


Each visitor:How are you, welcome you to Sichuan to travel, I am your guide**. All river embankment engineering panoramaAll river embankment City is located in northwest edge in plain in Chengdu, is located in Min river mountain pass.Be lain to northern latitudes 31 °44 ′s 54 ″s-31 °s 02 ′s of 09 ″s, east longitude 103 °25 ′s 42 ″

s-103 °s 47 ′s of 00 ″s.The ground acrosses the Chuan west Dragon gate mountainous country to take to form a delta a coping with plain Min river of Chengdu.City the inshore geography northwest is high, southeast low, the whole city mountainous country mound area has 65.79%, the even dam area has 34.21%.Geography the mountain arrive low mountain to go to plain again to pursue class to lower from the high mountain, , the elevation is 592-4582 meters, opposite Gao Cha's 3900 meters.All river embankment City constructs system in the geology up, belong to China structure system, across plain in Chengdu and Dragon gate mountainous country area two different natural geography areas, the geography unit belongs to Min river alluvial one class rank ground.The northwest of the geography Gao, the southeast is low, high mountain, medium

the mountain, low mountain and mound peaceably presented stairs to distribute at first, the vegetable had "six mountains one water three cents, farmland" it to say.All river embankment City is international tour city, ancient all river the embankment marine hydraulic engineering be praised as "water conservancy cultural founder in world";The green city mountain well known as green city mountain is a Chinese religion of Taoism, place of origin;Green city mountain ·all river's embankment has already successfully been included in 《inheritance in the world records 》, all river embankment City be reviewed to criticize a Chinese excellent tour city for Chinese history cultural city, head, and acquire a Chinese to reside an environment example prize.The city wife text view is as numerous as natural view, travel facilities is perfect.All river the embankment marine hydraulic engineering be praised as "water conservancy cultural founder in world";"Green city world You" of called green city mountain's being all apart from river's embankment is 16 kilometers, a Chinese religion of Taoism, place of origin;Green city mountain-all river's embankment has already been granted for the cultural inheritance in world and is included in 《inheritance in the world records 》, is a national point scenery famous spot area.Long Chi-Hong the nature reserve

area is all apart from a river embankment view the area is 24 kilometers, national forest park and living creature are diverse sex sanctuary.All the river embankment beginning creates during the progressive dynasty period of ancient Shu country, while being completed to Qin Hui Wen's king set up in 256

B.C..Be apart from to there have been now more than 2300 years of history.All river embankment dike head the engineering is located in downtown northwestern, infuse a county to change city with all river's embankment assign name to and explain all the river embankment water conservancy is in the importance of position that the city has.【The administrative area rows 】All river embankment City governs 17 towns:Infuse sun town in a people's town, happy town and Pu and gather source town, Chong righteousness town and sky Ma Zhen, the stone sheep hall town in town, Liu Jie Zhen and jade, in the interest town, green city mountain town, Anne's Long Zhen, great view town in house in the town, Long Chi Zhen and Xu and purple ping spreads town and Cui month lake town.2 countries to E country and Hong country, 49 community committees and 333 village Weis meeting;Area 1208 the squares are thousand meters, the population density is 495 people|the square is thousand meters.【History origin and development 】All the history of river

embankment City can trace back to call "lead a river" in Xia

Yu's ages, fabulous Xia Yu cures water to lead a river to this but get.All river original in embankment City infuses a county, because of infusing a river.Because be all located in a river embankment head, the past infuses a county.According to 《the county releases now 》:"Written Chinese Weng Chuan Cao, river, irrigates and call of the gold infuse, Tang because of placing infuse a county rather, the Meng Shu changes to infuse state and changes a county clearly."A say now the county city thou infuses and fights country's Qin Li Bing to cure water, river's water from that time on with infuse even six, for infuse of but.The Three Kingdoms Shu man places all Anne's county, the week of north increases to place a pure city county again.Tang Dynasty two counties don't change name to lead a river county and green city county, the dollar merges in order to infuse state, decline state to place to infuse a county clearly.In 1988, dissolve to infuse a county to establish all a river embankment

City.Constructs by Li Bing father and son all a river embankment but get.In 1994, get to teach national history cultural city title.The city area closes to all a river embankment dike head, distribute many cultural object historic monuments and traditional to reside, have two king's temples and Anne the

Lan Suo bridge, city god temple, Fu Long Guan, work properly rock temple, thousand point cultural objects like Buddha tower,etcs.All river embankment City's starting is set up to Shu man, republic the defending area keep soldier from defending area for department Huang Yin Jiang of Deng Xi Hou of Chuan soldier for ages.In May, 1988, dissolve and infuse a county and establish rivers through approval in State Department embankment City construct by Li Bing father and son all a river all embankment but get.In 1997, all the river embankment accumulates on market 1207.7 the squares are thousand meters, population 573,000, govern 16 countries in 12 towns.The city hall halts to infuse a people town.In 1999, all river embankment City governs 12 towns, 16 countries:Infuse the town, happy town of a people's town, Pu sun town, stone sheep town, jade hall, medium interest town, Liu Jie Zhen, gather Ma Zhen, the Chong righteousness town, Long Chi Zhen in the source town, sky and green city mountain town;Xu home town, drive Hong country, the country of gold Feng, to the E country, the soil bridge country, Anne's Long Xiang Zi Di, two river country, great joy country, Xu Du Xiang Zi Di, follow river's country, people interest country, green city country, great view country, white sand country, numb river country, Hong country.In 2000,

