

台球术语中英文对照常用词:CUe ball (撞球中的)母球、主球ObjeCt ball冃标球SOIid ball全色球StriPe ball 花色球Chalk 巧克top POCket 顶袋middle POCket 中袋bottom POCket 底袋





无袋式台球(开仑)CarOnI有袋式台球(落袋)POCketgame 英式三球比利englishbUliard英式22球(斯诺克)

SnOOker 美式台球AmeriCa POCketbilliard, POOI 争黑八打法eight ball 九球打法nine ball, knapper台球规则rulesof PIay运动员PIayer裁判员referee记分员scorer, jidge 记分SCOring 记分牌SCOring board 预赛PrelinI 半决赛SenIifinaIS 1/4 决赛QUarterfinal 决赛final 开球breakoff, SerVe 开球线SerVeIine 开球区(英式D 形区)the〃D〃开球区(美式)kitchen

掷币猜先COin toss, tossoff抽签猜先IOt球台table 球袋POCket

顶袋top POCket 中袋middle POCket 底袋bottom POCket 台?1 PIaying aren 台边CUShiOn台面标志marks球ball球杆CUe架杆rest 灯罩IamP Shade巧克ChaIk杆头tip滑石粉POWder球框(用来摆球的那个三角框)tri^angle球杆连接部joint 主球cue~ball 目标球ObjeCt-ball —击(球)StrOke 一杆(球)break 手中球i∏-hand 局中球ball in PIay活球ball On死球SnOOkered死角球angled障碍球SnOOker 自由球free-ball 指定球nominated-ball 贴球touching ball 贴边球frozen 跳球jump-ball, jump^shot 角

度球angled香蕉球(弧线球)english, SideSPin

幸运球fluke袋口相挤的球IaWed-ball争议球SPIit-hit罚球PenaIty进球POt错击error 盘frame 局game 场match 暂停PaUSe 平局tie SCOre 总分total POirlts 对方OPPOnent 失机IOSS Of ChanCe 失误miss 犯规foul占位OCCUPied空杆miss 置球点SPOtS

放置彩球SPOtting COIOUrS (典烈的英式用法)黄球置点yellow SPOt绿球置点greenspot 棕球置点brown SPOt 蓝球置点blue SPOt 粉球置点Pink SPOt 黑球置点black SPOt瞄准aiming主球走位练习POSitiOn exercise名次排列rank排名第二Starting 2(tWO)台球厅POOI room 自落drop Of the cue~ball

椎杆PUShStrOke 跟进球follow-ball 连击double-hit 扎杆PriCk StrOke 出界forced Off the table 僵局StaIenIate 滑杆miscue 厚球thick CUt 薄球thin CUt 偏杆Side SPin定杆StOP ShOt缩杆(低杆)SUb-Side种子选手Seeded 3号种子选手Seeded3 (three)上旋球(推杆,高杆)top SPirl 卜旋球(缩杆)back SPin 就几个两个标准分别纠正你几个错误和加以补充。缩球击法叫back SPin或是SCreW back.跟进球击法叫top SPin或是follow up.球变角度击球法,叫Side spin. 弧线球叫SWirI ,美式忘了怎么拼,也是S打头,因为和中国的'赛'有音节相似,所以国内有些地方叫加塞。

手中球,英式叫Freeba11,和对方犯规但给自己造成阻碍而自己任意选择击球同一个叫法。美式手中球才叫ball in hand.

幸运球叫fluke?得的分就叫point,美式才叫一次run。失球LOSSOFCHANGE ,有利情况卜未能得分,这个没有什么固定叫法,随你怎么叫,Iossofchanee或是IOSSOPPOrtUnity都可以,但绝对不叫IOSS Of Change肯定是抄错了,把C抄成了go 力口长杆叫extension.


犯规有两种,foul andmiss,可要求摆回重解球,但HIiSS可能裁判认为没有办法解,或是球太乱无法复原,不要求重解球,SteVedaViS就刚刚被判了一个这种球。双击叫double kiss?



