上海高一上英语月考卷 高一英语试卷

上海高一上英语月考卷 高一英语试卷
上海高一上英语月考卷 高一英语试卷

高一英语试卷 2017学年度第一学期12月考试高一英语试卷 (本试卷满分100分。考试时

间90分钟。) I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations 10% Directions:

In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end

of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations

and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the

question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which

one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He is overweight. B. He’s suffering from cancer. C. He has a heart attack. D.

He has given up smoking. 2. A. He couldn’t sleep well. B. He dreamed

a good dream. C. He stayed up to prepare for the exam. D. He did well in the

exam. 3. A. She likes to make friends. B. She works in a restaurant. D.

She’s good at cooking. C. She’ s honest and generous. 4. A. To the

north of San Francisco. . B. To the south of San Francisco. C. To the

east of Los Angeles. D. To the west of Los Angeles. 5. A. Go on painting

the wall. . B. Go to see a doctor. C. Have a rest.

6. A. She was holding her birthday party. C. She was out.

7. A.

A guide. 8. A. Go to see a film. 9. A. She is too hungry. B. She asks

to change a beefsteak. C. Her husband likes it. D. Her first beefsteak is on the

ground. 10. A. Some ice cream. C. A watermelon. B. A glass

of water. D. A bottle of Coca-Cola. D. Ask someone to help him. B. She was

surfing the net. D. She was in a party. D. A translator. B. Take an exam.

D. Study at home. B. A visitor. C. A cleaner. C. Help his friend with

study. Section B Passages (6%) Directions: In part B, you will hear two short

passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages

will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,

read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best

answer to the question you have heard. -- 1 --

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. To see his football

match. B. To celebrate his birthday. C. To celebrate his retirement.

D. To welcome him joining in a new team. D. He has a great sense of humor. B. Make

his teammates laugh D. Teach his teammates special skills. 12. A. His behavior is

not sportsman-style. B. Few people know him these days. C. He is sometimes

not very confident. 13. A. Encourage his teammates. Questions 14 through 16 are

based on the following talk. 14. A. They traveled with two-wheeled carriage. B.

They used logs on rivers and lakes. C. They used rollers under boats. D. They

traveled on the back of horses. 15. A. The wheel. B. The stagecoach. C. The car.

C. Lead the teammates to practice.

D. The bamboo raft. 16. A. It can transport more

people. B. It can travel faster and easier. C. It can pull heavy loads. D.

It can run on any kind of road.. Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary 10% Directions:

Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and

D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 17. Are you interested

in _____? A. how did he do it B. he did it how C. how he did it D. he how

did it 18. She is always the last __________ at the meeting. A. spoke B. speak C.

speaking D. to speak 19. Thank you for your invitation, but I’m not sure __________I’

ll be free that day. A. whether B. that C. when D. what 20. I’ll go there by air

__________ I have to sell my house to get enough money for a ticket. A. even if B. unless C. whether D. because 21. Parents are taught to understand ______ important education is to their children’s future. A. that B. how speed. A.

as B. which C. what D. that C. such D. so 22. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _________ I thought was a dangerous -- 2


23. His mother insisted that he ___ the coat when going out. on on put on

g on 24. ______ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem 25. We’re having a meeting

in half an hour. The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of

our company. A. to be made B. being made C. made D. having been made

26. I can’t forget _________ Jane again ten years after graduation. She really has changed a lot. A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting III. Blank-filling 9% Directions: Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only

be used once. One word is not needed. A. talented B. position C. suffered D. unfortunately AB. shelters AC. competing AD. inventions BC. eventually BD. honor CD. covering Athena was the favorite daughter

of Zeus(宙斯). Zeus once ___27___ a terrible headache and he ordered Hephaestus,

god of fire, to cut his head open. At that moment, Athena was born from her father’

s head. At her birth, Athena was a beautiful full-grown girl, dressed in her protective

___28___, ready to fight the enemies of the Greek people. Athena was a wise goddess

(女神). She taught people how to play musical instruments. She was ___29___ enough

to invent useful tools which the Greeks used in their daily lives. One story the Greeks told was about Athena and Poseidon, god of the sea, ___30___ for a temple to

be built in their name in the city of Athens. To decide which god they would honor,

the local people would choose between Athena and Poseidon’s ___31___. Poseidon created a saltwater spring from rocks. It was ___32___ an amazing but unusable creation, as people could neither drink saltwater nor bathe in it. Athena made an

olive(橄榄)tree that provided humans with ___33___ from the sun, gave them olives

and olive oil for food, and firewood for cooking. The people of Athens ___34___ chose Athena as the winner and, in her ___35___ built the Parthenon, which can still be seen in Athens, Greece today. IV. Cloze 15% Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Fresh out of residency (住

院医师实习期), I took a job in a small hospital’s emergency department. No one wanted

to work on Christmas Eve and the shift (轮班) went to me 36 I was the newest member.