all river embankment City governs 12 towns, 16

countries.According to the fifth-time census data, the total population is 621980 people, among them:Infuse a people town 75059, happy town 122728, Pu sun town 26163, gather a source town 30985, Chong righteousness town 26460, sky Ma Zhen 29936, stone sheep town 26377, Liu Jie Zhen 21828, jade hall town 20894, medium interest town 26620, green city mountain town 10287, Long Chi Zhen 6155, Xu home town 26340, drive Hong country 12307, the country of gold Feng 14404, to E country 14350, soil bridge country 12397, Anne Long Xiang Zi Di 11347, big joy country 11477, Xu Du Xiang Zi Di 16524, follow river's country 15006, people interest country 13389, green city country 15671, great view country 10761, 2 river countries 4721, white sand country 8472, hemp river country 5511, Hong country 5820.Have a Yi clan, hide a clan, Qiang clan, seedling clan, Mosslem people, Mongolia the clan, soil household, the clan of Su Su, full clan and Na west clan, cloth depends on a clan, white clan, strong the clan, soil clan, Tong clan, precious jade clan, Uigur minority, full clan and E Lun spring race, such as clan and Tai clan...etc. distribute.On September 8, 2004, province people's government(Chuan mansion domestic affairs 【2004 】41 numbers) in Sichuan

agrees all river embankment City dissolves green town and hemp river, gold Feng, drives Hong, soil bridge, follow river, Xu Du, greatly happy, two the rivers are 8 countries.Merged into green city mountain the administration district that green town belongs to to town at first;Green city mountain government in the town halts an original green town field town exact center street.Will tingle the administration district that river country belongs to merge into purple ping to spread at first town;The purple ping spreads government in the town to halt purple breadth street.Merge the administration district that original country of gold Feng belongs to into the Pu sun town;The Pu sun government in the town halts peaceful street.Will drive the administration district that Hong country belongs to merge into town in the Xu house at first;Town government in the Xu house halts a stone dragon to go shopping.Original soil bridge the administration district that country belongs to merge into Chong righteousness town;The Chong righteousness government in the town halts garden in officer's house.Would follow a river at first the administration district that country belongs to merge into Liu Jie Zhen;Liu Jie Zhen's government halts Tsun 51.Merged into stone sheep the administration district that Xu Du Xiang Zi Di belongs to to town at first;The stone sheep government in the

town halts government street.Merged into Anne Long Zhen at first the administration district that greatly happy country belongs to;Anne's Long Zhen's government halts begonia road.Merge into a great view town of original administration district that two river countries belongs to;The great view town government halts a pair of breezes roads.In 2004, all river embankment City governs 17 towns(infuse a , happiness, Pu sun, medium interest, gather horse, Chong righteousness, Long Chi, Liu Jie, Xu house, Anne's dragon, great view in the source, sky, purple ping to spread, Cui month lake, stone sheep, jade hall, green city mountain), 2 countries.(to the E and Hong)All river weather general situation in embankment CityAll river embankment City belongs to the subtropics moist weather area in basin in Sichuan.The coldest month is average through the years the air temperature is 4.6 ℃, the hot month is average

air temperature is 24.4 ℃.Average year rainfall is 1243.80 mms.The year of the rainfall inside assign not and all, the year border total amount changes not and greatly;In distributing space the asymmetry is faced west north by the southeast, range is between the 1100-1800 mms;Raining season on the average begin from before May 21 after, on the average end up an empress before September 14;A rainfall keeps on most long the

day is several 20 dayses.Predominant direction of wind inside the area:NW, C, direction of wind frequency:(%)12, 41, the biggest wind velocity:17 meters|second, average wind velocity:1.3 meters|second, local have no stage manners to appear.Year on the average the biggest relative humidity 80, minimum relative humidity 75, month on the average biggest 84, the month is average minimum 60;Year on the average the biggest absolute degree of humidity 15.2, minimum and absolute degree of humidity 14.3, month on the average the biggest absolute degree of humidity 32.4, month on the average minimum and absolute degree of humidity 2.8;The weather of 30 in the last yearses monitors enunciation, all the river air degree of humidity index number in embankment City is lower than each area(city) of Chengdu City county.Is average through the years air pressure 933.7, extremity most high pressure 958.7, extremity most low atmospheric pressure 912.2;Hot season of average air pressure 925.9, the coldest season of average air pressure 938.7, raining season air pressure 928.0.Whole year a clear sky the day count for 120 days, cloudy day day several 95 dayses, fog daylight several 7 dayses, through the years the average day shines on several 1016.9 hourses, average through the years thunderstorm the day is several 28 dayses.


四川青城山旅游景区导游词 青城山是世界文化遗产,中国四大道教名山之一,很多游客慕名来参观旅游,导游可以给游客详细介绍四川景区的特点。下面是学识网小编为大家整理的青城山导游词,欢迎参考! 青城山导游词篇一 青城山为中国道教发源地之一,属道教名山。位于四川省都江堰市西南,古称“丈人山”,东距成都市68公里,处于都江堰水利工程西南10公里处。主峰老霄顶海拔1600米。在四川名山中与剑门之险、峨嵋之秀、夔门之雄齐名,有“青城天下幽”之美誉。青城山是中国著名的历史名山和国家重点风景名胜区,并于2000年同都江堰共同作为一项世界文化遗产被列入世界遗产名录。 青城山属于亚热带温湿季风气候区,年平均气温15摄氏度左右,素有“洞天福地”、“人间仙境”之称,山内古木参天,群峰环抱,四季如春,故名青城山。青城山分青城前山和青城后山。前山景色优美,文物古迹众多;后山自然景物原始而华美,如世桃园,绮丽而又神秘。 青城山旅游最佳时间:一年四季皆适宜旅游,7、8月更是避暑胜地。 青城山导游词篇二 青城山位于四川省都江堰市西南,是中国道教发源地之一,属道教名山,国家5A级景区。于2000年同都江堰共同作为一项世界文化遗产被列入世界遗产名录。青城山主峰老霄顶海拔1260米。全山林

