
II. Discussion:
[译文]Within days,panic buying emptied store shelves.
[赏析]如果用“In a matter of a few days,the store shelves become empty because of panic buying”来表达,不但文字罗索,而且缺乏动感。
A. The Summer Palace is the result of China’S workingmen's industry and wisdom.
B. The Summer Palace is a monument to the industry and wisdom of the laboring people of China.
C The Summer Palace is the outcome of China’s workingmen’s industry and wisdom.
A.We should bring China’s trade system in line with that internationally prevailing.
B We should connect China’s trade system with the trade system internationally prevailing.
C We should link the rail of China’s trade system with the prevailing trade system of the world.
III. 中式英语
例: 我的心和你在一起
My heart is together with you.
I shall be with you in spirit.
例: 她是一个大龄青年
She is a big-age youth.
She is a single youth well above her matrimonial age.
IV. 不合英语惯用表达
例: “互相借鉴对方的经验”
通常译为:to learn from each other’s experience,而英、美人则说:to profitably share experience.
例: 这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。
译为:These principles have nourished the soul of our nation. 中国译者很可能使用“spiritual pillar”一词。
例: 我们应了解彼此生活的情况,建立人与人之间的友谊纽带。
译为:We should share the texture of our daily lives and forge the human bonds of friendship. “texture”用得很贴切,含义广而深,符合中文的“情况”之意.
例: 这种论点目前还有一定的市场。
译为:This argument has some appeal at present.没有用“market”,而用“appeal”,生动地表达了原意。
例: 要使中日友好事业延续到21世纪及今后世世代代。
译为:It is necessary to carry the cause of China-Japan friendship into the 21st century and beyond.
例: 他废寝忘食地工作
译为:He eats,drinks and sleeps his work.一般的词典多译为:“One is so absorbed or occupied in one’s work as to forget food and sleep.
例: “发挥余热”
这是中国最近一些年出现的一个词汇。表示同类意思时用了短语“to use one’s remaining availability. 表达得准确、生动。

V. 意义空缺

例: 据报导,当地警方将深入开展“严打”斗争和专项治理。
[译文]Reports say that local police will further their crackdown on all criminal activities and launch special campaigns to fight the crime and social evils that the public detest most.
[分析] “严打”和“专项治理”如只按表层意义译,而不译出它们内容,就会造成严重的意义空缺,从而使译文表意模糊。
例: 唐至开元、天宝以后,作者蔚起,和以前大不同了。
[译文]Towards the middle of the eighth century the fashion changed,and there were many writers of fiction.
例: 钱先生周岁时“抓周”,抓了一本书,因此得名“钟书”。
[译文]When Qian was just one year old,he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others.He picked up a book of all things.There upon his father very gladly gave him the name:Zhongshu(=book lover).
[分析]“抓周”是中国一个独特的文化现象,即婴儿周岁时,母亲摆许多东西让他(她)抓,以预测婴儿未来的志向。如音译或译为“grasp things at the age of one",则会造成原义全部流失。所以应该解释性地意译。

VI. 意义走失
例: 在改革中,许多国营企业实行了合同制,被推向市场。
[译文]The contract system introduced in many state.Owned enterprises during the reform drive exposed the enterprises to market competition.
例: 少数服从多数。
[译文]The minority verdict is subordinate to the majority verdict.
[译文]The contract system introduced in many state.Owned enterprises during the reform drive exposed the enterprises to market competition.
例: 少数服从多数。
[译文]The minority verdict is subordinate to the majority verdict.
VII. 力戒“角度单一”