I kissed my family goodbye and went to spend the night in the hospital. It was a 37 job. -- 3 --

At 9 pm, a man was brought in. He was having a heart attack. His face was pale, and

he looked 38 . I did my best to help him. Before I left in the morning, I 39

to see how he was doing. The situation was still serious, but he had lived through

the night and was sleeping. Emergency doctors don’t have 40 relationships with patients like other doctors. We get the 41 sick and the wounded. Often they’

re frightened or angry at us just because we’re there. They pass through our hands

and out the door. We 42 see them again. The following year, I got Christmas Eve

duty again. At 9 pm, the nurse told me there was a 43 in the hall who wanted

to see me. When I came near, the man introduced himself as Mr. Lee and said, “You probably don’t remember me but last Christmas you 44 my life. Thank you for the

year you gave me.” He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left. I

was more than a little surprised -- and 45 . The following year a new doctor had

joined the group, and my family was 46 that I could stay home on Christmas Eve.

But I wanted to see if Mr. and Mrs. Lee would 47 me. This time I 48 for the

shift. I kept an eye on the door. Once again, at 9 pm, the Lees appeared, carrying

their new grandchild. Mr. Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together.

The last year I saw him, he brought me a golden 49 engraved (刻着) with a single word: Friendship. Mr. Lee died the next year. Now my family and I ring it every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 pm and offer a toast to the man who didn’t 50 . 36.

A. though

B. because

C. if

D. while 37. A. thankless B. helpless C. meaningless D. effortless 38. A. patient B. well C. frightened D. disappointed 39. A. stopped by B. showed up C. woke up D. stood by 40. A. continuing B. friendly C. direct D. special 41. A. regularly B. gradually C. slightly D. suddenly 42. A. frequently B. never C. rarely D. hopefully 43. A. friend B. doctor C. couple D. cousin 44. A. saved B. enriched C. added D. spared 45. A. interested B. moved C. shocked D. satisfied 46. A. guilty B. certain C. delighted D. confused 47. A. call B. visit C. thank D. reward 48. A. waited

B. looked

C. longed

D. volunteered 49. A. board B. telephone C.

bell D. clock 50. A. leave B. forget C. change D. lose V. Reading Comprehension 19% Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage

is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there

are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to

the information given in the passage you have just read. -- 4 --

A The first English window was just a slit (裂缝) in the wall. It was cut long, so

that it would let in as much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather. However, the slit let in more wind than light. This is why it was called “the wind’

s eye”. The word “window” itself comes from two Old Norse words for wind and eye.

Before windows were used, the ancient halls and castles of northern Europe and Britain

were dark and smoky. Their great rooms were high, with only a hole in the roof to

let out the smoke from torches and cooking fires. As time went on, people wanted more

light and air in their homes. They made “the wind’s eyes” wider so as to admit

air and light. They stretched canvas(粗布) or tapestry(挂毯) across them to keep

out the bad weather. 51. The word “window” originally means _____. A. opening

to look round. C. Wind’s eye B. letting in light. 52.

The first English window was a _____. A. large hole in the roof B. hole

covered with canvas C. slit covered with paper D. slit in the wall 53. The

window got its name because it _____. A. kept out the light B. blew out

the smoke C. let in more wind than light in mostly light 54. In the ancient

castles of northern Europe, smoke went out through _____. A. the windows

B. the doors

C. a hole in the wall

D. a hole in the roof 55. As time

passed, people covered the windows with canvas so as to _____. the light the wind C. let out the smoke D. keep out the

bad weather B It is New Year’s Eve. As the hands of the clock move towards midnight,

the old year is slowly dying; in a few minutes the New Year will be born. It is a

time for looking back and looking forward. We look back over all that has happened

during the past year, to ourselves, to our city and to the world. We look forward

to the New Year that is just beginning and hope that it will bring health and happiness

to all mankind. In Scotland the last day of the year is the most important holiday

of the winter, much more important than Christmas. On New Year’s Eve friends and

neighbors go about from house to house drinking a toast to the New Year and wishing

each other luck. In England and Wales New Year’s Day is a holiday and most people

sit up till after midnight on New Year’s Eve “to see the New Year in” and many

go to parties and dances. Most of the big -- 5 --

London hotels hold a New Year’s Eve dance, and most families will go out to one of

these parties. The large room where the dance is held is beautiful. Around the edge

of the dance floor, there are little tables where people may sit when they are not

dancing. As the clock strikes midnight hundreds of coloured balloons come down from

the roof, and the dancers shout and make a great noise to welcome in the New Year.

