



Section 3


2. Rather than引导对立关系,前后内容应相反;句子后半部分and引导并列关系,前后意思应?致,因此第?空填不应被支配,第二空填应被支配。答案选B(平等的……服从的)。


4. Opposed to表对立关系,前后内容相反,因此第?空填晦涩。直截了当的写作写出来的内容必定也直截了当,因此第二空填清晰。选C(晦涩……清晰)

5.动词的现在分词作状语表因果关系,前后等价,同时两空格后面importance 和value为同义词,因此两空填相同方向的词。选B(支持……最高的)

6 D 文章开篇的第一句话就提到了"Your life may very well depend on a fish",后文也在反复提及到menhaden的重要性。

7 E 引言中运用到了Just as,这是非常明显的类比。

8 A 定位到的句子中所进行到的描述为"...Black artists should follow the prevailing style of mainstream Europe and America in order to gain full acceptance in the art world." 直接从这句话中可以看出他们认为应当遵循既定的主流形式从而获得艺术界的认同。A中的secure在这里的词义为获得。

9 D 文中定位到的内容中进行的描述为"began to explore Africa in her paintings",那么Jones参与到这件争论只能与在画中体现Africa有关。

10 D 文中的"some...while others..."这是非常明显的两种观点的对比。

11 E 文中的描述"Scientists' testimonies are used to endorse everything from toothpaste to nuclear power"指出这些事情都是与科学家有关,注意D 选项中的mundane activities是不应该包含nuclear power的。

12 D 与文中的"is not to be sneered at"直接做出同义替换。

13 E 文中关于小说部分的描述主要关注在现在的科技有许多东西让他弄不明白,和E选项最对应。注意C选项的amusement和unsophisticated是过度的推断。

14 C 文中的描述中有这句话"the scientific community has led a particularly unexamined life for a surprisingly long time and may have accepted its unusual"这句话已经指出科学在社会上是拥有一个较为独特的地位的。

15 D 在文中的simply起到的是一种强调的作用。

16 E 整篇文章中探索到了不同人对于科学的看法,用一些段指出有些普通大众无法理解一些现象,最后一段也同样指出了科学家本身也对于有些问题无法理解。

17 D 从段落中的第一句话“Sea nomads have always been serious navigators.”可以看出段落前半部分是为了描述navigation的,段落中间有个转折部分需要重要阅读"Apart from navigation, though, a sea nomad's knowledge of the ocean is scientific in its detail..."说明段落中还要讲到他们另外一个特征

18 C 文中提到他们的知识是"holistic"的

19 A 出现在段首的问句再提示下文要谈论的内容,后文主旨内容是在谈论多样性消失的弊端的

20 E specialization前面作者用了extreme这个词,已经表明出自己的态度了,specialized是用来描述Bajau这些人的独特生活方式的,从文中主旨可以判断出,作者是希望这些独特生活方式能够保留下来的,所以一定是正向态度。

21 B 文中给了一个假设场景,谈论到如果Bajau这些人放弃本来的生活方式,会失去一些重要的有价值的东西,所以B选项符合段落主旨。

22 B 文中59-60行说到"no amount of genetic juggling or selective pesticides will be as effective as growing the widest possible variety of ..."已经表明了态度

23 C 第70行有“in another world”已经提示了这种对比

24 C 注意各个段落主题句的提示会发现,文章在反复谈论Bajau这些人独特的生活方式不应该消失,最后一段也在证明多样性的好处。

Section 7

1. Because引导因果关系,前后构成同义重复。后半部分说不混乱,因此空格



3. As表手段关系,根据目的手段结果等价原则,两空单词的方向应?致,或者都为正方向,或者都为负方向。满足条件的选项只有E(嘲讽……多管闲事)。

4. As引导从句表因果关系,前后构成同义重复。后半句说喜欢相互开玩笑,因此空格填开玩笑。答案选A(打趣)。

5. But引导转折关系,前后内容相反。后半句说看到事物的两方面,因此第?空填只能看到?面。答案选A(绝对主义者……犹豫不决)。


7. In recent years引导时间对比,前后内容相反。现在的情况是公司已被复兴,因此之前应不景气。答案选B(半死不活的)。


9 E In passage one: L9-12 In passage two: L24-L25

10 C In passage one: L1-L6.caves has always haunted the imagination. In passage two: L21-L23 The author thin ks that he has opened a great book….