木青翠,四季常青,诸峰环峙,状若城廓,故名青城山。在四川名山中与剑门之险、峨嵋之秀、夔门之雄齐名,有“青城天下幽”之美誉。 青城山分前、后山。前山是青城山风景名胜区的主体部分,约15平方千米,景色优美,文物古迹众多,主要景点有建福宫、天然图画、天师洞、朝阳洞、祖师殿、上清宫等;后山总面积100平方公里,水秀、林幽、山雄,高不可攀,直上而去,冬天则寒气逼人、夏天则凉爽无比,蔚为奇观,主要景点有金壁天仓、圣母洞、山泉雾潭、白云群洞、天桥奇景等。自古以来,人们以“幽”字来概括青城山的特色。青城山空翠四合,峰峦、溪谷、宫观皆掩映于繁茂苍翠的林木之中。道观亭阁取材自然,不假雕饰,与山林岩泉融为一体,体现出道家崇尚朴素自然的风格。青城之幽素为历代文人墨客所推崇,唐代“诗圣”杜甫来到青城山写下了“自为青城客,不唾青城地。为爱丈人山,丹梯近幽意”的佳句。 1940年前后,当代国画大师张大千举家寓居青城山上清宫。他寻幽探胜,泼墨弄清彩,作品愈千幅,还篆刻图章一方,自号"青城客"。六十年代,张大千在远隔重洋的巴西圣保罗画巨幅《青城山全图》,供自己及家人卧游。晚年自云:“看山还故乡青”,“而今能画不能归”,终身对故乡青城仙山充满着眷恋之情。堪称青城山特色的还有日出、云海、圣灯三大自然奇观。其中圣灯(又称神灯)尤为奇特。上清宫是观赏圣灯的最佳观景处。每逢雨后天晴的夏日,夜幕降临后,在上清宫附近的圣灯亭内可见山中光亮点点,闪烁飘荡,少时三、五盏,忽生忽灭,多时成百上千,山谷一时灿若星汉。


都江堰导游词景点讲解3篇 都江堰坐落于四川省都江堰市城西,是全世界迄今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。下面是为大家带来的都江堰导游词景点讲解,希望可以帮助大家。 都江堰导游词景点讲解范文篇1 著名的古代水利工程都江堰,位于四川都江堰市城西,古时属都安县境而名为都安堰,宋元后称都江被誉为"独奇千古"的"镇川之宝" 。两千年前,李冰父子面对桀骜不驯的岷江水,火攻玉垒化为离堆。鱼嘴堤分水、飞沙堰溢洪、宝瓶口引水,将逢雨必涝的西蜀平原,化作了水旱从人,不知饥馑的天府之国。这项工程直到今天还在发挥着作用,被称为"活的水利博物馆"。是全世界至今为止年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。 一千八百多年前,道教创始人张陵看中了青城山的碧绿清幽,决定在此修炼道法。青城山的香火愈来愈盛,但道家修建的观宇与亭阁始终深藏于密林之间,与四周的山林岩泉融为一体。 独特的地理条件和生态环境造就了离堆锁峡、金堤夕照、雄关古道、玉垒仙都、寒潭伏龙、笮桥飞虹、玉女仙姿、岷山晓雪、宝瓶春晓等自然景观,与二王庙、伏龙观、安澜索桥、城隍庙等古代建筑交相辉映,形成了山、水、城、林、堰、桥融为一体的独特风光,成为自然与文化、人类与环境、水利工程与山水

风光和谐融合、天人合一的千古奇观。具有极强的观赏性、生态性、特色性。 都江堰导游词景点讲解范文篇2 亲爱的游客们,大家好!欢迎大家来到都江堰游览观光。今天,我有幸担任你们的导游。现在请随我一同出发。请注意:请大家进去后不要乱丢垃圾、践踏花草、随地吐痰。谢谢! 在建堰初期,都江堰名叫"湔堋",三国时期叫"都安堰",有名"金堤",唐代叫"楗尾堰",到了宋代,才有"都江堰"这个名字。 现在大家请下车,跟我走,前面就是伏龙观。伏龙观是传说中李冰降服孽龙的地方,现在用于祭李冰,伏龙观里现有李冰石像和飞龙鼎。现在,请大家自己参观伏龙观,半个小时后在这里集合。 请大家跟我来,这边是安澜索桥,又被称做夫妻桥,是中国古代五大桥梁之一,始建于宋代,17世纪毁于战火,在清代重建,现在把竹索改成了钢索,木桩改为混凝土桩。刚建桥时,它叫"珠浦桥",宋代是改名为"评事桥",直到清代重建时,才改名为"安澜桥"。 请大家跟我上桥,往下看,这河的河床里有四根卧铁,分别是明朝万历四年、清同治三年、民国十六年和1994年埋下的,离堆公园里有它们的复制品展览。 现在大家可以自由活动,可以去离堆公园、药王庙、二王


峨眉山导游词_四川峨眉山导游词 峨眉山导游词(一) 峨眉山位于中国四川峨眉山市境内,景区面积154平方公里,最高峰万佛顶海拔3099米。地势陡峭,风景秀丽,有秀甲天下之美誉。气候多样,植被丰富,共有3000多种植物,其中包括世界上稀有的树种。山路沿途有较多猴群,常结队向游人讨食,胜为峨眉一大特色。它是中国四大佛教名山之一,有寺庙约26座,重要的有八大寺庙,佛事频繁。1996年12月6日,峨眉山乐山大佛作为文化与自然双重遗产被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。 峨眉山景区面积154平方公里,包括大峨、二峨、三峨、四峨四座大山。大峨山为峨眉山的主峰,通常说的峨眉山就是指的大峨山。大峨、二峨两山相对,远远望去,双峰缥缈,犹如峨眉山画眉,这种陡峭险峻、横空出世的雄伟气势,使唐代诗人李白发峨眉高出西极天、蜀国多仙山,峨眉邈难匹之赞叹。峨眉山以多雾著称,常年云雾缭绕,雨丝霏霏。弥漫山间的云雾,变化万千,把峨眉山装点得婀娜多姿。 峨眉山层峦叠嶂、山势雄伟,景色秀丽,气象万千,素有一山有四季,十里不同天之妙喻。清代诗人谭钟岳将峨眉山佳景概括为十种:金顶祥光、象池月夜、九老仙府、洪椿晓雨、白水秋风、双桥清音、大坪霁雪、灵岩叠翠、罗峰晴云、圣积晚钟。现在人们又不断发现和创造了许多新景观,如红珠拥翠、虎溪听泉、龙江栈道、龙门飞瀑、雷洞烟云、接引飞虹、卧云浮舟、冷杉幽林等。峨眉新十景为:金顶金佛、万佛朝宗、小平情缘、清音平湖、幽谷灵猴、第一山亭、摩崖石刻、

