


发表时间:2017-12-25T10:46:51.607Z 来源:《成长读本》2017年10月总第23期作者:费婷婷[导读] 语文老师没有直接的写作体验,缺少必要的写作实践,是目前作文教学效率低下的原因之一。苏州工业园区青剑湖学校费婷婷论文摘要:江苏省著名语文特级教师王栋生老师曾提出:“教师应当是优秀的表达者。”提倡“本色教学”的黄厚江老师也说:“叶圣陶:实践胜口讲,作则先以身,身教最可贵,知行不可分。一个自己不能读写的老师,他必然体会不到读写的规律,说不出搞好读写的中肯意见。”“写文章是语文老师必须具备的基本素养。不敢想象自己不会写文章、不肯写文章的语文教师可以教好学生的作文。语文老师没有直接的写作体















公司等单位,也可以到高校以及政府机关等相关部门。通过系统的专业学习,要求学生掌握贸易经济基本理论和操作技能;掌握内、外贸企业经营管理所需的经济、法律、财会、数学、金融等多方面的基础知识;能熟练运用外语和计算机技术;基础扎实、知识面宽、分析解决问题的能力强,具备从事政府和企业经营管理工作所需的基本技能。 在中国,其就业前景也是逐年看好,尤其随着中国在世界经济发展上占据一个日益重要的位置,尤其是银行、证券公司和咨询公司对计量人才需求较大,跟普通的金融专业不一样,这个专业的在北美甚至是中国的毕业生数量相对较少,学生所面临的竞争不是很大,所以就业前景还是很不错的。我很喜欢这个专业,希望自己能够学好数量经济学。

I now the amount of major is learning in economics. Econometrics is a application and cross edge discipline, its economics, finance, statistics, econometrics, mathematics and computer technology, through mathematical models to verify the relationship between the various economic variables, with the practical problems in construction of market economy as the background to study the relations of various economic quantity and its laws. Number in the position in economic science system economics, equivalent to mathematics in all scientific status. Number of economics is on the system theory, cybernetics and information theory on the basis of the economic management application form of the combination of a natural science and social science courses. Number of economics to reveal the regularity of quantitative relationship between the economic changes in theory on the methodology for economic research and economic work and economic method of quantitative analysis and on the application for improving economy plan and management services. It used mathematical methods, in addition to the elementary and advanced mathematics, linear algebra, mathematical programming and other modern mathematics. It take the computing tools, it is combined with modern communication technology of the electronic computer. Economic variables, such as insurance, stocks, interest rates, the prediction is through the mathematical model to predict, so many graduates into the professional all kinds of financial institutions (such as futures market, foreign exchange market) do technical analysis. In the mid - 1950 - s by polish economist Oscar, Lange and the former Soviet union economists nie mu qin's launch of


①It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life. ②There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other. ③However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering 众所周知,共享经济意味着人们通过在线交易出售或购买未被占用的资源。在现代生活中,分享经济是一种新的趋势,它正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。 毫无疑问,许多人从分享经济中获益良多。最重要的是,它有助于充


大学英语作文万能模板 (一)段首句 1.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……


1. 成功的四个步骤 Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评 看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....If you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life

大学英语作文-大学英文作文- 经济发展与环境保护

大学英语作文 大学英文作文: 经济发展与环境保护 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Economic Development and Environmental Protection. You should write at least 150 words 【精彩范文】 Economic Development and Environmental Protection Economic development and environmental protection are a pressing issue primarily for developing countries where, in trying to catch up with developed countries, they have to consume natural resources on an unprecedented scale. This has seriously polluted our environment and, with the global

environmental campaign gaining momentum, many people in China call for the precedence of environmental protection over economic development. Any attempt to pose economic development and environmental protection as diametrically contradictory is simple-minded. Since no country is willing to stop its economic development, the best way is to strike a balance between the two and to heighten the environmental awareness of those solely concerned with economic development. European countries both economically developed and environmentally friendly can serve as perfect examples for China. Their success story in both undertakings illustrates that environmental protection does not mean a complete standstill of economic activities or exploitation of natural resources, but rather an active development and application of effective technologies to minimize environmental consequences. In Germany, environmental protection has become part of economic development as it boasts the world’s most successful environmental industry. With a developed economy, we are well equipped to develop sophisticated technologies that can effectively safeguard our environment. The relationship between economic development and

