


Vocabulary (20 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (20*1=20 marks)

( ) 1. Put on your __________. The sun is shining


A. cap

B. hat

C. umbrella

D. helmet

( ) 2. The puppy is hiding in its ____________.

A. burrow

B. kennel

C. hutch

D. hut

( ) 3. The ___________ of thunder frightened the children.

A. rumbling

B. crying

C. shouting

D. screaming

( ) 4. Don't __________ your teacher as she is busy.

A. disturb

B. attract

C. help

D. assist

( ) 5. Donald took a __________ to school.

A. bus

B. lorry

C. truck

D. train

( ) 6. She was really __________ to have survived the crash.

A. silly

B. lucky

C. foolish

D. silly

( ) 7. This pen is too __________. I cannot afford it.

A. cheap

B. expensive

C. tiny

D. huge

( ) 8. The elephant has two white ____________.

A. trunks

B. tusks

C. sticks

D. wands

( ) 9. Some people believe in the existence of flying


A. saucers

B. plates

C. bowls

D. trays

( ) 10. Lily enjoys ___________.

A. papers

B. beads

C. cards

D. chess

( ) 11. It is dangerous to cycle on a _________ road.

A. quiet

B. busy

C. vacant

D. big

( ) 12. Stop building __________ in the air, Shela!

A. bungalows

B. flats

C. castles

D. squatters

( ) 13. Father bought me a ___________ that speaks


A. sparrow

B. nestling

C. parrot

D. swallow

( ) 14. Pauline struts like a ___________.

A. piglet

B. leopard

C. monkey

D. peacock

( ) 15. Larry won a __________ in the swimming meet.

A. cup

B. trophy

C. kettle

D. bottle

( ) 16. The sky is getting __________. It may rain soon.

A. fair

B. dark

C. clear

D. foggy

( ) 17. The rabbits __________ in the ground.

A. burrow

B. drift

C. swim

D. pull

( ) 18. Water becomes ice when __________.

A. frozen

B. melted

C. boiled

D. hot

( ) 19. The snake __________ to the music of the flute.

A. changed

B. leaped

C. ran

D. swayed

( ) 20. A/An _________ measures the temperature of objects.

A. oven

B. flask

C. thermometer

D. tropical

Grammar(30 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

21. Minah has ( order, orders, ordered ) a plate of noodles.

22. The handbag was ( find, finds, found ) under the table.

23. 'Wayangs' are operas ( perform, performs, performed ) on stage in open fields.

24. The cat ( catch, catches, caught ) the rat which ran too slowly.

25. Bees ( live, lives, living ) together in colonies.

26. The birds ( on, at, into ) the branches are chirping merrily.

27. This is Kaiming's first ( offend, offended, offence ).

28. Rodney has ( drink, drank, druck ) all the milk in the bottle.

29. Veloo has a large collection ( on, of, in ) stamps.

30. Mother was ( please, pleases, pleased ) with Deliang's progress.

31. I need ( any, many, some ) thread to make a doll.

32. He has ( improve, improves, improved ) in his English over the past months.

33. It ( pained, pain, paining ) Charles to see Ken suffering.

34. ( Why, How, What ) is Justin grinning?

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)

35. enjoyed show The children the watching interesting

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

36. have one the You can pen blue either the or red

___________________________________________________________ ___________


37. her looks in Rant lovely gown new

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

38. is at Kelly jokes laughing Jasmine's

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

39. are their parents gate The boys meeting at the school

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

40. is bird a the graceful swan

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

41. the too are hands big my gloves for

___________________________________________________________ ___________

___________________________________________________________ ___________

42. whistles is he Tom happy when

___________________________________________________________ ___________


Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

Catherine is standing outside a (43) __________ decorated house. She is (44) __________ for the owner to (45) __________ the keys. She feels (46) __________ with only a gate separating her from the (47) _________ dog. She has (48) ________ asking people for donations for the aged. She is not so (49) _________ now. The dog is moving (50) __________ to the unlocked gate. He gives a fierce (51) _________. Catherine (52) ___________ and takes to her heels.

Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

Last Sunday, Lindy and her family went to the East Coast Park. They went there early in the morning as Mr Lim wanted to have a morning jog. The family jogged for one hour before they proceeded to do their favourite activity. They liked to cycle and enjoyed the breeze. While they cycled, they chatted and admired the beautiful scenery. After that, Lindy pestered her parents to skate with her. Eventually, Mr and Mrs Lim agreed reluctantly. They did not like that activity as they felt they were too old for it. They skated for an hour and felt tired and hungry. As they had not eaten pizza for a long time, they had their meal at the nearby pizza restaurant.

( ) 53. Lindy and her family went to the East Coast Park early in the morning as ___________.

A. it was a Sunday

B. it was less crowded in the early morning

C. Mr Lim wanted to have a jog

D. Lindy wanted to roller-blade

( ) 54. ___________ is their favourite activity.

A. Jogging

B. Cycling

C. Eating

D. Skating

( ) 55. Mr and Mrs Lim are ___________.

A. friends

B. neighbours

C. Lindy's grandparents

D. Lindy's parents

( ) 56. Lindy's parents did not like to skate because ___________.

A. they did not know how to do it

B. it was not fun

C. they thought the sport was not for people their age

D. it was a tiring sport

( ) 57. They had lunch at the pizza resturant because ___________.

A. they were hungry

B. they were tired

C. it was lunch time

D. they had not eaten pizza for a long time

Comprehension OE (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Hai Raya Puasa is a Muslim festival. It is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. During the fasting period, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They break their fast daily by praying in the evening. The Muslims will buy various kinds of goodies for the children a week or two before the festival. On the eve of Hari Raya, they prepare food which is

for feasting together with their Muslim friends and relatives. This shows clearly their working spirit ('gotong royong').

Their specialties such as 'satay' and 'ketupat' are very popular among

non-Muslims too. The Muslims attend mosque services in their new clothes on Hari Raya. Visting relatives and friends is another customary practive. The Muslims also invite their friends of other races to their homes where many delicacies are served on this special occasion.

58. What is the purpose of Hari Raya Puasa?

___________________________________________________________ ____________

59. How do the Muslims break their fast every day?

___________________________________________________________ ____________

60. What do Muslims do a week or two before the festival?

___________________________________________________________ ____________

61. What is the meaning of 'gotong royong'?

___________________________________________________________ ____________

62. Give another customary practice besides visitations on the day of Hari Raya.

___________________________________________________________ ____________

Guided Writing(20 marks)

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words and phrases in the box.

Mother's Day

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________ _________________


Primary 2 English

Practice 2

1.A 5.A 9.A 13.C 17.A

2.B 6.B 10.D 14.D 18.A

3.A 7.B 11.B 15.B 19.D

4.A 8.B 12.C 16.B 20.C

35. The children enjoyed watching the interesting show.

36. You can have either the blue pen or the red one.

37. Rani looks lovely in her new gown.

38. Kelly is laughing at Jasmine's jokes.

39. The boys are meeting their parents at the school gate.

40. The swan is a graceful bird.

41. The gloves are too big for my hands.

42. Tom whistles when he is happy.

43. beautifully 44. waiting 45. get 46. uncomfortable 47. ferocious 48. enjoyed 49. sure 50. closer 51. growl 52. panics

53. C 54. B 55. D 56. C 57. D

58. Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated to mark the end of the month of fasting.

59. They break their fast daily by praying in the evening.

60. They buy different types of goodies for the children.

61. It means the spirit of working together.

62. The Muslims attend mosque services in their new clothes.


新加坡的小学英语科 新加坡实行双语教育 政策,即所有的学生,一方面要学习自己的母语哩另一方面又要学习英语。英语也是新加坡政府规定的四种官方语言之一,又是惟一法定的工作语言,虽然新加坡华人占绝大多数,但英语并非“外语” ,而是最重要的国语。由此有人指出,新加坡的“双语教育”政策的实质是“双语教育,英语为本”。 新加坡小学的教育目标是为以后的学习打下基础,因而主要课程是母语、英语和数学,其中母语和英语尤其重要。由于新加坡实行分流教育制度,导致不同阶段不同班级对英语的要求有所不同。小学一年级至四年级为基础阶段、所有的学生都必须学习英语,母语和英语都是学习的重点。各校根据教育部课程发展署的规定使用某种教材。1981年开始选用PER(Primary English Programe)和NESPE 两种英语教材,教材仍以结构法(structura1 approach) 为主。1991 年修订新大纲后,强调以交际为主,提倡发展儿童智力、启发逻辑思维穹培养能力。教材改用新编的PETS(Primary English Thematic Series) 。此教材通过教学实验后,师生反映内容较深,儿童难学。 新加坡小学开设的英语课,除正课外,教育部还规定每周有一节英语会话课。会话课由一位教师专门负责辅导,主要启发学生开口讲、参与活动,训练学会思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力,师生反映较好。新加坡小学四年级末通过考试进行分流,学生被分流到不同的班级,进入定向阶段。定向阶段分为正常双语班、延长双语班和单语班,前二者均修读英语和母语,后者只修读母语,虽然英语不是一门正式课程,但仍需学习英语口语。在整个小学阶段,平均而言,学生接触英语的总时间(包括英语科目和用英语教授其他科目占用的时间)比母语要多得多,英语为71%,母语为29%。由此可见,英语在新加坡小学学科课程中是王关重要的。 原文摘自:

