

Unit9 Reading 课后教学反思 李永红 <<新目标英语>>中每单元至少有两篇阅读材料,我们现在一般都采用阅读教学法,通过发现问题、分析问题、解决问题来获得知识,强调自学与合作学习。那么在课堂教学中教师到底要不要讲?究竟应该怎样讲? 叶圣陶先生曾说过:讲当然是必要的,问题可能在如何看待讲和怎样讲。可见教师并不是不能讲,而是要“精要地讲”。再说,只让学生畅抒己见而没有教师精当的讲授和适时的点拨,学生的思维不可能深入;只让学生想象体验而没有教师开启智慧的引导,学生的创新精神很难得到培养;只让学生诵读感悟而没有教师的品词析句,学生的学习势必缺少深度和广度。因此教师作为学生学习的组织者、引导者、促进者,必须从教育规律和学生实际出发,精心设计好自己的“讲解点”。那么,在何时精要地讲呢? 1、自读之前启发讲:即在学生自主阅读之前,简明扼要地揭示阅读要求和重点。 2、重点地方着重讲:对材料中的重点、难点和关键之处,在学生自读、自悟的基础上进行重点讲解,该挖掘处必挖掘,该品味,该讲深讲透的地方必须讲深讲透。 3、疑难问题明确讲:当学生在材料理解上遇到疑难时教师要鲜明地讲,从而为学生解难释疑,让学生正确理解、领悟材料内容。 4、合作中提示讲:当学生在合作学习中不能抓住要点进行有效合作时,教师要进行提示性讲解,以使合作有效、深入。 5、总结时补充讲:在总结一节课、一篇材料的阅读情况时,在学生概括、总结的基础上,教师要及时进行补充,以进一步进行提炼和归纳,从而使总结更加完整、准确.下面我以Unit 9 Reading为例谈谈自己的一些心得与体会。 首先,本人在设计这节课时紧紧围绕Unit 9的阅读策略mind map(脑中构图 法)而展开。从warming up对自己的信息介绍,引出mind map及其作用,到话 题sports的展开,到快速阅读对basketball文中没提及的内容做出判断选择,到 精读后以板书形式一一呈现有关basketball的细节内容,最后一个环节,根据话 题It is good or bad to be a basketball player? 让学生自己动手画mind map,并根据 自制的mind map进行debate。这体现了新课程的基本教学理念:在做中学,在 学中用。整节课以mind map贯穿始终,教学思路清楚,对本单元的阅读策略mind map进行了较好的诠释并演绎。同时也达到了预期的教学目标。 其次,对板书进行了精心设计,力求做到简洁,有效,既能服务于上课的内 容又能突出本课的重点。根据板书上呈现有关basketball的细节内容,一小块一 小块擦去细节内容后,只留下四大块有关basketball的内容,让学生分组复述, 让学生再次领略了mind map帮助记忆信息的重大作用。同时运用简笔画,把打 篮球时所需的equipment展示的一清二楚。板书真正的价值也在于此。然而美中 不足的是多媒体的屏幕遮住了部分的黑板,剩下写板书的空间较小,从而影响了 板书的美观性。


Unit 9 Technology 阅读课教学设计 高红英 一.教学设计说明: 本节课阅读以“Life on the go(移动人生)”为中心,在阅读中注重学生猜测生词、归纳段意以及分析、梳理情节,把握具体细节等各项阅读能力的培养。通过小组合作,分组探 究等方式发现问题、商讨问题并解决问题。在Fast-reading(快速阅读)和Careful reading(仔细阅读)掌握文章较详实内容后,深挖内涵并展开讨论。从而将课堂所学与生活实际联系起来,激发学生积极探讨相关话题,勇于发表见解,提高英语的运用能力。 二.教学分析: 1.教学内容分析 阅读部分“Life on the go(移动人生)”内容难度适中,比较贴近生活实际。以一位中学生王玫对手机的使用引入,继而谈到手机的各项新奇功能;接着就手机的使用利弊进行较详细的阐述,最后再与文章开头照应,由中学生之口强调手机的用途。 2.教学对象分析 高一学生词汇量有限,阅读水平一般,但毕竟有一定的基础。在合理启发、引导下,由浅入深,逐步展开各项任务,学生会适应并最终能较好的完成本节任务。 三.教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)设计难度适度的阅读习题,通过略读、查读,培养学生的阅读猜词技巧,推断、归纳情节,准确把握细节等各项阅读能力。 (2)通过小组讨论、合作、分析等形式来引导学生主动探究,共享成果,从而培养学生的自主学习意识,团队协作精神。 2.过程与方法目标 (1)导入时通过放映幻灯片,采取“瞬间记忆法”及“联想法”来启发、诱导学生发挥想象,整合信息,从而培养学生的敏捷思维能力与想象力。 (2)阅读问题精心设计,由浅入深,巧妙引领学生解开疑团,获取阅读信息。 (3)阅读后讨论,能够运用所学、所得积极参与、主动探究、集体合作、互助互学并展示自我,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 3.情感、态度与价值观 (1)导入时运用较详尽图片资料交替展示,旨在激起学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的竞争与参与意识。 (2)在教学过程中不断鼓励、表扬学生的点滴进步,增强学习的自信心和意志力,体验用英语表达的喜悦感和成功感。 (3)讨论时要求学生联系实际,积极展开讨论,大胆阐明自己观点,引导学生正确使用手机。教学重点、难点 (1)教学重点 对文章“Life on the go(移动人生)”内容的正确分析与理解,并能较快地解决问题、 领会文章内涵。 (2)教学难点 就文章内容进行较深层次的讨论,并联系学生生活实际发表观点叙述对学生使用手 机的正确认识以及公共场手机禁用的认识。 四.教学媒体的选择和使用 (1)运用网络资源,查找与本文相关的有效信息。如手机的款式,型号。 (2)制作课件,便于知识传授与技能培养的链接。


