国债26亿美元。 美财政部的数据显示,中国当月持有美国国债1.1496万亿美元,高于前一个月修正后的1.1470万亿美元。 美国第二大债权国日本7月份也增持了美国国债,当月持有美国国债1.1171万亿美元,高于前一个月修正后的1.1101万亿美元。 截至7月底,外国主要债权人持有的美国国债总额为5.3485万亿美元,高于前一个月修正后的5.3110万亿美元,连续7个月上升。 三、燕京啤酒6次融资或圈80亿分红仅20亿回报差(2012年09月19日 08:52:23)

2012年9月,燕京啤酒再度抛出一份再融资方案,拟募集不超过26.2亿元,较第三轮再融资的金额大幅上升131.86%,如果该方案被实施,那么燕京啤酒将成为首家融资总金额超过80亿元的酒类公司。 四、沃尔玛等零售巨头再演价签戏法获3-5万元罚单(2012年09月19日 09:50:08) 去年7月,本报也独家报道过家乐福、沃尔玛、人人乐三大大型连锁超市,因被发现存在价格欺诈行为,在深圳被处以巨额罚款。据深圳市市场监督管理局介绍,其中深圳家乐福因价格欺诈共被处罚100.2万元;沃尔玛共被处罚50.2万元;人人乐则被处罚30万元。 五、阿里巴巴完成76亿美元股份回购计划(2012年09月19日 08:38:51) 新华网杭州9月19日电(记者张遥)阿里巴巴集团18日宣布,对雅虎76亿美元的股份回购计划全部完成。阿里巴巴集团以63亿美元现金及价值8亿美元的阿里巴巴集团优先股,回购雅虎手中持有阿里巴巴集团股份的一半,即阿里巴巴集团20%股份。 阿里巴巴方面表示,与此同时,阿里巴巴将一次性向雅虎支付技术和知识产权许可费5.5亿美元现金。在未来公司上市时,阿里巴巴集团有权优先购买雅虎剩余持有股份的一半,即阿里巴巴集团10%股份。 (材料来源:新华财经) 英译中 1. China power consumption decelerates in April


目录 数字口译(经济) (2) 一、序数词 (2) 二、分数 (2) A.简单的分数表达: (2) B.复杂的分数表达 (2) C.带分数表达: (2) 三、小数 (3) 小数字的表达: (3) 大数字的表达: (3) 四、百分数 (3) 五、倍数 (3) A.两倍: (3) B.三倍: (3) C.四倍: (4) 积累:用于描述数字上升或下降发展趋势的语汇: (4) 六、纪年 (4) 七、时间 (5) A.先小时后分钟的读法:(直接读法) (5) B.先分钟后小时的读法:(添介词法) (5) C.十二小时制和二十四小时制的转换 (5) 八、电话号码和其他数字 (6) 九、其他 (6) 1.价格 (6) 2.打折 (6) 3.温度 (6) 4.比赛分数 (6) 5.英语中的一些集合数词表达: (6) 6.对成语、俗语中带数字的翻译情况: (7) 数字口译(外贸) (8) 综述技巧 (10) 一、综述原则 (10) 二、综述的环节 (10) 三、综述的训练 (10)

数字口译(经济) 一、序数词 “排名第几”:be、rank、come、finish+序数词 ①We’re now4th in the English Premier League and that’s OK by me. ②In the Sydney Olympic Games in October2000,China won28gold medals and ranked(or was ranked) third on the medal tally. ③WEF economic experts said Denmark came third in the survey last year. ④Richards finished second in the World Athletic Final200m last week to her compatriot Allyson Felix... 二、分数 A.简单的分数表达: 形式:基数词→分子 序数词→分母 Tips:如果分子>1,分母要使用复数 B.复杂的分数表达 读法:分子→+ over →分母 如:20/75 读作:twenty over seventy-five Tips:当分母>100,这种较大的数字时,分母可以挨个读出 如:4/123 读作:four over one-two-three C.带分数表达: 读法:整数→+ and →分数 如:51 :five and a third 3 167 :sixteen and seven eighths 8