1. 努力实现从扩大规模数量为主向提高质量效益为主的转变。
[译文]Efforts should be made to shift priority of expanding scale and quantity to improving quality and efficiency.
2. 当地政府为了改善生态环境采取了许多措施。
[分析]一看到“采取了许多措施”,许多初学翻译的人很可能会很自然地想到“to take measures”这一短语。其实,翻译的角度是多种多样的,许多情况下都不应拘泥于一种译法。 [译文]The local government has done much for the irmprovement of the ecological environment.
VIII. 力戒“用词重复”
重复用词是汉译英的一个大忌。重复用词所带来的一个直接果是,译文显得缺乏文采,让人觉得单调乏味。以主语为例,如在一段汉语中集中叙述张先生的思想与活动,那么在译成英语就不能一直使用“Mr.Zhang”这个词作主语,而应该时不时地变一下用词,例如He,The man,The director(如果他是这个职位话)等等。如果多次提到一件事或一件东西,也不能重复使用同一个词,而应变换说法或者用代词指代等等。这样才显得语言活。而汉语在这一点上并不考究。汉译英时,至少在一篇文章中注重用词的变化,其中包括名词、动词、形容词及副词等等。
(1)这份辛苦的工作正在影响到我的健康。(This hard work is telling on my health.)
(2)在做这类事情中他具有很大的有支配性的影响力。(He has much sway in doing this kind of thing.)
(3)科学知识要求完全不受个人情感的影响。(Scientific knowledge aims at being wholly impersonal.)
(4)柏拉图的教诲对亚里士多德有深远的影响。(P1ato’s teachings had a profound effect on Aristotle.)
(5)粗劣的食物影响儿童自然的生长。(Poor food arrests the natural growth of children.)
(6)他们让孩子们受到好书的影响。(They expose children to good books.)

读上完大学而没有使学业受到影响。(John worked his way through college without detriment to his studies.)
(8)他们在政治上缺乏影响力。(They lack political clout.)
(9)他们的休息和睡眠受到附近建筑工地噪声的严重影响。(Their leisure and sleeping hours become spoilt by the noise from a construction site nearby.)
(10)一个伟大的人不论做什么均有影响。(A great man leaves his mark on whatever he does.)
(11)我的话对他简直没有任何影响。(What I said made practically no impression on him.)
(12)这种形势将导致十分不利的影响。(This will lead to unfavorable repercussions.)
(13)我认为,男孩子身体过胖会影响他参加体育运动。(In my opinion, being overweight will handicap a boy in sports.)
(14)文艺对人们的思想有很大的影响。(Literature and art have a great influence upon people’s ideology.)
(15)他深受新思想的影响。(He is imbued with new ideas.)
IX. Comments on students’ work
X. Homework
[译文]He is going to speak on the economy and the international situation.
[译文]Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a national,scientific and mass style.
[分析]现代汉语使用“化”的例子很多,但不都意味着要译成后缀“一ization”的对应词,许多情况下需要变通处理。如“科学化”,就不能译为“scientification”。此外,像“国产化”,“良种化”,“老龄化”,“年轻化”,“知识化”,“沙漠化”,“汉化”,“淡化”等等都没有英语对同,加后缀“一ization”自造也行不通。译时只能根据上下文灵活臭,即利用其他词、词组或句子译出这些词的内涵意义。 “实现政府各级班子领导的年轻化、知识化、专业化”,可译为to ensure that younger,more educated and professionally more competent cadres are brought to the leadership of governments at levels。又如“科研成果产业化”,可译为to apply scientific research results to industrial production。
[译文]Great efforts should be made to develop “external-oriented economy”.
[分析]汉语中的“型”近年来也是颇时髦的语言。一般以oriented组成词组,如:export-oriented enterprise(产品出口型产业)但也有其他翻译方法:“技术密集、知识密集型项目”译为“technology-and-knowledge intensive project”;“劳动

密集型产业”译为“labor-intensive enterprise”;“粗放型产业”译为“extensive enterprise”等等。
[初译]China is a country with an ancient civilization.She has a vast territory and covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.
[分析]此译文是比较典型的“中国式”英语。问题主要是:①没有突出信息重心,不符合英语的表达习惯;②语言累赘,例如第二句既然说了面积960万多平方千米,那么就自然表达了“幅员辽阔”这一概念,不需要再译出。这句汉语可以考虑译为:Covering all area of 9.6 million square kilometers and more,China is a country with ancient civilization.
8..“持续性”的概念不仅以环境保护为优先,而且在最广义上涵盖对于人类福利的关心。(提示:“不仅……而且……”不一定非要译为“not only…but also…”。即便使用这一短语,也不宜重复使用,比如可以用它引起倒装句,以示用词和句型的多样化。)
5.The authorities said the Ditch would be filled in. Well then,the place would have turned into a lake on rainy days,wouldn’t it?
6.She had already finished washing.Seated on a stone beside the stream,she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.
7.Suddenly a dog began to chase after her,scaring her almost out of her wits.
8.While environmental protection is a priority,the concept of “sustainability” also encompasses a concern for human well being in the broadest sense.
9.A revolution in economic management is occurring throughout the developing world from China to Mexico,froGhana to Russia,there is a consensus that countries must foster an open and stable economic climate that encourages entrepreneurship and compet

itive private sector activity. A“market friendly” approach to development is widely viewed as the basis for economic growth,technological progress,and job creation.