秀甲瀑布、迎宾滩、名山起点。无不引人入胜。进入山中,重峦叠嶂,古木参天;峰回路转,云断桥连;涧深谷幽,天光一线;万壑飞流,水声潺潺;仙雀鸣唱,彩蝶翩翩;灵猴嬉戏,琴蛙奏弹;奇花铺径,别有洞天。春季万物萌动,郁郁葱葱;夏季百花争艳,姹紫嫣红;秋季红叶满山,五彩缤纷;冬季银装素裹,白雪皑皑。登临金顶极目远望,视野宽阔无比,景色十分壮丽。观日出、云海、佛光、晚霞,令人心旷神怡;西眺皑皑雪峰、贡嘎山、瓦屋山,山连天际;南望万佛顶,云涛滚滚,气势恢弘;北瞰百里平川,如铺锦绣,大渡河、青衣江尽收眼底。置身峨眉之巅,真有一览众山小之感叹。 峨眉山山区云雾多,日照少,雨量充沛。平原部分属亚热带湿润季风气候,一月平均气温约6.9度,七月平均气温26.1度;因峨眉山海拔较高而坡度较大,气候带垂直分布明显,海拔1500米~2100米属暖温带气候;海拔2100米~2500米属中温带气候;海拔2500米以上属亚寒带气候。海拔2000米以上地区,约有半年为冰雪覆盖,时间为10月到次年4月。 峨眉景区随海拔高度的不同,而呈现不同的气候特征。清音阁以下为低山区,植被葱郁、风爽泉清,气温与平原无大差异,早晚略添衣着即可。清音阁至洗象池为中山区,气温已较山下平原低4℃—5℃,游客需备足衣物。洗象池至金顶为高山区,人行云中,风寒雨骤,气温比山下报国寺等处低约12℃左右。山上为游客准备了大量棉大衣,可供游人租用。峨眉山中间有一条界线,山下被称为阳间,山上被称为阴间。积云有一定的重量,所以在峨眉山的那条界线的位置。因此,


峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词 乐山大佛,又名凌云大佛,位于四川省乐山市南岷江东岸凌 云寺侧,濒大渡河、青衣江和岷江三江汇流处。大佛为弥勒佛坐像,通高71米,是中国最大的一尊摩崖石刻造像。下面是WTT为 大家带来的关于“峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词”,欢迎阅读! 峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词 Emei Mountain lies seven kilometers southwest of Emeishan City and is one of the four mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996. The mountain stretches more than 200 kilometers from south to north. Its main peak, Wanfo Top, is 3,099 meters above sea level. Since ancient times Emei Mountain has been described as “Beauty Under Heaven”. Temples were built as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25--220) and Buddhism was introduced to the mountain during the Jin Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties there were more than 150 temples. A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple,


都江堰的导游词3篇 都江堰不仅是举世闻名的中国古代水利工程,也是著名的风景名胜区。下面是为大家带来的都江堰的导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 都江堰的导游词范文1:都江堰水利工程充分利用当地西北高、东南低的地理条件,根据江河出山口处特殊的地形、水脉、水势,乘势利导,无坝引水,自流灌溉,使堤防、分水、泄洪、排沙、控流相互依存,共为体系,保证了防洪、灌溉、水运和社会用水综合效益的充分发挥。都江堰建成后,成都平原沃野千里,“水旱从人,不知饥馑,时无荒年,谓之天府”。四川的经济文化有很大发展。其最伟大之处是建堰两千多年来经久不衰,而且发挥着愈来愈大的效益。都江堰的创建,以不破坏自然资源,充分利用自然资源为人类服务为前提,变害为利,使人、地、水三者高度协调统一。 都江堰渠首枢纽主要由鱼嘴、飞沙堰、宝瓶口三大主体工程构成。三者有机配合,相互制约,协调运行,引水灌田,分洪减灾,具有“分四六,平潦旱”的功效。 著名的古代水利工程都江堰,位于四川都江堰市城西,古时属都安县境而名为都安堰,宋元后称都江被誉为“独奇千古”的“镇川之宝” 。两千年前,李冰父子面对桀骜不驯的岷江水,火攻玉垒化为离堆。鱼嘴堤分水、飞沙堰溢洪、宝瓶口引水,将逢雨必涝的西蜀平原,化作了水旱从人,不知饥馑的天府之国。这项工程直到今天还在1 / 6

发挥着作用,被称为“活的水利博物馆”。是全世界至今为止年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。 一千八百多年前,道教创始人张陵看中了青城山的碧绿清幽,决定在此修炼道法。青城山的香火愈来愈盛,但道家修建的观宇与亭阁始终深藏于密林之间,与四周的山林岩泉融为一体。 独特的地理条件和生态环境造就了离堆锁峡、金堤夕照、雄关古道、玉垒仙都、寒潭伏龙、笮桥飞虹、玉女仙姿、岷山晓雪、宝瓶春晓等自然景观,与二王庙、伏龙观、安澜索桥、城隍庙等古代建筑交相辉映,形成了山、水、城、林、堰、桥融为一体的独特风光,成为自然与文化、人类与环境、水利工程与山水风光和谐融合、天人合一的千古奇观。具有极强的观赏性、生态性、特色性。 都江堰的导游词范文2:都江堰市(原灌县)介于北纬30°44′—31°22,东京103°25′-—103°47′之间,东西宽54公里,南北长68公里,幅员1211平方公里。位于成都平原西北边缘,东南距成都市48公里。辖12镇16个乡、2个开发区和9个街道管委会。总人55万人。 地势西北高、东南低。山地、平原、水域面积大体为6:3:1。都江堰市属中亚热带湿润气候区,四季分明,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,雨量充沛,空气清新,气候宜人。都江堰市始建于蜀汉,有着20xx 多年的悠久历史,因地处都江堰首,当时故名灌县,1988年5月,经国务院批准撤销灌县设立都江堰市,1994年被国务院列为国家历2 / 6