新加坡小学一年级英语试卷及答案PRACTICE 1

PRACTICE 1 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Look at the pictures and tick √ the correct boxes. (6*2 = 12 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(B) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks) 7.* *straw *basket 8.* *newspapers 9.* *book *spectacles 10.* *umbrella (C) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets provided.(5*2 = 10 marks) ( ) 11. Mother went to the __________ to buy some fish. A. market B. bookshop C. toilet D. clinic ( ) 12. I like Jenny because she is __________. A. fierce B. kind C. loud D. angry ( ) 13. Peter drinks soup with his ___________. A. fork B. spoon C. hands D. toothpick ( ) 14. She has just taken a meal. She feels ________ now. A. full B. hungry C. sad D. gentle ( ) 15. The sponge is _________. A. hard B. heavy C. soft D. rough Grammar (40 marks)


光亚学校小学二年级上期英语期末测试题 一、Listen and circle.听一听,圈出你听到的图片。 ( 20分) 1、 B.sister 2、 A. boat B.hill 3、 A. flower B.tree 4、 A.bookshop 5、 A. thin B.short

二、Listen and choose.听一听,选一选,将听到的图片序号填在括号内。( 20分) ()1、A. B. ()2、A. B. ()3、A. B. ()4、 A. B. ()5、 A. B. 三、Listen and number.听一听,给图片用1、2、3、3、4、5排序。( 10分) ()()()()()

四、Read and choose.为下列句子选择正确的图片,将对应的图片序号填在括号内。( 6分) A. B. C. D. E. F. ( ) 1、There is a lake in the park. ( ) 2、I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) 3、This is my brother. ( ) 4、Andy is going to school. ( ) 5、She is a girl. She is tall. ( ) 6、Merry Christmas! Here is a present for you. 五、Read and choose.选择英文单词对应的中文意思。( 10分) ()1. sister A. 姐;妹 B. 兄;弟 ()2. woman A. 小女孩 B. 女人 ()3. he A. 他 B你 ()4. mother A. 妈妈 B.祖父 ()5. family A. 同学 B. 家庭 () A.兄弟 B.父亲 ()7. thin A. 瘦的 B. 矮的 ()8. park A. 书店 B. 公园 ()9. flower A. 花 B. 树 ()10. card A. 贺卡 B. 飞机


小学二年级英语练习题(三篇) 【篇一】 Four Good FriendsMary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Marys favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France. 16 is Nancys number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kates father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kates lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together. 阅读短文,回答问题。 1. Whats Marys favorite number? 2. Whats Nancys favorite country? 3. Whats Kates fathers job? 4. Does Kate like Chinese food? 【篇二】 There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, Dont swim in the lake! There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much. ( )1. The park near my house is _____. A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean ( )2. Is there a cafe in the park? ______ A. Yes, there isnt. B. No, there isnt.


PRACTICE 5 Vocabulary (5 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battli ng a/an __________ A. ear B. lips C. eyelid D. no stril ()2. The _________ of elepha nts are stack ing heavy logs. A. bevy B. herd C. flock D. shoal ()3. Despite her many successes, Tenzin rema ins __________ . A. humble B. beautiful C. proud D. silly ()4. We were struck by the __________ of his character. A. shame B. beauty C. model D. attractio n ()5. People on the street are stari ng at that lady's ___________ . A. n eat B. sutiable C. clea n D. stra nge Grammar (35 marks) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks) 6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, in to, on ) a tourist attracti on. 7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later. 8. Of all the childre n, only three ( wear, wears, weari ng ) spectacles. 9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables. 10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar? 11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body. 12. The coc onut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ). 13. My friends ( like, likes, lik ing ) my stickers. 14. The bottle of min eral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty. 15. Mingmei returned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ). 16. There isn't ( eno ugh, few, some ) flour to bake cookies. 17. Weili ng does not ( like, likes, lik ing ) to eat meat.