11 D 最后两个词很明显“living and extinct” – chronicle

12 C 第三行中作者先提及到了他的画是他"reason of living",但后来也指出“not productive”,所以这是为了形成一种转折。

13 E 这已经很明显了还有后面的“buy paintings” 进一步说明

14 D 作者态度已经很明显了。我不是某某某,划清界限,所以有鄙夷之情。

15 E L16.’come upon an unknown’表明这幅画以前没有被发现,而 Tom Keating 这种人就想要把这幅画伪装成是一副之前遗失的伟大画家的作品。

16 C Line 25:pleasure& sense of humor

17 A Line 31. ‘With all the skills at my disposal’ Line 36 作者还要跑到 Budapest去买东西

18 B 腕表不是在18世纪有的东西

19 B 通过上下文中可以推断出,作者讲这个故事是为了证明自己为什么从事现在这份工作

20 A 通过这幅画欺骗了小鸟

21 D Line54.He affected to be unimpressed. But in Line56, he went home and brooded.

22 B 这段话是为作者自己的行为作辩解,大概意思就是说自己为什么要从事这个行业不仅是因为之前所说的什么美术技术阿快感阿什么的,还有儿时这个故事的影响。所以就是另一个对作者行为的解释。

23 A Line 64-65 ‘private significance for me’ Line 65-66 It made me want to be an artist good enough to fool the experts.