定球应该叫StU n斯登打法

击J球母球不按预定要求滚动,叫heavy CO ntact, heavyball, heavy hit,随你叫。

1.死角球(ANGLED )当角袋边缘挡住了主球,使主球不能直接击打台面上的目标球,被称为死角球。

2.手中球(BALL IN HAND )在美式台球规则中,手中球的概念是主球可以摆放在比赛台面的任何地方。

3.活球(BALL ON )在斯诺克台球中,运动员可合法打一个彩色球(没有红球情况下) 入袋,这



5.手桥(BRlDGE )用于架住球杆和调整杆头瞄准方法的手,称为手桥。

6.指球(CALLED BALL )在美式台球中,运动员在击球前必须向裁判员指明(口头或用杆指出)所要击打的目标球是哪一颗。

7.定袋(CALLED POCKET )在美式台球中,运动员在击球前必须向裁判员指明(口头或用杆指出)要击入哪个球袋。


9.主球(CUE BALL )主球在比赛中,经常被杆击打的球,它是白色的并且无号码。

10.手中球置在开球线后(CVE BALL IN HAND THE HEAD STRlNC)在美式台球中,主球被放在开球线与顶岸之间的任何地方。

11.岸(CUSHlON )


12.双击(DOUBLE HIT)在一次击球中,主球被杆头两次击打,称为双击。

13.侧旋球(ENGLlSH )通过球杆头部击打主球的左右侧,产生出侧旋球。

14.薄击球(FEATHER SHOT)主球仅仅擦碰目标球,被称为薄击球。

15.得分(COUNT ) 一分或是成功的一击。

16.击球点(CONTACT POlNT )当主球被击出后,主球与目标球相碰击时的入球点,叫做击球点。

17.球杆(CVE) 一种由木质材料造成的锥形体,并用其击打主球。

18.缩球击法(DRAW SHOT)主球被击下击点时,会产生下旋,当主球全击目标球后,便会向后方缩回。

19.跟进球击法(FOLLOW SHOT HAROUGH )当主球被击上部时,会产生向前旋转,当主球全击目标球,主球便会向前滚动。

20.随势出杆(FOLLOW -THROUGH )随势出杆是球杆击打主球后,球杆穿过原来主球所占位置范围的继续运行路线。



23.犯规击球(FoUL STROKE)在击球时,发生违反规则行为。




26.局(GAME )若干盘比赛构成一局。

27.跳击(JUMP SHOT)使主球或者目标球弹起台面的击球。

28.跳球(JUMPED BALL)球离开比赛台面或者球以跳起方式越过其它的球。

29.吻击(KISS SHOT)主球碰击多于一个目标球,这种击法叫吻击。

30.碰岸比近(LAG FOR BREAK )双方运动员将球从开球线后击出去碰对岸返回,并力图使返回的球尽可能地靠近岸边。通过比近来决定开球权。

31.场(MATCH )由若干局构成决定胜负的比赛,称为场。

32.冻结(FROZEN) 一个球与其它球或台边相贴。

33.滑杆(MlSCUE )球杆打主球时,由于打滑导致失误。通常由于没有打在主球击点安全区内,或由于杆头没有打滑粉所致。



35.自然侧旋(NATURAL ENGLlSH ) 一个适度的侧旋的主球,便于有一个所需的行进路线。

36.自然上旋(NATURAL ROLL )主球不带着侧旋的运动。

37.目标球(OBJECT BALLS )被主球击打的球。

38.开局击球(OPENlNG BREAK SHOT) 一盘比赛中第一杆击球。


40.推击(PUSH SHOT)杆头持续也碰击主球。



42.杆架(REST) 一种由木与铜制成的架杆器具。

43.单循环赛(ROUND ROBlN )在一次比赛中,每一参赛队员互相之间均进行一次比赛。

44.得分(RUN) 一个队员在一次击球中所赢得的积分。

45.安全球(SAFETY )被击主球落入球袋。



48.单淘汰赛(SlNGL ELlMlNATlON )比赛的一种方法,一位参赛选手输一场比赛后即被淘汰





52.—杆球(BREAIC )在斯诺克比赛中,击球运动员从击球得分开始,直至击球因失机或犯规止,这一杆连续击分称之为一杆球。



54.失机(LOSS OF CHANGE)当运动员正常击球,但没有击球入袋或得分,即为“失机” o

55.扎杆(PRlCK STROKE)将球杆斜向或几乎与台面垂直直击主球,称为“扎杆”。




The gameof eight-ball is derived from an earlier game invented around 1900 (first recordedin 1908) in the UnitedStatesandinitially POPUIariZed Under the name "B? B? C? Co. POOl ZZ (a name that WaS StilI in USeaS Iate as 1925) by the BrUnSWiCk-BaIke- COlIender Company. ThiS forerunner gamewas PIayed With SeVenyelIOW and SeVenred balls, a black ball, and the CUe ball. Today, numberedstripesand SOlidS are Preferredin most Of the world, though the British- Style Variant USeSthe traditional colors. The game had relatiVely SimPIe rules COmParedtO today andwas not added(underany name)to an OffiCiaI rule book Until 1940.

InternatioIlQI rules