【精华】 小学二年级英语考试测试卷附答案 (实用版) Listening Part 一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( )2. A. what B. where C.who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( )4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B.slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play ( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. abig duck C. a brown pig ( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( )10. A. some juice B. some water C. somesoup 二.听问题,选出正确的答句:(播二遍) ( )1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( )2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( )3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I needa tie. ( )4. A. I live in SuZhou. B.I love SuZhou. ( )5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane. 三. 听录音,勾出你所听到的内容。(播二遍) monkey horse sheep


1.小学二年级英语练习题 2.26个英文单词 Hand Nose Car Jet Ear Foot Grapes Apple Ice-cream Dog Kite Zipper Star Book Umbrella Pencil Queen Rain Mouth Teeth Orange Violin Watch X’mas Christmas Yolk Lemon 2.课前复习 狼羊水 lair hungry Stream thirsty 一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. big B.six C.nice D. miss ( )2. A. work B.wall C. whose D. watch ( )3. A. sorry C. some D. does ( )4. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday

( )5. A. hear B.pear C.ear D. near ( )6. A. map B.stamp C.face D. cat ( )7. A. three B.those C.their D. these ( )8. A. food B.foot C. book D. good ( )9. A. not D. ant ( )10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls 二、请你按要求完成下列各题。(10分) (I)1. shoes(单数)__________2. bus(复数)_________ 3. don't(完全形式)__________ 4. me(主格) __________ 5. too(同音词) __________ 6. he(物主代词) __________ 7. 努力工作(译成英语) __________8. let us(缩写形式) __________ 9. short(反义词) __________10. over there(汉语意思)__________ (II)翻译下面的短语 1. 二瓶果汁___________ 2. 到这来___________ 3. 在树下___________ 4. 双胞胎兄弟___________ 5. how much ___________ 6. thanks a lot ___________ 7. look after ___________8. put on ___________ 9. 在天空中___________10. 穿红衣服的女孩 ___________ 三、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)


新加坡小学二年级英语试卷P R A C T I C E LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

PRACTICE 3 Vocabulary (15 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks) ( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty ___________. A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop ( ) 2. She strung the __________ into a beautiful necklace. A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters ( ) 3. Mr Tan's __________ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have __________ to hide from enemies. A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips ( ) 5. Adrian plays the ___________ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet ( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was ___________. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried __________ when she lost her pen. A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously ( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _________. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _________ to make the bread. A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed ( ) 10. The __________ arrested the burglar. A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for ________. A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles


小学二年级英语测试卷 班别 姓名 座号 得分 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple 2 at 3 range 4 ouse 5 ion 6 oo 官方网站:哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、英汉连线 … vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶 pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 · 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning. A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing 3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 < A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets 7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom. A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong 8、Do you (去游泳)Yes,I do. A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim


小学英语测试题 听力部分 一、听音,选出正确的图形,在其编号下圈圈。(10分) 1.2. A B A B 3.4. A B A B 5. A B 二、听录音判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(20分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ()( ) ( ) ( ) 9.10. ( ) ( )

三、听录音标号,并把数字填在括号里。(10分) 四、听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A.ear B.eye C.nose ( ) 2.A.face B.foot C.hand ( ) 3.A.hand B.head C.mouth ( ) 4.A.leg B.arm C.finger ( ) 5.A.body B.foot C.head 五、听录音,选出你听到的图形,在下列()里打“√”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ()() ()()()()

六、听录音画画。(10分) 1.()A.Good morning.B.Good night.C.Bye Bye.2.()A.He’s John.B.My name is John . C.This is John.3.()A.Nice to meet you. B.You’re good.C.Goodbye.4.()A.Hello! B.My name’s Sarah. C.I’m Sarah.5.()A.OK.B.Nice to meet you.C.Thank you. 笔试部分 八、看图连线。 Hi,this is Mike. Nice to meet you. Good afternoon Let’s go to school. Touch your foot.