Section 9

1.动词的现在分词作状语表因果关系,前后构成同义重复,因此check her+空格应与前文的authority意思?致。答案选E(受限制……独立)。


3. Once表因果关系,前后半句为同义重复。前半句说通常的食物耗尽了,因此只能找其他的食物。选C(生存手段)。

4. Although引导反义转折,前后意思相反。后半句说轻松完成,因此前半句应不轻松。选D(困难)。

5.冒号引导同义解释关系,选项应使前后构成同义重复。满足条件的选项只有C (厌恶……自我反省)。

6. By和as均表手段关系。前半句说为了赢得公众同情,因此必须把自己成为值得同情的人。选A(塑造……不幸的)。

7 A 第二篇文章的特点能更明确更好找,对于摇滚影响的人群进行了说明,第一篇谈论到了摇滚对这个社会文化的影响

8 B 要注意的是两篇文章都是写于1980s,第一篇的L10 “30 years of hindsight available”,第二篇66to hear their favourite artists from the 1950s.

9 D line 6 passage1, (“ they weren’t very happy ”)line 64 passage 2人们仍然喜爱以前喜爱的东西

10 D filthy提示了负向感情色彩

11 C 第一篇作者谈论到自己的学校生活和听到大人的谈话,这是个人经历

12 C 文章中 Line 15 后面两个原因 first 说明美国是从革命中建立,second 却指出美国人不愿改变。所以 contradictory

13 C line 24“ratonal,wellordered,andcontinuos”

14 D 注意区分C选项即可,C的含义为“重申一个观点”,而文章中是在用后面的句子支持自己的观点

15 B 文章还说到 rock and roll 渗透到了美国社会的方方面面从 83 开始not only on adults

16 E 应理解为达到什么年纪

17 B 文中说的是摇滚遍及到了各种音乐中,B也谈论了这种普遍性

18 A 例证段落的主旨

19 E 第一篇谈论到了摇滚对于文化的影响,第二篇说到了摇滚的普遍性

20 C 第二篇讲到摇滚在各种商业形式中的运用,第一篇提及到了摇滚对于社会产生的影响,通过主旨内容可以把握到。


Section 6

1. E 谓语缺省,应为be born with

2. E 平行结构,not publish or profit

3. A 平行结构,pervasive ,irreversible,costly均为形容词

4. B 固定用法,because和is the reason why表意重复

5. A 方式状语,且看到有by doing的选项,结合句意如果逻辑无问题则选类似选项。

6. B 指代问题 students为复数,决定teenager也为复数

7. C 同位语,a physician 等于 Avicenna

8. C run-on句型,原句两独立的句子之间缺乏连词

9. E 比较问题,应该是commuters之间相比较

10. A 倒装句型,介词短语across the southern surface of the Moon's far side置于句首,谓语sprawl紧随其后,形成一个全部倒装

11. C run-on句型,两独立句子之间缺乏连词,而原句表达因果关系,固添加连词so。

12. B 固定搭配,not only...but also...

13. D 固定搭配, in order to do

14. D 平行结构, both by lowering ...and adding...

15. A 主谓一致,house作谓语表达给...安家,而主语building为单数

16. D 时态,由was complete得出应为were submitted

17. A 指代,由于Sui Sin和Edith Eaton两人为复数,所以应为names

18. D 指代,此处想指opinions,所以应为 they were

19. D 比较问题,of all the musical forms表示是三者比较,应用最高级

20. D 固定用法,leave sb. to do

21. B 指代,此处本指the United Supreme Court,所以应为it has

22. A 主谓一致,倒装句,真实主语应为director and the producer

23. C 主谓一致,https://www.360docs.net/doc/b15153058.html,position为插入语,真实主语为sections

24. C 修饰,副词修饰形容词,所以应为 highly praised

25. C 比较问题,由于less可看出原句为比较级,而非最高级,所以不用most

26. E 无错误

27. C 固定搭配,not so much as

28. A 指代,此处想指代codfish,固为单数,it is

29. D 比较问题,此处为非逻辑性比较,应为costs of using cell phones 和costs of conventional cell phones相比较

30. A 句子整合,易错选项为C,此处缺谓,应为be sure

31. B 此处应和前句产生递进关系,但选项B过于复杂

32. D 由于用Mae Jemison作例证表示专业的转化,所以应为转折

33. C 平行结构,谓语动词taught, founded和appeared三个谓语归并

34. A 围绕文章整个在讲兴趣爱好和职业发展之间的关系,所以应该加入更多关于Mae Jemison如何将兴趣爱好转变成职业的的信息

35. E 文章举例人物Mae Jemison恰好和作者一样有着兴趣众多的经历,所以对于作者来说是一件积极意义的事情。

Section 10

1. C 缺谓,其他选项分别是句子结构有误

2. E 逻辑主语,由investigating得出句子主语应该为scientists

3. B 主谓一致,included...theory为后置定语,修饰主语countries

4. A run-on句型,其他选项都是两独立句子之间缺乏连词

5. B 逻辑主语,由nominated for,被提名得出主语应为Marietta

6. D 结构缺失,drive and talk缺少逻辑意思上以及形式上的主语

7. D 平行结构,result not from...but from...

8. E 逻辑主语,由https://www.360docs.net/doc/b15153058.html,rmant得知主语应为federal agents

9. A 同位语,A Seneca Indian 等于 Ely Parker

10. C 修饰,we used to play with此处应修饰soccer,所以此处相当于省略了that的从句,应尾随在soccer后面

11. B 代词的格,此处应为所有格her,因为bizarre experience同为其修饰对象

12. A 句子结构,其他选项都造成了句子缺谓或者时态错误

13. D 逻辑主语,trimming...bush表明主语应为人物Mr. Nettleworth

14. A 比较问题,此处应为crowds和crowds相比较



Despite the fact that some people encounter their waterloo when they obstinately stick to one infeasible direction, it, by no means, questions the validity of perseverance, which can stimulate people to explore their potential and therefore conquer this obstacle to accomplish unprecedented achievements. Therefore, for all the risks, people should adhere to their objectives in any circumstance.

Many people are born with disability, most of whom felt abandoned by God at youth, especially when they made no progress in adapting to the society, but then they regained their confidence, persisted and harvested great successes. Only through the persistent effort and steel will could Ludwing van Beethoven, a renowned German composer and pianist, achieve the success. Beethoven had much talent in music and had already raised prominence when he was young. Unfortunately, he began to lose hearing in 1796 and was thereafter suffering from a severe form of tinnitus, a "ringing" in his ears that made it hard for him to hear music. Finally he became deaf in 1814. This blow often crashed Beethoven’s music career, as we know how much important is hearing to a musician. Under too much pressure and in extreme desperation, he even attempted to suicide. However, fortunately, his enthusiasm of music was so strong that he could not abandon his music career. He tried to hear the music with wood stick, practiced playing piano for hours, and dedicated himself into composing. Finally his work in this period established his unparallel position in music area.

Furthermore, Had it not been for the unbending spirit towards failures, Rafael Nadal, a Spanish professional tennis player currently ranked NO.1, would never have improved his skill and won the championship at last. In 2006, Nadal was successively defeated by Ferderer in Wimbledon Lawn championships. At that time, Nadal was a fledgling compared with Ferderer. After a year, they stood at the same court again. Although this time Nadal’s skill was refined with surprising speed, Ferderer still snatched the champion with mere winning points. The failure was ponderous yet illuminating. Although the media criticized that Nadal was doomed to be a loser before Ferderer, Nadal ignore the doubt, persisted in training. From the two previous failures, Nadal found the defects he had, enacted the plan aimed at these weak points and practiced industriously. To all people’s surprise, he displa yed sophisticated form—less miss at the first serve points, more active motions, more flexible plays, more strong defenses and more threatening assaults in 2008 Wimbledon Open

Championship. Due to this astonishing improvement he generalized from the past failures, he finally won. Therefore, practice makes perfect and insistence breeds success.

Without any doubt, some adaption of the strategy to different condition is indispensable, which can better facilitate one’s dream pursuing. However, the objective should not be easily abandoned, because only a long time effort can procure fruition.