共享经济的困境 中英文

共享经济的困境 摘要:共享经济发展的迅速超乎了一些人的想象,2008年,一个叫做布莱恩?切斯基的家伙被迫在街头卖简易早餐只为凑齐自己接下来一个月的房租。现如今,这个美国男人的公司Airbnb估值已达300亿美元,而这一切都源于那个正在国内炒得火热的“共享经济”。共享经济似乎打破了一些传统的经济模式,一种全新的方式在市场上打开自己的局面,但是,随着其发展,一些问题也暴露了出来,是继续走下去还是就此止步,这时候似乎要做一个抉择了。 关键词:共享经济互联网 正文: 共享经济,一般是指以获得一定报酬为主要目的,基于陌生人且存在物品使用权暂时转移的一种新的经济模式。其本质是整合线下的闲散物品、劳动力、教育医疗资源。有的也说共享经济是人们公平享有社会资源,各自以不同的方式付出和受益,共同获得经济红利。此种共享更多的是通过互联网作为媒介来实现的。共享经济牵扯到三大主体,即商品或服务的需求方、供给方和共享经济平台。共享经济平台作为连接供需双方的纽带,通过移动LBS 应用、动态算法与定价、双方互评体系等一系列机制的建立,使得供给与需求方通过共享经济平台进行交易。共享这个概念早已有之,然而随着互联网时代的真正到来,共享也成功升级为经济共享,而随着经济共享无偿分享的早期阶段的过去,基于陌生人间物品的使用权的暂时的转移而获得回报的共享经济模式使一些企业获得了超额的利润,如Uber、壁虎WiFi、Airbnb等都已成为行业的霸主。经济似乎就要这样一直发展下去了,但是,其实共享经济走的并不是一帆风顺。就是目前,共享经济依然面对着许多问题、甚至说是困境。 首先,共享经济最初的发展方向并不是房屋共享或WiFi共享,共享经济的理想也从来不是Uber也不是Airbnb。2010年当雷切尔·博茨曼在TedxSydney上以租用电钻为例讲到共享经济时,他希望共享经济能够发展壮大的正是这类能够扎根社区,方便最大众人群的平台,如果你需要电钻,去平台上跟邻居租而不是买,如果你需要梯子,去平台上跟邻居租而不是买……共享经济的开端始于2007年成立的Ecomodo,2009年成立的NeighborGoods、2010年成立的SnapGoods,那个时候几乎很少有人注意到几乎在同一时间成立的Airbnb以及Uber(它们先后与2008和2009年成立),媒体在说到共享经济时一致以NeighborGoods 为例。然而到了最后,共享经济中发展得最好的当属Airbnb与uber、壁虎Wi-Fi等开始没有被注重的方向。或许,这已经有点脱离了共享经济的初衷。 但是也是经济的共享吧,如果能按这条道路将经济资源利用起来,也未为不可,然而,新的问题又出现在了经济分享上。 就以目前发展的所谓的共享经济来说,问题也是存在的。就说最火的Airbnb吧,Airbnb 在《华尔街日报》发布的全球创业公司估值排行榜上名列第四,其最新一轮的估值达到 255 亿美元。似乎很优异,不是么?但是Airbnb最近的日子很糟糕,至少看起来他们很糟糕:纽约州是 Airbnb 在美国最大的市场,但是纽约州的监管方却对Airbnb非常不客气,他们判定 Airbnb 的房屋分享模式是违法行为。旧金山是Airbnb 在美国的另一个大市场,更是该公司的大本营,Airbnb就是在旧金山诞生的,但是旧金山同样对 Airbnb非常不客气。Airbnb 于今年七月正式发起诉讼,和旧金山市政府对簿公堂。在中国,Airbnb的发展似乎也面临着问题,因为在我国,合法的转租需要满足两个条件: 1、转租须经房屋所有权人的同意。


以共享单车为话题的作文800字 导读:篇一:合理面对共享单车 共享经济一词也许对我们来说是一个新词,在共享这一问题上也许我们需要更多的时间来接受。近来,有多家媒体报道,在公共场所,有相关管理人员对周边单车进行了集中收缴,理由很简单,乱停乱放影响了公共场所的秩序。 但同时,有共享单车用户接受在采访时表示,随地还车本来就是共享单车一个最大的卖点,但现实情况是,很多地方无停车点,停放就是乱停乱放。这种情况下,用户不得不到相对较远的地方去停车,便利性大大降低。 对于这个问题,我们应该怎么看?新事物的超常规发展,往往会暴露基础的薄弱。 媒体近日报道了多起破坏、霸占共享单车的新闻。从“狂飙突进”,到遭遇“倒春寒”,共享单车面临的尴尬警示我们:拥抱共享经济,我们可能还没有做好准备,特别是文化观念上的准备。 按照经济学家的解释,共享是指“使用而非拥有”,是在不改变物品所有权前提下的分享模式,其优点在于使资源获得最大限度的利用。这种模式与我国当前努力推行的创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念恰相契合。顺应潮流又开风气之先的共享单车,自然而然地受媒体热炒、资本热捧,在短时间内取得了快速的发展。 新事物的超常规发展,往往会暴露基础的薄弱。共享单车频遭霸