PRACTICE 9 Vocabulary (25 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (10*1=10 marks) ( ) 1. Files and rats are household _________. A. pets B. pests C. friends D. insects ( ) 2. Patrick and John are having a drink at the __________. A. bookshop B. stadium C. cafeteria D. market ( ) 3. The labourers wear _________ to protect their heads. A. helmets B. raincoats C. caps D. scarves ( ) 4. The soles of my shoes need to be mended. A. plumber B. chef C. cobbler D. hawker ( ) 5. Father expects us to be _________ and to listen to what he says. A. obedient B. naughty C. wilful D. drowsy ( ) 6. That building is undergoing major _________. A. renovation B. tearing C. rebuilding D. decoration ( ) 7. The _________ in the rubbish dump smells. A. garage B. garbage C. baggage D. cabbage ( ) 8. The soldiers marched ___________ in the parade. A. shyly B. timidly C. smartly D. bravely ( ) 9. The monkeys __________ incessantly. A. chatter B. chirp C. bark D. mew ( ) 10. Joanie __________ in pain when her father beat her. A. screamed B. laughed C. grinned D. sang Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (5*1=5 marks)

新加坡小学一年级英语试卷及答案PRACTICE 7

PRACTICE 7 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. (10*2=20 marks) 1. Menghua is sick. He has to take ____________. 2. The afternoon sun is glaring. Mrs Lim is wearing a pair of ___________. 3. The ___________ in China are so beautiful. 4.

You have to study hard for your coming _____________. 5. Peter changes into his swimming ___________ before jumping into the pool. 6. It's a ___________ day. Let's fly kites. 7. The __________ is so funny. He makes everyone laugh. 8.

Meimei has a pretty __________ on her hair. 9. I am feeling ___________. Please give me a drink. 10. Ivy needs an _________ for her letter. (B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*1=10 marks)


人教版小学二年级英语期末试题 一、写出下面字母的小写字母. (每小题1分,共10分) H F K G M N P Q S T 二、根据句子意思选择正确的句子填空。(每小题2分,共10分) 1、Bill: How old is you ,Lily ? Lily: () A: I’m six. B: I’m Lily C: I’m a cat D: Good night! 2、Bill: What’s your name? Lily: () A: I’m six. B: I’m Lily C: I’m a cat D: I like yellow. 3、Bill: What’s this? Lily:() A: I’m six. B: I’m Bill C: It’s a cat D: Good night! 4、Bill: What colour do you like? Lily: () A: I’m six. B: I’m Bill C: It’s a cat D: I like yellow. 5、Bill: I like an orange duck? . Lily: () A: I’m six. B: Here you are. C: It’s a cat D: I like blue. 三、将下列单词按项归类。(每词1分,共20分) red brown pear panda eye banana tiger peach hand white grape eraser mouth monkey apple nose black backpack elephant ruler 颜色: 动物: 水果名称: 学习用品: 人体部位: 四、请给下面的单词和汉语找朋友,是朋友的把选项字母填在单词的下面。(每小题1 分,共10分) orange three pineapple rabbit bird A. 3 B. 橙子,橙色 C.瓜 D. 鱼 E. 眼睛 F. 鸟 G. 猴子 H. 菠萝 I. 鸡 J. 兔子 eye chicken melon monkey fish 五、写出下列句子的中文意思。(每小题4分,共20分) 1.Good morning ! _________________________________________ 2. What’s your name?


一、读一读,选出一个和其他两个不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内。 1、()A、face B、eye C、dress 2、()A、doctor B、teacher C、you 3、()A、thin B、red C、fat 4、()A、seven B、twelve C、tree 5、()A、short B、grandfather C、mother 二、读一读,在序号上圈出正确的句子。 1、当你的朋友口渴时,你要说:( ) A、Eat some jelly. B、Drink some juice. 2、当你介绍你的妈妈给小伙伴认识时,你要说:( ) A、Hi, this is my sister. B、Hi, this is my mother. 3、当你让爸爸睁开眼睛看礼物时,你要说:( ) A、Open your eyes. B、Open your present. 4、当你让小伙伴看小鸟时,你要说:( ) A、Look at the bird. B、I like the bird. 5、当你想知道有多少只风筝呀,你应该说:( ) A、Seven kites. B、How many kites? 三、根据情境选择正确的答句。10分 1、新年的时候拜访亲戚朋友,你要说:A、Happy New Year.B、Happy christmas. 2、介绍周末活动:A、I like football.B、I play football at the wee kend. 3、介绍冬天的天气情况:A、Its winter.B、Its cold in winter. 4、向别人询问时间:A、What do you do at the weekend?B、Whats th e time,please? 5、询问别人喜欢吃什么吗?A、Do you like meat?B、I like meat. 四、完成对话,选出正确的答句。 1、Do you like meat?A、Yes, I do.B、Yes, she does. 2、Whats the time, please?A、Its nine oclock.B、Its a clock. 3、What do you do at the weekend? A、I like basketball.B、I play basketball at the weekend. 4 Happy New Year.A、Thank you B、Happy New Year. 5 Does he like fish? A、Yes, I do B、No, he doesnt.