四川-都江堰英文导游词_大学英语作文 The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. More than 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, designed this water control and irrigation dam and organized thousands of local people to complete the project to check the Mingjiang River.For many years the river,flooded the Chengdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster. Due to the success of the project, the dam automatically diverts the Mingjiang River and channels it into irrigation canals. For many years the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works. Expansion has been undertaken since 1949 and at present the system does a good job of irrigating farming land across 33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has supported a large amount of people in their daily life. What makes this system so good? The system is a large hydraulic water project which consists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Fence, and the Bottle-Neck Channel. The Fish mouth functions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, when Li Bing worked as the local governor of the Shu State, he found the old river canal was too narrow to hold much water, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic conditions, he organized the people to build a man-made dam. The whole dam looks like a fish, and the front dam has a circular cone shaped like a fish mouth. It is the dam that channels water into an outer canal and an inner canal. The outer water canal functions as the main stream and holds sixty percent of water in the river. The extra water goes through the inner canal for irrigation in Chengdu areas. The Flying Sand Fence joins the inner and outer canals. The fence functions to controll the flow of wate [1] [2] 下一页 As our economy grows at a fever pitch, and more and more people are moving into the major cities and industrial centers, traffic congestion becomes the order of the day. Traffic congestion not only creates headaches for commuters, but also reduces productivity by taking away valuable time from work. This sickness that plagues our cities must be at least put under control, if not cured. Some people advocate that more roads be built to accommodate the increase in traffic, others think that enlarging the capacity of public transit systems: b uses, subway, trains…is the answer. Building more roads would mean a lot of land will be appropriated—not a very good prospect for economic, agricultural, and environmental reasons. On the other hand, forcing everyone to take public transit will bring inconvenience to those whose use of their cars is essential to their work. Putting more buses on the road may have the opposite effect as big buses tend to clog up narrow streets. Building an extensive subway system can be the ideal answer, but that is very expensive. Clearly, we cannot go for one single solution. A compromise must be struck between the different solutions. My personal view is that for cities that have plenty of unused land, more roads should be built. Having special lanes reserved for bicycles and motorcycles should encourage more people to use bicycles and motorcycles instead of cars. As a long-term solution, extensive


峨眉山导游词范文(通用3篇) 峨眉山导游词1 各位游客,大家好。今天我就带大家畅游中国佛教四大名山——峨眉山。 位于四川盆地西南这一得天独厚的地理位置,峨眉山的“雄、秀、神、奇、幽”,获得了“植物王国”、“动物乐园”、“地质博物馆”、“仙山佛国”、“天下峨眉秀”等赞誉。难怪明代诗人周洪漠由衷地咏叹:“三峨秀色甲天下,何须涉海寻蓬莱。” 峨眉山层峦叠嶂,山势雄伟,景色秀丽,气象万千,素有“一山有四季,十里不同天”的美誉。下面我们来领略一下峨眉的甲山秀色,魅水柔情吧? 首先,我们来看一下倾倒无数古人的十景吧。 我们先来到入山第一大寺,这里有传说之中四川省最大的一口铜钟——圣积晚钟。据载此钟于夏历晦望二日之夕敲击,每击可历一分五十秒,近能闻洪壮之声,静能闻韵澈之声。 草丰竹秀,涧谷环流,古楠耸翠,曲径通幽;这就是我们美不胜收的“萝峰晴云”,“一尘不染三千界,万法皆因十二因”正是点染了这个绝尘脱俗的好地方。而“峨眉山十景之胜”的“灵岩叠翠”古刹坍塌,灵岩依旧殿宇重叠,密林掩映,丹岩凝翠。 来到与龙门洞合称“水圣双绝”的清音阁,玲珑精巧的

楼阁居高临下,黑白二水拍击着岿然不动的牛心石,我们再来看看龙门峡上浑然天成的“九龙吐水”“九龙游水”,感受一下它的神奇与壮阔。 庄子曾言:“上古有大椿者,以八百岁为春,八百岁为秋”,我们现在就很荣幸的看到这些见证了历史沧桑的古树,亲身感受自然地神韵。 “晴雪初霁,幽峭精绝”,这就是峨眉雪的形式美态——大坪霁雪。 下面我们看到的是妙绝神奇的“九老仙府”和最富感情色彩的“象池月夜”。看到它们,我们会不由得赞叹自然地鬼斧神工。 我要隆重的介绍的是峨眉山的精华所在——金顶祥光。它包括浩瀚壮阔的日出奇观,正所谓:“不徙高寒处,安知天地宽”,说的正是它的博大;还包括变幻万千,气象雄伟的云海;神奇玄妙,圣洁会赢的佛光;还有人称“万盏明灯朝普贤”的圣灯。 下面,我们来看一下当下赢得万千宠爱的十个景点吧? 旷世之作“十方普贤像”凝结了海峡两岸艺术家的结晶,具有极高的文化价值与观赏审美价值。 接着,我们看到的这些可爱活泼的小猴子正是“峨眉山的精灵”,它们嬉闹顽皮滑稽可掬而又极通人性,见人不惊,与人同乐,能给我们带来很多的乐趣呢。 接下来我们来到的是峨眉山最高峰——万佛顶。在晨或暮,我们有机会听到古朴庄重的“祝愿古钟”,可消除各种