占、破坏的事实,就印证了这个道理。 首先,共享单车面临着制度支撑不足的尴尬。没有规矩不成方圆。共享单车要健康发展,离不开完善的内外部的制度支撑。从企业来说,共享单车运营公司要不断完善管理体系。比如,建立诚信用车的奖励机制和不当用车、无序停车的惩罚机制。从政府部门来说,对于适应发展趋势的新形式、新业态,应该扶持与规范并重,主动介入,制定规则,加强监管。对于扰乱道路秩序和城市管理秩序的乱停乱放问题,一方面要兼顾便民和城市管理两个方面利益,提供单车停放区域,另一方面,对于故意毁坏、窃取单车的行为,也要依法处罚,在维护企业利益的同时,放大警示效应。客观说,从媒体反映情况来看,这两方面做得都不够。 其次,共享单车面临着观念文化基础不牢的尴尬。大爷大妈将共享单车圈起来收看管费,孩子肆意破坏单车,这可能不单单是个别人私德缺失、私欲作祟的问题,而是反映出我们在公民素养和公德教育上还有薄弱环节。共享是“使用而非拥有”,共享的前提是对他人权利的承认和尊重。权利意识和诚信意识,是共享经济得以充分发展的观念根基,法治文化和诚信文化是共享经济繁荣发展的文化土壤。如果忽视了思想文化的土壤培育,共享经济的发展就会成为沙上建塔,共享单车的单兵推进就会夭折。这才是应对共享单车发展难题最需要直面的问题。 面对突出的新问题,不仅仅是提供国民个人素质这么简单,更关


关于共享经济的英语作文 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the sharing economy. Your essay should include the benefits the sharing economy can bring and its limits. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 关于共享经济的英语作文范文: It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life. There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other.


英语作文范文五篇:我的未来计划 篇一:My plans in the future 我的未来计划英语作文
My plans in the future When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I can’t avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts. 当我选择深造的时候,是因为我想要避开工作的压力,如今三年即将过去, 我又来到了十字路口,这一次,我必须做出决定,我再也不能逃避压力了。我已 经制定了将来的计划,那有两部分。 One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career pla(转载于:我的未来计划英语作文 )n, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher. 我将来计划的其中一部分就是我想要成为一名教师。 这是我的职业计划, 成 为一名教师一直以来都是我的梦想, 我能把我的知识传递给我的学生, 我喜欢和 他们聊天,我想要把他们引导到成功的路上。所以现在我必须要关注招聘信息, 应该抓住每一个成为教师的机遇。 The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world. 我将来计划的另一部分就是我想要环游世界。 成为一位教师能让我有多点假 期, 这样我就可以充分利用这些假期来实现我的旅游计划。 我已经听说了很多国 外有趣的东西,我想要走出去看一看这个世界。 My future plans are so perfect for me, it needs me to hard work to make it come true. 我将来的计划对于我来说是如此的完美,这需要我努力工 作来实现。 篇二:英语作文——我的未来计划


①There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need i t. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other. ②However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering 众所周知,共享经济意味着人们通过在线交易出售或购买未被占用的资源。在现代生活中,分享经济是一种新的趋势,它正在发挥着越来


关于爷爷的英语作文范文带翻译600字 关于爷爷的英语作文范文带翻译600字 爷爷是一个勤俭节约的人,如果没有爷爷的勤俭节约,就没有我现在这样优越的生活。 Grandpa is a thrifty man, if there is no grandpa's thrift, there will be no such superior life as I am now. 为什么不说是爸爸给了我优越的生活,而说是爷爷给了我优越的生活呢?爸爸曾经告诉我说:”穷不过三代。”指的就是一家人如果都努力的话,最多经历三代人就可以过上富裕生活。而我们家的好日子就要从爷爷的勤俭节约说起。 Why not say that my father gave me a superior life, but that my grandfather gave me a superior life? My father once told me, “Poverty is no more than three generations.” What I mean is that if a family works hard, they can live a wealthy life after three generations at most. And our family's good days should start with Grandpa's thrift and diligence. 爸爸告诉我说,在他还小的时候,家里特别穷,就连爸爸出生时(当时刚开始搞计划生育,多生一个孩子就要交罚款,爸爸是家里的老二。)的罚款都交不起,还是借的钱交了罚款,才保住了爸爸的性命,后来为了还债,爷爷起早贪黑的工作和忙地里