AnIeriCan-Style eight-ball rules are PIayed around the WOrId by professionals, andin many amateurleagues. The rules for eight-ball may be the most COntestedof any billiard game. There are SeVeraICOmPeting SetSOf ZZ OffiCial ZZ rules. The non-profit WOrld POOI-Billiard ASSOCiatiOn (WPA), With national affiliates SUChaS the BilIiard COngreSS Of AmeriCa (BCA), PrOmUIgatesthe WOrld StandardisedRules[5] for amateurand PrOfeSSiOnaIPIay. The for~profit International POOI TOUr hasalso establishedan international SetOf rules[6] for PrOfeSSiOnaI and Senli-PrOfeSSiOnaIPIay, USedin major tournamentsbroadcaston television (as Of 2007, this IeagUehaSSUSPendedOPerations, andis focusing On invitational matches, but is expectedby many PIayerSto resumein 2009). Meanwhile, many amateurleagues, SUChaSthe AmeriCan POOIPlayerS ASSOCiation (APA) / CanadianPooIPIayerSASSOCiation (CPA), and the ValIey NatiOnal Eight-ball ASSOCiation (VNEA) /VNEA Europe, USetheir OWn rulesetsas their Standards(most Of them at IeaStioOSeIy basedon the WPA/BCA

VerSiOn), WhiIe millions Of individuals PIay InfOrnIalIy USing COlIOqUiaI rules WhiCh Vary not OnIy from areato areabUt even from VenUetO venue.

A SUnInIaryOf the international rules follows (Seethe WPA/BCA OrlPT PUbliShed rules, WhiCh COnfliCt

On minor POints, for more details):


There are SeVenSOlid-COIOred balls numbered1 through 7, SeVenStriPedbalIS numbered 9 through 15,

an8 ball, anda CUe ball.

A PrOPer rack, With the two COrner balls Of a different SUit andthe 8 ball in the Centere The balls areusually COlOred asfollows:

1and9~ yellow

2andlθ 一blue

3and II- red

4and12 一PUrPIe

5and13 一Orange

6andl4 一green

7and 15 - brown/ maroon


CUe 一White

The table, S PIaying SUrfaCeiS approximately 9 ft? by 4. 5 ft? (regulation SiZe),

though someleagues/tOurnamentsmay allow Other sizes.


TO Start the game, the ObjeCt balls areplacedin a triangular rack. The baseof the rack is ParalIeI to the endrail (the ShOrt endof the POOl table) and POSitiOned SO the apex ball Of the rack is IOCated Orl the foot spot. The balls in the rack are ideally PIaCed SO that they are all in COntact With One QnOther. ThiS is accomplishedby PreSSingthe balls together from the back Of the rack toWarCl the apex ball. The PIaCementof the balls, for a IegaI rack according to WOrId

StandardisedRules is that the 8 ball is PIaCedin the Cerlter, WhiIe the two IOWer COrnerS must be a Stripe and a SOlid (SeeinIage). The CUe ball is PIaCedanyWhere the breakerdesiresinside the 〃kitChen Z



OnePerSOniS ChOSen(by a Predeterminedmethod, e ? g ? , coin flip, Win Or IOSS Of PreViOUS game, Iag) to ShOOtfirst andbreak theobject ball rack apart ? If the ShOOterwho breaksfails to make alegal break(usualIy definedas Qt IeQStfOUr balls hitting CUShiOnS Or an Object ball being POCketed),then the OPPOnentCandemanda re-rackand become the breaker, Or electto PIay from the CUrrent POSition Of the balls. LOng exposurephoto Of the break in eight-ball.