都江堰导游词3篇 都江堰的三大主体工程就是这样工作的。其中不难发现,鱼嘴、飞沙堰、宝瓶口的功用是相辅相成的。下面是为大家带来的都江堰导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 都江堰导游词范文1:都江堰市(原灌县)介于北纬30°44′—31°22,东京103°25′-—103°47′之间,东西宽54公里,南北长68公里,幅员1211平方公里。位于成都平原西北边缘,东南距成都市48公里。 辖12镇16个乡、2个开发区和9个街道管委会。总人55万人。地势西北高、东南低。山地、平原、水域面积大体为6:3:1。都江堰市属中亚热带湿润气候区,四季分明,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,雨量充沛,空气清新,气候宜人。都江堰市始建于蜀汉,有着20xx多年的悠久历史,因地处都江堰首,当时故名灌县,1988年5月,经国务院批准撤销灌县设立都江堰市,1994年被国务院列为国家历史文化名城。 都江堰市是一座新兴的中等工业旅游城市。目前,该市已初步建成电力、机械、化工、食品等支柱产业。旅游业也是都江堰市一个重要的支柱产业,都江堰水利工程、青城后山、龙池“三区”、灵岩寺都是国内和世界知名的景区。在四川省经济综合评价十强县中都江堰市位列第五。 1 / 7

都江堰市因堰而闻名,境内闻名世界的最古老的水利工程都江堰,被誉为“活的水利博物馆”、“水文化摇篮”,是中国和世界水利史上的奇珍。奔流不息的岷江水分成密如蛛网的灌溉渠系成为天府之国的生命之源,千百年来一直被誉为镶嵌在锦秀天府的一颗明珠,享有“天府之源”的美称。 都江堰导游词范文2:各位朋友大家好!都江堰被誉为“世界水利文化的鼻祖”,是全国著名的旅游胜地。今天,就由小梦来陪大家一起畅游都江堰,了解水利工程,祝大家吃好喝好玩好睡好。 都江堰位于四川省成都市都江堰市灌口镇,是中国建设于古代并使用至今的大型水利工程。都江堰是由齐国蜀郡太守李冰及其子率众于公元265年左右修建的,是全世界迄今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。大家都知道二郎神吧,二郎神便是李冰的儿子,由于李冰无子,传说而来。为纪念父子俩,修建了我们旁边的这座二王庙,也是观看都江堰最好的观景点。今天,我们来一个逆向思维——倒着走。都江堰主要分为三个部分,鱼嘴、飞沙堰和宝瓶口,今天,我们先从鱼嘴看起。 鱼嘴分水堤又称“鱼嘴”,因其形状像一张鳄鱼的嘴巴而得名,昂头于岷江江心,将岷江分为内外两江,东边的内江用于灌溉农田,西边的外江则用于排洪。鱼嘴主要起到两个作用:四六分水,二八分沙。二八分沙是指沉淀在河床上的泥沙经过鱼嘴上的一颗颗排列整齐的小石头,而使其外江的沙占八成,内江的沙占二成。这样,灌溉农2 / 7


个台阶即是有名的砖殿.此殿构造奇巧,是仿印度热那寺形式建筑,上为半球形的穹窿顶,四方和中央有五尊塔, 前后还有四只鹿子, 表示吉祥. 下面为正方形, 所谓天圆地方. 殿高18. 2 2米,长宽各16.02米,完全用砖砌成.殿前后有门对通,殿内顶部饰飞天藻井,四周有七层环形龛座,供小铁佛1080尊.这座建筑400年来,经历了5-7.9级的地震 18次,而安然无恙,被誉为我国古代建筑史上的奇迹. 砖殿里面供的是公元980年茂真和尚主持铸造的铜质普贤骑象. 像通高7. 85米, 重62吨,比例匀称,造型生动,铸工精良,为国家一级保护文物,是研究我国古代铸造艺术的珍贵实物. 右边这座楼叫行愿楼,楼上有三件宝:佛牙,贝叶经,御印.佛牙是明嘉靖年间锡兰(今斯里兰卡)友人所赠,长44公分,重6.5公斤,据鉴定为距今约六十万年的剑齿象化石;贝叶经为明嘉靖年间暹罗(今泰国)国王所赠,用梵文书写的《法华经》 , 御印是万历皇帝朱翊钧敕建砖殿时钦赐,上刻普贤愿王之宝,上方刻大明万历,左边刻御题砖殿,右边刻国王所赠,用梵文书写的《法华经》 .御印是万历皇帝朱翊钧建砖殿时钦赐, 上刻普贤愿王之宝, 上方刻大明万历, 左边刻御题砖殿, 右边刻敕赐峨山. 巍峨宝殿内供阿弥陀佛铜像,为明嘉靖年间铸造.后殿为韦驮彩绘泥塑像.大雄宝殿内有三尊铜像,为三身佛,每尊高3.85米,铜铸敷金,嘉靖年间别传和尚筹铸.左右两厢供十八罗汉. 万年寺还有一段光荣历史,那就是唐代开元年间,诗人李白来游峨眉山时,住在万年寺毗卢殿,尝听广浚和尚弹琴.后人曾在白水池畔建立廊亭为之纪念,上置木牌,刻大唐李白听琴处.李白喜欢峨眉仙山尤喜峨眉山月,因此曾写下千古传颂的《峨眉山月歌》 :峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流.夜发清溪向三峡,思君不见下渝州.他下山后还写了一首《听蜀僧浚弹琴》 :蜀僧抱绿绮,西下峨眉峰.为我一挥手,如听万壑松.客心洗流水, 余响入霜钟.不觉碧山暮,秋云暗几重. 万年寺的景致非常优美,特别是到了秋天,树叶泛红,倒映在白水池中,风起叶动, 池里阵阵红波闪动,十分迷人.白水秋风为峨眉山十景之一. 白水池中还生息着一种令人喜爱的小精灵--弹琴蛙.天气晴朗,游人站在池旁,轻轻击掌,它立刻就会弹起琴来,清脆悦耳宛如弹奏古筝,为游人频添情趣. 这里还有一景向大家介绍,那就是从寺右侧而进,沿石笋沟上约2公里处的石笋峰, 石笋沟就是白水,溪水湍激,穿崖破石,汇流于清音阁下.石笋峰为峨眉山的奇峰,直指苍穹,似春笋出土,如玉柱擎天,堪称奇绝. 4.慈圣庵