Lecture Nine: Translation of Sentences. Week 9
◇Time Needed:Two periods(40 minutes per period)
◇Teaching Objectives:
I. Train student to work out the keleton of target sentence.
II. Acquaint students with the idea that working out the keleton of target sentence should be the first step in translating.
◇Key Teaching Points:
I. Working out the keleton of target sentence.
◇Difficult Teaching Points:
I. Acquaint students with the idea that working out the keleton of target sentence should be the first step in translating.
◇Teaching Contents:
I. Check last homework.
II. Subject:
Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.
1.2 主语必须符合英美等西方人的思维方式
The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan.
[译文]It certainly seems so to me?
[译文]It occurred to him to leave the whole thing to his wife.
[分析]“他”被译成状语。类似的句型还有:It dawned(has dawned)on sb.that…,如:Has it dawned on you that his story may be fabrications?(你从来没想到过他的故事可能是捏造的吗?)
[译文]Words fail me here.
[分析]译文的主语变成了“Words”。英语类似的句型还有:your letter reached me yesterday.(我昨天收到你的信。)His name just escaped me.(我一时记不起他的名字了。)
By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 10

0 medium-and-small sized vessels.
We have won one victory after another for our course.
Ke Ling was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Provinces in 1909. He is a modern Chinese writer. His first writing, a narrative poem, The Woman Weaver appeared in 1926. He was one of the editors of Children times from 1930 onwards. (许余龙:《对比语言学概论》)
1.6.如果汉语句子中主语是地点(个别情况下是时间),谓语动!状态动词或者“有”,“发生”,“出现”等词时,那么译成英语时使用“There be”句型,这种情况下就应把汉语句子中的那个宾语变成译文的主语。
[译文]There seems something wrong about it.
[译文]There lies at the corner of the street an old man who is seriously i11.
[译文]There appears to be nothing more interesting in this novel.
[译文]There have been great changes in Beijing these years.
III. Discussion
[译文]There exists a law at all times and in all countries: that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business.
[分析]由于主语过于隐蔽,所以使用“There be”句型引出逻辑上的主语。“law”在原文中没有,但它内含于原文之中。
[译文]There is no exception to this in modern or ancient times,in China or elsewhere.
[译文]The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society.
[译文]He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak。


IV. Predictive part
2.1 所选的谓语在人称和数上与主语一致
Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country.
His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemical.
The tour will include Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an.
This certificate course of studies will spread over three year.
2.4 原文若是形容词短语、名词性短语、数量词或介词短语做谓语,译文常代之以系表结构
This type of typewriter is portable and durable, economical and practical for high school students.
2.5 原文若有几个动词同时出现(连动式或兼语式),译文可选一个主要动词做谓语,其他动词用其他形式(非谓语、介词短语等)
The delegation of inviting investment has attracted many businessmen from Southeast Asia to Singapore to hold talks on different projects.
V. 其他句子成分的安排
A. In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
B. Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand, which has prepared for good economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
C. China and Thailand, with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation.
D. The raid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years has laid a sound foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
VI. 语序的调整
4.1 定语
He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.
We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country。
4.2 状语
He studies hard in the classroom every morning.
VII. Homework
1. 星期天早晨他的身体状况仍未好转。Sunday morning found him still unwell.

It is our anticipation that the Chinese people will get a better education in the near future.
His attitude towards the matter is one of indifference.
Social customs are usually different from country to country.
The Second World War ended on august 15th, 1945.
World War II came to an end on August 15th, 1945.
I felt tears streaming from my eyes. Thanks to the dimness of the evening under moonlight, I had been able to conceal my frailty.
In catching up with and surpassing the world advanced levels, time is the key factor. Time means life, time means speed, time means strength. You are now in the prime of life, and you should come forth with greater contributions for the benefit of the people.
In one hand she carried a bamboo basket, in which there was a broken bowl, empty.
You are probably aware that China has always persisted in an open policy and take a positive stand with regard to introducing foreign investment, with a view to expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
The main features for this form of business are joint investment, joint management and joint share in profits and losses. These are beneficial to both parties in that they will enhance business relation and cooperation.