同声传译培训中数字口译练习技巧 随着国际间交流的突飞猛进,对于口译翻译人才的需求量越来越大,那么对于议员来说,数字口译的练习技巧有哪些呢,北京世纪英信翻译为大家介绍: 什么是数字口译 数字口译,不是淡出的数字,而是伴随着大量的实际信息,数字携带的瞬间信息量远超过同数量音节和音符携带的信息量,数字口译在英语的表达中,是“三位一进”,而汉语的数字表达是“四位一进”,因此在进行数字口译时,不仅需要语言间的转换,还要进行“进制”转换,这也加大了口译的难度。 数字口译练习技巧 1、快速读数法 为了提高数字的敏感度和转换的熟练度,在进行数字听辨和听译前,可以先进行读数法练习,即看着阿拉伯数字,把数字用中文和英文马上读出。每次找出一排数字(最少10到15个),逐渐增加阅读速度、数字位数和数量,直到可以一口气、娴熟、无错误一遍读出。开始阶段可以从全部3位数、4位数、5位数……开始,逐渐过渡到混合位数,比如15个数字中,混合参杂3位数、5位数、6位数、8位数……。最终实现,看到数字,可以如“大脑不过电”般、毫无迟疑、马上脱口而出的效果,甚至如以读绕口令的速度快速读出。 2、车牌法 在读数字达到一定数量程度后,选定一个路口,迅速的用英文读出路过的车辆的车牌号码(尽量可以读出每个车牌号码,越多越好)。练习分两步,第一步,把每一个数字按顺序读出,如果车牌号码是B6571,则读B six,five,seven ,one。第二步,把车牌号作为一个数字读出,如果车牌号码是C7845,则读B Seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five. 由于车辆行驶的速度较快,一闪而过,车牌数字是瞬间出现,所以可以很好的提高练习者的数字敏感度和快速反映能力。注意:由于汽车尾气污染原因,该方法单次练习时间不宜过长,每天半小时左右为宜。 3、滚屏读数法 各大财经频道的股市行情直播,往往是在屏幕下方滚动播出个股行情,看到个股的行情后,迅速用英文读出该数字及升降趋势,比如-2.8%,迅速的读minus/decrease/down/drop 2.8%, +3.6%,迅速的读plus/increase/up 3.6%. 4、约数法(四舍五入法)


MTI2011数字口译英译中 Part1: Interpreting the following numbers without units. 1)345,679,877 三亿四千五百六十七万九千 八百七十七 2)9,898,076,123 九十八亿九千八百零七万六 千一百二十三 3)1,034,011,111 十亿三千四百零一万一千一 百一十一 4)5,765 五千七百六十五 5)31,345,201 三千一百三十四万五千二百 零一 6)23,000 两万三千 7)135,785,345 一亿三千五百七十八万五千 三百四十五 8)89,521,234,000 八百九十五亿两千一百二十 三万四千 9)456,321,230 四亿五千六百三十二万一千 二百三十 10)45,112,225,003 四百五十一亿一千二百二十 二万五千零三 11)5,623 五千六百二十三 12)890,200 八十九万零二百 13)1,472,650 一百四十七万两千六百五十14)223,887,520 两亿两千三百八十八万七千 五百二十 15)4,590,002,410 四十亿五千九百万两千四百 一十 16)123,586 十二万三千五百八十六17)25,365,768 两千五百三十六万五千七百 六十八 18)1,431,245 一百四十三万一千二百四十 五 19)8,659,009 八百六十五万九千零九20)1,986,457 一百九十八万六千四百五十 七 21)57,800,000,000 五百七十八亿 22)2,863,589,010 二十八亿六千三百五十八万 九千零一十 23)697,675,630,451 六千九百七十六亿七千五百 六十三万零四百五十一24)986,610,958 九亿八千六百六十一万零九 百五十八 25)986,299