If the breakerpocketsa ball, it is StiII that PlQyel J

S tUrn and the table is COnSidered 〃oPer1〃 (meaning the breakercan StiII make any ObjeCt ball to determineif he/SheWilI OnIy ShOOtSOIidS Or

StriPeSthrough 。Ut the game). If thebreakerfai1S to makeanOther ball Qfter the break, the table is StiIl COnSidered ZZ OPen ZZ UrltiI SOmeoneIegally POCketsa ball.

A PIayer (Or tearn) WilI COntinUe to ShOOt Until COnInIitting afoul (fauIt), taking

ACCOrding to WOrId StandardizedRules, if

breakermay ask for a re~rack Or havethe the

breakerScratcheswhiIe POCketing the hasthe

OPtiOn Of a re-rackor having the ball~i∏-hand

behind the head String. FOr regional VariatiOns,

SeebeIow. TUrnS

the 8 ball is POCketedon the break, the 8 ball SPOttedand COntinUe ShOOting. If 8 ball Orl the break, the incoming PIayer 8 ball SPOttedandbegin ShOOting With

a Safety, Or failing to IegaIIy POCket anobject ball On a non~safetyshot ? ThereUPOnit is the turn Of the OPPOSingPIayer(S). PIay alternatesin this mannerfor the remainderof the game. FOlIOWing a foul, the incoming PIayer hasball-i∏-hand anywhereon the table, UnIeSSthe foul OCCUrred On the break shot, asnoted previously.

POCketing the 8 ball

OnCe all Of a PIayer 5 SOr tearn" S group Of ObjeCt balls are POCketed, they may attempt to Sink the 8 ball. TO win, the PIayer Or teammust first designatewhich POCketthey PIan to Sink the8 ball into

andthensuccessfullypOt the 8 ball in that CalIed POCket ? If the 8 ball falls into any POCket Other than the One designated,is knocked Off the table, Or a foul (SeebeIOW) OCCUrS and the 8 ballispocketed, theplayerlosesthegame ? Otherwise, the PIayer ,Sturn is OVer (including if afoul OCCUrSOn an

UnSUCCeSSfUIattempt to POCket the 8 ball; in someleagues, SUChaStheVNEA, SUCh fouls are also IOSS Of game, bUt not in WOrId StandardizedRules).


Any Of the following CirCUmStanCeSreSUIt in a gamewin :

A PIayer IegalIy POCketsthe 8 ball into a designatedpocket, after all his Or her

ObjeCt balls havebeenpocketed

The OPPoSingPlQyer illegally POCkets the 8 ball (e.g. before his/her ObjeCt

balls, doesso Orl the SameShOt asthe IaSt SUCh

falls into a POCket Other than the One that WaS designated)

table. The OPPOSingPIayer knocks the 8 ball Off the table.


One Of his/her OWn ObjeCt balls (Or the 8 ball, if all Of Said ObjeCt balls are already POCketed) With the CUe ball, beforeother balls (if any) are COntactedby the CUe ball. ThiS

includes ZZ SPIit 〃 ShOts, Where the CUe ball Strikes OneOf the ShOOter , Sand One Of the OPPOnent'

SObjeCt ball


NO ball COmeSintO COntaCtWith a CUShiOnOr is POCketed, after IegaI CUebalI

COrItaCt With the (first) ObjeCt ball (Or 8 ball, if ShOOting for the 8).