片头:In China, Chengdu is always praised as 天府之国, which means 'Land of Abundance'. Over 2,200 years ago, the city was greatly threatened by the frequent floods caused by flooding of the Minjiang River ——a tributary of the Yangtze River. Li Bing, a local official of Sichuan Province at that time, together with his son, decided to construct an irrigation system on the Minjiang River to prevent flooding. After a lengthy study and a lot of hard work by the local people, the great Dujiangyan Irrigation System was completed. Since then, the Chengdu Plain has been free of flooding and the people have been living peacefully and affluently. Now, the project is honored as the 'Treasure of Sichuan', which still plays a crucial role in draining off floodwater, irrigating farms and providing water resources for more than 50 cities in the province. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to express warm welcome on behalf of SiChuan citizens. It’s a great pleasure for me to be your tour guide today and from now on I will show you around Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which is the oldest and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world, as well as a wonder in the development of Chinese science. 都江堰:Dujiangyan is the oldest and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world; and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. The project consists of three important parts, namely 鱼嘴(Fish Mouth Water-dividing Dam), 飞沙堰(Flying Sand Fence) and 宝瓶口(Bottle Neck Channel) scientifically designed to


四川-都江堰英文导游词Expansion has been undertaken since 1949 and at present the system does a good job of irrigating farming land across 33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has supported a large amount of people in their daily life. What makes this system so good? The system is a large hydraulic water project which consists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Fence, and the Bottle-Neck Channel. The Fish mouth functions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, when Li Bing worked as the local governor of the Shu State, he found the old river canal was too narrow to hold much water, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic conditions, he organized the people to build a man-made dam. The whole dam looks like a fish, and the front dam has a circular cone shaped like a fish mouth. It is the dam that channels water into an outer canal and an inner canal. The outer water canal functions as the main stream and holds sixty percent of water in the river. The extra water goes through the inner canal for irrigation in Chengdu areas. The Flying Sand Fence joins the inner and outer canals. The fence functions to controll the flow of water and discharge excess into the inner canal from the main


峨眉山景点导游词 参考学习 峨眉山景点导游词1 大家早上好我是旅游公司的王导,欢迎来到我们四川天府之国——峨眉山,这里山清水秀、气候宜人,希望大家在这里度过一个难忘而又快乐的一天。 峨眉山景区面积有154平方公里,最高海拔约有3099米,是著名的旅游胜地和佛教名山,被称为植物王国、动物世界,还被诗人说成”峨眉天下秀”,峨眉山到至今已有2300种动物了,其中也有很多又有品种,比如大熊猫、娃娃鱼……首先我带你们参观报国寺景区,这里有很多古代的建筑,寺庙相对集中,人文景观丰富,位于峨眉山的低山区,而且交通非常方便。 一会儿我会带大家去一线天、猴山,最后去金顶。 这就是一线天,两边高悬,只见青天一线,所以叫一线天。 接下来我介绍给大家的就是猴山,那里的猴子十分懒惰,会抢游客手里的零食、水果、相机……穿裙子的小姐请注意,这里有一种流氓猴,会揭小姐的裙子哦有兴趣的还可以跟猴子一起合影。 接着我们去坐索道上金顶,今天如果你幸运的话,就可以看到佛光,佛光这个名称的由来有个传说。那是几千年前的事了。从前有个叫蒲公的人,他天天上山采药,熬药给那些有病的苦难人喝,让菩萨看到了,菩萨看到了此景被深深感动了,赋予了她幸福,以后人们就把能看见佛光当作一种吉祥的象征。并且给它起了个名字叫”金顶祥

光”. 我们游玩了整个峨眉山,你们应该对峨眉山留下了深刻的印象吧你们有机会再来到峨眉山游玩吧 峨眉山景点导游词2 青神县位于四川盆地西部,北连眉山县,南接乐山市市中区,东与仁寿、井研接壤,西同夹江县相邻。幅员面积386.8平方公里,人口20余万人,其中非农业人口2.7万人。辖4个镇、14个乡。是中国有名的竹编之乡和椪柑之乡。西魏废帝二年(553)设置青神郡,为青神建政之始,后二年(555),在青神城郡设青衣县,北周武帝保定二年(562)改为青城县,宣帝大成元年(579)取“蚕从氏青衣以劝民农桑,民皆神之”意,定名青神县。 青神是较早以渔牧耕织生息发展的社区之一。县内大春以稻为主,年产5.8吨;小春以小麦为主,年产量1.40吨;油菜在经济作物中占主导地位,年产量达4000吨。其它经济作物还有花生、土菸、甘蔗等。青神是蚕丛氏的纪念地,养蚕业称发达。晚清,县属汉阳丝市与成都簇桥丝市并列为川西南两大丝市。目前蚕茧年产量可达1300吨,栽桑、养蚕、缫丝、织绸一条龙格局初步形成。青神林业、渔业、畜牧业资源丰富。 有林木150多种,其中用材林46种,以马尾松为主,还有楠木、香樟等名贵木材。畜牧业以生猪为龙头,年出栏肉猪17余万头。县内工业以县城为中心,以名优特新产品为拳头,形成机械、化工、造纸、建材、食品加工、制药、丝绸、针纺织、竹编等多种门类的具有域特色的工业体系。县内交通条件得到明显改善。已建成高标准水泥