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ( ) 1. The clock has stopped working. You need to change the _________. A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ( ) 2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________. A. flew B. bounced C. leapt D. slipped ( ) 3. The postman delivered to Meixiang a _________ from Japan. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ( ) 4. The little boy __________ when he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ( ) 5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. conductor B. principal C. singer D. leader (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medicine? (fever) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (potion, did not work)


小学二年级英语期末考 试试题 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

小学二年级英语期末试卷 班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ Listening Part 一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( ) 2. A. what B. where C. who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( ) 4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B. slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play ( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. a big duck C. a brown pig ( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( ) 10. A. some juice B. some water C. some soup 二.听问题,选出正确的答句:(播二遍) ( ) 1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I need a tie. ( ) 4. A. I live in SuZhou. love SuZhou. ( ) 5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane. 一、写出下面字母的小写字母. H ____ F ____ K ____ G ____ M ____ N ____ P ____ Q ____ S ____ T ____ 二、补全单词。 1 __p 向上 9 w__y 道路 17__ce 冰 2 __weets 糖果 10 z__bra 斑马 18h__ad 头 3 __rain 火车 11 __ellow 黄色的 19 g__rl 女孩 4 __ain 雨 12 nos__ 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙 5 __ueen 皇后 13 mo__key 猴子 21__lephant 大象 6 __range 橘子 14 l__on 狮子 22 d__ck 鸭子 7 __rince 王子 15 kit__风筝 23 __ar 汽车

小学二年级英语练习题:句子 填空练习题

小学二年级英语练习题:句子填空练习题 【导语】任何事情都需要毅力,学习英语也不例外,而且英语这东西,就需要每天不断联系,日积月累,才能学好。记住,人才都是努力自学成才的。所以,以下是WTT 整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您,提升您孩子的英语水平。 一、写出下列单词的汉语意思(20分) time ( ) breakfast ( ) hour ( ) lunch ( ) thirty ( ) minute ( ) plus ( ) jump ( ) raincoat ( ) scarf ( ) get up ( ) eat lunch( ) brush teeth( ) watch TV ( ) go home( ) wash face ( ) get up ( ) play football( ) birthday cake( ) Teddy bear( ) 二、请为单词选择正确的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。(10分) ( )summer A 、夏季B、春季C、季节 ( ) cloudy A 、多云的B、多雨的C、雪天 ( ) bounch the ball A、跳B、拍球C、打篮球 ( ) rainy A 、阴天B、晴天C、雨天 ( ) throw A 、接B、扔C、跑 ( ) attention A、稍息B、向左转C、立正 ( ) climb A、爬B 、跑C、跳 ( ) sixty A、60 B、40 C、30 ( ) warm A、冷B、凉爽C、暖和 ( ) football A、足球B、乒乓球C、篮球 三、请将正确的答案将序号写有横线上。( 20分) 1.When do you get up everyday? I get up 6:30. A: at B: in C: on 2. What’s the weather like today? . A: It’s sunny. B: It’s spring. C: It’s summer. 3. What season is it? . A: It’s winter. B: It’s cool. C: It’s cold.


PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. The clock has stopped work ing. You n eed to cha nge the ________ A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ()2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________ . A. flew B. boun ced C. leapt D. slipped ()3. The postma n delivered to Meixia ng a ________ from Japa n. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ()4. The little boy ___________ w he n he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ()5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. con ductor B. prin cipal C. sin ger D. leader An swer the questi ons in complete senten ces using the words in the brackets. (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medici ne? (fever) 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (poti on, did not work)