Grade 8 Unit 9 Reading: Have you ever been to Singapore? Self introduction Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Gao Yun from Fengtai No.10 Middle School. Today I’m going to talk about Have you ever been to Singapore? It’s reading material in Unit9, Grade 8. I’ll present my lesson plan in the following parts. Part One Analysis of the teaching material The reading material is in Period 5, it’s about different information of Singapore. Its main grammar is present perfect tense. My students have learned the meaning, structure and usage of the tense in the last four lessons. This text will help them to consolidate the knowledge of present perfect tense they’ve learned. And the students can get something about population, temperature, food and places of interest in Sin gapore . It will help enlarge the students’ knowledge and the students may love the country after reading it . Also, reading teaching can help develop the students’ reading ability. The strategy in it is to ask the students to take time to reflect , theref ore, they can remember things better. Teaching aims and demands My teaching aims include three points: Knowledge goals, Ability goals and Moral goals 1. The students can read the new words correctly, learn the meaning of the new words, and be able to use some of them, like population, brave…; 2. Practice and consolidate the structure of present perfect tense by using “Have you done …” questions; 3. The students can know Singapore better;Teach the Ss to protect the environment when they travel. Teaching key points and difficult points The key point of the lesson is to enable the students to learn 29 new words, use present perfect tense better and get enough information of Singapore. The difficult point of the lesson is to help the students be able to describe Singapore after reading and reflecting Part Two Teaching methods and aids 1. Communicative teaching method 2. Audio-visual teaching method 3. Task-based” teaching method 4. Situation Approach Teaching aids: Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint,Pictures,videos and so on. Part Three Learning methods 1.T each the Ss how to be successful language learners. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b02981618.html,e "Reading—Scanning—Writing " to study English 3.Have a good reading strategy. I n this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method, “Task-based” teaching method and Situation Approach. I’ll teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. Let the Ss pass ""Reading—Scanning—Writing " to study language and have a good reading strategy. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the passage.


Unit 9 Reading “Have you ever been to Singapore?” Teaching design for the 1st Period 课型:阅读课执教:邓芳(四中) 教学目标: Aims of knowledge: 1. 学生们能在语境中理解并能运用以下词汇: take a holiday; wonderful; population; quarter; excellent; temperature; season; awake. 2. 了解新加坡的特征。 Aims of Abilities: 1. 训练学生的阅读及写作能力。 2. 能系统、条理地写导游词来介绍名胜。 3. 在去外地旅游前能做好充足的准备。 Aims of emotion and evaluation: 让学生对了解外国文化感兴趣。 教学重点:掌握重点词汇在语境中的运用,理解此文。 教学难点:掌握阅读策略、复述课文及写作训练。 教学过程: 一、预习与交流:预习课文,翻译下列词或词组,扫除阅读障碍。(组长课前检查) 人口_______________ 赤道_______________ 温度_____________ 勇敢的_____________ 极好的_____________ _________________ 印度的_____________ whenever ___________ fear______________ dark _______________ natural environment_____________

Night Safari _________ all year round _________________ a wonderful place to take a holiday ________________________ spring ________ autumn ________ 二、合作与探究 I. Before reading 1. Play a video “Let’s take a trip”. T: Donald Duck is going to travel. Do you like traveling? Then talk about where you have been. 2. Guessing game. T: I have been to many place s. Let’s play a game to guess where I have been. Using “Have you ever been to…? Present the words: wonderful, temperature, fear, brave, environment, equator… T: Have you ever been to Singapore? (It’s doesn’t matter.) Let’s enjoy a video about Singapore. To introduce location, languages, food, zoo, temperature in Singapore by asking “ What do you know about Singapore?” T he purpose is to arouse the students’ interest of study & present new words & to pave the way for the following reading. II. While reading Reading strategy:Look at the title and picture, predict what we’ll read about. ( ) What’s the main idea of the article? A. Food in Singapore. B. The history of Singapore. C. Singapore—a wonderful place to take a vacation for Chinese. D. Some famous places of interest in Singapore. Listen the passage, check the answer.