Then all join hands to sing. The New Year has begun. 56. From the passage, we can

tell that New Year’s Eve is a time for _____. A. giving presents to one’s friends

B. dancing

C. thinking about the past and the future

D. singing songs 57.

People usually hope that the New Year will bring them_____. health and happiness

B. invitations

C. things remembered

D. a toast 58. According to the

passage, _____is the most important holiday of the winter in Scotland, A.

Christmas Eve B. Christmas Day C. New Year’s Eve D. The second

of January 59. People in England and Wales _____. A. do not celebrate New Year’

s Eve B. have a holiday on New Year’s Day C. spend New Year’s Day dancing

D. go to their friends’ houses on New Year’s Day 60. When _____on New Year’s Eve,

the New Year has begun. A. the people join hands to sing B. the coloured

balloons come down C. the dancers shout and blow whistle D. the clock strikes

twelve C There are a lot of dangerous and terrible pests in Northeastern India,

but the tree-bees are the most terrible. They are killers. Unlike most bees, which

will sting (蜇) you only if they are disturbed or bothered, tree-bees will attack

you in thousands or no obvious reason. And they will go after you for your life.

Walking along a dusty road one sunny morning, while I was on holiday there last year,

I found myself, without the least warning, the center of such an attack. The air above

me suddenly became thick with bees. Despite the heat, I went cold all over. Until then I had never heard of Indian tree-bees, but I had recently seen a film called “The Angry Swarm”, whose subject was killer-bees. I began to run to the village about half a mile away. But I was soon covered from head to foot with bees. They crawled in thousands all over me, stinging with terrible pain. I tore them away in handfuls, only to make room for others. Each time I opened my lips for breath, more bees entered my mouth, until my tongue was stung to twice its normal size and I could hardly breathe. When I reached the village, I ran towards a house that was being built. As soon as the men working there saw the bees that were accompanying me, they ran for safety at top speed. -- 6 --

Soon my eyes had completely closed. I fell into a heap of brick dust used for building.

I pushed myself down into this until my head and shoulders were covered. I immediately found myself in a worse situation, the dust choking (窒息) out what little life I had left. When I struggled up out of the brick dust, the angry bees made a new attack on me. Now I already used up all my patience and strength. I ran weakly about in circles. Then I went down, in a state of unconsciousness. I was saved by two clever Gurkhas who raced to a heap of dry grass and quickly surrounded me with a thick wall of fire and smoke until the bees were driven away. They remained with me, I later learned, taking stings out of my body for the next three hours until a doctor was found and brought. 61. Which of the following is NOT true about the tree-bees in Northeastern India? A. They are most dangerous and terrible. B. They attack people in larger numbers.

C. They will not attack unless they are bothered.

D. They will sting people to death.

62. Why did the writer feel frightened when he saw the tree-bees? A. Because he was surrounded without warning. B. Because he thought of the film he had recently seen about killer-bees. C. Because he knew that Indian tree-bees were most dangerous. D. Because the temperature of the atmosphere suddenly went cold. 63. When the men building the house saw the bees going after the writer, they ______. A. ran over to save him B. ran away as fast as they could C. ran to the top of the building D. used dry grass to fight against the bees 64. What seems to be most useful in driving away the tree-bees? A. Clever Gurkhas. C. Dry grass. B. Brick dust. D. Smoke and fire.