共享经济的好处 The benefits of sharing

In some countries, Millennials almost take the “sharing economy” for granted. 在一些国家中,“千禧一代”几乎认为“共享经济”是一种理所当然的存在。 It’s easy to pull up an app, push a few buttons, and have a taxi at your doorstep within minutes, or press a few laptop keys and find the best couch to crash on for a few days. It’s easy on the wallet and takes little time. 打开一个应用,点击几下按钮,几分钟后就会有一辆出租车停在家门口,一切就是这 么简单。再或者,敲几下键盘,就可以找到一个最棒的沙发,舒舒服服地躺上几天。 而且,付款简单,超级省时。 However, this new economic model could serve to benefit more than the average smartphone-wielding consumer. A paper released earlier this year by New York University found that those with the most to gain are the low-income participants in this new economy. 除了普通的智能手机消费者,这种新兴经济模式同样可以给其他人群带来好处。纽约 大学在今年早些时候发布了一篇论文,该论文通过研究发现,在这种新兴经济模式下,受益最大的是低收入群体。 “We highlight this finding because it speaks to what may eventually be the true promise of the sharing economy as a force that democratizes access to a higher standard of living,” the researchers wrote in the paper, which analyzed data from a car rental app. “我们强调这一研究结果,是因为它能证实分享经济最终能给我们的生活带来什么好处,这种经济模式作为一种手段,使普通大众也可以享受到较高的生活水平。”研究 者通过分析一个汽车租赁软件的数据,在论文中写道。 Two big names come to mind when thinking of the sharing economy: ridesharing company Uber and lodging rental company Airbnb. The latter allows people to rent out their homes as an alternative to hotels and motels. Renting out items is a way in which those with lower income can benefit from the sharing economy. 一提起分享经济,两大品牌的名字便会在人们脑海中浮现:拼车公司Uber以及租房公司Airbnb。后者让人们把自己家里的房间出租出去,作为替代酒店和汽车旅馆的一种 选择。那些低收入者能够从分享经济中获利的方式就是出租物品。 “Lower-income consumers also stand to gain the most from renting out their goods on these platforms,” Emily Badger wrote in The Washington Post. “The ability to make extra income off expensive items makes those items less expensive.” “低收入者也是通过在这些平台上出租物品而获利最多的人,”,艾米丽拜哲在《华 盛顿邮报》上写道。“在共享经济的平台上,能够利用贵重的物品赚取额外收入,而 这一过程正好又降低了这些物品的价格。”


关于共享经济的英语作文范文: It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life. There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other. However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering.


ECON915 Financial Economics Seminar 2 1. As an investor, you consider investing in a recently liberalized emerging market economy. From past post liberalization performance data for this economy you know that investment projects tend to have a pay-off of 11.57% per annum. What assumption would you have to make to conclude that this figure is a good guide to future investment returns. One assumption for past sample data to give a guide to the future is that the remaining investment opportunities are of equal quality as the ones earlier exploited. If one assumes that there is a limited pool of such opportunities (not an entirely realistic assumption) it would appear that the more profitable ones get taken first. So, later investment projects may well earn a lower return. A second reason has to do with diminishing marginal returns to individual production factors and capital saturation in the production process. We will address this in more detail in the context of growth theory next semester. The basic lesson here is that in an applied context one needs to be aware about the factors that influence the probabilities underlying past decision making. 2. How would a change in the market rate of interest affect the allocation of consumption over time? A rise in the rate of interest would lead to an increase in future consumption and a fall in present consumption. A fall in the rate of interest would likewise lead to a rise in present consumption relative to future consumption. In either case, the market rate of interest is equal to the consumer’s rate of time preference at the new equilibrium point. 3. Assume you and a business partner attempt to agree on an investment project. You have a strong preference for saving while you know your business partner’s preference to be weighted in favour of present consumption. How, if at all, could you agree on the optimum amount to invest in your firm? Microeconomic theory tells us that you should invest in your firm until the internal rate of return to your investment project has fallen to the market rate of interest. Once this point is achieved, your ‘hedonistic’ business partner can borrow at the market rate of interest to fund his present consumption. You can likewise invest your remaining assets in a bank account. Both of you benefit from this arrangement. Even your business partner does, since the investment project earns a higher rate of return than the market rate of interest, enabling him to consume more over both periods, and re-allocate this higher income at a cost determined by the market interest rate. 4. Consider an income prospect of £749 with a certainty equivalent income level of £1024. Would an economic agent with risk preferences corresponding to this scenario be risk averse or risk loving?