都江堰青城山导游词 青城山是世界文化遗产,世界自然遗产,国家重点风景名胜区,吸引了来自世界各地的游客来参观,导游要做好景点介绍的工作,让游客了解青城山的特色景色。下面是学识网为大家带来的都江堰青城山导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 都江堰青城山导游词篇1 众所周知,都江堰水利工程是由李冰父子于公元前256年修建的,它位于四川盆地边缘的岷江中游,今都江堰市城西,距成都60公里左右。它是集防洪、航运、灌溉为一体的水利工程。距今已有2200多年的历史。它不仅是我国最古老、最伟大的水利工程,也是全世界迄今为止,年代最久远、唯一留存下来并以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。都江堰的灌溉面积超过1000万亩。2200多年来,都江堰仍在正常发挥着它的各项社会功用,而与其同时代修建的郑国渠、灵渠的社会功用却已经早早的废弛了,大家就不禁要问,都江堰为什么能数十年、数百年、甚至数千年如一日的灌溉着成都平原,这样历久不衰。这其中到底有什么奥秘呢? 其实啊。原因就在于都江堰水利工程修建的科学性,可能大家都知道都江堰水利工程是有鱼嘴分水堤、飞沙堰泄洪道、宝瓶口引水口三大主体工程构成,它科学的解决了江水自动分流、自动排沙、控制水量等问题,使成都平原成为“水旱从人,食无荒年,不知饥馑”的天府之国。都江堰之所以能稳稳当当的造福千年,还得益于这三大渠首

工程。 首先,让我们看看鱼嘴分水堤的妙用,那顾名思义,是该工程大堤前端形似鱼嘴,故而得名,它的主要功能是分水,将上游奔流而下的江水一分为二,左边称为外江,俗称金马河,是岷江的主流,主要用于排洪,右边沿山脚的是内江,为人工引水渠道,主要用于灌溉。鱼嘴的设置极为巧妙,它充分利用地形地势巧妙地完成分流引水大的任务,并且在洪水枯水季节不同水位条件下,起着调节水量的作用。春天,也就是枯水季节时,岷江水量小,灌区正值春耕,需要用水,这时岷江主流直入内江,水量约占六成,外江四成,这样可以保证灌溉,夏季洪水季节时,在弯道动力学原理的作用下,二者的比例会自动的颠倒过来,内江四成,外江六成,使灌区不受水灾。二王庙墙壁上刻的治水《三字经》中说的“分四六,平潦旱”就是说的鱼嘴这一天然调节分流比例的作用。 除了分水这个功用外,鱼嘴还有排沙的重要功用,因其建在岷江大弯道的下方,因而外江处于凸岸,内江处于凹岸。当洪水季节来临时,水流夹带的大量沙石到大弯道时,不可避免地形成巨大的漩涡,此时含沙量大,重而沉底的底层水被离心力甩出,与百分之六十的主流一起直冲外江,而含沙量小的表层水被离心力甩到凹岸,冲向内江,鱼嘴是二八排沙的,百分之八十外江,百分之二十内江。 鱼嘴说完了,现在我们接着看看飞沙堰的功能,飞沙堰位于鱼嘴下方1070米处,长200米,高米,是一个看似平凡的工程,其实它的功用却非常的大,可以毫不夸张的说,它是确保成都平原不受水旱


四川省峨眉山导游词 篇一:四川峨眉山导游词范文格式 大家好!我是你们的导游——段若钰,今天由我来为大家讲解峨眉山的风景文化。 峨眉山,位于中国四川省峨眉山,最高峰海拔3099米,是一个国家级风景名胜区。峨眉山平畴突起,它以优美的自然风光、丰富的佛教文化,成为人们礼佛朝拜、游览观光的胜地。 峨眉山高出五岳、秀甲天下。峨眉山有十处佳景:如“金顶祥光”、“琴蛙弹奏”等。人们还创造了许多新景观。站在山上,青衣江尽收眼底。置身峨眉之巅,真有“一览众山小”之感慨。 在峨眉山生长的植物中,有著名的峨眉冷杉、桢楠等。有品种繁多的兰花、杜鹃花等,这些植物还给各类动物创造了一个天然的乐园。与人同乐的峨眉山猴群,已成为峨眉山中独具一格的“活景观”而举世闻名。 峨眉山是我国四大佛教圣地之一。使峨眉山逐步成为中国乃至世界影响甚深的佛教圣地。这些丰富的佛教文化遗产是中华民族文化宝库中的瑰宝,因此被人们称之为“仙山佛国”。峨眉山千百年来香火旺盛,永葆魅力。 这次的峨眉山之旅已经结束,有时机您带着您的家人再来细细游览峨眉山秀美的自然风光和博大丰富佛教的文化。 篇二:四川峨眉山导游词范文格式

今天我们要去的风景名胜区是举世闻名的峨眉山。 关于峨眉山还有一个传说:从前,峨眉县城西门外,有一个西坡寺。有一年,来了一个鹤发苍苍的老画家,这画家和寺里一个和尚交情很好。后来,老画家跟和尚告别了,临走时送给了和尚四幅画,并吩咐和尚要把这四幅放在箱子里,过上七七四十九天才能拿出来挂。可和尚觉得这么好的画放在箱子里太可惜了,于是就把那四幅画挂起来了。 一天,他出去后回来,见到四位姑娘,觉的很眼熟。侯来才发现那些姑娘是墙上的画。他立即去追,应为姐姐们跑得快,他只抓住了四妹。四妹见不得脱身,就喊:“大姐、二姐、三姐,快来救我!”三个姐姐见四妹被和尚拖住不放,就骂:“这和尚真不害羞!”四妹因为隔得远,只听到“不害羞”三个字,以为姐姐们在骂她,羞得满脸绯红,无地自容,便立即变成一座山峰。和尚突然不见了姑娘,面前却出现了一座大山,心想,你变成山我也在旁边等着你,反正不能放走你。三个姐姐见四妹变成了一座山,也变成三座山等着她。后来,和尚死在山旁边,变成了一个瓷罗汉,仍然守着山。人们在那里修了一个庙,就叫“瓷佛寺”。四姐妹变成的四座山峰,一座比一座美。后来人们就把娥眉的“娥”字改写成山傍的“峨”字。大姐就叫大峨山,二姐就叫二峨山,三姐就叫三峨山,四妹就叫四峨山。至今,大峨山、二峨山和三峨山,还并肩站在一起,只有四峨山隔了一段距离。 峨眉山的风景美不胜收。多少文人墨客慕名造访,他们留下的诗词文章、行迹遗迹,寻之不尽、数之不清。唐代诗人李白诗曰:“蜀