中英文数字翻译专题 和君七届外语社HJ7-FLA原创 中英文数字之间的翻译和转换一直是困扰大家的一个难点,但对于数字的要求又是不能存在半点马虎的,为此我们看一下中英文数字转换的一些要点,以期对各位有所帮助。 我们先举一个数字的例子看一下中英文数字究竟最大的不同在哪里? 以这个数字为例:219678973691 首先回答两个问题: 1.中文如何读这个数字? 答:中文以四个数字为一个间隔来读取数字,以亿、万为单位念出,所以这个数字按照四位分隔应该是:2196,7897,3691,发音读出来就是:2196亿7897万3691 2.英文如何读这个数字? 答:英文以三个数字为一个间隔来读取数字,以billion(十亿)、million(百万)和thousand(千)为单位来念出,所以这个数字按照三位分隔应该是:219,678,973,691,发音读出来应该是219billion678million974thousand691. 看完这个例子,大家或许明白些什么了。没错,造成中英文数字翻译转换难点的罪魁祸首就在于中英两门语言对于数字读法表述和划分习惯的不同,那么在翻译中就要着重注意了。 在此,提供一种方法供大家参考使用,可以提高翻译尤其是口译中对于数字的准确翻译。 中英数字训练方法:

Step1听到数字原封不动的进行记录,其中需要注意的是为了减少书写量,中文的亿用符号e来表示,中文的万用w来表示。例如听到中文读到的数字,就记录下来2196e7897w3691. Step2根据中英文数字表达的不同,根据亿和万的位置来确定英文读法billion/million和thousand的位置,根据转换关系billion=10亿,用b来缩写所以在e的前一位;million=100万,用m来缩写在w前两位,在e的后两位;thousand=0.1万,用t来缩写,在w的后一位,所以就可以确认英文发音单位b/m/t的位置为:219b6e78m97w3t691 Step3这个时候就可以准确快读的读出英文数字的表示方法。 总结,中英文数字的表述方法关键在于对不同习惯的转换和练习,实际笔记中be_m_wt这些符号建议以小符号出现在数字的右上角,这样不会对数字造成太大混淆,如下所示: 219b6e78m97w3t691 此外,如果只是需要粗略翻译出来大体的数量级的话,推荐如下对照表关系,并强化记忆:


英汉数字口译练习(2) Work in pairs. One student reads the following figures aloud in the language given, the other takes notes and then interprets them into the target language. Take turns to practice. (1)四千三百八十六——4,386 (2)二百七十四点九——270.9 (3) 五万五千九百三十二 ----55,932 (4)十一万零八百四十一 -----110,841 (5)五十四万九千六百三十八 ----549,638 (6) 二百七十四万三千六百九十四----2,743,694 (7)八千八百五十九万七千三百二十 -----88,597,320 (8)二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六----237,150,236 (9)十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四----1,689,903,754 (10)七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八----70,493,579,048 (1) One hundred and thirteen point eight four ---113.84 (2) Six thousand four hundred and thirty-one ---6,431 (3) Seventy hundred and forty-two---742 (4) Eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and five—837,105 (5)Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-seven—965,077 (6)Four million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twelve—---4,803,712 (7)Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six---94,217,826 (8)Five hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-seven---530,139,747 (9)Two billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and five


数字口译 数字的翻译是口译中的一大难关,即使是老翻译,当遇到数字时,尤其是遇到五位数以上的数字时,亦不敢有半丝松懈。这不仅是因为数字难译,更重要的是在商贸谈判或外交活动中,数字误译所造成的后果不堪设想。 数字之所以难译,其中一个重要原因在于英汉对于四位数以上的数字的表达有不同段位概念和分段方法。英语学习者都知道,英语数字的表达以每三位数为一段位,这与汉语以每四位数为一段位的表达方法完全不同: 英语数字三位数分段法: 数字英语与汉语表达对照:

数字记录的英语下标法以及英语朗读法: 1,234,567,891,234 one trillion two hundred and thirty-four billion five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and thirty-four 数字记录的汉语上标法以及汉语朗读法: 1’2345’6789’1234 一兆/万亿 两千三百四十五亿 六千七百八十九万 一千二百三十四 提高数字口译的准确性和速度可以采取三种方法: 第一:在日常生活中,经常不间断地进行英汉数字互译练习,其中包括操练转译孤立的数字和出现在语境中的数字。 第二:在正式口译工作中,尽可能将语句中的数字记录下来,用原文复述一遍,确证无误后方可传译给另一方。 第三:做笔记时,可先以下标或上标的分段记号写下英语或汉语的原始语数字,然后表上目标语的段位记号,再将数字传译给另一方。 练习: 1.请给以下数字加上分隔符,用英语和汉语分别说出这些数字: 1299880000 757050000 542830000 669760000 237153367 7865446778 65435787895 4356788 1065667890000 练习二