The CUe ball is POCketed(ZZ

SCratched") CIearing all Of ObjeCt ball, Or it The OPPOSingPIayer COnimitS

any foul, including SCratchingthe CUe ball into a POCket , Or knocking it Off

the table, during the Sameinning that the 8 ball is POCketed ? A SCratch Or foul

is not a IOSS Of the gameif the8 ball is not

POCketedor jumped from the The ShOOterfaiIS to Strike

The ShOOterdOeSnOt haveat IeaStonefOOt On the floor (this requirementmay be

WaiVed if the ShOOteris CiiSabIedin a relevant way, Or the VenUehaSnOt PrOVided a mechanicalbridge) The CUe ball is ShOt before all balls have COme to a COmPIete StOP from the

PreViOUS ShOt The CUe ball is Struck more than OnCedUring a ShOt

The CUe ball is jumped entirely Or Partially OVer anobstrueting ball With an illegal jump ShOt that SCOOPSUnder the CUe ball

The CUe ball is CIearIy pushed, With the CUe tip remaining in COntaCtWith it more than momentarily The ShOOtertoUCheSthe CUe ball With SOmethingOther than the tip Of the CUe

The ShOOtertoUCheSQny Other ball (With body, CIOthing Or equipment), Other

thanas necessaryto move the CUe ball When the PIayer hasball-i∏-hand

The ShOOterknocks a ball Off the table

The ShOOterhas Shot OUt-Of-turn

Orl the break shot, no balls are POCke ted and fewer t han four balls reach the CUShiOnS(in WhiCh CaSethe incoming PIayer Can demanda re~rack and take the break Or force the OriginaI breakerto

re~break, Or may take ball~in-hand and ShOOtthe balls asthey Iie) EngliSh-Style rules

http://en? WikiPedia?Org∕wiki∕BlaCkball_%28PoOl%29

In the United Kingdom, eight-ball POOI (and its internationally

StandardiZedvariant blackball) as an OVeralI rather different VerSion Of thegamehasevolved, influenced by EngliSh billiards and snooker, and hasbecomepopular in amateurcompetition in Britain, Ireland, AUStralia, and SOmeOther COUntries. AS With AmeriCan eight-ball, there are InUltiPIe COmPeting Standardsbodies that have issuedinternational rules. ASide from USing UnnUmberedObjeCt balls (except for the 8), UK-Style tableshave POCketsjust Iarger than the balls, and more than One type Of rest is typically employed. The rules SignifiCantIy Cliffer in numerousways, including the handling Of fouls, WhiCh Inay give the OPPOnenttwo ShOts, racking (the 8 ball, not the apex ball, goeson the foot spot), SeIeCtiOn Of WhiCh group Of balls Will be ShOt by WhiCh player, handling Of frozen balls and snookers, and many Other details?

The EngliSh POOI ASSOCiation [1] is recognizedby the SPOrtsCounc订as the

governing body for POOI including blackball in EngIand?

Eight-ball rotation

The hybrid gameeight-ball rotation is a COmbination Of eight一ball and rotation, in WhiCh the PIayerS must POCket their balls (Other than the 8, WhiCh remainslast) in numerical Order?





一杆球(BREAlC )在斯诺克比赛中,击球运动员从击球得分开始,直至击球因失机或犯规止,这一杆连续击分称之为一杆球。


占据。失机(LOSS OF CHANGE )当运动员正常击球,但没有击球入袋或得分,即为

“失机” o

扎杆(PRlCK STROKE)将球杆斜向或几乎与台面垂直直击主球,称为“扎杆”。


贴球(ToUeHlNGBALL)台面上球完全静止后,主球与其它球相贴,即为贴球。开局击球(OPENlNG BREAK SHOT) 一盘比赛中第一杆击球。


推击(PUSH SHOT)杆头持续也碰击主球。抢局预先确定的决定比赛胜负所必需赢的局数。比如比赛定为21局11胜制,便可称为抢11避。当一方赢得比赛的11局后,比赛便结束。

杆架(REST)一种由木与铜制成的架杆器具。单循环赛(ROUND ROBIN )在一次比赛中,每一参赛队员互相之间均进行一次比赛。

得分(RUN)一个队员在一次击球中所赢得的积分。安全球(SAFETY )被击主球落入球袋。



(SlNGL ELIMlNATlON )比赛的一种方法,一位参赛选手输一场比赛后即被淘汰出局。障碍球(SNOOKERED)在斯诺克台球比赛中,所谓障碍球是指主球不能以直线球去击打一个活球,其线路被非活球阻挡。



自然侧旋(NATURAL ENGLlSH )一个适度的侧旋的主球,便于有一个所需的行进路线。


主球不带着侧旋的运动。目标球(OBJECT BALLS )被主球击打的球。