D Neuschwanstein Castle (New Swan Stone Castle) is one of the most beautiful and famous castles in Germany. Originally ordered to be built by King Ludwig II, the fairy-tale castle is a typical example of neo-romantic(新浪漫主义)style. The famous German castle overlooks the charming Hohenschwangau valley and is located only a short distance from the popular tourist town, Fussen. This fairy-tale look of Neuschwanstein Castle even inspired Walt Disney to create the Magic Kingdom. Construction on the castle began in 1869, but given the exact tastes of the king, the progress went very slowly. As an example, it took 14 workers four and a half years just to complete the woodwork in Ludwig’s bedroom. The king named the castle after a character in one of Richard Wagner’s operas -- the Swan Knight. In none of the other castles in Germany will you find more examples of Ludwig’s fondness for Wagner’

s work. Wall-hangings showing scenes from Wagner’s operas can be found inside. -- 7 --

Construction on the castle was stopped when King Ludwig II was brought down because

of the intrigue(阴谋)within his own cabinet(内阁). The King himself hardly cared about matters of the state. Under Bavarian law, a King could be removed from power

if he were found unfit to rule. The cabinet eventually did that. However, Ludwig’

s puzzling death -- reported that he killed himself at the time -- suggests that his men were not happy with only throwing him out of power. All this adds to the mysterious

air of Neuschwanstein, and makes it one of the most fascinating castles in Germany. Unfortunately, many of the rooms in the charming castle remained undecorated. Only

14 rooms were finished before Ludwig’s death. Inside, the throne(御座)room is the picture of magnificence, but there is no throne, only a raised platform at the end

of the room, as the King was removed from power before a throne room could be built.

65. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Many workers spent more than four years to complete the throne room in the castle. B. King Ludwig

II gave Walt Disney inspiration of creating the Magic Kingdom. C. King Ludwig II was

a great fan of Richard Wagner, a great German musician. D. Neuschwanstein Castle is among the most charming castles because of its fairy-tale look. 66. According to the passage, King Ludwig II’s death was quite ______. A. strange B. natural C. sudden D. painful 67. The word “that” in the third paragraph of the passage refers

to ______. A. kicking King Ludwig II out of power. B. taking King Ludwig II’

s life. C. stopping the construction on the castle. D. considering the king

as unfit to rule. 68. We can learn from the passage that ______. A. Walt Disney also showed great interest in Rich Wagner B. castles built for the king’s family usually showed the exact taste of the king C. King Ludwig II was more interested in art than

in running the country D. King Ludwig II didn’t even plan to build a throne room

in the castle 69. The passage mainly tells us about ______. A. the dark side of King Ludwig II’s cabinet B. the historical background of Neuschwanstein Castle C. the unhappy life of King Ludwig II in Germany D. the cause of building Neuschwanstein Castle -- 8 --

第二卷 te the following sentences with the correct forms of the words and phrases given in the box below.(10%) A. tell…apart B. to guard against C.

in a way D. get over AB. smell out AC. keep you company AD. in addition to BC. sense of smell BD. out of the question CD. put…

into words ABC. food for thought 70. It is ___________ that she will come to the party because she dislikes him. 71. Writers can ___________ their emotions

___________ by articles. 72. Who often ___________ when you feel lonely? 73. Those dogs are trained to __________ drugs. 74. The twins are so alike that it’s impossible

to ___________ them ___________. 75. My grandfather walks with a stick ___________ falling. 76. ____________ failure is not a bad thing. 77. ____________ English, he learned French in school. 78. I’m pretty sure that she can ___________ these difficulties. 79. Dogs have strong __________, so they can easily recognize the smell

of their owners.4 Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with proper connectives.请用适当的连接

词填空。(6%) 80. I was about to leave ___________ it began to rain. 81. It won’t

be long __________ you regret what you have done. 82. __________ he caught cold, he was absent yesterday. 83. This is a lovely shirt. I’ll buy it, ___________ much it may cost. 84. __________ I was working in the garden, my wife was watching TV in the kitchen. 85. __________ happens, we should never lose hope. Ⅲ. Translation 15% (3+3+4+5) Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 86. 政府将决定是否他们要减少税收。(whether) 87. 我还是小孩时,我的狗经常陪伴我。(keep…company) 88. 如果不下雨,运动会将在八点开幕。(unless) 89. 参加运动会的运动员的年龄从16岁到36岁不等。(range) -- 9 --

班______________ 级姓_______________ 名学号____________ 2017学年第一学期高一英语12月考试答题卷第二卷 II. Fill in the blanks in the proper form of the given verb.(6%) 80.__________________ 81.__________________ 82.__________________ 83.__________________ 84.__________________ 85.__________________ Ⅲ. Translation (15%) 3+3+4+5


87._________________________________________________________________________ 88. __________________________________________________________________________ 89. ___________________________________________________________________________

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